July Tidings

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The TIDINGS J u ly 2010

St. John UCC Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God

ST. JOHN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1 0 1 0 S P AR K B LV D ~ F R E E P O R T , IL www.stjohnuccfreeport.org


J U LY 2010



MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824

E-Mail: stjohn@comcast.net

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org

Deadline for submitting articles in the TIDINGS Newsletter is the 3rd Tuesday of the month.


AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME….. I would confess to you that I have been intrigued by - and frequently angry at - the ways the Tea Party Movement has expressed its passion, anger and fear. I have also been cynical (mistrusting) that many in that movement are as pure and genuine in their desire to help form “a more perfect union,” in the words of our nation‘s constitution, as they present. Then, I had a convergence of thinking and ―I wonder,‖ a thought that came to me after the recent primary election results around the country. I wondered if the energy of the Tea Party Movement is not a Republican versus Democrat issue; but, rather, a matter of energy versus cynicism. (Though the Republicans seem to have ―tapped‖ into the energy of the Tea Party Movement more than the Democrats.) Is the energy of the Tea Party Movement just the opposite of the cynicism so many others feel. Is the Tea Party Movement cynicism that has come to life? It‘s not just that the people in the Tea Party Movement are angrier than everyone else, though it might appear that way. It‘s not as though those who are cynical have little or no anger. The disappointment and frustration level in ―the way things are‖ are high in both groups. The questions we might ask are: ―Do the ‗Tea Partiers‘ feel more empowered and the ‗cynical‘ powerless? Do the ‗Tea Partiers‘ believe they can influence a change and the ‗cynical‘ doubt their ability to do so? Have the ‗Tea Partiers‘ unleashed the energy of their anger that all of us feel on some level? Have the cynics suppressed the energy of their anger because they doubt their ability to make a difference even if they unleash their anger?‖ I know this might seem pretty deep for some of you – may not interest you – and may even cause you to ask, “What’s this got to do with God, Jesus Christ and our faith?” Or, “Why is he writing this?” Well, I‘m writing about this because I believe it‘s a good metaphor for our faith – and, often, our relationship with the church. It‘s a 3

matter of whether or not you are unleashing the energy of your faith. Are you energized in your faith or have you suppressed your faith? .. Do you believe that being passionate about your faith can make a difference, or are you cynical about your faith‘s ability to have any real impact in your life or another‘s? .. Have you stopped ―tapping into‖ the energy of your faith? .. How do you express the energy of your faith? .. If you believe in Jesus Christ, then the power, energy and creativity of the Holy Spirit of God has been given to you. As Paul says, “(we) can do all things through Him who strengthens (us).” Stop being cynical. Let the power of your faith come to life. Give expression to your faith. Be, believe and do through your faith in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit!

ENDOWMENT MEETING July 26th 7 pm A RELAXING EXPERIENCE Pastor Donnley is now a registered practitioner of Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure®, which can be a wonderful experience of relaxation. It can also help relieve the pain of sore muscles, relax stiff joints, assist with mobility, give a feeling of inner lightness and peace, and increase one‘s feeling of general well-being. He is available for 2-3 sessions per week. Please call him if you are interested in scheduling a session. All sessions are free for members and friends of St. John Church.

Kevin’s Korner….. 4

Listen, God‘s Way A reoccurring theme in my life is listening. I‘m sure I‘ve written about this topic before but it‘s worth repeating, because sometimes we aren’t listening. I have many personal experiences about not listening. I‘m sure you do as well. One such instance of me not listening was when I left my dad‘s tools out in the back yard (not the first or the last time). My dad had a bunch of tools for just about any job and I liked to take stuff apart and fix stuff. I asked if I could have the key to his tools and he gladly gave me the key and said be sure to put everything back when you‘re done. So I remember helping fix my friend‘s bike and after we got it working, we rode off. I forget to put my dad‘s tools back where they belonged. Well the next day before my dad went to work he noticed the tools covered in morning dew beginning to rust. Let‘s just say I was awakened quite abruptly that morning. He was furious. He was so mad that I hadn‘t listened to his request, to put the tools away when I was done. I wonder how God feels when we don‘t listen to parents, family, friends, and to God. Have you had times in your life when you didn‘t listen, or you didn‘t fully grasp what was said to you due to your mind being elsewhere? For me that seems like a daily occurrence. I want to listen but I‘m drawn to other things. God has been working in me to truly listen to others and to work at avoiding those other things that get in my way of listening. I find myself spending more time in prayer and reflection each day. I‘m actively pursuing God‘s guidance in all areas of my life and ministry. I‘m trying to listen to what God is saying to me. To be honest I didn‘t always do this. I usually trusted in my own abilities and understanding. The more I realized that ―I‖ was getting in the way of God‘s work in me, the more I began to listen, to God. I have lots of opinions and crazy ideas, some of which get me in trouble from time to time. But what I have realized is that I must first stop my own mind and focus in on God and listen for the guidance I truly need. Today as you go about your business and daily activities be sure to hear God in your life. Maybe God is speaking to you through, parents, family, friends or a situation. Maybe God wants you to 5

stop focusing on ―you‖ and more on God. My way isn‘t always the right way, God‘s way is. Consumed by the Call, Kevin T. Eckert Director of Children & Youth Ministry, Director of Technology


St. John UCC has money available for college scholarships through the Kampmeier Endowment Fund, memorials and gifts designated for college scholarships. Persons who are active members, as defined by the church constitution, are invited to apply for an award. While we cannot specify the exact amount of the awards until all applications are received, applicants should anticipate some assistance with books and supplies, rather than a substantial grant. Persons wishing to apply should pick up an application in the church office. Once completed, they should be returned to the church office in an envelope marked ―College Scholarship‖. You will also need to submit an acceptance letter or fall schedule from your school, plus a written paragraph or two, stating your intended course of study and what your career plans are once you have graduated from college.



Don‘t you love the book of Proverbs? It‘s just loaded with good advice and amazing accurate observations on life. I think my mom must have read Proverbs a lot! I always thought she was so smart for she seemed to always have kind words of wisdom to share. As I grew older, I realized where she learned her kind words and her wisdom and patience. She was a Bible Reader! Proverbs 15:17 “Better a bread crust shared in love, than a slab of prime rib served with hate.” Mom always told us ―It’s not what you eat, it’s who you eat with” Diane and I just spent four days in New York City. It was a tour where we not only got acquainted with the city, but we also got acquainted with the other 22 people who were with us on the tour. Before we got to know the fellow passengers and their names, we titled them with names like The Glams, or The Two Old Guys, or the Dixon girls and on and on. As the days progressed we learned all of their names, where they were from, what they did and experiences of WWII. What fun to make new friends. Diane even exchanged E-Mail addresses with one of the girls. There was a lot of laughter and a lot of experiences shared. It is so much fun getting acquainted with new people. Then we learned that eight of us knew friends or family of others. Small world, isn‘t it? We got acquainted with Rita Dinges who is Donna Klapp and Sybil Scovill‘s sister. Proverbs 15:23 “Congenial conversation- what a pleasure! The right word at the right time - beautiful!” We had those congenial conversations as we all sat around the dinner tables. It is amazing the amount of food one can consume when you are at a full table of friends. Good company will always make the food taste better. Food is a gift from God. God‘s better gift is his people - their stories, their laughter, their love in my life. Good friends - like good food -always want us to return for seconds. I am so thankful for my family and my friends. Proverbs 17:17 “Friends love through all kinds of weather and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.” 8

Peace and Love, Marilyn Ruthe, coordinator Laycare Ministry



AUGUST 11th Let‘s do our part in helping to save a life! Our last blood drive was not as successful as it should have been. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you are able to donate. The Bus will be here from 3-7 pm (With snacks and squeezey balls for everyone!) Stay for the ice cream social to regain your strength!

S T EWARDSHIP M I NIST RY " . . . ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you" (Luke 11:9). 9

God has a wonderful "system" by which we as His children are to get our needs met. It's a very simple "system," but somehow, we fail to utilize it as we should. Here's the plan: God says we are to ask Him. Is that simple or what? We are to call unto Him, to cry out our needs before Him, to bring our petitions before His throne. But somehow, we must think His plan is too complex, for with most of us, asking God is the last thing we do when we have needs. Oh, we'll tell our friends. We'll discuss our needs with any and all who have the patience and courtesy to listen. We'll frequently complain about our problems, even to the extent of sometimes holding God responsible for His seeming failure to provide for us. But ask God? Usually we'll do that only as a last resort. The result is a sad state of affairs among Christians. "You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, in order to spend what you get on your pleasures" (James 4:2-3). So our needs go unmet because either we do not ask or we ask with wrong motives. J. Irvin Overholtzer was a pastor who was greatly used by God as the founder of Child Evangelism Fellowship. His philosophy of providing for the financial needs of this world-wide organization was this: "Ask God . . . and tell His people." Yes, we need to share our needs with others. We ought to make others aware of opportunities for them to get involved in being used of God to meet those needs. But the first step in the entire process is this: "Ask God." And when we do, we can claim His promise stated so clearly in Jeremiah 33:3 ‚ "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." Say, do you have needs in your life today? Why not "ask God"? Why not come boldly to His throne? Why not take Him at His Word and "call" unto Him? That's God's plan for His children: " . . . ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you" (Luke 11:9). 10

Or as Eliza Hickock wrote a century ago, "I know not by what methods rare, but this I know: God answers prayer!"


ICE CREAM SOCIAL August 11th Wednesday, p.m.

August 11th, 4:30 - 7:30

$3.50 for piece of pie or cake, & ice cream. BBQ, Hot dogs, chips, and pasta salad available at an extra cost. Beverages are free! Tickets are available in the church office, on Sunday mornings, or at the door.

Watch the bulletin board to sign up to help in some way. If every able-bodied member participates by doing a little something, we won't have to call you! This is a good opportunity to get the whole church and community together for an evening of food and fellowship. Call Kim Evans 815-275-5639 for more information. This is a very successful event each year thanks to all of you who help make it so. Please watch for sign up sheets on the bulletin board in the near future.


Help make our church beautiful this summer! The landscape and grounds need your tender love and care; be sure to sign up for an area to care for. You don‘t have to be a master gardener to 11

put some love into a much needed commitment. A little weeding, and trimming is all it takes to make St. John a beautiful place inside and out.

MISSIONS MINISTRY RED CAN SUNDAY Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on July 4th for the FACC emergency fund. $146.25 was collected in June.

UNDERGARMENT DRIVE There is a great need for new underwear for underprivileged families in our community. We want to reach out to these families and let them know that St. John UCC cares for them and their children. We will be sponsoring an undergarment drive that will run during the month of July. We will be working with Amity, whom will distribute the items on a need basis. Let‘s help the children start school with new underwear this year. You can bring your packages of children‘s underwear, sizes 2 Toddler through size 16 to church and place them in the laundry baskets in the narthex. Thank you for helping the children in our community.

ONGOING ACT IVIT IES BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. We have started a new book, ―Detective Stories from the Bible‖ by J. Ellsworth Kalas, come and join us. 12

CARD CLUB Card Club will play on the first Monday of the month at 1:00pm.

PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!

RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! July 29th we will assemble The Tidings.

TAU ALPHA Not meeting in July and August

MEALS ON WHEELS We will be delivering Meals on Wheels the week of July 19th -23rd If you would like to volunteer to help deliver meals or drive, please call Sherrill Spaide (235-2983).

JOIN US AT OUR ST. JOHN UCC MEN’S GROUP We‘re having a great time! Come join us! We‘re not ―holier than thou,‖ nor is all the talk just ―God-talk.‖ It‘s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, July 3rd, at 8 a.m. in the 13

Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m. Come check us out!

YAHOO’S Donnley & Sandy Dutcher will be hosting a Yahoo‘s gathering at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, July 30th. Sign up on the bulletin board. Bring a dish to pass.



Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship.. You won‘t always get a reminder call when it‘s your turn to bring cookies, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 4 dozen to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. Thank

TWEENAGERS WILL CHAIR IN JULY— (First Sunday Only) 7/4— Kristin & Trent Rademaker, Steven & Jeanette Rafferty, John & Paula Rawleigh, Marilyn Rawleigh, John & Debra Rice, Shaun & Erin Rice, Floyd & Marsha Roberts, Doris Roberts RESOURCE WILL CHAIR IN AUGUST— (First Sunday Only) 8/1—Nelson & Carol Robieson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Ruth Rockey, Carl & Ellen Roderick, Karen Roemer, Edith Rosenstiel, Cindy Ross, Amanda Rubin, Cherie Rucker


SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office. GREET ERS July 4 – Zael & Donna Klapp July 11 – Randal and Betty Carpenter July 18 – Monty & Carolee Dietmeier July 25 – John & Betty Heiden

WELCOMERS July 4 – Steve & Lisa Schubert July 11 – Stan & Carol Smith July 18 – Lee & Nancy Otte July 25 – Carol Ahrens & Joyce Bloyer

NURSERY July 4 – Tom & Melinda Ferguson July 11 – Russ & Bonnie Gennusa July 18 – Clyde & Jeanne Cross July 25 – Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs

USHERS 7/04 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew 7/11 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith 7/18 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Ray & Jeri Nieman 7/25 Lee & Nancy Otte, Jeanne Koch, NEED VOLUNTEER 15

DRIVERS July 4– Don Valkema July 11 – Mike Smith July 18 – Lucille Lee July 25 – Jack Criddle

235-7395 297-9092 232-5581 233-2304

If you are in need of a ride to church please contact the person designated for driving. If you are a regular pick up and not planning to ride, please call the driver to let them know!

ATTENDANCE 6/06 - 155 6/13 - 142 6/20 - 100

P LEASE I NCLUD E I N YOUR P R AYERS HOSPITALIZED: Dick Clark, Jeri Neiman, Thelma Neberman PRAYER CHAIN: Dick Clark, Roland Cross, Eileen, Don

Thank you to everyone for helping shop, prepare food, serving and clean up for the Memorial Hospital Alumni Nurse‘s Banquet 16

held at St. John on Saturday evening June 12, 2010. Carol & Stan Smith Edie Rosenstiel Sally Kahler Marilyn Underwood Cindy Price Donna Klapp Barb McDonough Kim Evans Karen Roemer Cherryl & Keith Hinrichs Norma & Don Valkema Millie Brubaker Your work is much appreciated. All Proceeds go into the general fund. ~ Ruth Olson, Chair Person +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Volunteer Literacy Program thanks you for your commitment to literacy in our community by providing a convenient tutoring site for our students and volunteer tutors. We appreciate your support. Thanks again, Esther Mayer Highland Community College +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you so much for the meaningful and beautiful prayer shawl. I really appreciate the thoughtfulness & kindness. Thanks also to Marilyn and Donna for their visit. ~ Sybil Scovill


Birthdays 1 Lana Kuntz 2 Dorothy Fox 3 Linda Heidenreich, Terry Atz, Dylan Holbert 4 Kirsten Eckert, Kyle Valkema 5 Marjorie Criddle 6 Dale Priewe 7 Mildred Brubaker, Donald Valkema, Jamie Ditsworth 10 Martha Cowan, Kaci Rice 11 Ferne Ottenhausen 12 Roger Watson, Jeffrey Williams, Jared Nesemeyer 14 Jessica Nguyen 15 William Chance, Sharon Hull, Daryl Tessmann 16 Laura Uthlaut, Dionis Fleischer 18 Jeffrey Swanlund 19 Jim Drew, Ruth Bishop 20 Kenneth Buss 21 Anna Carroll 23 Austin Weik 24 Roy Benkert Sr., Chet Dietmeier 25 Nancy Otte, Ulan Price 26 Beth Jacobs 27 Michael Simler, Ashley Woker 18

28 William Kreeger, Ryan Shaffer 29 Kristin Rademaker, Blane Foulker 30 Gerald Winter, Larae Olson, Wessel Young 31 Sybil Scovill, Steven Smith

Anniversaries 3 Roy & Sandra Benkert 4 Kenneth & Lavonne Wagenknecht 6 Larry & Mary Frazee 7 William & Esther Dickman

Bill & Esther Dickman

10 William & Cheryl Lieber

65th Wedding Anniversary

14 Royce & Janet Piefer

Open House

19 Karl & Betty Trester, Ki m & Cheryl Sheppard 20 Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs

July 11th 1-4pm Rock Hollow Sports Club

21 Michael & Jessica Nguyen

Hwy 75 East

23 W illiam & Nor ma Mclenahan, L yle & Marlene Nese meyer 24 Perry & Martha Co wan, Hugh & Sar ah Knapp 27 Michael & Karen Smith, Mark & Bet h W inter, Lynn & Joanne Sch wandt 29 Mr. & Mrs. Tho mpson Brandt 30 Floyd & Marsha Roberts 31 Donnie & Holly Foulker


July Scripture Readings 01

Genesis 6:1-22


Genesis 27:30-28:5


Genesis 7:1-24


Genesis 28:6-22


Genesis 8:1-22


Exodus 3:1-22


Genesis 9:1-29


Exodus 4:1-31


Genesis 12:1-20


Exodus 12:1-28


Genesis 13:1-18


Exodus 12:29-13:2


Genesis 14:1-24


Exodus 13:3-22


Genesis 15:1-21


Exodus 14:1-31


Genesis 16:1-16


Exodus 15:1-27


Genesis 17:1-27


Exodus 16:1-36


Genesis 18:1-15


Exodus 19:1-25


Genesis 21:1-21


Exodus 20:1-26


Genesis 21:22-34


Hebrews 9:1-28


Genesis 22:1-19


Hebrews 10:1-18


Genesis 26:1-35


Hebrews 10:19-39


Genesis 27:1-29 20

P R E S I D E NT Perry Cowan V I C E P R E S I DE NT Daryl Tessmann S E C R E T AR Y Patty Weik T R E AS UR E R Ulan Price C HR I S T I A N E D . Lisa Ebbers CHURC HGR OWT H & M E M BE R S H I P John Hendren F E L L OW S HI P Carla Meyer MISSIONS Bill Condie PROPERTY M A N AG E M E NT Daryl Tessmann Bruce Dykstra S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Jeanne Cross S T E W AR D S HI P Ulan Price W OR S HI P Patty Weik Mary Arnold


June 14, 2010 Members present: Mary Arnold, Bill Condie, Lisa Ebbers, Bruce Dykstra, Daryl Tessmann, Ulan Price, Carla Meyer, Perry Cowan, Pastor Donnley, Patty Weik Meeting called to order at 6:37pm Pastor Donnley opened with a prayer. Minutes from the May 10th meeting were approved.

Financial Report: Mary inquired whether Gina had yet received payment for filling in as interim choir director. Pastor Donnley will check into it. Daryl noted the financial report still lists money in the Boiler Fund. Council had approved closing that account and moving $10,000 to a money market account with the balance being put back into the Property Management account. Perry will contact Ruth about this change to make sure it is reflected on the next statement. Daryl also noted it's nice to see income exceeding expenses so far, but cautioned that quarterly payments will be coming due in July. Carla moved to accept the financial report. Mary seconded. Motion carried. Mission Trip: Perry reported a positive balance of $776.18 for the trip. Budget Process: It's time for the ministries to start looking at their proposed budgets for 2011. Stewardship needs those figures by their August 11th meeting so the new budget can be returned to Council for approval.


Staff Relations: Lengthy discussion was held concerning compensation for staff members going on St. John UCC sponsored mission trips. Daryl moved that it is our policy to not pay support staff for mission trips. Support staff will have the option to take either their paid vacation time, or approved unpaid time off. Carla seconded the motion. Motion carried. Employee Handbook: Council will meet on Sunday, July 11th following worship to finish going through the proposed handbook. Chapter 2 of "If The Church Were Christian": Pastor Donnley led the discussion. Stewardship meeting: Ulan reported that Bob Sherman, interim pastor at Bethany UCC, spoke to the ministry about giving and different insight in pledging. Miscellaneous: Many years ago, Doris Last donated the piano that is currently in the Temple Room, and she is requesting the piano be given to her daughter, Gina Bertram. It was Gina's grandmother's piano, and since it isn't being used anymore, they would appreciate having it back. Council approved giving it back to the family. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22pm with the Mizpah Benediction. Secretary, Patty Weik


Beginning Balance January 1, 2010


06/01 06/01 06/7 06/14

General Fund Beginning Balance GF Income GF Income GF Income

$37,150.86 $3,342.00 $7,184.50 $6,704.76

06/18 06/18 06/18

Less GF Payroll & Compensation GF Other Checks GF Current Bills Outstanding

$17,159.42 $3,853.33 $208.14


Ending Balance


__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010


06/01 06/01 06/07 06/14

Building Fund Beginning Balance $15,966.09 BD Income $71.00 BD Income $410.00 BD Income $459.00

06/18 06/18

Less BD Checks BD Current Bills Outstanding

$0.00 $0.00

06/18 Ending Balance $16,906.09 __________________________________________________ 06/ 18

Money Market Balance




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