March Tidings 2011

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The TIDINGS March 2011

St. John UCC “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”



F E B R U A R Y 2011


OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824



The deadline for submitting articles in the monthly Tidings is the Third Tuesday of the month by noon. (March 15th)


AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME….. We are not the kind of Christians or church who spend a lot of time talking about or using the word, sin, which I believe is a good thing. It fits with who Jesus Christ was, for the most part. There are more places in the Gospels where He forgives people for their sins than calls people out for their sins; but He does do that, as well. That, however, was not why He came. As it says in John 3:17 (which I believe is equally in importance to John 3:16): ―God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.‖ .. Jesus Christ came not to heap guilt upon you, but to be the One who would save/deliver us from our sins. So, we find ourselves in this dilemma in which we are aware that we sin, which we know we should confess so we can be forgiven, but we don‘t want to talk about it. Often, we don‘t even want to actually acknowledge or admit it to ourselves that we do sin. Some of us even live as though we do not sin. I‘m reminded of the book (1973) by Dr. Karl Menninger, ―Whatever Became of Sin?‖ (Karl Menninger was one of the founders of the Menninger Clinic and Foundation, ―a world leader in psychiatric and behavioral health treatment.‖) Here are three quotes from his book; the first Menninger quoting a Princeton University seminary professor. - (Remember this was covering only 1953-1972. I don‘t know about after 1972.) ―Since 1953, no President has mentioned sin as a national failing. Neither Kennedy, Johnson, or Nixon. To be sure, they have skirted the word. The Republicans referred to the 3

problems of ‗pride‘ and ‗self-righteousness.‘ The Democrats referred to ‗short-comings.‘ But none used the grand sweeping concept of sin.‖ - ―Is nothing now a sin? ...some of the ‗sins‘ which privately gave sensitive minds the greatest concern (guilt feelings) were increasingly seen as really not sinful, nor immoral, nor wrong. The general conclusion seemed to be that if behavior is really wrong, it is a crime - unless it is a disease. Noncriminal, nonpunishable acts might be unpleasant, inelegant, or in bad taste but why the damning categorization of ‗sinful‘?‖ - ―Even if we concede that some – perhaps most – behavior is essentially involuntary, automatic, or reactive (symptomatic), we know that no behavior - or very little of it - is entirely involuntary.‖ Our behavior is not just a ―character flaw,‖ a ―personality disorder,‖ a ―product of our upbringing,‖ or merely ―wrong‖ or ―inappropriate,‖ or any of the other words and phrases we use to avoid using the word, sin. Some of our behaviors are sinful, which is part of the reason that we observe Lent. Not to browbeat, batter, demean or lay heavy burdens of guilt on people; but to be a season of reflection, redemption and renewal, so we might know and receive the forgiveness that brings the peace we need. A season of cleansing. A season of dying to memories and behaviors that were harmful to others, creation and ourselves. A season to receive and experience the new life that can be ours through the love, forgiveness and grace of Jesus Christ. Eight brief weeks ago, we heard and celebrated the story of the coming and birth of Jesus. We heard, again, the Gospel of Matthew‘s report that the angel told Joseph, ―You are to name him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.‖ During this season of Lent, may you have enough trust in God‘s love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ for you that you are able to recognize and confess your sin, then receive and feel His forgiveness. 4

He is forgiving you, right now, for whatever you have done or failed to do that is sinful, because He forgives your sins. Through Jesus Christ, you have been reconciled to God by God. Knowing and trusting the love, grace and forgiveness of God in Jesus Christ is what gives us the power and courage to stand humbly before God and confess our sin, because there are things that are still a sin.

LENTEN SCHEDULE 2011 Special Services Wed., Mar. 9

Ash Wednesday Service

7 p.m.

Thurs., Apr. 21

Maundy Thursday Service

7 p.m.

Fri., Apr. 22

Good Friday Service

10 a.m.

The Theme for Our Wednesday Evening Study: “God’s Renewed Humanity” (from “What Saint Paul Really Said?” by N. T. Wright) March 16

The Center of Renewed Humanity: Worship

March 23

The Goal of Renewed Humanity: Resurrection

March 30

The Transformation of Renewed Humanity: Holiness

April 6

The Coherence of Renewed Humanity: Love

April 13

The Zeal of Renewed Humanity: Mission

These Wednesday evenings begin with a fellowship dinner at 5:45 p.m., with the Lenten study beginning at 6:30 p.m. Please sign up for the fellowship dinner on the bulletin board by Sunday before. Thank you.


24 Hour What? That‘s right the rumors are true. I will be having a 24 hour lock-in here at St. John UCC on March 11th-12th. The event will begin Friday March 11th after a short day of school. The kids have a half day here in Freeport. We will have all the middle school kids involved with activities and faux camping in fellowship hall. I‘ve had retreats that are long and involved but this will keep us in one building for 24 hours. I‘m really excited about trying a bunch of new things. We will have bowling, Yes! I said bowling. We will also be making short films using the green screen and we will have a presentation /light show that I‘m in the process of developing. This lock-in will be amazing. So if you want to be part of all the fun , I could always use some extra help. I really need a few extra people to help Saturday morning. We will be cleaning up and getting everything back to normal. I‘m thinking about all the stuff we will be doing. Here is a list of some of the stuff we have planned so far: Laser Mazes, Green Screen, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, Rock band 2&3 , Karaoke, Beauty Salon, Bowling, Card Games, Milton Bradley Collection, Nerf, LazerTag, Free Food, Camping w/ campfire?, Manhunt, Scooter relays, Chair Races, Movies, Baking, Cooking, Cookies, and much, much more. Consumed by the Call, Kevin Eckert Director of Children & Youth Ministries Director of Technology 6

L AYCAR E M I NIST RY ―The Lord bless him!‖ Naomi said to her daughter-in-law. ―He has not stopped showing kindness to the living and the dead.‖ She added, ―That man is our close relative; he is one of our kinsman-redeemers.‖ Ruth 2:20 I like connections! I believe in the connection between prayer and health and spirituality and health. I know the connection between God and High Power. I feel the connection between family and friends. Look around on any given Sunday morning and you will see the connection of family. I was, at one time, amazed at the connection of family here at St. John. It happens in most churches, especially in our smaller communities. All you need is a few minutes of conversation, here at St. John, and before you know it, you have discovered that many of your friends are related in one way or another. My reference to the book of Ruth has connection. Ruth may not have realized God‘s guidance, but He was with her every step of the way. She went to glean and ―just happened‖ to end up in the field owned by Boaz who ―just happened‖ to be a close relative. We must never close the door on what God can do. Events do not occur by coincidence or luck. We need the faith to know that God is directing our lives for His purpose. Connections of health, family, friends and community are ever present in our lives. Our Wednesday morning Bible Study Group is reading ―At The End Of The Day‖ by James Moore. James Moore tells us that: ―Christianity is a lifestyle we live. Christ‘s healing love gives us a self we can live with. Christ‘s healing love gives us a faith we can live by and 7

Christ‘s healing love gives us a love we can live out.‖ Rev. Moore ends that chapter with this prayer. Dear God, thank you for Your gift of healing love. May we share this love with others, reaching out to help those in need. Grant us a self that we can live with and a faith that we can live by, along with a love that we can live out. Amen I can see our Mission Statement in that prayer. So it is up to us to spread the healing love of Christ to our community for the glory of God. Peace and Love Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator Laycare Ministry

MISSIONS MINISTRY RED CAN SUNDAY Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on March 6th for the FACC emergency fund. $200 was collected in February.

CHILDREN OF UGANDA Starting with Sarah Cowan‘s stint in Uganda as a Peace Corp volunteer, the Children of Uganda have been an ongoing Mission Project of St. John. We helped them build a library for their community and we are helping fund their trip to the US for their 2011 Tour of Light which will feature song and dance centered on traditional folk talks or proverbs from around Uganda.






When asked why she would like to perform on the tour, 13 year old Stella Akello replied, ―to share Uganda‘s joy with the world.‖ Audiences who have witnessed these young people dancing are overwhelmed by the sheer joy and exuberance that radiates from every fiber of their being. Pounding on the drums together in polyphony, which can only be understood by the greatest of musicians, the boys create the life force of the dance. Moving in time, hips swaying to the drum beats, the girls; smiles uplift and inspire people of all ages and walks of life. From the heart of the so-called ―dark continent,‖ the COU dance troupe shines the true light of Uganda. Shillah Najuma is one of the trainees for the 2011 Tour of Light. She was enrolled in Children of Uganda in 2004 after the disappearance of her father. She lives in a one room rental with her mother who mends people‘s clothes to earn a living. Shillah wants to become a respected doctor so that she can help people who are sick. Before COU, she had no hope of going to school. She is grateful for the opportunity to receive a quality education. Our Sarah Cowan is featured in this newsletter addition as a member of the Tour of Light Committee. She says, ‖After living in Uganda for two years as a Peace Corp volunteer and watching the children sing and dance on numerous occasions, I still get excited to see them preform every time. This summer, I had the opportunity to travel back to Uganda with a group of friends who were also astounded by their talent. One of my classically trained friends was amazed by the harmonies the children were able to sing. My only explanation for her was that this is due to the students hardworking spirit and passionate love of music. The children constantly inspire me to become a better musician and person.


S T EWARDSHIP M I NIST RY When Samuel was seeking someone to succeed Saul as King of Israel, he examined the sons of Jesse. In that process, he considered their stature and physical characteristics in great detail, only to be told by God that people ― . . . look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.‖ That modus operandi on God‘s part has not changed over the centuries of time. He still looks at the hearts of men and women. He is not as interested in how things appear on the outside, but what they are really like on the inside. And God‘s scrutiny extends to every area of our lives, including our giving. Specifically, He wants to know not just what or when we are giving, but why. He is not so concerned about the amount or the percentage but with the reason or motive why we give. It‘s not that amounts or percentages are not important, for they certainly are. But what is of greater importance is why we give. If we only give out of a sense of duty, to impress someone, to keep a commitment we made, or to ―do our part,‖ we‘ve missed the point. If we only give a certain amount or percentage because we‘ve always given that way, we‘ve missed the point. If we parcel out money to help ―poor ol‘ God pay His bills,‖ we‘ve missed the point. God owns it all! He doesn‘t need our money to pay His bills. He doesn‘t want us to give out of a sense of obligation or duty or habit. Nor does He want us to give to impress someone else. He wants us to give out of hearts motivated by love for Him in response to His love for us. He wants us to give as part of our worship and praise to Him. He wants us to give because giving is part of His way of growing Christians. There‘s an old Indian fable about a mouse who, like all mice, was afraid of cats. A wizard felt sorry for him and offered to help him lose his fear. With the mouse‘s approval, the wizard turned him into a cat. The cat, however, was afraid of dogs, so the wizard turned the cat into a dog. But the dog was afraid of tigers, so the 10

wizard turned the dog into a tiger. When the wizard discovered the tiger was afraid of hunters, he exclaimed in disgust, ―You‘re hopeless. What you need is a change of heart. And that I cannot give you.‖ If our giving is motivated by anything other than a heart of love for God, we need a change of heart. We need to realize afresh that God owns everything and that we are just managers and stewards. We need to realize that when we give, we are only giving back to God what was rightfully His in the first place. And we need to understand that when we give out of love for God and not out of habit or duty or obligation, we are giving in a way that truly honors and glorifies Him.

FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY "Save the Date" Spaghetti Dinner is officially on the calendar and scheduled for Saturday, April 9 from 4:30-7 and Meatball prep is Saturday, March 19th look for signup sheets to come!

CHURCH WOMEN UNITED March 4th World Day of Prayer Service 1:30pm at First UMC 503 N. Lily Creek Rd. The theme this year is ―How Many Loaves Do You Have?‖. There will be fellowship time after the service. The service is written by Christian women of Chile, So. America.


ONGOING ACT IVIT IES MEALS On WHEELS St. John is delivering Meals on Wheels Feb 28th through March 4th. If you would like to help please contact Sherrill Spaide or the church office.

PRAYER SERVICE Rev. Carol Ahrens will be hosting the monthly prayer service on March 9th at 5:30 PM in Chapel Hearth. This service is to pray for and support those who suffer with mental illness and it is also for the loved one of those who need our support. Everyone is welcome!

LOF Learning our Faith Sunday School class meets in Chapel Hearth every Sunday after worship. They are studying : Journey Through the Bible, Colossians thru Jude.

BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. We are studying the book, ―At the End of the Day, by James W. Moore, come and join us.

CARD CLUB Card Club will meet at 1pm on March 7th in Chapel Hearth.

PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun! 12

RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! We assemble the Tidings the fourth Thursday of the month.

TAU ALPHA Is meeting March 21st at 7pm

STITCH, SEW & QUILT At our 1:30 p.m. Friday, March 11 Stitch, Sew and Quilt meeting Guest Helen Hartog will show us a project our group could work on together for the holidays. Come and hear all the details and possibilities. We will discuss if there is an interest for us to do this so be sure to get to this meeting. Don't forget any Show and Tell items or item to work on after this discussion. Any questions - contact Mavis Clark

JOIN US AT OUR ST. JOHN UCC MEN’S GROUP We‘re having a great time! Come join us! We‘re not ―holier than thou,‖ nor is all the talk just ―God-talk.‖ It‘s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, March 5, at 8 a.m. in the Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m. Come check us out!


SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office or fill out a pew card.

COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship. You may not get a reminder call when it‘s your turn to bring a treat, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 3 dozen cookies, bars, mini muffins etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. MARCH COFFEE HOUR— YAHOOS 03/06 Terry & Deleana Atz, Wayne Bahn, Alex & Nichole Bertram, Gina Bertram, Greg & Anita Bicksler, Claire Biesemeier, Joyce Bloyer 03/13 Carole Bertram, Marsha Boll, Angie Bose, Helen Bose, Thompson Brandt, Dana Brill, Nichole Brinkmeier, Amy Brinkmeier 03/20 Cassie Carter, Betty & Randal Carpenter, Anna Carroll, Liz & Len Carter, Eleanor Chance, Mavis Clark, Ronnie & Don Clock, Bill & Lisa Condie 03/27 Barb & Phil Copus, Rosali Cosgrove, Martha & Perry Cowan, Marge & Jack Criddle, Jeanne & Clyde Cross, Dory DeFrane, Carolee & Monty Dietmeier APRIL COFFEE HOUR 04/03 - Corey & Annette Ditsworth, Rick & Laurie Ditsworth, Dorothy & Ray Ditsworth, Jim & Gwen Drew, Shirley Durrstein, Donnley & Sandy Dutcher, Tim & Lisa Ebbers, Kevin & Kirsten Eckert


GREETERS March 6- Wes & Joyce Robinson March 9 – Ash Wed. Ben & Lucille Lee March 13 – Ron & Beth Slade March 20 – Jackie Stewart & L. Wagenknecht March 27 – Carol Ahrens & Marilyn Rawleigh WELCOMERS March 6 – Marilyn Ruthe & Diane Heilman March 13 – Russ & Bonnie Gennusa March 20 – Eunice Hildebrandt & Doris Roberts March 27 – Ben & Lucille Lee NURSERY March 6 – Clyde & Jeanne Cross March 13 – Dennis & Carla Meyer March 20 – Russ & Bonnie Gennusa March 27 – Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs USHERS 03/06 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew 03/13 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith, James & Tom Priewe 03/20 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Dana Brill 03/27 Lee & Nancy Otte, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jeanne Koch


DRIVERS March 6 – Lucille Lee


March 13 – Jack Criddle


March 20 – Mike Smith


March 27 – Don Valkema


If you are in need of a ride to church please contact the person designated for driving. If you are a regular pick up and not planning to ride, please call the driver to let them know!

LAST MONTH WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 1/23/11 - 141 1/30/11 - 169 2/6/11 - 178 2/13/11 - 163

P LEASE I NCLUD E I N YOUR P R AYERS PRAYER CHAIN: Evelyn Dworak, Brian & Brett Benning, Nettie Hendren, Shelly Griswold, Kenneth Amendt HOSPITALIZED: Arlene Kreeger, Nettie Hendren


Pastor Harmison Memorial Service Reverend Harmison served as Interim Pastor at St John in 1992-1993 A memorial service is planned for Reverend Richard Harmison April 1, 2011 - 4:00 P.M. at the United Presbyterian Church of Freeport.

Dear St. John, Thank you so much for supporting the Christ First Weight Loss Program. Kevin and Kirsten have been a blessing to me and all the other members in our class. Thank you, Cara Waters ************************************************************************* Dear St. John Family, Thank you for the prayers, cards, and shawl during my recent hospital stay. Your kindness was greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Katherene Benson ************************************************************************* Thank you to the St. John Mission Ministry for the very generous gift we received from the church this past Christmas. We truly appreciate and value our partnership with you and our shared commitment to serving others. Again thank you and God bless you. Dean, FACC ************************************************************************* Thank you for the prayers and concerns, cards, memorial gifts and prayer shawl during and after our father/husband‘s illness and funeral. We are very grateful for the delicious luncheon and fellowship that family and friends enjoyed together. Nettie, Kaye, & Cindy 17

************************************************************************* I‘d like to thank everyone for the wonderful surprise Sunday Jan. 30th and for the corsage and cake and to the choir for the beautiful hanging. I hope I can continue to sing for a few more years. Love, Jane Lehman. ************************************************************************* I want to thank the church members and the choir members for the surprise anniversary party that was given to me on Sunday January 30th. I knew that I had been in the choir for a good many years, but didn‘t realize it was 70 years. When Jane and I stood at the railing I asked her what we had done wrong. The Good Lord blessed me to sing and that I have and will continue to do so as long as I am able. The party in the Fellowship Hall was outstanding. Thank you again and as long as I can continue to sing, you will see me in the choir loft. - Betty Mathews ************************************************************************** Dr. St. John UCC Family, Beech4er Church thanks you for your generous gift. As we move forward in our restoration efforts, it means a lot to us that we have supporters and friends who believe in our ministry, We are grateful for your kind generosity. God Bless You. Appreciably, Ingrid Hearns Alexander Church Clerk ************************************************************************** To St. John UCC I want to thank you very much for putting my name on the prayer list these past several weeks, and would appreciate it if you continue to do so. I am hoping to be home in the spring. Kenneth Amendt **************************************************************************


P R E S I D E NT Perry Cowan V I C E P R E S I DE NT Daryl Tessmann S E C R E T AR Y Patty Weik T R E AS UR E R Ulan Price C HR I S T I A N E D . Lisa Ebbers CHURC HGR OWT H & M E M BE R S H I P F E L L O W S HI P Carla Meyer MISSIONS Bill Condie PROPERTY M A N AG E M E NT Daryl Tessmann Bruce Dykstra S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Jeanne Cross S T E W AR D S HI P Ulan Price W O R S HI P Patty Weik Mary Arnold

ST . JOHN UCC COUNCIL MINUT ES Present: Ben Lee, Mary Arnold, Carla Meyer, Daryl Tessmann, Bill Condie, Lisa Ebbers, Jeanne Cross, Perry Cowan, Ulan Price, Patty Weik, Donnley Dutcher Meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm Pastor Donnley opened the meeting with prayer. Treasurers Report: Daryl noted the approved transfer of $10,000 to make partial payment on the funds borrowed for the new boiler from Building and Grounds and the Maude Ammerman Estate. It was also noted we have had a good financial start to 2011. Mary made a motion to accept the financial report as given. Ben seconded. Motion carried.

Custodial Position: Four people have applied for the position; Hughes Resources has the names of the applicants. Representatives from Staff Relations and Property Management will join Pastor Donnley in the interview process, after March 1st. We hope to have someone in place by the beginning of April. Part-time Organist: Budgeting for the part-time organist was figured on splitting the 52 Sundays in a year, hence paying Carole Bertram for 26 Sundays, and also paying Marsha Roberts for 26 Sundays. Carole brought to the attention of the Worship Ministry, there are more than 52 services in a calendar year. We must also figure in two Christmas Eve services, Ash Wednesday and Maunday Thursday services. Carole suggested it might be easier to pay on a per/service basis. The Worship Ministry is taking this into consideration and will consult with Ruth, coming back with a recommendation at the March meeting. Staff Relations will be meeting to discuss further changes to the new Employee Handbook. 19

Memorial Request from Staff: The staff is requesting a new 16' table and chairs to put in the library. Memorial money could be used to purchase the new table and chairs. The library is used a lot during the week, and a larger table would better accommodate the groups that are using that space. Daryl moved that we use money from memorials to purchase the new table and chairs for the library. Lisa seconded. Motion carried. Annual Report Review: Perry asked if anyone had any specific additions for the annual report. At this time, we were mindful of John Hendren as a valued member of the Council. Pastor Donnley asked for a moment of silence to remember John. Nominating Committee: We had a lengthy discussion regarding possible candidates to fill new terms for each ministry. Council members will be contacting possible candidates as to their willingness to serve on the various ministries. "If The Church Were Christian" Discussion, Chapter 9. Meeting was adjourned at 8:14 with the Mizpah Benediction

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The annual meeting to accept annual reports and elect Council and Ministry members will take place following Sunday worship service on March 20th.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2011


2/01 2/07 2/14

General Fund Beginning Balance GF Income GF Income

$38,595.19 $ 3,248.00 $ 5,718.00

2/18 2/18

Less GF Payroll & Compensation GF Other Checks

$10,869.06 $ 6,656.93

2/18 Ending Balance $ 30,035.20 ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010


2/01 2/07 2/14

Building Fund Beginning Balance $11,942.36 BD Income $ 302.00 BD Income $ 1,265.00


Less BD Checks

$ 3,296.07


Ending Balance



SUMMER 2011 MISSION TRIP Keeping it Close to Home!

MISSION TRIP 2011 – July 15-16-17 SAVANNA, ILLINOIS After hearing your suggestions we have chosen to stay close to home this time. We will be helping our neighbors in Savanna. They are still in need of help from the flood of 2010. As of right now we are planning on traveling back and forth each day. As we get more information about job request and requirements we will have a meeting for those interested in going. As of right now they are talking about painting, gutting out, patching up and tearing down. If you are at interested put your name on the sign up sheet.

FUND RAISER – PIE/CAKE AUCTION APRIL 17th. This will be our one and only fundraiser for this mission trip. Funds are needed for gas, building supplies, paint brushes, food and other various needs. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.


March Scripture Readings 01

Colossians 1:1-23


Jeremiah 32:1-15


Colossians 1:24-2:19


Jeremiah 32:16-44


Colossians 2:20-3:17


Lamentations 3:1-24


Colossians 4:2-18


2 Chronicles 1:1-17


2 Corinthians 1:1-11


2 Chronicles 5:2-14


Psalm 27


2 Chronicles 6:1-17


Psalm 51


2 Chronicles 6:18-42


Psalm 57


2 Chronicles 7:1-22


Matthew 6:1-18


Nehemiah 9:1-38


Joel 1:1-20


Daniel 9:1-19


Joel 2:1-17


Habakkuk 1:1-17


Joel 2:18-27


Habakkuk 2:1-20


Matthew 4:1-11


Habakkuk 3:1-19


Isaiah 38:1-20




Isaiah 55:1-13




Isaiah 58:1-14 23


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