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FALL 2021



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INSIDE 8 Editorial 10 HappyDayFarms by CASEY O’NEIL 11 Feed Your Soil Not Your Plant by YODA GWA 14 Richard Segovia by JULIE CHIARIELLO 18 Ensorcelling Sources by MATTHEW GATES 20 Cannativa by G. ELIZABETH MUNGUÍA 22 Michigan’s Caregivers Helped The State Rise From Recession by CHRIS CONRAD 25 Love and Revolución by RICK THOMPSON 28 SKUNK MAGAZINE

Sits Down With Ed Rosenthal by ED ROSENTHAL

30 Easing Anxiety by BRIGITTE MARS 33 Bud Wise by THE REV 35 Growing Weeds Is Easy by THE REV 39 TLO Churn by THE REV 44 Suelo Vivo by RACHAEL CARLEVALE 46 Michael Rios 48 Cover Artist Spotlight: Gina Gramenz by PEBBLES TRIPPET 50 Blazing New Trails: Reinette Senum by JULIE CHIARIELLO 55 Circular Whisper: A Plant’s Tale by KAT DONNELLY


57 Strain: Money Trees by DOMINICK PORRAS 58

Cover Story: Carlos & Salvador Santana : A Family Legacy of Music by JULIE CHIARIELLO

64 Strain: Pistachio by HUMBOLDT SEED COMPANY 65 Strain: Pluto Tk91 x Gelato 33 by FELIX MURRY

FALL 2021

66 Strain: Max Headroom by @WONDER_WOMAN_GROWS 67 Strain: Apples & Bananas by JAMES LOUD 68 Strain: Fidel’s Runtz Mintz by FIDEL 69 Strain: Pink Boost Goddess by JOSEPH HAGGARD, SJOERD BROEKS, EVA ERICKSON 70 Strain: Puday Haze by TREAVOR AKA SUNGROWN MIDZ 71 Strain: Cuban Black Haze by TREAVOR AKA SUNGROWN MIDZ 73 Strain: Kartel Haze by TREAVOR AKA SUNGROWN MIDZ 74 Strain: Sour Diesel by TREAVOR AKA SUNGROWN MIDZ 75 Frenchy’s Force by DRAGONFLY EARTH MEDICINE 76 Fall Hash Review 2021 by TONY STACKS 79 HQ Barcelona by FROSTY HASH 83 Show Manager by AMY SHORT 88 Regenerative Dry Farming by HEATHER DUNBAR 90 Paniagua Family Farm by BRIAN MALIN 92 How Psilocin

‘Rebuilds’ the Brain by BEARD BROS PHARMS

94 Feed The Soil by JAMES DRISKILL 101 Upcycling Materials by KIRT ROHLACK & NOBLE HAYES 107 Harnassing Phytohormones by LUNA WHITCOMB 115 BALCA by JAVIER ARMAS 119 SHERBINSKIS by MICAH RUBINSTIEN

This Moment Fall 2021


on’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. ~Robert Louis Stevenson The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. And many of the seeds we are planting right now, we won’t be alive to actually taste the fruit, but our children and our children’s children will. This is why it is so important that we take great care with what seeds we are planting each day. This is why it is key that we take great care of our sacred Earth and our Global human community. We are not on this journey for a brand, for the ego, all that is soulless. We are all in it as servants to the plant, and to this renaissance happening within humanity, and a more sustainable way is allowed to flourish. Ancient wisdoms married with modern science, a sacred union returning to the world between the masculine and feminine forces, the dark and light, human, plant, animal all equal and working together in symbiosis. This, to me, is what the plant is pointing us all towards. And we all will watch in horror as greed and the poisoning of the seeds and the plant continue during this next period. We are in it, thick in the quagmire and the only way is through. As Winston Churchill so poignantly said, when traveling through hell, keep going. The last renaissance took place after 20 million died in the Black Plague. It shook the foundations of church and state and allowed new ways of being and thinking to be born. We are in a similar time with so much devastation and shadow, but this is the shake-up, the the union of shadow and light, that will allow new realities to continue to be seeded and born. I grew up in a small agricultural town in California called Santa Maria. It was filled with wealthy white Catholic and Protestant people and Mexicanos, mostly from Oaxaca. My family was the only Cuban family in the entire town when I was growing up. My family came from Cuba when my mother was 15 and settled in California because my Grandmother’s halfbrother lived in Thousand Oaks. My family came with nothing except the clothing that they could carry in their travel bags as they were required to leave everything else behind. For my mom coming to a mostly white Catholic School and leaving her beloved Cuba was

FALL 2 021

terrifying, and she was ridiculed and ostracized horribly, something that she has never quite recovered from. In raising me, she made it a point not to teach me Spanish, as she did not wish for me to be teased and taunted as she was. So even though I heard it my entire life and I’m now fluent, I moved to Spain when I was 20 to learn Spanish fluently. I must say that is also when I tasted my first amazing chocolate, hash from Morocco, and fell in love with hash for life. That was back in 1998, but not to digress. Truly I have been thinking about this so much in the last few years, realizing that I grew up in an extremely racist town and that I didn’t realize how I didn’t really fit anywhere. I felt that, but I really didn’t understand it at the depth that I now do. The stigma and the racism against Latinos and the Spanish language itself is something that children of the 70s, 80s, and 90s went through. It has only recently become popular to have bilingual schools and to have children from all backgrounds learning to speak Spanish. Back when I was in elementary school, that was something that I could not even imagine. And certainly, my mother would have never had those kinds of opportunities for inclusion. My grandparents also devoted their lives to being in service to their community and for decades taught English as a second language and helped people become American citizens. It was mostly all Mexicanos. I came to understand that the racist lies that were perpetuated in my school by the kids that I didn’t feel connected to did not fit with reality, as I knew all the Mexican people that I encountered to be extremely hard-working, generous, loving, and just all over good people starkly contrasted with the prejudice and stereotypes that I heard repeated in school by both children and adults. I now know the truth completely and fully, and I understand that we can create change, but we have to continue to build a better narrative and write a better culture than the one that we have had thus far. It is up to each of us to find the ways within our own network that we can do this. One raindrop raises the level of the ocean, and if a million of us raindrops contribute, we can truly create lasting change. We have an industry that is predominately owned and run by white males, even though many of the cultivators working the fields are

Latinos. Just like the labor rights movements led by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta in fighting for the people to have fair and equitable treatment, we have a fight right now within the modern cannabis industry to make it more diverse, inclusive and to help those that were most harmed by the drug war to find legal and equitable ways to work with the plant. It is extremely important to have visibility and opportunity for Latino, Native, Black, Asian and LGBTQ people as owners and leaders within the legal cannabis industry. It is key because they have suffered the most under the racist drug war. It is harvest time now, and the phrase, we reap what we sow has been repeating over and over in my mind. What are we currently sowing within the Global cannabis industry, and what fruit will that bear? It’s a worthy question for us all to ask ourselves, and we must be willing to listen for the honest answer. We can always do more to bring more humanity, more consciousness, more healing, and more empowerment not just to ourselves and our individual crew but the entire Global human community. Cannabis prohibition and the Green Rush have done a disservice to us all by pitting us against each other, by having us always on the razor’s edge of survival. When you’re fighting just to survive, it’s more difficult to fight for better ideals. But this is where we still do have a choice to choose the seeds that we wish to sow, hence why we are celebrating Latinos in Cannabis this issue, putting them front and center. But it’s not just this issue. You can expect to see Skunk Magazine in the new era, highlighting consistently all of those who have been unsung, unseen, and unheard for too many decades. The time is now for us to sow the seeds of the future, for my part, I wish to see a future with the entire human race activated and empowered, healed and nourished, with all of us banding together to no longer be a parasite on the Earth, but to be stewards, protectors and those who seek in their work to regenerate the Earth and their communities in all that they do. We can do it. The power is within us. They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds.

Editor-in-Chief: Julie Chiariello Managing Editor: Vivian McPeak Cultivation Editor: The Rev Senior Editor: Pebbles Trippet Senior Editor: Dan Pomerantz Cosmic Creative Officer: Brandon Palma of Founder: John Vergados Contributors: Casey O’Neil Julie Chiariello Matthew Gates G. Elizabeth Munguía Pedruski 2021 Rick Thompson Miguel Gavilan Molina Ed Rosenthal Brigitte Mars The Rev Rachael Carlevale Pebbles Trippet Kat Donnelly Humboldt Seed Company Felix Murry @Wonder_Woman_grows James Loud Fidel Joseph Haggard, Sjoerd Broeks Eva Erickson TREAVOR AKA SUNGROWN MIDZ Dragonfly Earth Medicine Tony Stacks Frosty Hash Amy Short`

Heather Dunbar Brian Malin Beard Bros Pharm James Driskill Kirt Rohlack Noble Hayes Luna Whitcomb Javier Armas Micah Rubinstein Photo Contributors: @GROWERSWITHATTITUDE Mike Rosati cannativa Rick Thompson Michael McShane Christian Peacock BethyLoveLight Christine Keller The Rev Jakub Matyas, Gabriel Jimenez Kat Donnell Dominick Porras John Manio / Pixel Nug Eduardo Lobo of Lobo Cannagar @Wonder_Woman_grows Chris Compound Joseph Haggard Chance Franck @humblefarmer Doug Baldwin Beautiful Existence La Osa & Biovortex Cover Illustrtation by Michael Rios Advertising Inquiries Julie Chiariello Sales & Marketing Julie Chiariello Social Media Director and Senior Account Manager Beacon Nesbitt Account Manager Candi Jimenez

SKUNK Magazine 903 N. Stokes Avenue Santa Maria, California 93454 USA Telephone: 805-200-8446 PRINTED IN CANADA

Disclaimer: Occasionally, we use material we believe to be placed in the public domain. Sometimes it is not possible to identify or contact the copyright holder. If you claim ownership of something we have published, we will be pleased to make a proper acknowledgement. All letters and pictures submitted are assumed to be for publication unless stated otherwise. SKUNK Magazine cannot be held responsible for unsolicited contributions. Published 4 times per year SKUNK Magazine assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this publication or in any advertisement. All material is for entertainment and educational purposes only, and SKUNK Magazine does not encourage the illegal use of any of the products or advertisements within. All opinions are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of SKUNK Magazine. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without the expressed written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. All advertised products and offers void where prohibited.

Content Submissions


The Biggest Seed Bank in the USA



The Most Breeders, The Most Award Winning Genetics than Anyone in the USA

HappyDay Farms


WORDS CASEY O’NEIL ’m a farmer’s market

are too high and the prices too low.

yesterday was hosted by Mendocino

farmer. I love the interaction,

This is why we direct market all of our

Cannabis Distribution, and I want to

conversation, and sharing and

product through markets and CSA.

recognize the huge effort that went into

exchanging of our farm products

I built the cannabis business model

making this a reality. I feel deep gratitude

based on our farm’s direct market

for the opportunity, and I look to a future

support our family. I love the sacredness

access by participating through the

of canna-tourism that can have real

of providing nourishment to my

Collective model. Without this ability

benefits for our rural communities.

community, to sustain and be sustained

under the new regulations, we have

for the money that helps

by the shared bonds of humanity. Yesterday we were glad to go to

struggled to make it. Yesterday shines as a bright ray of hope for our farm and

based distribution companies can lead the way in fostering connectivity for

market in Laytonville for the Mendocino Producers Guild Cannabis Farmers Market. It was a joy to see everyone. We used to do these types of gatherings regularly in the 215 days before the passage of the new regulations. Those markets back in 2014-2015 were a dream come true, a feeling of arriving at a new era as Prohibition breathed its last gasps. We felt excited, joyous. Little did we know how crushing and absurd the regulations would become, that it would be years before we would be able to return to the joy of direct-marketing cannabis along with other goods from our farm. To set up our table with all of the offerings from our farm is one of the

Cooperative groups can form to acquire the licenses, or community-

The last eight years of regulatory chaos have been draining, with many uncertainties, wrong turns, and mistakes. There have also been bright, shining moments that have given me the strength to continue on the journey.”

farmers. Connections made at the markets will translate to downstream sales opportunities as relationships are fostered and maintained within the supply chain. The more transparency and connectivity we can bring to cannabis, the more authentic and valuable the experience becomes for everyone who participates. Communicating who we are through our representations of self and farm gives the opportunity for deep resonance that builds lasting connection. I love the replicable nature of this model, though compliance through the state is complicated given the multiple requirements for different licenses. I see this pathway as a potential for legacy

deep joys in life for me. So often, our farm exists in a bifurcated market with

for our community of small farmers. It

farming communities anywhere, as

cannabis traveling down the highly

is the joy of sharing and gathering in

regulations continue to be promulgated

regulated supply chain to dispensaries

community and celebration, the joy of

and cannabis becomes more normalized in

around the state, while our food remains

connection, and access to an economic

our society. This is a bellwether moment,

localized within this bioregion. To

engine that can help to power our farm.

one that fills me with deep excitement.

offer both on the market table is the

I have tended to shy away from

The last eight years of regulatory

fulfillment of my dream as a farmer,

conversations around economic

chaos have been draining, with many

and it is a workable business model.

development and tourism, but I am

uncertainties, wrong turns, and

coming to realize that there is great

mistakes. There have also been bright,

process because of the strength that

potential for communities of small

shining moments that have given me

I found in those early markets. It

cannabis farms to make this new model

the strength to continue on the journey.

wasn’t until I got down the path that

work. With a centralized distribution hub

Yesterday was one of those times, and

the regulations developed in such a

that holds a retail and an event license,

I feel reverence and gratitude for the

way that we lost the ability to make

farmers can have direct market access.

experience. As always, much love and

There are several ways to make this

great success to you on your journey!

I went forward into the regulatory

direct-to-consumer sales. As a vegetable farmers market producer, I’m not

work in partnership with community-

much for wholesale. The quantities

based organizations. The market

FALL 2 021

Feed Your Soil Not Your Plant A N D O U R P L A N E T W O U L D B E G R AT E F U L




t’s the year 2021 AD, and our planet is

uncontrollable growth of algae damages the environment

literally begging us to stop. The approximately 7

irreparably. Moreover, the excessive use of nitrogenous

billion people living and polluting like if they were

fertilizers is also one of the main factors for the increase

ten years old are surely not providing a rosy future

of ammonia particles in the air. This doesn’t look good.

to the next generations. The Earth has a limited

We struggle to understand that we all have the duty

number of resources still available, dangerously eroded by the

to address this change and start caring more about the

lifestyle of most of us, and at a faster pace than we thought.

place where we live. Maybe one day they’ll remember us

In a world where values such as love and respect for

for the generation that becomes aware of what was wrong.

nature seem to be overlooked, we shall at least try to

Now, the question is, how can we make a change? The

change this perilous and wicked attitude that has been

first step is to approach agriculture in a different way on

permeating our societies for the last few decades. The

every scale, from big national to small local farmers.

amount of trash created and food waste has been there for all to see for quite some time. We must realize that now. Intensive farming, as it is perceived nowadays, does more harm

The worldwide production of cannabis, either for medical or recreational purposes, is soaring year after year. Its recent rediscovery shouldn’t come much as a surprise,

than good: indeed, with the excuse to “maximize production and

given it’s one of the earliest and most widespread plants

efficiency of land,” the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides

to be ever cultivated. However, the waves of prohibition

is not just rampant but ultimately devastating for the ecosystem.

during the last century have greatly impacted the way this

Methods like fertigation, in which fertilizer is incorporated directly within the irrigation water by the drip system,

plant is now cultivated, making it mostly intensive. When I moved to Spain in 2016, I was chasing my dream

are surely not sustainable for our agriculture. As a matter

of freedom. In Italy, my native country, growing cannabis

of fact, up to 95% of the supplemented products end up

was, and still is, strictly prohibited and punished. And

in the soil, in turn potentially triggering catastrophic

yet, despite a very harsh system, Italy has the highest

events, such as the eutrophication of waters, where

consumption of cannabis among all European countries.


So, after years spent hiding in the dark, fearing they

the greenhouse was an intensive, laborious, and painstaking

could come to arrest me and throw me in a cell at any

job, and just like any other restoration/renovation task, it

given moment, at the end of my academic path, I decided

started with a good, old clean-up! The first step was to remove

it was time to restart my life. After all those years, my

all the stones, weed out (not just a pun here) all the wild grass

only regret is that I should have done this earlier!

that was infesting the area, and ultimately turning it over.

When I first entered the cannabis community in

I must take a moment here and provide a little explanation.

Barcelona, I was shocked by the low quality, despite a

In regenerative culture, a key concept is that of no-till farming,

relatively more favorable and friendly environment.

where crops are grown without disturbing the soil. The aim

Despite the initial shock, I was still highly motivated and

is to avoid unnecessary erosion, damage the mycelium in the

confident of the quality I was going to achieve with my products.

substrate and keep the right balance within the soil web.

At the same time, I was also well aware that my fully organic

However, in our specific case, and taking into account our needs

approach was rather an unorthodox one and would not have

to start growing as soon as possible, we have decided to skip this

found much support in the beginning. Yet, I was determined and

fundamental step and deemed to intervene in a more radical

not ready to give up. I wanted to make a difference, and I did.

way. We started with sowing several plants rich in nutritive

As the founder of the Growers With Attitude Collective,

elements, cutting them down after a month, and mulching them

I think my greatest luck is working with a great, rock-

with some hey. We proceeded by carefully and manually digging

solid team that has become a family after so many years

a small hole for each plant and fed them with compost tea for

and adventures. I like to believe we could not have

their entire life cycles. We spent the first year understanding

gone so far without the support of each of them.

how soil works, also taking into account water distribution.

In spite of all the difficulties and obstacles, we have grown

The first year’s crop was satisfying yet well below the

stronger together and ended complementing each other. In

potential we could have achieved with a place like that. It

more practical terms, this means 60 awards won in the last

took some time, and season after season, tweak after tweak,

three years alone, making us one of the most titled collectives

we managed to build a fertile and prosperous oasis. The vast

and more than just a reference in the European scene. In fact,

presence of earthworms gives a more tangible proof of our hard

nurturing and working with soil, rather than just plants, is

work. You can literally find them by just digging a small hole

the core of our philosophy. We believe we have great resources

anywhere in our greenhouse. They were introduced in small

available to us already, and we aim to regenerate those by

colonies, year after year, and they happily and quickly took

simply observing the natural habitat in which we live. As you

over. We have organized the space into six long rows, filled with

can imagine, our cultivation methods and system are fairly

large beds that can host 10 to 12 plants each. The plants we are

simple yet flexible enough to adapt easily to any situation.

currently growing are smaller than the ones you can see in a

In a country where growing cannabis is still

Californian greenhouse. This is mostly due to legal limitations

a crime, punished with jail time, we must find a

and constrictions. Indeed, it is possible to grow for personal

compromise between what’s ideal and what’s safe,

consumption; however, the size of this cultivar is well beyond

without necessarily harming the place around us.

anything that can be defined as personal. Another key difference

In a situation where safety is not an issue, we never get

is that in places like California (or even The Netherlands,

rid of “old soil,” but we’d rather regenerate it and make

NDR), the limitation concerns the number of plants one can

sure it’s kept “alive.” Where safety is at stake, we simply

grow, where in Spain, the issue is rather the size of the final

repurpose our soil for other non-cannabis cultivars, such as

crop, regardless of the number of plants. Hence the need to

a small home garden. This is only possible if natural soil

grow smaller plants that are easier to hide too. All in all, the

conditioners, bacteria, and compost are exclusively used in the

most satisfying aspect of this project is not just the possibility

process. By doing so, our soil is not burdened with complex

of growing high-quality cannabis, but rather the fact that we’re

and heavy additives, which are difficult to “wash away,” and

doing this in a place that was desert just a few months before.

we can constantly monitor its quality and performance. When growing cannabis indoors, our plants usually follow a

This wonderful experience I am sharing with one of my business partners makes me even more aware of how much you

strict feeding regime, based mostly on water, with the addition of

can achieve by just following, observing, and respecting the

few natural conditioners, such as organic compost tea, if specific

nature around you. And I don’t want to waste any time thinking

genetics requires it. When cultivating outdoors, and if safety

of how much damage we would have done (maybe irreparably) to

allows, we must tailor our modus operandi to the environment in

that already malnourished soil if we were to incorporate artificial

which we operate. The most remarkable project we have worked

conditioners, synthesis fertilizers, or any chemical phytomedicine

on is a small greenhouse in the southern part of Catalunya,

or pesticide, like those currently used by many commercial

Spain. When we first arrived, this greenhouse was in a complete

growers. Knowing that every time I leave that place, it’s better

state of abandonment, with an unfertile and impoverished soil.

and more living than before is a great, enriching feeling. And

After a few years of hard work, it has now become a heaven of

even greater is the pride and satisfaction that come after

colors, scents, and of course, resins of all kinds. I must admit,

winning numerous competitions and prizes with our products

it was not an easy job, but that’s what makes it even more

while staying loyal to our “only water” philosophy and beating all

rewarding. Regenerating the soil and bringing it back to life in

the odds. It is a small personal victory against all gatekeepers

“As the founder of the Growers With Attitude Collective, I think my greatest luck is working with a great, rock-solid team that has become a family after so many years and adventures. I like to believe we could not have gone so far without the support of each of them.”

and critics alike and a great step towards a more organic world. I’d like to bring in one more example. As I previously

Among those, one surely worth a mention is the opening of our cannabis club in Barcelona in 2019. Over the course of the years,

explained, the overall quality in Barcelona was rather low

we have built a cohesive international network of like-minded

back in 2016 and has since improved exponentially. Despite

people, many of whom are professionals from the United States.

this, a very popular misbelief has always been that artificial

As argued before, the cannabis community in Barcelona

fertilizers and nutrients are important ingredients for better

has grown considerably in the last few years, with many

cannabinoid and terpene production. Against all odds, in

new crews popping up onto the scene and giving their

2018, we won our first Spannabis Cup with our very special

contribution to the cause. And yet, despite the overall

Gorilla Glue #4, grown in full organic soil and just water.

improvement and progress, those applying fully organic

With a record-breaking 32,6% of THCA, this strain and this

approaches or methods are still the minority.

cup represent a turning point in our history. Indeed, just after this, our work starts gaining more and more recognition, and our organic approach is generating curiosity increasingly. Our

With that being said, to be the first one to ever do something like this is an honor and a responsibility at the same time. Raising awareness on those issues, of course within certain

second award came in just after the first, during the same

human limits, is the duty of all conscious men. Failing to

Spannabis Cup in 2018. With great surprise, our Barbara

do so can only bring to an empty and miserable existence.

Bud Dry Sift Static Tech won the 1st prize in the Solventless

I can safely say that I belong to a restricted group of lucky

category, beating an institution like Cuban Grower. This was

people who have had the luck and persistence to achieve

an immense joy and an unforgettable moment for all of us.

their goals and see their dreams come true. Unfortunately,

Things got easier from there onwards as we went on to win

this is not possible for everybody, and many do suffer the

more cups around the world, including several Spannabis Cups,

frustrating consequences of living in a controlling, merciless

3 Ego Clash, and a bunch of other awards. All those have greatly

society. Once we become aware of this, we can kick start

helped to cement our reputation and achieving many of our goals.

a change. Even if a tiny change, it is still a change.


The Mayor of The Mission District




ichard Segovia, fondly known as

Tree, The Orphanage, The Village, The Condor, all these

the Mayor of the Mission District in San

clubs, Bobby Freeman, all this music started to explode. And

Francisco lives in a magical house covered

we were in that big Latino movement that you can go any

in beautiful murals dedicated to the Latino

given day down Broadway street and see Tito Puente, see

Rock movement. Richard has devoted his life

all these great stars. Cal Tjader walking down the street,

to his music and to his beloved community, I was honored to

having a cup of coffee, and the whole movement, because of

sit down with him and dive deeper into the history of Latino

the Latin rock sound of Carlos Santana, set the city on fire.

Rock in the place that it was born, The Mission District.

And what ended up happening, our culture started getting really strong. Then the city started giving us permits to do

JC: You live in the Mission District in San

Cinco de Mayo, to do Carnaval, to do celebrations, the 24th

Francisco, a place that at one time was 50%

Street Merchants Fair. We started doing all these big fairs, and

Latino. Can you tell us what it was like in the

the whole city was absolutely vibrant. You’d walked down the

Mission District in the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s, and now?

street, and you’d hear conga players. I guess everybody that

Why do you feel it is so important to protect?

was Latino became a conga player, and everybody musically

RS: Well, back in the late 60s, when Carlos Santana played

was in the parks. We’d go to Dolores Park, and we would have

Woodstock, the whole Mission District changed. We went

rhumbas. The whole Latino community had risen now that

from the Battle of the Barrios to the Battle of the Bands.

we had something that we could call our own. And this went

And he set a trend to where the Mission District now had

on all in the ‘60s, and through the ‘70s, there was live music

a sound of their own, called Latin rock music. What it did,

everywhere, block parties, it was a very great and beautiful

all the gangs stopped fighting and went into the Battle

thing. The violence went down to nothing. People were just

of the Bands. When we had a problem, we got a hall, St.

excited about this new movement of music called Latin rock.

Peter’s, the Mission Y, and we had a Battle of the Bands, and that’s how we would settle arguments, is through music. Back in 1969, when this happened, it took us right into

JC: Beautiful. And why do you feel now that it’s so important to protect the Mission?

the ‘70s. The Mission District exploded because now we had

RS: Well, the Mission has been taken over by corporate

something that was our own sound. You could go to every club

companies and techies, and they even have gone as far as

on Broadway, and there would be lines of people to get into

having their kids go to our schools now because a lot of our

these clubs. Lines, the Basin Street West, The Peppermint

schools, they teach Spanish. These little Anglo kids are learning

FALL 2 021

to speak our language. Back in the day in the ‘60s, it was

just realized now that back in 1975, I joined a band that was

unheard of. My father wanted to name me Raul Segovia, but

called Mabuhay. I drove our producer down to the studio in my

he knew I was going to be teased, so he named me Richard

beautiful car. I was the only one that had a nice car back then. I

Raul. Back in the day, it was unheard of to even speak

drove us over to CBS Records on Folsom Street, between Fourth

Spanish in the Mission District. Because back then, the Irish,

and Fifth. He walked in, my producer Brent Dangerfield, who

the Italians, the Polacks, the Russians were all controlling

also produced Santana’s very first album. Can you imagine that?

this neighborhood. As you know, the San Francisco Mission

I hooked up with a guy, and he produced us at CBS Records. And

District was built, as they say by the Irish, for $5 a day and

as I’m walking into CBS Records, I looked towards the back,

a bucket of beer. My sisters never learned Spanish. My father

and I could see Carlos Santana dressed all in white, and he had

rarely talked it. My mother never spoke it, but I was raised

been recording there with John McLaughlin on the Mahavishnu

by my grandmother that never spoke a word of English.

Orchestra album. And I went into the back room. I started

My second language was learning to understand Spanish,

playing the timpani drums, you know, those big kettledrums?

never to speak it, but to understand it because of my grandma. Now what has happened is the techies have come in here and the real estate companies offering big money. Myself, for instance, my house was bought for $28,500. They come to my house, and they say, “Hey, I’ll give you $2.5 million for your home.” You get somebody that’s 60 or 70 years old that figures, well, I’ll sell and then I could take that money, go buy me another house somewhere in Brentwood for half a million dollars and have a million,

“ I forgot to tell you that in 2017, I was approached by the California Art Commission. They wanted to do a mural on my house because they realized the publicity and what this house meant. And they came up to me and said, “We want to do your house as a mural, but we want you to do the mural the way you want it done.”

two million dollars leftover

JC: Yeah. RS: And that’s when I saw them. I thought, “Wow, those are the biggest timbales I’ve ever seen.” I went back there, and I started playing those drums, boom, boom, to a 6/8. We had this song called Ondale Mariana. It’s like (singing), and it’s in 6/8. And I started playing those drums, and Carlos came out of the room, “Hey, hey. Stop that. You’re going to get in trouble. Get out of here. Get out of here.” And I said, “Carlos, I’m just following my dream.

just to live the rest of my life. A lot of people are selling out

In ‘69, when you played Woodstock, we were told what you’ve

because these people are coming up and offering them a lot

done to follow your dreams. And I’ve been following my dreams,

of money to get out. And now this new crowd of people that

and it’s amazing that I’m here talking to you right now and

are coming into our neighborhood are eating up our culture.

having Brent Dangerfield, who produced your first album

Our Cinco de Mayo, our Day of the Dead, our Carnaval, and

with me, and what an amazing inspiration you have been for

everything that we have, so now we call these people culture

me, how you have changed my life.” And he says, “Okay, we’ll

vultures because now they’re taking our language, our rhythms,

just go out of the room and keep doing what you’re doing.

our drumming, our Carnaval, samba, salsa, and they’re even

Find your own identity.” And that’s what I have done. I’ve

having salsa lessons where these people come into the salsa.

been in an original band for my whole life. Puro Bandido, 43

They get a great salsa band from the Mission that no longer

years now, playing original material. Because of Carlos.

live here, and they give them free salsa lessons. They’ve taken our culture and everything that we’ve worked hard for all these

JC: Tell us about your band Los Bandidos. When did you

years. And to me, that is why I painted my house the way it is

guys get together, and what is the intention of the band?

because I wanted to let the community and the city know that

RS: Well, the band that I started was put together by a friend of

Latin rock music isn’t going anywhere, and I’m going to do my

mine, Jose Majorca, who was killed in an accident. We kept his

part to preserve it, probably the only thing that we have left.

dream alive because it was our music identity, and all the songs that we were writing were born in the Mission, 25th Street, the

JC: It is so important. I want to take it

Mission District blues. All the songs that I wrote were about

back again to Santana because you had

our neighborhood and all the situations that have gone on in

the opportunity to sit in with him.

my life. Every song that we play, I could tell you, it’s not just

The music that Santana created has forever changed the

that I came up with the song. Every song that I’ve ever wrote,

world, helping Latinos everywhere, to see themselves

it was influenced by Carlos Santana, him telling me, “Find your

within the rock and roll diaspora. Can you tell us a

own identity, be your own musician. Don’t ride on my coattails.

bit about what his music meant to you and how it

Be your own man.” We were a part of the Latino Rock sound.

inspired your own musical journey as a musician?

We call our music Border Rock because Puro Bandido

RS: Well, that’s what I was just explaining, that the Santana

is Border Rock, it means that it crosses all borders and it

family, from the beginning of my career, has been in my life. I

has no boundaries, border rock music. That’s the sound of


Puro Bandido. All these years, I’ve kept to myself. I kept to

JC: Well, and that leads to the next question. You do a

my own identity. That’s what Puro Bandido is all about.

lot of work within the community. Can you share with

And through the years, because of that, we have opened up

us the amazing philanthropies that you have begun

for Carlos. We’ve opened up for Eddie Palmieri. We’ve opened

and the projects that you are working on currently?

up for a Poncho Sanchez. We did the benefit for AIDS with

RS: Currently, I have a foundation that I’ve been working

Bill Graham. He booked us with Linda Ronstadt. He’s put us

with since the early 2000s. It’s called Stars for The Future

in all these great positions. We opened up for The Tower of

Giving Back. And before that, in 1995, my daughter was

Power, Sheila E., all these great bands, even for Little... What’s

living up in Clear Lake, and she was five years old, and

his name? From Texas. What’s his name? Little Joe. We’ve

she showed me the situation that happened to Polly Klaas,

opened up all these shows. We’ve done Carnaval. We helped

when she was abducted by Richard Allen Davis and killed in

on the 24th Street Merchants Fair. We’ve kept to our identity,

Cloverdale. They found her body. And she said to me, “Papa,

and we ended up working in 2002 with Jorge Santana. We

you got to do something about it.” What I did is I went to the

ended up as the headlining band for the Heineken Regatta

Missing Exploited Children, and I picked up the eight steps of

in St. Maarten in the Caribbean, and because of our original

awareness from the Missing Exploited, and I took that eight

material, and it has influenced people like Karl Perazzo.

steps, and I built a 25-minute seminar. And I used the blues.

He used to come and see me play when he was eight years

Like for instance, I asked the kids, “You know anything about

old, and he has told me, “I remember going to Dolores Park

the blues?” “No, what’s the blues?” I said, “You ever went home

as a child, and I remember that song,” (singing), and that

and didn’t do your homework, and your mother wouldn’t let you

was maestro Richard Segovia up there playing timbale all

go out and play?” “Yeah.” I go, “There’s the blues.” I took blues,

the way around him. See, you never know who’s going to be

I took Latin jazz, and I took Latin rock, and I took different

watching you. I never knew until the time we played the Cow

genres of music, and I put the eight steps in between those

Palace when he came up to me and said, “Richard, when I

genres. And we did a 25 minutes seminar, and we went into

was growing up, I wanted to be just like you.” Because I took

schools to teach the kids the buddy system, certain things they

the time to talk to Karl Perazzo, he still to this day stays in

need to do when they’re away from mom and dad, to be careful

communication with me, and like I said, it’s all about making

about those bad guys that are out there. And I caught some

a difference in one person’s life. Like Carlos told me, “If you

child molesters, and I was invited back to the school, and they

can change one person’s life, Richard, you’ve done your job.”

gave me a Certificate of Honor, showing that my system works. What we’re doing now, we’re getting ready, as soon as this

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COVID slows down, to go back into schools, teach our kids from K-5 more about the buddy system. If anybody touches them in a certain way, they can talk to their parents. They can talk to their family, and we can catch some more of these bad guys. That’s exactly what I do. And then, at the same time, here at my house, I teach kids music, percussion. I have a band right now. They are incredible. They’re going to be doing my show on October 16th. They’re called Midtown Soul. These kids are like —I call them kids— but they’re in their mid-twenties, and they are phenomenal. They are... This girl, Vanessa Lovato from Los Banos, she’s an all-over great musician, a great leader, and they’re going to be performing. I work with kids. I teach them music. I help to give them the resources and enchant to record and develop their artistry. I help them with their very first songs, then I take them into the studio, and listen to them and help them along. I put time into these kids. I do a lot of community service for these kids, and I don’t ask for any money. All I ask is that they bring their parents and they get to know who I am. I want them to know that they’re safe here. I don’t want them to think that I’m after their kids for anything. I clear that right off the table right away. Family and encouraging kids is so important to me. JC: That is wonderful work that you do within the community, Richard. I love and honor it. Your house is called Casa Bandido and has one of the most amazing murals devoted to Latino rock in the world. Can you tell us more about It? RS: Yes, from ‘93 to ‘94, I moved Michael Rios downstairs into my garage. And what we did is I hooked up. My friend had hit the lottery, Dennis Sanfilippo, for 33 and a half million dollars. And I hooked him up with Michael Rios and Carlos Santana. And we started a company called Heaven Smiles. And what we did is we did all the artwork for Carlos Santana. T-shirts from Miles Davis Foundation, John Coltrane, Bob Marley, Carlos Santana, John Lee Hooker. And we started developing T-shirts. And through all that time, we started doing Carlos Santana’s album coverage from Sacred Fire, Absoluteness, Dance of the Rainbow Serpent, Milagro, and also Supernatural. Carlos Santana was running in and out of this house from 1993 to ‘97. When I decided to come home in ‘97, Michael did not want to leave. Goes to show that the house next door was for sale, right? I told Michael, “If I can continue to do my music, I think I

Bandido, because my mom had passed away, and I called the house Casa Bandido after that. Hey, we practice at Casa

can get my $33 million lottery guy to buy the house for you,

Bandido tonight? Hey, is the party at Casa Bandido’s tonight?

Michael, next door.” And guess what happened? We bought the

We trademarked the name of the house, Casa Bandido.

house next door, and I moved Michael next door. We controlled

And then next thing you know, in 2002, we did an album for

the block. Steve Winwood, Al Hendrix, all these people started

Deacon Jones, which you heard, If Blues Were Money (I’d Be a

coming through the house. When I moved back home in ‘97,

Millionaire). Next thing you know, I was producing Eddie Money,

in a year, and then I decided in ‘98, because Bandidos were

Gregg Allman, Johnny Hooker, Lester Chambers, Lydia Pense

practicing at my house, people started saying, “Hey, what

from Cold Blood and all these people that were on the album.

times practice at Casa Bandido, with Casa Bandido?” We decided to call the house after the band, Bandido, the Casa

And next thing you know, I started getting on the phone and calling Tiran Porter from the Doobie Brothers, who’s now in


the Hall of Fame. Dale Ockerman from the Doobie Brothers. I

able to eat and getting me off of the Dolaren and the morphine

started calling up all these great musicians, Donny Baldwin

pump. And I was just smoking pot and eating like you would

from the Starship, to record on this album. Next thing you

not believe. My goals were to start this company, Galletas,

know, I was producing all these people. Wow, I couldn’t believe

realizing that out of the 57,000 people in the California cannabis

it, in 2002. And next thing you know, after all these years

industry, that less than 200 of them were people of color, which

working with Eddie Money, I started producing Eddie.

I want to make a stand and make a difference in this regard.

I go, “Hey, Eddie. Remember when I used to work for

I figure with Galletas, we can do a special brand and message

you? Now you’re working for me.” He told me to shut the F

for Latinos. My goal is to make enough money so that I can take

up and pull, push, record. I got the opportunity. Art Agnos

that money, my portion, and invest it back into my community.

started showing up at my house. Elvin Bishop. We started

Instead of calling the corporate people to, “Give me money, give

recording. I started... I mean, David Stone from Huey

me money.” I’d like to build a company that can basically take

Lewis and the News. I had all these musicians, platinum

care of all of that for me. And then be able to help our children,

players that I was producing on that record that you heard.

help our kids, help cancer victims and use that money to help

Next thing you know, the house started, became a life of

our community and then spread out and start helping other

its own, and started growing and growing and growing.

communities with their problems and do something special

And then it became a sanctuary for people that if they had a

for our people and leave something here that will be a legacy.

problem, if they needed something to eat or if they were going

So when I do go, I go out the right way. And cannabis, to me,

through a divorce and they were going through something,

has saved my life, and I know that it will save a lot of people’s

they would come and visit me. And I became this therapist for

lives, too. And they’ll get everybody off of prescription drugs,

not just children, for adults. It became a safe haven for people

pain pills, and all that other stuff with the healing properties

that were having problems. Regardless if it was drinking or

of marijuana, regardless if you’re eating it or utilizing CBD,

if it was drugs, I would help them get through this. That’s

because that’s what works for me, CBD works excellent for me.

what I felt, that being part of the community and being the

It calms me down. It relaxes me and puts me to sleep instead

mayor of the Mission, it would be my job without any strings

of sitting there taking a bunch of sleeping pills. Galletas is going

or without any money attached to it. Just from the kindness

to help me take care of my community. I want to build schools

of my heart to try and help somebody get on the right track.

for the kids here. I want to be able to give them guitars, to give them whatever they need, and tell their parents, “I’m giving

JC: Last question. I believe that a Renaissance is

you this instrument, but you’re responsible for it. When I get

taking place on the planet and that cannabis and

it back, I want it in good shape. You’re responsible.” I want to

other plant allies and medicines are an intrinsic part

give these kids opportunities because this house has that kind

of helping to wake up and heal humanity, so we can

of feel to it. I mean, you’ve been here. You understand that.

continue to evolve and knit a better world together. Can you tell us about your relationship with cannabis

JC: Absolutely. It’s pure magic, as are you. You have

and your artistry and also about your brand Galletas

created something filled with so much beautiful heart and

and why you have entered the cannabis space?

inspiration. I’m so thankful to have met you. Thank you

RS: Well, let me explain to you. I was diagnosed in 1977

so much for this interview, Richard. And I know you have

with stage four cancer, right. I was 103 pounds. I went into

more music to create today, so I’m going to let you go.

the hospital for surgery, and they had to give me blood

RS: Can I say one more thing?

transfusions because I had lost so much blood. I had a 15hour operation and just went on to six or seven operations,

JC: Yeah.

right. When I got out of the operations at first, my mother

RC Okay. I forgot to tell you that in 2017, I was approached

was totally against marijuana. When I was at that age in my

by the California Art Commission. They wanted to do a mural

late twenties, my mother was already in her late 50s, almost

on my house because they realized the publicity and what this

60 years old. She was retired from work already. What ended

house meant. And they came up to me and said, “We want to

up happening, they had me on Dolaren. They had me on a

do your house as a mural, but we want you to do the mural the

morphine pump. They had me on nothing but drugs and I

way you want it done.” My friend, Ishmael Versoza, gave me

would not eat. I somehow convinced my doctor to wheel me

the picture of the Fabulous Malibu’s that turned into Malo, and

out of the hospital, into the hallway, and I smoked a joint.

that’s when I decided to make this house into a house of Latin

Guess what happened? I started eating everything in sight.

rock. Then I got together with my friend Richie Barron and we

I came back home, and the drug dealer was coming to my door.

formed BS productions so that we could begin this project on

My mother was buying weed. I had gained 15 or 20 pounds

bringing the brand Galletas to life, so I want to give a special

in two months. And my mother said, “I don’t care what they

thank you to Barron Law Corporation, Richie aka Dr. Tequila

said about marijuana because marijuana saved my son’s life.”

and Deborah Barron for their tireless hours of hard work and

Basically, I was one of the first ones back in the late seventies

dedication towards making this Galletas dream a reality.

to experience what marijuana does, as far as appetite and being

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“Cannativa is now an organization that investigates and promotes the cul ture of medicinal and conscious use of plants like cannabis.” fter several years studying cannabis production in organic farms in Northern

and intersectional viewpoint, unaffected by fear and marketing. As a direct consequence of this vision, and to share knowledge

California, Pedro Nicoletti Motta and

and experience, Cannative works with indigenous cannabis

Genlizzie Garibay returned to Mexico City

cultivating communities in Mexico and Colombia. In 2016

and found medical users in desperate need

they released the documentary short “What are we going

of information and guidance. They set up an informative

to do?”, a narrative from the viewpoint of Wilmer Conda,

web page and saw the demand for education growing.

a member of the indigenous Nasa people of Colombia.

They decided to focus on teaching and guiding users to

Peasant communities in Latin America have cultivated

produce, extract, prepare and administer their own medicine

cannabis traditionally for centuries and have suffered many

in a conscious, prepared, and correctly dosed way.

of the worst consequences of the war on drugs. How will

As they began their activities in Mexico, they found

they be taken into account as cannabis is slowly regimented

themselves in a quasi-desert. There were very few people

and normalized? In the quest for responses to this complex

working on the question who were actually users, with little

question, the association collaborates with indigenous and

information and a stereotypical view of cannabis. So in 2015,

peasant families in Michoacán, Oaxaca, and Guerrero in Mexico,

they founded Cannativa in semi-clandestinity under the

where they also investigate the endemic cannabis genetics.

names of Polita Pepper and Nico Malaz Artes, aliases they now

In 2018 Polita Pepper, one of the founders of the Latin

use on social media. At that time, there was no social media

America Network of Women in Cannabis (Red Latinoamericana

presence, and workshops were only by word of mouth. These

de Mujeres Cannábicas), published the first article on cannabis

started in the Tepepan Xochimilco neighborhood of Mexico

and feminism in Vice (“Salió Macho” - “It came out male”),

City, moved around the city, and then, as word spread, all over

which provoked intense online debate and opened up the debate

Mexico. During the first years, the participants were mainly

on sexism in the cannabis scene in Latin America. In 2020

older women, mothers, and grandmothers needing to make the

they released a video critical of transphobia called “Jardín

medicine their young needed, while at the same time, they began

de Hembras” (“Garden of Females”), where they visibilize

to train the first doctors and therapists who would go on to

through interspecies dialogue the necessity of including

become pioneers in the clinical use of cannabis in the country.

trans and non-binary people in the world of cannabis.

By 2018, thanks to collective activism that challenged and

Cannative’s pioneering and successful model has influenced

changed the laws, Mexico was opening up to cannabis, and the

other emerging organizations and become a reference for the

context had changed enough to be able to register as a Non-

field, often featuring in Mexican and international media

Profit Civil Association aimed at reducing the risks associated

like AlJazeera and Vice, and with thousands of followers

with cannabis use, as well as other plants and psychedelics.

in social media. It has trained over 5000 people online and

Cannativa is now an organization that investigates and

physically, including doctors, health professionals, patients,

promotes the culture of medicinal and conscious use of plants

engineers, farmers, and users from México, Colombia, Costa

like cannabis. It maintains a wide-reaching and accessible

Rica, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Perú, Ecuador, and Uruguay.

web and social networks, where a multidisciplinary group of

Since 2016 they have been regularly invited as judges

specialists shares information in a diversity of formats aimed

and speakers at cannabis events like ExpoMedWeed,

at a wide range of audiences. We teach know-how as a tool for

ExpoCannabis Bogotá, Copa Cannabica México, Pot In

cultivating well-being and for positive social and environmental

Rio in Brazil, or the Farallones Cannabis Cup in Cali,

transformation, running workshops and courses, giving talks,

Colombia, and have extended their influence from Mexico to

and developing teaching material in audiovisual and graphical

all of Latin America. Indeed they are currently organizing

formats. Knowledge is power, and Cannative aims to empower

the first Latin American Cannabis Cup in Costa Rica,

users, reduce social and personal risk, and encourage a critical

slated to take place at the end of 2021. Stay tuned!


Michigan’s Caregivers H E L P E D T H E S TAT E RIS E F ROM R EC E S SION


WORDS RICK THOMPSON he story is as old as smuggling itself.


The state’s downfall can be framed by looking at the two

Cannabis is grown and processed somewhere else;

national recessions, one in 2001 and another lasting from

it is brought to Michigan, where a guy receives

December 2007-June 2009. Although the US ended the first

it in bulk and breaks it into smaller batches; he

in 2001, Michigan’s situation never bettered, and the Great

hands some of those to another guy, who may break

Lakes State entered a not-so-great single-state recession in

it down into smaller packages before selling it to consumers.

2002. Job losses plagued the state until the employment market

The first Michigan guy takes a cut, the second Michigan guy

stabilized in early 2007, according to the Council, just in time

takes a cut, but the bulk of the money being transferred flows

for the December 2007 start of the second national recession.

out of the state, back to where the cannabis was grown. That was Michigan’s cannabis industry before medical

How bad was it? It is referred to as Michigan’s Lost Decade, per Crain’s Detroit Business. Between 2000 and

marijuana. Everything changed in 2009. In 2008 the voters in

2009, Michigan was dead last in the nation in employment,

Michigan passed the Medical Marihuana Act, and it authorized

population growth, and per capita gross domestic product.

legal home cultivation of cannabis by sick people or a person

The state lost 800,000 jobs. “February 2010 marked the end

they designate to grow on their behalf. When the program

of a 47-month streak in which Michigan had the highest

came online the following year, people quickly registered as

unemployment rate in the country,” the Council detailed.

patients or caregivers and began their own gardens. These

The damage was real; people went hungry; per capita,

new gardeners spent their savings at the local hydro store,

personal income fell from 19th to 41st in the nation. Most

and with the utility company, and at the grocery store.

recessions hit the already-poor the hardest, but this prolonged

To be sure, cannabis was being grown in Michigan prior to 2008. Those growers were already contributing their

period of financial pain brought down the wealthy, too. The weary and beleaguered citizens of Michigan looked to the

illegally-gained dollars into the local economies of the

medical marijuana ballot proposal with hope and anticipation.

places where they cultivated by paying their bills and living

In November of 2008, they approved the ballot proposal by a

their lives. In past years, according to government claims,

63% margin, a landslide by any measure. This overpowering

the amount of Michigan-produced cannabis was small in

win was particularly stinging to those who had called for the

volume compared to the amount being imported to the

proposal’s defeat, including the sheriff of influential Oakland

state from California, Canada, and elsewhere. The medical

County and an Appellate Court judge named Bill Schuette.

cannabis law immediately empowered an entirely new

The language required the state to begin offering medical

group of growers, people who were black market cannabis

marijuana program applications by April of 2009. When the

purchasers who then transitioned into home cultivation.

patient form was released to the public, it was like a starter’s

According to the Anderson Economic Group, caregivers

pistol had fired. Thousands rushed to physicians and then

and home cultivation of cannabis accounted for 30% of

to the mailbox. Patient and caregiver applications came in

Michigan’s $3.2 billion cannabis market in 2020. That’s

faster than the state’s ability to issue medical marijuana

$930,000,000 every year that stays in-state and supports the

registry identification cards, but nobody cared. The ballot

domestic economy. The roots of Michigan’s cannabis home

proposal language gave the state thirty days in which to

cultivation economic boom can be traced to April of 2009.

either decline the form or issue an approval. Submitting

Arguably the Rust Belt state hardest hit by recession and manufacturing drain, Michigan has been in decline for some

their patient paperwork was the act that started the timer. When the national recession ended in June 2009, the

time. The auto industry, once the creator of the Middle Class,

Michigan medical marijuana program was just two months

is just a shell of its former self in the state. The chemical

old, and thousands of patients and caregivers were growing

giants have moved operations to other places, family-based

cannabis or planning their gardens in Michigan. Although the

agriculture is on the decline, and the tech surge was more of a

economic benefit brought on by home cultivation of cannabis

Western states thing than it was a Midwestern states thing.

is difficult to trace, it began in mid-2009, grew furiously for

Michigan experienced a “prolonged state downturn that

the next two years, then met an unexpected speed bump on

began in 2001 and continued through the 2008-09 recession,” wrote the Citizen’s Research Council of Michigan in 2013.

the highway of success, a speed bump named Schuette. During those two years, cannabis sales made by registered

The national economic crisis hit Michigan harder than

cannabis patients transitioned from the pre-medical program

others “as the state economy did not fully recover from the

model of purchasing from importers to buying from in-state

earlier and less severe 2001 recession,” the Council noted.

medical marijuana cultivation sources. Michigan saw a spike

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in economic activity during those two years. The state’s GDP

restaurant, the great people coming in from all different places.”

increased by 11% from 2009 to 2012 and bettered the national

The restaurant owners were featured in a television news story

average in 2010 and 2011. Michigan had risen from the

about the 3rd Coast. “It was bringing more attention to their

lowest of the low to the 5th fastest improving state in 2011.

store and others. The news used the restaurant, the gas station,

Domestic cannabis production was good for the economy. “By the end of 2009, cash flow began moving around,” said

the other retailers in the area. All happy to have us there.” In January of 2011, the cannabis-hating former

Roger Maufort, formerly of Jackson County Compassion

Appellate Judge became the state’s Attorney General.

Club, now with Seed Cellar. “Once that cash was spent,

Drug warriors across the state followed the lead of that

the tax dollars went back into the state and the economy.

unhappy sheriff by initiating a crackdown on caregivers,

It helped pull the state out of the recession.”

patients, and retail stores serving the medical market.

Cannabis consumers weren’t buying more cannabis

“Once Schuette was elected, I started getting raided,”

than they had budgeted for. They just changed who they

Basore said. Just days after Schuette took office, a raid

gave the money to. When all the money stays local, all the

was initiated on Big Daddy’s in Oak Park, one of the early

benefit stays local, too. “I recall vividly in 2010 trying to

industry leaders, which drew national attention. “He

get into restaurants, and they were all full,” said Ryan

orchestrated the attacks through local county prosecutors

Basore of Redemption Cannabis. “People paying cash.”

and sheriffs, wherever he could find support.”

In 2010 Basore was running Capital City Caregivers, a

Although most caregivers were undaunted, others closed up

Michigan Avenue unregulated cannabis retailer in the state

their home gardens and returned to making purchases from

capital of Lansing. Derelict buildings grew like weeds along the

those old import-market connections. So did those patients

Avenue, a sign of the harsh decade-long recession. Joblessness

who used the shuttered dispensaries The Schuette effect

and crime lingered like an untreatable illness. “People started

did not bring about a reduction in cannabis consumption. It

growing out of necessity, trying to survive,” Basore said, with

revitalized the import market at the expense of the caregiver’s

emotion in his voice. “It wasn’t play time, it wasn’t fun. If

domestic cannabis market in Michigan. That spiking GDP

their gardens failed, they lost their house.” He paused.

growth from 2011 took a turn for the worse in 2012, dropping

“People grew cannabis to pay down their bills, pay their mortgage, keep the lights on. It saved a lot of people I know.” Caregivers grew more cannabis than their patients needed,

from 5th to 18th fastest GDP growth in the nation. The state’s economic growth was slowed but not stopped- at least, the cannabis portion of it. Cannabis consumer outrage,

and the unregulated cannabis retail industry was there to

and a rise in the number of quasi-legal cannabis retailers

redistribute the overages. In Ypsilanti, which borders on

selling domestic-market cannabis, brought the industry out

liberal Ann Arbor, the 3rd Coast dispensary was founded in

of the Schuette slowdown. The Attorney General received

2009 by Darrell Stavros, Jamie Lowell, and Anthony Freed.

vicious pushback over his efforts to squash the unregulated

“People brought in cannabis for others to use; it created

retail stores and to curtail the cultivation rights of the sick

a really functional system,” Lowell, now the social equity

and injured. Schuette abandoned his public campaign against

director for The Botanical Company, recalled. “They were

cannabis after the first two years of his eight-year tenure.

able to get really good medicine to patients who did not have

“It’s cliche, but we didn’t have the resources or the allies

caregivers. The operators were caregivers, and the budtenders

in government that the AG had, but we had the truth on

were caregivers. It was very functional and productive.”

our side,” Jamie Lowell proclaimed. “That was always

Unregulated medical cannabis retailers were popular. “From 2010-11, in Lansing specifically, we jumped up

obvious and minimized a lot of what Schuette was doing.” “He bet his whole political career on ending marijuana,”

to 35-40 dispensaries,” Basore remembered. The stretch

Basore explained, “but these are your neighbors, the

of Michigan Avenue running from the expressway, past

people you work with or go to church with. You know them

Basore’s shop, and arriving at the Capitol Building became

as good people. To see them raided and have guns put to

known as the Green Mile. Those weedy derelict buildings

their head forever changed a lot of Michigan folks.”

became painted and restored weed buildings. “I had the

Videos of elderly people being led off in handcuffs by cops

first dispensary on the Green Mile and watched 12 others

enraged the citizenry. Basore’s home and cultivation setup

pop up over the next two years,” Basore chuckled.

was raided by police and National Guard helicopters in a

The economic benefit of this domestic cannabis surge

military-style assault which eventually landed him in federal

is difficult to chart in large part because it affects nearly

prison for two years. Each episode of overreach stained not

every aspect of commerce. “The sign companies had their

just Schuette but also those responsible for carrying out

best year,” observed Basore, “not to mention the electricians,

his cannabis crackdown. The memories are still very real to

the HVAC, everyone was making money. So many people

those who were involved, including Basore and his family.

in Lansing were benefitting from the caregiver grows.”

“Michigan law enforcement has a lot of damage to make up

“We have a Coney Island restaurant a half-block away from 3rd Coast,” Lowell recalled. “We were popular, and sometimes

for because of those multi-jurisdictional SWAT teams.” Lawmakers will point to changes in tax law or incentive

we had parking issues. They allowed our overflow into their

programs as the catalyst for the beginning of the boom. The

parking lot; they enjoyed the extra business we brought to the

cannabis industry’s growth didn’t rely on incentives, tax


breaks, or even permission. Indoor growing supply stores

labor force nationally. The unemployment numbers were

popped up everywhere, as did quasi-legal cannabis retailers

down, too, and personal consumption spending was up 2.8%

supplying caregiver-grown medicine to registered patients.

in a single month. Retail and foodservice sales were up

Those cannabis retailers were just mom-and-pop operations,

nearly 3% over the previous year, despite private domestic

rented storefronts employing local people, which kept any

investment indicators dropping at a rate of 1.7% per month.

profit dollars circulating in the local economy. There were

On September 14, 2016, the Michigan legislature passed

500 pirate retail operations in Michigan in 2015-2016, their

the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA)

primary supply coming from 45,000 registered caregivers.

and created a new, regulated cannabis distribution program.

Each caregiver is able to cultivate a maximum of 60 plants

The governor signed it into law one week later. That signaled

on behalf of five patients- and have their own personal

the beginning of the end for those quasi-legal retail entities

grow of 12 plants, too, if the caregiver is also a patient.

serving patients. Communities that recognized the need

More than 150,000 of Michigan’s current registered patients

for patients to have access to medicine began shedding

have not designated a caregiver; those patients may or may

the unlicensed stores in favor of the soon-to-be-released

not be cultivating for themselves. It is most difficult to chart

MMFLA state-legal shops, even though those shops would not

the impact their cultivation of cannabis has on the economy.

receive licensure for a year or more later. Just as the 2008

Growing cannabis is expensive, but the savings is greater

Medical Marihuana Act was a starter’s pistol for medical

than the expense. These monetary savings are reflected in

cannabis registrations, the MMFLA was a clear signal to law

larger personal or family budgets. Some patients who grow

enforcement and always-skeptical municipal leaders to begin

their own medicine buy better groceries or purchase better

purging their cities of unlicensed cannabis businesses.

health insurance with the money they save. Others may

The closure of easy access, caregiver-supplied shops meant

vacation. It’s obvious the state economy benefits from the

medical marijuana patients were forced to return to the easy

personal cultivation of cannabis, even if we cannot specify

access, import-based cannabis sources they were already

the exact ways in which home cultivation is helping.

familiar with. The caregiver supply chain had dominated the

Every gram of cannabis produced by caregivers in Michigan

cannabis space in Michigan for six years, but that boost faded

is a gram of cannabis not imported from Mexico or Colorado.

as a regulated market replaced the unregulated one. Although

Even though the same amount of money was being spent on

Michigan residency was a requirement for medical cannabis

transactions by consumers, the 2009-2016 shift from being a

business approval from the state, too many of the dollars spent

primarily import-driven cannabis industry to a primarily self-

by medical marijuana patients in licensed retailers went out of

sufficient cannabis supply chain had a positive economic effect

state to pay for business loans, as profit to corporate ownership,

on communities and Michigan itself. It’s almost impossible to

and to satisfy shareholders in other states. The new licensees

measure that success- caregivers were not required to report

may have been Michigan residents, but they didn’t dump all

their transactions, and neither were patients- but we do have

their money back into the community the way caregivers had.

some information with which to make educated guesses.

The new license types authorized industrial cannabis

Michigan’s 2020 market for cannabis was $3.2 billion,

production, but it was several years before the regulated

a number contained within a public relations release by

market was sufficient to satisfy the consumer’s thirst for

the Anderson Economic Group. They estimate that 30%,

cannabis. Initially, the state agency overseeing the medical

or $930 million dollars, is generated by home cultivation

business program allowed caregivers to sell their excess

of cannabis by caregivers and patients registered with the

cannabis to the regulated shops. Caregivers contributed

state. State-legal caregivers in Michigan had permission

to the success of the marketplace, which replaced them

to grow more than 1 million cannabis plants in 2019,

as the retailer of choice. The caregiver-driven economic

according to If 75% of the sale

boom slowly bled into the regulated-market economy. A

price of cannabis previously went to out-of-state cannabis

few of the unlicensed shops stayed open, and some of them

cultivation and transfer sources, and those dollars are

were able to transition into the new, regulated market.

now staying home, the positive effect of caregiver-grown cannabis on the state’s economy is undeniable. Over the evolution of the state’s medical-marijuana program

Today there are still nearly 30,000 registered caregivers in Michigan servicing 72,000 patients, per the City Pulse, but they are prevented from selling their cannabis at retail. Their work

the caregiver economy improved Michigan in predictable

established the cannabis retail space in Michigan; they laid the

ways: more money in pockets means more food and retail

foundations for the success of the regulated market, and they

sales, fewer people looking for jobs, fewer people in the

established a standard for retailer’s compassionate treatment

traditional workforce. The Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency

of sick people. Although their role has changed, caregivers

published economic indicators in June 2016, which showed

are still a vibrant and essential part of Michigan’s medical

a shrinking labor force in the state, despite an expanded

marijuana program- and the state’s economic recovery.

FALL 2 021

Love and Revolución


ntro: Love and Revolución is a 3 part tale of the



Prologue: For Centuries Mexico has been key in the world’s

romance of the legendary Pancho Villa “Centaur

spread of marijuana use and cannabis culture.

of the North” (the Mexican Revolutions Fire and

Through Mexico, the plant found its way to the United

Eagle’s Heart) and his obsession with the famous

States Jazz players, Beatnicks, and Hippies.

field Marshall “Warrior Soldier” Marijuana, the commander

The legacy of the 500-year Moorish occupation of Spain was

of the battalion of sharpshooter women “Las Adelitas”

critical in Mexico’s rise as a global cannabis center. The Moors

and the curandera/ healer of General Villa himself.

brought hashish and the tradition of Kif smoking to Spain.

The story is loosely based on actual historical events. The characters have been modified, and marijuana is

Marijuana has entered the New World on Spanish galleons. It was acculturated into Indigenous tribes and the upper

a composite of some of the women soldiers ( Adelitas

class in Mexico over the centuries. The iconic anthem of

and Valentinas ) in the Mexican Revolution.

the Mexican Revolution, “La Cucaracha,” is about Pancho

Her spirit lives today ( 110 years after the Mexican Revolution ) in the Social Justice movement against

Villa’s rebel army getting high just before a battle. Numerous accounts say that “marijuana” came into

the federal prohibition (Drug War) of marijuana and

use in the early 20th century because anti-cannabis

her medicinal properties. She brings hope and light to

forces wanted to underscore the drugs “Mexican-ness.” It

a world in crisis and uncertainty, desperately in need of

was meant to play off of anti-immigrant sentiments.

healing and love. Enter a world in upheaval, a timeless tale of Love and Revolution. Aah YaYaYa-Aho!

Marijuana was nationally outlawed in the U.S. by the 1930’s, and demonizing Mexican immigrants became a decisive tactic


of the war on drugs. A common version of the story of the

thousands of Chicanos and Blacks were victimized and sentenced

criminalization of cannabis was that it was outlawed because

to chain gangs for merely possessing and smoking marijuana.

various powerful interests, some of which had economic motives to suppress hemp production, were able to create a “Bad Hombre” (Man) in the popular imagination by spreading lies of

In 1915 California and Utah passed State laws outlawing marijuana directed at Chicanos. Colorado followed in 1917. Its legislators cited Mexican

homicidal mania touched off by the corruption of the dreaded

Revolutionary leader Pancho Villas’s rebel army, whose

Mexican locoweed. Fear of the Brown people combined with

drug of choice was marijuana, the devil’s weed.

the fear of nightmare drugs used by the “darkies” produced a wave of public action against the Mexican Marijuana Menace. The first anti-marijuana laws (1937) came about because of newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst’s lies and racist newspaper articles and ravings, which were cited in U.S. congressional records as facts. The first lie was to introduce the element of fear of

In Colorado, its legislature felt the only way to prevent an actual racial blood bath and the overthrow of their “white” ignorant and bigoted laws, attitudes and institutions, was to stop marijuana. (2) As the cultural drug war against Chicanos and marijuana is initiated in the U.S. in1909, South of the border, the flames of revolution erupt in Mexico with Pancho Villa’s

the unknown by using a word that no English-speaking

rebel army in the North and Emiliano Zapata’s armed

Anglo-American had ever heard before -”Marijuana.”

forces in the South. Together they rise up in rebellion

Eventually, prohibitionists set out to stir up Primal

to overthrow the dictatorship of Profirio Diaz.

emotions into an existing cesspool of racial hatred that was inherently poisoning society. (1) It is no surprise that the first marijuana use recorded in

Part 1: The Romance of Pancho Villa and Marijuana

the U.S. was by Mexicans in Brownsville, Texas, in 1903. The first Marijuana prohibition law in the U.S.-pertaining

One afternoon in the Sonoran Desert, as the sun bakes and

only to Mexicans- was passed in Brownsville, Texas, that

cracks the earth with its unmerciless heat, is the town of Agua

same year. Thus the cultural war against Mexicans and

Prieta on the U.S./Mexican border. A battle rages as the rebel

marijuana was launched and persisted 110 years to the date.

peasant forces oro f Pancho Villa, El Centauro del Norte, has

Newspapers in New Orleans from 1910 through the

assaulted the Mexican Federal garrison. Villa strategized to

1930s wrote that marijuana’s insidious evil influence

attack the federal stronghold. If he and his regimen could

apparently manifested itself in making the “darkies”

take the city, they would control railroad traffic between

think they were as good as “White Men.” This gave

Mexico and the U.S. Furthermore; the attack would mark the

rise to the cultural drug war against Mexicans.

first time that the revolutionary army would confront federal

Chicanos (Mexican Americans) under marijuana’s influence

forces in a regular battle. This was a major success by the

were demanding humane treatment, looking at White women,

revolutionaries and was the final push that would knock over

asking that their children be educated while they harvested

the federal forces. A further sign of the apparent demoralization

sugar beets, and making other “insolent” demands. With the

of federal rank and soldiers, many of whom had been forcibly

excuse of marijuana ( devils weed ), Anglos could now use

conscripted into the garrison, actually sympathized with the

forces and justify their violent acts of oppression. Hundreds of

revolutionaries. The first battle of Agua Prieta was significant

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in that it was the first time railroads were used by the rebels.

Villa, who’s barely conscious, looks up momentarily, and he sees

Along the way, the insurrectionists captured the towns of

something. It’s a woman in a white dress with her bandeleras

Temosachi and Bauche, which greatly raised their morale.

crisscrossed on her chest, machete over her shoulder, and rifle

As the dust settles and the crying and moaning of the mayhem and carnage that lays waste across the

in her hand. She shouts, “quien andas?” Who goes there? The horse kneels on his four legs, and Villa slides off onto

battlefield are heard, cannonballs whirl through the air,

the ground turned onto his side. She runs to look and pushes

the ground momentarily shaking. Men and body parts

him over with her boot. She realizes that he is wet with blood.

flying through the air and gun smoke. The peasant forces

She unbuttons his shirt and sees that his left side is bleeding.

keep pounding the garrison, eventually overwhelming

She sees that a pant leg is ripped and wet with blood. She

the federal forces and forcing them into retreat.

realizes that he has a bad puncture wound and is bleeding. She

Just as the battle is winding down, a group of federal

sees that it is swollen and that it feels hot to the touch. She

foot soldiers is ordered to charge Pancho Villa on his horse.

examines and palpates the areas and determines that no major

They charge at him with their bayonets, hoping to kill or

organs or arteries have been compromised. It seems to be a

wound him. One of them gets through and stabs Villa with

clean shot through his side, very fortunate. She looks at his leg

his bayonet through his right thigh muscle. Another soldier

and realizes he has a nasty puncture wound by a bayonet. She

happens to shoot his rifle and gets a shot going completely

swiftly lays him down and puts pressure and puts pressure on

through Villa’s left underside. Villa gets wounded, his horse

the bleeding areas, and she gets into her medicine bag. One jar

rises up and tramples two of the soldiers. Villa severs the

she opens is filled with yarrow. She takes the yarrow, adds a

head of the soldier who stabbed him with a swing of his

little water, and starts grinding it in her mortar with her pestle.

machete. With his other hand, he shoots another soldier. In

She adds a portion of chapparal, a blood purifier, and

a circle, swirling around with the desert winds, it’s as if a

antiseptic. She then grinds in cannabis flowers to help with

dust devil has hit the earth there. Pancho Villa is a force of

the pain and inflammation. She takes the ground-up medicine

nature, a carousel, with his horse Chubasko (Thunder) circling

and uses a cotton sheet to cut bandages. She makes a pouch

with death and fury and laying waste to any soldier that

with the cotton, puts the ground herbs into it, and ties it with

attempts to take down the great Revolutionary General.

a hard knot. She packs the wounds with the poultice pouches.

Finally, you hear in the distance the trumpet, and the

All Villa can do is moan, but he’s completely unconscious

forces of the federal infantry begin to retreat. Close to a third

and burning with fever. Once she is done and she can see the

of the federal infantry, no longer loyal, join the rebel army.

blood clotting, she wraps the wounds tightly with bandages.

Their loyalty now rests with their cousins of the rebel forces.

Her camp lies between two giant boulders that meet in a

After the shooting and the bombardment cease, they tend to

ravine where an underground stream flows. Sure enough,

the wounded and start slowly making their way back to their

she gets her little miner shovel from her saddlebag and

encampment, where the women and children await them.

starts digging. She digs a foot and a half and finds water.

Unbeknown to anyone, Villa has been wounded and injured

In that water, she takes the mud and puts it on Villa’s face

badly. He’s bleeding, but you would never know. There’s no wince

and forehead to suck out the impurities and the heat. She

on his face, no moan, nada. They make it back by sundown.

keeps digging in that area and finds smooth stone rocks

Already the hundreds of fires are seen lit on the desert floor

which are cold. She cleans them up and places them on his

and the smell of fresh corn tortillas being cooked by the women

forehead, behind his neck, and under his armpits to cool his

as men return. There is an air of anticipation. Families were

body down. She gives him some cool water to drink. He’s

waiting to see if their loved ones - husbands, sons, brothers,

unresponsive, but he instinctively takes the water. After she’s

uncles have returned. Sadly that day, Villa lost several thousand

done dressing the wounds, she takes a handful of sage and

of his men to the cannon fire that lay waste to his forces.

sweetgrass with some kopal in a clay pot and sets it on fire,

At the encampment, people begin to rest. Villa, on his horse,

creating smoke which she blows over him. She begins chanting

begins to check each campfire where his generals and troops

and doing a ritualistic prayer to La Tonatzin, Protectores

are stationed and resting for the night. He checks to see what

of the Americas, and making an offering to the creator that

lieutenants, what corporals, what sergeants made it back, and

whoever this man is, not to let him die under her care.

what generals he lost that day. After he does his headcount, he

After she’s done, she goes to a carton cactus she saw earlier.

rides into the distance. It’s legendary that every evening Villa,

She cuts one of the stalks with a swing of her machete. She then

who trusted nobody in his sleep, would ride off into the darkness

cuts it in half and places it on the fire embers to roast. When

of the desert alone with his horse, Chubasko. That night as he

she smells that it has roasted, she takes it, cuts into it, and lets

rode away, he realized he was burning up with fever. He got

the steam escape to cool it down. When it’s completely cool, she

dizzy, so he ties his hand to the saddle horn as he doesn’t want

takes the inner gelatin of the cacti, the aloe-like substance. The

to fall off his horse. Somehow the animal, the creature, half

cactus flesh is a pain killer, disinfectant, and astringent. She

horse, half man, rides ahead. The bond that exists between the

removes the packing in the wounds and applies the cactus flesh

horse and his rider leads Chubasko to the flickering he has

directly onto the wounds. She keeps him cooled down with the

seen, a distant campfire in the wilderness. He approaches the

mud and rocks and watches over him. Finally, as the sun begins

campfire, and clearly, someone is staying here, but he sees no

to crack at the horizons, she hears the great horned owl -whoo,

one until, out of nowhere, he hears the cocking of a rifle. Then

whoo in the distance. She realizes the nocturnal creatures of


the desert are seeking refuge for their sleep of the day. It is also a time for her to check his wounds. As she takes the cacti off, she sees the blood and drainage has completely stopped. She has her needle ready that she acquired earlier from the maguey tip, with several more ready to go. With the string of the maguey, she sews his wounds up. She starts first with this leg, two parts to stitch the entrance and exit wounds. She makes four sutures into his leg and on his side. Without signs of pus or redness, she applies a bit of the aloe, yarrow, chaparral, and cannabis oil. She keeps a cannabis tincture in a pouch around her neck with her amulet. She has a simple salve of beeswax, which she had collected days earlier in one of her clay pots. She puts cannabis oil in the pot and chaparral to keep it all clean and purified. She applies the paste to his wounds, and he awakens, startled, exclaiming, “who are you? Where am I?” He attempts to get off the ground. She responds, “you’re not going anywhere. Stay where you are!” He barks at her, “you don’t know who I am. You can’t tell me what to do!” She goes to him and asks, “well, who are you?” He responds “I am General Francisco Villa, Pancho Villa ! Who are you?” She gasps and steps back, and tries to catch he breath. Just the realization of who he is and that she is the one who has nursed him! He asks for assistance to get up, but he realizes he cannot jump on the horse. He exclaims, “I have to go back to my men. We took the town and garrison, but the federal soldiers will regroup and return. I need to be there!” So she exclaims, “You’re not going anywhere without me.” He goes,” um, and why is that?” “Because I am your field Marshall, the commander of the Adelitas, women sharpshooters.” Villa replies, “I’ve heard of you!” He looks up at her with his crooked smile. “Well, get your gear together! We have a war campaign to carry on! For Tierra o Muerte.” Land or Death! They saddle up and ride towards the rising sun. El Enquentro? The encounter of Pancho Villa and Marijuana has begun. Ahhh ya ya ya Ajo!

FALL 2 021




or five decades,

for the hobbyist as it is to the commercial

challenged by the falling price of

marijuana policy and

farmer with acres of plants to tend.

flower. Will this book help them?

cultivation expert Ed Rosenthal has propelled the effort to legalize

This book has over 650 pages. Will it be easy for a home grower to navigate? You don’t have to read it all to start. If

My work is about solutions that will enable growers to increase yield and quality in an efficient, cost-saving way.

marijuana, leading the movement to

you are new to growing or have not done

For me, it’s a societal goal. While the

grow your own cannabis. In his new

so for a while, start with the chapter on

farmer bears the brunt, I see the lowering

book, Cannabis Grower’s Handbook:

the Six Limiting Factors. This is a crash

of prices to the consumer as beneficial to

The Complete Guide to Marijuana

course on what plants need to thrive.

society in general. The more people with

and Hemp Cultivation, Ed demystifies

Once you have your first grow,

cannabis, making it easy for anyone to

you’ll have more appreciation for

prices, the better the human mindset.

grow it at home for their own use or

some of the material that you scanned

When a person uses cannabis, they are

to expand and improve their licensed

through. All the key sections begin

more generous and peaceful, and better

commercial operation. Cannabis Grower’s

with the basics and expand to cover

still, less impulsive and aggressive than

Handbook completely reinvents Ed’s best-

the science behind the techniques.

when using alcohol. A “Cannacentric”

selling Marijuana Grower’s Handbook, presenting the latest technologies, tools,

What is the most common mistake among growers?

and techniques for the legalization era.

The most common mistake is

“If my other books helped you grow,

access to quality marijuana at affordable

society would be a good thing Much is happening on the legal front. However, there is still

trying to do too much. Start small

opposition to legalization, any

Cannabis Grower’s Handbook will take

and expand your garden as you have

suggestions on how to address this?

you to new highs.” -- Ed Rosenthal

more experience with the plant.

Why rewrite a classic? Simply put, “You wouldn’t use a ten-

Though people may find growing

Right now, more people worldwide are in favor of canceling out the restrictions

their own marijuana intimidating, with

of prohibition. The most successful way

year-old computer book to fix a problem

the right conditions and equipment,

of changing prejudicial attitudes is the

with your computer today.” The knowledge

anyone can grow cannabis, whether

growing familiarity with cannabis. As

behind cannabis, the technology,

they live in a small city apartment or

people see their friends and neighbors

everything we have learned to improve

a big house in the country. Growing

use it, they realize that it is not harmful.

our skills in growing a quality cannabis

your own marijuana means you control

plant has changed drastically. The

both the quality of your cannabis, and

information had to be updated to reflect

the conditions that it was grown in.

what we now know and just as valuable

Commercial growers are

Any final words of advice?

Warning: Using Marijuana may not be addictive, but growing it is.


ED ROSENTHAL’S FIVE TIPS FOR HOME GROWERS Plan your garden around your goals.

Before starting a seed or clone, it is important to understand what your end goal is and work backward from there. Home growers are motivated by a variety of outcomes; entertainment, lower-cost cannabis, specific medical uses, and/ or the knowledge that the cannabis was grown using clean, organic, and safe methods. Prepare for harvest before planting; create a garden you have the time and ability to manage and maintain. Choose your variety wisely

Choose the right cultivars for the garden space. If you are growing outside, take local weather conditions into account. If growing indoors, make sure the plants won’t grow too large for the space. Assess your goals and choose varieties that meet them: high hash producers, good medical content, high yielders, or short and quick harvesting. Remember: Cannabis is not a magical plant

This isn’t rocket science or astrology; it’s gardening. If you learn a little about the plant and its requirements, the garden will yield a better crop with less effort. Harvest no bud before it’s time One of the biggest advantages of being a home grower is not having the same pressures to produce a saleable crop as quickly as possible. Follow the ripening of each plant closely and harvest no bud before its time. Sometimes it is preferable just to harvest ripe buds or branches rather than the whole plant, and you have

“Ed Rosenthal’s new book Cannabis Grower ’s Handbook, will change the way people grow for years to come. Stay in touch with Ed @edrosenthal420”

FALL 2 021

the leisure to do so in a home garden. Evolve

It is easy for commercial and home growers to get stuck in their ways, but a successful grower will evolve their operation as they learn new skills and information about their plants. Constantly adapt your garden and the cultivars in it as you adjust to the grow space and learn how the plant grows best.

Easing Anxiety




he word anxiety comes from the Latin

Exercise is a good way to bring more oxygen into the body.

angustia, meaning “narrowness, restriction or

Also powerful and immediate is to take five deep inhalations

difficulty.” Anxiety can be a warning of impending

from each nostril (to open neural pathways) of the anxiety-

pain or potential danger, whether real or

relieving essential oils of basil, bergamot, cedarwood,

imagined, yet making us hyper-aware and alert.

chamomile, cypress, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, juniper,

Anxiety can be described as a feeling of fear, loss, hurt,

or uneasy anticipation. This overreaction of the autonomic nervous system, where the “flight or fight” mechanism

lavender, marjoram, melissa, myrrh, neroli, orange, petigrain, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, or ylang ylang. Dress warmly in a way that protects the kidneys

is activated and exaggerated, is usually accompanied

and adrenals in the lower back region to make you feel

by a rush of adrenaline that offers an edge in dealing

empowered. Having adequate clothing for warmth, comfort,

with an adverse situation or person. There are many

or weather changes can help one feel protected and safe.

causes and variations on how anxiety can affect one.

Keep blood sugar on an even keel instead of a sugar-powered

Many utilize cannabis, whether it be indica strains or strains

roller coaster. Be wary of coffee, stimulants, asthma meds,

higher in CBD than THC to be allies in calming anxiety. Not only

decongestants, and antidepressants that can disrupt brain

is cannabis a time-tested ally for many in calming anxiety, but I

chemistry. MSG (monosodium glutamate) is considered an

will also share some other amazing methods to calm your nerves.

excitotoxin and can alter brain chemistry adversely. Drug,

Anxiety can be accompanied by clammy hands, fatigue, heart irregularities, trembling, breathing difficulties, muscle tension, nausea, muscle tension, and stomach distress. It can

alcohol abuse, and even eating allergenic foods can trigger anxiety and put your body into panic-alert-overtime. Eat nutrient-dense grounding foods such as buckwheat,

aggravate addictions, eating disorders, digestive distress,

millet, black quinoa, black rice, black sesame seeds,

and other health concerns. Anxiety can weaken the body’s

sweet potatoes, and winter squash for serenity.

protective shield, making us vulnerable to outside forces. Shallow rapid breathing leads to exhaling excess carbon dioxide, which can make one feel light-headed, oxygendeficient, dizzy, numb, tingly, sweaty, and experience chest pain. Breathe deeply and slowly and feed your brain the life force of oxygen that it thrives on and calms anxiety.

There are many herbs, including cannabis, that can help calm anxiety. Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera) relaxes smooth muscles and increases the availability of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Catnip (Nepeta cataria) relaxes nerves and has analgesic and has sedative properties.


POSSIBLE JOURNAL TOPICS TO EXPLORE: Learn what your triggers are. Write about what has triggered the past few anxious episodes. Are there any common denominators such as food, place, theme, a certain person or situation? Make a list of the people and places you typically encounter. Ask which of those feel safe and which don’t. Put a mark on all those that feel threatening and try to limit those situations. Create a safe space for yourself. When attending situations that cause anxiety, go with a friend, avoid sugar and alcohol beforehand.>> When anxiety occurs, stay put if you can not remove yourself, get comfortable, sit straight, focus on something else and distract yourself. Remember that however panicked you are, this feeling will pass and not harm you. Sit calmly at a table, putting hands firmly on the table, and say “STOP” aloud, keep your body relaxed and knees uncrossed. Say a comforting prayer or sacred chant, mantra, or count backward from 100 by 3s. If possible, putting your bare feet on the ground may have a calming influence. A couple of techniques from the realm of acupressure to calm anxiety include: Gently pressing or rubbing the space between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead (aka “the Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) helps

third eye”) to help calm anxiety. Apply pressure to the center of

restore an exhausted nervous system and has

the left palm with the right hand firmly for one minute (where

been used to calm anxiety for centuries.

the middle finger ends). Hold the thumb of one hand with the

Hops (Humulus lupulus) is in the same

other as a calming technique. Holding one’s toes, especially

family as cannabis and has long been used

the middle toe, helps to bring the energy down from the head

to calm the spirit and encourage rest.

and ground it. (Easiest when already barefoot.) If one toe feels

Kava kava (Piper methysticum) relaxes the muscles without blocking nerve signals. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) helps protect the cerebrum from excess external stimulation. Oatstraw (Avena fatua, A. sativa) nourishes and strengthens the nervous system. Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is

tighter or hotter, focus on that one. Keep repeating these steps. A calcium/magnesium as well as B complex deficiency can contribute to anxiety. The calming B vitamin inositol works as a cell messenger and is found in our spinal cord, brain, and nerves. Lecithin, sunflower seeds, eggs, and avocados are good sources of inositol. For very anxious people, 100 mg. of inositol are

excellent for people that are overworked. It

taken each morning. Another supplement to use is

aids concentration and calms the spirit.

GABA (gama amino butyric acid) which helps protect

Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) has long been

the brain from excitatory messages and feelings of

used by Taoist monks to calm the mind and spirit.

being overwhelmed. 5-HTP (5- hydroxytryptophan) is a

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) calms anxiety

precursor to serotonin and is effective against anxiety.

and relaxes the muscles. It does not taste pleasant, so tincture or capsules would be best. Biofeedback, hypnosis, guided imagery, herbal

Aspen flower essence is for the person who is fearful and anxious yet doesn’t know why. Mimulus flower essence is for anxiety about things not working out, like money concerns.

baths, and sound healing can all be effective therapies

Agrimony flower essence is for restlessness and inner anxiety.

to explore in overcoming anxiety. Hypnosis is an

Larch helps relieve persistent low-level anxiety. Rescue Remedy,

altered state of consciousness that can help one make

one of the Bach Flower remedies, is a good emergency tool to

psychological changes, releasing old patterns and

have in several convenient places such as a briefcase, desk,

habits and stimulates endorphin production.

purse, and glove compartment and use it when anxiety starts to come on. Two drops under the tongue are all it takes. The color blue is tranquil and soothing to the spirit. Anxiety is a sign that the affected person still has the strength to struggle. Best wishes in overcoming the angst that makes you anxious! Brigitte Mars Herbalist, Author, University Professor, Psychedelic Sitter, End-of-Life Doula

Bud Wise Series



elcome to Bud Wise, my good

power, or raise them up

Skunkers. Bud Wise is a Q&A thingy.

higher, so that the tops

Over the decades, I have learned

of your plants don’t hit

several cool things from reading Q&A-

88 degrees+ for more

type articles. I hope today’s article will

than a couple of hours

help some of you, in unexpected ways, as it should, heh heh.

out of a day. Dimmable

Your lighting, venting, and humidity all play valuable roles

lights are good for a

when temperatures rise way above average. Our first question

day after the heat to

revolves around that little dynamic; let’s have a look…

give them a little break. Likewise, raising the lights would have the same effect.

Question 1: HID Lights for Flowering From: Naddy, Bandon, Oregon, USA

Measure the temps of your plant tops with a laser thermometer. They’re inexpensive and worth their weight in gold. Having equipment like exhaust fans and lights that have

“Hey Rev, we just had an incredible heat wave roll

variable power settings is an awesome thing indeed. Cranking

through. My tents got up over 100 degrees for 6 or 7 hours,

up my exhaust venting is always very helpful during high

two days in a row. They don’t look super happy today (3

heat. I run HID bulbs in the winter months because I like the

days later). Any good advice here in the aftermath I can

added warmth. I run LEDs in the summer months because I

do? Thank you, I can’t wait to get your upcoming book!”

can’t manage the extra heat if using HID bulbs without venting my lights directly. I really don’t want to hassle with that.

Answer to Q1: Ugg Naddy, that’s a tough one there. They will take a hit;

Rev’s Tip:

you’ll see the heat’s impact in total about a week or ten days

If temps are high and your humidity is uber low, you can

after the heat. If you have dimmable lights, run them at lower

also employ a “Swamp Cooler” type of dynamic. Sometimes


I just water-mist/spray my inner tent walls to accomplish

15 days, assuming they’re sexually healthy genetics.

a 2-to-4-degree temp drop without adding a shitload of humidity. Swamp coolers can raise the humidity to 100%

Question 3:

reasonably fast, so monitor closely. Keep humidity below

From: Tiff., SFV, CA, USA

65% always as a general rule of thumb indoors, if possible. “A big hello from the SF valley Rev! I have been growing Question 2:

my own since the early ’90s, and I am pretty good at it.

From: Mr. Ransom., Vista, CA, USA

I use TLO all the way for the last four years. I still can’t consistently get proper drying for some reason. I get

“Can just drought stress cause all my plants to express

it perfect about 30% of the time. The rest of the time,

hermaphrodites? They got pretty limp, and it was very,

it was either a little too wet when I sealed it up and

for the couple of days I was gone. After that, they bounced

got that hay/lawn smell or too dry and crumbles into

back, but now I see a few bananas (hermaphrodites)

dust. Is there some way to help me, Rev? Thank you.”

popping up here and there all over the place on multiple plants/varieties. Thanks, dude. I’m just cutting all the

Answer to Q3:

bananas off, as they show. It’s been about eight days now,

High Tiff. Okay, first

and I think they are slowing down. I can’t believe just

of all, you can re-

going dry and hot for a couple of days could do this alone.”

hydrate buds that get way too dry. It’s easy.

Answer to Q2:

Just leave them out, in

The quick answer to your question, my good man, is—Oh hells

open jars or whatever,

yes! Heh heh… You have to think differently when attempting to

in a room with the

“think like a plant”—and I mean a LOT differently. First of all,

humidity up over 55%,

plants are “not cool” with containers, period. They are from the

check on them every

earth; their roots are free to explore boundlessly underground.

30 minutes the first

Being confined to containers alone (highly) likely stresses them

time you do it to get

out somewhat. I’m fairly good at thinking like a plant—LoL.

your time benchmark.

Living roots, confined to a space without any water, in high temps would wig you out if you were a plant, I’m thinking. I have seen plants do this before, more than once.

They will usually get perfectly spongy in open jars in my

If you, super-drought stressed them during flowering, to

bedroom overnight (12 hours) at 55% - 65% humidity. The

the point where they “thought” they were likely to die.

higher the humidity, the faster they will get re-hydrated.

They opted for survival via hermies (hermaphrodites). I

Now, as to the question of when exactly to jar them

have even seen them do this when heavily overwatered.

up. We know too wet sucks bad and is a fatal mistake—

Use larger catch-trays beneath your containers (or Self-

that hay smell is horrid. So, since too dry is not a fatal

Watering containers). That way, if you are leaving for a

mistake, always error on the side of too dry. I use a simple

couple of days, you can always just put some water right

test when the thicker stems (like the main or mains)

in the tray(s) as a stopgap way to tide them over, for sure.

‘CRACK’ when you bend them; It’s time for the jars. That

Like if you think they probably have enough water to make

way never fails me, and I hope it helps you, Tiff.

it, but you’re not sure, use the catch-tray bottom watering method. They should stop expressing hermies in 10 to

FALL 2 021


Growing Weeds is Easy



C U LT I VA T I N G T O P - S H E L F C A N N A B I S I S T R I C K I E R elcome to today’s sermon amigos.

Okay man, now I know how all the nutrient companies

Ya know… growing weeds, is easy.

have made many of you think “it’s obvious” that you have to

Pretty much anyone with a little

bump up some phosphorous (P), and/or potassium (K), during

growing experience (like a few runs

flowering. Nope. Not true whatsoever, and in fact, a highly

under their belt) can grow cannabis

destructive move in containers using living soil. Plants don’t

plants, at least fairly well, right up until about halfway through

get any kind of powerful and highly available mineral nutrient

flowering. That’s where all the real magic happens—or not—

bumps in nature. Doesn’t happen amigos. A bunch of available

when it comes to the final product you will end up with.

(particularly available if chelated using organic acids) P or K

Outdoors is the easiest ever! As long as the soil (ground) you are growing in is halfway decent and hasn’t sustained damage

never drenches plant roots in nature. Not at all. It’s unnatural. Just take care of a good balance

from things like the use of synthetic nutrients, pollutants like

in your soil. Use top dressings, or

petroleum, cleaning chemicals, etc., other treatments, or toxins

layers, that are more complete and not

like pesticides obviously, and you aren’t growing too close to

targeted hard towards one nutrient

things like walnut or pine trees. You are golden. Outdoor growing

or another. Alfalfa meal is a great

issues are almost always “plant feeding” related (human error)

go-to here for me. Along with some

when it comes to the final product. But, huge plants in all-

balanced bird (chicken) guano—

day sunshine aren’t nearly as connoisseur to smoke as smaller

balanced as far as the N-P-K values

plants under somewhat diminished sunlight. Fact, FYI.

are concerned. Crab meal is a great

Just match your genetics to your outdoor environment. For example, if growing along the coast outdoors, or anyplace

amendment, and the P within it is slow/ long release. Just exactly the way you

with higher humidity concerns—especially high humidity and

want it to be. Your P along with your K—and all other mineral

little or no wind in the early morning hours—needs to get

nutrients for that matter—should be delivered long and

fast genetics. Plants that will finish outdoors by very early

slow. Just let good water and the micro life do their thang.

October at the latest; like within the first week of October.

Now I assume we all know not to have any real amounts

Alternately, some long-ass flowering sativas are ferociously

of available nitrogen (N) delivered to our plants during the

mold resistant as well. Greenhouses with dehumidification are

second half of flowering. However, N isn’t the worst culprit

primo and allow you to grow whatever you want. Outdoors,

for harshening your smoke. Things like K and magnesium

thieves, plant-eaters, mold/rain, and potential light-poisoning

(Mg) are huge culprits of harsh smoke. Way bigger culprits

are usually more central problematic issues. If you have a humidity-controlled greenhouse or live inland where it

than N. So, a good fade is all-important at the end. Allow your plants to use up all those stored nutrients like N, along with all the stored trace and mineral nutrients. Just drop

is hot and dry most of the time, grab

your water’s PPM by about a third for the last

some killer cannabis genetics over at

two weeks of flowering; a great way to fade. Otherwise, you really need the earlier finishing cannabis genetics. Indoors poses way

TO SUMMARIZE… Keep things very consistent like water source

more potential problems. That’s what I’m

and PPM. Using groundwater brings in very

going to mostly focus on today, actually to

slowly available calcium, magnesium, and a bunch

be more specific, growing in containers,

of trace nutrients like some iron, etc. slowly over

and the problems that can easily bone your harvest quality. Let’s do it… Quality Buds are About What’s Not in Them—Bigtime

time. The plant “learns” to be able to count on these elements and puts them to good use. Never use anything in a bottle on your container plants baybee. Seriously, that’s my


advice. Because what you get is problems. I mean problems due

surface area = greater overall aeration effect. Allow this blend to

to the unnatural state of “a ton” of available nutrients destroying

sit for 24 hours before use. Just add good water to your plants in

soil pH and killing massive bacteria with organic acids like

this mix, consistently. Target 55 – 65 PPM, and you’re golden.

humic, fulvic, phosphoric, citric, ascorbic, et. al. Not cool man. Avoid the almost instinctual drive you may have to fertilize

Containers are super important. I highly recommend the Plant Warrior round containers by Grow Pro, with the

your plants with something high P in liquid form. A shitload

inverted net-pot design on the floor. When transplanting

of highly available phosphorous (phosphoric acid) blasting all

you simply place the root-ball right down on top of the new

the roots and killing a lot of the soil bacteria isn’t my idea of a

inverted net-pot; it’s basically conically shaped. This delivers

good time for your plants. Don’t do it. Just say no, you savvy?

instant air to plant roots that have adapted to be exposed

The Fundamentals Man, The Fundamentals

to a lot of air. Keeping the plants strong and vigorous right

I push the fundamentals often when I write my cannabis-

through transplants. They take off growing like NOW!

related articles. I also grow some serious cannabis flowers,

Rev’s Tip: Those round Plant Warrior growing containers come

connoisseur quality absolutely; I have been doing this growing

in 1-, 3-, and 5-gallon sizes that I use. There are 4-gallon as well.

cannabis thing now for over 4 decades, heh heh. So, when I

Also, regarding these pots. You will want to drill out the little

say get your fundamentals strong, it’s for very good reasons.

legs on the bottom of these pots before using them. This will

If you want some superfast badass soil, just take good bagged soil and some good bagged earthworm castings, and some perlite. Here’s how we do… Mix the castings and the soil 50/50 making sure the blend is moist but not wet. For every cubic foot (6 gallons) of your castings/soil blend add 1 gallon of perlite—the smallest nugget size you can get. Smaller nuggets = more overall

FALL 2 021

allow the roots access to the last drops of water in the runoff tray. The 420h—A Brand New Full Spectrum LED 420 Watts, 4,000 Kelvins, Dimmable, 25” Square, 5-Year Warranty, Under $600.00 Check this light out! Now, these were a “birthday present” to me from NextLight. They just asked me to write about

my experience with them. No worries there, so far, this light rocks. I have been using these in my 3x3 Gorilla Grow

or grow dense jungles of buds in grow-tents. Either way. A Couple Other Things Come to Mind

Tents. They are 25” square so they fit super snug (perfectly

I got an email recently that thanked me for my advice on

actually) into my tents. The light source footprint is almost

cannabis growing. The peep told me that their favorite part

the same exact size as the tents’ footprint. Noice!

about learning from my articles was how it seemed as though

So far, over the last month using these on some flowering plants has blown my mind pretty well as far as growth

we were just sitting at a pub, and I was babbling away. LoL—I gotta say, I love that analogy. I wrote this article in that spirit.

rates, wow, seriously. Superior growth rates even to my

Check out that 420h LED light online at NextLight.

beloved Eye Blue Hortilux 400-watt HID lights I use in

Also, check out the Core light at lessor wattage for under

the winter months; for heaters and lights. Trust me, that’s

$500.00. That was the original light I was looking at for

saying a lot. These plants took off so fast they have outgrown

my tents. Along with keeping your lighting all good, make

their 3-gallon containers on me to some degree, LoL.

sure all your fundamentals are in place. Anyplace you are

The dimmable part I didn’t get at first. But if you are

weak here, work on just that issue, with your goal only

using these lights for full-term lights, and you are running

to make it better than it was. Strong fundamentals are

freshly rooted clones just planted into the soil, you can

what it’s all about growing connoisseur quality buds.

harden them off easily by dimming the lights for a day

For sure, look into those Plant Warrior pots, they make a real

or two. This really adds to their capabilities as full-term

noticeable difference and especially around flowering time—

lights. They are also protected from overspray water to a

wink. That fast soil blend above doesn’t need any composting,

good degree. A very cool perk. 5-year warranty, friendly

earthworm castings are already composted, and so is any decent

and helpful peeps in customer service. Always love that.

quality bagged soil. Just remember not to compact your soil

Not only are all my main branches budding up nicely,

during transplants. No need whatsoever to do so. Stop “fertilizing

but even the sub-canopy of buds is filling in crazy good. No

your plants” with any liquids or extracts, tonics, elixirs, or

bullshit amigos, growth rates are surprisingly off-the-chain

whatever. This be the source of all your problems maytee, arrrg.

good. Now the real deal for the full-on flowering part I will do

Just dial in a solid water source, groundwater

later, in the next issue of SKUNK. The only potential “chink

(dechlorinated if needed). Good soil with the castings and

in the armor” regarding these lights is that they have a very

perlite. Give it a shot, see what you see. It might change

limited UV spectrum. Should be fine, but it’s my only tiny

your life for the better—ya never know—heh heh. L8r

concern here. Otherwise, these lights are the perfect LED

G8rs, I’ll see ya all next time here at SKUNK!

full-term lights. You can chain them together in grow-rooms,

FALL 2 021

The TLO Churn



ola dudes and dudettes, welcome.

using rainwater, check PPM and if it is above 15 PPM—don’t

Today I have a really badass dynamic to

use it I would say. Other lower PPM water sources are fine.

show you. It’s inexpensive to use, a gallon

Groundwater below or at 50 PPM, reverse osmosis filtered

pitcher, air pump, air-stone, a couple of

water is also fine. Dechlorinated if needed, of course.

basic all-natural additions, and some good

Alright then earthlings, let’s roll into the dynamic of The

groundwater without chlorine (monochloramine) present. For

TLO Churn today. A Churn is a place where a very high

‘The Churn’ you could even use distilled or reverse osmosis

PPM water solution infuses (fast composts) away. It is both

filtered water. Basically, you will set up this pitcher the same

chemically and biologically active and reactive, highly. It

way you would make an organic living tea. Aerate it the same.

is a place where hyper-fast composting occurs. Keep your

For larger gardens, you could use a 5-gallon bucket as your

churn ingredients consistent throughout your plants’ life

TLO Churn; or even trashcans. The Churn is a lot like a tea

cycle. The Churn ingredients are very open to modification

in some ways, however, it is more mineral-based with some

and alternates. Use what you have, but be careful of your

organic additions as well, and it is highly concentrated. This

ratios of organic, nitrogen-heavy additions. Off we go…

all makes a wonderful balance in The Churn of… life x air x water x food = wow! The application

The Ingredients for a 1-Gallon Churn; and Guidelines I’m going to give you a baseline

of what comes from The Churn (the

list of ingredients and ratios here. On

high PPM water/solution) is constant

one hand, I would say this dynamic is

and added to your plants’ water

wide open to other additions. On the

every time you water, right up until

other hand, I would say dial in my

2 or 3 weeks before harvest time.

suggestions first then add (or remove)

Here are the big “rules” for

things slowly—small moves and uber

operating your Churn. Think small.

small ratios—and give them some

Always use less than you think you

time so you can see anything negative

should at first. You will need a TDS

resulting, or otherwise unfavorable.

meter for this dynamic. Your water source for The Churn can be a wide range, using distilled is fine even. If

Here’s the baseline Churn recipe…

1/8th teaspoon (level) dolomite lime; heaping if pelletized, fast-


Water for My Plants with The Churn

My Little Collection of Handy All-Natural

Water Added at 65 PPM

Churn and Top-Dressing Additions

Plants Learn to Count on the Nutrients Consistently Supplied by The TLO Churn Water

acting dolomite lime. 1/8th teaspoon (level) bird/bat guano with N-P-K like 9-6-2 not the high P-type. 1/4th teaspoon if granular. 1/8th teaspoon (level) DE; diatomaceous earth, agriculture, or food grades only.

Be very careful with additions like meals, you don’t want too much nitrogen-heavy organic matter brewing in The Churn. When you use up your Churn just add back all the same amendments, like always add the same amount of dolomite lime. Everything else you can add like half amounts of once

1/4th teaspoon of alfalfa meal.

you are past the first Churn you make. The Churn is very

1/4th teaspoon of crab meal; shrimp meal works as well.

open to adaptability, dial yours in, and reap the rewards.

1/4th teaspoon kelp meal, or rinsed and dried/ground up kelp. Literally a few grains/granules of Epsom Salt, agricultural or food grade only. That’s the baseline above. And all you do is bubble this for at least 24 hours, longer is fine. Remember each churn is unique a little bit because it lasts and evolves over the whole lifetime of your plant(s). How you retrieve your churned solution is simple.

Avoid adding any liquid nutrients or tonics, elixirs, etc., to The Churn. You will just throw the whole thing off balance. You want it to be like a supernatural pond of mega-nutrients, or something similar. Evolving and decomposing always. Magic via Mother Nature amigos. Let’s Review Homeskillets If your groundwater source is up above 55 PPM, I would

Remove the air-stone and wait about 10-15 minutes. Pour off the

drop it down to 40 – 50 PPM by adding some distilled

top avoiding anything that has settled at the bottom. Blend this

or reverse osmosis filtered water first, before I did

with the water you will use on your plants every time you water.

anything else in this article. It doesn’t take much uber-

Dial-in your formula as per ratios of Churn solution to water, so

low PPM water to drop the higher water’s PPM fast.

that your resulting plant water runs about 65 PPM (55-65PPM).

In the past, I have dabbled with micro-additions to The

For the last couple or few weeks before flowering, drop your

Churn of things like greensand, bone meal, and blood meal. I

PPM to about 40-50 PPM to drain out any stored nutrients

wouldn’t recommend any of these additions. If you wanted to add

from the plants allowing them to fade beautifully. I always

something like Azomite, or SRP, you would add nano-amounts—

keep some leftover water solution bubbling in The Churn after

like a coke spoons worth. Or less. Think small always and your

I use most of it. I just keep adding more stuff and new water,

plants will love you for it. Just keep your additions to The Churn,

although I reduce my ratios of additions by like half after the

and your plant water PPMs consistent until just weeks before

first time. It doesn’t matter how insane the PPM runs in The

harvest. This allows you to leverage nature’s powers, literally.

Churn, it’s all about the ratios of it you use every time you water to reach that golden 55-65 PPM range with your plant water. I

Essential pH Balancing Addition to The Churn Another thing I like to do is, when I mix my Churn water

only clean out my gallon Churn once per plant cycle. Here are

with my regular below 50 PPM water, to reach that target

some extra things I like to add to my flowering room Churn…

of 65 PPM, or maybe a few PPM less, I let my 65 PPM plant

1/8th teaspoon bee pollen

water bubble for about an hour before I use it on the plants.

2 ounces bottled spring water

You don’t have to do this at all. I just happen to believe it

1-ounce aquarium water

kicks the whole supernatural aspect up a notch—wink.

1-ounce worm leachate from a stacked worm farm 1/8th teaspoon fish meal or dried fish—I use this in The Churn only for vegetative plants

See ya all next time, I’m outty for now. Make sure and check out the Sensi Sermons article in this issue as well. If you are looking for some solid genetics, sexually healthy and all

Think Small—Therein Lies Your Biggest Challenge

organically grown and bred, bop on by Kingdomorganicseeds.

My Churn runs anywhere from 100, to 250+ PPM sometimes.

com baybee! Working hard on the new book almost every

All the same stuff being added, so no matter what, I just use

day. Make sure to grab your copy of True Living Organics

however much Churn solution I need to add to bring my plant

2nd Edition, it contains a lot of details the new book won’t

water up to about 65 PPM. Having a gallon of distilled or reverse

go back over—too much new shit in the new book! Heh

osmosis filtered water is handy in case you add a bit too much.

heh, alrighty then, L8r G8rs, best JuJu to you all.

Super low PPM water brings down your plant water PPM fast.

FALL 2 021


FALL 2 021



quity for opportunity and access

and Space Physics, designing satellites for space science

into the cannabis industry is paramount for

missions, and decided to make a move to bring engineering

Latinos, who disproportionately make up only

minds to the agricultural landscape and to expand his

5.7% of business owners, according to the

experience in large scale no-till farming transitioning his

National Hispanic Cannabis Council. Puerto

passions to the indoor cannabis cultivation world with his first

Rican, CO native Sean Ortiz, Co-Founder of Suelo Vivo, a regenerative hemp company and We Are One Farms, a

job at a vertically integrated cannabis company, Mindful. “The single best thing we can do as humans is to steward

regenerative-focused hemp farm, and bulk cannabinoid

the soil, as that is our primary interface with this planet.

supply company, is a role model for Latinos seeking to

Regenerating soil has the capacity to kill multiple birds with

enter the cannabis industry in which he has successfully

one stone, from a sustainability perspective, a silver bullet

risen. Ortiz feels lucky that his “hard work puts himself in

to capturing carbon, producing more, higher quality food and

alignment to maximize his opportunities as a minority.”

medicine, cleaner air and water; once I became conscious of this, I knew my purpose” Ortiz said.

Determined to leave a legacy of diversity from the soil ecosystem to affordable cannabis access for all, Ortiz, who began cultivating cannabis at the age of 17, started his career in college, where he focused on becoming an Engineer. Ortiz studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he was awarded the BOLD Broadening Opportunities through Leadership and Diversity scholarship for women and minorities in engineering. Although he was looked down upon for consuming cannabis, he was adamant about changing the negative stereotypes of the plant and using his degree to demonstrate

“The single best thing we can do as humans is to steward the soil, as that is our primary interface with this planet. Regenerating soil has the capacity to kill mul tiple birds with one stone, f rom a sustainability perspective, a silver bullet to capturing carbon, producing more, higher quality food and medicine, cleaner air and water; once I became conscious of this, I knew my purpose”

He applies these principles in his Suelo Vivo CBD retail business through building soil by cultivating in harmony with nature, mimicking her natural cycles to create closed-loop systems that support biodiversity, ecology, and health. His passion and drive are endless as he also started a hemp farm in 2019, We Are One Farms, where he supplies bulk cannabinoid ingredients to brands and manufacturers in the hemp space. “At the end of the day, it’s all about affordable access. I don’t see the same access in the Latino communities

the massive medicinal, agricultural, and industrial benefits

that we have here. My goal is to steward the soil and bring

of the cannabis plant. He was invited to join the BOLD

affordable access to cannabinoids to those who need them.

Program, where he would serendipitously meet his best

Reduce the taboo nature of cannabinoids, and bring light

friends, future co-founders, and future cannabis industry peers,

to the importance of regenerative systems and the healing

who all will ultimately go on to later apply their knowledge

that the cannabis plant can bring to the soil and us as

to developing many companies that focus on solutions in

humans to bring access to all of our brothers and sisters.”

regenerative agriculture, hemp, and in the cannabis industry. Sean held a strict work ethic and created a company while

Puerto Rico is beginning to embrace hemp, and Ortiz’s next steps are to start some local operations there, where

at CU with his BOLD Scholarship engineering peers - IDAS

he is currently looking at potential farm sites. He plans

dba Agtion - a microalgae company developed through the

to do something more significant in terms of how we can

CSU venture accelerator that quickly transitioned into the

regenerate soil at scale - a larger project to enable this

agriculture space on finding that the best application for

regenerative work to happen beyond just the acreage

microalgae was in fact in agriculture as a soil amendment. The

he can touch with Suelo Vivo and WAO Farms.

original aim was to capture waste co2 to cultivate microalgae for

“I’m incredibly grateful for where I am today and for the

different purposes but fell upon the application of microalgae

support I received as a minority pursuing STEM, ultimately

for benefits to soil health. They first tested their microalgal

that support put me where I am today if this is a desirable

soil amendment on a corn crop, where they saw amazing

outcome, which I believe it is we need to do everything we

benefits to the corn’s yield, soil, and quality. Through this,

can to support these programs” Ortiz noted of his educational

Sean realized that regenerative agriculture was the solution

roots. For other minorities looking to make their mark with the

to many problems that face us all today and wanted to focus

cannabis plant, Ortiz advises to “work hard, ask questions, stay

his life on helping to pursue this regenerative mission.

curious, pursue passion, and keep following the path in front of

Ortiz, while at CU, was working at the Lab for Atmospheric

you. It might just take you to the perfect dream situation.”


Michael Rios




ichael V. Rios is a native of Oakland,

the Mission District famous, and his effort to “beautify the place

California, born on December 10th, 1947.

I live in” brought him national attention.

While in his sophomore year at Oakland’s

It was inevitable that Michael Rios and Carlos Santana would

Fremont High School, Michael’s artistic

come together, but it wasn’t until 1986 that these two supreme

talents caught the attention of his teachers,

artists really took notice of each other. Celebrating the 20th

and he received a scholarship to the prestigious San Francisco

anniversary of Santana, Rios created the mural Inspire To

Academy of Art College, which he attended from 1964 to 1966.

Aspire, located on South Van Ness and 22nd Streets. Musical

Upon graduation from the Academy, Michael worked as an

heroes, icons, and symbols common to those who lived in the

illustrator for the famous San Francisco men’s clothier, Roos

Mission are represented in this creation that spans three

Atkins. Rios then opened his own commercial art and graphics

buildings. It was the inspiration for what became a beautiful

studio in North Beach (the Italian neighborhood of San

friendship and a long, artistic collaboration between the

Francisco). He also created children’s books, billboards, Fuller/

musician and the painter.

O’Brien paint ads, and other “high-end” commercial art. It wasn’t

Michael’s work for Carlos Santana has included concert

long before this thriving young commercial artist became one of

backdrops, custom clothing designs, guitars, and several

the hottest prospects in San Francisco’s advertising world. This

record album covers, including the Grammy Award-winning

next period of his life found Michael as the creative partner in

“Supernatural.” Michael’s commissioned artwork has appeared

Union Street’s “Winston, Rios & Brown.”

on several recordings, including Grammy Award Winner Poncho

In the seventies, Michael became proficient in numerous mediums, from acrylics to watercolors. After returning from an

Sanchez’s “Latin Spirits” and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee Steve Winwood’s “About Time.”

extensive trip to Europe, he found his way to the Mission District

Michael Rios has created original artwork for such clients as

(the Hispanic neighborhood of San Francisco). Rios began taking

the Latin Recording Academy, the Mars Family, the Andre Agassi

an active interest in his new environment. His years of creating

Foundation, Sony Signatures, LP Percussion, and AGInteractive.

billboards were a natural transition for his new “mission in the

Today, Michael Rios’ work continues to cross boundaries and is

Mission.” Rios created some of the first large murals that made

highly regarded for its power, vision, and color.

FALL 2 021








o s w here t

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ot g s ' e Sh r o f d e e n e th s d e se

Gina Gramenz



ina Gramenz Areas is a rare flower in the

with a herd of wild deer growing plants.

cannabis garden, distinguished for her generosity of spirit and skilled oil-making shared with those

PT: You have been referred to as the Mother

in need. Her small business GreenGoddessGardens

Theresa of Weed. Is it your generosity and

with Jay Plantspeaker enables her day to day work.

kindness that people are referring to? GG: My reputation amongst the medical cannabis community

PT: Thank you, Gina, for being available for this

for helping patients evolved from the onset of our state’s

interview, sharing your decades of knowledge

Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP). I was fortunate

and experience. Can you tell us about your

in that I was able to establish a niche, so to speak. I began

businesses and the projects you’re involved in?

a process of connecting state-carded medical patients to

GG: My boyfriend and I grow organically for ourselves on my

state qualified grow sites. The no-hassle system that I

farm, known as GreenGoddessGardens. We are fortunate in that

developed continually evolved until state recreational

we are able to share and teach organic cannabis growing and

laws came in and took over, leaving what was previously

general gardening tips to people all around the world, thanks to

a healthy and thriving medical program in shambles.

the internet and social media specifically. See Jay’s Instagram page @jay_plantspeaker_ and GreenGoddessGardens along with

PT: Have you always been so helpful?

my website These are some of the tools we

GG: Yes, of course. I was able to give medicine to people who a)

use to get the word out. I started a business, Plantspeaker LLC,

lived in places where it was unavailable or b) could not afford

in December of 2020. This year we brought a new product to the

access. I’ve always been that way with things, really. If I had

growing industry in collaboration with the Buildasoil Company

something and someone needed it, I’d do everything in my

out of Montrose, Colorado, the premiere growing supply store

power to help. That probably comes from the way things were

in the US. The product is Quillaja extract powder (JayPsQP).

growing up. We didn’t always have a lot, rarely, in fact. So I

All in all, this keeps me pretty busy. I own, manage and run

know what it feels like to need. I’ve also learned of the love

the businesses while raising and caring for my son Justin, who

that comes from providing, from making an impact in someone’s

has downs syndrome. Jay is Jay. He spends all his time outside

life who really needed it, that feeling of making a difference.

FALL 2 021

There needs to be more of that in the world we live in.

GG: My family background is a rather odd and circular story. I have seven siblings, six brothers, and one sister. I

PT: ...with more people like you, I agree. Do you coordinate

grew up with my single mom and a sister in and around

people and their medical needs with the oil you provide?

Napa County and Lake County, California. They are both

GG: No, not any longer. When recreational laws took effect,

white, appearing to be of Caucasian descent. I always

the idea and ability to share medicine from the growers to

wondered about my ethnicity because I didn’t look like

the patients, the oil supply, and everything surrounding it

the rest of the family. They were more light-skinned, I am

was turned upside down. Growers, in many cases, either

more brown. My roots are in Nicaragua. I am Latina.

dropped out of the medical program or instead tried to license up for recreational production. Patients have no

PT: Tell me more about how you do and see things, a

growers in most cases now. Instead, they are forced to shop at

veteran’s perspective in what is the fastest-growing

recreational dispensaries. The laws are now written so that

industry. Life’s lessons from inside, so to speak.

oil is to be made only in licensed facilities approved by the

GG: It is a predictable and still yet sad situation, what

various state and local governments, fire marshals, etc.

legalization/taxation has historically done to industries throughout time as the government has stepped in. Cannabis

PT: Isn’t this what you were trying to deal with in

is, in my mind, similar to what alcohol was back around the

your OMMP program? What is your specialty?

time of prohibition. Then, as now, it’s a situation where they

GG: hmmmmmm, that’s a good one. I guess I’d have to say that my specialty is communications and networking. The current industry presents many challenges, where I can connect people to places, situations, farmers, etc., creating all sides win scenarios. PT: What is your connection

“Gina is a true medicine woman out to heal the planet, and a true advocate.” ~ Beacon Nesbitt

to weed, the beloved cannabis

couldn’t beat us, so they drafted laws to, in effect, join us. This simultaneously turned what was a single cannabis community into a take-sides situation of us and them. Or of rec or black market. Segregating us into sides has been born again today as “them against us.” Now you simply cannot be sure of who is really who anymore. We’re really fortunate (I know I

plant at the heart of our community?

keep using that word), but we’ve been at this a long time

GG: Weed has always been a part of my life. In my earliest

collectively, Jay and I both. I genuinely feel sorry for the

memories, the adults in my family were constantly smoking it.

patients who are going without medicine, as well as the men

It was never hidden; rather, it was celebrated. I actually took a

and women who are trying to break into this industry. Sadly

roach from my mom’s ashtray when I was around eight years old

I’m afraid that more will fail than will be able to make it.

and made a kid’s fool attempt at smoking it. It wouldn’t be until early high school that it became a more regular part of my life.

PT: Is there more to say about your niche -- what you offer that’s special? How does the spirit of compassion come in?

PT All things considered -- medicine, sacrament,

GG: Well, as I mentioned, when recreational laws took over and

food, art -- how do you use and envision the plant?

as the grower-patient relationships that I tended to begin to

GG: I 100% believe in cannabis -- food, medicine, religion, art,

dissolve, it once again became clear that we’d have to adapt in

creativity, and overall wellness. I believe the feds need to take

an effort to overcome. Jay and I began to think about ways to

a step back and realign themselves with the people’s will and

continue on, with the idea of ‘helping’ in more of a ‘hands off ’

voice they serve. It is not the other way around; let us not forget.

sort of fashion. While the laws have changed with recreational

There are many forces at play here. On the one hand, you have

taking over, the people and the patients in Oregon and

a government, many of whom are tied to the pharmaceutical and

California still have access to growing 4-6 plants per patient

narcotics industries -- That is our supposed medical and health

or household. Many of the other states have enacted medical

care system. On the other hand, you have a continually growing

or recreational laws with similar rules in place. Couple this

large population of citizens in every state who understand and

with the exorbitant prices and taxes at recreational storefronts,

realize that all synthetic drugs and pain pills are, in fact, based

not to mention the lack of consistency and varying quality.

off a natural plant or derivative found in nature. Our awakening

All of these unfortunate facts led us into more of an

has long been underway as a result of the medical marijuana

“instructional vision,” so to speak. Generally speaking, the

breakthrough, born out of the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s.

reality is that “stores are overpriced; taxes are too high; people are paying more for what is a lesser product than ever before.”

PT: Yes, the remarkable thing about that is that

Jay has been growing plants for a long time. I’m still

something so positive--access to medical cannabis-

connected to or in contact with many in my former patient

-helped transform something so negative as an

base, most of whom are growing their own now.

epidemic, benefitting society as a whole.

People and patients in other states all across the US are now

PT: What is your family background?

in similar situations, attempting to grow their own clean organic

How did you grow up?

cannabis, tired of taking someone else’s word for it. Tired of the


NEW PRODUCT HIGHLIGHT A Buildasoil x Jay Plantspeaker collaboration. Quillaja Extract Powder. Quillaja Extract Powder comes from the Quillaja Saponaria Tree. It is also known as the soap bark tree, native to the warm and temperate South American country of Chile 🇨🇱. Quillaja is known as a natural “GRAS” ..(generally recognized as safe) food-grade surfactant/emulsifier, rich in both saponins and sapogenins. Saponins are water-soluble. Like many other phytocompounds, saponins are produced by plants as a natural form of pest control in addition to playing other roles. It is their bitter taste that makes them less palatable to insects and other pests. Sapogenins are lipophilic (which means tending to combine or dissolve in fats and lipids.) -the role of these triterpene derivatives; to protect plants against hostile microbes, fungi, and other organisms. always ridiculous costs and the hit or miss quality of the stores. The idea was born out of who we are together as a team.

Triterpenoid saponins are a diverse group of molecules with a complex sugar backbone and are considered defensive

I’ve always been patient-compassion-plant-oriented. Jay,

compounds against pathogenic microbes and herbivores—

while reclusive, has always been open-source and growing.

the most widely used of these triterpenoid extracts;

Take who we are, add the farm, the idea is born.

Quillaja saponaria Molina aka Quillaja extract powder.

Jay decided to become the consulting side of our industry’s

Quillaja will make your water “wetter.” It relieves surface

worst nightmare by making GreenGoddessGardens an

tension at the soil surface. Great for peat-based soils or any soil/

organic, growing open source information hub via his ig

medium where hydrophobic tendencies may occur and exist.

page, @jay_plantspeaker_. We have the professional and

Its penetrating & surfactant qualities make it a wonderful

tech assistance necessary via a friend we’ll refer to as Alex,

addition to any ipm, foliar, or feeding program. Users may**

who helped us bring the visions to reality, designing the

note an increase in effects and uptake due to its vehicle-like

web pages, as well as lending his technical and professional

effects. Being both fat and water-soluble makes mixing and

expertise into the directional flows that we encounter.

combining it with just about everything in the garden a breeze.

This transition from being able to compassionately help

Quillaja Extract Powder, or “The Q” as it’s now

people on a regional level has now shifted to a more global

referred to as, is a new product being offered to the

approach, sharing information, teaching, and assisting people

growing industry as a wetting agent due to its being

in learning to grow their own medicine. Open sourcing organic

a 200x soap bark extract. It is an organic, true food-

techniques to people of all walks of life and from all over the

grade extract crafted from a single pure ingredient.

world. In some cases, we are assisting high-profile athletes,

You can find it exclusively through Buildasoil, out of

musicians, and celebrities from various worldly genres. In most

Montrose, Colorado., the go-to store for organic farmers

cases, it’s the everyday people like you and me. Perhaps they’re

all across the United States, or online at buildasoil.

just starting out, switching from salts. It doesn’t matter. We all

com as well as in grow stores that are authorized

share a connection to the plant. This makes us all the same --

buildasoil distributors throughout the U.S.

united through a mutual fascination with the cannabis plant.

We hope you like it. Your plants will love it.

PT: Beautifully said, Gina. Final thoughts before I let you go?

Sources ::::

GG: Just a few. We appreciate all of the love and support in

the last few years as our transformation has taken place.

https://innovative food processing technologies

We are blessed to have the love, trust, and support of our

industry peers. We want everyone to have access to the


same quality of medicine and/or the ability to produce it for themselves. It’s our mission here at GreenGoddessGardens.

FALL 2 021

** no claims or guarantees beyond the label

Blazing New Trails:



A N I N T E RV I E W W I T H R E I N E T T E S E N U M s a born and raised Californian, I

in 2008 and received the most votes in the 150-year history

love this state and also know how special

of the city. Because I received the most votes, I became Vice

it is to not just the rest of the United States

Mayor my first year and Mayor my second year. I served my

of America; the whole world dreams of The

second term as Vice Mayor and Mayor ten years later in 2019.

Golden State. One of our biggest challenges

My first term was a dream. I handpicked the best community

moving forward is creating an equitable and thriving cannabis

members in their respective fields to be part of the Sustainability

industry, which we still currently do not have under Prop 64.

Team. We were the first to devise an official 20-year city-

Many folks find it next to impossible to survive with the over-

sanctioned sustainability vision. Sustainability and creating a

taxation and over-regulation. There is insufficient help or true

clear path forward had never been part of the conversation at

equity to bring low-income and minority communities access

the city council table. I wanted to change that. I championed

and opportunities after the heinous brutality of the drug war.

the installation of solar arrays on every municipally-owned

Reinette Senum has recently decided to run for Governor of

building in Nevada City, launched the county’s first organic

California. One of the things I love most about her platform

farmers market in downtown Nevada City, and retrofitted

is the importance she places on rectifying the current dismal

a city-owned building into an energy-efficient model for the

state of the so-called legal cannabis industry. I was blessed

community. We also built a fleet of 40 micro-houses on wheels,

to sit down with Reinette and her partner Susan in Nevada

and I spent three years, personally, wheeling those micro-homes

City, and I believe you will find her as inspiring as I do.

out into the woods, wherever the homeless were. Following the construction of these micro-houses, I co-founded Sierra Roots,

JC: Tell me a bit about yourself and how

an advocacy organization for the undomiciled, and launched

you came to be Mayor of Nevada City.

the county’s first Extreme Weather Shelter for the homeless.

RS: I was born in San Francisco. Fourth generation. My family built a house in Nevada County in 1971, when I was four

My second term was very different from my first. It was less

years old, and we moved here. I fell in love with Nevada City

proactive and more reactive to constant crisis: PG&E blackouts,

the first time my family drove up Broad Street. Susan and I

the threat of fire, homeowners insurance policy cancellations,

have been together for 13 years. I paint houses for a living,

rising homelessness, and the entangled process of a cannabis

and I have a 22-year-old cat named Trina. I ran for local office

and wireless ordinances. However, as a city council, we still


managed to approve a solar farm so as to meet our 100%

the state back on a good course; a sustainable course.

renewable energy goals as a city, and we approved a fivelevel, 190-space parking structure with 6,000 square feet

The Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy — the

of storefront, solar, EV charging stations, and the ability to

Great Law of the Iroquois — played heavily in the creation

transform into an extreme weather shelter for the homeless or—

of the US Constitution. The Contract with Californians

now that fires are more catastrophic, anyone for that matter.

has been crafted in the same spirit, but with the reinclusion of two of the most critical principles from the

JC: You have decided to run for governor of California;

Great Law of the Iroquois that were not included in

can you tell us a bit more about what brought you to this

the Constitution: the Seventh Generation Principle and

important decision and some of the issues that you seek

the Wisdom of Grandmothers and Elders Principle.

to address in running and holding office? RS: I never intended to run for California Governor. In

It’s a cultural shift, actually. This is where the Seventh

fact, I had just won my third election for the Nevada City

Generation Principle comes in. It removes the need for

city council in February of 2020. I was on the verge of

so much bureaucracy and allows all California citizens a

finishing my 2nd term as Mayor, but instead of taking

chance to reset their compass for a different direction: we

my oath for a third term as Mayor, I resigned. I could

adjust our thinking in such a way that we always ask, “Is

see what was happening in our local government around

my/our decision serving seven generations from now?” If

COVID-19, and it was very disturbing. Ultimately, I made

we do this, everything else will begin to fall in place.

the decision to “step down to step up,” though I really didn’t fully know what that was going to look like at the time.

Under my Contract with Californians, our children —

I have now spent this last year consulting with a diversity

the future of our state — are at the center of our wheel,

of world-renowned doctors, lawyers, and health experts, and it

but every spoke in the wheel counts. The Contract with

has become apparent that critical data, therapies, and solutions

Californians should inspire us to consider what is possible

are not being shared with the public. We can truly protect

when we work together to rebound from Newsom’s

the vulnerable without trashing anybody’s constitutional

thoroughly abusive reign of terror as a California that our

rights, and there are terrifically effective protocols for dealing

children, and the children of our children, can thrive in.

with the virus that are affordable and readily available. California’s heritage craft cannabis producers JC: California is the 5th largest economy in the world,

include a large number of farmers who have built their

it sets the standard for progressive policies such

practices on sustainability, controlled growth, and

as higher fuel emission standards and electric car

dedication to protecting and replenishing our natural

tax incentives. We are a vital part of the national

resources. Do you see a role for cannabis cultivators as

and international economy, and we can lead the

leaders in planning California’s agricultural future?

charge on fostering sustainable industries in all sectors; can you share your perspective on this?

Yes! We would be fools not to. I know many cultivators that

RS: Yes, and my perspective on this is different than most.

take great pride in their sustainable practices, and I would

I want our state to get less entangled in bureaucracy and

like this to become the gold standard for all of California. We

more rooted in common sense. My platform is explored in

have been leading the way for years. Banning pesticides and

detail in the Contract with Californians; it embodies and

chemicals is paramount if we are to improve the number of

celebrates the inherent value of always making decisions

pollinators, clean our waters sources, soils, and improve the

with an eye to the next seven generations and with an ear

health of Californians. Cannabis farmers can take the lead

to our elders and the last seven generations. Focusing on

in this. And we have thousands of potential entrepreneurs

what is best for our children and using the basic wisdom

and boutique business owners that would like to enter the

that we have acquired over generations provides us with

market and simply can’t afford it; we can change that.

the means to step out of our current destructive trajectory, set aside our differences, and realign our priorities to set

FALL 2 021

Would you use the power of the governor’s office to

curb the extensive and onerous regulations currently in

when considering we only have 64 harvests worth of topsoil

operation and, according to some, being mishandled by the

that remains around the world; our farmland is turning

cannabis bureaucracy of the BCC, CDFA, and DPH?

into suburbia; our pollinator population is crashing; we are losing our family farms; water is less and less available

Yes, I would. While on the city council, I personally witnessed the over-taxation and regulation within our local

for our farmland. We have lost a healthy connection to our bodies, food supply, and the natural world around us.

cannabis ordinance for a local dispensary. I had never seen such an over-handed reach of government! So many people

Agriculture is not a threat to our environment, and farmers

thought our town was going to be doomed once we opened a

are some of the best allies to natural resources stewardship.

dispensary. Nobody ever guessed that the average age of our

This campaign is an opportunity to gather forward-thinking and

local customer would be 55 years old. Everyone assumed it was

wide-minded farmers, share technical tools and best practices,

going to bring crime into the area and cause problems with

implement carbon-focused farming, repair California’s topsoil,

the adjacent businesses, and nothing could be further from

reduce pesticide usage, and increase pollinator populations. We

the truth. The fears and myths of perceived risks of cannabis

should facilitate every opportunity to fortify the vast swaths

have been dispelled. In fact, Nevada City’s only dispensary has

of common ground shared by environmentalists and farmers.

been the city’s saving grace regarding declining sales tax from all the shuttered businesses during these illegal shutdowns!

Agriculture generates 9% of California’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), which makes it the state’s fourth-largest

Now that these fears are waning, it’s time to braid in all the

emitter, after transportation, industry, and buildings. But

local and small-scale mom-and-pop businesses, the boutique

agriculture is the only one of these sectors with absolutely

businesses, and cultivators that can’t enter the market because

tremendous potential to also remove carbon dioxide and

of the crushing costs and the oppressive hoop-jumping of

other GHGs from the atmosphere. The science shows us that

California’s over-regulated bureaucracy. Ensuring accessibility

carbon-focused farming can also improve crop yields and

and entree into the cannabis industry at every level is key.

livestock health, increase crop resilience to drought, reduce

In fact, I want to not only see regenerative farming at the

erosion and flooding, improve soil water-holding capacity and

forefront of California’s economy but the cannabis industry to

allow farmers to cut back on the use of synthetic fertilizers.

play a large role in this as well. If California doesn’t streamline

Over time, these practices can lower costs for farmers, and

the cannabis process now, other states will, and we will be at

by building resilience in crops, they may also reduce federal

the back of the pack. Why would we do this to ourselves?

crop insurance payouts, saving taxpayers money. Keeping the land resilient and productive is a good common-sense

Organic, regenerative agriculture and sustainable

investment, and California is primed to blaze this new trail.

farming practices are an important part of your platform; can you explain why this is important not just for our state but our world at this time?

Some argue that California residents are exiting the state in record numbers, but the real problem is that medium to large businesses are moving to cheaper states,

It has become very clear to many of us that humanity is in a relationship crisis with everything. And I mean everything:

taking vast numbers of jobs and tax revenue away with them. How can you entice job providers to stay?

our water, air, soil, food, biosphere, government, education system, religions, banking system, media, neighbors, and

First, we have to broaden the charter of the I-bank so that

family members, even our own bodies. When you look at

it not only funds government projects, as is presently the case,

the vast majority of these relationships, they are abusive.

but also private endeavors, including local, small-scale mom-

Either we are being abused, or we are doing the abusing.

and-pop businesses and manufacturing. Second, we also must

Clearly, this is not sustainable and certainly does not

remove the exceedingly low financing caps that prevent the

serve citizens now or for the next seven generations.

I-bank from supporting any projects of real significance. There is no easy way to finance these needs. But what

It’s obvious we are headed towards a massive food crisis

we are doing now to finance these needs is supremely


ineffective -- wasting tens of billions of dollars every year

health, with full informed consent and transparency about

on interest payments to Wall Street is wasteful. If we

the potential risks and benefits of different treatments or

jumpstart our local economies through our own state bank,

approaches. There is no place for state-sanctioned coercion

we won’t charge ourselves so much in interest. So we can

in the lives of Californians. We must -- and we will -- do

really get the most out of our money and make every dollar

better at empowering Californians to be free to make their

we invest in this state count for something meaningful.

own choices regarding their own health and well-being.

And all our dollars stay right here, in California. Cannabis is absolutely a legitimate option for If we structure a new California Main Street Micro Loan

Californians who chose to go that route. Cannabis offers

and Grant Program to funnel quick money to families and

the possibility of both incredible innovation and high

individuals with a dream and a need, we will spur a massive

access. It is inexpensive to produce, and with common-sense

wave of new sustainable local economic growth for pennies on

policies and both scientific rigor and sensible regulatory

the dollar compared to what we’re paying in interest right now.

oversight, California can ensure widespread access to

We need to stop spending 5% interest on our bond indebtedness

those in need, disrupting the traditional marketplace.

to line the pockets of Wall Street and start investing our money much more efficiently and effectively within California.

According to a recent survey by the Kaiser Family

I recommend we establish an Economic Task Force from each

Foundation, 60% of Americans take at least one prescription,

respective county to identify the greatest local needs and help

and 79% say the cost is unreasonable. This must stop. We

develop tailor-made responses — via seed funding, partial

must advocate for more affordable therapies and for pricing

investments, or matching funds subsidized through the I-Bank.

transparency. Beyond drug costs, far too many Californians are

Special emphasis will be given to investments supporting the

simply taking way too many prescription drugs.

expansion of regenerative farming practices, providing carbon sequestration, and revitalizing Main Street businesses and manufacturing, as well as addressing the housing crisis.

As a young woman, you trekked across Alaska by yourself and had quite an adventure. Later in life, you discovered that your great grandfather, General Frederick Funston, crossed

California taxes all capital gains as income, but the

Alaska as well and your journey took on a deeper meaning for

Federal Government differentiates between long-term

you. Much of your work is about being conscientious of those

capital gains and short-term capital gains for tax purposes;

who came before you and the seven generations who will come

we should do the same. As it stands, California’s capital

after you. Can you speak from your heart as to why you are

gains taxes can run between 1% to 13.3%, depending on

taking on this next challenge and what it means to you?

your overall income and corresponding California tax bracket. As a state, we need to re-evaluate this. Californian business owners can no longer afford this burden.

There are actually a lot of similarities between my great grandfather and me, aside from the Alaska trip but one thing that I know that I have that he never had: 100 years of

A key portion of your “Contract with Californians” is

perspective. I’ve been given the good fortune to be able to look

titled “Real Public Health.” Do you support universal health

back at the last hundred years after his death and see how

care or Medicare for all? Do you see a place for cannabis

his actions continue to roll out to this day, a century later.

medicines to be a legitimate option for those who are turning to herbal remedies instead of pharmaceutical drugs?

One of those very actions was creating a firebreak throughout San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake. He was in command

Traditional community public health resources,

of the city, declared martial law, and then ordered the firebreak

infrastructure, and personnel have been systematically

so as to stop the inferno. Later on, those respective homeowners

dismantled and degraded while being captured and directed

attempted to sue the US Army and my great grandfather, and

by corporate entities that have profit as their primary motive

they lost. With that court case came the ruling is known as

-- and not actual good public health practices. So while I am in

Eminent Domain. Ironically, as an activist and environmentalist,

favor of universal healthcare or Medicaid for all, I am equally

I’ve had to fight the overreach of eminent domain throughout

committed to seeing corporate interests where our healthcare

my life. I have literally come to tangibly understand the

is concerned be reduced and minimized. But there are some

meaning and power of legacy. I have learned from his right

profound ethical issues we’ve been confronted with over this

and from his wrong actions, and I’ve made a conscientious

past year that don’t have anything to do with co-pays.

decision to leave the wrong decisions behind and continue on with what is righteous and good for future generations.

Every Californian -- every human -- has a basic fundamental right to make choices about his or her own

FALL 2 021

Circular Whisper: A Plant’s Tale A 4 - PA R T S T O R Y - PA R T 2 , S E L F - S A B O T A G E WORDS AND PHOTOS KAT DONNELLY

Here we are, two weeks into trying to make it in an artificial medium under artificial lights. My tap root is missing, and I can’t

“You know if we lose a few days, it’ll throw off the whole rotation. Do whatever it takes to make it work.”

feel the vibrations of Father Sun and Mother Earth anymore. My

With a thud, we’re alone again. I notice my drooping

sisters and I wonder why we can’t go back outside to be with our

leaves - or what’s left of them, anyway. New growth comes

mothers and our living community above and below the earth.

so slowly now. I am trying to will my tips up to pray to the

We sense the humans approaching us and can feel the concern in their voices as they speak to each other. “Any idea what’s going on with these clones?” We knew

few frequencies that are still available. I need to collect the energy from the light, but it’s difficult. Without the sun and the earth, I can’t produce my own sunscreens and insect

the other humans called this one the investor. “Where

repellents. I sense my sisters are also struggling, but our

did you get them?” He sounded weary and confused.

communications channels are weak and beginning to fail.

Our Master Grower replied hopefully, “We got them from an

We have been sprayed with something that makes me

outdoor field in the Emerald Triangle. Don’t worry; the plants

feel heavy. It closed my pores and changed my pH, and now

are trying to adapt... Yesterday, we adjusted the temps and

I can’t feel the light as strongly. The spray killed most of

humidity. We’re dialing it all in to get ahead of what could

the insects, but more keep coming. Sometimes there are

be another powdery mildew flare-up caused by the heat from

insects from far-off places that I’ve never before experienced.

the lights. Don’t worry, though. We’ve got it under control.”

These foreign insects and chemicals remind me that my

“How did these plants ever survive outside?” the investor replies sardonically. “When do you think you’ll be moving them into flower? We need to sell the flowers soon.” “Another week or so, but I think these need a

immune system is failing and that we are all weak. The artificial light coming from above is oppressive to the humans that come and go and to us. It is intensely bright, but we can feel that there is less than a quarter of the

few extra days,” says the Master Grower, as she

frequencies we used to get from the sun shining down on us.

tenderly runs her fingertips over our leaves.

I remember the comforting tingle of ultraviolet (UV) energy

“That won’t do. We need to keep the schedule.” The voices are growing fainter as they move out the door.

that I never feel these days. Without UV, our trichomes, flavonoids, cannabinoids, and more will never express their full


potential. My immune system also grows weaker day by day. But it’s not just the UV that I miss. There also is the green light that used to penetrate deep into my secondary

hazy artificial lights... You are exposed to problem after problem, and are becoming weaker and weaker. I want to make medicine. I am sorry for forcing you to mutate just to survive in this place.”

chloroplast cells and to the bottom of our canopies. Now, with

I feel the chills of her epiphany; “I’m no Master Grower -

my leaves stripped, I’m robbed of my ability to collect energy.

you’re the Master Grower. I am the cultivator, and I’m here to

The light barely reaches the top of my body, and my lower

support your health. I know we can bring all that goodness,

branches are starved. Don’t they want all of my flowers?

all that energy, all that regenerative life here to you. Imagine

Maybe worst of all, I’m missing the circadian rhythm cues that I used to get from the sun’s warming and invisible infrared

what we can do together following Mother Nature’s lead?” Her voice is clearer than I’ve ever felt before. “I know what

rays. I don’t know when it’s time to wake up or go to sleep.

I need to do. As a thank you for all that you have done for us,

Sometimes, it takes me over three hours to fall asleep. And

I will get you back to Nature’s ways, my beautiful ladies.”

I am having an equally hard time waking up each morning. I thought the humans would understand that we need sleep for most of our growth and rejuvenation, just as they do? We are using up a lot of energy trying to adapt to this artificial environment. I feel the Master Grower return. She rests quietly for

© AZENTIVE LLC, 2021 About the authors: Authors of this installment are Dr. Kat A. Donnelly, Founder and Co-CEO at AZENTIVE, and Sundarajan Mutialu,

a long time. Then, she tries to comfort us by speaking, “I

CTO and Co-CEO at AZENTIVE. AZENTIVE integrates

know you can make incredible medicine. You cured my

wellness, sustainability, and merging technologies based on

mother’s epilepsy so many years ago. She wouldn’t be

biomimicry approaches for healthy profits, people, planet,

around if it weren’t for you. I know you are sentient beings

and plants. Through our flagship fusion lighting technology

and are connected spiritually to us humans. I can feel that

- The Sun On-Demand™ - AZENTIVE brings the only true

you are not happy. I will figure out how to help you!”

sunlight indoors, replicating the exact ratios of photons of

I feel her fingers run down my serrated fan leaf. She is connecting deeply, and I send a vision across her mind’s eye. She is in the field with us, surrounded by towering redwoods

the sun’s electromagnetic frequencies (UVB to Far IR). _____________________ This is the second of a four-part series to chronicle the life

and buzzing with the energies of my mothers and sisters.

cycle of a landrace cannabis plant in her own words. In Part

She stares in awe at the biggest and most vibrant cannabis

1, these clones were taken from their outdoor mothers and

plants she has ever seen. A rush of sunlight frequencies

transplanted to an indoor growing facility. The story resumes

warms her face as her toes sink into the living earth.

with the newly transplanted clones listening in on a conversation

I feel her snap back abruptly to this climate-controlled room.

between the deeply concerned resonance of the investor and the

She is looking down at me, trapped inside this sterile cube. “This

higher vibration hope of the female master grower. We invite

is all wrong!” She cries. “All of these bottles and pesticides and

readers to see the plant from the clone’s perspective.

FALL 2 021



hoever said money doesn’t grow on trees must have never heard of Casa Flor. Money Tree was born in 2018 from the pedigree strains: GDP x Cookie Glue x Wedding Cake.

We released Money Tree in partnership with the Madrone

fam – many have already partaken in smoking this one in flower form this past summer. Money Tree can be found at several dispensaries throughout the entire state of CA, and she still continues to be enjoyed by cannabis enthusiasts. Money Tree serves as a booming new strain that checks all the boxes with a great terpene profile, bag appeal, chunky yield, and punching cannabinoid content ranging between 24% and 29% THC. You can look forward to Myrcene, the terpene responsible for the hoppy flavor (similar to the fragrance in beer). This is one of the most common terpenes, so you can expect to welcome it as a well-known friendly scent. We can accredit this scent to the GDP part of the pedigree. Another terpene in Money Tree is Caryophyllene – which contributes to the cinnamon notes and ultimately relaxing nature of this strain. This eye candy has super frosty, dense buds with hints of purple and green, which give this strain character, exotic appearance, and flavor. When broken down, these dense nugs release distinct, exotic smells that tantalize your senses. It packs a sedative punch which reflects its indica dominant pedigree. The high sets in fast, so we recommend enjoying Money Tree on a relaxing day or chilling in the evening – make sure to have some munchies on hand. The high lasts, on average, for a couple of hours. Try the Money Tree to take you to your happy place!

1. STRAIN NAME: Money Tree 2. BREEDER: Casa Flor 3. HEIGHT: 10-12 ft, grown outdoor 4. WEIGHT (YIELD): high yielding, grown outdoor 5. FLOWERING TIME (DAYS): 63 days 6. SATIVA/INDICA RATIO: Indica dominant 80%, Sativa 20% 7. ORIGIN/CULTIVATION CHARACTERISTICS: (see SUMMARY below) 8. TASTE: exotic spicy floral 9. SCENT: Myrcene, Caryophyllene, Limonene, Humulene 10. DRIED BUD/CRUMBLED BUD LOOKS LIKE: super frosty with hints of purple and green 11. SPEED OF ONSET: fast and heavy 12. DURATION OF HIGH: High for about 2 hours 13. QUALITY/TYPE OF HIGH: calming and soothing stony high 14. MEDICINAL QUALITIES: good for relaxation, muscle aches/pain relief, sleep aid


His sound and style on the guitar were the inspiration for other blues guitarists like B.B. King and T-Bone Walker. His family and ancestors came to the U.S. by way of the Atlantic slave trade. Jose Santana “El Farol” An incredible violinist and mariachi band leader. His family came from a little village in Auztlan/Halisco Mexico. He, along with my grandfather Mi Abuelita Hosephina, my father and all my aunts and uncles, like so many, came to the U.S. by making the dangerous journey to cross the border in search of a better life. And also my grandmothers. Both of them would always remind me that I am the best of all my family and that I am the culmination of all the miracles, blessings, and prayers from my ancestors. JC: Counterculture movements in the last century have often paired rebel thinking with the use of cannabis and psychedelics. From the French salons with Gertrude Stein and Alice B Toklas, to the Beat


Poets, to the Jazz and Blues musicians that Harry Anslinger profiled and on to the hippies..... SS: Right on! You know, it’s like what John Lewis said, “Make good trouble… necessary trouble.” The difference is instead of trouble I make music. JC: We are picking up where they left off, and



with this new generation, it is key that we take it further and continue to build on the good work that they did. Tell us your thoughts on carrying the torch forward and continuing to be of service to humanity and our continued evolution?

he Santana family legacy of music

SS: It is an honor and a blessing to continue to be of service

is immense, powerful and beautiful and

to humanity and for the future. If you love what you do and do

Salvador Santana himself sat and learned

what you love… it is not considered labor or hard work. It’s a

music on his father’s knee. In this special

pleasure and a joy. This was instilled in me very early on by my

issue we celebrate both father and son and the

family members and those that inspire and influence them. I

work that they are each doing within the global cannabis

love to continue to work with others that share this way of life.

community respectively with their brands Mirayo and Vaya. We also learn about a deeper history within this incredible

JC: You grew up learning to play music on your

family of music that spans across the last century.

father’s knee...what other musical memories do you have from when you were first introduced to music?

JC: The story of Santana is the origin story of Latino

SS: I can remember first learning how to play the drum set

Rock, and the story of music in your family doesn’t just

while sitting on my father’s lap. He’d control the foot pedals

begin with your father. It goes back to your Grandma and

since, at that time, I wasn’t tall enough to reach them. He

Grandpa as well. As you say about your family, “Music

taught me at an early age the same philosophies his mentors

is in our DNA. This is who we are. This is what we do.”

shared with him. That it’s very important to first learn

Your story is the story of La Raza, the Chicanos, the

and understand everything about rhythms and tempos.

slaves, the afro-Caribbean sound, jazz, blues, rock, and Afro Cuban. Can you tell us about your family history & the different cultural influences that shaped you?

I remember listening to records and watching VHS tapes of Olatunji Drums of Passions (African Drumming). Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley & the

SS: Thank you. I honor and appreciate that. For

Wailers, Herbie Hancock, Keith Jarret, McCoy Tyner, Chick

me, it all starts with my grandfathers.

Corea, Wayne Shorter, Amando Peraza, etc. All the greats! The

Saunders King –

Mount Rushmore of musicians. Also growing up and watching

An amazing blues and jazz guitarist, singer,

my grandfathers perform live towards the end of their careers.

bug band leader, and preacher from a little

JC: Can you tell us about The Mission district, why it is

town outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

so important, why it should be protected and how the

FALL 2 021

movement it birthed shaped you? SS: Throughout history,

getting a big whiff of this funnysmelling smoke I’d see coming from

there have been certain sounds

the audience. Then one day I was in

and styles of music that were

high school, I first lit up with some

born in different cities and

of my musician friends after school.

areas all around the world.

I remember one of my buddies lived

New Orleans for jazz, Havana for

close to school. So after we walked

Afro Cuban, Kingston for Reggae,

over and got to jam out on some jazz

the Bronx NY for hip hop… and

standards in the garage. It was the

the Mission District for the SF

first time I’d played music, and I

Bay Area for Chicano rock.

wasn’t thinking about playing the

It’s the place that raised my

music. I was just playing. That’s

father and his family when they first came to this country from

when I learned how with the right time and environment,

Mexico. My grandparents, my aunts & uncles, and most of my

cannabis weed can not only take the edge off but enhance the

relatives. It’s the melting pot of so many different cultures, food,

creative experience. This was a game changer. For my musical

music, art, and people. The low riders, the street fairs, festivals,

journey. And now I can get to do this for a living. I get to create

and most important L.A. Mission has a real community.

music and sometimes use cannabis as a tool for inspiration

Orale! The Mission District deserves to be honored and protected like a national monument. And yeh, absolutely,

during the creative process. I really believe that I didn’t choose this life, but this way of life chose me. I’m hella cool with that!

I think the movement is one of the many reasons why I’m here today. And for that alone I’m deeply grateful.

JC: Within the Cannabis industry, you consider yourself an advocate, not just a businessman who has a brand.

JC: The Latino Rock movement was also the fight for a

This greatly aligns with the values at Skunk, in which

better way of life. Growing up myself in a small town

we believe that we should be nourishing a Green

on the Central Coast of California, it was filled with

Renaissance, not a Green/Greed Rush. Those of us who are

Oaxaqueños. My Cuban grandparents taught English

stewards within the industry believe that cannabis and

as a second language and were in service to helping

hemp are not only here to help create wealth but, more

people rise to achieve their dreams of safety, health,

importantly, to create environmental justice, social justice

and prosperity for their families. I grew up with my

and help right the wrongs of the last hundred years of

Grandparents teaching me about Cesar Chavez, Dolores

prohibition. We know it’s our responsibility to help write

Huerta Emiliano Zapata, and the Zapatistas and the

a better narrative because of the systemic racism that

importance of their fight for justice. This was also the

was interwoven into every aspect of prohibition. It is

energy of the mission in the 1970s, this was the hunger

all of our responsibilities to help the Latino community,

of the Latinos to come up, and this again is what we are

the Black community, the Native community, the Asian

all still fighting for now as we face a massive depression

community, and the LGBTQ community to come in and

post-pandemic. La lucha continua, and as Emiliano

have equal representation, as opposed to the current

Zapata said, we will die on our feet, not on our knees.

extremely whitewashed industry with 81% white males

Can you speak about this thirst and this fight that

in positions of ownership and leadership. Can you speak

drives the passion behind the Latino Rock movement?

to your devotions as an advocate and how you have

SS: Si! The movement is the fight for justice and equality!

aligned these values with the work in your brand Vaya?

I think that’s exactly what the Chicano movement is all about.

SS: Absolutely! I was told myself at a young age if I was ever

Music that makes you wanna dance and at the same time

to get involved in the cannabis industry, it was gonna be

there are real messages about histories and opportunities

about making a change. To rearrange the overall narrative. To

to educate ourselves. And I think that is hella awesome

shift and alter perceptions and conversations we have about

that you’re grandparents taught you about all these

cannabis and weed consumption. And how people since the

incredible people in La Raza history! I believe that this

beginning of time have been using this ancient and magical

new generation of activists and advocates is inspiring

plant for its powerful healing purposes and medicinal benefits.

change, and a lot of people are starting to wake up now.

So for me, the idea was started simply to honor the ancient wisdoms and combine the modern advancements in science.

JC: When did cannabis first enter your life, and what

It’s really no different than who I am as a musician and my

role did it play in your family? Also, please speak to

family’s DNA. My grandfather Saunders said, “We are here to

us about creativity and cannabis, your artistry, and

make spiritual traction.” That also means in some cases we

your thoughts on lighting up, getting active, and

have to stand up and fight for justice and equality. And let’s

doing something meaningful and productive?

make some amazing and impactful art too! And, hopefully,

SS: Cannabis, just like music, has always been my life from early

inspire and educate as many as we can in the process.

on. I remember as a kid going to my dad’s concerts and always


JC: Tell us more about Vaya, what you are working on, the product line, and your Afro Cuban grower? Your music is amazing. As a Cuban, I love all of the Latin sounds that you bring into it. Can you tell us about any projects or collaborations that you are working on? SS: Awe, thank you. I appreciate that. What an honor! And yeh, I have a couple of different projects I’m currently working on. One is my solo album. I’m taking my time with this one because I’ve really been enjoying the creative process. I figure if the rhymes and melodies make

Carlos Santana’s

The lineup includes

me wanna get up and dance in the studio,

Mirayo by Santana

3.5-gram and 7-gram

then the listeners are gonna do the same.

- a cannabis

jars of whole flower,

line centered in

and 5-packs of

is with mi hermano, amigo y compadre

spirituality and

0.5-gram pre-rolls

Asdru Serra from the band Ozomatli.

inspired by his

- available in the

We’ve joined forces and are working

Latin heritage -

following strains,

on part two of our recently released

now available in

or categories of

album and band called “The Remixikanz

Cannabis Mobile


(RMXKNZ). I’ve always enjoyed

Shopping App

And the other projects I’m working on

collaborations. And getting together with Asdru is always a blast and memorable. Stay tuned!

Carlos Santana, the ten-time

expand one’s energy


outward, reaching

winning guitarist, JC: What do you hope for the cannabis

is one of the most recognized and

industry over the next ten years?

celebrated musicians of our time.

SS: My vision for the cannabis industry

Radiance: A Sativa that is intended to

for divine wisdom and inspiring creative expression. Symmetry: A hybrid aimed at

His life as a musical icon and

harmonizing the inward and outward,

is that one day we won’t have to keep

spiritual flame-keeper is built on

mind and body, for elevated perception.

convincing outdated lawmakers that

determination, discovery, and self-

it’s been proven time and time again

actualization. Therefore, it comes

to nudge users toward inner

that cannabis has medicinal benefits.

as no surprise that the longtime

peace, insightful stillness, and

cannabis advocate launched Mirayo by

transcendence of the physical state.

That there’ll be fewer obstacles for

Centered: An indica meant

black and brown, Asian, women, LGBTQ…

Santana last fall - a line of premium

everyone that isn’t a rich white male and

sun-grown products focused on the

intended to dispel the veil of stress

continues to implement systemic racism.

spiritual effects of cannabis.

from the mind and body for clarity

And that the overall narrative and view

“In my experience, cannabis has

Essence: A CBD-rich variety

and calm in your divine light

of cannabis consumption is rearranged

special properties that enhance

into change for the highest good.

meditative reflection and creative

purchase in-store through The Parent

Mirayo products are available for

expression. It can dispel negative

Company’s retail channel, Caliva,

JC: From your heart, what is the

doubt to reveal the everlasting gift of

in addition to select retail partners

message that you would most like to

our uniqueness,” said Carlos Santana.

in California. On-demand delivery

share with humanity at this time?

The story of Mirayo begins in Mexico,

is also currently offered across the

where Santana’s mother used cannabis

Greater Los Angeles, the Bay Area,

I am honored and grateful. I’ll leave you

in her regimen of holistic solutions.

South Bay, and the Greater San Diego

all with this simple mantra that has

The name Mirayo is a combination of

markets via and using

gotten me to this point in my life…

“my” and “ray” in Spanish, honoring

the newly launched Caliva Mobile

Relax, believe, enjoy.

Santana’s Latin heritage and

App, available for iOS via the Apple

Amor y paz.

empowering you to “follow your light.”

App Store and on Android soon.

SS: From my heart to you, thank you.

FALL 2 021

We started with a simple idea: create a Cannabis company that would protect the plant, respect the consumer, and promote a conscious and ritualistic culture around Cannabis consumption while honoring the Black and Brown Cannabis culture and heritage. Rooted in the California tradition of growing natural, organic, and good weed, we are committed to delivering the best flower to our consumers. Learning from our ancestors’ wisdom and implementing modern and environmentally conscious techniques, VAYA was founded on the belief that human connection to nature through Cannabis is the key to personal development and growth. Created by black and brown entrepreneurs, VAYA has diversity as its core, and it is our guiding principle in how we conduct ourselves, the communities we want to create, and the fight for social justice in an industry that for too long has neglected the contribution of Black and Brown communities. We believe that Cannabis is a powerful tool for human development. We want everyone to be able to benefit from the grounding, healing, and uplifting qualities of this sacred plant. We want to create a future where people can access the renewing and uplifting qualities of plants for a conscious path of self-development, creativity, and ultimate bliss. Inspired by the wisdom of our ancestors, we want to promote a thoughtful and ritualistic approach to Cannabis consumption to enhance the grounding, healing, and uplifting qualities of this sacred plant. And in the process, we want to help to build more connected, sustainable, and ethical communities of empowered producers and consumers. We are here to create a future where the Cannabis plant is accepted as nature’s tool to help us navigate our emotions, build community, and honor ancient wisdom. PHOTOS COURTESY OF VAYA



or me, working on La Santana Familia mural was a labor of love for San Francisco and the Santana Family. It was created at Jorge Santana’s request. He wanted it to represent the beginning of his musical family, showing his parents Don Jose

and Josephina, his brother Carlos and his nephew Salvador. Then Jorge passed into the light before he had a chance to see

what he had inspired. The mural became a tribute to him and the wonderful music Jorge and his family have blessed us with. My spiritual and artistic growth began as a young boy here in the Mission. My father, artist Vaughn Bode, lived and died in the Mission in 1975. As an artist, I could only dream that one day I

FALL 2 021

would have a chance to do a mural for the Santana Family on such an epic scale and show my love and respect for the Mexican culture. Que lindo, what a beautiful culture. The emotion hit me in the heart when I placed Don Jose, and Josephina Santana images up on the wall. If it were not for them, we would not have La Familia Santana’s music. When I saw them holding hands looking out over the Mission with pride, I cried tears of joy as I was painting. I rejoice that I had a small part in bringing them back to this physical plane. I am forever grateful to Jorge, Carlos, Don Jose, Josephina, and Salvador Santana. I also want to thank Lisa Brewer, Randolph Bose. And Michael Rios for his ongoing encouragement. Artist Muralist, Mark Bode



Unicorns do exist… at Humboldt Seed Company! We’re thrilled to offer this new strain in seed form that we discovered through our 2019 phenotype mega-hunt. Pistachio was literally the frostiest strain last year at our anchor breeding facility in Eastern Humboldt! It also has an impressive, pungent, nutty/ gassy nose with pistachio ice cream undertones. The growth habits of these genetics are similar to the cookies genre but represent a definite improvement in trichome content and yield. Expect tall upright growth with strong stalks requiring less than average trellising. Pistachio is an easy-togrow, mold-resistant strain that’s well suited for full-season outdoor, indoor or even light dep. We do always recommend dropping light hours gradually when transitioning into flower with any genetic. You’re definitely going to go nuts when you see how amazing Pistachio comes out, and the terps won’t disappoint either. NAME: Pistachio


BREEDER/SEED BANK: Humboldt Seed Company




GENETICS: P-61 x Fortune Cookies


% INDICA/SATIVA: 65% / 35%


TYPE(S/H/I): Indica Hybrid

6. INDICA/SATIVA 65% / 35%

SMELL: Roasted Nuts and Gas with a hint of Pistachio Ice Cream


FLAVORS: Pistachio Ice Cream with a Fuel Finish


Appearance: Extremely frosty dense green buds on sturdy, vigorous plants


EFFECTS: Intense and Happy High


PHENOS: Slight Variations


HARVEST PLANNING: 55-65 days Mid-Season Oct 5th to Oct 25th


GROWTH: High yielding, flowers are dense, very


trichome covered and productive




THC 24-28% CBG NA% CBD NA%


PERFORMANCE: Greenhouse / High, Dep / High,

FALL 2 021


sweet cream with a gas backend. An incredibly

CULTIVATOR Sticky Farms and Gashouse

smooth toke with great lung expansion.


POTENCY: 10/10

amounts of both parents are present. Great

The high is more Sativa leaning with this cut.

frost, and the purple color pattern is almost

It has a lot of euphoria and creativity to the

like predatorial markings. Super frosted out!

high. The indica effects are still very present.

AROMA: 9.5/10

This would be excellent party weed.

Killer blend of lemon vanilla cake batter


and a hint of gas. The smell isn’t as

Solid, not a single pop or imperfection.

loud as #1 but is still pretty loud.

Applications/benefits: This will make

FLAVOR: 10/10

pure fire in form of extracts. Great for

The aroma translates to taste. Super loud flavor

concentration and creativity.

coats the whole palette with lemon-vanilla


Max Headroom WORDS & PHOTO @WONDER_WOMAN_GROWS STRAIN NAME: MAXX HEADROOM BREEDER: MASSIVE CREATIONS HEIGHT: Medium WEIGHT (YIELD): Heavy FLOWERING TIME IN DAYS: 63 days +/SATIVA/INDICA RATIO: 40/60 SCENT (BURNED/UNBURNED): A sensual arrangement of grape and gas folded into a creaminess with light hints of spice. TASTE (BURNED AND UNBURNED): Unburned- A rich and creamy grape with notes of gassy racquetball rubber Burned- Creamy, grapey, and smooth with a deep and rich finish. APPEARANCE: Glistening trichome encrusted nugs boasting a colorful display of greens touched in dark purples. Flowers break up into a sparkling display of purple and green. 11. SPEED OF HIGH ONSET: Immediate onset which blissfully heightens DURATION OF HIGH: Long-lasting QUALITY/TYPE OF HIGH: A blissful headiness accompanied by a relaxing calm. Happy and perfectly rounded. MEDICINAL QUALITIES: Many! Relief from stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD-related symptoms, muscle spasms, back pain, and an increase in creativity and well-being.

FALL 2 021


Apples & Bananas WORDS JAMES LOUD



hen I first saw Apples and Bananas in February it was my top pick

for commercially produced cannabis for

STRAIN NAME: Apples and Bananas

smoke with a long finish that sits on your tongue

BREEDER: Compound Genetics

for several minutes is on my list of favorite things

in so many states by so many growers,

HEIGHT: Tall but very strong and supportive

to smoke, and if you put some gas and a hint of

the end product really depends on the

branches. The plant grows strong and vigorous

pine you got me sold on whatever you got. As far

indoor; minimal trellising is needed.

as apples and bananas, I get crisp green Granny

WEIGHT (YIELD): Medium to Heavy Yields

Smith apples like you use to bake pies with and

FLOWERING TIME IN DAYS: 63 days or less

subtle ripe banana. I can’t stress enough the

flavor, and less frosty flower. However,


fact that if you were disappointed with it, give it

grown in optimal conditions from healthy

right in the middle with Sativa branching

another shot. It’s everything I like about exotic

clones, the plant yields amazing smoke

and buds that are tight but elongated

cannabis, and it gets you right behind the eyes.


A cornucopia of loud, complex terps with some

taste on the inhale is smooth, and the

fruit and gas and without being fruit dominant.

loud terps take a second to come alive,

The gas is like hints of gasoline and paint thinner.

smelling it. I literally had to call him

but when they do, it’s palate overload,

The aromatics are so heavily layered you keep

and ask him if he didn’t accidentally

and the finish just keeps on going.

going back to the bag to pick up new notes.

give me something else. It was so terpy

APPEARANCE: The complex fruit nose is


reminiscent of the y-life I would get almost ten

pleasurable and relaxing, and it opens up my

years ago. And I’ve been missing those flowers for

chest and allows me to breathe really deep.

years. A loud nose that translates into powerful

2021. Unfortunately, with a cultivar grown

cultivator. Apples and Bananas aren’t the easiest cannabis variety to grow, and any small mishap during the growing cycle can result in fewer terpenes, less

that checks all the boxes of modern-day exotics. The first time I tried it, Chris from Compound gave me a jar, and I was driving over the bay bridge and kept

it reminded me of y-life on steroids or something from my past that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. That batch of Apples and Banana was one of the loudest jars I’ve opened this year, and a good batch burns the terpenes into your brain.


Fidel’s Runtz Mintz WORDS FIDEL


he lineage of the strain is Fidels female Runtz cut times peach mints (peach oz x gelatti x kush mints 11). Fidel has worked

on this project for years on perfecting and hunting this strain in his two-car garage. It is a medium-sized plant that tends to stretch out in the early stages of flowering. It has lengthy node spacing with equivalent-sized nugs throughout the branch. Runtz Mintz tends to start to get its ultra-violet colors during week 6 of the flowering period. The room starts to fill with really fruity gas scents in the later stages of flower. Fidels likes Runtz Mintz because it is the first candy and gassy strain with a cheesy undertone that has a good yield.

2. BREEDER (IF IT’S NOT YOU): Fidels 3. HEIGHT: Medium/Tall 4. WEIGHT (YIELD): average 5. FLOWERING TIME IN DAYS: 58-63 days 6. SATIVA/INDICA/RUDERALIS/ETC. RATIO: Sativa 20%/ Indica 80% 8. TASTE (BURNED AND UNBURNED): Unburned: Fruity and cheese when unburned with a fruity and gassy terp profile when burned 9. SCENT (BURNED/UNBURNED): Fruity gas aroma when burned and unburned 10. WHAT THE DRIED BUD/CRUMBLED BUD LOOKS LIKE Resiny green and ultraviolet purple 11. SPEED OF HIGH ONSET: rapid 12. DURATION OF HIGH: lengthy 13. QUALITY/TYPE OF HIGH: couch lock high with no grogginess and a boost in creativity 14. MEDICINAL QUALITIES: Pain and anxiety healing, and calming.

FALL 2 021


Emerald Spirit Botanicals 3) HEIGHT: 6’-8’ 4) YIELD: 2-5lbs



2) BREEDER: Katie Jeane of

5) FLOWERING TIME: 56-60 days - Full term outdoors harvest around 1st week of September

ink Boost Goddess (PBG)

flowering period. Harvest begins mid

6) Indica Hybrid

originates from the work

to late September. The Pink Boost

7) 1:1 THC:THCV (8-10% THC and 8-10%THCV)

of 4 women in Mendocino

Goddess helps to reduce appetite, offers


County. Linda Lu, Erin,

neuropathic pain relief, tremor reduction,

spicy, herbal, over-ripe fruit, creamy

and Jane bred this cultivar

and provides a motivational and uplifting


forward before passing it along to Katie

shift in perspective. Its shorter stature

Jeane. Katie began testing the seed in

requires minimal trellising, and the

2016, looking for THCV. In 2017, she

flower finishes early. The premature buds

purple hues with rusty purple hair.

found four females testing around 3%-

are bursting with rich magenta hairs

11)SPEED OF HIGH ONSET: 5 minutes

4% THCV and three males testing under

that give off purple/orange hues as they

12)DURATION OF HIGH: 1.5 - 2hrs

2% THCV. Each year she continues to

come to fruition. The finished flower


support this cultivar to welcome in

gives off a pungent berry aroma with a

THCV through a mixed approach of

minty undertone tasting of strawberries

spiritual and scientific breeding in a

and cream. Pink Boost Goddess won 1st

Sun and Earth Certified garden.

place in 3rd Party Certified Sungrown

suppressant, neuropathic pain relief,

The plants grow to be 5-8 feet tall,

Flower and the highest THCV award

tremor reduction shift in vision and

yielding 2-5lbs with an eight-week

at the 2021 Emerald Cup.

perspective, uplifting, motivating.

dried flowers can range between green-

uplifting, activating, clear, joyful 14)MEDICINAL QUALITIES: Appetite


Puday Haze



uday Haze (C5 Haze x

STRAIN NAME: Puday Haze (C5

aromas that range from fresh carrots, melons,

Cuban Black Haze) is a

Haze x Cuban Black Haze)

citrus, and mango, to the more musky pine

classic haze hybrid that

BREEDER: Diesel Kartel

and incense side of the spectrum.

will transport people

HEIGHT: The Puday Haze produces tall, slender


back to the golden era

plants with narrow leaflets, vigorous growth,

BUD LOOKS LIKE: long spears of

of cannabis. The C5 (NL5xHaze C) and

and considerable stretch in flower, 7-12 days

countless calyxes comprising the

the Cuban Black Haze are old heirloom

of vegetive growth is ideal for most setups.

intricate and delicate Haze flowers

clones from Nevil’s early work with NL5

WEIGHT (YIELD): when dialed in, the Puday

SPEED OF HIGH ONSET: is quick. When smoking

and the Haze males. For the last three

Haze produces significant yields between 2-4oz

a joint of the Puday Haze, the perspective

decades, the C5 and the CBH have been

per plant of enormous flowers with exceptionally

change can be felt as the joint is still burning.

preserved by clandestine networks of

high bud-to-leaf ratio when grown properly.

DURATION: the high can last much longer

smugglers, growers, and breeders around


than typical modern hybrids that peak and

the world who have dedicated their lives


plateau rather quickly the Puday Haze

to preserving and maintaining these

The Puday Haze is a classic Sativa-leaning-


priceless heirlooms. BollywoodBam

hybrid with tall, slender plants, narrow

energetic and motivational traits of the C5

teamed up with the Diesel Kartel to grow

leaflets, and healthy stretch in flower.

Haze is pronounced in the Puday Haze.

over 1000 Puday Haze plants from seed to



flower. The Puday Haze will be released

the C5 Haze has a pronounced influence

Haze is great for exercise and meditation,

in the California recreational market as

on the flavor profile of the Puday Haze,

and it can help stimulate circulation.

part of an exclusive collaboration between

producing sweeter expressions that range

the cultivation team @posiblproject and

from fruity to piney with some incense all

their brand partners @SpaceCoyote, who

the way to the more acrid funky outliers.

will be releasing the Hazes to launch their


new Sativa Preservation Society. http://

Puday Haze has a terpinolene dominant

terpene profile that produces bright, sweet

FALL 2 021

Cuban Black Haze



STRAIN NAME: Cuban Black Haze S1

BUD LOOKS LIKE: long spears of

uban Black Haze S1

(Cuban Black Haze x Cuban Black Haze)

countless calyxes comprising the

is an inbred cross of the

BREEDER: Diesel Kartel

intricate and delicate Haze flowers

legendary Cuban Black

HEIGHT: The Cuban Black Haze S1 produces

SPEED OF HIGH ONSET: is quick. When

Haze, aka the Piff. The

tall, lanky plants with vigorous growth and

smoking a joint of the Cuban Black

CBH S1s will transport

considerable stretch in flower, 7-12 days of

Haze S1, the perspective change can

people back to the golden era of cannabis.

vegetative growth is ideal for most setups.

be felt as the joint is still burning.

Like the A5 and the C5, the CBH is a

WEIGHT (YIELD): when dialed in, the

DURATION OF HIGH: the high can last much

true representation of Nevil’s early work

Cuban Black Haze S1 can produce significant

longer than typical modern hybrids that peak and

with the NL5xHaze. Bollywood Bam has

yields between 2-4oz per plant of enormous

plateau rather quickly; the Cuban Black Haze S1

teamed up with Diesel Kartel to grow

flowers with an exceptionally high bud-


out over 1000 Cuban Black Haze S1

to-leaf ratio when grown properly.

Black Haze S1 produces incredibly potent

plants from seed to flower. The Cuban


high characterized as cerebral, meditative,

Black Haze S1s will be released in the


introspective and even producing a

California recreational market as part of

The Cuban Black Haze S1 is a classic Sativa-

feeling of mental couch-lock.

an exclusive collaboration between the

leaning-hybrid with tall, slender plants, narrow


cultivation team @posiblproject and their

leaflets, and healthy stretch in flower.

Haze S1 is great for meditation and wellness.

brand partners @SpaceCoyote, who will


be releasing the Hazes to launch their

Black Haze S1 sharp incense, deep rich musky

new Sativa Preservation Society http://

funk like old leather, or an old-growth forest.

SCENT (BURNED/UNBURNED): The Cuban Black Haze S1 has the classic church incense, dank basement, and musky piff aroma that cuts through the room. WHAT THE DRIED BUD/CRUMBLED


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Kartel Haze



artel Haze (A5 Haze x

STRAIN NAME: Kartel Haze (A5

frankincense church basement aroma that

Cuban Black Haze) is a

Haze x Cuban Black Haze)

cuts through other smells when it’s lit up.

classic haze hybrid that

BREEDER: Diesel Kartel


will transport people

HEIGHT: The Kartel Haze produces tall, slender

BUD LOOKS LIKE: long spears of

back to the golden era

plants, long narrow leaflets, with vigorous growth

countless calyxes comprise these

of cannabis. The A5 (NL5xHaze A) and

and considerable stretch in flower, 7-12 days of

intricate and delicate Haze flowers

the Cuban Black Haze are old heirloom

vegetative growth is ideal for most setups.

SPEED OF HIGH ONSET: is quick. When smoking

clones from Nevil’s early work with NL5

WEIGHT (YIELD): when dialed in, the

a joint of the Kartel Haze, the perspective

and the Haze males. For the last three

Kartel Haze can produce significant yields

change can be felt as the joint is still burning.

decades, the A5 and the CBH have been

between 2-4oz per plant of enormous

However, the full range of the effects takes

preserved by clandestine networks of

flowers with an exceptionally high bud-

time to develop over the length of high.

smugglers, growers, and breeders around

to-leaf ratio when grown properly.

DURATION OF HIGH: the effects of the

the world who have dedicated their lives


Kartel Haze last much longer, and there is

to preserving and maintaining these


no ceiling compared with the typical modern

priceless heirlooms. BollywoodBam

RATIO: The Kartel Haze is a classic Sativa-

hybrids that peak and plateau rather quickly.

teamed up with Diesel Kartel to grow

leaning-Haze-hybrid. The A5 Haze .

QUALITY/TYPE OF HIGH: true to its name,

over 1000 Kartel Haze plants from seed to


the Kartel Haze brings the energetic, cerebral,

flower. The Kartel Haze will be released

the flavor profile of Kartel Haze ranges

introspective, thought-provoking traits that made

in the California recreational market as

from sharp incense to the rich dank

the Haze a legendary variety around the world.

part of an exclusive collaboration between

conifer forest to dark musky leather.


the cultivation team @posiblproject and


Haze is great for exercise and meditation,

their brand partners @SpaceCoyote, who

Haze smells like classic Piff with the intense

and it can help stimulate circulation.

will be releasing the Hazes to launch their new Sativa Preservation Society http://



STRAIN : sour diesel BREEDER : unknown/conflicting stories and accounts HEIGHT : medium to tall WEIGHT: above average FLOWERING TIME IN DAYS : 77-84+days INDICA/SATIVA: hybrid TASTE NOT BURNT/BURN: the unburned dry hit taste of joint is a deep diesel fuel layered in notes of skunk with underlying subtle lemon notes. BURNT: it’s the unburned taste now on fire. The way weed is supposed to be; flavor matches the nose. I get classic diesel. The added deepness of the skunk really comes out in the burn when your chest expands. Little to no ‘sweet’ in this version. The indoor bulb-grown versions tend to express sweeter, almost grapefruit fuel like terpene profiles. This is a full-body profiled organic sun-grown expression. DRIED BUD/ CRUMBLED APPEARANCE: classic neon green kind colored buds with salmon to burnt red colored pistils. Speed of high/onset: effects are felt in an instant, increase through use, and continue to gain for a good bit after. DURATION OF HIGH: this particular (sungrown version) high lasts several hours—very much roller coaster ride-like in effects. There’s a noted climbing or accelerating; pulsating sensation headed upward… my pulse matches up with any number of these random events one might encounter through such physical activity. QUALITY/ TYPE OF HIGH: real sour diesel grown well is truly unique and euphoric, some say even bordering on a like experience. I myself

Sour Diesel


For many a seasoned smoker, real-

report is known or referred to as the

Medicinal qualities: uplifting and great

deal sour diesel is the benchmark

‘Plantspeaker cut.’ It is an original cut.

for depression. Not so great for someone

when it comes to one having an

Brought to Oregon direct from New York

who is excitable or with heart conditions,

extraordinary smoking experience.

some 24plus years ago now by a man

prone to panic attacks, etc.,

Not the easiest of varietals to grow, a late

we’ll refer to simply as “George.” He

Creatively speaking, both artists and

triggering plant outside with a longer

has held the cut from then up to now.

musicians love sour d. Speaking to how it can

than average finishing time relative to

So why it may be referred to as “The

enhance a mood or the working chemistry

the modern-day poly hybrid craze, it’s

JP” or “Plantspeaker cut” nowadays

of a situation or event into something far

not that she ever really disappeared.

due to the meticulous manner in which

greater….That’s the power of Sour.

Rather she’s been grown out by older

it’s grown and cared for over the last

ORIGINS: New York, mid to late 1990s. To

appreciative heads in connected circles

many years, it’s really all props to

this present day, the legendary sour diesel

for the most part until the last couple

George, and I’m glad that I’ve now had

falls into what I refer to as “the class of

of years when a sour diesel resurgence

the moment to make that fact clear.

legendary strains.” If you have ever smoked

seems to have taken off again.

She’s the real deal sour. Simply put, do

weed or are familiar with the smoking

The cut of Sour we’re looking at in this

her right; she’ll change your life.

culture, you’ve likely heard the name.

FALL 2 021

have to agree. I personally like my sour how I like my coffee. Straight. She’s a real pick me up.

Frenchy’s Force



his is Dragonfly Earth

3- Smell and energy it holds in the gardens.

for sun-grown, outdoor regenerative growing.

Medicine’s newest strain. It

What plants do the best around this

She is a highbred mix of Sativa and Indica

is an amazing fusion of 2 of

varietal? What kinds of insects are drawn

with nice thin leaves that do not overlap.

our most recently loved hash

to it? Does it rip your nose hairs off when

When kept as flower, it crumbles perfectly for

strains which we have been

you smell it in 1 month of flower? And does

a joint due to tight calyxed buds with more

breeding with for a few years.

it take over the entire property with the

crystal than carbon/leaf material. It will burn

We gathered the high fruit aroma notes

smell of that one plant or varietal?

all the way to the end of the joint with a thick

and sweetness of Garden of Grease’s

4- Looks and Stature. How big does it get?

resin wring around the paper. The flavor really

Guava Punch and married it with the

How much does it yield? Does it need

sits on the tongue and on the roof of your

earthy, rotten citrus gas dank of Hella

support/trellising? What kind of flowers

mouth. The flavor lasts. The flowers stay a

Seed’s beloved GG Gak strain.

does it form? And, will they be likely to

nice light green when properly cured. It stores

We were gifted a bunch of seeds from

mold during a wet season? What kind of

incredibly well in a jar in a cool dark place.

both Brandon and Hella Seeds so, we

crystals does it form? Dry and raised or

The medicinal qualities of this strain are lofty,

direct sowed all of them. Our soils are

wet and greasy? Good for hash-making?

light-hearted, energetic but yet, a wonderful

unforgiving to seeds that are not strong.

We loved this varietal and chose it for its

pain reliever for muscle tightness or chronic

The deep, microbial-rich soils that we

elegant, strong stature, vigorous growth, and

tissue pain. It immediately changes a mood

cultivate are so potent that often it will

potent, buttery/creamy/guava/citrus peel gas

from gloomy to sunny and can help integrate

rot any seed that has not also been grown

FORCE. It smells up every area it is planted

mountains into molehills. All of these qualities

under such natural conditions.

in. We call it Frenchy’s Force because it is a

in this strain represent Frenchy’s Force.

tribute to our dear friend, Frenchy, who loved a

It gently coats your whole body with

good strain full of forceful flavor and smell. We

healing sensations and lasts for a few hours.

We breed strains for 1- Health/Vitality. How does it hold up in

also saw Frenchy as a serious force of love and

Medium range potency, high-end flavor.

our environment? Is it pathogen resistant

connection. His huge heart was a force to be

When this flower is turned into rosin,

(molds, mildews, and pests)? Does it need

reckoned with because he shared it and his hash

it fills the whole room with its smells

a lot of attention in feedings or foliars?

so openly. It is a premier hash strain and dumps

and then your mouth with flavor.

2- Body and Mind integration during ingestion of

white, dry, huge, aromatic crystals. He would be

We, as a global community, are in a time of

the flower, hash, and edible oil. How does it feel?

stoked about the “rezin” produced by this strain.

transition and upheaval. Our family at Dragonfly

How long do the effects last? Is it a good hash

This lovely lady stands mid-height (around 8

Earth Medicine wanted to introduce this strain

strain, bong hit/doobie strain, or an oil/edible

ft tall). It is a medium to large yielding plant,

to help alleviate the difficulties and put a rosy

strain? What medicinal values does it hold?

and this lady has some PHENOmenal flowers!

sheen over our Lovelight. Frenchy’s Force brings

Flowering time of 60 days making it optimal

out the Ooh La La in everyone’s day!


Fall Hash Review 2021



n a classic summer night in Mendo, after

offensive to most people outside of the weed world but reminds

being hotter than fuck all day, it cooled, and we

me that no person is wrong about what a good terp is, for each

gathered around for a screening of Bill and Ted

individual, a collection of memories and experiences probably

and started a search for something that might

lends us the most influence to what we prefer. Some people

actually get you high in a pile of terps that would

love the baby poop flavor of papaya or the piss flavor of Haze,

put most contests to shame. I grabbed a “thumbprint” from The Real Cannabis Chris ( @therealcannabis_chris ) of Sour Strawnanna that was a mouth-coating flavor bomb of multiple new heady terps and the potency needed to draw a strong mind-bending hit. A beautiful jam inside

but either way, funky, intense flavors are the most preferred. And this brings my mind to memories of a legend in the game as far as recognizing and enjoying a full variety of terps, Frenchy Cannoli. A permanent fixture in the world of hash and someone who dedicated his life to explaining to the

a ring of perfect cold cure rosin blend

masses how to enjoy it. He was a true ganja

that really is an amazing way to get

man, and when he passed this summer,

a real rip that hits all of the flavor

a legend was lost. His strong accent and

sensors and still gets you faded.

opinions on judging weed will be missed

Next up was a classic bomber of straight

for sure from the bottom of many hearts.

Z that made me give thanks for a legend

On a not so sad note, I had some amazing

in the hash world when it comes to head ringing and mouth-watering. The hot hose water terps paired perfectly with the summer heatwave. After I cooled off for a minute, I tried a new

Satsuma from evolved extracts that from the second it hit the charmer, an explosion of orange gas terps is expanding in your lungs, and by the time you exhale, you are in love. With such a sweet

cocktail from Honeysuckle that we are calling The Great Escape,

flavor, I like to follow it up with a bell ringer, so to finish off

which relies heavily on the OG side of things that most heads

the day, I tried out another HSL test batch from Mendocino

prefer. This was a fresh press cocktail and really gives you the

Grasslands ( @mendocinograsslands ) material. I would

experience of being surrounded by many different strains in

probably have to call this the Kaepernick for the obvious

a garden, but beyond the terps, the punch was a good night,

reasons, but beyond the exciting, loud skunk terps invading

TKO. The strong fuel flavor that I love so much leaning towards

your mouth, the explosion in your head would make most

a burnt rubber or sweet skunk is so potent that it would be

people want to take a knee to what answers my prayers.

FALL 2 021

HQ barcelona



e always love coming to Spain.

all the legal paperwork, and we found HQ. Why did I do it?

It’s like a home away from home. HQ

Because that was my dream. It was all a dream. It’s just like

Barcelona does a great job at holding

that, like a dream. I was born in the Soviet Union in Moscow

space for international stoners from

in an Armenian family, and back in the days in the ‘90s, I

around the world. It is a pretty cool place

remember being in university when we were already smoking

to be. The first time we went to HQ was a special time, and we

in the backyard, and they were asking: “What are you going to

will never forget it. Everyone feels like a VIP there! Recently I

do with your future?” Because I was studying to be a lawyer, I

was happy to catch up with David Madilyan, owner and founder

was like an International law student, and I was like: “Yeah,

of HQ, to ask him a few questions about his work and vision.

I want to do this, and I want to do that… yeah, I’m going to open a coffee shop.” Everybody was laughing at me like:

FH: When did you first found HQ Barcelona and why? DM: I found HQ Barcelona in 2013 coming back from a long

“What the fuck are you talking about? Shut up. Come on.” So yeah, I’ve always wanted it, and this is what I really

one-year trip to Asia & Montenegro. I came back to Barcelona,

believed I wanted to do. Like, this is the real moment when

where I’ve now been living for 21 years. I had one year of

what you do is really what you love to do in your life. And

living in Asia and Indonesia, Bali… then I was working on

I’m so blessed and happy to feel this, to be part of it, yes?

some project in Montenegro, and then I came back, with a

This is very important, and every day I’m coming to my

clear idea of making it happen because back in 2011 and

workplace, and I’m like: “Hey, is this real?” So we’ve been

2012 when I was on my trip, I came back to Barcelona for

here eight years already, and I’m still asking myself how we

a quick visit and my friends were like: “Hey dude, this

made it happen? It’s very, very, very like, heart touching? I

social club, cannabis club, is beginning, and we could be

don’t know how to say, like, overwhelming. Yes, like that.

the first ones to open.” I was like: “Is this fucking real?” When I understood that there was a place to make it happen, I just made it happen. So I came back in 2013. We started

FH: What is the Masters of Rosin competition that you hold every year, and what were some of


the highlights from this year’s competition?

rosin for me is like making hash. So rosin derives from

DM: Masters of Rosin was born in my head back in 2015, when

hash, actually, so making hash is like making wine. It’s

I was already doing and introducing rosin here in The Club, in

about the incredible passion behind all of this work.

our dispensary. I don’t want to argue with anyone, but I think

So Masters of Rosin HQ was also born as a dream.. It was

we were one of the first, OK, let’s say one of the first in Spain

2015. Back in the days when HQ was competing in different

for sure, in Europe to offer it in dispensaries. I was squishing

cannabis cups, I wondered why there isn’t a category just for

my first rosin with the t-shirt press, you know, the press you use

rosin, not mixed with all solventless extractions, then was when

for printing on t-shirts—the old-school one, you know, like the

I decided to create a competition dedicated solely to rosin.

really heavy one. So I remember that the first press, there were

At that moment in time, I thought I should do a Cannabis

no screens… I was just putting buds together and squishing it

Cup myself but different. And the idea was to make it with

with parchment paper. That’s it—just the press and parchment

just one category: rosin. That moment in 2015, I was with

paper. We would be standing upside down on the press, me

another cup, and it wasn’t possible, and then I was feeling it

and a couple of friends always, just to give it extra pressure,

wasn’t so popular yet. Even in 2016, I wasn’t feeling like that,

(laughs) you know? So I remember it was 2015 for sure because

but we wanted to do it, but didn’t. In 2017, we were making

I have a picture, we were pressing in HQ the first rosin, and I

some other cannabis event. It doesn’t matter what’s the name

remember I was like: “Hey, what do we do with it? How should

of it. We made it during you know, this work, working on

we charge for it?” I didn’t even know how it should be presented.

that project, I was thinking already of making a rosin-only

It was just the beginning, you know, we were experimenting

Cannabis Cup. It was still very new here, and we were really

with it. So, I really liked what happened. There was so much

not believing that we were gonna have enough competitors.

interest towards it, and I felt like this is something new. This is

So the first Masters of Rosin event eventually happened in

like a new product, a whole new concept of cannabis product.

2018, and we have made four editions, and we’re going to have

This is the field I really love working in. I like inventing

the 5th edition of Masters of Rosin in 2022. I’ll be coming later

new products for the cannabis sector. It’s very interesting.

with more info about that. When the first edition happened,

It’s very inspiring. I feel that as a very gastronomic person,

and we had 49 entries, it was an absolutely — wow effect for

that it’s like wine… making hash...making rosin. Making

us. I mean, we could see that it had a real big “wow” effect

FALL 2 021

on our cannabis industry, our cannabis community here in

was golden, so there was 3,000 euros of value of gold inside the

Spain. Nobody expected that. Not even me. And we had the

first prize of the competition. The second-place winner receives

first-ever rosin competition in the world because… OK, let’s

silver, the third bronze. It is just like in the Olympic Games. This

talk about that. There was one single event in the states, If

year, as in all the years, there’s a unique topic or theme. Last

I don’t remember the name correctly, my bad, it was called

year it was The Adventures of Plancha Boy. The year before, it

Squash Off, I think, it was during some kind of festival, and

was Rozilla, and this year is Rosin Gods. I’m announcing this

that was just one thing there. It never happened again. It

for the first time here that the 5th Edition of Masters of Rosin

wasn’t just a cup. The idea of Masters of Rosin was to be like

is about Rosin Gods. So this is something you guys will see very

an Emerald Cup and happening not only for Europeans but

soon in our Instagram and in our media. You’ll be seeing the

as a World Cup. It’s an International Cup. We always make

new edition artwork, pictures, videos, animation, interactive

it during the dates of Spannabis, which is like the biggest

comics where you can choose, actually, what’s going to happen.

cannabis expo here in Europe. Spannabis is also an annual

We’ve got a lot of interesting stuff and surprises, secret shit, so

event here in Barcelona for three days, but it’s not only three

yeah, just come check the posts and stories of Master of Rosin.

days. It’s about 1 week. But everybody who’s at Spannabis knows that you should come to Barcelona for at least ten

FH: I love how you share education and how you

days because there’s so much to do. And so much fun. And

uplift both men and women in all that you do —

so much food (laughs). Yeah, and so much dank rosin.

could you tell us more about your guiding ethos

I think that the rosin stage is huge now here in Europe.

and principles that are helping you to create

Masters of Rosin every year...I mean, we believe we see real

such an empowering platform and message?

fire, and we have more and more hash makers involved in this

DM: Yeah, thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it. So

matter, and this is really, really cool. I feel like The Masters of

my approach is based on my real-life experience and a strong

Rosin Competition is helping to open up the rosin culture here.

education beginning in The Soviet Union. My roots are from

Not to mention all my beautiful team that help me every year,

there. My principles were born in Moscow. I traveled a lot, but

having my back all these years. Huge respect to my dear friend

for the last 20 years, I’ve been living in Barcelona. I’ve been

and right hand in the organization Arnau Tango. Then Nikka T.,

working in the weed industry for a long time. I’m 44 years

who is our annual host except the last edition due to the Covid

old, and believe me, on one side or another, it’s a long story.

restrictions he couldn’t fly to Barcelona, but hey, we’re waiting

I’ve been a smoker for 25 years, maybe even more. I began

for him for the next one. Nikka, bro, we love you. And then all

smoking heavily at 16, so believe me: this is what I do, this is

the team, the dispensary team… special thanks to Vince. Also,

what I love. This is what I believe that everybody who loves it

Andrea, he helped a lot when he worked here in HQ. And our

should have a right to do, so this is what we strive for. I think

beautiful media team, Inti, for making all the dope pictures.

that the principle of staying above ground is very important. HQ

And of course, I have to say that the most important

is a close-knit community of people. It’s a family — there’s not

thing to say about Masters of Rosin, is our brother, my big

a slogan that says “not everyone is welcome.” That’s important.

friend, a person who is a part of HQ family forever, who is

We’re about the privacy of our members but also about sharing

behind all the images and the design of Masters of Rosin.

information. As you can see, our videos and pictures show us

Venya Son is the guy who creates all the art, illustrations,

washing hash or making rosin — there are a lot of things that

and videos for Masters of Rosin. So big up for Venya Son.

we do that we share with people. We really spend a lot of our

So in 2022, we will be holding a Masters of Rosin event here

time, energy & effort creating media to share with the people.

in Barcelona in March because we are also keeping our tradition

We feel that this is very important. HQ is a special place to

to make it the same dates that Spannabis should happen. I

be. It’s like being at home in your loft and smoking and having

say should because it didn’t happen in 2021 and 2020. But,

all these special things perfectly adapted for smoking.

even without Spannabis, we were having Masters of Rosin

What you see is really what I love to do… it’s hard to

here. Big up to all our sponsors, to all the competitors, to all

explain... it’s a perfect place to meet, to be, to enjoy your

the connoisseurs, to all the judges. It’s a very very important

right while smoking or while dabbing. Actually, I’m not

what you do, not only for our community here in Barcelona, but

smoking so much anymore. I’m always dabbing now because

Internationally all over the world. We know that people from all

I use more and more rosin every day. Let’s just say hash

over the world want to bring their rosin to Masters of Rosin.

joint is one time at night. Weed, yes, of course, because I

Before 2021, we were holding Masters of Rosin in a secret

have to try a lot of weed during the daytime — maybe I

place, for a limited number of people, with a lot of stuff, a lot

make a couple of puffs, and that’s it. Rarely do I just finish

of food, a dab sesh, with Nikka T as the DJ & event host.

it. Maybe when I go into nature for a trip, I smoke joints,

All these things that we love to do, we’re hoping to do that again in Mid-March of 2022, but we’re not sure yet due to the Covid restrictions. If we can’t do it like we used to, we’re going

yeah—just pure weed, nothing else. But yeah, I can still do a hash joint with tobacco still like at night when I’m home. So, my principles: I could talk for hours about them, but

to do it like we did last year, for a small number of people

I really feel that I like to be fair. I like to be very direct and

— only for the competitors and judges inside The Club.

personal while at the same moment caring about what you say

When we announce the winners, the winner gets The Golden Iron. So, it’s our prize every year. Last year, the whole piece

and just being very clear about how to manage this business. But the weed industry here is not an absolutely legal field.


Let’s say it like that, in soft words. We’re here in the grey

thing. But when you do a rosin-only competition, that was my

area, absolutely. And what we do is a struggle and what we

challenging thing because everybody from my team was like:

have right now, for example, is a very complicated situation.

“David, are you sure? Because you know, maybe you won’t have

The government is slightly turning its back on this case,

enough people or enough interest. Maybe we should make it

and The Supreme Court is saying nonsense like we can’t

also with water hash and another category.” And I said: “No.

dispense weed. But we’re here, we’re struggling, but The

We should do it only with rosin.” First 3 years, we had two

Club is open for our friends, our members for sure.

categories: hash rosin & flower rosin. But, the last one was only rosin because there was no point to have hash rosin and flower

FH: What are some of the largest challenges in

rosin because there’s no such technique in the world to analyze

Spain in operating a legal cannabis club?

and give with 100% certainty that this material is coming from

DM: It’s this grey area. We struggle here. It’s all about the

hash or from flower. So, we think it’s unfair for someone to

Constitutional Right of staying together and smoking in private

come into the flower rosin competition, for example, with some

places like HQ. We share a common crop, so we’re not even

fire hash rosin, and win it because we can’t justify for sure if

selling things. It’s a long story. We’re not here absolutely legally.

the material is flower or hash rosin. I’m not saying that flower

The City Council is putting pressure on us now by sending all

rosin is bullshit. Not at all, no. But what I’m saying is that more

the clubs letters, but it’s just a letter, nothing else. But the

quality, more work, more everything, more professionalism,

letter is like saying: “Hey, we understand that you can’t operate

and more steps to follow when we talk about hash rosin. It’s

with weed inside the Club or distribute it. But you can get

more complicated to perform. If you make it flower rosin &

together and talk about it. That’s it.” You know, so it’s a joke

hash rosin, you’re going to have hundreds of samples.

because here in Barcelona, we’re a community of about 200,000

No judge can go through hundreds of samples in

cannabis consumers. So, what are they wanting us to do? Sell

2 or 3 days. If you judge 100 samples in 3 days, the

on the streets? Yeah, we’re worried about the situation but

quality of the judging is going down, the quality of the

nothing else. Unity is the key. We should stay together. I can see

competition is going down. This is what we don’t want.

there’s a lot of fear in the people in the industry just because some letters came, but nobody knows what’s going to happen,

FH: Where do you see the future of the

we just stay around, you know? This is what we do in HQ.

cannabis industry going in Spain, and what needs to change to make that happen?

FH: What is your favorite strain right now for water hash?

DM: Interesting question. I don’t know, but I hope that

DM: Speaking of water hash, Babushka Farms is my personal,

I’ll see in my lifetime here in Spain that they’ll legalize

small-batch project that is only about washing hash. Everything

the work of clubs like HQ. We need to legalize the

is fresh-frozen. Right now, our personal favorites are Mitten

process of this thing. I hope that in 20/30 years, maybe

Cake Batter, which is a Seed Junky Strain that is like, absolutely

that it’s legal here in Europe. I hope we can see it.

amazing. It is gassy but also lemony with a touch of terps. It has amazing resin — we get amazing results making water

FH: Do you think cannabis will be globally

hash and rosin with it. And another one is Tang. Right now,

decriminalized in your lifetime?

it’s a special one from a big friend of ours from Fresh Cup in

DM: I hope so, but we don’t know. We don’t know because we see

Zaragoza, Sergio. Big up to him. So many thanks for sharing

what happens in the States, in Canada, now in South America,

this beauty with us. And this is like an exotic pineapple/

but here in Europe, as we can see now, we have movement.

lollipop terps. It’s like a pineapple but with a special twist like

A lot of the government is moving towards legalization, so

a fermented pineapple. So it’s crazy. I just actually washed it

that’s why we think that a lot of the decision of the Supreme

yesterday (laughs), so today, I just pressed some and dabbed it

Court is nonsense and stupid. Maybe they just want to keep a

today. It’s crazy good. So, wow. I’m super excited to be washing

hundred clubs open only with licenses. But we’ve been here for

it a second time. The second time is always better, right?

a while. Soon we’ll be seeing our 8th anniversary, so we hope that we’ll be seeing our members not only from here in Europe

FH: When creating the Masters of Rosin

but also you guys. All the members are welcome, always. To

competition, did you think that it would have such

be a member of this club, there’s only one but one very strong

global recognition? I feel like there really isn’t

thing: and this is to be a friend of ours. If you’re a friend of

a worldwide rosin competition like yours.

ours, you are a member of The Club. This is the first rule here.

DM: Let me tell you frankly speaking, yes, I was thinking

Thanks to our sacred plant medicine and thanks to the

about that. It’s true. I thought about making something new

Skunk team, especially Julie, I know that you’ve been

before anyone else would do it. It’s always challenging, but it’s

working for a long time, inviting me to be a part of what you

always a win-win situation if you go for it. I mean, if you open

guys do there at SKUNK. We really respect your work. Hey,

a restaurant, you should be competing with thousands and

thanks again, not only from me but from all the team.

thousands of other restaurants—the same with every other

FALL 2 021

Show Manager




my Short of Glass Vegas sat down with

Also, Audrey Kawasaki in which I have a collection of a

Katy Szczerbaty to discuss her life in glass.

ton of her work, her paintings are phenomenal and move me to create. I love the feminine energy in her work.

AS: When did you first fall in love with glass blowing?

KS: I fell in love with glass when I took my 1st

AS: Do you have any fun collabs you have coming up? Hopefully!

class 9 years ago at Zen Glass Studio in St. Pete,

KS: I do not have solid plans for any collabs at this exact

Florida. Even with burning and cutting my hand, I

moment; however, MELT is coming up, and I am really

still wanted to keep going and learning more.

excited to create some phenomenal collabs there. This year at MELT is my 1st year, but I hear it’s amazing and the

A: What is it that drives you and excites you

place to be to get collabs in with some killer artists.

most in your creative pursuit with glass? KS: What drives me is the fact that people are

AS: What are your hopes for the cannabis industry,

supportive in this industry and shows like Glass Vegas

and how would you like to see it grow?

that have these competitions that I really enjoy and

KS: My hopes are that it continues growing and that we get

excite me and push me to compete more, create new

more legalization happening so that it’s not taboo for me to

designs, push my skills and limits. I get support for it

share & sell my work with the public. Also, so that shows

and love it, so why not keep going? It’s amazing!

don’t get shut down, as these are the driving force for me to sell my art. I don’t want to get hassled when I travel, and I

AS: What’s your favorite piece you have ever created?

want our industry to thrive! I want to be able to grow my own

KS: The Medusa that I just won in the GV 2021 World Series

weed in my backyard without the fear of doing something I

of Glass Pendant category. I had a mental picture in my head

shouldn’t be doing because I am not. It’s a plant, its medicine.

of the piece, and it’s so awesome to see it come to a reality,

I strive to work with more female-owned and operated

the opal eyes, the fact that it’s a little bit larger than what

businesses and smoke shops and artists, and I want to see

I usually make. It’s a big statement piece, and I love it!

more females emerging in our industry. I want to see more girls doing what they want and doing it well, and succeeding.

AS: What artists inspire you, glass or otherwise? KS: Glass Artist is LACEFACE, is a kick-ass female glass

Fun Facts: I have a green thumb and am good at gardening.

artist, and she is amazing. She makes amazing pieces and

I am a crazy cat lady. I have had blue hair since I was a

has made a name for herself in this industry when it was

teenager, and because of that, my hair fades to light blue.

harder for women to get recognized for their art. She inspires

I am an art school dropout turned professional artist. My

me with all her competition wins and is an all-around

fiance works for me, and it’s now his full-time career .

awesome person, someone to look up to in our industry.


Ensorcelling Sources



WORDS MATTHEW GATES he health of an organism is a product

interactions, including the discrimination between more- and

of many factors: all life exists within a set of

less-beneficial microbes and those with parasitic tendencies that

parameters, both environmental and physiological.

communicate with the same chemical language. Our collective

Some factors are extremely hard or impossible

comprehension of these plant health dynamics increases every

to directly measure for cultivators of plants, like

year, and so too does its complexity, obviating and replacing

the genetic makeup of a plant or its constant and fluctuating

older, narrower perspectives about the soil microcosmos. Simple

metabolic processes like immune response and nutrient

answers to complex questions are a bane to that understanding

sequestration. Though, for good reason, growers attempt

as they belie that complexity is often for a price, touted as

to mitigate or even selectively determine when it happens

solutions by professional and seemingly trustworthy sources.

as much as possible, plants are constantly stressed. At the most basic level, waste byproducts like oxidative agents

For experienced and new cultivators alike, it is vexing to observe the deluge of contradictory information received daily

resulting from the simple metabolic processes that regulate plant

and to parse the applicable from the most theoretical, correlative,

dynamics in the face of changes in nutrient load, temperature, or

poorly proven or controversial—even with outside assistance.

humidity, as well as more intensive immune processes involved

There are proxies that can approximate some of these

in severe heat or cold exposure, physical damage, and multiple

processes related to plant health like brix tests for dissolved

pressures from pests with their own immune response and

solids such as sugars, but levels of these sugars change

sophisticated immune disruptive compounds and proteins co-

constantly and differ between stem, petiole, leaf, and fruit

evolved over millions of years of association, employing even

tissues, arguably complicating the question of a plant’s overall

their own microbiome to this end.

“brix level” and what can be extrapolated therein. Redox

Even the mutualistic relationships in which plants engage like

potential and pH also affect plant health and development

the famous exchange of nutrients and beneficial effects between

fundamentally, but they too are hard to assess internally or

mycorrhizae, other microbiome agents, and their plant symbionts

externally in the substrate, reducing the utility of these metrics.

constantly require resources tied to regulating these delicate

Genes and their products associated with resistance to pests

FALL 2 021

“For most of its recent history, scientif ic research related to Cannabis has been highly contentious, f rom its evolutionary origins to the heritability of various traits desired by cul tivators and consumers alike.”

and receptiveness to mutualistic microbes must orchestrate a

if the subject matter may be difficult to understand in the first

symphony of chemical reactions that augment the body of the

place, a synthesis of both claims might be more of a complete

plant in reversible and sometimes irreversible ways to deny

perspective than the two in isolation.

space and nutrients, directly damage, or receive external help against the detected threat. These factors are highly contextual and poorly articulated in

Alternatively, while a lack of corroborating evidence does not necessarily mean a claim is not correct, usually, there is more security in a claim that multiple other independent specialists

Cannabis especially, yet despite the lack of genetic quantification

agree with and have independently supported. It is crucial to

or empirical evidence seen in other crop research, it is

consider, however if those specialists are closely associated with

commonplace to see Cannabis cultivars and seeds advertised as

the claimant or a business entity which may be predicated on

having gene-based resistance or even full immunity to some or

those claims being perceived as correct—an extremely common

all pests and environmental stressors. Microbial and nutritive

form of bias. Specialists can be wrong singularly or in a group,

products that claim to enhance plant health to some degree with

and celebrity status, even with a verifiable history of general

vague and sometimes overtly speculative or theoretical functional

forthrightness or confidant demeanor, is a very poor proxy

explanations are also commonplace. Sometimes the intended

for being correct about specific claims since misspeaking and

effects of these products are based on extrapolated research that

misremembering details can and does happen with even the most

may or may not be broadly applicable to Cannabis. Other times

resolute professional.

the product may be valid but perform as well as alternatives that may be less complex or resource-intensive to acquire or apply. Desirable and undesirable technologies, particularly when

When considering contentious claims, it can be grounding to remember that the “con-” in “conman” stands for “confidence”: charisma and confidence are endearing and can signal that

new, can both appear reasonable and bypass critical analysis

a person or organization is comfortable or approachable, but

when presented with a charismatic narrative, trusted celebrity

they can often undermine an otherwise penetrating verification

presence, and sleek appearance.

process. Recall that many accomplished scientists, even Nobel

This is not to say that these plants or products cannot exist

laureates, have been famously correct about some claims but

or have utility, but that without evidence and only surface-

ruefully incorrect about other claims when tested by the broader

level investigation, it is hard to discriminate between suppliers

scientific community.

that have conducted explicit research and those that have

If a consensus across multiple independent experts can

not, particularly when the practice of the plant cultivation

be found, this can be a highly useful guide for decision-

responsible for so many fundamental societal functions is as

making. In the context of Cannabis plant health specifically,

laborious, time-consuming, and energy-intensive as it is, leaving

building relationships with multiple plant pathologists, soil

very little for even basic investigation in a discipline that might

microbiologists, mycologists, entomologists, and ecologists

not be one’s strength. Specialized subject matter experts can be

can provide a critical crucible for filtering plant health claims

very useful proxies and sources of condensed and detailed domain

based on empirical works and understanding, at least for the

knowledge, but biases like those towards outdated information

fundamentals which may be misrepresented by those that lack

or trusted sources are always a factor, and even honest mistakes

this basic understanding.

when evaluating new systems and techniques can arise. Still,

For most of its recent history, scientific research related to

collaborating with multiple people to achieve a common objective

Cannabis has been highly contentious, from its evolutionary

is paramount, so how does one choose which people to entrust

origins to the heritability of various traits desired by cultivators

with their livelihood?

and consumers alike. That dearth of information is growing

While no system is perfect, there are a few ways to evaluate a

rapidly. Plying the cutting edge of scientific discovery to this

subject-matter expert and the claims they make in a scientific or

plant, we are bound to bleed in service to unlocking those secrets

another objective context. Like previously mentioned, in order to

by rending crucial information from mystic ambiguity. Prominent

evaluate an expert, seeking to evaluate their claims for specific

researchers already pivot towards these answers in universities

supporting evidence in the form of corroborating research from

and private organizations alike, revivifying a millennia-old

credible published journals as well as claims and evidence by

interest documented as far back as the Neolithic.

others that might contradict them is a common first step. Even


Regenerative Dry Farming A S U N + E A R T H C E R T I F I E D I N T E RV I E W W I T H T H E H U M B O L D T D R Y FA R M I N G A L L I A N C E WORDS HEATHER DUNBAR


Regenerative Organic Dry Farming – The Future of Cannabis? The evidence of climate change is revealing itself all around

savannas long before wells and sprinkler systems were invented. The idea and evolution of dry(land) farming go back to the

us. It can be seen in accelerated sea-level rise, melting ice caps

19th century, has been used in various parts of the world,

and glaciers, intense heatwaves in some areas, and extreme

and has evolved and adapted to the lack of moisture in

flooding in others. Some of the most recent events range from

certain climates. This type of farming uses land management

deadly floods in central China and Europe, huge wildfires in

practices that retain precipitation on the land, make use of

the United States, an extreme heatwave in Canada and the

the stored moisture in the soil, and cultivates crops without

Pacific Northwest, to fires blazing in the Siberian tundra.

irrigation. Crops that have adapted to become drought

There is no shortage of signs and signals that the climate is changing, and we are all affected in diverse ways. One

tolerant and tend to be explosive in flavor and nutrition. To dive deeper into dry farming practices, I sat down with

critically important way that communities across the

Rosie Reynolds (Sensiboldt Organics), Chrystal Ortiz (High

globe are impacted by climate change is how we’re able

Water Farm), and Jill VanderLinden (Organic Medicinals);

to farm and produce food. Shifting weather patterns

three Sun+Earth Certified farmers who are multi-generational

are causing extreme weather events that are disrupting

cannabis and food producers. These three amazing women

agricultural productivity, and cannabis is no exception.

are also leaders and frontline activists in the cannabis

Many of our legacy Sun+Earth Certified farms are located

community and advocates for regenerative organic farming

in northern California, which has been suffering from ongoing

practices. Together, they formed the Humboldt Dry Farming

drought conditions that are only getting worse. Eyes are on

Alliance in 2020 to educate farmers on the science and benefits

California, as agriculture accounts for 80 percent of water use in

of regenerative organic dry farming and to advance these

the state. But what if we could grow food and cannabis without

important farming practices in the cannabis industry.

water? Which sounds like a crazy concept. But dry farming

Sun+Earth: Rosie, your father has a rich history as a pioneer

has a long history, with humans planting and harvesting in

in the organic food movement and has been dry farming for many

FALL 2 021

years in Humboldt County. Can you talk some about his legacy? Rosie: Dry farming has been happening for hundreds of years

also important to know your land because there’s a lot of subtle differences in each landscape. It’s about reading the

all over the globe in places you would not anticipate that you

land and experimenting and working with the land. There’s a

could. In the early 1990s, my dad told everyone in Garberville

fine line between overworking the soil and finding the right

that he could dry farm his Eel River melons, and there were

conditions. Talk to your neighbors and listen to the old-timers.

bets going around to see if he could pull it off. And he did! He

Sun+Earth: Chrystal, you have done some side-by-side

pulled it off with the help of community members, and the idea

experiments with dry-farmed cannabis plants and other

was that they would donate the melons locally to the community.

cannabis plants you fed nutrients and watered. What did

There was an article about it called the ‘miracle melon patch.’

you discover and take away from your experiments?

Sun+Earth: Can you talk about how dry farming is

Chrystal: When I first moved onto the land, I had dry-farmed

different compared to traditional agriculture methods, the

produce, but I never had dry-farmed cannabis, and I had

characteristics of the environment required to dry farm and

multiple different things going on. I put plants in the native soil

any other gems you’d like to share about your experience?

and added some potting soil because I was convinced that silt

Chrystal: There is an ideal ratio of silty loam and

was going to suffocate the plants. So, we did some plants using

sand with minimal amounts of clay, so everything filters

slow drip irrigation and feeding and side-by-side watching, and

through. This is important because there are super fine

the proof is in the pudding. In the fall, the dry-farmed plants,

particles we are trying to use to pull the water up from

right next to the fed and watered plants, we’re crushing it. By

the water table, and the fine silty soil creates the avenue

the 4th of July, the dry-farmed cannabis plants had a look that

for the water vapor to move up through the soil.

the other plants didn’t have. You can just see it. The dry-farmed

You often hear that tomatoes and food that is dry-farmed are super delicious, full of flavor and nutritive content, and this is the same with cannabis. In my experience, the

plants are vibrant. And if you think about all the money that went into the fed and watered plants, it just couldn’t be justified. Sun+Earth: How does regenerative organic dry farming fit into

plants are stressed in the beginning before they adapt,

the conversation of climate change? Do you see dry farming as

and the water rises up through the soil to do its job,

a potential solution to combating the effects of climate change?

and then they adapt and aren’t stressed anymore. Jill: And the plants only take in what they absolutely

Chrystal: With climate change, things are getting hotter and dryer, and there’s less access to water, and people

need. They regulate themselves, just like a redwood

are going to have to re-think and reconsider cultivation

tree would. By creating a drought situation, the

methods. A light step on the earth is about what grows

plants produce more resin to hold in that water and

easily. When we don’t have an abundance of resources,

to protect that water so it won’t evaporate, and so we

people will have to learn to grow with what they have.

see an increase in resin and levels of terpene profiles up to 3-5 percent more from dry-farmed products. Rosie: It’s also about the quality of water. It’s not coming

Jill: It’s hard to convince farmers to change. Farmers want to see the science behind it, and they want to feel secure that it’s going to work. It scares people because it’s

from plastic containers; it’s a part of our land and our earth

not something that is logical. But the bottom line is, it

and mingles with our biomass. My dad would also talk

makes sense. This way of farming is more environmentally

about the manta, which is the ground fog that captures the

friendly and costs practically nothing. We just have

essence of the old-growth redwood trees, the fruit trees,

to create the systems that you can work with.

all the birds, and everything that grows in our rich, lush

Chrystal: Hopefully, farmers are going to look and

agriculture valley all come together and married. And

say, ‘these farmers don’t buy any soil or inputs, they

that’s another part of our trait profile, that you can literally

don’t buy a water hose or other plastics?’ It makes

smell and taste the essence of our land and our region.

more economic and environmental sense.

Sun+Earth: Is there any limitation to where dry farming can take place?

Rosie: What inspired the Dry Farm Cannabis Alliance was ultimately the desire to create educational material, to have

Jill: It’s pretty much possible to dry farm anywhere as

the science behind dry farming, to give farmers inspiration

long as you create the right conditions. The soil structure is

and support, and to offer another choice. This isn’t anything

the most important. There are several ways to get to the end

new, but it’s about explaining to people that this is possible

result, but it’s about creating that super fine, silty loam.

and that dry-farmed products are superior. These are scary

Chrystal: It’s also important to have a water table. Most

times, but it’s not only about our farming practices; it’s also

rivers and floodplains already have this type of soil that is

what we do for people. For us, this feels like the beginning

created through millennia of river meandering. In addition,

of a bigger movement; working with organizations like

heat is required for evaporation to bring up the water.

Sun+Earth Certified to empower ourselves and each other

● Rosie: It’s a combination of technique and timing. It’s

as farmers, as global citizens, and as educators.

For more information about dry farming, please visit

Paniagua Family Farm


hen Skunk Magazine asked me

WORDS WORDS BRIAN BRIANMALIN MALIN PHOTOS MIKE ROSATI @ROSATIPHOTOS After graduating high school in Brawley, CA., in 1991, Juan

to write this article for the Latino

began a career as a commercial truck driver. This career led

Edition, I was excited to talk about my

him and his high school sweetheart, Connie, up to Northern

many good friends and colleagues with

California. Juan enjoyed his driving career for 18+ years

Latino heritage. I am always impressed

until, after helping a friend out, he decided to pursue growing

with their family values and a true sense of really looking

cannabis. He and Connie searched for the perfect property

out for one another. My friend and partner, Juan Paniagua

to start a cannabis farm. Juan and Connie have two sons, so

quickly came to mind. I met Juan through local cannabis

their son’s education and the local schools were also priorities.

attorney Heather Burke. Juan was born into a migrant farm

Impressively their whole family is bilingual and speaks Spanish

working family in the Imperial Valley in California. His family

and English fluently. After much research, the Paniagua’s chose

harvested fruit and vegetables from El Centro to Patterson

Nevada County. They packed up their home in Santa Rosa and

and even picked apples in Sebastopol through the years.

moved the family to their new ranch in Penn Valley. At just

FALL 2 021

below 1000 ft. elevation and southern exposure, their new home

farms all over the west coast. The guys and I have fun trying

was the perfect place to grow cannabis and raise their family.

to communicate despite some of our language gaps. I have

Juan grew for a couple of years under the 215 regulations

to admit that my most common phrase is ‘Como se dice?’.

and then when prop. 64 came into law; he knew he wanted to

In our weekly Dencob meetings, we both look forward to

be one of the first to apply for a recreational cannabis permit.

comparing notes on what we have learned since we have last

The amount of paperwork and legal red tape is a daunting

seen each other. The cannabis industry changes so quickly,

process. Juan made the valid point that all other crops are

and it is nice to have trusted people to share knowledge and

treated the same. Why should cannabis farmers be put through

make decisions together based on present conditions.

so many regulations and charged high fees to grow plants

We have seen changes in the market over time that can

not so different from tomatoes? He needed some advice on

affect how you grow, what you grow, and if you are going to

how to present his SOPs on his permit for the state licensing

freeze your harvest or trim it. Being able to counteract change

requirements. I was happy to help out. My company, Vital

is how you stay relevant. In my life and industry, I come

Garden Supply, is an all “organic” soil and nutrient company.

across many Latinos. From family members to colleagues

That seemed to interest Juan and Connie very much. They

to coworkers, attention to detail and execution are some of

wanted to focus on clean and safe growing practices. Their

the positive characteristics that come to mind. I also notice

family farm was committed to the environment and not using

families working together towards the same goal—unity,

chemicals. The Vital Garden Supply team helped Juan and

loyalty, and compassion for one another. Latino families

Connie structure their soil, fertilizer, pesticide, spraying, and

work together, eat together, and kick back together.

application scheduling for their state and county permits.

On Juan and Connie’s beautiful farm, they also raise animals.

After months of waiting for the state and county approvals,

The guard geese greet me when I arrive. They also have goats,

Dencob Farms was finally licensed to grow cannabis for the

donkeys, ponies, chickens, mini cows, ducks, peacocks, emus,

California recreational market. Simultaneously the Vital

and I’m sure I’m leaving some animals out. I love to hear

Grown Cannabis brand and the Vital Distro were forming,

traditional Spanish music as I walk the property. Occasionally,

and we agreed to partner. I could help him with crop

I hear some Spanish hip hop which is really good as well. Juan

consulting using Vital Garden Products and, Vital Distro

and Connie are proud of their farm, and they should be. They

could purchase the finished product for the Vital Grown

are property owners, license holders, business owners, and

brand. In addition to being an all-organic farm, Dencob went

part of an emerging new industry with lots of promise. Juan

one step further and got their EnvirOganic Certification.

and Connie consider themselves Chicanos and have worked

Juan is a very genuine person, and his ability to give

very hard to be cannabis employers. Being young children and

instructions to his farm team is like no other I have seen before.

seeing their families work hard for farmers and now owning

Juan has a great team of workers that are capable of getting

their own farm is a big accomplishment. Their teenage sons

a lot done each day. When Juan speaks, his crew listens. They

have a great example of how hard work and good business

run a tight ship at Dencob Farms. You can walk the rows on

ethics bring success. The Paniagua family’s plan is to keep the

any given day, and it is obvious the team cares and puts in the

farm in the family for generations to come and watch it develop

extra energy. I still visit Juan’s farm weekly. We decide together

into part of the history of the California cannabis industry.

what to grow based on the environment, market needs, our

I feel lucky to have Latino brothers, sisters, nieces and

tastes, and relationships. We walk the fields and look for “red

nephews, close friends, and business associates with whom

flags” or signs. When I occasionally see a sign or symptom that

I get to spend time and absorb all the positive energy. The

needs to be addressed, we discuss it and the variables and make a decision

Latino culture is like no other. Much can

Brian Malin

on how to improve the situation.


Once we make that decision,

Vital Landscaping Inc.

Juan passes the information on to

dba Vital Garden Supply

his workers in Spanish. They listen

and execute well. I have to say my

Spanish has improved as I have visited

be learned from it as a businessperson and a human being. Prioritizing family is the message that I hear most also, work hard and stay focused. I am very grateful to be part of Dencob Farms, and I love watching everything grow and flourish.



Yale Team




ith deep roots in the formative

to mice in order to measure what effect, if any, the substance had

days of medical cannabis markets,

on the pre-frontal cortex of the subjects’ brains.

at Beard Bros Pharms we have

What they found was that mice who were given the

heard countless anecdotal

psilocybin experienced an average of 10% growth of new

accounts about both cannabis and

neural connections and not only that, but those connections

psilocybin being the catalyst in what could at the time only be described as “miraculous” medical recoveries. We have seen it firsthand, but it is still hard to convince

were on average about 10% larger, or stronger. They were able to determine this by measuring microscopic brain connections called dendrites. These ever-morphing

friends or family members that one mushroom trip

connections grow and shrink based on neurobiological changes

might be better for them than a daily pile of pills.

and in depressed people (and mice) the ‘dendritic density’ is

With regulation of these plant and fungal medicines comes a lot of headaches, bureaucracy, and BS, for sure.

significantly reduced in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain. So, the research team was tasked with trying to

However, it also opens doors - previously sealed by

determine if the introduction of psilocybin would

prohibition - for lab-grade research which time and time

affect the size, strength, and number of dendrites

again has scientifically corroborated so many of those so-

present. Would psilocybin “rebuild’ the brain?

called “miracles” that we have heard about over the years.

It turns out that yes, it does.

We recently came across such a study that was released on July 5th of this year in Neuron, a bi-weekly


peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Cell

By scanning the subjects’ brains 24 hours after the

Press, regarding the efficacy of using psilocybin and

administration of the psilocybin, change was evident.

its active compound psilocin to treat depression.

Dendritic density was increasing. Not only that, but those

Studies like these have been flooding peer-reviewed journals ever since psilocybin - and more specifically its active compound

changes continued throughout scans performed not just a week later, but up to 34 days later, eventually tapering off.

psilocin - were granted Breakthrough Therapy designation back in 2019, but this one stood out and got our attention. This particular study was led by researchers at Yale University who administered pre-determined doses of psilocybin

FALL 2 021

One dose keeps healing. Even the seasoned psychonaut Terrence McKenna famously said, “If I can get it in a couple or three times a year, I feel like I’m

hitting it pretty hard and the more successful it is, the less often you have to do it.”

better mental health and a better quality of life. For those of you who, like us, have been using a subperceptual

As fascinating as that is to have our own personal

microdosed regimen of psilocybin to spark creativity, or lift

experiences with psilocybin verified by Yale

the fog of depression, or just enjoy a better overall sense of

researchers, what those researchers discovered next

wellness that you cannot quite put your finger on… this study

was what really stopped us in our tracks.

validates all of that and serves as another stepstone on our

The team next introduced ketanserin to the mice, a compound which blocks signaling through serotonin 5-HT2A receptors. These receptors are believed to be responsible for the psychedelic trips experienced when consuming psilocybin. Of course, the mice couldn’t tell the nerds in the lab

collective path to further understanding this gift from nature. If you thought the cannabis revolution was exciting, we truly feel you ain’t seen nothing yet! The healing potential of psilocybin / psilocin is limitless, as far as we know. Much like with cannabis, however, we

coats if they were still tripping balls, but the team did

must remain vigilant in demanding our own right to grow,

notice that after consuming psilocybin the mice would

possess, gift, and consume plant and fungal medicines in their

twitch their heads in a certain way. After the addition

natural form, with their natural effects. We must also resist

of the ketanserin, however, the twitch went away.

the inevitable corporatization of the eventual psychedelic marketplace. If you thought Weed Chads were bad...


At Beard Bros Pharms we believe wholeheartedly in the power

The introduction of ketanserin did not have any

of plant and fungal medicines, and we plan to continue to use our

effect on the rebuilding of dendrites.

platform to advocate for their acceptance and full legality.

This, the team believes, is evidence that the psychedelic effect of psilocybin/psilocin can be separated from the potential therapeutic effects allowing patients to eventually get the healing without the high. As long as they keep decriminalizing our right to possess and gift and grow our own psilocybin mushrooms, we are all for letting labs make a more mainstream version that could potentially help millions of people achieve


Feed The Soil



ey everyone, I hope your day is blessed,

When we apply organic fertilizers, we are feeding and growing

and your plants aren’t stressed! Let’s talk food

microbial populations. These microbial colonies protect the

and see if we can grow our connection with

plants’ leaves, flowers, fruit, stems, and roots. They break down

our plants and with each other every day.

organic materials and minerals and make them available for

So conventional agriculture would have

plants to use. The microbes also outcompete or even consume

us believe that a plant needs man-made chemicals to achieve healthy growth. They would love to sell us all a bunch of chemical

pathogenic microbes before they can move in and cause problems. So what should we be feeding our soil and the food web

fertilizers and pesticides. These things are not only expensive,

therein? There are quite a few options here, so let’s go over a

but they are also damaging to our surroundings. Do our plants

couple. The simplest solution would be to apply some type of

really benefit from these synthetic substances? Plants will grow

finished compost. This compost could be made of any number

with these chemicals, but experience shows that this leads to

of different inputs. It is important to make sure that the

many problems. Perhaps it is more useful to feed our soil and

compost is made from quality ingredients and that it has

all of its organisms than feed our plants—no more dust bowls.

finished the process of decomposition. Many composts are

When we apply chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides,

full of the chemicals we are trying to avoid, like pesticides,

and antibiotics to our soil, we cause a severe die-off of

herbicides, deworming meds, and others. Heavy metals are

beneficial biology. These bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes,

a problem, too, since cannabis tends to accumulate them.

microarthropods, etc., are important in the plant’s life cycle

Sourcing quality finished compost is not always straightforward

and if they die, we are stuck constantly applying more of

so ask around for a good local compost supplier. It is a good

these chemicals. Without a healthy soil food web, the plant

idea to send any purchased compost to a lab to check for

is handicapped and has a hard time fending for itself.

pollutants before applying it to our gardens. Or better yet,

Plants have relied on the symbiotic relationship with the

let’s make our own. Then we know exactly what is in it.

soil food web since they appeared on the planet. Sure, you

An earthworm bin is simple, cheap, and easy to make. So is

can feed them synthetic nutrients, and they will grow up

a bokashi bucket. Mixing carbon-rich “brown” material (like

healthy, but they require extra attention because they are so

wood chips, dried leaves, straw, cardboard, and newspaper) with

vulnerable. It’s much easier and better for the environment

nitrogen-rich material “green” material (like grass clippings,

to try to mimic nature and foster an environment where this

coffee grounds, food scraps, beer mash, etc.) is a great way to

symbiosis can benefit our plants and our soil organisms.

make our own too. Mix these at roughly 60% brown and 40%

“When we have quality soil with good structure and nutrient/water holding capacity and high-grade sources of nutrition and biology, then it’s easy to grow heal thy and vibrant plants. “

green and let it sit for a year or so, and we will be blessed with nutrient-rich, microbially diverse black gold. We can turn the pile frequently to help it finish faster if we need it sooner. All we have

to do is mix it so that the materials all have a chance to inhabit the center of the pile and benefit from the intense microbial activity and heat in there. We will see that the material from the center of the pile will be much smaller and broken down and will look more like soil than the starting material. Compost isn’t the only option, though. We can feed our soil with a variety of organic and mineral inputs. Alfalfa meal, fish hydrolysate, blood meal, feather meal, and some bat guanos are high in nitrogen. We all know how important it is for our soil to be rich in nitrogen for explosive growth. Bone meal is a good source of calcium and phosphorus, which are important, especially when moving into the plant’s reproductive phase. Kelp meal is a wonderful source of potassium as well as enzymes and natural growth hormones that our plants and microbes will appreciate. It is pretty easy to find DIY nutrient recipes online. However, it is much easier for most to purchase something like Mr. B’s Green Trees that has these quality inputs already combined in ratios that won’t cause any excesses or deficiencies. Combine this with a quality source of microorganisms like actively aerated compost tea or Bio Harmonic Tonic or Jadam microbial solution, and our plants will love us. Whatever method we decide to use to feed our soil, we must make sure that our soil, or whatever media we use, is made of quality, sustainable, ethically sourced components.

The media should have goldilocks type characteristics for the target plant. In the case of cannabis, we want media that holds the right amount of water and nutrients. DIY soil recipes are everywhere, and experimenting with soil building is really fun. If we want something foolproof while we tinker with our homemade recipe, let’s check out expertly crafted media options like Big Roots soil or Bio365 amended coco. When we have quality soil with good structure and nutrient/ water holding capacity and high-grade sources of nutrition and biology, then it’s easy to grow healthy and vibrant plants. Remember that elements like nitrogen and phosphorus are often in low supply or are stuck in forms that are unavailable to the plant. We can rely on our microbes to solve these issues. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria will supply us with free food harvested from the air itself, and growing legumes like clover as a living mulch is a great way to take advantage of this. Mycorrhizal fungi will mine phosphorus and make it available for the plant as well as extend the plant’s water gathering potential. Our plants will reward these microbes with photosynthetically derived carbohydrates for their trouble, so everyone is happy. A fungal dominant soil is also unattractive to pests. For more info on creating fungal dominant soil check out Korean Natural Farming and its techniques on partnering with the indigenous microorganisms in your local environment. Let’s focus on feeding our soil and the entire soil food web instead of trying to sterilize our environment and then constantly fighting pests and diseases. Grow Like You Mean It!




Gashouse is one of the leading culture brands in high end cannabis. They are indeed a legacy cannabis brand based in Oakland California. Their products are distributed in California, Nevada, Michigan, Oregon, Oklahoma, Maryland, Massachusetts. Gashouse has won several 1st place high times NorCal cup awards as well as several chalice cup awards and several other 1st place cups. Their CEO is brand architect Felix Murry and their lead cultivator is the legendary Kingston Approved. Products drops usually last maximum of two days due to high demand. Known for their branding capabilities and sought after exotic strains. Their leading strains are Pluto and Granddaddy Pluto which consumers say are literally out of this world. Gashouse is also a leader in the hemp and CBD space and their products can be found in 500+ stores around the country.









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E d u c at e , E m p o w e r , H e a l L O C A L LY G R O W N , P U R E & P O T E N T B E S T VA R I E T Y, L O W E S T P R I C E S F R O M YO U R F R I E N D S AT

d r a g o n f ly w e l l n e s s . o r g


Upcycling Materials


n amazing practice that turns discarded materials that would normally end up


pallet collection will be next year’s project materials. We do side jobs such as property clean-ups to keep

in landfills into new helpful and needed items

income flowing during the offseason. This gives us other

is called upcycling. It’s a mindset that another

opportunities for upcycling materials to use. Some Other

person’s trash is another’s….chicken coop?

Items we salvage, such as tpost, metal cages, fencing,

Well, yes, a chicken coop or anything else one

irrigation, lumber, panda plastic, and well, you get the idea,

can imagine. I hit on the topic of sustainability

all come in handy. The thought process of “can I use that?” is

a lot in my writing, and for a good reason.

constantly running through my mind. I’m also aware of the correlation of a hoarder to this process. That humor does not


go unnoticed. Potato potato, as they say. We keep everything

We are a consumer-based economy, and with it comes waste

organized and don’t take more than we need or can use.

from a single beer bottle or even a wooden pallet. Most of

So we were working with an old garden setup of 25-500gallon

these items are recycled or discarded into landfills. But what

smart pots in a 2500 sq ft garden. This setup was as per plant

if that wasn’t the final destination. What if it had a chance

count laws of Mendocino county after the 9.31 zip tie program

to take on a whole new path and become something that

shut down. Moving forward with licensing, plant counts went

doesn’t have to be just another pile of trash. With this frame

out the window, and square footage became the new rule. So

of thought, creativity and craftsmanship can bring a new life

we wanted to maximize our canopy space without terracing the

and purpose to what was bound for the dump. In this write-

hillside with heavy equipment. So our goal became building

up, I want to focus on one material we use for many different

retaining walls with the natural slope to allow our soil-raised

farm projects: raised bed retaining walls for our cannabis

beds to lean into. This creates the terraces for us to grow in

gardens to construct our chicken coop and many others.

without destroying the hill we intend to develop our ecosystem on. We scraped back all the grass and flipped our smart pots. After that, we collected our soil into a big pile to be amended and used later to fill our beds. Once the site was clear, we began to prep the supplies we needed to build the walls. PREPARATION We begin by cutting the pallets in half with a Sawzall long demo blade, making each half about the same size. This is a “do your best” situation as each pallet is made differently, and some have been repaired many times over. So, where one board is on a pallet, the others might not be. But don’t worry, as imperfections make the rustic farm look just that much cooler. After doing the math of the lengths of our walls and figuring out how many pallet halves are needed. We bring all our materials to the garden. The


other materials required to do this job are listed here:

These are items that are widely used and quickly discarded.

-3.5in Box of screws

What you can do with these materials is really only limited


to your skill, your resources, and your imagination. The

-Rolls of erosion control Jute matting, 4x350ft

first step is finding a source of the waste. We go to our local

-Staple gun and long staples

organic nursery and food markets which have a constant flow

-Tpost & Tpost pounder

of incoming shipments. With that comes an excess of pallets.

-Baling wire and snips

Some pallets are sent back to the distributor and continue their life in the distro game. But some are a little bit more beat


up and end up getting set off to the side to be discarded into

Now you can start by determining your line that the wall will

the landfill. Sometimes they have too many and need space.

follow and start laying the pallets flat in a row down that line.

Whatever the situation is, this is where we come in with a

You can create a small cut line with a pick-ax to follow and help

five-minute hop, skip, and jump with our truck and trailer. We

keep your wall as level as you can. Once your line is laid out, you

load up as much as we can fit and bring it back to our farm

can hammer the Tpost at each end and every couple of feet down

and stack them up to let them get weathered, allowing for

the line for the connected pallets to lean into once standing. Once

anything that could have spilled on the pallets to be washed

Tpost is in place, you start with two pallets creating a 90degree

off by rain and snow during the winter season. So This year’s

corner. You bump the two pallets together to the desired shape


It Takes More Than Just a Good Seed!

Medical Recreational Commercial Hemp farms P REMIUM D RY F E RT I L Z E R AND



Breeding and Cultivating a Lifestyle N AT U R A L S U N G R O W N GEARING UP FOR 2021, NEW STRAINS DEVELOPED S P E C I F I C A L LY F O R C O N C E N T R AT E S A N D F L O W E R

I n s ta g r a m : @ c a s a f l o r f a m i ly

and begin screwing together with drill & screws until you feel

easy to apply cover crop seed to such as alyssum. This creates

it has a strong connection. Secure the 90degree section with

a wall of living cover crops. The benefits of this from erosion

baling wire to the first Tpost to help keep standing while you

protection of your soil, pollen from the flowers it creates for

connect your pallets together. Now you can begin connecting all

bees, and beneficial insects. Moisture retention and protection

the pallets standing one up at a time, and securing each pallet

of topsoil layer from the sun. But most importantly, creating

to the pallet before it with screws trying to keep your line level.

constant biomass to break down and become our new food

If building on a flat surface and you wanted to make a second wall to complete an entire rectangle raised bed, you could also do that. Just repeat the same steps. Once your walls and end caps are in place and secure to the

source for our microbes and worms in our living soil beds. Once the jute is secure to the pallets and the wall itself is secure to the Tpost. You can begin filling the beds with the soil of your choice for your specific cultivation needs. We fill our

Tpost with baling wire, you can move on to the jute install. On

soil to the top level of the jute. After your beds are filled and

the inside wall you have just created, you want to line the wall

amended, we use a thick layer of organic rice straw on the beds

with a couple of layers of overlapping jute, creating a thick

and surrounding exposed ground. At this point, you can install

layer. We connect the jute to the inside of the pallet wall with

your Preferred irrigation system that works for your cultivation

the staple gun, creating a secure jute wall. The idea is the

needs. Once completed, we spread alyssum seeds everywhere and

soil fills into the jute wall, and the soil doesn’t actually touch

soak them in. We use an array of beneficial companion plants and

the pallets—only the jute. We recommend multiple layers of

flowers to attract pollinators and keep constant food sources for

jute as it is a net, and soil can fall through the square holes.

our beneficial predators. Research which native plants do well in

But overlapping many layers creates a thick secure barrier

your microclimate and just keep planting!! Soon your garden will

the soil can’t pass through. The netting itself acts as sort of

be a beautiful, thriving ecosystem made from upcycled materials.

a smart pot wall for comparison. This allows proper drainage and airflow for the soil. The jute wall is Porous and makes it

FALL 2 021


Harnassing Phytohormones



rowth stages in cannabis are so crucial.

changes by introducing sources of these growth hormones

As passionate growers, we do our best to develop

naturally from plant matter inputs. A short warning, you

systems that maximize the potential of our

can overdo it with hormones. Too much of a hormone can

plants. Another tool to put into your toolbox

cause stunting, blisters, mutations and can kill your plant.

that will help your plants reach their fullest

Always remember to start with small doses. Increase rates

potential is the understanding and implementation of plant growth hormones. First off, what is a hormone? Hormones

after observing that a safe dose has been administered. An example of this is auxin and its influence on ethylene.

signal cells to develop in certain ways. The same cell can take

Ethylene in high doses will act as an herbicide. Too much will kill

several forms depending on the hormone that it is exposed

your plant. In proper doses, it will create large growth spurts.

to. This is universal for all cells, plants, and animals alike. An example is when our cannabis enters flowering, and

There are several ways to harness hormones from plant inputs. You can ferment, steep in water, blend and strain or

multiple factors trigger a hormonal reaction that helps the

extract with alcohol. When fermenting, I suggest using the

cells of our plants shift from multiplication that will increase

natural farming technique FPJ or fermented plant juice. This

the size of our plants to developing cells that start the

is done by mixing equal weight brown sugar with organic plant

formation of sex organs. In cannabis, this is the bud. As the

matter, crushing the plant matter, then letting it ferment and

caretakers of this magical plant, we have the opportunity to

separate over five days. This can then be used at a ratio of

help plants thrive and transition into and out of these new

1:500 FPJ: Water. If you want to do an alcohol extraction, you


extractions is an art. Some plants have much higher levels of hormones than others. Those hormone levels change during different growth stages of the plant also. So not only do you need to choose what to collect, but when to collect it. A solid choice is to use an invasive plant in your local environment. That invasive plant, as well as different parts of that plant, can serve multiple functions for your garden. Local plant inputs will always perform better than anything storebought. Not only for sanitation reasons but also to harness locally adapted microbial life and enzyme profiles specific to your environment. Microbes secrete enzymes, and enzymes attract microbes. Local plant life will have local microbes that have already adapted and acclimated to your environment, giving them a better chance of survival and multiplication. If you want to play with hormones on your plants, Start here. Make a list of all the plants that are growing native in your environment. Separate them into four categories: root crops, fast-growing vegetative stage, flower producing, and fruitproducing. Depending at which stage of growth you harvest each plant from each of these categories will determine which hormones you’ll be collecting. The next part is pretty intuitive but can have exceptions: Root crops for root growth, fastgrowing vegetative plants for increased vegetation growth, flowering plants for transitioning into flower, and fruiting plants for fruiting. Premature fruits are a potent source of hormones like jasmonic acid and auxin. Young shoots and sprouts are also potent sources of hormones. Young, freshly forming cells will always be the most hormonal dense portions of the plant. Diversity is helpful in these situations. It’s best to make multiple ferments from multiple plants but use can make a tincture or follow the Natural farming method

them together. Never exceed a total of 1:500 FPJ:Water. Trust

to make OHN. This is typically only used on dehydrated

me; you can cause irreparable damage to your plant. These

inputs or for compounds that are not water-soluble. If you

methods may seem rudimentary, but don’t underestimate the

need some help with these natural farming concepts, check

potency of nature. A lesson typically learned the hard way.

out Cho’s global natural farming literature. When making

Again, find what plants are growing locally and research

extractions from tree barks and woody inputs, you can steep

the compounds present in them. Then use those compounds in

them in water. When steeping in water, simply collect the

the appropriate growth stages. A few of my favorite plants to

input, place it in a sealed container, submerge in water and let

extract hormones from to get you started: aloe, white willow,

brew for 3-4 days in full sun. Use equal volume plant matter

fresh bamboo shoots, dandelion, horsetail, purslane, queen

to water and use the finished solution at 1oz per gallon.

Anne’s lace, nettle, yucca, blackberries, and mulberries.

If you’re worried about any potential anaerobic pathogens, you can add some Lactobacillus serum at a ratio of 1:100. The

Here is a list of the different plant hormones and their functions.

Lactobacillus will help competitively exclude unwanted biology.

Auxin- Auxin controls many plant processes such as root

When working with soft plants like aloe or sprouted seeds, you

branching, adventitious root formation, wound healing, fruit

can blend them up in a blender. Add equal volume plant matter

development, and ethylene production. In layman’s terms,

to clean water, blend them and strain them. Use this solution

auxin is responsible for stretching limbs to chase the sun, helps

at a ratio of 1:100 solution:water. Like anything else, you can

maximize root surface area, repairs damages to the plant, and

take a low-tech method or make it more complex if desired.

plays a minor role in initial sexual organ formation. Farms will

Keep in mind results may vary when experimenting with

spray auxin on a crop so the entire field will start flowering

new techniques and ideas. It’s best to stick to tried and true

at the same time. This is a good hormone to induce “stretch”

methods. Remember to research what conditions the hormone

and promote vigor. A good source of auxins is fresh new growth

you are trying to extract can handle. As some will oxidize

tips, aloe vera gel, and willow bark that is fresh and green.

and degrade while others can’t handle high temperatures. Selecting the right plant inputs to make your hormone

FALL 2 021

Cytokinin- Synthesized within the root system. High levels are present in root crops. Cytokinins promote cell division in

a growth inhibitor. It promotes abscission (leaf fall). It is required to synthesize the enzymes at an abscission zone that catalyzes actions that break down cell walls. This is typically not a hormone you would search out and give to plants. Ethylene- A hydrocarbon naturally occurring in plants. Ethylene is released as a gas. It inhibits and promotes growth when different levels are present in the plant tissue— typically used as a ripening hormone—a regulator of plant senescence. Plants sensitive to ethylene will show early yellowing, abscission, or desiccation when exposed to too much ethylene. Ethylene can be found in any overripe fruit. Jasmonic Acid- A stress response hormone released during abiotic stress to recover from otherwise plant-killing damage, causes large growth spurts. Works In conjunction with Abscisic acid, ethylene, Salicylic acid, and other hormones to resist environmental stress. Can cause overgrowth in vegetative plants. My favorite sources of Jasmonic acid are young bamboo shoots, premature berries, premature apples, and jasmine flowers. Jasmonic acid is extremely potent. As a volatilizing plant hormone, it can affect the growth rate of plants close to a strong source. For example, jasmine flowers can increase the growth rate of plants around them during their blooming stage. Triacontonol- Growth stimulant. When not overused can increase the density of chlorophyll in plant tissue, increasing photosynthesis rates, water uptake, cell division, and elongation. Increased efficacy when applied to foliage during warm temperatures. Triacontonal can be found in all parts of the alfalfa plants and beeswax. I recommend alfalfa sprouted seed tea for triacontonol. Salicylic acid- Triggers a plant’s defenses and contributes to the process of systemic acquired resistance (SAR). SAR is like the immune system of the plant, helping it fight off a pathogen. It also volatilizes and signals nearby plants, which will trigger a stress response that will boost resistance to pathogens. Salicylic acid will help fight off plant roots and shoots. Acting together with auxins, cytokinins will help retard early senescence in plants. Help prevent

infections. My favorite source of Salicylic acid is Aloe Vera. Indol 3 butyric acid- An auxin precursor and contributes to

yellowing by stabilizing the content of protein and chlorophyll

auxin homeostasis. It is also the most common rooting hormone.

in plant tissue. High auxin and low Cytokinin conditions

If you went to a garden store grabbed a rooting product, most

give rise to root development, whereas low auxin and high

likely its active ingredient is I3BA. I3BA can be found in the

Cytokinin conditions encourage shoot development. Mature

fresh green bark of any willow tree. I recommend steeping

leaves of sugar beets and sprouted corn are rich in cytokinins.

this bark in water and letting it sun brew for 24 hours.

Gibberellins- Occurs in young plant tissues like seeds,

Nature provides us with everything we need. From nutrients

young leaves, and roots. It is named after a fungus that

to biology and even growth hormones, we can look to nature and

produces the hormone at high levels. This infectious fungus

natural sources for all the components required to grow large

is considered a pathogen that promotes fast growth and low

healthful plants. Harness the power of fermentation, osmotic

yields in rice crops. It’s safe to say that you can overdo it with

extraction, seed sprouts, and teas. Observe what is growing

gibberellins. This hormone is only to be used in early growth

around you. Read the land, use what is in your local environment

stages. It also plays a role in causing the “bolting” of some

to best nurture the soil and plants in your garden. Don’t

plants. Small applications can break a plant out of stunting.

underestimate the potency of compounds in the surrounding

Gibberellins can be used to stimulate a stubborn old seed to

flora; approach nature with respect, and you’ll find that it

germinate. Barley seed is a potent source of gibberellic acid.

has more than a few things to teach you. Maintain a curious,

Abscisic Acid- Related to cytokinins, abscisic acid is considered

open mind and watch your skills as a cultivator grow.


H I G H E S T Q U A L I T Y D R I P I R R I G AT I O N P R O D U C T S F O R T H E C A N N A B I S I N D U S T R Y F O R 3 0 Y E A R S C A L L U S AT 8 0 0 - 5 2 2 - 3 7 4 7 T O G E T O U R F R E E 2 0 2 1 D R I P W O R K S C ATA L O G

























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WORDS & PHOTOS JAVIER ARMAS ay Area Latino Cannabis Alliance

Entrepreneurial Dialogues “CED” Podcast, Ana Rosa Jauregui’s

“BALCA’’ was born in 2020 as a small movement

old-style pomada (topical), linked to her Oakland community

with big ideas. At first, it was let’s eat good

and Latina roots, Daniel Montero’s work with Indigenous

food, smoke good weed, and build that type of

cannabis communities, Javier Armas’ Budtender Education a

community. But as we spoke to one another,

book for budtenders from an Oakland equity perspective, Drew

hearing the common industry abuses and injustices (wage

Barber’s thoughts on twenty years of regenerative farming in

theft, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, lack of

Humboldt and BALCA Latin American Director Alvaro Portillo

mobility in cannabis) and seeing the beacon of skills within

is connecting us to an international network of drug policy

our community of entrepreneurs and professional leaders,

activists. On behalf of BALCA, he has currently engaged in a

we knew we were better than such treatment. We organically

multinational campaign focused on reducing harm to Indigenous

agreed that we must not allow these practices to continue.

communities and the environment by eradicating toxic aerial

We were, and continue to be, in an embryonic stage of

crop spray in Colombia. Recently Carlos Santana submitted a

legal cannabis, presenting an ideal time to challenge these

powerful article highlighting the shamanistic consciousness

injustices and help our community build its own voice.

cannabis embodied in the 1970s SF mission district. The

The next steps were to create infrastructure for our Latino community: hosting monthly digital mixers and publishing The Voice, the first bilingual cannabis newsletter in the nation. As a

Voice offers a rich platform for activists, leaders, cultural thinkers to express themselves within the world of cannabis. Domestically BALCA is building long-term working

result BALCA, the Bay Area Latino Cannabis Alliance was born.

relationships with the Humboldt County Growers Alliance,

We are a 100% volunteer force constitutionally fused by BALCA’s

Origins Council, and Emerald Triangle legacy cannabis farmers

Five Pillars of Unity: Professional Development, Business

(Humboldt, Mendocino, and Trinity Counties). BALCA’s The

Ownership, Civil Rights, Education, and Culture. We are growing

Voice offers a direct bilingual line of communication from legacy

with purpose and meaning as a result of focusing on these five

farmers to Bay Area budtenders, forming a historical alliance

principles as the foundation for our work and projected vision.

between legacy growers and equity operators. BALCA is also

The Voice newsletter is a platform also shaped by BALCA’s

forming a strong partnership with NCIA. We are contributing

Five Pillars Of Unity. We are empowering our community

towards the National Cannabis Industry Association’s goal of

by developing authors and enhancing already dynamic

building a dynamic equity program and assisting communities

projects. More and more budtenders, managers, and business

of color push through the complex cannabis business maze.

owners are positively engaging The Voice as contemporary

BALCA is methodically building our San Francisco, Oakland,

quality cannabis literature. In addition, our monthly digital

and San Jose Chapters with active members taking on local

mixers is where we network and generate support for new

cannabis policy issues. BALCA’s Oakland Chapter is preparing

Latino/a cannabis businesses and community initiatives.

to fill vacant Oakland Cannabis Commission positions.

More and more support and volunteer leaders have joined BALCA as we publish these amazing stories and distribute The

Lowering Oakland Cannabis taxes is a key objective. Latinos are the largest ethnic group in the Golden State.

Voice newsletter. Liza Sosa from Riverside, a BALCA leader is

Equity-owned cannabis businesses, ownership by those

adding incredible, unprecedented value to our organization’s

who survived the American Drug War, represent less than

growth and professional development. The Voice casts a

1% of cannabis market share in California. BALCA has a

spotlight on some of the most important cutting-edge political,

profound belief in the historical importance of challenging

community, and business operations within the Cannabis

these deliberate imbalances and not represent just one brand

industry. BALCA members are on the frontlines of business

or an elite few, but rather our entire Latinx community

development, cultivation, trimming & processing, transportation,

that stands firm for values of inclusion and justice.

management, extraction, manufacturing, and cannabis retail. To illustrate: Melina Luz Baeza’s insightful budtender

BALCA is inspired by the Plant itself, learning about Nature’s lessons of inclusivity, harmony, and how to cross

articles analyzing cannabis retail, Cindy De La Vega’s first

over artificially constructed borders. We are demonstrating

hand entrepreneurial account of opening up STIIIZY Union

concretely that major socioeconomic change is possible

Square, Izzabella Velez’s life of resilience and earning equity

through the political, cultural, and educational movement

verification, David Rodrigues’ quest to launch a medically

being established. We are uniting the cannabis community

focused delivery in San Jose, the dynamic Bay Area equity

as a whole based on clear principles and attainable vision.

Latinx crew that formed around Latino/as in Cannabis on

Follow the BALCA Movement @balca_bayarea

Clubhouse, Leslie Valencia who has contributed amazing

and email to learn more

Indigenous-inspired art and poetry, Timo and Eliza Espinoza’s

about supporting the empowerment of Latinos in

spiritual vision of Seventh Wave, Daniel Palanco’s Cannabis

cannabis. Si Se Puede. Together We Can.



a Alianza Latina de Cannabis del Área

Ana Rosa Jauregui (tópica), ligada a su comunidad de Oakland

de la Bahía “BALCA” nació en 2020 como un

y a sus raices latinas, el trabajo de Daniel Montero con las

pequeño movimiento con grandes ideas. Al principio

comunidades indigenas de cannabis, Budtender Education de

era comer buena comida, fumar buena hierba y

Javier Armas un libro para budtenders desde una perspectiva

construir ese tipo de comunidad. Sin embargo, a

de equidad en Oakland, las reflexiones de Drew Barber sobre

medida que hablábamos entre nosotros, escuchando los abusos

veinte años de agricultura regenerativa en Humboldt y el

e injusticias comunes de la industria (robo de salarios, acoso

Director de BALCA para America Latina, Alvaro Portillo,

sexual, discriminación racial, falta de movilidad en el cannabis)

nos esta conectando con una red internacional de activistas

y viendo el faro de habilidades dentro de nuestra comunidad

de politicas de drogas. Actualmente, en nombre de BALCA,

de empresarios y líderes profesionales, supimos que éramos

está involucrado en una campaña multinacional centrada

mejores que ese trato. De forma orgánica, acordamos que no

en la reducción del daño a las comunidades indígenas y al

debíamos permitir que estas prácticas continuaran. Estábamos,

medio ambiente mediante la erradicación de la fumigación

y seguimos estando, en una fase embrionaria del cannabis legal,

aérea de cultivos tóxicos en Colombia. Recientemente, Carlos

lo que supone un momento ideal para desafiar estas injusticias

Santana presentó un poderoso artículo en el que destaca la

y ayudar a nuestra comunidad a construir su propia voz.

conciencia chamánica que el cannabis encarnaba en el distrito

Los siguientes pasos fueron crear una infraestructura para

de la misión de San Francisco en la década de 1970. The Voice

nuestra comunidad latina: organizar reuniones digitales

ofrece una rica plataforma de activistas, líderes y pensadores

mensuales y publicar La Voz, el primer boletín bilingüe de

culturales para expresarse dentro del mundo del cannabis.

cannabis del país. Como resultado nació BALCA, la Alianza

A nivel nacional, BALCA está construyendo relaciones de

Latina del Cannabis del Área de la Bahía. Somos una fuerza

trabajo a largo plazo con la Alianza de Cultivadores del Condado

100% voluntaria constituida por los Cinco Pilares de Unidad de

de Humboldt, el Consejo de Orígenes y los agricultores de

BALCA: Desarrollo Profesional, Propiedad de Negocios, Derechos

cannabis del Triángulo Esmeralda (condados de Humboldt,

Civiles, Educación y Cultura. Estamos creciendo con propósito

Mendocino y Trinity). The Voice de BALCA ofrece una línea de

y significado como resultado de centrarnos en estos cinco

comunicación directa y bilingüe de los agricultores de legado

principios como la base de nuestro trabajo y visión proyectada.

a los budtenders del Área de la Bahía, formando una alianza

El boletín La Voz es una plataforma que también se rige por

histórica entre los cultivadores de legado y los operadores de

los Cinco Pilares de la Unidad de BALCA. Capacitamos a nuestra

capital. BALCA también está formando una fuerte asociación

comunidad mediante el desarrollo de autores y la mejora de

con NCIA. Estamos contribuyendo al objetivo de la Asociación

proyectos ya dinámicos. Cada vez más budtenders, gerentes y

Nacional de la Industria del Cannabis de construir un programa

dueños de negocios se comprometen positivamente con The Voice

de equidad dinámico y ayudar a las comunidades de color a

como literatura cannábica contemporánea de calidad. Además,

atravesar el complejo laberinto del negocio del cannabis. BALCA

en nuestras reuniones digitales mensuales establecemos una

está construyendo metódicamente nuestros capítulos de San

red de contactos y generamos apoyo para los nuevos negocios

Francisco, Oakland y San José con miembros activos que se

de cannabis latinos y las iniciativas de la comunidad.

encargan de las cuestiones de política local del cannabis. El

Más y más líderes de apoyo y voluntarios se han unido

capítulo de BALCA en Oakland se está preparando para cubrir

a BALCA mientras publicamos estas increíbles historias y

los puestos vacantes de la Comisión de Cannabis de Oakland.

distribuimos el boletín The Voice. Liza Sosa de Riverside,

Bajar los impuestos del cannabis en Oakland es un objetivo clave.

una líder de BALCA está añadiendo un valor increíble y

Los latinos son el mayor grupo étnico del Estado Dorado. Los

sin precedentes al crecimiento y desarrollo profesional de

negocios de cannabis de propiedad de los que sobrevivieron a la

nuestra organización. The Voice proyecta un foco de atención

Guerra de las Drogas de Estados Unidos, representan menos del

sobre algunas de las operaciones políticas, comunitarias

1% de la cuota de mercado del cannabis en California. BALCA

y empresariales más importantes de la industria del

considera profundamente la importancia histórica de desafiar

cannabis. Los miembros de BALCA están en la primera

estos desequilibrios deliberados y de no representar solo a

línea del desarrollo empresarial, el cultivo, el recorte y

una marca o a una élite, sino a toda nuestra comunidad latina

el procesamiento, el transporte, la gestión, la extracción,

que se mantiene firme en los valores de inclusión y justicia.

la fabricación y la venta de cannabis al por menor. Para ilustrar: Los perspicaces artículos para budtenders de

BALCA está inspirada en la propia planta, aprendiendo de las lecciones de la naturaleza sobre la inclusión, la armonía y

Melina Luz Baeza sobre el análisis de la venta de cannabis al

cómo cruzar las fronteras construidas artificialmente. Estamos

por menor, el relato empresarial de primera mano de Cindy De

demostrando concretamente que un cambio socioeconómico

La Vega sobre la apertura de STIIIZY Union Square, la vida

importante es posible a través del movimiento político,

de Izzabella Velez sobre la resistencia y la verificación de la

cultural y educativo que se está estableciendo. Estamos

equidad, La búsqueda de David Rodrigues para lanzar una

uniendo a la comunidad cannábica en su conjunto sobre

entrega médica en San José, la dinámica tripulación Latinx

la base de principios claros y una visión alcanzable.

de equidad del Área de la Bahía que se formó alrededor de

Sigue al Movimiento BALCA @balca_bayarea y envía un correo

Latino/as en Cannabis en Clubhouse, Leslie Valencia que ha

electrónico a para saber más sobre

contribuido con increíble arte y poesía de inspiración indígena,

cómo apoyar el empoderamiento de los latinos en el cannabis.

la visión espiritual de Timo y Eliza Espinoza de Seventh Wave, El podcast “CED” de Daniel Palanco, la pomada old style de

FALL 2 021

Sí Se Puede. Juntos podemos.


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G L A S S E S C O M E W I T H A 1 Y E A R M A N U FA C T U R E R ’S W A R R A N T Y A G A I N S T M A N U FA C T U R E R S D E F E C T S .




n a scorching hot day

MS: After High School in San Francisco,

I am thankful for his sacrifices which

in Hopland, California,

working with both growers and

enabled me to be who I am today.

I, Micah Rubinstein, got

collectives, especially being involved

a chance to chill with

with compassionate care in the Haightv

MR: Biggest Lesson Learned?

Mario Guzman A.K.A

Ashbury district, helping homegrown

MS: Know your worth and watch

Cannabis be available to sick patients.

out for the fancy shoes.

discuss Cannabis and smoke some tasty

MR: Most powerful mentor/motivator?

MR: Message for the next generation

headstash and I asked him these questions.

MS: My father who had ten brothers and

and Cannabis startups?

sisters and grew up in Nayarit Mexico.

MS: Watch the industry leaders and

MR: When did you first learn to respect

His humble nature helped me appreciate

learn to delegate strengths; follow

the medicinal value of Cannabis?

life and be grateful, loyal, and motivated.

your passion, love what you do.

Sherbinski in his natural habitat The Ganja Forest. We gathered in the shade to

MR: Music in your car? MS: Johnny Cash, Boston, New Hip Hop from my kids. MR: End Game? MS: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Traveling, enjoying life, helping non-profits, chilling. MR: Favorite strains? MS: Homegrown Bacio, Mochi, OG MR: Any new strains? MS: San Bacio Gelato, Lingerie (a new pink panties cross) MR: Any new collabs? MS: Project with Rass Boss of Healing Of The Nations to pheno hunt Ethiopian strains in an effort to preserve landrace medicine and respect the survival of Cannabis which has lived through 2 ice ages and been here on earth for over 20 million years. MR: What are you most excited about in the cannabis industry today? MS: Being interviewed for and receiving a nomination for a board seat on MCBA - The largest trade organization in Cannabis helping organize social equity programs everywhere. Working with clubhouse and other industry forums to rethink and

“My vision is that people of color and Latinos can learn that they can be a farmer or a C.E.O.”

reform focus on branding and minority equity. Forming a legacy council to create unity and equality for women, LGBTQ, and minorities. My vision is that people of color and Latinos can learn that they can be a farmer or a C.E.O.















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Articles inside

Harnassing Phytohormones

pages 107-114


pages 115-118

Feed The Soil

pages 94-100

Upcycling Materials

pages 101-106

How Psilocin

pages 92-93

Show Manager

pages 83-87

Paniagua Family Farm

pages 90-91

HQ Barcelona

pages 79-82

Fall Hash Review 2021

pages 76-78

Frenchy’s Force

page 75

Strain: Kartel Haze

page 73

Strain: Pluto Tk91 x Gelato 33

page 65

Strain: Pistachio

page 64

Cover Story: Carlos & Salvador Santana : A Family Legacy of Music

pages 58-63

Strain: Money Trees

page 57

Circular Whisper: A Plant’s Tale

pages 55-56

Cover Artist Spotlight Gina Gramenz

pages 48-49

Blazing New Trails Reinette Senum

pages 50-54

TLO Churn

pages 39-43

Michael Rios

pages 46-47

Growing Weeds Is Easy

pages 35-38

Easing Anxiety

pages 30-32

Bud Wise

pages 33-34

Michigan’s Caregivers Helped The State Rise From Recession

pages 22-24

Richard Segovia

pages 14-17


pages 8-9


pages 28-29

Love and Revolución

pages 25-27

Ensorcelling Sources

pages 18-19


pages 20-21

Feed Your Soil Not Your Plant

pages 11-13
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