Sunday Worship 9:00 am Kids Worship 9:20 am
Our Mission Statement: “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”
July 2014
Vol. 117
St. John United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation who is welcoming and
embracing of every person, of every race, age, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression as a child of God. We invite all to join and fully participate in the life and ministry of this church.
STAFF Ministers………………….…The Members of the Church Senior Pastor……………………….……Donnley Dutcher Director of Children & Youth Ministry / Director of technologies………………………………...…Kevin Eckert Youth Ministry Assistants ………….....Jasmine Coleman, Christine Busker & Savanna Mueller Ministry of Church Life & Membership…......Pam Wessel Staff secretary…………….…………………….jody akins Choir Director…………………….……….....Gina Bertram Organists………………………..….…..….Carole Bertram
OFFICE HOURS Monday– Friday...…8:30 am—12:30 pm & 1:00 pm—4:00 pm
Church (815) 235-2824
Save the Date and Your Place at the Table for Pastor Donnley’s Retirement Celebration! We have been making arrangements for a Retirement Celebration for Pastor Dutcher. The dates of November 15-16, 2014 have been selected, though he will remain with us through December 31. These dates have been selected to avoid complications with the Christmas season. The Celebration will begin with a late afternoon “Open House” reception at the Freeport Country Club from 4-6 pm. There will be an evening dinner, also, at Freeport Country Club, at 6:30 pm. The celebration will continue on Sunday morning during our 9 am worship service on November 16. We have invited the Rev. Dozell Varner, a friend of Donnley’s, previously from Sterling, IL to preach for the Sunday morning worship. There will be seating for approximately 140-150 church members and their families at the dinner. Your “place at the table” will be reserved in order of receiving your email or call, as spaces remain available. Regrettably, there will not be space for all members of St. John UCC at the dinner. You may greet Pastor Dutcher on Sunday morning, November 16, if you are unable to attend the “Open House” or dinner. The cost for the dinner will be $26 per person. Reservations will be open to members of St. John UCC only, from July 1 through September 8. You may RSVP by emailing ( or calling the church (815-235-2824). Deb Hartman Planning Committee for Pastor Donnley’s Retirement
AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME… It’s a few days before Father’s Day, which is a weekend of mixed blessings and memories for me. I’m blessed with the three children, daughters- and son-in-law, and grandchildren that I have. I’m also mindful that it was on Father’s Day weekend that my parents died in ’08 and ’09. I’m reminded of two sayings my dad remembered from 70 years earlier. One was on a plaque he had purchased at a Sunday School sale in 1937: “Never bear more than one kind of trouble at a time. Some people bear three - all they have now, all they ever had, and all they expect to have.” The second was something Major Lewis Gregg, his English teacher at Kentucky Military Institute, said that stuck with my father: “Standing still, is moving backward, because the world moves on.” One of the sayings I remember from Gene Rooney, my trainer and mentor in Neuro-Linguistic- Programming and more, is: “You may not be able to do everything you believe you can do; but you can’t do anything you don’t believe you can do.” There is much apprehension and fear in Freeport, these days, as yet another large employer has decided to relocate so many employees. As one person said to me, recently, “Freeport is shrinking.” That may be true; but do we really want to be a community of people who live with a powerless, defeatist, woe-is-us, there’s-nothing-we-cando attitude? Do we really want to live with such a self-protective fearbased attitude that we fail to invest in the community and the church? Such will only lead us further down the path and mindset of impending doom. We have to believe in what we can do, rather than what we can’t do. We have to believe we have resources of abundance rather than scarcity. We have to believe in what we can do, rather than fear we don’t have the resources to do what we need to do. Other communities and churches have done far more with much less than what we have, both as a church and a community. Our faith in God has to be stronger than our fear. Our belief in one another has to be stronger than our cynicism about the future or each other. 4
We have to believe our community and our church are worth the effort, worth the sacrifice, and worth the investment of what we’re able to give and do. Yes, there are challenges that lay before us as a community and as a church. It’s been true in every time for every generation, and as those generations before us chose to believe and do, so can we. They chose to live by faith, not by fear - and they were willing to sacrifice and expend anything and everything to make it happen; and they did. Let us not be less than who they were. Find strength, commitment, motivation, and purpose in these two foundational belief statements of the Early Church: “Nothing will be impossible with God,” (Lk. 1:37) and we “can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens” us (Phil. 4:13) Let’s show the generations to come the strength of our faith, commitment, sacrifice, and resolve. We will do this. We will do it right. We will do it faithful to Jesus Christ.
We’ll begin with a time of snacks and conversation at 6 pm. (Please bring a snack to share, beverages will be provided.) We will turn to a time of worship at 6:30 pm. The service will have a different format and flow than our Sunday morning service. We’ll conclude worship around 7:15 pm. Child care will be provided for these Second Saturday events. 6:00 pm - Snacks and conversation in a casual atmosphere 6:30 pm - Worship 5
COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS St. John UCC has money available for college scholarships through the Kampmeier Endowment Fund, memorials, and gifts designated for college scholarships. Persons who are active members, as defined by the church constitution, are invited to apply for an award. While we cannot specify the exact amount of the awards until all applications are received, applicants should anticipate some assistance with books and supplies, rather than a substantial grant. Persons wishing to apply should pick up an application in the church office. Once completed, they should be returned to the church office in an envelope marked “College Scholarship”. You will also need to submit an acceptance letter or fall schedule from your school, plus a written paragraph or two, stating your intended course of study and what your career plans are once you have graduated from college. The deadline for application is July 20.
ICE CREAM SOCIAL August 6 Wednesday 4:30 pm—7:00 pm $4 for a piece of pie or cake, ice cream, and beverage $4 for Sandwich, chips, pasta salad, and beverage Tickets are available in the church office, on Sunday mornings, or at the door. Watch the bulletin board to sign up to help in some way. If every able-bodied member participates by doing a little something, we won't have to call you! This is a good opportunity to get the whole church and community together for an evening of food and fellowship. This is a very successful event each year thanks to all of you who help. 6
VBS Registration Form July 20th-24th 6 pm—8 pm Child’s Name _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name _________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ _________________________________________________ E-mail Address _________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home ____________Cell______________ Work____________________ Age Information Date of birth _____________________ Age______________ Last school grade completed ___________ OVER 7
Home Church ____________________________________________________ Allergies/Medical Information/Other ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Emergency Contacts Name __________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Phone __________________________________
Dismissal Information Name(s) of person(s) who may pick up this child from VBS ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
Are parents helping with Workshop of Wonders VBS? ______ If yes, where? _______________________________
Hosted by: St. John United Church of Christ, 1010 S. Park Blvd., Freeport, IL 61032 815-235-2824 8
MISSIONS RED CAN SUNDAY We will be receiving monetary donations on July 6 for the FACC emergency fund. $ 278.00 was collected in June.
In July our food item to collect is
250 Cans of Fruit
If you are watching for sales, our item for August will be 250 cans of Diced Tomatoes.
Our turn for the FACC clothing room will be on Friday, August 1 from 9—12 noon.
UNDERWEAR DRIVE There is a great need for new underwear for under privileged families in our community. We want to reach out to these families and let them know that St. John UCC cares for them and their children. We will be sponsoring an undergarment drive that will run during the month of July.
Lana Kuntz
Dorothy Fox; Addisyn Shaffer; Foster Doll
Jean Mahon; Linda Heidenreich; Terry Atz; Dylan Holbert
Kirsten Eckert
Marjorie Criddle; Sarah Todd
Dale Priewe
Donald Valkema; Jamie Ditsworth
Adeline Miller
7-10 Martha Cowan; Kaci Rice 7-12 Roger Watson; Jeffrey Williams; Jered Nesemeyer 7-13 Vanessa Hughes 7-15 Sharon Hull; Daryl Tessmann 7-16 Laura Uthlaut; Dionis Fleischer 7-19 Jim Drew; Shelly Griswold 7-21 Anna Carroll 7-23 Steven Rafferty; Austin Weik 7-24 Roy Benkert Sr; Chet Dietmeier 7-25 Nancy Otte; Ulan Price 7-26 Beth Jacobs 7-27 Michael Simler; Ashley Woker; Ronyn Jacobs 7-28 William Kreeger; Ryan Shaffer 7-29 Kristin Rademaker; Blane Foulker 7-30 Wessel Young; Haydn Rice 7-31 Sybil Scovill; Steven Smith
Roy & Sandra Benkert
Ken & Lavonne Wagenknecht
Larry & Mary Frazee
7-10 William & Cheryl Lieber 7-14 Royce & Janet Piefer 7-19 Karl & Betty Trester; Kim & Cheryl Sheppard 7-20 Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs 7-21 Michael & Jessica Nguyen 7-23 William & Norma Mclenahan 7-24 Pierre & Martha Cowan; Hugh & Sarah Knapp 7-27 Mark & Beth Winter; Timothy & Angela NewKirk 7-29 Thompson & Dagny Brandt 7-30 Floyd & Marsha Roberts 7-31 Donnie & Holly Foulker
LGBTQ Ministry Group
The LGBTQ support group will meet at 6:30 pm on Monday, July 28. This is a group for teens and adults that are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, or those Questioning their sexual identity. This is also a safe group for allies, friends, and family of the LGBTQ community. Childcare is provided.
HELIX Honor, Engage, Listen, Include, eXample MIDDLE SCHOOL Tuesdays (5th and 6th graders) 3-5 pm Thursdays (7th and 8th graders) 3-5 pm
SENIOR HIGH Sundays (9th thru 12th graders) 6-8 pm
C . A . T. s (Caregivers And Toddlers) Please join us for our play group geared for toddlers and the adults that care for them. We get together in St. John’s nursery Tuesday mornings 10—11 am. On the Third Tuesday of the month we will be in Fellowship Hall to run and ride. Bring your friends, all are welcome. Find us on Facebook CATSPlayGroup?fref=ts
O N - G O I N G WAY S T O PA R T I C I PAT E I N THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH BS…. We meet at 9 am every Wednesday in the Chapel Hearth Room and are discussing the book “Between Heaven and Mirth” by James Martin. All are welcome!
CARD CLUB Join us for Euchre the first Monday of the month in the Chapel Hearth. See you July 7 at 1 pm
PING PONG We meet every Tuesday at 9 am in Fellowship Hall. We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!
MEN’S GROUP We're having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk just “God-talk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, July 5, at 8 am. Come check us out!
RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 am for coffee, treats, friendship, and volunteer work! We will assemble the August Tidings on July 24.
COFFEE HOUR On Sunday mornings, before and after service, we gather for coffee and treats in the Narthex area and Fellowship Hall, to socialize. If you would like to find a place to sit and talk, there is plenty of room in the Chapel Hearth. Please, if your name is on the list (dates are assigned alphabetically by the directory) for this month, bring in a treat to share. Some ideas are... cookies, bars, mini muffins, bagels, etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. If you do not wish to be on the list for treats, please contact the office and we will remove your name. During the summer, we will have coffee hour on the first Sunday of the month only.
John & Deb Rice, Shaun & Erin Rice, Floyd & Marsha Roberts, Joyce & Wes Robinson, Ruth Rockey, Dave Rockey, Carl & Ellen Roderick
Edith Rosenstiel, Jerry & Amanda Rubin, Marilyn Ruthe, Donna Ruthe, Vivian & Floyd Schlickman, Pat & Gerry Schneiderman, Steve & Lisa Schubert
6-15 134 6-22 138
SPIRITUAL RETREAT We have reserved rooms at Sinsinawa Mound Center for Friday evening, September 5 through Saturday afternoon, September 6 for our next spiritual retreat. At this time, 16 people have signed up, leaving room for 8 more people. This is a beautiful place for rest and spiritual rejuvenation. Please speak with Pastor Donnley if you have questions about or are interested in the retreat. A sign -up sheet will be on the bulletin board in the Narthex.
NURSERY– We no longer have a nursery attendant 7-6
Olivia Schaffer
7-13 Tom & Jacob Priewe 7-20 Laurie Ditsworth 7-27 Bonnie Gennusa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHUT-INS: The following is a list of people that can’t get out and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them. Deloris Burkhalter at Oakley Courts Claire Biesemeier, Dorothy Miller, and Laura Uthlaut at Parkview Nettie Hendren at Hawthorne Inn, Liberty Village June Nagel and Lois Walz at Stephenson Nursing Center Katherene Benson, Dorothy Fox, Kathryn Cramer, & Dorothy Albrecht at Presence-St. Joseph Evelyn Dworak in Kewanee Provena Maida Gimple at Freeport Rehab temporarily In their homes are, Esther Dickman, Shirley Durrstein, Maida Gimple, Ardath Lei, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, & Harold Reints PLEASE INCLUDE IN YOUR PRAYERS: Jerry Simler, Gloria Yoder, Phyllis DEATHS: HOSPITILIZED: Nettie Hendren, Ardath Lei, Gina Bertram, Margaret Bertram, Audrey Gianquinto
Tim, Lisa, Colin, & Kristi Ebbers, Jim Drew, Dennis Manus
John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Tom Priewe
Ray & Jeri Nieman, Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson
Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jane & Lyle Krug, Jeanne Koch
Carl & Ellen Roderick
7-13 Ruth Olson & Betty Matthews 7-20 Tim & Lisa Ebbers 7-27 Stan & Carol Smith
Clyde & Jeanne Cross
7-13 Mary Frazee & Sandy Dutcher 7-20 Ben & Lucille Lee 7-27 Marilyn Ruthe & Diane Heilman
Dear St. John UCC: Greetings and peace to you from Back Bay Mission and thank you for your generous gift of $250. Every gift we receive is a blessing to our ministry and those we serve. Through your gift, you are making it possible for a family to receive sustenance from our food pantry, a widow to have her old house turned back into a home through our housing rehabilitation program, a homeless man to find fellowship at our Micah Day Center and the thousands of other people we serve to find the help—and hope—that they need. You are strengthening neighborhoods, seeking justice and transforming lives. Thank you! At Back Bay Mission we always remember that poverty has a human face, and that every person who walks through our doors is, first and foremost, a precious child of a loving God. Thank you again for partnering with us through your generous gift. We—and those we serve—are ever grateful. Peace and grace, Charles E. Brown, Executive Director ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rev. Donnley Dutcher & Congregation: I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality and the use of your church for my daughter’s adoption fundraiser rummage sale. With the way the spring weather had been, I was concerned that we would have to cancel the whole sale if the weather had been bad since she had so much stuff to put out and no place to put it. As I’m sure you saw from the room full of stuff it would have been a nightmare setting up everything at her house. So again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your willingness to let us use your facility. Thank you for commenting on how we left the room. I have my mother to thank for that, as she always taught me to leave things as they were or better than they were when I use them. 18
Apparently my daughter, Andrea, has picked up on that as well. Members of your congregation were very generous as well to my daughter, and that is so much appreciated. Unfortunately, I don’t know her name, but one of the ladies made a quilt for Andrea’s new baby That was very nice. Thank you again for your generosity. Sincerely, Jan Charckon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To my many friends and members of St. John Church, I wish to thank you for the many letters and cards I received during the recent tragic events in my family. They were really appreciated. I moved back to Illinois in June. Marvin Libke ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear St. John’s Mission Fund: Thank you for your donation of $250 to Fund-a-Day at CONTACT of Northern Illinois. Your support of our programs and services is greatly appreciated. You have been put on the calendar funding May 31, 2014. Sincerely, Pam Werntz, Executive Director ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Updating List We are in the process of updating our list of the people who have keys to the building. Please contact the office and let us know which keys you have to the building. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
St. John UCC Council Meeting Minutes 5-12-14 Members Present: Tim Ebbers, President, Kirsten Eckert, Judy Garkey, Shelly Griswold, Deb Hartman, Jane, Krug, Dennis Manus, Ulan Price, Deb Scott, Patty Weik, Pastor Donnley, exofficio. Welcome to new Council members! Opening Prayer: Pastor Donnley Officers and Ministry Liaison: Officers: President: Tim Ebbers Vice President: Joyce Robinson Secretary: Deb Hartman Treasurer: Ulan Price Ministry Liasons: Property Management: Shan MacAdam Stewardship: Ulan Price Missions/Growth (combined): Shelly Griswold, Dennis Manus, Deb Scott Worship: Patty Weik Christian Ed: Kirsten Eckert Fellowship: Jane Krug, Judy Garkey Staff Relations: Joyce Robinson April Minutes: Minutes previously approved via email. Some Council business that came up immediately after last meeting was discussed at this time. There was a request from the Worship Ministry to provide further training for Gina Bertram in her role as choir director. This would further enhance the worship experience and the money would come from the Janshen Fund. Gwynne French would coach Gina for 6-8 sessions at a cost of $300-$400. As a related item, there is a choral music presentation in Burr Ridge by JW Pepper (a sheet music publishing company), which would be a good research experience for both Gina Bertram and Carole Bertram. This cost of this would be under $200 for the both and include tickets, meals and mileage. Deb made a motion to approve spending $500-$600 from the Janshen Fund for both of these programs. Jane 2nd. Discussion followed. Motion carried. Financial Report: Pastor Donnley reviewed the report noting the income is still below expenses. The severe winter and those related expenses all happening during the beginning of the new fiscal year have had a negative effect on the financial statement. Council reviewed again the loans to the General Fund by Endowment, Capital Fund, etc.
We need to continue to highlight this situation to the congregation and emphasize the need to stretch our giving to relieve this. Endowment is looking at alternate ways of increasing the amount of income from the Janshen Fund and reviewing the strategy to better serve our needs. Motion to approve the report as presented was made by Shelly, 2nd by Kirsten. Motion carried. All Ministry Meeting: Next All Ministry Meeting will be 6-1-14. Agenda items include: 6-22-14 Dairy Days Parade 6-29-14 Picnic in the Park 7-20-14 through 7-24-14 Vacation Bible School 8-6-14 Ice Cream Social September Event (ideas?) Education on Interim Process Chairs/Tables for Front Entry Patio: A source for resin-coated all in one piece patio table and seating was discussed. Because the benches are attached in this model, it will be easier to secure them. The cost is about $330 each. Will check memorials to see if there is an appropriate source to cover the cost of three of these. They will enhance coffee hour and the entrance on Park Boulevard. Interim Process: Pastor Donnley gave an update and summary for the new Council members. He has been in contact with Kathy Lawes and she will be present at the July Council meeting to teach Council members how to read profiles. She will then forward some profiles (for potential interim pastor) to review at the August Council meeting. Pastor Donnley passed out a schedule of sermons he will be giving until his retirement date. The “Save the Date” letter was passed around for review. For those who question the length of time required of the interim process some reading material was offered and a recommendation for a book “Temporary Shepherds”. The process and timeline was reviewed. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Donnley reported on the new members’ class. They have completed their sessions and will wait until 2 of the members can make up a missed session before being officially joined into membership of St. John. Adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction. Next meeting: June 9, 2014 Respectfully submitted, Deb Hartman, Council Secretary
July Scripture Readings 01
Matthew 18:21-35
Deuteronomy 11:1-32
Luke 17:1-10
Deuteronomy 15:1-18
Luke 18:1-14
Deuteronomy 19:1-13
Luke 19:1-10
Jeremiah 31:1-22
John 8:1-11
Jeremiah 31:23-40
2 Corinthians 2:5-17
Jeremiah 33:1-26
Exodus 2:11-25
Lamentations 3:1-24
Exodus 3:1-22
Lamentations 3:25-57
Exodus 5:22—6:13
Lamentations 5:1-22
Numbers 20:1-13
Isaiah 38:1-20
Numbers 21:1-20
Isaiah 41:1-20
Psalm 32
Isaiah 42:1-17
Judges 2:1-23
Isaiah 43:1-21
Judges 3:1-30
Isaiah 54:1-17
Deuteronomy 4:1-14
Isaiah 55:1-13
Deuteronomy 4:15-40 22
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2014
$ 5,678.71
06/01 General Fund Beginning Balance
GF Income
$ 6,341.00
GF Income
$ 4,078.53
GF Income
$ 3,640.00
Less 06/18
GF Payroll & Compensation
$ 5,949.96
GF Other Checks
$ 1,624.72
GF Current Bills Outstanding
Ending Balance
________________________________________________ Building Fund Beginning Balance January 1, 2014
$ 3,676.70
06/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance
$ 2,553.56
BD Income
$ 363.00
BD Income
$ 283.00
BD Income
$ 473.00
Less 06/18
BD Checks
$ 788.15
Ending Balance
$ 2,884.41