July 2015
An Open and Affirming Congregation
ICE CREAM SOCIAL Wednesday, August 5 4:30 pm—7:00 pm
There is a great need for new underwear for under privileged families in our community. We want to reach out to these families and let them know that St. John UCC cares for them and their children. This undergarment drive will take place during the month of July. A Laundry basket can be found in the Narthex for your donations. Thank you!
Everyone is invited to this annual get together for an evening of Ice Cream, BBQ, friendship and more. We have always enjoyed this fundraising event and been grateful for all the help many of you have given to make this a success! If you can help again this year please sign up on the bulletin board.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 19-23 • 6-8 pm First United Methodist Registration forms on page 8
Tickets are available in the church office, on Sunday mornings, or at the door. $4 for a piece of pie or cake, ice cream & beverage $4 for Sandwich, chips, pasta, & beverage
COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS Deadline for Applications • Sunday, July 19 We at St John’s UCC are blessed with the generosity of our members and friends who have given toward a college scholarship fund. The funds come from the Kampmeier Endowment Fund, memorials, and gifts designated for college scholarships. Persons who are active members, as defined by the church constitution, are invited to apply. While we cannot specify the exact amount of the awards until all applications are received, applicants should anticipate some assistance with books and supplies, rather than a substantial grant. Persons wishing to apply should pick up an application from the church office. Once completed, the applications, should be returned to the church office in an envelope marked “College Scholarship”. Applicants will need to submit also an acceptance letter or fall schedule from the school they intend to attend. The deadline for application is July 19th.. Questions? Call the church office. 1
SUGGESTIONS/NOMINATIONS for THE SETTLED PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE The task of searching for a new pastor is exciting yet daunting. According to our Constitution it is the Church Council that appoints the members of the Search Committee for a Settled Pastor. In the spirit of openness the Council invites you, members of St John, to nominate those who have gifts and wisdom to complete this task. You are asked to make your nominations in written form to Tim Ebbers, Council President. (Tim has a mailbox at adjacent to the church office.) Please bear in mind that those who serve on the search committee will spend many hours reading, collaborating, praying and eventually choosing a candidate to be presented to the congregation for a vote. Please bear in mind that those who serve on the search committee will spend many hours reading, collaborating, praying and eventually choosing a candidate to be presented to the congregation. The following gifts are desired in those who will serve on the search committee: Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all we do, say, and decide. Establish a harmonious working relationship in the committee; Maintain consistent attendance at meetings; Be open and patient listeners to each other and to the congregation; their hopes and dreams Maintain strict confidentiality in all they read, say, and hear—protecting both the privacy of each other and of potential candidates; Review all profiles with open minds and hearts, treating all candidates fairly and justly Seek decisions not made by majority rule, but by the coming together of minds, hearts, and souls in a consensus that will build a firm foundation for the effective future mission and ministry of this church. It is generally suggested that the committee comprise of 7 or no more of 9 members. Tim Ebbers, Council President
FROM THE INTERIM PASTOR Per our March Congregational Meeting Church Council has been exploring alternate governance structures, a “reworking” of function and structure of committees and ministries.
This approach also considers the vision of the church to be central to its mission and ministry. As a result it assigns the task of governing, visioning and leading Church Council and leadership ministries; the task of administration and day to day operations to those who manage the resources, such as building, money and staff; and the task of ministry, hands on action to ministry teams.
Many congregations are embarking on similar journeys with a new perspective based on the gifts of the people and the vision of the congregation. This approach asks, what is your gift and how can it be matched with the vision and ministry of the church? In that sense it is empowering of the people, nurturing their gifts.
We will share additional details as we continue to discern and clarify. Hope you are enjoying the summer. Nayiri 2
Honor, Engage, Listen, Include, eXample Summer Schedule In June, our weekly Helix Ministries combined, meeting on Tuesdays 3-5 pm for kids going into 5th thru 12th grade.
C.A.T.S—CAREGIVERS AND TODDLERS Tuesdays, 10-11am Please join us for our play group geared for toddlers and the adults that care for them. We get together in St. John’s nursery Tuesday mornings from 10 am— 11 am. On the third Tuesday of the month , during the summer, we will gather at Krape Park near the merry-go-round. Bring your friends, all are elcome. Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ CATSPlayGroup?fref=ts
OPEN AND AFFIRMING MINISTRY PRISM LIGHTHOUSE 3rd Monday of the Month • 6:30pm The LGBTQ support group will gather next on Monday, July 20. This is a group for teens and adults that are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, or those Questioning their sexual identity. This is also a safe group for allies, friends, and family of the LGBTQ community. Childcare is provided.
BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays, 9am Chapel Hearth Room Continues to discuss The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, & A Jew by Suzanne Oliver, Ranya Idliby, & Priscilla Warner. All are welcome to join us!
L O F Class will not be meeting through the summer months. We will begin meeting in September after Labor Day. A book will be selected for study. Please consider joining us for some thought-provoking discussions in the fall!
CARD CLUB 1st Monday of the month • 1pm We meet in Chapel Hearth Room. We will not meet for the summer. Our next gathering is scheduled on Monday, October 5.
MEN’S GROUP 1st Saturday of the month • 8am The Men’s Group will not meet again until October 3rd because of upcoming holiday weekends that fall on our regular meeting day. Otherwise, we gather on the first Saturday of the month at 8 a.m. for about an hour and half. It’s coffee, donuts, and an early jump on the day. We have freewheeling conversations from what’s in the news to what’s new at church. We have some serious discussions and some not so serious. If you would like to know more about the group, talk to Hugh Knapp, Jim Drew, Jack Fox, Stan Smith, Don Franz, or Dave Rockey.
PING PONG Tuesdays, 9am • Fellowship Hall We meet every Tuesday at 9 am in Fellowship Hall. We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun! RESOURCE GROUP Thursdays, 9am Join us on Thursdays at 9 am for coffee, treats, friendship, and volunteer work! We will assemble the August Tidings on July 30.
JULY BIRTHDAYS 7-01 Lana Kuntz 7-02 Foster Doll, Addisyn Shaffer 7-03 Linda Heidenreich, Dylan Holbert, Terry Atz, Jean Mahon 7-04 Kirsten Eckert 7-05 Marjorie Criddle 7-06 Dale Priewe 7-07 Don Valkema, Jamie Ditsworth 7-09 Adeline Miller 7-10 Martha Cowan, Kaci Rice 7-12 Roger Watson, Jeff Williams 7-14 Jessica Nguyen 7-15 Sharon Hull 7-16 Laura Uthlaut 7-19 Jim Drew, Shelly Griswold 7-21 Anna Carroll 7-23 Steve Rafferty, Austin Weik 7-24 Roy Benkert 7-25 Nancy Otte, Ulan Price 7-26 Beth Jacobs 7-27 Ronyn Jacobs, Mike Simler, Ashley Woker, 7-28 William Kreeger, Ryan Shaffer 7-29 Maddox Nguyen 7-30 Haydn Rice, Wessel Young 7-31 Sybil Scovill, Steven Smith
JULY ANNIVERSARIES 7-03 Roy & Sandra Benkert 7-14 Royce & Janet Piefer 7-18 Richard & Sharon Frost 7-19 Karl & Betty Trester, Kim & Cheryl Sheppard, Tim & Tom Campbell-Outcault 7-20 Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs 7-21 Michael & Jessica Nguyen 7-23 Bill & Norma McLenahan 7-24 Perry & Martha Cowan, Hugh & Sarah Knapp 7-27 Mark & Beth Winter, Tim & Angela NewKirk 7-30 Floyd & Marsha Roberts 7-31 Donnie & Holly Foulker 4
Genesis 6:1-22
Genesis 39:1-23
Genesis 7:1-24
Genesis 40:1-23
Genesis 8:1-22
Genesis 41:1-57
Genesis 9:1-29
Genesis 42:1-38
Genesis 10:1-32
Genesis 43:1-34
Genesis 11:1-32
Genesis 44:1-34
Genesis 12:1-20
Genesis 45:1-28
Before you go on Vacation don’t forget your gift, your pledge, to the church! Thank you!
Genesis 13:1-18
Genesis 46:1-34
Genesis 14:1-24
Genesis 47:1-31
The following is a list of our friends who cannot leave their residence and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them. Oakley Courts: Deloris Burkhalter, John & Betty Heiden
Genesis 15:1-21
Genesis 48:1-22
Genesis 16:1-16
Genesis 49:2950:26
Genesis 17:1-27
Ruth 1:1-22
Genesis 18:1-33
Stephenson Nursing Center: June Nagel, Lois Walz
Ruth 2:1-23
Genesis 21:1-21
Ruth 3:1-18
Genesis 22:1-19
Ruth 4:1-22
Genesis 37:1-36
Parkview: Claire Biesemeier, Ardath Lei, Dorothy Miller, and Laura Uthlaut
Presence-St. Joseph: Katherene Benson, Kathryn Cramer, Herbert Divan Kewanee Provena: Evelyn Dworak In their homes: Esther Dickman, Shirley Durrstein, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, & Harold Reints PLEASE PRAY FOR: Shirley Fritzenmeier, Leah Parker, Carla Meyer, Mike, Jack, Kayla Burger, Jamie Ditsworth, Pat Steele IN THE HOSPITAL: Carla Meyer, Esther Dickman
The deadline for submitting articles for the August Tidings is July 14
JULY COFFEE HOUR During summer months coffee hour will be served the 1st Sunday of the month only.
USHERS 7-05 Tim, Colin, & Kristi Ebbers, Jim Drew, Dennis Manus 7-12 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus
Lay Care Givers will set-up & cleanup in July :
7-19 Ray & Jeri Nieman, Joyce Robinson,
Tom & Melinda Ferguson 7-26 Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jeanne Koch, Tom Priewe
7-05 Anna Carroll, Mavis Clark, Don & Ronnie Clock, Bill Condie, Phil & Barb Copus, Tim & Tom Campbell-Outcault, Rosie Cosgrove
GREETERS 7-05 Arnold & Mary Eder 7-12 Royce & Janet Piefer 7-19 Tom & Melinda Ferguson
7-26 Dave & Mary Spencer
Thank you for being 5 for 5 Congregation supporting Our Church’s Wider Mission Basic Support and Neighbors in Need, One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church and the Christmas Fund. THANK YOU!
WELCOMERS 7-05 Tim & Tom Campbell-Outcault 7-12 Lorraine McMurray & Betty Carpenter 7-19 Jane Lehman & Carolyn Moyer 7-26 Steve & Lisa Schubert NURSERY CHILDCARE 7-05 Marla Kreeger 7-12 Dale & Jacob Priewe 7-19 Jill Kuntz & Logan 7-26 Olivia Shaffer
RED CAN SUNDAY July 5 We will be receiving monetary gifts on the first Sunday of the month, July 5 for the FACC, Freeport Area Church Cooperative, emergency fund. $175.71 was collected in June. THANKS for your generosity! FOOD FOR FACC
In July, we will be collecting 250 jars of peanut butter for Freeport Area Church Cooperative. If you are looking ahead for sales, in August we will be collecting 250 jars of grape jelly. THANK YOU and THANK YOU! 6
CHURCH COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS June 8, 2015 Members Present: Tim Ebbers, President, Ulan Price, Dennis Manus, Patty Weik, Judy Garkey, Kirsten Eckert, Joyce Robinson, Shan MacAdam, Pastor Nayiri ex-officio Checking in: Members took a few moments to check in. Prayer: Pastor Nayiri Governance/Leadership Structure: We continued discussion about altering our governance structure. Two suggested examples were brought forward, one being a Council/ Cabinet for with the four sub groups of Worship and Education Ministry, Care and Community Ministry, Mission and Outreach Ministry and Administration and Resources Ministry. Each group would include Action Teams, with non elected team members included on the teams. The second example, which is favored by Pastor Nayiri carries the same four sub groups, which are broken down into Ministry Teams. The Ministry Teams would include non elected members, as well as Council members. Once explained, this example was also favored by the majority of the Council members. Basically, it will allow a streamlining of what we are currently doing. Search Committee: It is time that we begin to form the Search Committee for a settled Pastor. The committee will be comprised of seven to nine members. An upcoming service will contain a presentation including slides to describe traits needed by those on the committee to assist in the selection. The presentation may be done during the June 28 service, or the service on July 5th. It will be announced in the upcoming Tidings that those wishing to nominate someone will do so in written form, to be placed in Tim Ebbers, Council president’s slot or personally present it to him. Administrative Assistant and Custodian positions: Pastor Nayiri has contacted Hughes Resources to attempt to locate suitable candidates for the Administrative Assistant position. At the suggestion of Hugh and Sarah Knapp, the Cinderella Cleaning Service was contacted for a cost proposal to clean the church. One or two other cleaning services will also be contacted for comparison proposals. Tables and Chairs: A recent request was made by a leader with the Boy Scout troop meeting in the church to borrow tables and chairs for an upcoming wedding. It was the feeling of Pastor Nayiri and the Council that those groups sanctioned by the church will be allowed permission to borrow tables and chairs without further approval by the Council. Financial Report: Pastor advised that staff are working on a clearer format for the Financial Report, which will make it more easily readable and understandable. Ulan asked if the Treasurer has the right to deny writing a check that is found to be a questionable request. Both Tim and Pastor Nayiri explained that Ulan should come to them with any payment requests that he finds questionable so that they may be investigated and/or explained. Adjournment: Adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction Respectfully submitted, Shan Mac Adam 7
YTD 2015
VBS Registration Form July 19-23 • 6 pm—8 pm • First United Methodist Church Child’s Name _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name _________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address _________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home ____________ Cell______________ Work____________________ Date of birth _____________________ Age____________
Last school grade completed ___________
Home Church ___________________________________________________________________________ Allergies/Medical Information/Other
Emergency Contacts:
Name __________________________________ Phone _____________________
Name __________________________________ Phone ___________________________________ Dismissal Information: Name(s) of person(s) who may pick up this child from VBS ______________________________________
and ______________________________________
Are parents helping with VBS? __________ If yes, where? ______________________________ Hosted by: First United Methodist, 503 W Lily Creek Road, Freeport, IL , 815-232-6210 8
St. John UCC Sunday
July 2015
9:00 am Bible Study 9:00 am 9:00 am TOPS 5:30 pm 7:00 pm
Can 1:00 pm Staff Sunday meeting 9 am Communion 6:30 pm Choral 9 am Worship Society 9:20 am Kids Worship
9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 3:00 pm
9:00 am Worship 9:20 am Kids Worship (Marla & Olivia) 1:00 pm Fellowship Hall reserved Wurtzel
1:00 pm Staff meeting 6:30 pm Choral Society 6:30 pm Council MTG 6:45 pm Audubon Board
9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:30 pm
9:00 am Worship 1:00 pm 9:20 am Kids Worship 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Vacation Bible School, First United Methodist 6:30 pm
Staff 9:00 am meeting 9:00 am Vacation 10:00 am Bible 3:00 pm School, First United 6:00 pm Methodist Choral Society 6:30 pm LGBTQ Support
Bank 9:00 am Worship 9:20 am Kids Worship
1:00 pm Staff meeting 6:00 pm Missions/ Growth ministry 6:30 pm Choral Society
9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 3:00 pm
8 Bridge Ping Pong CATS Helix (5th12th)
Resource Group SOS BSA #4
9:00 am Bible Study 9:00 am Resource 9:00 am TOPS Group 11:00 am Parkview 5:30 pm SOS Luncheon 6 pm Stewardship 6:00 pm Boy Scout 7:00 pm BSA #4 leader
Deadline 9:00 am Bible Study 9:00 am Bridge 9:00 am TOPS Ping Pong 6:00 pm Property 5:30 pm CATS Mgt. 7:00 pm Helix (5th12th) Worship Ministry Camera Club
22 Bridge 9:00 am Ping Pong 9:00 am CATS 6:00 pm Helix (5th12th) Vacation Bible School, First United Methodist
Resource 6:00 pm wedding 3:00 pm Wedding Group rehearsal Damask & SOS McNeil BSA #4
Bible Study 9:00 am TOPS Vacation 5:30 pm Bible 6:00 pm School, First United Methodist
Resource Group SOS Vacation Bible School, First United Methodist 7:00 pm BSA #4
Bridge 9:00 am Bible Study Ping Pong 9:00 am TOPS 9:00 am CATS 6:45 pm Choral Helix (5thSociety 5:30 pm 12th) 7:00 pm
Great America Resource Group SOS BSA #4
CHURCH STAFF Ministers: Members of the church Interim pastor: Nayiri Karjian pastor-interim@comcast.net In case of emergencies Pastor Nayiri’s phone is: 203.722.9174 Director of Children and Youth Ministry, and Technologies: Kevin Eckert kevin.eckert@comcast.net Youth Ministry Assistants: Jasmine Coleman, Christine Busker & Savanna Mueller, Madison Riddell Ministry of Church Life and Membership: Pam Wessel pamstjohn@comcast.net Choir Director: Gina Bertram Organist: Carole Bertram 10
OUR MISSION STATEMENT Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God. OFFICE HOURS Monday– Friday 8:30am—12:30pm & 1:00pm—4:00pm Church office (815) 235-2824 E-Mail: stjohn@comcast.net www.stjohnuccfreeport.org www.facebook.com/stjohnuccfreeport AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CONGREGATION