St. John UCC “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”
OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.
Church (815) 235-2824
The deadline for submitting articles in the monthly Tidings is the Third Tuesday of the month by noon. (October 18th)
AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME….. Recently, I was referred to a magazine article Carol Ahrens. The article, “You Can’t Make This Up,” was written by Lillian Daniels, Sr. Pastor at First Congregational Church (UCC), Glen Ellyn, Illinois. I found the article interesting, humorous (in a sarcastic way) and challenging. The Rev. Dr. Daniels reflects on people who say they are “spiritual but not religious.” She isn’t real harsh on these people; but, she is challenging as she reflects on the person who told her: “I worship nature. I see myself in the tree and in the cicadas. I am one with the great outdoors. I find God there.” She replied in her article: “When you push on this self-developed spirituality, you don’t find much. God is in the sunset? Great, I find God there too. But how about seeing God in cancer? Cancer is nature too. Do you worship that as well?” She also writes of a man who commented on his son’s reflections, wrote: “Children are starving with empty bellies in faraway lands. They have nothing to eat. ...And it made me realize that we are so lucky. We are so lucky to be living here and not there.” The father continued, “I was blown away and I realized that he gets it, he really gets it. It was gratitude. That’s our religion - gratitude.” Lillian responds with wise reflection, again: “What’s missing from that worldview - and this is no fault of the teenager - is something you might get in a Christian community, a perspective that would take you from feeling lucky for not being hungry to actually doing something to feed a hungry person.” (Underlining added.) I do not find God in nature, so that I want to worship nature, any more than I find God in my books, so that I’m moved to worship my books. Yes, nature, other’s wisdom, the creative arts, people’s situations and stories, and a myriad of other aspects of life can cause us to shift our focus so we are led to find and focus on God. But, it is God working through these objects and experiences to inspire and lead us to living a fuller life. These objects and experiences are not God. 3
The more appropriate question is, “What does nature, the experience of other people’s suffering, our life experiences, or the myriad of other things move us to do?” Do we give a superficial moment of gratitude then get back to life as though these had no impact on us? .. Do we realize other people’s suffering only to redouble our efforts to protect ourselves from any suffering in our lives? .. Do we distance ourselves from other people’s suffering in an effort to never see or experience it, as though we can live in such a fantasy world? How does that truly benefit others, the world, or us? What would happen if we become people, churches, communities, and societies so we become blind, deaf and ignorant of suffering? What would happen to us? What kind of people would we become? At the least, insensitive, selfish, egocentric, greedy, arrogant, and isolated. We would also lose any identification with the One we follow, worship and strive to resemble - Jesus Christ, for He never distanced Himself from, became blind or deaf to, ignorant of, insensitive to, or unresponsive to other’s suffering. In fact, He responded to suffering by showing us the way to live through and get beyond the suffering by entering into our suffering with an engaged, sacrificial love. May the pain and suffering of our world and other’s lives move you to becoming engaged with that suffering so it changes how you live and respond, so others and you have more life, peace, hope and joy as long as life exists. Let Jesus Christ and the church be your example, even when the church isn’t perfect. The church doesn’t have to be, because, as the Apostle Paul wrote, Jesus is “the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy set before Him, endured the cross.” May your gratitude, reflections on life, experiences of nature, and “the more” move you to the right and full worship of God in Jesus Christ. Everything else will eventually fail you. God in Jesus Christ will not. 4
Kevin’s Korner… The School year started with quite a bang. Rally Day was a great time of fellowship and that food was delicious. The Sno-Cones were more of a hit than I had expected. We will have to remember that for next year. What was your favorite part of Rally Day? I’d love to hear what you and your family like. I’m thinking about bringing the photo back for Trunk or Treat. I’m going to use the Photo Booth for our 5th-9th grade dance & Lock-in on Oct 28th. This Dance & Lock-in will be open to all so please spread the word. Registration forms are available from the office or printable from our Helix Youth Ministry Facebook page. What? You don’t have a Facebook page. No problem, I have made our page public so it works just like any other webpage. We also have a St. John UCC Facebook page that we post to on a weekly basis. If you want to know what’s going on here at St. John UCC you have to get connected and “Like” our Facebook pages. Have you seen the TV show Top Shot? I really enjoy watching professional marksmen compete. I thought, hey we could do the same thing with our Nerf stuff. That was how Nerf Top Shot was born. I’m busy creating targets and accuracy challenges for our contestants of all ages. This event is for the Nerf nut in your house. Maybe you find that you and your kids play Nerf for hours on end together. You might be our first Nerf Top Shot Champion. If you think you have what it takes fill out a registration form. These are available thru the office and on the web. It’s bound to be a great time of completions and rewards. For those of you who like to know about my Nutrition and Fitness classes, We are still at it. Our Christ First classes are currently using the Hope 4 You book written by Carol Lewis. (Don’t tell anyone but my story is in this book). If you find that you’ve wandered off the path of health and wellness, please consider joining our group. Our classes are open to the public and we are always welcoming new members. Our fitness classes are quite a 5
workout. We have Zumba (latin style movement) on Monday nights and Our Biggest Loser Power Walk on Wednesday nights. Both fitness classes are open to the public and they run from 67pm. Fitness classes meet in the Fellowship Hall. On a more personal note, my journey has been challenging. This past year my back issues really messed with my fitness and weight loss goal. My back injury left me wondering where I was headed. I’m happy to report that after back surgery my recovery has been “remarkable”. That’s the word they used the last time I spoke with the Doctor. My outlook on my fitness and weight loss progress is hope-full. I couldn't say that a few months ago. Things are looking up and I have a new weight loss challenge with my Christ First groups to keep me accountable and moving in the right direction. Consumed by the Call, Kevin T. Eckert Director of Children & Youth Ministries Director of Technologies Ministry HALLOWEEN LOCK-IN October 28th 9pm -7am 5th - 9th graders This is a student planned event and we have some really great and creative Middle Schooler’s that came up with some awesome ideas. Helix Youth Ministry will be hosting a Halloween Dance & Lock-in. We will begin the night with Time Warp Entertainment. Our DJ will have us starting this party off with alot of energy and motion. Request your favorite tunes and dance the night away. We will also have a Halloween Costume Contest with AWESOME prizes. You think your creativity is the best? Show us what you can come up with. You just might walk away with something you never expected. We also plan to create a haunted house with-in the walls of the church and we will be having a Haunted treasure hunt. Don’t miss it. 6
October 2nd, 2011 Registration at 1:30 “Step Off” at 2:00 at St. John The route will be the same as last year, with a 1,2 and 5 mile option. Food and refreshments after. If you would like to walk please see Kirsten or Pam. If you would like to donate you can do so by sending it to the office or contacting one of our walkers. You can also donate online to our St. John team at and click on the Stephenson County (Freeport Area) link We have a team set up for St. John UCC.
TRUNK OR TREAT Join us in Fellowship Hall for a Halloween potluck at 12 noon. Please bring 1 food dish if you are a single person and 2 food dishes if you are a family to share. Beverages and table service will be provided. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend. There will be Trunk or Treat in the parking lot for the children and games for all! Anyone who would like to wear a costume is encouraged to dress up. Adults and families are encouraged to decorate their car trunks for the occasion and hand out goodies as the children “trunk or treat” through the parking lot.
HARVEST FEST Come and celebrate the harvest! Keith and Cherryl Hinrichs are hosting an afternoon of fun, fellowship and food Saturday October 15th, from 11 a.m.— 2 p.m. There will be tractor rides and games and crafts for all ages. Come and have a great time of fellowship and celebrate the Harvest!
SWEATERS NEEDED! Attention all knitters! As you know, Sarah Cowan is bringing the children from Africa to perform here in the United States. They will be here in the winter of 2012 - It’s cold at that time! It is time to knit some sweaters. If you are interested, please see Mary Arnold for patterns and yarn. Your sweaters knitted -with love- will be greatly appreciated..
RED CAN SUNDAY Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on October 2nd for the FACC emergency fund. $272 was collected in September.
FA C C PA S TA Christmas will get her faster than you think and FACC needs 250 –2pound boxes of spaghetti from St. John. The pasta boxes are put in the Christmas Baskets that FACC gives out to 250 families in the Freeport Area. There will be a shopping cart in the Narthex for your donations . 8
L AYC ARE M INISTRY “But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don’t take yourself so seriously, take God seriously. Micah 6:8 (The Message) The other day, I sat at my front window looking out at the rain coming down. I felt a little low. I wondered if I was living my life the way God had planned for me to live. I wondered if the reason I was feeling so low - maybe was because I was missing something, something God has planned for me and I just plain missed it. Author Frederick Buechner writes “The place God calls you to be is the place where your deep gladness and the whole world’s deep hunger meet.” Now we have to ask ourselves what will bring me the most gladness and joy? What is a most natural fit for me? Well, I believe, for me, my place in this life is to be right where I am - I’m comfortable in the service of Laycare Ministry I believe God directs me and helps me truly enjoy life. We have made some changes in our ministry - we are no longer going out doing worship services at elderly facilities. Sometimes, we can see that we have served that purpose and now we must move on. If we don’t we can get into a rut - a rut that can give you a burned out feeling - that is not the message we want to leave with elderly people - so that’s when it’s time to make changes and move on. It’s OK to have ruts, just so we keep them shallow enough to enjoy new experiences. So we say to God “Give us the courage to follow our gladness and joy in the service of others.” Peace and love, Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator Laycare ministry 9
S TEWARDSHIP M INISTRY Anyone who has ever been personally involved in the construction of a building knows that the foundation is of utmost importance. The finest architectural design and the best construction materials are of little value if the foundation is not built correctly. The same is true of life itself and of our giving. Concerning the rich, the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to “ . . . command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future” (1 Tim. 6:17-19). Do not misunderstand: Jesus is the foundation. He is the Cornerstone. When it comes to the matter of our salvation, Christ and Christ alone is the “sure foundation.” Nothing we can do — not even giving of our resources — can add one bit to that foundation. But we can follow the counsel of the Apostle Paul concerning our giving. Through our giving, we can send our treasure on ahead. We can follow the admonition of the Lord Jesus and through our giving, we can “lay up treasure in heaven.” John Bunyan summarized both teachings in this statement: “Whatever good thing you do for Him, if done according to the Word, is laid up for you as treasure in chests and coffers, to be brought out to be rewarded before men and angels, to your eternal comfort.” Our giving, then, becomes a foundation, not concerning salvation, but rather, concerning our investments. Suppose for a moment that you had invested 100% of your life’s savings in the stock of a company. Would you not be watching with great eagerness how that company was performing? Would you not be checking up on how well it was doing, on management’s goals for the future, and on how it was faring against the competition? In a similar way, our investments in the work of the Lord not only indicate where we are placing our emphasis, but also, they will determine where our 10
interest lies. We will be checking up on them, evaluating their performance, and giving thought to the day when they will yield eternal dividends in our behalf. One writer expressed it this way: “We can trade temporal possessions that we cannot keep anyway to gain eternal possessions that we cannot lose. This is like a child given a chance to trade bubble gum for a new bicycle, or a man offered ownership of the Coca-Cola company in exchange for a sack of bottle caps. Only a fool would pass up this opportunity. What we keep we will lose. What we give and share and do in Christ’s name will ultimately come back to us in heaven in a far better and permanent form.” Remember, Jesus Christ is the “sure foundation.” Jesus is the Cornerstone. As we work and as we give, we are building on Him and on what He accomplished on Calvary. What kind of builder are you?
NOTES Marvin Libke has moved and would really love to receive a note or card in the mail.
Marvin Libke Holiday Retirement Apt. 156 5512 Carmel Rd. Charlotte, NC 28226 ***THE MOST FAVORITE QUILT OF THE SHOW - GOES TO*** ELEANOR CHANCE.– 3’S COMPANY CREATED BY THUBLEBERRIES. THE VOTES WERE VERY CLOSE! PASTOR ON VACATION Pastor Dutcher will be on vacation from Sunday afternoon, October 16th, through Sunday, October 30th. He will return to the office Monday, October 31st. Please contact the Rev. Carol Ahrens at (815) 990-1902 (16th-31st)or the Rev. Duane McDonough at (815) 816-1942 or 541-2413 (24th-31st), as they will provide pastoral services in his absence. 11
CHOIRS The adult Chancel Choir meets every Thursday at 7pm. Please come and join us if you have a love for music and enjoy making a joyful noise! The Bell Choir meets every Thursday at 6 pm. Please consider joining us. An ability to read music is helpful but not required.
BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. Please join us!
TAU ALPHA October 17th at 7:15pm
CARD CLUB Card Club will meet October 3rd at 1pm
PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!
RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! We assemble the Tidings the fourth Thursday of the month.
JOIN US AT OUR ST. JOHN UCC MEN’S GROUP We’re having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk just “God-talk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, October 1st at 8 a.m. in the Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m. Come check us out!
NAMI National Alliance for Mental Illness group meeting A Support group for those who suffer with Mental Illness and their loved ones meets the first Wednesday of the month from 6-7:30 pm in Chapel Hearth.
MONTHLY PRAYER SERVI CE Rev. Carol Ahrens will be hosting the monthly prayer service on October 12th at 5:30 PM in Chapel Hearth. This service is to pray for and support those who suffer with mental illness and it is also for the loved one of those who need our support. Everyone is welcome!
STITCH SEW QUILT Our church Stitch, Sew and Quilt Group will meet Friday, October 14 at 1 p.m. to discuss future plans for this group. As usual bring any projects (finished or not) for Show and Tell time. We will also have an up-to-date progress report on our Advent Banner. Any questions call Mavis Clark 13
HELIX MIDDLE SCHOOL (grades 5-8th) Thursdays after school 3-5 pm if there is no school we don’t meet HIGH SCHOOL (grades 9-12th) Sunday October 23rd 6-8pm
CHRIST FIRST This is an ongoing Faith Based Weight loss program that meets Monday evenings from 5-6 or Wednesday evenings from 5-6pm. Please contact the Kevin Eckert 815-218-0286 for more information.
WORKOUT NIGHTS Free and open to everyone! Zumba (Latin dance based workout), Monday at 6pm Biggest Loser 3 mile Power Walk, Wednesday 6pm
Several Zumba instructors from the Rockford/Freeport area are going to be hosting a 2 hour Zumba party here at St. John in the Fellowship Hall. All of the proceeds go to Relay for life. There will be Relay for life information, vendors with survivor tshirts and ribbons, lots of music and Zumba fun. Tickets are available in the office for $10 in advance or $15 at the door. 14
SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office or fill out a pew card.
COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship. All of the members of St. John (unless requested otherwise) are alphabetically listed to bring a treat to share. You may not get a reminder call when it’s your turn to bring a treat, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 3 dozen cookies, bars, mini muffins etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. OCTOBER COFFEE HOUR—Tau Alpha 10/02 - Roger Watson, Jerald & Jackie Watson, Mike Weaver, Tim & Patty Weik, Dan & Pam Wessel, Patrick & Linda Wilson, Mark & Beth Winter, Eric & Ashley Woker 10/09 - Jean Wurtzel, Carol Ahrens, Dean & Irene Amendt, Mary Arnold, Deleana & Terry Atz, Wayne Bahn, Carole & Galen Bertram 10/16 - Gina Bertram, Greg & Anita Bicksler, Claire Biesemeier, Joyce Bloyer, Marsha & Larry Boll, Helen Bose, Thompson Brandt, Dana Brill 10/23 - Robert & Nichole Brinkmeier, Troy & Amy Brinkmeier, Anna Carroll, Cassie Carter, Len & Liz Carter, Eleanor Chance, Mavis Clark10/30 - Bill & Lisa Condie, Barb & Phil Copus, Rosie Cosgrove, Martha & Perry Cowan, Jack & Marge Criddle, Clyde & Jeanne Cross, Valerie DeBoer
NOVEMBER COFFEE HOUR - Resource 11/6 - Dory DeFrane, Monty & Carolee Dietmeier, LaVonne & Todd Dietmeier, Cory & Annette Ditsworth, Laurie & Rick Ditsworth, Ray & Dorothy Ditsworth, Jim & Gwen Drew, Don & Ronnie Clock GREETERS October 2 – October 9 – Donna & Marilyn Ruthe October 16 – Vivian & Floyd Schlickman October 23 – Steve & Lisa Schubert October 30 - Ron & Beth Slade WELCOMERS October 2 – Lyle & Jane Krug October 9 – Ben & Lucille Lee October 16 – Marilyn Rawleigh & Jackie Stewart October 23 – Sharon Simler & LaVonne Wagenknecht October 30- Diane Heilman & Cherryl Hinrichs NURSERY October 2 – Tim & Angela Newkirk October 9 – Dennis & Carla Meyer, Kristi Ebbers October 16 – Russ & Bonnie Gennusa, Jill Kuntz October 23 – Clyde & Jeanne Cross, Anita Bicksler October 30 – Amy Doll, Mark Swanson, Cherryl Hinrichs
Due to the increased number of children in the nursery we are adding a third person to the nursery schedule. The smaller kids can be kept in the nursery side and the older kids can be kept in the Preschool side with board games and puzzles and playdough or in Chapel Hearth so that the tiny ones are safer and there is space for everyone. Thank you for your help and dedication to keeping our kids safe and happy during the worship service.
USHERS 10/02 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew, Jerald Watson 10/09 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith, James & Tom Priewe 10/16 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Dana Brill, Ray & Jeri Nieman 10/23 Lee & Nancy Otte, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jane Krug Jeanne Koch 10/30 Doris Last, Sharon Simler, Ben Lee, Diane Heilman DRIVERS W e have several drivers available if anyone should need a ride to church. If you are in need of a ride please contact the office before noon on Friday, 815 -235-2824 and talk to Pam WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 8/28 - 141
9/11 - 181
9/4 - 145
9/18 - 118
9/25 - 136
PRAYER CHAIN: Thelma Neberman, Brady, Randal Carpenter, Knapp family, Claude Vernam, Bill Dickman, Lynn Zimmerman, Bill *& Leanne Obrecht, Larry Timms, Alex Fruth HOSPITALIZED: Lynn Zimmerman, Trystan Layton, Vivian Pals, Glen Watson, Rita Wittbecker, Randal Carpenter DEATH: Our condolences to the family of Fern Ottenhausen who passed away on September 23rd.
Thank you very much for the scholarship award. It helped me when it came time to buy books. - Carly Tessmann ************************************************************************* On behalf of Amity’s Children, parents and staff, I want to express my sincerest appreciation and gratitude to you for your continued support and your generous gift of underwear (340 items collected). Thank you for your thoughtfulness - Christel Waters ************************************************************************* Thank you so much for the honor of being approved for the college scholarship. It was used to help buy my rather expensive college books this semester. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Thanks again Ariel Hitchcock ************************************************************************** Thank you very much for the scholarship. I will use it for various expenses throughout this year. I am enjoying my fall semester so far. Thank you again for your generous gift - Alex Fruth ************************************************************************** Thank you very much for the scholarship money! I am excited about starting graduate school this fall at NIU. I will be taking 18
classes and working in the speech clinic this semester and the scholarship money helps a lot. Thanks again and God Bless Emily Brill. ************************************************************************** Thank you very much for the scholarship money. It has already come in handy in helping me purchase books for this semester. This is my last semester at Aurora University before I student teach in the spring. I am now living in Sycamore with Emily, where she attends NIU. I am going to be getting a lot of experience in the classroom teaching in my methods classes. I am on the journey to become a second grade teacher, and I am thankful for the opportunities I have been given. Thank you for your support - Sarah Brill ************************************************************************** Thank you for all of your get well cards - Jackie Watson ************************************************************************** Thank you to everyone who made the quilt show such a great success. Those who gave their quilts to display, those who worked the show and those who put in many hours organizing this event. ************************************************************************** Thank you to all who sent me get well cards while I've been recovering from my scooter accident. And also to others who have kept me in their thoughts and prayers. I hope to be back in church soon. - Lynn Zimmerman
PICTORAL DIRECTORY UPDATE: Anyone who did not get their picture taken for the directory but would like to be included must submit their picture to the church office by October 9th. There is a $10 fee to the church for each submitted photo, therefore we would ask that if you are able please help with this cost as the directories are free for those who came to get their portrait taken .
ST. JOHN UCC COUNCIL MINUTES Sept 12, 2011 Members present: Perry Cowan, President, PRESIDENT Mary Arnold, Bill Condie, Lisa Ebbers, Deb Perry Cowan Hartman, Keith Hinrichs, Ben Lee, Ulan Price, VICE PRESIJoyce Robinson, Marilyn Ruthe, Pastor DENT Donnley, ex-officio. Bill Condie S E C R E T AR Y Deb Hartman T R E AS U R E R Ulan Price C H R I S T I AN E D . Lisa Ebbers CHURCHGROWTH M AR I L Y N R U T H E FELLOWSHIP Ben Lee MISSIONS Bill Condie PROPERTY M AN AG E M E N T Keith Hinrichs Bruce Dykstra S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Joyce Robinson S TE W AR D S H I P Ulan Price WORSHIP Mary Arnold
Opening prayer: Pastor Donnley August Minutes: Previously approved via email. Treasurer’s Report: Pastor Donnley made some clarifications. Lisa made the motion to approve, 2nd by Marilyn. Motion carried. It was also noted that the computer replacement purchase request made by Kevin had been approved by Council members.
Chapel Hearth Project: Pastor Donnley reported that more than $10,000 of memorials have been approved for designation to the Chapel Hearth project after contacting family members to get their permission. Joyce submitted a progress report. Drywalling will begin in the next week. Joyce and Judy Garkey are working on finalizing decorating details. The furniture should be arriving within the next few weeks. We also discussed some options for the stained glass area in terms of window treatments. Keith would like to make sure there is a “cushion” of $10,000$10,500 in the Building & Grounds Fund to allow for any unexpected expenses to avoid any cash flow issues. It was suggested that some of the final details of the Chapel Hearth project and the carpeting project for the youth room be put on temporary hold until costs have been finalized. There is also the option of funding these through the Maude Ammerman estate, if 20
necessary, to complete these projects. 2012 Budget: It was decided to set up a new account called the “Janshen Estates Fund” to make it separate from the General Fund (similar to the Buildings & Grounds Fund). This will help in tracking how this fund is being used. The senior pastor’s salary was reviewed and Marilyn Ruthe made the motion to adjust the budgeted increase in the salary from 2% to 1% per Pastor Donnley’s request. Mary 2nd. Motion carried. Perry will submit the budget to Ruth with the adjustments and a new report will be generated. Dream Meeting Update: Some ideas for extending our dreams to the community were discussed. Personnel: The employee handbook has been distributed. Ministries: On behalf of the Growth Ministry, in terms of the new pictorial directory, Keith Hinrichs made a motion to request $500 from the Janshen estate to cover sitting fees for shut-ins and the cost of more “activity pages” for the directory as well as extra copies. Bill Condie 2nd. Discussion followed. Motion carried. Lisa, as Council representative to Christian Ed Ministry, reported the need for more Sunday School teachers (sign up sheet posted). CE is exploring the possibility of starting a Children’s Church program during the worship service. More research is needed before any decisions are made. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned with Mizpah Benediction. Respectfully submitted, Deb Hartman Council Secretary
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2011
9/01 9/06 9/12 9/19
$22,174.85 $ 3.726.16 $ 6,637.00 $ 6,905.47
General Fund Beginning Balance GF Income GF Income GF Income
Less 9/23 GF Payroll & Compensation $11,290.96 9/23 GF Other Checks $11,383.89 9/23 Current Bills Outstanding $ 544.90 9/23 Ending Balance $ 16,223.73 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010
9/01 9/06 9/12 9/19
$11,365.27 $ 404.00 $ 276.00 $ 200.00
9/23 9/23
Building Fund Beginning Balance BD Income BD Income BD Income Less BD Checks
$ 3,284.78
9/23 Ending Balance $ 8,960.49 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
October Scripture Readings 01
Psalm 72
Job 40:3-24
1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Job 41:1-34
Ruth 1:1-22
Job 42:1-17
Ruth 2:1-23
Amos 5:1-27
Ruth 3:1-18
Jonah 3:1-10
Ruth 4:1-22
Jonah 4:1-11
1 Samuel 25:1-44
Micah 1:1-16
2 Kings 6:8-23
Micah 2:2:1-13
Job 32:1-22
Micah 3:1-12
Job 33:1-33
Micah 4:1-13
Job 34:1-37
Micah 5:1-15
Job 35:1-16
Micah 6:1-16
Job 36:1-33
Micah 7:1-20
Job 37:1-24
Nahum 1:1-15
Job 38:1-41
Psalm 46
Job 39:1-40:2 23