March 2015

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March 2015

An Open and Affirming Congregation

LENTEN GATHERINGS AND SUPPER — STORY! Wednesdays March 4, 11, 18, 25 • 5:45 Dinner • 6:30 Discussion During 40 days of Lent, not counting Sundays, our faiths story tells us about Jesus’ suffering, crucifixion and death. And, Jesus’ story is our story. We too know pain and suffering. This difficult chapter of the story calls us to walk with Jesus through the dessert, the wilderness and the ashes, deal with our pain and struggle, and open hearts to the Spirit’s healing and peace. During this Lenten journey we will reflect on STORY, and what stories are made of. During four Wednesdays in March 4—Pastor Nayiri will share her story, March 11—Participants will share their stories March 18—Pastor Nayiri will share the story of the Middle East and its people March 25—We will reflect on the story of St John , our communal story Join us for dinner and discussion. All are invited. Childcare/ children’s program provided. And to continue the story join us for Holy Week Maundy Thursday service, a service of darkness on April 2, 7pm in the sanctuary. Good Friday service will NOT be held this year. RED CAN SUNDAY is March 1 We will be receiving monetary gifts on March 1 for the FACC, Freeport Area Church Cooperative, emergency fund. $148.00 was collected in February thanks to your generosity! Thank you!

2015 ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, March 22 following morning worship Everyone is invited to our annual congregational meeting as we receive annual reports and discuss transitional interim plans for the future. Come celebrate the ministry of STJUCC and be part of the next chapters of the story.


Everyone is invited to the Taco dinner served by our youth on March 27. Come join us for food for the body and the souls as you share bread, enjoy old friend and meet new ones. After dinner the youth will be invited to attend our Spring Lock In with the theme Pizza and Superheroes. Also, look for the popular Butter Braids, that will be sold as fundraiser for our Helix Youth Ministry. Several of you have been patiently waiting to stock up on these wonderful pastries. They will be here soon! 1

FROM THE INTERIM PASTOR Thank you and Thank you for the warm welcome and extravagant hospitality you have extended to me since my arrival! How wonderful to discover such a warm and welcoming faith community in the midst of the cold and frigid temperatures of Freeport and Chicagoland! Again, many thanks. Many thanks also to the staff, especially to Kevin and Pam, and all of you who give of your time and talent in the office, in the building doing angel-work—answering the phone, folding bulletins, cleaning, decorating the communion table, locking doors and putting things back in place, and more. The list is long. I am increasingly aware of the angels working in the background to do the ministry of St John! Again, many thanks.

Remembering our story at STJUCC we look at our past, remember who we are, celebrate all the good things, grieve and let go of the not-so-good things so we can move on to the next step.

Step four: Renewing relationships, especially denominational linkages. We clarify our relationships with the larger church, especially as we use resources for the search process.

Step five: Committing to a new direction in ministry and future leadership: Welcoming new pastoral leadership and saying goodbye to the interim.

Next month we will share a more detailed plan for our interim transitional journey. So stay tuned. If you have thoughts, concerns, ideas please stop by the office to chat with me. I am usually in the office after 10 am, except Wednesdays.

Traditionally the interim has had 5 tasks: Step 1: Coming to terms with history.

Step three: Leadership changes: During times of transition leadership roles in the congregation change. Some leaders step back. Others step forward. Encouraging, empowering and cultivating the gifts of the people brings new energy.

Of course, these steps are guidelines. Each congregation makes their own custom made plan for the journey. The Church Council and I have already had a short conversation about the need for restructuring our governance system. We will continue to identify issues that need work and attention.

We have begun the Interim Transitional journey the purpose of which is to prepare the congregation for new settled pastoral leadership.

Hope this winter season is offering you some time for rest and Sabbath. Blessings and Peace, Nayiri

Step two: Discovering who we are today: Who are we now and who are we called to be in this time and this place? Through these questions we can discover our congregation’s gifts and strengths for today and build on them. We will speak about our vision, uncover our calling, direction and the possibilities for the future.

The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 2

Received Sunday March 15 One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) special mission offering of the United Church of Christ involves you in disaster, refugee/immigration, and development ministries throughout the world. When a disaster strikes or people are displaced or made refugees by violence or extreme poverty, you are part of the immediate response and of the long-term recovery.

Through OGHS you engage in holistic development programs including health care, education, agriculture, food sustainability, micro-financing and more. Your gift puts you in the right place at the right time for the relief, and recovery of the most vulnerable. You meet immediate needs and address the underlying causes that create those needs in the first place.

EASTER LILLIES We will once again be ordering Easter Lillies to enhance our Sanctuary on Easter morning. The cost for a lily is $11. If you wish to order a lily through the church, please turn in the form below with your money by March 30th . We also encourage you to bring in your own flowers or have them delivered before noon on Good Friday. (Please mark them with your name.) You will also need to fill out the form below and turn it in by March 30th if you would like your plant recognized in the bulletin with a dedication. You can pick up your flower after the service on Easter Sunday. —————————————————————————————————— Easter Lily ($ 11.00) X Quantity _____

Enclosed is $______________________

_____ I/We will bring flowers from home or have our own delivered before noon on Good Friday. IN MEMORY OF____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ IN HONOR OF______________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PRESENTED BY_____________________________________ Please take to a homebound member or friend ___________ I will pick up the flower. ___________ 3

OPEN AND AFFIRMING MINISTRY PRISM LIGHTHOUSE 3rd Monday of the Month • 6:30pm The LGBTQ support group will gather next on Monday, March 16. This is a group for teens and adults that are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, or those Questioning their sexual identity.

HELIX Honor, Engage, Listen, Include, eXample MIDDLE School Tuesdays (5th and 6th graders) 3-5 pm Thursdays (7th and 8th graders) 3-5 pm

This is also a safe group for allies, friends, and family of the LGBTQ community. Childcare is provided.

SENIOR HIGH Sundays (9th thru 12th graders) 6-8 pm

C.A.T.S—CAREGIVERS AND TODDLERS Tuesdays, 10:00-11:00am Please join us for our play group geared for toddlers and the adults that care for them. We get together in St. John’s nursery Tuesday mornings from 10 am—11 am. On the Third Tuesday of the month we will be in Fellowship Hall to run and ride. Bring your friends, all are welcome. Find us on Facebook MUSIC MINISTRY S.O.S. BELL CHOIR & CHANCEL CHOIR Rehearsals are Thursday evenings Rehearsal is on Thursday nights for S.O.S., Sound of Spirit, Bell Choir, & Chancel Choir. S.O.S. rehearsal is at 5:30 pm, Bell Choir at 6:30 pm, and Chancel Choir at 7:15 pm. If you enjoy singing and would like to participate please contact Gina Bertram, Choir Director.

ADULT SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT LOF CLASS Sundays, 10:30—11:30am The LOF class, Learning Our Faith), is discussing the popular book The Shack. Anyone who has previously read the book, but never had the opportunity to participate in a class discussion would really get a lot out of this experience. Anyone who has never read the book but has an interest in reading it would also like this class! Anyone who has read the book and already discussed it would probably get a lot of new insights into the book by coming. ALL of you are welcome to join us in the LOF classroom.

BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays, 9am • Chapel Hearth Room We are discussing the book The Faith Club: A Muslim, A Christian, & A Jew by Suzanne Oliver, Ranya Idliby, & Priscilla Warner. All are welcome to join us! 4

CARD CLUB 1st Monday of the month • 1pm We meet in Chapel Hearth Room. Our next gathering is scheduled on Monday, March 2nd.

MEN’S GROUP 1st Saturday of the month • 8am We gather for an hour and half. It’s coffee, donuts, and early jump on the day. We have freewheeling conversations from what’s in the news to what’s new at church. Some discussion is serious and some is not so serious and much of it is peppered with laughter.

PING PONG Tuesdays, 9am • Fellowship Hall We meet every Tuesday at 9 am in Fellowship Hall. We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!

Our next Gathering is March 7. Our in-resident expert on all things agricultural, Keith Hinrichs, will join us to discuss the many facets of farming with today’s economic, governmental, scientific, and environmental realities. Put on your bib overalls and join us. If you would like to know more about the group, talk to Hugh Knapp, Jack Fox, Stan Smith, Don Franz, or Dave Rockey.

RESOURCE GROUP Thursdays, 9am Join us on Thursdays at 9 am for coffee, treats, friendship, and volunteer work! We will assemble the April Tidings on March 19.

MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 3-02 Troy & Amy Brinkmeier 3-17 Andy & Beth Jacobs 3-20 John & Betty Heiden 3-26 Wes & Joyce Robinson 3-28 Keith & Kathy Moffatt


MARCH BIRTHDAYS 3-03 Jill Kuntz, Jason Wilson, Jean Wurtzel 3-04 Graham & Hallie Atz, Kathy Monte, Floyd Roberts 3-05 Tom Hull 3-06 Evelyn Dworak 3-09 Madison Brinkmeier, Shirley Fritzenmeier, Mike Smith, Joanne Valkema 3-10 Keona Eckert, Grace Schrader 3-11 Lisa Ebbers, Kim Evans 3-12 Eunice Hildebrandt 3-13 Hugh Knapp 3-14 Oliver Busker, Ashley Heitz, April Scheffner, 3-15 Kelly Priewe 3-16 John Rawleigh, Norma Valkema 5

3-17 Nichole Brinkmeier, Harmony Komiskey 3-18 Bonnie Gennusa 3-20 DeLeana Atz, Harlan Folgate, Anna Yarzak 3-21 Audrey Gianquinto, Hannah Spangler, Tyler Spyrison, Amy Stowe 3-22 Dorothy Albrecht, Ben Lee 3-23 Tom Stowe, Paxton Woker 3-25 Corey Ditsworth, Bill Kuntz 3-27 Emily Brill, Deloris Burkhalter 3-28 Shan MacAdam 3-29 Elliot Cross, Chelsea Pruitt 3-30 Dana Underhill 3-31 Mason Lehman


2 Chronicles 5:1-14



Psalm 30 The following is a list of our friends who cannot leave their residence and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them.


2 Chronicles 6:1-11


Psalm 31


2 Chronicles 6:12-42


Psalm 32


2 Chronicles 7:1-22


Psalm 33


2 Chronicles 34:1-33


Psalm 34


2 Chronicles 35:1-19


Hebrews 1:1-14


Ezra 8:1-23


Hebrews 2:1-18

Stephenson Nursing Center: June Nagel, Lois Walz


Nehemiah 9:1-38


Hebrews 3:1-19


Daniel 9:1-19


John 11:1-16

Presence-St. Joseph: Katherene Benson, Dorothy Fox, Kathryn Cramer, Herbert Divan


1 Samuel 1:1-28


John 11:17-44


1 Samuel 2:1-11


John 11:45-57


Psalm 4


John 12:1-11


Psalm 5

Oakley Courts: Deloris Burkhalter, John & Betty Heiden

Kewanee Provena: Evelyn Dworak In their homes: Esther Dickman, Shirley Durrstein, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, & Harold Reints PLEASE PRAY FOR: Jim, Stephanie, Carol Metz, Tim NewKirk, Cherryl Hinrichs

John 12:12-26 29


Psalm 11


John 12:27-50


Psalm 12


John 17:1-26


Parkview: Claire Biesemeier, Eunice Hildebrandt, Ardath Lei, Dorothy Miller, and Laura Uthlaut

HOSPITILIZED: Margaret Bertram, Cherryl Hinrichs

Psalm 13

To all of you! Thank you for the beautiful poinsettia plant which is still blooming and to all who remembered me with cards, visits, etc. It all means so much. Deloris Burkhalter 6

FOOD FOR FACC In March, we will be collecting Instant Potatoes. If you are looking ahead for sales, in April we will be collecting Ramen Noodles. We just received an updated list from FACC. If you had already purchased peanut butter, they will gladly take your donations. Thank you! The deadline for submitting articles for the April Tidings is March 10.

SERVING IN MARCH USHERS 3-01 Tim, Colin, & Kristi Ebbers, Jim Drew, Dennis Manus 3-08 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus 3-15 Shan MacAdam, Joyce & Wes Robinson 3-22 Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Lyle & Jane Krug, Jeanne Koch 3-29 Clyde & Jeanne Cross, Diane Heilman, Sharon Simler GREETERS 3-01 Betty Carpenter & Mavis Clark

COFFEE HOUR On Sunday mornings, before and after worship, we gather for coffee and treats in the Narthex area and Fellowship Hall to socialize. If you would like to find a place to sit and talk, there is plenty of room in the Chapel Hearth. Please, if your name is on the list (dates are assigned alphabetically by the directory) for this month, bring in a treat to share. Some ideas are... cookies, bars, mini muffins, bagels, etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. If you do not wish to be on the list for treats, please contact the office and we will remove your name. MARCH COFFEE HOUR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT

3-08 Don & Ronnie Clock 3-15 Roger & Deb Swanlund


Jim & Gwen Drew, Tim & Lisa Ebbers, Kevin & Kirsten Eckert, Arnold & Mary Eder, Holly Edler, Kim Evans, Karen Ewing


Mike & Sue Feagan, Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Jack & Diana Fox, Don & Vicki Franz, Mary Frazee, Clyde Fruth, Melinda Fruth , Greg Ware

3-22 Bonnie Gennusa & Marilyn Ruthe 3-29 Zael & Donna Klapp WELCOMERS 3-01 Jeanne Koch & Doris Last 3-08 Ben & Lucille Lee 3-15 Lyle & Jane Krug 3-22 Shan & Vicki MacAdam 3-29 Edith Rosenstiel & Marge Criddle NURSERY CHILDCARE 3-01 Dale & Jacob Priewe 3-08 Carla Meyer 3-15 Olivia Shaffer 3-22 Jill Kuntz 3-29 Carla Meyer

3-15 Dennis & Judy Garkey, Jack & Jill Gastel, Bonnie Gennusa, Shelly Griswold, Becky Hebert, Richard & Mary Heffner, Linda Heidenreich, Diane Heilman 3-22 Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs, Shirley Ifert, Shawn Killingbeck, David Crowell, Della Kirkpatrick, Zael & Donna Klapp, Hugh & Sarah Knapp, Jeanne Koch 3-29 Dan & Marla Kreeger, Lyle & Jane Krug, Jill Kuntz, Larry & Lana Kuntz, Doris Last, Ben & Lucille Lee, Jane Lehman

Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ― Ben Carson 7


FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning in 2015, the Stewardship Committee is changing the format in reporting the church’s financial status. The intent is to provide a broader picture of actual monthly performance as well as a comparison to budget. For this Tidings, information for 2014 year-end and January 2015 is included. Future Tidings will include only month-end. Please note the information will always be one month in arrears. The Stewardship Committee welcomes feedback on the new format. Do not hesitate to reach out to one of its members. Thanks!

Call to Order: Tim Ebbers, Council President, called meeting to order. Opening Prayer: Hugh Knapp Annual Report: Annual report was reviewed by congregation. Tim highlighted the gift by Endowment Board this past year. This allowed us to have an existing “cushion” at the end of year for weekly expenses. It was pointed out that we still have no regular custodian and have not had regular administrative secretary for several months this past year. That has also helped our bottom line but is not meant to be a permanent situation. Giving has been fairly good but will need to increase to cover these salary expenses. There was a question about the “Pass-through” account. This is used in situations such as the Crop Walk event where money comes into the church but will be paid back out. This is for non-budgeted items but needs to be recorded in the accounting process.


$319,603.50 ($299,479.21)







Motion to accept the 2014 Financial Report was made by Quentin Valkema. 2nd by Vicki MacAdam. Motion carried.


$40,840.65 ($27,295.48)







2015 Budget: The final numbers for the budget will be available for the March congregational meeting. There will be adjustments necessary with the arrival of our interim pastor. Adjournment: Motion by Betty Carpenter, 2nd by Sarah Knapp. Motion carried.

Payments made in January that impact Net Income (non-recurring and/or non-standard):

Respectfully submitted, Deb Rockey, Council Secretary

Interim pastor moving expenses Quarterly property/liability insurance payment

FEBRUARY WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 2-01—cancelled 2-08 150 2-15 115

Payments NOT made in January 2015 that impact Net Income: Salaries for full-time Pastor, Office Admin, and Custodian 8

COUNCIL MINUTES • JANUARY 12, 2015 Members Present: Tim Ebbers, President, Kirsten Eckert, Judy Garkey, Shelly Griswold, Shan MacAdam, Ulan Price, Joyce Robinson, Deb Rockey, Deb Scott, Patty Weik. Opening Prayer: Judy Garkey Financial Report: Everything looks good at this time. Giving was up as is usual for the end of the year, putting our cash flow in a good place. Discussed how to handle the HSA distribution for Kevin’s insurance. Tim will review this with Endowment so that we will be ready for any emergency needs. Since this is a unique situation which may change over the years, we did not make any “official” decisions. The payments will be made on a regular basis to Kevin’s HSA account with the understanding that should an emergency situation arise in which they might need the full distribution that it would be granted. Report was approved by consensus. Congregational Meeting: Will be held January 25, 2015 following worship. Interim Pastor: Tim received the signed interim covenant from Nayiri. Her first day in the office will be January 30. Council will have a small welcome gift on her desk. Property Management is going to clean the carpet and the walls of the office in preparation. Money will be transferred from the Janshen Fund to cover moving expenses. We discussed how to get the word out of her arrival. Facebook and the street sign seem to be the most effective tools we have at this time. All are encouraged to share this information and pass along to friends on Facebook. She is already on our webpage. Salary was discussed along with the 4% (from base salary and housing allowance) that needs to be paid to the Prairie Association for conference interim support. This amount will be distributed monthly during her time with us. We will be asking congregation to wear name tags during the first few weeks she is with us to help her get to know everyone. They will be available in the narthex/office. This request will be in the Sunday bulletin and announced from the pulpit. Other Business: The question came up from the last congregational meeting regarding the Youth Ministry Staff salaries. They were originally set up to come from the Janshen Fund but that they be shifted to General Fund in the future. This distribution seems to fit the intention of the Janshen Fund and so it was decided by Council to leave this as it is. There are a couple of ministries (Christian Ed, Missions) that are having some issues with lack of leadership/communication. Possible solutions were discussed but nothing was decided. We will look to Nayiri to help us find the best way to work with this. Some of our habits in worship were discussed: clapping, exchange of greetings, etc. The information table in the narthex would be more visible if it were larger or possibly placed in a different location. Also discussed having a railing by the chancel for safety issues. Search committee for next pastor was discussed. How to get a strong, representative group who will be respectful of the responsibility and trust placed in them to find our next fulltime pastor. We will look to Nayiri and Kathy Lawes for guidance and suggestions Adjourned with Mizpah Benediction. 9

COUNCIL MINUTES • FEBRUARY 9, 2015 Members present: Tim Ebbers, President, Kirsten Eckert, Judy Garkey, Jane Krug, Shan MacAdam, Dennis Manus, Ulan Price, Joyce Robinson, Deb Rockey, Deb Scott, Patty Weik, Pastor Nayiri, ex-officio. Financial Report: Last year ended on a positive note. Reviewed briefly the report with Pastor Nayiri to clarify for her some of the items. Motion to accept the report was made by Kirsten, Jane 2nd. Motion carried. Sunday Worship: Pastor Nayiri invited comments on yesterday’s worship service, her first with us at St. John. Those present all gave and heard positive comments following the service. We reviewed some of the portions of our worship style and looked at what works and what we might want to try differently moving forward. We will review where we are and where we want to go. Church Calendar: Pastor Nayiri requests that we make every effort to keep the church calendar up to date, notifying the office of any changes. Lent: There will be an Ash Wednesday service with a light meal preceding the service. A light meal before a time of discussion will be on certain Wednesdays during Lent. There will be a signup sheet on the bulletin board for those as they are scheduled. We will focus on “our stories”. It will be a time of sharing Pastor Nayiri’s story as well as our own. Changes: Kevin will be selecting the slides to be used on the screen for our worship services. He is comfortable and gifted in that area. Pastor Nayiri will be requesting the congregation move up to the front pews at Sunday service. It makes for a more meaningful experience for her and those with whom she is sharing her message. Email address list will be updated and Church Windows will be used to gather contact information and take better advantage of its capabilities to streamline and facilitate our communication needs. Goals for Interim Time: The Interim period is a time for self-reflection as a congregation. We need to look at our story and define who we are today. During this period we will experiment with worship, restructure ministries and resolve staffing issues. We need to determine each staff member’s needs and wants and how that fits what is needed in their position. The staffing and structure is what enables us to carry out our ministry. We will need to address budget issues as well. We will have informational meetings with congregational in the form of small groups to discuss the process of search committee. Pastor Nayiri’s Schedule: Pastor Nayiri usual day off will be Wednesday with the understanding that this would be flexible depending on church schedule. March Congregational Meeting: Scheduled for March 22, 2015. We will have annual reports and Council/Ministry nominations. Restructure: Pastor Nayiri reviewed her outline for restructuring our ministries to better serve our needs. Other Business: FHN Enrichment Program, which is grant-funded requested that we consider waiving their room usage fee (they meet about 3 times/year in our building) as we have done in the past. They have supplied our C.A.T.S. program and nursery with necessary items as a result of their meeting here. Jane made the motion to waive the room usage fee for them. Deb Scott 2nd. Motion carried. February 21, 2015 (Saturday) Black History Month Celebration with Carl and Diana Cole Next Meeting: March 9, 2015 We will work on nominations for Council and Ministry positions being vacated. Adjourned with the Mizpah Benediction.


St. John UCC Sunday


March 2015







of Lent 1:00 pm Cards FACC Red Can Sun- 6:30 pm Choral day Society 9:00 am Communion 9:00 am Worship 9:20 am Kids Worship 6:00 pm Sr. High Helix

9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 3:00 pm

Bridge Ping Pong CATS Helix (5th6th) 6:00 pm Audubon 6:00 pm CSA#839 6:30 pm Fellowship

9:00 am Bible Study 9:00 am TOPS

9:00 am Resource Group 3:00 pm HELIX (7th & 8th) 5:30 pm SOS 6:30 pm Bells 7:00 pm BSA #4 7:15 pm Choir





2nd Sunday

3rd Sunday





of Lent 6:30 pm Choral 9:00 am Worship Society 9:00 am 9:20 am Kids Worship 6:30 pm Council MTG 9:00 am 6:00 pm Sr. High Helix 10:00 am 3:00 pm

Deadline 9:00 am Bridge 9:00 am Ping Pong 6:00 pm CATS Helix (5th6th) 5:00 pm Worship Ministry 6:30 pm Camera Club 6:30 pm Choral Socie-


4th Sunday


of Lent 6:30 pm One Great Hour of Sharing 6:30 pm 9:00 am Worship 9:20 am Kids Worship 6:00 pm Sr. High Helix


Choral Society LGBTQ support


St. Patricks


9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 6:30 pm

Day 9:00 am Bible Study Bridge 9:00 am TOPS Ping Pong 6:00 pm Property Mgt. CATS CSA Leader meeting



9:00 am Resource Group 3:00 pm HELIX (7th & 8th) 5:30 pm SOS 6:00 pm Stewardship 6:30 pm Bells 7:00 pm BSA #4 7:15 pm Choir



9:00 am Resource Group 3:00 pm HELIX (7th & 8th) 5:30 pm SOS 6:30 pm Bells 7:00 pm BSA #4 7:15 pm Choir

of Lent 6:00 pm Missions/ 9:00 am Worship Growth 9:20 am Kids Worship ministry 10:00 am Congregational Meeting 2:00 pm Choral Society Concert 6:00 pm Sr. High Helix

9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 3:00 pm

9:00 am Bible Study 9:00 am TOPS

9:00 am Resource 5:00 pm Taco dinner Group lockin 3:00 pm HELIX (7th & 8:00 pm Lock-in 8th) (Pizza Super5:30 pm SOS Hero) 6:30 pm Bells 7:00 pm BSA #4 7:15 pm Choir



Bank Palm Passion Sunday 9:00 am Worship 9:20 am Kids Worship 6:00 pm Sr. High Helix


9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 3:00 pm

Bridge Ping Pong CATS Helix (5th6th)



21 8:30 am Choral Society Practice




4:00 pm Boy Scout Pancake Supper


Bridge Ping Pong CATS Helix (5th6th) 6:00 pm CSA#839

Saturday 8:00 am Men's Group 8:30 am Lifeline Screening


5th Sunday


Bible Study TOPS BoyScout leader




d ur Faith an O g in n r a e am • L rship 9:20

:30 am Forum 10

Wo m • Kids a 9 ip h s r o Sunday W

CHURCH STAFF Ministers: Members of the church Interim pastor: Nayiri Karjian In case of emergencies Pastor Nayiri’s phone is: 203.722.9174 Director of Children and Youth Ministry, and Technologies: Kevin Eckert Youth Ministry Assistants: Jasmine Coleman, Christine Busker & Savanna Mueller, Madison Riddell Ministry of Church Life and Membership: Pam Wessel Choir Director: Gina Bertram Organist: Carole Bertram


OUR MISSION STATEMENT Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God. OFFICE HOURS Monday– Friday 8:30am—12:30pm & 1:00pm—4:00pm Church office (815) 235-2824 E-Mail: AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CONGREGATION

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