The TIDINGS June 2012
St. John UCC “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”
J UNE 2012
OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.
Church (815) 235-2824
Website: The deadline for submitting articles in the monthly Tidings is June 19th by noon. 2
AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME….. This past weekend, 12 of us (10 from St. John Church and 2 friends of the church) went on another spiritual retreat at Sinsinawa Mound, Sinsinawa, WI. The theme centered around mothers, women, the feminine qualities of God, and God as our Heavenly Mother. (El Shaddai is generally translated, God Almighty, but some scholars believe a more accurate translation is “the breasted One.”) We were stretched, deepened and moved by a series of poems, prayers, biblical passages, and writings; such as this except from a poem by Evelyn Hunt from “Women Psalms,” published by St. Mary’s Press © 1992: “Connect us with our sisters and mothers of all times. Bring us their childhood innocence and their adolescent hope again. Recreate the longings of our mothers and grandmothers before their succumbing to the weight of patriarchy. Touch us with the unfulfilled capacities of our foremothers whose lost energies we now resurrect.” As I read this, I immediately thought of my Grandmother Dutcher, who lived with a very-hard, very-controlling, emotionally abusive man. One day, when I asked my dad about his father’s and mother’s relationship, he said, “He ruined her.” So, as I thought of my dad’s comment, I wondered, “What were her longings, God? What were the dreams of her heart? What was the joy hidden, squashed and repressed in her being? What was the sadness she never got to express? As she succumbed to the weight of his patriarchy’?” My love for my Grandma Dutcher was always deep in my childhood and youth, but she had died before I learned the truth of her life experience with Monroe. How can I reconnect with her childhood innocence, her adolescent hope, and her longings, now? How can you reconnect with the childhood innocence, the adolescent hopes, and the longings of your foremothers? .. How 3
is their spirit a part of your spirit? I am also mindful of my Grandmother McClary, my mom’s mom, whose birthday would have been tomorrow, May 23 rd. One story my mom told me about her was when she was a waitress in the former Bookbinder’s Restaurant in Philadelphia, sometime between 1910 and 1918, probably. She waited on 4 businessmen who had her running this way and that with constant demands, as they sat there smoking their cigars. At the end of it all, they gave her a nickel tip, upon which she reached into her pocket, pulled out a nickel, and said, “Here, go buy yourself a good cigar.” Hurray for her! When God gives a metaphor for God’s qualities and spirit in a feminine or motherly way, God is not presented as a weak woman. The Bible says that God is: - like a mother teaching her child to walk: “ was I who taught Ephraim to walk. I took them up in my arms. .. I was like those who lift infants to their cheeks. I bent down to feed them..” (Hosea 13:8) - like a mother bear: “Like a bear robbed of her cubs, I will attack them and tear them asunder…” (Hosea 13:8) - like a comforting mother: “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you..” (Isaiah 66:13) Celebrate the fullness of God. Remember, reflect upon, and connect with your foremothers, who, for so many of us, were the persons in our lives who gave us more than just our physical birth. They gave us our spiritual birth as well. Receive now this excerpt from a benediction by Mary Zimmer from the book, “god has no religion: blending traditions for prayer” by Frances Sheridan Goulart: May the God of Eve teach your broken bones to dance. May the God of Hagar bring you comfort in the desert times of your life. 4
May the God of Miriam bring companions to you on your way. May the God of Deborah grant you courage for your battles. May the Christ who knew Mary and Martha show you the way of balance.
PASTOR ON VACATION Pastor Dutcher will be on vacation from Sunday afternoon, June 10th, through Monday, June 18th. He will return to the office Tuesday, June 21st. Please contact the Rev. Duane McDonough at 815-616-8185 he will provide pastoral services in Donnley’s absence.
COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS St. John UCC has money available for college scholarships through the Kampmeier Endowment Fund, memorials and gifts designated for college scholarships. Persons who are active members, as defined by the church constitution, are invited to apply for an award. While we cannot specify the exact amount of the awards until all applications are received, applicants should anticipate some assistance with books and supplies, rather than a substantial grant. Persons wishing to apply should pick up an application in the church office. Once completed, they should be returned to the church office in an envelope marked “College Scholarship”. You will also need to submit an acceptance letter or fall schedule from your school, plus a written paragraph or two, stating your intended course of study and what your career plans are once you have graduated from college. The deadline for application is July 20th. 5
KEVIN’S KORNER… Sunday school has officially wrapped up and we are looking forward to preparing for a new Children’s Worship service in the fall. Many plans are in process to redecorate the temple room into a Children’s Chapel. Extra pews are being refinished and repurposed for the space. Painting, artwork and a new church logo mural will also be added to the room. Lots of work needs to be done before the fall kickoff. If you are interested in helping with some of the painting tasks please let me know. Helix middle school program will be expanding its ministry starting May 31st. The program will meet both Tuesdays and Thursdays through the summer from 3-5pm. This summer we will have a survivor theme. Students will be assigned teams to compete with for the summer. These teams will compete in fun challenges and they will also gather together for “tribal council” which will be small group discussion time. If you have a child who would like to attend please check with the church office so we can begin the enrollment process. VBS is also one of the upcoming events I’m working on. This year we will be diving in to discover God’s underwater universe. We will be using the “Operation Overboard: Dare to go deep with God!” curriculum. Use our handy online registration to get both you and your children signed up. This summer will be quite exciting for all of us as we change things and prepare for the next season of life here at St. John UCC. Much of the work I will be doing has a tendency to be behind the scenes. Many hours of planning, preparing and research go into all the ministries and event we are working on. If you would like to volunteer your time to help us with one of these 6
project , please contact us at 815-235-2824. Consumed by the Call, Kevin T. Eckert Director of Children & Youth Ministries Director of Technologies Ministry
OPERATION OVERBOARD July 15th - 19th, 6-8pm First UMC on Lily Creek Rd., is hosting this year and St. John is co-directing. Please register online if you are able. If you need a paper copy of the registration form contact the church office at 815-235-2824 7
KEEPING YOU INFORMED: An Email Conversation with Paul Nixon Sent May 14, 11:51 a.m. Paul: We're in the process of putting some information together to present for changing to 10 a.m. worship time. You had mentioned that we will have more chance of "catching the fish" at 10 a.m. than at 9 a.m. Are there any studies or survey results to which you can refer us that will confirm what you told us? I believe you; but I have some people who believe more empirical data could be important to selling this. In Christ, Donnley Received May 14, 1:50 p.m. The results are so obvious and universal across the country that no one has seen a need to study it that I know of. The only exceptions appear to be churches that are exclusively seniors, who have a lifestyle of golf, tennis or farming during the middle of the day on Sundays. And even in most elderly churches, the 11 am service is the strongest by far. Churches in the midwest find that mid to late morning is the best shot. It varies from community to community. 10, 10:30 and 11 are all times that will do better than 9 with younger adults. Where soccer wipes out families for weeks at a time, some churches have experimented with mid-week and Sunday evening services. I see mid-week working better than Sunday night across the midwest. Embrace United Methodist Church in Sioux Falls (which I work with) is almost all people under age of 45. They have grown from about 100 to over 800 in worship in just over two years. Their worship times are 10 and 11:15. This church has attracted more new midwestern small town families to worship in two years than all of the Prairie Association. - Paul 8
FUNDING FOR SUMMER EVENTS 2012 We have many blessings here at St. John. Personally, the spiritual support, meaningful friendships, and a sense of true family have connected me to so many people in ways that I would never have expected or imagined. We have a beautiful church home which has seen improvements and changes over the years, as our own homes have. We’ve been good caretakers of our property and it shows. We’ve made some difficult decisions over the years: expenditures (new boilers, bell tower repair, A/C upgrade and remodel of Chapel Hearth and much more), leadership selection (Pastors, Youth Director), adopting policies and statements that proclaim who we are as a people of God (Mission Statement, Open & Affirming Statement, and others). We’re blessed to be in a position of being able to prepare for the future through generous financial gifts. Recently, we hired a coach to guide us in making the best use of our gifts and blessings to make us strong and viable for the future. We will have some difficult decisions ahead, but we have so many new and exciting ideas and opportunities to look forward to, most especially the growth of new membership (more friends, larger church family, more connections!). During its most recent meeting, our Council discussed the importance of and its commitment to supporting participation by members in upcoming events such as the National Youth Event and the UCC Coalition National Gathering, as well as planning for a Rick and Laura Hall concert. Having members and friends at these events will cultivate interest, investment and new ideas that will result in growth for St. John. The Halls, whom we already know and have enjoyed, give us a wonderful reason to invite those who don’t have a church home to see what the spirit of St. John is all about. 9
These opportunities are not free, however. As a church, we made the difficult decisions of investing in our building, leadership, and how we want to be known in our community. We have an exciting, productive future. Let’s make the most of it by encouraging, supporting and benefiting from the participation of those who want to be a part of it. I know there are those of you who would like to help in any way you can. We ask you to join us in financially supporting our “Summer Events 2012” Fund Drive. We will benefit from the energy, excitement and learning of other’s experiences. (Please note your gift with “Summer Events 2012.”) Here are the events the church has planned: UCC National Youth Event: Expected cost $1700 Youth Attending: Colin and Kristi Ebbers, James Priewe Chaperone: Lisa Ebbers UCC Coalition National Gathering: Expected cost for 3, plus mileage $650 Attending: Betty Carpenter (Church Growth Ministry); Jim Burcham, J.C. Wilson (friends of St. John) [Also attending, with costs paid from Church Budget funds for conferences and continuing education, are: Shelly Griswold (B.O.L.D. team); Deb Scott, our UCC Coalition Contact person; Donnley Dutcher, Kevin and Kirsten Eckert, Pam Wessel (staff). This expenditure is authorized by the Church Growth Ministry.] Rick and Laura Hall Concert: Expected cost $1500 Deb Hartman Council Secretary P.S.- Clarifying some confusion about the use of the Janshen Fund: The money being used is the earned interest from the previous year on the principal - not the principal itself. Since 10
the expendable income from the Janshen estate is from interest earned from the previous year, it can be difficult to know exactly what that amount might be before the end of the year. For 2011, the interest earned was not enough to support the above participation costs. This will not necessarily be the case in every year due to the changing amount of interest earned and/or the number of relevant events and interested participants.
CONCERNING THE JANSEN ENDOWMENT FUNDS I keep hearing concerns that our Church Council is spending the principal from the Jansen Endowment. By the terms of the gift, we CAN NOT spend the principal for another 24 years, 5 months. Yes, we are using the income gained, but only the income. We cannot, have not, and will not touch the principal. I’m also hearing of people who plan on cutting back on their giving because we received this gift. That, my friends, would be totally counter-productive, as what we are spending the income on is NEW projects to help grow our church. If it would help, I’d enjoy having a conversation on this. Sincerely, Perry Cowan Past Council President and B.O.L.D. team member
WORSHIP MINISTRY RECOMMENDATION Worship Ministry met on May 8. We discussed the action taken at the recent congregational meeting regarding scheduled worship time. As it had been the action of the Worship Ministry which began the process of changing the worship time, we felt a need to consider whether perhaps we had not made sufficient information available to the congregation before the vote. For this reason, we compiled a list of our reasons for having recommended the change initially and offer those to you for consideration: Research provided by Paul Nixon, whom we hired for his expertise, showed that 9:00 a.m. was too early to attract younger members, especially those with children. We should pay attention to the specialist hired to advise us. For members/attendees who are driving any distance, 9:00 is also very early. We are currently working to build a Sunday School to accommodate families with young children. We believe if we don’t try this change, we may never know whether we could attract younger families. We further believe that members who left before the vote on this issue deserve a chance to have their preference counted. We also feel there was some confusion on the implications of the change; we think the congregation deserves a more coherent explanation of what this change might mean as far as programming is concerned. Meeting times of adult classes, for instance, is not dictated by the change and could be decided upon by each class. For these reasons, we recommend that this motion be reconsidered at a future meeting, before September.
LAYCARE MINISTRY II Timothy 3:15 “You know how, when you were a small child, you were taught the holy Scriptures; and it is these that make you wise to accept God’s salvation…” I was recently asked to take part in the program for Church Women United. I was asked to serve on a panel of speakers who talked about where their family originated, what they did for a living, what brought us to the place where we now live and who/ what made us feel welcome in our new community. As I thought about that, memories came to mind about growing up in the country, the beauty of God’s creation, working outside with my dad. I spent more time with my dad than with my mom (but I now have learned how to cook and do all of those things you do inside the house too). I have special memories of my mom sitting at the table each morning reading her Bible. I always thought my mom was so smart and as I grew and studied my Bible, I realized most of her guidance to me came from the Bible. I remember going to Sunday School - we had such a good time. In Confirmation Class, our Pastor taught us the books of the Bible to music. I can still, pretty much, remember that melody. Anyway, my point is, a child can have a good time in Sunday School and in Confirmation Classes. I am looking forward to Rally Day in the fall, because I have decided to do some Sunday School teaching. I love to hear the kids sing “I Have the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down In My Heart (I think they really do) and I love to hear their versions of the Bible stories. I believe whatever a child is taught about Jesus is never lost. I thank God for everyone who teaches the little children. Peace and Love, Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator of Laycare Ministry 13
CONCERNED ABOUT WHAT WE’VE BEEN SPENDING? Some members have expressed concern about the amount of money the congregation has authorized the Council to spend – such as the money to hire Paul Nixon as our church coach or to purchase a new expensive sign our front, as though we have excess money to just “throw around.” This is not the case. The money for hiring Paul Nixon came from a gift bequeathed to the church that had previously been placed in the Memorial Funds by the Church Council - long before we even considered hiring Paul Nixon. It has been the long-standing practice of St. John UCC to not use Memorial Funds for normal church budget expenses or to use normal church budget monies for special projects of significance. The money for the new outdoor sign will come from the original Endowment Fund, not the Janshen Estate Fund. It has also been the long-standing practice of the Endowment Board to not use these funds for normal church budget expenses. Only the income from the Janshen Estate Fund may be used. The money for these large expenditures, mentioned here, have not come from the church budget or from the contributions to the church budget from church members of friends of the church. Decreasing your regular giving contributions will affect, even potentially harm, the day-to-day ministries of the church to our members and friends. We hope you will help your church stay financially strong for our regular budget operations and ministries. Thank You. The Stewardship Ministry
MISSONS MINISTRY RED CAN SUNDAY We will be receiving monetary donations on June 3rd for the FACC emergency fund. $377was collected in May! Wow, way to go St. John!
FOOD FOR FACC They have restructured the donation requests for FACC food pantry and in order to make things more streamlined they have given each church and assigned food item for each month. In June our food item to collect is PEANUT BUTTER. In case you are looking for sales to stock up July’s food item will be cans of tuna.
BABY BOTTLES Please take a baby bottle and fill it with coins, dollars, a check, whatever you like. The money goes to the Freeport Pregnancy center. The bottles are to be returned on Fathers Day.
FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY RELAY FOR LIFE This Year’s Relay is scheduled for June 15th. If you are interested in forming a team or being part of the event, please contact Pam Wessel here in the church office 235-2824 or Cathy Williams. There is also a need for High School volunteers to help set up and clean up for the Survivors Dinner. Please call the office for contact info.
PICNIC IN THE PARK JUNE 24TH AT 11 AM We will be at the Shelter near the restrooms and playground on Flagstaff Hill. We will begin with a short worship service followed by lunch and fellowship time. Fellowship Committee is providing hotdogs and beverage, please bring a dish to pass and your own table service.
Join us!
Summer golf at St. John will start again in June. We play at 3:00 p.m. and follow 9 holes with supper somewhere in the vicinity. None of us are in the PGA, so窶馬o pressure! Here are the dates for the summer. Locations for all but the June date are to be determined: June 10
Park Hills
July 8 August 19 September 23 Mark your calendars now and come for fun, frustration, and food!! Questions? Call Mavis Clark or Sarah Knapp.
‘TWEENAGERS All are invited! On Friday, June 22nd the small group of TWEENagers" will invite you to attend the presentation "To Kill A Mockingbird" at Pec Playhouse. Watch for a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board coming soon. This is a theatrical adaptation of Harper Lee's beloved novel that tells a story of a lawyer defending a black man charged with taking advantage of a white girl. The play explores the irrationality of adult attitudes toward race and class in the Deep South of the 1930's. Many of you have probably read the book. Tickets are $12.00 each and we will make plans to carpool if enough are interested. Play starts at 8:00 p.m. and we may make reservations at Cimino's for a 'dutch treat' dinner at 5:30 p.m. for the group.
CHOIRS Dear Chancel, Bell, and Children’s Choirs and S.O. S. Thank you for a wonderful music year. Thank you for all the many rehearsals both early and late and Thank you for the changes we have made and the cooperation from all of you. Your dedication and talents have made such a difference in our music ministry. Good wishes to all of you for a safe and relaxing summer. See you in the fall for more music. P.S. S.O.S. See you Sunday. -Gina Bertram Choir Director
BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. Please join us!
TAU ALPHA Is meeting “OUT” for the month of June and then will break for the summer. They will meet again in the fall
CARD CLUB Card Club will be meeting June 4th at 1 pm.
PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!
RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! We assemble the Tidings on Thursday, June 28th.
MEN’S GROUP We’re having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk just “God-talk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, June 2nd at 8 a.m. in the Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m. Come check us out!
STITCH SEW QUILT We are working hard on our raffle quilt and will meet again in the fall. Have a great summer and “happy sewing”.
HELIX MIDDLE SCHOOL (grades 5-8th) Tuesdays and Thursdays 3-5 pm all summer There will be a Survivor theme to all of the planned activities! HIGH SCHOOL (grades 9-12th) Watch for a new schedule and times this fall!
CHRIST FIRST WEIGHTLOSS This is an ongoing Faith Based Weight loss program that meets Monday evenings from 5 -6 or Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm. Please contact Kevin Eckert 815-218-0286 for more information.
WORKOUT NIGHTS Monday at 6pm will be a DVD workout open to everyone Free! Zumba with Jacqui Davenport on Wed 5-6pm and Zumba Toning on Friday evenings from 5-6pm . First Class is $5 Drop in rate after that is $7 or buy a 10 class punch card for $50.
SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office or fill out a pew card.
COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship. All of the members of St. John (unless requested otherwise) are alphabetically listed to bring a treat to share. You may not get a reminder call when it’s your turn to bring a treat, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 3 dozen cookies, bars, mini muffins etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. There is only Cookie Hour the first Sunday of the Month during the months of June, July, and August JUNE - Tau Alpha 6/3 - John & Betty Heiden, Diane Heilman, Eunice Hildebrandt, Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs, Sharon Hull, Shirley Ifert, Sally Kahler, Della Kirkpatrick JULY - Resource 7/1 - Donna & Zael Klapp, Sarah and Hugh Knapp, Jeanne Koch, Dan & Marla Kreeger, Lyle & Jane Krug, Jull Kuntz, Larry & Lana Kutz, Bill & Ruth Kuntz GREETERS June 3 – Doris Last & Gina Bertram June 10- Jane Lehman & Carolyn Moyer June 17- Ulan & Cindy Price June 24- Marilyn Rawleigh & Jackie Stewart 20
WELCOMERS June 3- LaVonne Wagenknecht & Sharon Simler June 10 – Claire Biesemeier & Edie Rosenstiel June 17- Betty Carpenter & Marilyn Ruthe June 24- Monty & Carolee Dietmeier NURSERY June 3- Jeanne Cross, Dale & Thomas Priewe June 10 – Tom & Melinda Ferguson June 17- Kirsten, Kya Eckert, Bonnie Gennusa June 24 – Marla Kreeger & Olivia Shaffer USHERS 6/03 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew 6/10 John Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith, James & Tom Priewe 6/17 Ray & Jeri Nieman, Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Dana Brill 6/24 Lee & Nancy Otte, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jeanne Koch, Jane Krug DRIVERS W e have several drivers available, if you are in need of a ride please contact the office before noon on Friday, 815 -235-2824 and talk to Pam WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 4/22/12
SHUT-INS: The following is a list of people that either can’t get out and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them. Dorothy Miller and Laura Uthlaut at Parkview Nettie Hendren, Jim Fry and Nada Scheisser at Liberty Village Bob Heilman at Lena Living Center June Nagel, Joyce Kaiser and Holly Genant at Stephenson Nursing Center Katherene Benson at Provena In their homes are, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, Phyllis Cohen, Esther Dickman, and Maida Gimple, Shirley Durrstein
PRAYER CHAIN: Michael Schlickman, Cindy R., Don Swanson, Larry Kuntz, Ruth, Jake Young HOSPITALIZED: Shirley Durrstein, Arlene Kreeger, Larry Kuntz, Jake Young, Joyce Bloyer, Jerry Simler
You’ve been a great help to our program, and we want you to know that it has not gone unnoticed. We are truly making a difference in our community, and the help you have given has allowed us to reach our goal to educate, support, and remove the stigma of Mental Illness. President of NAMI, Sam Havens 22
Thank you so much for your generous contribution of $380 made to the Freeport Area Church Cooperative in January. - Dean ************************************************************************* Thank you for your two donations of $400 each that will assist the Salvation Army in our social service programs here in Freeport. -Dennis M. Hale, Major ************************************************************************** Thank you for your support, prayers and donations after our recent house fire. It has helped us get back on our feet. We have relocated to a rental home and hope to be back in our home this fall. Jen, Jake, Carter & Wes Young ************************************************************************** PRESIDENT Bill Condie VICE PRESIDENT Joyce Robinson S E C R E T AR Y Deb Hartman T R E AS U R E R Ulan Price C H R I S T I AN E D . Lisa Ebbers CHURCHGROWTH Maril yn Ruthe FELLOWSHIP Ben Lee Jane Krug MISSIONS Dennis Manus PROPERTY M AN AG E M E N T Keith Hinrichs S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Joyce Robinson S TE W AR D S H I P Ulan Price WORSHIP Mary Arnold BOLD Deb Hartman
St. John UCC Council Minutes 5-14-12 Members present: President Perry Cowan, Mary Arnold, Bill Condie, Lisa Ebbers, Deb Hartman, Jane Krug, Ben Lee, Shan MacAdam, Dennis Manus, Ulan Price, Joyce Robinson, Pastor Donnley, ex-officio. Opening Prayer: Pastor Donnley April Minutes: Previously approved via email. Treasurer’s Report: Bill Condie moved to approve as presented. Shan 2nd. Discussion, motion carried. Council/Ministry Position Appointments: Ben made the motion for Council to formalize the following appointments for unfilled positions: Council: Ulan Price Christian Education Ministry: Marla Kreeger, Anita Bicksler 23
Mary 2nd. Discussion, motion carried. Election of President: Perry made the motion to elect Bill Condie for Council President. Lisa 2nd. Motion carried. Update on 2012 Janshen Estate Expenditures: Since the expendable income from the Janshen estate is from interest accrued in the previous year, it can be difficult to know exactly what that amount might be before the end of the year. As a result, monies previously approved for future programs (specifically the National Youth Event) are more than the interest earned from 2011. Council majority believes this and other events planned, such as the UCC Coalition Gathering and the Rick and Laura Hall concert are important and need to be supported by St. John. Jane made the motion to approach the congregation for funding for these events. Ulan 2nd, discussion followed, motion carried. Deb made the motion to replace the cost of the NYE ($1700) from the Janshen Income Fund with the special/individual contributions received. Shan 2nd, discussion, motion carried. Approval of Company from which to Purchase New Sign: The variance as been approved. Two companies were contacted to bid on the sign: Signs Now (Rockford) and Turnroth (Sterling). Prices and warranties were the same for both, but the level of communication and references of great customer service put the decision in favor of Turnroth. Jane made the motion to purchase the sign from Turnroth, Ben 2nd, discussion, motion carried. Property Ministry is getting bids for installation. Council Organization: Shan made the motion to approve the following for the positions/liason assignments as follows: Vice President: Joyce Robinson Treasurer: Ulan Price Secretary: Deb Hartman Ministry Liasons:
B.O.L.D. Team: Deb Hartman Christian Ed: Lisa Ebbers Growth: Marilyn Ruthe Fellowship: Ben Lee, Jane Krug Property: Keith Hinrichs Staff Relations: Joyce Robinson Stewardship: Ulan Price Worship: Mary Arnold Missions: Dennis Manus Dennis Manus 2nd, discussion, motion carried. Wedding Reguest: Kevin and Kirsten received a request by email from the parents of a youth in Helix to have their (the parents) marriage ceremony in our church. They are in financial need and it was decided by Council to waive the $300 fee but request a donation as they are able and keeping in place the $100 fee for cleanup following. Bill so moved, Mary 2nd, discussion, motion carried. Insurance Board Report: An audit was conducted in December 2011 and it has been recommended to increase our coverage. Mark Swanson will examine the audit and come back with his recommendations. Meeting adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction. Next Meeting June 18, 2012 Respectfully submitted, Deb Hartman Council Secretary
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2012
5/01 General Fund Beginning Balance 5/07 GF Income 5/14 GF Income 5/21 GF Income
$28,187.71 $4,731.94 $4,148.50 $7,360.07
Less 5/23 5/23 5/23
GF Payroll & Compensation GF Other Checks GF Current Bills Outstanding
$12,380.62 $5,996.35 $8,402.25 -————
5/23 Ending Balance $17,649.00 ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2012 5/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance 5/07 BD Income 5/14 BD Income 5/21 BD Income
$6,962.17 $775.04 $298.00 $469.00 $180.00
Less 5/23
BD Checks
$0.00 _________
5/23 Ending Balance
June Scripture Readings 01
Acts 5:1-16
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Acts 5:17-42
1 Thessalonians 2:1-20
Galatians 1:1-24
1 Thessalonians 3:1-13
Galatians 2:1-21
1 Thessalonians 4:1-18
Galatians 3:1-29
1 Thessalonians 5:1-28
Galatians 4:1-31
2 Thessalonians 1:1-12
Galatians 5:1-26
2 Thessalonians 2:1-17
Galatians 6:1-18
2 Thessalonians 3:1-18
Philippians 1:1-30
Hebrews 8:1-13
Philippians 2:1-30
Hebrews 9:1-28
Philippians 3:1-21
Hebrews 10:1-39
Philippians 4:1-23
Hebrews 11:1-40
Colossians 1:1-29
Hebrews 12:1-29
Colossians 2:1-19
Hebrews 13:1-25
Colossians 2:20-3:17
Colossians 4:2-18 27
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