February 2015 tidings

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Sunday Worship 9:00 am Kids Worship 9:20 am Ash Wednesday Service 7 pm

Our Mission Statement: “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”

February 2015

Vol. 124

St. John United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation who is welcoming and

embracing of every person, of every race, age, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression as a child of God. We invite all to join and fully participate in the life and ministry of this church.

STAFF Ministers………………….…The Members of the Church Interim Pastor………………..………….……Nayiri Karjian Director of Children & Youth Ministry / Director of technologies………………………………...…Kevin Eckert Youth Ministry Assistants ………….....Jasmine Coleman, Christine Busker & Savanna Mueller, Madison Riddell Ministry of Church Life & Membership…......Pam Wessel Choir Director…………………….……….....Gina Bertram Organist……...…………………..….…..….Carole Bertram

OFFICE HOURS Monday– Friday...…8:30 am—12:30 pm & 1:00 pm—4:00 pm

Church (815) 235-2824

E-Mail: stjohn@comcast.net

www.stjohnuccfreeport.org 2

I write this on January 6th, the twelfth day after Christmas, on the day of Epiphany. It is not too late to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Although not particularly well-known, Epiphany is one of the feasts, holy days of the Church. It follows Christmas as a time of light and revelation, generally portrayed as the Magi and their journey following in the light of the star. I have always found Epiphany to be part of Christmas. Without Epiphany, God-revelation in Baby Jesus, Christmas would lose some of its meaning. Without Epiphany, time of light and insight, the birth of the Light of the World, Christmas would be incomplete. In addition, Christmas and Epiphany take us from the waiting darkness of Advent to the birth of light, perhaps even to a festival of lights, a tradition that many religions embrace. Epiphany also reminds me that our journey of faith and life takes us from darkness to light, from light to darkness and back again as we move from waiting darkness of Advent to the birth of light of Christmas/Epiphany, only to move into darkness again during the season of Lent, to move back again to a time of light during the season of Easter. And thus the circle unfolds, the seasons run into each other just like the seasons of the year. And, we realize that in the larger picture especially, our endings and beginnings, our deaths and births, moments of darkness and light all intertwine. We find that every end holds a new beginning, every goodbye a hello, a period may really be a comma. There is always more to come! The interim, transitional journey of a congregation is a journey of Epiphany and Light, of discovery and insight, a journey of more to come, that I pray, we will walk together in the light of the star as it guides us toward the Christ Child. It is also a journey in which ends and beginnings meet, as we look back to learn from our history and look forward to discern a vision for the future. The task often reminds me of the old Roman god Janus, from whose name we receive the word January, who was the god of beginnings and transitions, of gates and doors, and who was depicted as twofaced, one looking forward to the future and one looking back to the past. I look forward to meeting you all on February 1. Until then Blessings and Peace to you, Nayiri Karjian 3

WELCOME NAYIRI Nayiri Karjian, an Armenian Christian born and raised in Aleppo, Syria, Nayiri Karjian graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Lancaster Theological Seminary, Lancaster PA. Since then, Nayiri has served churches in Ephrata, PA, Madison, WI, Ottawa, IL, Hamden, CT, Easton, CT, Houston, TX, Downers Grove, IL and St. Louis, MO. At this time on her journey, Nayiri feels called to Interim ministry particularly because she feels that she can more likely be an agent of growth and change. She is interested in spirtitual journeys, individual and communal, since she believes that religion is not only about a set of beliefs, but about journeys of transformation and enlightenment when we move from darkness to light, from oppression to liberation, crucifixion to resurrection, and death to life. She celebrates that everyone is on a journey and everyone has a story. Nayiri’s particular interests include the arts, especially music, reading, traveling, languages, global issues, and good chocolate. Rev. Karjian begins her interim ministry with us on Sunday, February 1st. Please come to meet and welcome her. If you would like to read Nayiri’s personal story go to: www.bvahan.com/armenianpilgrimages/karjianl.htm

NAME TAGS Beginning in February we would like everyone to start wearing your name tags again, to help Nayiri and new members to become acquainted with each other. Some of you still have your old name tags. New ones will be available upon request.


The holidays are over and we are all recovering from the business of the season. During January I have been preparing for a Winter Retreat that will be held at St. John UCC. The youth will be looking at their spiritual gifts and how to use them. We will also have special times of worship and meditation. My hope is to incorporate some of the successful activities into the Helix Summer Camping Retreat this June. I’m working on planning Fundraisers for the Helix Youth Ministry. This March the students will be selling Butter Braids. Several congregation members have been patiently waiting to stock up on these wonderful pastries. We will also be holding our Taco Dinner on March 27th. After the Dinner students will be invited to attend our Spring Lock-in. The theme of the Lock -in will be Pizza and Superheroes. From a technical perspective, we are transitioning from a very outdated piece of software in our worship A/V Ministry. This transition may be accompanied by the occasional hiccup. Your kindness and patience will be greatly appreciated as all our volunteers learn to use the new software. If you are interested in joining the Audio/Visual Ministry please let me know. We would be glad to have a few more operators for Sunday mornings. On January 14th I had a chance to speak with our new Interim Pastor Rev. Nayiri Karjian and briefly discuss any technical needs she may have. She requested pictures of the Sanctuary and her new office. As I snapped the pictures I found myself praying for our Congregation and the new season of life we are beginning. I’m excited to work with Nayiri. I look forward to the fresh eyes she will bring to the ministries of St. John UCC. I have very positive feelings about this coming year. Consumed by the Call, Kevin T. Eckert Director of Children & Youth Ministries Director of Technologies Ministry 5

ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE FEBRUARY 18, 7PM Most of us do not like this part of the story, when we move from the light of Christmas and Epiphany to the darkness of Lent. The other way is much easier. We like moving from darkness to light, from death to birth, from pain to healing. But moving from light to darkness is usually hard on us. Yet such is the cycle of the seasons of out lives. Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a period of 40 days, not counting Sundays. In Biblical tradition ashes and sackcloth were worn to signify mourning, pain and penitence, as well as to cleanse and to heal. So on Ash Wednesday we begin to ponder the tough and the dark moments of our lives as we embrace Jesus’ story as our own, walking though the wilderness, the desert, the ashes ad the dust. Join us for an Ash Wednesday service. Additional details soon. We will begin the evening with a fellowship dinner at 6:00 pm, followed by Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 pm, Please sign up for the fellowship dinner on the bulletin board by the Sunday before. Personal, Lenten devotionals will be available in the Narthex.

The deadline for submitting articles in the March Tidings is February 10.


Life Line Screening St. John United Church of Christ is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on 3/7/2015. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit www.lifelinescreening.com/ community-partners.

ANNUAL REPORTS All Ministries and social groups are asked to submit a report of their activities for the past year. All reports are due to the church office by March 1st. They will be prepared and distributed for the Congregational Meeting in March. Please check with your group or Committee Chair person to decide who will be preparing this report.


MISSIONS RED CAN SUNDAY We will be receiving monetary donations on February 1 for the FACC emergency fund. $130.00 was collected in January.

FOOD FOR FACC In February, we will be collecting Grape Jelly. If you are looking ahead for sales, in March we will be collecting Peanut Butter. Thank you!

S.O.S.. Bell Choir & Chancel Choir Rehearsal is on Thursday nights for S.O.S., Bell Choir, & Chancel Choir. S.O.S. rehearsal is at 5:30 pm, Bell Choir at 6:30 pm, and Chancel Choir at 7:15 pm. We welcome any new members. If interested, please contact Gina Bertram.

LOF CLASS The LOF class, (Learning Our Faith) will begin a study of the popular book The Shack at the beginning of February. Anyone who has previously read the book, but never had the opportunity to participate in a class discussion would really get a lot out of this experience. Anyone who has never read the book but has an interest in reading it would also like this class! Anyone who has read the book and already discussed it would probably get a lot of new insights into the book by coming. ALL of you are welcome to join us—10:30 till 11:30 every Sunday, in the LOF classroom. 8

O N - G O I N G WAY S T O PA R T I C I PAT E I N THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH BS…. We meet at 9 am every Wednesday in the Chapel Hearth Room. We will be discussing the book “The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, & A Jew” by Suzanne Oliver, Ranya Idliby, & Priscilla Warner. All are welcome!

CARD CLUB Join us for Euchre the first Monday of the month in the Chapel Hearth. Our next meeting will be on Monday, February 2nd.

PING PONG We meet every Tuesday at 9 am in Fellowship Hall. We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!

MEN’S GROUP We're having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk just “God-talk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, February 7, at 8 am. Come check us out!

RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 am for coffee, treats, friendship, and volunteer work! We will assemble the March Tidings on February 19.


PRISM LIGHTHOUSE The LGBTQ support group will meet at 6:30 pm on Monday, February 16. This is a group for teens and adults that are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, or those Questioning their sexual identity. This is also a safe group for allies, friends, and family of the LGBTQ community. Childcare is provided.

HELIX Honor, Engage, Listen, Include, eXample MIDDLE SCHOOL Tuesdays (5th and 6th graders) 3-5 pm Thursdays (7th and 8th graders) 3-5 pm

SENIOR HIGH Sundays (9th thru 12th graders) 6-8 pm

C . A . T. s (Caregivers And Toddlers) Please join us for our play group geared for toddlers and the adults that care for them. We get together in St. John’s nursery Tuesday mornings from 10 am—11 am. On the Third Tuesday of the month we will be in Fellowship Hall to run and ride. Bring your friends, all are welcome. Find us on Facebook https:// www.facebook.com/CATSPlayGroup?fref=ts 10

COFFEE HOUR On Sunday mornings, before and after service, we gather for coffee and treats in the Narthex area and Fellowship Hall to socialize. If you would like to find a place to sit and talk, there is plenty of room in the Chapel Hearth. Please, if your name is on the list (dates are assigned alphabetically by the directory) for this month, bring in a treat to share. Some ideas are... cookies, bars, mini muffins, bagels, etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. If you do not wish to be on the list for treats, please contact the office and we will remove your name.


Eric & Ashley Woker, Jean Wurtzel, Lynn Zimmerman, Carol Ahrens, Terry & Deleana Atz, Wayne Bahn, Alex & Nicole Bertram, Gina Bertram


Greg & Anita Bicksler, Joyce Bloyer, Ken & Dolly Boland, Larry & Marsha Boll, Stan & Sylvia Bomgarden, Thompson Brandt, Patrick & Christine Busker

2-15 Betty Carpenter, Anna Carroll, Mavis Clark, Don & Ronnie Clock, Bill Condie, Phil & Barb Copus, Tim & Tom Campbell-Outcault 2-22 Rosie Cosgrove, Perry & Martha Cowan, Jack & Marge Criddle, Clyde & Jeannie Cross, Marvin & Sandy DeBoer, Dory DeFrane, Ray & Dorothy Ditsworth


Jim & Gwen Drew, Tim & Lisa Ebbers, Kevin & Kirsten Eckert, Arnold & Mary Eder, Holly Edler, Kim Evans, Karen Ewing




NURSERY– We no longer have a nursery attendant 2-01

Jill & Logan Kuntz

2-08 Carla Meyer 2-15

Marla Kreeger

2-22 Tim & Angela NewKirk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHUT-INS: The following is a list of people that can’t get out and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them. Oakley Courts: Deloris Burkhalter, John & Betty Heiden Parkview: Claire Biesemeier, Ardath Lei, Dorothy Miller, and Laura Uthlaut Stephenson Nursing Center: June Nagel, Lois Walz Presence-St. Joseph: Katherene Benson, Dorothy Fox, Kathryn Cramer, Herbert Divan Kewanee Provena: Evelyn Dworak In their homes: Esther Dickman, Shirley Durrstein, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, & Harold Reints PLEASE PRAY FOR: Mary, Patrick Eycalis, Jennifer, JJ Crooks, Sandy Dutcher, Chamsin HOSPITILIZED: Dan Kreeger, Margaret Bertram, Sandy Dutcher, Esther Dickman


USHERS 2-01 Tim, Colin, & Kristi Ebbers, Jim Drew, Dennis Manus 2-08 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus 2-15 Shan MacAdam, Joyce & Wes Robinson 2-22 Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Lyle & Jane Krug, Jeanne Koch GREETERS 2-01 Arnold & Mary Eder 2-08 Ulan & Cindy Price 2-15 Clyde & Jeannie Cross 2-22 Tim & Tom Campbell-Outcault

WELCOMERS 2-01 Marilyn Ruthe & Rosie Cosgrove 2-08 Carolyn Moyer & Jackie Stewart 2-15 Betty Carpenter & Shirley Ifert 2-22 Joyce Bloyer & Holly Edler


FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES 2-08 Dean & Irene Amendt 2-11 Ulan & Cindy Price 2-20 Brad & Jody Nieman 2-23 Jim & Kay VanNess 2-25 Mike & Michele Queckboerner 2-28 Ted & Joan Wootan
















FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2-03 Max Lehman 2-04 Angie Folgate 2-05 Mary Eder 2-06 Paula Nieman 2-07 Pam Wessel 2-09 Willie Kreeger, Abbey Newkirk 2-11 Jack Fox, John Heiden 2-14 Vicki MacAdam, Dana Williams 2-15 Ben Spyrison 2-16 Alex Bertram, Shirley Durrstein, Janet Piefer, Landon Rice, Gary Wilson 2-17 Kevin Eckert, Deb Swanland 2-19 Brennan Simler 2-21 Logan Kuntz 2-23 Diane Heilman, Pat Schneiderman 2-24 Brad Gusloff 2-25 Arlene Kreeger, Cody Pruitt 2-27 Nancy Lassiter 2-28 Jerald Watson


Dear St. John UCC, As 2015 begins, I want to say “thank you!” for your hospitality to me in 2014, and for your witness as a congregation publicly open and affirming of all people. A Freeport native, I am a New York City resident working for the Church World Service U.S. Disaster Response Program as a writer. It’s the same group that sponsors the CROP Hunger Walk, in which St. John participates locally (thank you!!). CWS graciously allows me to “work remotely” from Freeport a couple of weeks at a time, which in turn allows me to spend more time with my 95-year-old mother. St. John has opened its doors to me to set up my laptop in the library, connect to the church wifi, and do my work! That’s all I need as a writer – but St. John has given me so much more! During the week, I’ve enjoyed talks with the pastor, other staff and lay leaders. And I worship with you as often as I can, appreciative of your friendliness and the high quality of music, liturgy and preaching. I speak as a decades-long, active member of New York’s Riverside Church, known for its excellent preaching and music, diverse membership and leadership, and witness for social justice. So my standards are quite high! And I really mean it when I say, “St. John UCC measures up!” St. John UCC is OASIS - for me and all who walk through your doors. St. John UCC will become all the stronger as your welcome and diversity continue to broaden and deepen. I’ll miss Pastor Donnley! At the same time, I look forward to getting to know Pastor Kajian – and more of you! See you soon – and again, my heartfelt appreciation for all you are and do! Carol Fouke-Mpoyo

cjfm10@hotmail.com 18

Dear St. John: You are on my heart, daily, even as I am mindful of you, daily. A prayerful, grateful spirit fills my heart and soul for you, frequently. I thank God for St. John UCC in my heart and spirit, regularly; and whenever I am mindful of the church, and you, its people, collectively and individually, pleasing and satisfying feelings fill my spirit. I will be forever thankful to God for having called me to serve as your pastor for the appointed season for which God called me. You, as a church and its people, were an incredible blessing and joy to me! Your generosity of giving, spirit, and love given to me especially over these last two-plus months has been honoring of and humbling for me. I give you my deepest thanks for the very generous retirement gift; the many cards of appreciation for my ministry and me; the cards expressing blessings and well-wishes for a joyful retirement; and the more. I will remain forever honored, humbled, and grateful. St John UCC will always carry my deepest appreciation, gratitude, and love, as I remember you, dearest to me and most fondly of all the churches God called me to serve. .Also, I thank you for the cards, phone calls, prayers, support, well-wishes, visits, and encouragement for Sandy following her knee replacement surgery. I thank you, as well, for the support, expressions of caring, phone calls, meals, and offers of help and assistance given to me, as she recovers. Our knowing that we continue in your hearts, love, and prayers has been most meaningful and uplifting, especially on the more difficult days. You have been "bringing the healing love of Christ" to us . Praise God and thank you! We will keep you on our hearts and in your prayers as you journey more fully and faithfully into the interim period before you; and, as the Spirit of God leads you to the one whom God will call to serve with you in the coming season of your faithfulness and being. In Christ, Donnley Dutcher 19

MOSAICS Here I lie, A pebble among millions a piece of the mosaic of life. I am not brightly polished nor am I placed in a prominent position, but if I were not here there would be an empty place in the picture. So I keep my place, knowing that God placed me here with a definite purpose in mind. And I feel in harmony with all those that surround me. So that when their voices are raised mine is also. Although we don’t always sing the same notes and the rhythms are not the same, the overall effect is that of a symphony and I am glad. And when sorrow comes or sadness, I can bear it, because I know that mosaics must have their dark places as well as their light and when I am alone I know that I only need to REACH OUT to find someone to TOUCH and to LOVE, to FEEL, and to LIVE! Written by Mary Spencer


Lord, help me to sort out what I should do first, second and third today and to not try to do everything at once and nothing well. Give me the wisdom to delegate what I can and to order the things I can’t delegate, to say no when I need to, and the sense to know when to go home. -Marian Wright Edelman 21

February Scripture Readings 01

John 3:1-21


Psalm 23


John 3:22-36


Psalm 51


John 4:1-42


Psalm 52


John 4:43-54


John 13:1-20


John 5:1-18


John 13:21-38


John 5:19-47


John 14:1-31


John 6:1-24


John 15:1-17


John 5:25-71


Mark 12:13-27


1 John 1:1-10


Mark 12:28-34


1 John 2:1-29


Deuteronomy 6:1-25


1 John 3:1-24


Ephesians 3:1-21


1 John 4:1-21


Ephesians 4:1-32


1 John 5:1-21


1 Corinthians 13:1-13


John 10:1-21


John 10:22-42


FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2014



12/01 General Fund Beginning Balance

$ 14,145.91


GF Income




GF Income




GF Income




GF Income




GF Income & Interest $4.72



Less Expenses 12/31 GF Payroll & Compensation

$ 13,719.20


GF Other Checks



Ending Balance

$ 25,803.00


________________________________________________ Building Fund Beginning Balance 1/1/14



12/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance




BD Income




BD Income




BD Income




BD Income




BD Income & Interest$.90



Less 12/31 BD Checks

$ 1,1197.20

12/31 Ending Balance

$ 5,597.63

If you would like current information please contact the office. 23


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