The TIDINGS August 2010
St. John UCC Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God
A U G U S T 2010
OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.
Church (815) 235-2824
Deadline for submitting articles in the TIDINGS Newsletter is the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME….. Ever since I returned from our Mission Trip 2010 to New Orleans, I‘ve been planning on sharing some thoughts and reflections on it in this column. Now that I am way past the deadline, I am actually writing it while the Yellow Creek and Pecatonica River have flooded portions of Freeport and Pearl City, after our 10-12‖ rainfall in two days. An ironic coincidence. Even though the damage in Freeport and Pearl City is minimal in comparison to what was experienced by the people of metro-New Orleans 5 years ago, there are still people suffering in our communities. Homes have been damaged. Home furnishings and family treasures have been damaged or destroyed. People face an increased financial burden in difficult economic times. How do those who are poor or unemployed find the money to make the clean-up and repairs they will need to make? At the same time, our flooding is but a mere inconvenience or a brief sightseeing tour for many of us. The most important questions some of us are asking are: How long will it take me to get to Wal-Mart? How deep is that water on South Street just east of Adams? I wonder how long it will be before I can get back into Krape Park to ride the carousel or the ducks, or play disc golf? As you remember seeing neighbors who piled their damaged belongings on the curb, … as you think of family and friends in Freeport or Pearl City who have suffered significant damage and loss to their home, … as your heart aches for how bad this is for some people, imagine a county of 70,000 people (St. Bernard Parish) where there were only 2 habitable structures after ―The Storm,‖ as they call it. Every home. Every doctor‘s office. Every church. Every school. Every business or store. Every gas station. Every structure under 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 feet of water. People lost their homes, their churches, their schools, their stores, their recreation centers, their jobs, and their all – all at the same 3
time. ―But why do they live there?,‖ some people ask. ―Why do they stay there?‖ Well, first, it‘s home. And St. Bernard Parish was a unique kind of community, for most people‘s entire families lived on the same block, the next block, or in the county – for generations upon generations. It‘s hard to leave home. Besides, should the people of Oklahoma and Kansas leave those state, since they get tornadoes every year? ―But, they live in an area where it‘s likely to flood. Why do they rebuild?‖ .. Well, should K-Mart, and Logan‘s, and the Donut Shop, and the race track re-open in Freeport? Or should we just say, ―Gosh, they could flood again, so it would be foolish for them to reopen where they are.” … Ahhh, but we don‘t feel that way, do we? Because they are our neighbors, our friends, our co-workers, our relatives, our brothers and sisters in Christ. It‘s our community. I feel like I‘ve rambled; but, I guess what I wanted to say was, carry compassion and caring in your heart for those who have suffered in the Freeport/Pearl City flood of these days, while you keep it in perspective with the greater sufferings in other places. Also, do something to help someone, as little as it might seem to be, because it can still be very important. I know this, because I wondered how much of a difference I really made down in New Orleans, but God gifted me with a most appropriate analogy. The work we did on our mission trip is like working on an assembly line building a car. One person puts on a fender, another installs the engine, another the driver‘s seat, another the gear shift, another the tail lights. Installing the tail lights is a small piece in the whole thing, but it‘s still an important part of the whole. I helped put on some tail lights and a little more in New Orleans. Doing something little can still be very important and meaningful to someone who is suffering. Also, be careful about the judgments you make about what people do and why they do it, because until you hear their story and begin to understand where they‘re coming from, you don‘t fully understand. 4
I know, because I went down to New Orleans believing some things, experienced a little, learned a lot, and felt incredibly humbled by what they experienced and how good I have it. Far beyond my deserving.
MISSION TRIP 2010 - FINANCIAL REPORT We have good news to report! Projected expenses for the Mission Trip were: $10,979.82 The actual expenses were:
$ 7,354.21
How much less was spent than expected:
$ 3,625.61
The Mission Ministry had committed to contributing $2,200 toward the Mission Trip, but enough monies were contributed by donations and the fund raisers – and because expenses were less than projected - those dollars were not needed. This makes that $2,200 available to the Mission Ministry for other needs and programs. The remaining $1,400+ has been reserved by the Mission Ministry for a future mission trip, since those monies were given or raised for that purpose. We will honor the purpose for which the gift was given. (A more detailed report is in the office if you wish to see it.)
PASTOR DUTCHER ON VACATION August 30th through September 6th Pastor Dutcher will be away on vacation. Carol Ahrens (815) 990-1902 and Duane McDonough (815) 816-1942 will be available for Pastoral Care needs. 5
COMMUNION SERVICE The worship committee has suggested that in 5 week months Communion be offered twice. There be Communion on the first and third Sundays of a 5 week month. Therefore, in August, St. John will have a Communion Service on the 1st as well as the 15th. Please feel welcomed to join us for Communion on one or both of those Sundays.
A RELAXING EXPERIENCE Pastor Donnley is now a registered practitioner of Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure®, which can be a wonderful experience of relaxation. It can also help relieve the pain of sore muscles, relax stiff joints, assist with mobility, give a feeling of inner lightness and peace, and increase one‘s feeling of general wellbeing. He is available for 2-3 sessions per week. Please call him if you are interested in scheduling a session. All sessions are free for members and friends of St. John Church.
AN EVENING WITH LAURA AND RICK HALL September 11th 7pm Open to everyone young and old, invite friends and family of all ages Join us for an entertaining and inspiring evening, featuring the original music of Laura Hall (Whose Line is it Anyway?), and the engaging storytelling of Rick Hall (The Middle, 24 and countless commercials). This family friendly event promises to be both uplifting and fun! 6
Kevin’s Korner‌..
Attention Parents Christian Education will be having a parent meeting following worship on August 29th. This meeting will be for parents who have children & youth in our ministry programs. Please make a great effort to be in attendance at this meeting. We will be designing the programming for your children from the information gathered at this meeting. Our hope is to get more children & youth active in our programming by getting parent input in the design process. We want to make the children & youth programming as successful as possible. From a personal perspective I have been challenged in scheduling youth ministry events this past year. I schedule them but our attendance is incredibly low or no one shows up. As a young child I was raised with ministry programming as my main extra curricular activity. I spent many hours at church, cleaning (with my mom) repairing (with my dad) and having fun with the youth pastor and my friends. For my parents, our involvement in the church and its ministries took a high priority. I suppose that is part of why I now serve the church full time. My parents showed me the importance of being involved in the ministries that our church offered. I would love to see our children & youth ministries thrive. St. John as a congregation, has committed staff and resources to its children & youth ministry. The first step to creating phenomenal children & youth programming is to get the parents together to design ministries they will make an effort to get their children to. So parents please make the August 29th parent meeting a priority in your August schedule. Consumed by the call, Kevin T. Eckert Director of Children & Youth/Director of Technologies 7
Rally Day Hallelujah Hoedown September 12th 9:00am Join us during service on the 12th for the 3rd graders to receive their bibles and for the first day of Sunday School and Laura and Rick Hall will be doing special music.
Sunday School, Pig Roast, Watermelon, Games, Go-Kart rides, and more‌.
Sunday School starts at 10:45 am. Junior and Senior high will meet in the Youth lounge.
L AYCAR E M I NIST RY ―This is to say that time is, indeed, a mystery. Because there‘s time. And then, again, there‘s time‖ - J. Ellsworth Kalas Wednesday morning Bible Study has taken us to another level of education. J. Ellsworth Kalas is a ―highly intelligent man‖ to say the least. There are times when we need to resort not only to our bibles, but also to the dictionary. We‘re not only dissecting his works, we are trying to digest it too. We are studying ―Detective Stories From The Bible‖ written by Mr. Kalas. One study is about time. We know that whoever we are, we all have the same amount of time each day - the important thing is - what we do with it. The bible talks about time over and over again. As we studied, we realized the significance of time. For instance - when Jesus dismissed his betrayer, Judas, ―it was night‖. Mr.Kalas says ―A matter of fact reader might rightly say ―Of course it was night. They were eating supper‖ The poet, again, sees something more: for Judas this is more than an hour on the clock; this is his entry into the utter darkness of the human soul. See what it is we study? This chapter on ‗time‖ was a curious one. The chapter talked about kairos - which means a point in time. The study talks about the brothers of Jesus chiding Jesus for not going into Jerusalem for a particular festival. Jesus told his brothers ―My kairos (to go to Jerusalem) has not yet to come, your kairos is always ready. Jesus‘ brothers could go to Jerusalem at any time, because their kairos depended entirely on their own human decisions. Not so for Christ; ―he stands in the midst of the divine plan of salvation, whose kairoi are definitely fixed by God.‖ We can wonder how much time we have here on earth. We are told that from before we were born, God had a purpose for each of us. God gifts us. Do we recognize our gifts? Do we use our time as God has it planned for us? I wonder how many gifts we are given. I wonder how much time God has given us. Are we using that time in the way God planned? 9
At Bible Study, we talked about the gift of love. We talked about how this group of women of faith sit around the table each Wednesday morning sharing our lives, our loves and our experiences with each other and how we are of so many different ages and backgrounds. We have prayer requests for our families and our friends and we share our joys and our concerns. This makes me think - sometimes we fail to celebrate the ways and times that God is working in our lives because we are so focused on other people - then we need to pray. There‘s time. And then again, there‘s time. Peace and Love, Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator Laycare Ministry
P ROPERTY M ANAGEM ENT M IN ISTRY ADOPT – AN – AREA Help make our church beautiful this summer! The landscape and grounds need your tender love and care; please be sure to care for the area you signed up for. Likewise if there is an area that was not committed to and you notice work that needs to be done it is not too late to sign up for an area! You don‘t have to be a master gardener to put some love into a much needed commitment. A little weeding, and trimming is all it takes to make St. John a beautiful place inside and out.
S T EWARDSHIP M I NIST RY Applying Bible Principles The writer of the book of Hebrews made this short but powerful statement about the Lord Jesus, "Consider him." That admonition is nowhere more needful than in the matter of giving and receiving. Consider Him, the Lord of glory, who gave His life so that we might gain eternal life. Consider Him, who was rich, yet became poor for our sakes, that we through His poverty might be rich. Consider Him, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Consider Him, who was quoted by Dr. Luke in Acts 20:35 as saying, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Although many Christians would at first glance agree with that premise on an intellectual basis, by their lifestyles, they demonstrate that their lives are diametrically opposed to this biblical principle. They might even go so far as to state their agreement with what the Lord Jesus said, but not so far as to change their selfish "me first" attitude. They might give mental assent or even verbal assent to His teaching, but in reality, their lives are consumed by a passion for "receiving" instead of "giving." It is as though they pass through life's portals with this striking question emblazoned across their foreheads: "What's in it for me?" Such an attitude should be foreign to the lives of those who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ. If our role in life is to follow Him, and to obey Him, we should demonstrate daily, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." God, who owns everything, gives material possessions freely and willingly to us, His children, for a number of reasons, but one of the primary reasons is for us to be able to give them back to Him. Each time we give to the Lord's work out of a heart that responds to His love and grace, we give away a little of our selfishness and gain a bit more of Christ's sacrificial spirit. As John MacArthur expressed it so well, "The major money issue in Scripture is not how you feel about it, or even how you spend it. The primary concern of Scripture is how you give it." 11
Dr. Herschel Hobbs wrote this, "One of greed's victims read this verse, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' How revealing of his sordid, shriveled soul was his comment: 'Well, perhaps so, but receiving is good enough for me.' Is receiving good enough for you? Would you rather be a beggar than a benefactor? a panhandler than a philanthropist? a blight than a blessing? a parasite than a producer? a getter than a giver?" As you think about your answers to Dr. Hobbs' questions, and as you give of your resources to the Lord's work, "Consider Jesus." "Consider Him" by remembering and obeying His words, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
August 11th Wednesday, August 11th, 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. $3.50 for piece of pie or cake, & ice cream. BBQ, Hot dogs, chips, and pasta salad available at an extra cost. Beverages are free! Tickets are available in the church office, on Sunday mornings, or at the door.
Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board. Sign up to help in some way. If every able-bodied member participates by doing a little something, we won't have to call you! This is a good opportunity to get the whole church and community together for an evening of food and fellowship. Call Kim Evans 815-275-5639 for more information. This is a very successful event each year thanks to all of you who help make it so.
BLOOD DRIVE AUGUST 11th Let‘s do our part in helping to save a life! Our last blood drive was not as successful as it should have been. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you are able to donate. The Bus will be here from 3-7 pm (With snacks and squeezey balls for everyone!) Stay for the ice cream social to regain your strength!
LITTLE CUBS FIELD EVENT Sunday August 29th from 12:00—2:00 p.m. Come join us at Little Cubs Field for an afternoon of Wiffle ball and refreshments. Sign up on the Bulletin board so we know if we will have enough to form a team.
MISSIONS MINISTRY RED CAN SUNDAY Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on August 1st for the FACC emergency fund. $232 was collected in July.
FACC CLOTHING ROOM Please sign up on the bulletin board to help out in the FACC clothing room. Our dates for volunteering are August 9,11,13. the shift is from 9:00 am to 12 noon.
UNDERGARMENT DRIVE There is a great need for new underwear for underprivileged families in our community. We want to reach out to these families and let them know that St. John UCC cares for them and their children. We will be sponsoring an undergarment drive that will run through August 8th. We will be working with Amity, whom will distribute the items on a need basis. Let‘s help the children start school with new underwear this year. You can bring your packages of children‘s underwear, sizes 2 Toddler through size 16 to church and place them in the laundry baskets in the narthex. Thank you for helping the children in our community.
BOY SCOUT EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT Rummage Sale August 21st , 8:30am—4:30 PM St. John Fellowship Hall
FREEPORT CHORAL SOCIETY Freeport Choral Society‘s Annual Summer Pops Concert will be at 7:00pm on Sunday August 1st at Krape Park‘s Amphithearter. In case of rain the concert will be held at St. John UCC. 14
ONGOING ACT IVIT IES BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. We have started a new book, ―Detective Stories from the Bible‖ by J. Ellsworth Kalas, come and join us.
CARD CLUB Card Club will play on the first Monday of the month at 1:00pm.
PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!
RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! August 26th we will assemble The Tidings.
TAU ALPHA Not meeting in July and August
JOIN US AT OUR ST. JOHN UCC MEN’S GROUP We‘re having a great time! Come join us! We‘re not ―holier than thou,‖ nor is all the talk just ―God-talk.‖ It‘s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, August 7th, at 8 a.m. in the Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m. Come check us out! 15
COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship.. You won‘t always get a reminder call when it‘s your turn to bring cookies, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 4 dozen to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. Thank you! RESOURCE WILL CHAIR IN AUGUST— (First Sunday Only) 8/1—Nelson & Carol Robieson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Ruth Rockey, Carl & Ellen Roderick, Karen Roemer, Edith Rosenstiel, Amanda Rubin, Cherie Rucker TWEENAGERS WILL CHAIR IN SEPTEMBER 9/05– Marilyn Ruthe, Donna Ruthe, Vivian & Floyd Schlickman, Gerald & Pat Schneiderman, Steve & Lisa Schubert, Sybil Scovill, David & Olivia Shaffer, Jerry & Sharon Simler, Mike & Karen Smith
SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office. GREET ERS August 1 – Doris Last & Regina Bertram August 8 – Ben & Lucille Lee August 15 – Trent & Kirsten Rademaker August 22 – Jackie Stewart & Edith Rosenstiel August 29 – Ruth & Dave Rockey
WELCOMERS August 1 – Sharon Simler & Jackie Stewart August 8 – Ulan & Cindy Price August 15 – Carolyn Moyer & Jane Lehman August 22 – Jeri & Ray Nieman August 29 – Marilyn Rawleigh & Dana Brill NURSERY August 1 – Anita & Rachel Bicksler August 8 – Kirsten Eckert & Rachel Roemer August 15 – The Ebbers Family August 22 – Russ & Bonnie Gennusa August 29 – Tom & Melinda Ferguson USHERS 8/01 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew 8/08 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus 8/15 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Ray & Jeri Nieman, Joyce & Wes Robinson 8/22 Lee & Nancy Otte, Jeanne Koch, Mike Smith 8/29 Doris Last, Ben Lee, Sharon Simler DRIVERS August 1 – Mike Smith August 8 – Jack Criddle August 15 – Lucille Lee August 22 – Don Valkema August 29 – Mike Smith
297-9092 233-2304 232-5581 235-7395 297-9092
If you are in need of a ride to church please contact the person designated for driving. If you are a regular pick up and not planning to ride, please call the driver to let them know!
WORSHIP ATTENDANCE IN AUGUST 7/04 - 132 7/11 - 157 7/18 - 141 7/25 - 130
P LEASE I NCLUD E I N YOUR P R AYERS HOSPITALIZED: Dick Clark, Jeri Neiman, Thelma Neberman, Helen Hirsbrunner, Carole Bertram PRAYER CHAIN: Dick Clark, Roland Cross, Eileen, Don, Arlene Bocker DEATHS: Our sympathy goes to the family and friends of Helen Hirsbrunner who passed away on July 19th, 2010
Thank you for your donation of $250 to CONTACT. We have placed St. John on our calendar funding the day of Sunday July 25th. Your support of our programs and services is greatly appreciated. Thank you, CONTACT Volunteers, Board of Directors, and staff. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We truly appreciate your financial gift of $106 to the Freeport Area Church Cooperative in May. –Dean Wright, Executive Director of FACC +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Change for Life fundraiser for the Freeport Pregnancy Center raised $319.93. Thank you to all who donated. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you to Betty and Glen Mogle who made a donation to the scholarship fund in memory of their son Stephen. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you to Marilyn Ruthe and all the lay caregivers for the lovely prayer shawl she brought to me. My surgery went well and I am recovering just fine. I will treasure such a fine gift and thank God for all the people who make and give such ―warm‖ encouragement. Sincerely Carole Bertram +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A huge "Thank You" to Lana Kuntz for so beautifully arranging the flowers in our urn on the front lawn. You are so gifted. Thanks for sharing. Marilyn Ruthe
August Scripture Readings 01
Hebrews 11:1-22
1 Timothy 1:1-20
Hebrews 11:23-40
1 Timothy 2:1-15
Hebrews 12:1-29
1 Timothy 3:1-16
Philippians 1:1-30
1 Timothy 4:1-16
Philippians 2:1-18
1 Timothy 5:1-6:2a
Philippians 2:19-3:11
1 Timothy 6:2b-21
Philippians 3:12-4:1
2 Timothy 1:1-18
Philippians 4:2-23
2 Timothy 2:1-13
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
2 Timothy 2:14-26
1 Thessalonians 2:1-16
2 Timothy 3:1-17
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13
2 Timothy 4:1-22
1 Thessalonians 4:1-18
Titus 1:1-16
1 Thessalonians 5:1-28
Titus 2:1-15
2 Thessalonians 1:1-12
Titus 3:1-15
2 Thessalonians 2:1-17
2 Thessalonians 3:1-18 20
P R E S I D E NT Perry Cowan V I C E P R E S I DE NT Daryl Tessmann S E C R E T AR Y Patty Weik T R E AS UR E R Ulan Price C HR I S T I A N E D . Lisa Ebbers CHURC HGR OWT H & M E M BE R S H I P John Hendren F E L L OW S HI P Carla Meyer MISSIONS Bill Condie PROPERTY M A N AG E M E NT Daryl Tessmann Bruce Dykstra S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Jeanne Cross S T E W AR D S HI P Ulan Price W OR S HI P Patty Weik Mary Arnold
Council Minutes July 12, 2010 Members Present: Carla Meyer, Ben Lee, John Hendren, Perry Cowan, Patty Weik, Daryl Tessmann, Ulan Price, Bruce Dykstra, Jeannie Cross, Mary Arnold, Lisa Ebbers, Bill Condie, Pastor Donnley. Special Guests: Wes and Joyce Robinson Meeting called to order at 6:35p.m. Pastor Donnley opened with prayer. Minutes from the June 14th meeting were approved.
Mission Trip Follow-up: Perry Cowan described the trip as "wonderful", "humbling", and "enlightening". Donnley described it as a trip they will remember for the rest of their lives. Wes and Joyce Robinson came to the meeting to voice their concern over our decision not to pay support staff who attend mission trips. They felt that Kirsten should have been paid for what she did while in New Orleans; making phone calls and being the contact person for the group. A follow-up meeting is being planned for the folks who went on the mission trip to review and evaluate their trip and make suggestions for the next trip. Mary made a motion to table any further discussion on paying support staff who attend mission trips, until after we get feedback from the review meeting. John seconded the motion. Motion carried. It was noted that the positive balance in the mission trip fund will be set aside for future mission trips, since the contributions were made in the spirit of mission work. Financial Report: In the June Financial Report, it was noted the 21
money was still listed under the Boiler Fund and should be in a money market account. Ruth clarified that the money has always technically been in a money market account. The name "boiler fund" has been dropped and is now referred to as "Reserve Fund" in the financial report. The rest of the report looks good. Ulan moved to approve the financial report. Carla seconded. Motion carried. At the August council meeting, we will be discussing staff salaries and other budget items. Figures will be given to the Stewardship Ministry in time for their August meeting. Upcoming Events: The mission ministry is bringing Bob Williamson, specializing in family systems theory, to present a Broken Families Workshop on Saturday, October 9th. This will be an all-day workshop from 9-3. He is a Lutheran minister and will add a spiritual component. The church growth ministry is planning a Spiritual Health Fair for November 13th. Several areas of spiritual health will be explored, including a presentation by Don Swanson on grieving, Jin Shin Do, Art therapy in a spiritual context, Christ First for Health, Tai Chi, and a video presentation of some kind. Pastor Donnley led discussion on Chapter 3 of "If The Church Were Christian" The meeting was adjourned at 8:07p.m. with the Mizpah Benediction. Respectfully submitted. Patty Weik
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2010
07/01 07/06 07/12 07/19
General Fund Beginning Balance GF Income GF Income GF Income
$38,265.04 $4,048.00 $3,869.00 $3,216.00
07/23 07/23 07/23
Less GF Payroll & Compensation GF Other Checks GF Current Bills Outstanding
$15,262.23 $2,331.31 $120.79
Ending Balance
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010
07/01 07/06 07/12 07/19
Building Fund Beginning Balance $17,609.70 BD Income $232.00 BD Income $468.00 BD Income $341.00
07/23 07/23
Less BD Checks BD Current Bills Outstanding
$0.00 $0.00
07/23 Ending Balance $18,650.70 __________________________________________________