Sunday Worship 9:00 am Kids Worship 9:20 am
Our Mission Statement: Our Mission Statement: “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for To Our Community for the Glory of God” the Glory of God”
May 2014
Vol. 115
St. John United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation who is welcoming and
embracing of every person, of every race, age, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression as a child of God. We invite all to join and fully participate in the life and ministry of this church.
STAFF Ministers………………….…The Members of the Church Senior Pastor……………………….……Donnley Dutcher Director of Children & Youth Ministry / Director of technologies………………………………...…Kevin Eckert Youth Ministry Assistants ………….....Jasmine Coleman, Christine Busker & Savanna Mueller Nursery Assistant………….…………....Savanna mueller Ministry of Church Life & Membership…......Pam Wessel Staff secretary…………….…………………….jody akins Choir Director…………………….……….....Gina Bertram Organists………………………..….…..….Carole Bertram
Monday– Friday...…8:30 am—12:30 pm &.1:00 pm—4:00 pm
Church (815) 235-2824
AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME… On Saturday evening, April 12th, a small group of us gathered in Fellowship Hall for some snacks, conversation, and games. Then, we moved to the Chapel Hearth Room where we enjoyed a worship service – our new Second Saturday Service. (The next one will be May 10th. Join us, if you wish.) It was a worship service quite different than our usual service, but meaningful to those who were there; at least, that’s the feedback we got. We prayed, sang songs, Kirsten and I had a brief dialogue, followed by conversation among us. The theme was “New Beginnings,” as we talked about the concerns, feelings, anxieties, hopes, challenges, and more of experiencing a new beginning. We talked about how there is always an ending before a beginning, and how my understanding of beginnings has changed over the years. Now, I understand beginnings as a resurrection experience and a gift of new life from God; an opportunity to expand myself and grow a little - to have a broader, richer, fuller experience of life; an opportunity to broaden our experience of life - to become a person with a little more depth and wholeness. Yes, there’s some grief with the ending that comes before the beginning; but, as God has shown us with Christ’s resurrection, healing comes for the grief and new life comes with the beginning. At least, it can. It doesn’t always seem that way, because, sometimes, the beginning gives us new and harder challenges and adjustments than we’ve had to make in the past. But, it’s been my experience that when we honor the past, grieve what we have lost, open ourselves to the reality and the possibility of the present, live into it, and strive to remain faithful to God and trusting of God, then God always brings new life, meaning, fulfillment, and joy to the beginning - even if it takes a while.
My grandmother (my Dad’s mother) used to say “Life is a series 3
of adjustments.” How true that is! But, when we live in and with the truth and faith of being a resurrection people in Jesus Christ, then those “series of adjustments” to life will always lead to the greater wholeness and fullness of life that can be ours in Christ. Live the power and truth of Christ’s resurrection in your life and spirit, every day. Every day!
Pastor Dutcher returns from vacation Monday May 5. Please contact the Rev. Carol Ahrens at (815) 616-8901, the Rev. Stan Bomgarden at (815) 441-2165, or the Rev. Becky Hebert at (815) 616-5904 at any time if you are in need of pastoral services in Pastor Dutcher’s absence.
Let’s Go Camping
This summer I’m taking the Helix Youth for an overnight camping trip. We will be going to Lake Le-Aqua-Na. If you are interested in camping with the youth, making s’mores, and telling stories, please let me know. I need a few seasoned campers to help me make this a great time for the youth. I’m also in the process of planning for VBS. Our next meeting will be on Sunday, June 8th at 4 pm here in the church library. If you get a chance, take a look at our magnet board in the Narthex for VBS sign-up sheets and donation needs. We can always use helpers so don’t be shy, volunteer! This month I am so excited for my family’s first trip to Disney together. My kids have been waiting for 5 years to go to Disney. We finally saved enough pennies to take the trip. I can’t wait to enjoy all the fun stuff and some quality time with my family. I’ve been looking forward to some R&R for a while.
Doll, Sylvia While away Amy Bomgarden, Kelly Priewe, and Anita Bicksler will be leading Kids Worship. I will be out of the office May 16th-27th. Consumed by the Call, Kevin T. Eckert
SECOND SATURDAY SERVICE MAY 10 We’ll begin with a time of snacks and conversation at 6 pm. (Please bring a snack to share, beverages will be provided.) We will turn to a time of worship at 7 pm. The service will have a different format and flow than our Sunday morning service. We’ll conclude worship around 7:45 pm, with us turning to a time for more socializing and games. Child care will be provided for these Second Saturday events. 6 pm - Snacks and conversation in a casual atmosphere 7:00 pm - Worship 7:45 pm - Games and socializing
CHURCH WOMEN UNITED May Friendship Day 2014 Theme: “We are in God’s hands and we are God’s” May 2, 1:30 pm at St. James CME Church, 1001 E. Empire St., Freeport Sponsored by: Church Women United
Please join us on May 4th, as we celebrate all of the women in our lives. We will gather in Fellowship Hall following the service for a brunch. The guys will prepare and serve the food, so that the women that we normally depend on to serve, may be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy their meal. Everyone is welcome to come eat with us, and celebrate all of the women who bless our lives. To help us better determine how much food to prepare (some of us are kinda new at this), please sign up on the Bulletin Board in the Narthex. (The Men)
We are looking for help for the F.A.C.C. Clothing Room on held May 5, 7, & 9. The times for all three days are: 9 am—12 pm & 1 pm—3 pm at F.A.C.C. If you can spare a few hours on these days, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Thank you!
MISSIONS RED CAN SUNDAY We will be receiving monetary donations on May 4th for the FACC emergency fund. $215.75 was collected in April.
FOOD FOR FACC In May our food item to collect is 250 Cans of Spaghettio’s
If you are watching for sales, our item for June will be 250 cans of Soup.
BABY BOTTLES Fundraiser for Freeport Pregnancy Center Last year over $19,000 was raised by filling baby bottles!
Please take a baby bottle home with you on Mother’s Day and use it as a reminder to pray for the Freeport Pregnancy Center and the families it serves.
Put your pocket change, currency, or checks in the bottle as an offering to help those families.
Bring the baby bottle back with you on Father’s Day, June 15.
The bottle and your offering will then be given to the Freeport Pregnancy Center
WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!! For several years St. John has depended on volunteer assistance to help maintain the cleanliness of the church and school classroom area. This is especially true since we no longer have a part time custodian. Stan Smith, Bill Kuntz, and Don Valkema, have provided untold hours of work, with many others pitching in weekly as able. The amount of work has grown, particularly since Career-Tec has joined us, which means that jobs such as emptying the trash and cleaning the floors have led to a lot of extra work. Stan has been coming to the church every morning by 6 am to make sure that the trash has been emptied, the floors are swept and the restrooms are clean and resupplied. Bill comes to the church during the week to make sure that all of the floors are swept and scrubbed, quite often with Larry's help. Bill also works to maintain the restrooms and scrub fixtures. The floors have been much, much more difficult to maintain with the winter we are now going through. Here's what we need: While Stan chooses to get everything ready before the students arrive in the morning, it would be fine to do the work after they leave for the day. If you would like to empty trash and sweep/mop the floors anytime after 3:30 pm they will be ready for the following morning. Bill does the most detailed cleaning of the floors on Friday and Monday mornings. This gets the church ready for the Sunday service and also for the beginning of the new school week. He could use additional help during the week, but would appreciate the help even more on Friday and Monday. Those who are able can contact Stan and Bill to arrange times and days. If you have an hour to help out, stop in and clean the doors or cobwebs. Let's all work together to ensure that the church and school areas are not only presentable, but up to the standards that God's house should be kept. Thanks. The Property Management Ministry
BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 am every Wednesday in the Chapel Hearth Room and are discussing the book “Rummaging For God” by Melanie Svoboda. All are welcome! .
CARD CLUB Join us for Euchre the first Monday of the month in the Chapel Hearth. See you May 5th at 1 pm
PING PONG We meet every Tuesday at 9 am in Fellowship Hall. We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!
MEN’S GROUP (Cancelled for May) We're having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk just “God-talk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, June 7th at 8 am. Come check us out!
RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 am for coffee, treats, friendship, and volunteer work! We will assemble the June Tidings on May 29.
LGBTQ Ministry Group
The LGBTQ support group will meet at 6:30 pm on Monday, May 19. This is a group for teens and adults that are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, or those Questioning their sexual identity. This is also a safe group for allies, friends, and family of the LGBTQ community. Childcare is provided.
HELIX Honor,
Engage, Listen, Include, eXample MIDDLE SCHOOL Tuesdays (5th and 6th graders) 3-5 pm Thursdays (7th and 8th graders) 3-5 pm
SENIOR HIGH Sundays (9th thru 12th graders) 6-8 pm
C . A . T. s (Caregivers And Toddlers) Please join us for our play group geared for toddlers and the adults that care for them. We get together in St. John’s nursery Tuesday mornings 10-11 am. On the Third Tuesday of the month we will be in Fellowship Hall to run and ride. Bring your friends, all are welcome. Find us on Facebook CATSPlayGroup?fref=ts 12
S.O.S., BELL, & CHANCEL CHOIR Practices are Thursday evenings. S.O.S. 5:30 pm, Bell Choir 6:30 pm, and Chancel Choir 7:15 pm. If you have a love for music, we would like you to join us! Contact Gina Bertram. All are invited.
WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 4-6—145 4-13—180
COFFEE HOUR On Sunday mornings, before and after service, we gather for coffee and treats in the Narthex area and Fellowship Hall, to socialize. If you would like to find a place to sit and talk, there is plenty of room in the Chapel Hearth. Please, if your name is on the list (dates are assigned alphabetically by the directory) for this month, bring in a treat to share. Some ideas are... cookies, bars, mini muffins, bagels, etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. If you do not wish to be on the list for treats, please contact the office and we will remove your name.
May-Worship-Set Up/Serve 5-4
Zael & Donna Klapp, Hugh & Sarah Knapp, Jeanne Koch, Dan & Marla Kreeger, Lyle & Jane Krug, Jill Kuntz, Larry & Lana Kuntz
5-11 Doris Last, Ben & Lucille Lee, Jane Lehman, Scott & Lannie Lehman, Bob & Barb Luedeke, Shan & Vicki MacAdam, Jean Mahon 5-18 Denny & Pam Manus, Betty Matthews, Lorraine McMurray, Carla Meyer, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Carolyn Moyer, Dorothy Ness 5-25 Tim & Angela Newkirk, Larry & Paula Nieman, Ray & Jeri Nieman, Ruth Olson, Ed & Connie Orde, Leland & Nancy Otte, Diane Peterson
June-Resource-Set Up/Serve 6-1
Royce & Janet Piefer, Donna Polhill, Ulan & Cindy Price, Dale & Kelly Priewe, Betty Pruitt, Rodney Pruitt, John & Paula Rawleigh
Tim, Lisa, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew
5-11 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Tom Priewe 5-18 Ray & Jeri Nieman, Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson 5-25 Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jane & Lyle Krug, Dana Underhill, Jeanne Koch
Arnold & Mary Eder
5-11 Monty & Carolee Dietmeier 5-18 Shan & Vicki MacAdam 5-25 Carl & Ellen Roderick WELCOMERS 5-4
Lorraine McMurray, Jeanne Koch
5-11 Bonnie Gennusa, Mary Frazee 5-18 Marilyn Ruthe, Diane Heilman 5-25 Joyce Bloyer, Holly Edler
NURSERY– Savannah Mueller– Nursery Staff 5-4
Cherryl Hinrichs
5-11 Carla Meyer 5-18 Laurie Ditsworth 5-25 Bonnie Gennusa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SHUT-INS: The following is a list of people that can’t get out and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them. Deloris Burkhalter at Oakley Courts Claire Biesemeier, Dorothy Miller, and Laura Uthlaut at Parkview Nettie Hendren at Hawthorne Inn, Liberty Village June Nagel and Lois Walz at Stephenson Nursing Center Katherene Benson, Dorothy Fox, & Kathryn Cramer at Provena Evelyn Dworak in Kewanee Provena In their homes are, Esther Dickman, Shirley Durrstein, Maida Gimple, Ardath Lei, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, & Harold Reints PLEASE INCLUDE IN YOUR PRAYERS: Amy, John Ness, Jerry Simler, Mary Larsen, Mavis Clark DEATHS: Norma Jean Heeren HOSPITILIZED: Margaret Bertram, Kathryn Cramer, Glenn Underwood, Audrey Gianquinto, Mavis Clark 16
PENTECOST SUNDAY FLOWERS We will have a “flower garden” of all red flowers for Pentecost Sunday, June 8th . If you would like to order through the church (Demeesters), please turn in the form below with your money by May 19th . Feel free to bring in your own flowers before noon on June 6th. FLOWERS MUST BE RED! (Be sure to mark yours with your name.) Fill out the sheet below if you want them in memory or in honor of someone and turn it in by May 19 so it will get in the book. You may pick up your flowers after the service. I/We will bring RED flowers from home or have them delivered before noon on June 6th . I/We wish to order ____ red geraniums through the church. (7½ ” red geraniums (3-5 blooms) at a cost of $7.50 each. ) Enclosed is $__________________ IN MEMORY OF____________________________________ _________________________________________________ IN HONOR OF_____________________________________ PRESENTED BY___________________________________ _________________________________________________ please take to a shut-in: _________________________________________________ I will pick up the flower.
Count your life by friends, not years; Count your age by smiles, not tears!
Fiona Hughes
Steven Jennings, Beth Winter
Judy Garkey, Herbert Divan
Mark Winter
Jaden Mittelsteadt
Angela NewKirk
Dennis Garkey
Lois Walz, Mary Miller, Natalie Stowe, Nathan Nieman
Larry Frazee
Susanne Valkema
Katelyn Copus,
Maida Gimple, Lois Aurand, Deronda Clock, Lynn Zimmerman, Lisa Condie
Norma Fluechtling, Makayla Cole, Xander NewKirk
Vivian Pals,
Dylan Kuntz
Gregory Weaver
Thomas Koch
Carole Bertram, Sarah Knapp, Mary Frazee
Amy Brinkmeier
Kristi Ebbers
Kathaleen Koch, Lannie Lehman
Amanda Bertram
Brian & Kim Evans
Joseph & Alyson Sheppard
Larry & Lana Kuntz; Dave & Olivia Shaffer
Brett & Michele Piefer
Cal & Janet Cummins
Philip & Barbara Copus
Terrill & Kathy Armagost
“Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends” Happy Anniversary !
Dear St. John Church Family, We would just like to thank all of the church family that sent our dear sister Holly cards, gifts, and came to visit her through the years. Holly will truly be missed by all of us, but we know she is home with our Lord and Savior and what more could we ask. Holly loved going to church, visiting, and singing hymns and the fellowship she had with other believers! God’s Blessings to you all! With Christian Love, The family of Holly Maria Genant Rodney, Wendy, Carol, & Cindy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear St. John Friends, Thank you for the kind words or cards sent, acknowledging the passing of my beloved Sydney. All were very comforting at a time when I wasn’t feeling the best. Thank you for your care & concern. Sincerely, Cathy Williams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear St. John United Church of Christ, The Norman C. Sleezer Youth Home would like to thank you for your very generous donation of $300. It is greatly appreciated! At NCS, we are always appreciative of any form of donation, but we are always very grateful for monetary donations. It helps our agency in so many ways and allows for us to go above and beyond. With the donations you provide, our youth get to participate in extra-curricular activities such as bowling, skating, and movies. Thanks again! Cara Williams, Executive Director
St. John UCC Congregational Meeting
March 30, 2014 Call to Order: Tim Ebbers, Council President Opening Prayer: Pastor Donnley Annual Reports: Motion to accept the annual reports was made by Patrick Busker, 2nd by Paula Rawleigh. Discussion followed with Stan Smith making the point made that Pastor Donnley’s report contained some information that we need to be mindful of moving forward. Motion carried. Council and Ministry Nominations: Sarah Knapp made the motion to accept the nominations for Council and Ministry positions as presented on the handout. Ulan Price 2nd. Discussion followed, motion carried. Three other nominees were added after the printed list was compiled. These are: Christian Ed Ministry: Sylvia Bomgarden Stewardship: Roger Swanland & Don Franz Marilyn Ruthe made the motion to approve the additions. Patrick Busker 2nd. It was also noted that Growth and Missions Ministries have combined. There are some positions still open as indicated on the list if anyone would be interested in serving. Motion carried. Adjournment: Bill Condie made the motion to adjourn. 2nd by Ulan Price. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Deb Hartman Council Secretary
May Scripture Readings 01
Psalm 80
Galatians 4:21-31
Hebrews 11:1-22
Matthew 12:1-21
Hebrews 11:23-40
Matthew 12:22-37
Hebrews 12:1-29
Matthew 12:38-50
Romans 1:1-17
Matthew 14:1-21
Romans 2:1-16
Matthew 14:22-36
Romans 3:21-31
Mathew 15:21-39
Romans 4:1-12
Matthew 17:1-23
Romans 4:13-25
Ephesians 1:1-23
Romans 5:1-21
Ephesians 2:1-22
Romans 6:1-23
Ephesians 3:1-21
Galatians 1:1-24
Ephesians 4:1-16
Galatians 2:1-21
Acts 1:1-11
Galatians 3:1-14
Acts 1:12-26
Galatians 3:15-29
Psalm 47
Galatians 4:1-20 22
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2014 04/01 General Fund Beginning Balance 04/07
GF Income
GF Income
$5,678.71 ($3,781.12)
Less 04/14
GF Payroll & Compensation
GF Other Checks
GF Current Bills Outstanding
Ending Balance
$11,340.91 $4,204.76
________________________________________________ Building Fund Beginning Balance January 1, 2014
04/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance
BD Income
BD Income
Less 04/14
BD Checks
Ending Balance