January 2015

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Sunday Worship 9:00 am Kids Worship 9:20 am


Our Mission Statement: “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”

January 2015

Vol. 123

St. John United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation who is welcoming and

embracing of every person, of every race, age, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression as a child of God. We invite all to join and fully participate in the life and ministry of this church.

STAFF Ministers………………….…The Members of the Church Interim Pastor………………..………….……Nayiri Karjian Director of Children & Youth Ministry / Director of technologies………………………………...…Kevin Eckert Youth Ministry Assistants ………….....Jasmine Coleman, Christine Busker & Savanna Mueller, Madison Riddell Ministry of Church Life & Membership…......Pam Wessel Choir Director…………………….……….....Gina Bertram Organist……...…………………..….…..….Carole Bertram

OFFICE HOURS Monday– Friday...…8:30 am—12:30 pm & 1:00 pm—4:00 pm

Church (815) 235-2824

E-Mail: stjohn@comcast.net

www.stjohnuccfreeport.org 2

Council Update At the Congregational Meeting in November, I had the pleasure of announcing that we had reached agreement with an Interim Pastor. At the time, the information was brand new (literally the night before) and I don’t think I did a very good job of introducing our Interim at the meeting. Here is some more information from her profile. Her name is Nayiri Karjian. Nayiri has extensive experience as an Interim Pastor – serving churches in Madison, Ottawa, Connecticut, Houston, Downers Grove, St. Louis, and most recently at Pleasant Hill, TN which is a retirement community for UCC pastors and leaders. Her experience as an interim is unmatched by any of the candidates we reviewed. Nayiri has a BA in Christian Education, a Certificate in Theology, and a Masters of Divinity. She is fluent in three languages – Armenian, Arabic, and English, conversant in Turkish, and literate in Greek and Hebrew. Her references painted a picture of successful Interim work at the places she had served. Personally, Nayiri is a reader (where have we heard that before?), has an appreciation for the arts, a penchant for classical music, news, global issues, travel, and good chocolate. I have shared copies of our Constitution, annual report, Council minutes, and budget with Nayiri. Her comments in response have been that she is impressed with our church and the work that we have done. Many of the things we have accomplished and ways we do things are progressive compared to churches she has served at previously. This was nice to hear from somebody who has such extensive service and travel. We are lucky to have Nayiri joining us. She has a reputation as a very effective Interim Minister. It is hard to believe we are at the point we are bidding farewell to Donnley and preparing to welcome an interim minister. There have been many meetings and preparations to prepare for the transition. As we know, Donnley will be retired as of December 31st. Nayiri will not officially start until February 1st. That leaves us the month of January. January will not and cannot be a “month off” for us as a Congregation. Just as you would prepare your home for an important guest we need to prepare ourselves and our “home” for our new Pastor. Preparations are not just physical such as cleaning the office. Preparations are also spiritual as we continue to worship through the month. Preparations are also financial as we cannot let our giving stop as we kind of feel our way through. Times and Pastors may change but God’s love is never ending. May we honor our commitment to God’s love with a seamless transition from Donnley to Nayiri. Tim Ebbers, Council President 3

Pastoral Services— if you are in need

of pastoral services during the month of January, below is a schedule of coverage by our retired Pastors. January 1-11- Rev. Becky Hebert at (815) 616-5904 January 12-18 - Rev. Stan Bomgarden at (815) 441-2165 January 19-25 - Rev. Hugh Knapp at (815) 232-6864 January 26-31- Rev. Carol Ahrens at (815) 616-8901 In case of an emergency, if you can not reach the person for that week, please try one of the others.



Dear St. John UCC Family: There have been a number of questions regarding the Missions Ministry’s decision not to fund the Salvation Army in 2015. We thought the best way to answer those questions would be to share the letter that Missions sent to the agency this fall. Please know that your Missions Ministry is very committed to supporting local food, clothing and shelter ministries. To that end, the amount of funding that would in the past have gone to Salvation Army will be added to our contribution to FACC. A copy of the letter to Salvation Army is included below, in the issue of this Tidings. If you still have questions after reading it, please feel free to reach out to one of the members of the Mission Ministry. In Christ, Your Missions Ministry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ September 22, 2014 Captains John and Jennifer Wilson, Corps Officers Salvation Army, Freeport 106 West Exchange Street Freeport, IL 61032 Dear Captains Wilson: The Missions Ministry of St. John United Church of Christ in Freeport recently met to discuss our 2015 budget. The ministry discussed, at length, the $1,000 annual allocation to the Freeport Corps of the Salvation Army, and has decided to discontinue that allocation. We thought it was important to send you a letter discussing the reasons for this decision.


St. John United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation who is welcoming and embracing of every person, of every race, age, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, as a child of God. We invite all to join and fully participate in the life and ministry of this church. Inherent in our open and affirming spirit is the belief that all people deserve God’s mercy and compassion – and our mercy and compassion as well. And it is this point that causes us discomfort in providing funding to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army has a long history of policies and actions that are inconsistent with our open and affirming spirit. A few examples include A 1986 Salvation Army campaign in New Zealand against the Homosexual Law Reform Act; A 1998 decision to back out of contracts in San Francisco to avoid providing spousal benefits to same-sex partners of employees; Salvation Army of Scotland’s 2000 appeal to Parliament against the repeal of a law that prohibited teaching about homosexuality; An unsuccessful 2001 attempt to make a deal with thenPresident Bush to exempt religious charities from antigay discrimination ordinances; A 2004 threat to the City of New York to close down services for the City’s homeless because the Army did not wish to comply with a non-discrimination ordinance; A 2012 case involving the firing of a case worker after the discovery that she was bisexual, with a quote from the Army’s Major George Hood that “[a] relationship between same-sex individuals is a personal choice that people have the right to make. But from a church viewpoint, we see that gong against the will of God”; and


A 2014 settlement of a lawsuit that charged the Salvation Army of engaging in religious discrimination in which Salvation Army was directed to pay $450,000 to settle claims by two former employees that they were forced out of their jobs for objecting to the Army’s policies. We are aware that a number of anti-LGBT statements and links have been removed from the Salvation Army’s website over the past year; however, explanations for the removals, rather than repudiation of anti-LGBT stances, seem to center on the statement that the documents were meant for internal use and not for public distribution. Whether the statements are public or internal, they are not in harmony with the beliefs and values of St. John United Church of Christ. In addition to LGBT issues, members of St. John’s missions ministry are aware of instances in which our local Salvation Army has refused assistance to individuals who were at risk of homelessness on the basis of their criminal background. This also is in conflict with our belief that all of God’s children are deserving of mercy and compassion. Please know that we realize that Salvation Army provides a valuable service to people in need in our community. However, as a matter of faith and conscience, we feel we must devote our local missions funds to organizations and activities that are compatible with our mission and beliefs. Rest assured that our commitment to supporting local food, clothing and shelter programs will continue; however, the $1,000 we have committed to Salvation Army in previous years will now be donated to other local charitable organizations. In Christ, St. John United Church of Christ Missions Ministry


“A TOAST TO THE NEW YEAR” Bold Team and Fellowship Ministry have teamed up to invite you to a New Year’s Brunch after worship on January 11th. We will be serving an Egg Casserole, Fruit Cup, Muffins and/or coffee cake - also a Mimosa will be offered to those who choose, a Sparkling Grape Juice will also be available. Cost of this brunch will be a free will offering. Reservations must be in by January 4th - you will find the Sign Up Sheet in the Narthex. Come and join us as we Kick-Off the New Year and all it has to offer.

SPIRITUAL RETREAT We have reserved rooms at Sinsinawa Mound Center for Friday evening, January 16 through Saturday afternoon January 17, 2015 for our next spiritual retreat. This is a beautiful place for rest and spiritual rejuvenation. Please speak with Deb Rockey, Hugh or Sarah Knapp if you have questions about or interest in the retreat. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Narthex.


MISSIONS RED CAN SUNDAY We will be receiving monetary donations on January 4th for the FACC emergency fund. $288.00 was collected in December.

FOOD FOR FACC In January, we will be collecting Macaroni & Cheese. FACC. If you are looking ahead for sales, in February we will be collecting Grape Jelly. Thank you!

S.O.S.. Bell Choir & Chancel Choir Rehearsal is on Thursday nights for S.O.S., Bell Choir, & Chancel Choir. S.O.S. rehearsal is at 5:30 pm, Bell Choir at 6:30 pm, and Chancel Choir at 7:15 pm. We welcome any new members. If interested, please contact Gina Bertram.

LOF CLASS LOF (Learning Our Faith) meets at 10:30 am in the LOF classroom. We are studying the book “Scarred By Struggle, Transformed By Hope” by Joan D. Chittister.


O N - G O I N G WAY S T O PA R T I C I PAT E I N THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH BS…. We meet at 9 am every Wednesday in the Chapel Hearth Room. We will be discussing the book “The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, & A Jew” by Suzanne Oliver, Ranya Idliby, & Priscilla Warner. All are welcome!

CARD CLUB Join us for Euchre the first Monday of the month in the Chapel Hearth. Our next meeting will be on Monday, January 5th.

PING PONG We meet every Tuesday at 9 am in Fellowship Hall. We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!

MEN’S GROUP We're having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk just “God-talk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, January 3rd, at 8 am. Come check us out!

RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 am for coffee, treats, friendship, and volunteer work! We will assemble the February Tidings on January 22.


PRISM LIGHTHOUSE The LGBTQ support group will meet at 6:30 pm on Monday, January 19. This is a group for teens and adults that are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, or those Questioning their sexual identity. This is also a safe group for allies, friends, and family of the LGBTQ community. Childcare is provided.

HELIX Honor, Engage, Listen, Include, eXample MIDDLE SCHOOL Tuesdays (5th and 6th graders) 3-5 pm Thursdays (7th and 8th graders) 3-5 pm

SENIOR HIGH Sundays (9th thru 12th graders) 6-8 pm

C . A . T. s (Caregivers And Toddlers) Please join us for our play group geared for toddlers and the adults that care for them. We get together in St. John’s nursery Tuesday mornings from 10 am—11 am. On the Third Tuesday of the month we will be in Fellowship Hall to run and ride. Bring your friends, all are welcome. Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ CATSPlayGroup?fref=ts 11



COFFEE HOUR On Sunday mornings, before and after service, we gather for coffee and treats in the Narthex area and Fellowship Hall to socialize. If you would like to find a place to sit and talk, there is plenty of room in the Chapel Hearth. Please, if your name is on the list (dates are assigned alphabetically by the directory) for this month, bring in a treat to share. Some ideas are... cookies, bars, mini muffins, bagels, etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. If you do not wish to be on the list for treats, please contact the office and we will remove your name.


Gerald & Patricia Schneiderman, Steve & Lisa Schubert, Deb Scott, Richard & Sybil Scovill, Olivia Shaffer, Vanessa Shallenberger, Sharon Simler, Mike Simler

1-11 Mike Smith, Stan & Carol Smith, Seth & Katrina Spangler, David & Mary Spencer, Steve & Vicki Spryrison, Jackie Stewart 1-18 James & Sharon Summers, Roger & Deb Swanlund, Dave & Dana Underhill, Glenn & Marilyn Underwood, Don & Norma Valkema, Quentin & Joanne Valkema 1-25 LaVonne Wagenknecht, Jeff & Sally Wagner, Roger Watson, Jerry & Jackie Watson, Patty Weik, Dan & Pam Wessel, Cathy Williams



Eric & Ashley Woker, Jean Wurtzel, Lynn Zimmerman, Carol Ahrens, Terry & Deleana Atz, Wayne Bahn, Alex & Nicole Bertram, Gina Bertram









The deadline for submitting articles in the February Tidings is January 13.


NURSERY– We no longer have a nursery attendant 1-04

Dale & Jacob Priewe

1-11 Carla Meyer 1-18

Olivia Shaffer

1-25 Tim & Angela NewKirk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SHUT-INS: The following is a list of people that can’t get out and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them. Oakley Courts: Deloris Burkhalter, John & Betty Heiden Parkview: Claire Biesemeier, Ardath Lei, Dorothy Miller, and Laura Uthlaut Stephenson Nursing Center: June Nagel, Lois Walz Presence-St. Joseph: Katherene Benson, Dorothy Fox, Kathryn Cramer, Dorothy Albrecht, Herbert Divan Kewanee Provena: Evelyn Dworak In their homes: Esther Dickman, Shirley Durrstein, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, & Harold Reints PLEASE PRAY FOR: Mary

HOSPITILIZED: Lois Aurand, John Heiden, Betty Heiden


USHERS 1-04 Tim, Lisa, Colin, & Kristi Ebbers, Jim Drew, Dennis Manus 1-11 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus 1-18 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson 1-25 Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jeanne Koch, Shan MacAdam

GREETERS 1-04 Jackie Stewart & Dana Underhill 1-11 Ruth Rockey & Marge Criddle 1-18 Ben & Lucille Lee 1-25 Carla Meyer & Shirley Ifert

WELCOMERS 1-04 Doris Last & Mavis Clark 1-11 Ruth Olson & Lisa Schubert 1-18 Bonnie Gennusa & Edith Rosenstiel 1-25 Jean Mahon & Mary Frazee


Dear St. John United Church of Christ, Thanks so much for your support of CLASP. At our event this fall on National Coming Out Day– A Taste of Africa, we celebrated Nigerian and Ghanian culture and the freedom that the CLASP family is finding in the US. Your support has helped CLASP continue to grow as we create a safe landing for LGBTQ asylum seekers who are fleeing homeland persecution and we wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you! The CLASP family ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Dear Prism Lighthouse and St. John Family, Although God has called me to Chicago for seminary and to begin ministry, Prism Lighthouse and St. John remain in my thoughts and prayers. It touches my heart and humbles me that I remain in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for translating those thoughts and prayers into concrete action. Believe me, I truly appreciate the "concrete action," which arrived in the mail one day. Thanks so much. I carry you all with me as I continue on my seminary and ministry journey. With Peace and Love, Pastor J.C. Wilson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you to everyone who donated to our “Winter Closet”, Pasta Drive, and gifts for the children of Freeport. We could not have filled our baskets and all the needs, without your help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Edee Rosenstiel for delivering our monthly collection of food and monetary donations to FACC, also Denny Manus for filling in when needed and delivering all the Pasta and Gifts this year. We are truly blessed to have people we can call on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18


Dixie Marklund, Owen Sheppard


Marilyn Ruthe


Margaret Bertram, Cindy Price


Sally Wagner


Delene Tessmann


Robert Luedeke


Ruth Kuntz, William McLenahan

1-11 Wayne Bahn, Joan Wootan 1-13 Lexi Hartman, Gerald Schneiderman 1-14 Clyde Cross 1-15 Paul Bertram, David Gutschlag, Lee Otte 1-19

Sandy Dutcher, Cheryl Sheppard, Jeff Wagner

1-20 Vivian Schlickman, Laura Wessel 1-22 Greg Bicksler 1-23 Jack Gastel 1-24 Erin Evans, Shirley Ifert, Patty Weik 1-27 Sharon Simler 1-30 Cheryl Lieber, Sheena Mathews, Rachel Roemer, Dan Stowe, Diane Vowles 1-31 Charli Trimble

JANUARY ANNIVERSARY 1-24 Tom & Melinda Ferguson 19

St. John UCC Council Meeting 11-10-14

Members Present: Tim Ebbers, President, Kirsten Eckert, Shelly Griswold, Jane Krug, Shan MacAdam, Dennis Manus, Ulan Price, Joyce Robinson, Deb Rockey, Deb Scott, Patty Weik, Pastor Donnley, ex-officio. Opening Prayer: Pastor Donnley Pastor’s Report: Pastor Donnley had his exit interview with the Prairie Association and all went well. He suggested that it might be helpful to do this here also. We will discuss how to proceed with this process and to have Staff Relations be involved in this. Budget: As we were reviewing the proposed budget, it was noted that there were no figures in the “Income” column, which was how it was presented last year. We discussed how best to present the budget and our continuing struggles with cash flow to the congregation. Since we do not have a clear picture of what the “income” will be (pledge cards not a good predictor), do we leave the columns blank or do we plug in estimated figures based on the previous year’s giving history? In further reviewing the report, there were several misprints and we needed a more complete and correct version to make any decisions. Tim will look into this and email members. Council discussed how to relay to the congregation how critical it is to increase giving--for example, if each family, as they are able, could increase their giving by $100 over one year--it could make a huge impact on our budget concerns. Decal for Parking Lot Entrance: Joyce had an idea for signage for the west entrance (off the parking lot) to identify our church as the building they are entering by putting a decal on the window between the two sets of doors. We have a design which incorporates the logo and our name which is very attractive and easily seen upon approach. We are inquiring into vendors which can produce this. It was decided to allow up to $250 to cover the cost and would come out of Growth Ministry advertising budget. 20

Interview of Interim Candidate: At this point, we conducted a phone interview with a prospective Interim candidate. At the conclusion of the interview, we discussed our thoughts and how to proceed. Tim will keep us updated as things move forward. Adjournment: Adjourned with Mizpah Benediction. Respectfully submitted, Deb Rockey, Council Secretary

St. John UCC Council Minutes 12-8-14 Members Present: Tim Ebbers, President, Kirsten Eckert, Judy Garkey, Shelly Griswold, Jane Krug, Shan MacAdam, Dennis Manus, Ulan Price, Joyce Robinson, Deb Rockey, Deb Scott, Patty Weik, Pastor Donnley, ex-officio. Opening Prayer: Pastor Donnley Financial Report: Council reviewed financial report and some clarifications were made. There are some items in the report that will need to be clarified for possible questions when presenting at the Congregational meeting in January. Because of staffing issues (administrative assistant position is open, senior pastor position will be open as of January 1) we will not have those expenses occurring until those positions have been filled again. We are ending 2014 in good position. All Ministries and Administration operated without waste or excess. We are over budget by about 3% but this is due to a giving shortfall rather than overspending.


We will request each Council member get a copy of the full Treasurer’s Report to make reviewing it clearer. Report approved by consensus. Salvation Army: There have been questions about the decision to withdraw our monetary donation to Salvation Army. Based on numerous events (political and others), their historical activity contradicts their mission statement. A letter from the Mission Ministry was sent in September explaining at length and citing previously mentioned events as to why we were withdrawing our monetary donation. No response has been received to date. Council members will receive a copy of the letter sent which gives these specifics. Information about the decision will be included in the Tidings. Signage at Parking Lot Entrance: There is new signage at the west entrance to the church which is very attractive and clearly identifies this building as a church. There is a problem with it being visible during certain lighting conditions due to the tinting on the windows. We will monitor the visibility and it may be necessary to adjust one of the lights above to be directed on it. Administrative Assistant Coverage: With no administrative assistant and Pastor Donnley’s leaving we will be needing more volunteers to cover the office. The only requirement would be to be present to answer the phone and take messages. Pam has been taking over all other duties. Shan made the motion to approve additional paid hours for Pam to cover the office and other responsibilities during this transition time. Judy 2nd. Discussion followed, motion carried. Adjournment: Adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction. Respectfully submitted, Deb Rockey Council Secretary 22

FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2014



11/01 General Fund Beginning Balance

$ 11,013.25


GF Income

$ 7,178.25


GF Income

$ 3,578.00


GF Income

$ 5,709.06


GF Income

$ 7,297.75


GF Interest



Less Expenses 11/31

GF Payroll & Compensation

$ 11,336.52


GF Other Checks

$ 9,297.26


Ending Balance

$ 14,145.91

________________________________________________ Building Fund Beginning Balance 1/1/14



11/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance

$ 4,764.79


BD Income




BD Income




BD Income




BD Income




BD Interest



Less 11/31

BD Checks

11/31 Ending Balance

$ 1,280.05 $ 4,933.93

If you would like current information please contact the office. 23


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