2012 July/August On Premise

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J U LY • AU GU ST 2 0 1 2 t lw. o rg

2012 Fall Convention Preview

Glasses. Ice. Coasters. Society.

It’s what you need to do business.

ting the drink specials No matter how friendly the bartender, how temp lete without TRIM comp isn’t just n taver a or how diverse the jukebox, ly serve up some proud we ® ty Socie At ance. coverage from Society Insur ble. And, best of all, of the broadest property/liability coverages availa tavern owners like you. our TRIM program was concocted specifically for ess, swing over If you’re thirsty for coverage made for your busin got on tap. to societyinsurance.com and check out what we’ve Society Insurance is a corporate sponsor of the Tavern League of Wisconsin:

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J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 2 VOLUME 30, NO. 4

F E AT U R E S : Striving for 10 Excellence

10 tips to give great customer service every time

12 Victim No More: Curbing Employee Theft


2 Dunn County 2 Tavern League



3 Dean & Sue’s 2 Bar & Grill CHARITY SPOTLIGHT

24 Stepping Stones of Dunn County



77th Annual TLW Fall Convention October 22 - 25, 2012 Kalahari Resort Wisconsin Dells, WI

SOCIAL NETWORK facebook.com


Tavern League of Wisconsin


2012 July/August On Premise




LOCAL LEAGUE Learning and Growing with the TLW



I tried it and to my surprise, the members at convention were eager to give me all of the ideas I could take in. I had never felt so welcome at any event! Anything from promotions to marketing to equipment in my bar and also ideas on how to run a meeting, agendas for meetings, and so on.


Rob Swearingen TLW President


At this particular convention, there was a guy named Pete Madland who was running for State President. All I knew about him was that he was my food course instructor who made us sit through eight hours of classroom instruction and then gave us a test to take. During that week, I asked Pete, “Ok why do I want to be involved in the TLW?” He took about 30 minutes out of his busy schedule to sit down and explain all the pros of being involved with this association.

ICORPORATE n April, 1994 I started managing our bar for my Mom and Dad. For years my Mom had been an officer for St. Croix County Tavern League; so I started attending the monthly meetings right away. Our President at that time wanted to sell her business and to pass the presidency on to someone else. It was my third meeting when nominations were opened. No one raised a hand. After about 30 seconds, I said, “I’ll do it”. The members present looked at me and said, “That is good Sue, we’ll help you”.

My learning process began. Topics such as how to make your business better to making your local league stronger were very beneficial. I got better at networking with many other owners and vendors, trading phone numbers and asking the very basic questions that I am sure others thought were elementary at the time.


I was pretty shy at the time so it was difficult for me to start talking with people.

CHARITY On Premise 2012 July/August

members to attend meetings is very difficult. We tried switching from afternoon meetings to night meetings. We had guest speakers, which helped. I developed an agenda, which helped a lot. We did something very simple in our newsletter, which was to put an address of the tavern where the next meeting was to be held. Generally we held one fundraiser per year; we tried a golf outing a couple times but found that wasn’t our cup of tea. The point is to not be afraid to try something new! See what works and what doesn’t.



The first convention I attended was in the fall of 1994. While driving there, the VP of St. Croix County told me to come home from convention with two new ideas to either implement in my bar or for our league. He told me he wanted to see me, that week, networking with folks from other leagues. Being very green at the time, I remember thinking that all these people are in the same business as I am, why would they share successful business practices with me, if they are a competitor?


By Sue Bonte Lee TLW Secretary


Being on the campaign trail is both hectic and time consuming to say the least. Because of the demands of the election I asked our State Secretary Sue Bonte Lee to share some of her thoughts and experiences with us. I am certain you will find Sue’s article as enjoyable as I did.




St. Croix County’s membership had dropped to 39, which was very low, so I knew we had to attract new members to become a stronger association. When you are new, it is difficult to figure out how to do that. Over the years, I found that St. Croix County was no different from any other county where getting

Time went on and our membership slowly crept up. I was attending the 2001 convention and a guy named Tom Dahlen called me to his table at the live auction. He said that he decided to run for state Treasurer and asked if I would be interested in running for his position as 7th District Director. I said “ok, what do I have to do for that?’ He said attend four meetings in a year and two caucuses and a few other events throughout the year of course. My learning expanded to the political side of life in our state. I became familiar with the different issues that other leagues were having in other parts of the state. Problems such as dealing with village police departments, county boards and local elected officials. On the state level I learned how a bill was drafted, then introduced, then given a hearing, and then voted on by



…continues on page 6 www.tlw.org














SPOTLIGHT Anheuser-Busch








Wisconsin Amusement & Music Operators, Inc.

Make sure and thank these groups for their support, and encourage others not on the list to participate. Any business interested in joining should call the TLW office (608-270-8591) for our brochure that lists the benefits of the different categories. Remember “Support those who support us.”


Tavern League of Wisconsin


2012 July/August On Premise


…continues from page 4

the Senate and Assembly. For me, politics was so interesting. Attending Legislative Day was one of the highlights of the year for me, learning about all the new legislation that was being thrown at our industry was a real eye opener. Meeting our legislators and talking to them in their offices was something that I had no idea was even an option. I networked with people on the board that were very eager to help with any question that I had. I decided to put a grill and fryer in my bar, so I had a ton of questions about everything that goes with that. Questions ranged from who are the best food vendors to what kind of oil to put in my fryer and even how long to cook my french fries. I know that all these things seem very basic, but with the TLW there is absolutely no better association in which members help each other in the same business. We are competitors yes, but we all want to see each other thrive in our businesses. Over the years I have been approached by other associations to join their cause. It was frustrating. They visit you, get you to join and you never see them again. If you are lucky, you get a quarterly newsletter from them. Nothing like the TLW where you are offered a monthly meeting, newsletter, bi-monthly magazine, Legislative Day, League Leaders Day and two conventions per year. In 2007, I was approached by a guy named Rob Swearingen who asked if I was interested in running for state secretary. I said “ok, what do I have to do for that?’ He explained the position to me and I was interested. In the summer of 2007, I hit the road to campaign for this position. At first I wasn’t sure how to do it, but I came up with the idea of not just attending caucuses, but visiting county presidents at their taverns. In the three months that I was on the road, two days per week, I visited 60 of 65 county presidents and put on 8000 miles. I learned so much that summer. How other leagues were running their meetings, what they were doing for fundraisers, how they recruited new members, retention of members, specials in their own places of business, the differences in having a large tavern/supper club compared to a small place like mine, how they handled the local politics, etc. Again I found the same responses; everyone is eager to network with each other, share ideas and learn from each 6

On Premise 2012 July/August

other. I also learned their concerns for the future of the TLW and the alcohol industry as a whole. One day when I was on the road campaigning, I walked into the Around the Corner Pub in Mercer owned by Erin Farrar. She was the president of the Greater Northwoods League. We were talking about fundraisers that her league was involved in and she showed me a photo scavenger hunt book that they developed and ran for a number of months in that area. The goal was to bring in new customers to member establishments and search for a picture of an object that was printed in the book. When the customer found the item in the book, the bartender put the bar stamp next to the item. They sold the books for $5 each. They ran their scavenger hunt for three months. At the end of the three months, they had a party, with food, door prizes and music. I thought this was such a great idea! I bought a book from her and took it home with the thought of using it for St. Croix County. I asked Erin if I could steal their idea someday and she said sure! For the next two years it sat in my “things to do” file. In January, 2011, I took the scavenger hunt book from my file and decided it was time to get this going. Our membership numbers had stagnated at approximately 55 and our meeting attendance was low. My goal was to get our members more involved and to offer something a little extra; getting more customers to walk through their doors at a slow time of the year. To get the scavenger hunt going, I typed up a one page proposal to members. I took my cheap little digital camera and started visiting members in our county. When I talked to the members, I found that they were so appreciative to see someone from the Tavern League. Again, I learned so much. For example, I found that we had a member in Hudson who joined the TLW in the 50’s and the former owner was a District Director back in the 70’s.

through their doors all summer long. Sales of the books went well for the first annual. I also started getting phone calls from nonmembers asking how they could join the TLW so they could get into the Spot the Shot book next year because their customers were putting pressure on them to be a member and get into this great scavenger hunt. Bonus!!! February 2012 rolled around and it was time to hit the road again to take pictures for our 2nd annual Spot the Shot. Our membership committee chairman for St. Croix County, Bob Wells, had a very easy time of picking up eight new members in just ten days, so they could participate in the scavenger hunt this summer. This year we have 56 members participating. The money that we raise from Spot the Shot will go towards starting a SafeRide program in our county, so everyone wins with this great idea from Greater Northwoods. I understand that most counties do have some kind of event that brings customers to member’s establishments. That is great! My point of this story is that the networking that the TLW offers is second to none. I cannot tell everyone how helpful that has been for me throughout the years as a tavern owner. The amount of knowledge that I have gained from everyone and the friendships has been enormous. We are never too old to learn something new and there are new ideas out there. Never be afraid to ask. No question is too elementary. Take advantage of the resources that the Tavern League of Wisconsin has to offer. Volunteer to help at an event. Attend a meeting, a convention, Legislative Day or League Leaders Day. The advantages of networking are endless. Personally, I would like to thank all of my teachers throughout the years in this business, and those teachers are the 5000+ members of the Tavern League of Wisconsin.

To shorten up the story a little, I ended up getting 44 of our members in the scavenger hunt book, which we named “Spot the Shot”. By the end of the summer, I often heard from customers that they had such a great time, traveling to new towns, and new taverns they weren’t aware even existed. Members were so happy to have new customers walking www.tlw.org

President: Rob Swearingen Senior Vice President: Terry Harvath Secretary: Sue Bonte Lee Treasurer: Tom Dahlen Southern Zone Vice Presidents: Chris Marsicano, Jim Pickett Eastern Zone Vice Presidents: Gene Loose, Dale VandenLangenberg Central Zone Vice Presidents: Lori Frommgen, Robert “Bubba” Sprenger Northern Zone Vice Presidents: Dan Corbin, Pete Olson

Editor: Pete Madland, Executive Director Tavern League of Wisconsin Publisher: Barbara Slack Slack Attack Communications Advertising Sales: Heidi Koch Slack Attack Communications heidi@slackattack.com

120 Packerland Drive Green Bay, WI 54303



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Art Director: Ann Christianson Slack Attack Communications

Good Times and Great Flavor.

Contributing Writers: Pete Madland, Kimberly Ruef, Scott Stenger, Amanda Wegner, Sue Bonte Lee

What better way to satisfy your patrons than with Kettle Brau appetizers, pairing the distinctive taste of Leinenkugel’s handcrafted beer batter with select Riverside Foods appetizers to create crowd-pleasing combinations.

Printed By: Reindl Printing, Inc. Merrill,Wisconsin On Premise (ISSN #1051-4562) is a bi-monthly publication of the Tavern League of Wisconsin, Inc., 2817 Fish Hatchery Road, Fitchburg, WI 53713, phone: (800) 445-9221.

One Bag, One Order, One Fry Time

Published by Slack Attack Communications, 5113 Monona Drive, Madison,WI 53716, phone: (608) 222-7630.

You’ll always know food costs with Super Sampler Combo Platters. Each bag has pre-portioned ingredients—all with the same fry time and temperature.

Printing is by Reindl Printing, Inc., Merrill,WI 54452. For advertising information, contact Slack Attack Communications. Subscriptions included in TLW membership dues; non-member subscriptions: $15 per year. Address corrections should be sent to the Tavern League of Wisconsin Office, 2817 Fish Hatchery Rd., Fitchburg, WI 53713-5005.

Contributing quality products and unforgettable service to our Wisconsin economy for over 50 years.


Second class postage paid at Madison, WI and other additional offices. © Copyright 2012 by the Tavern League of Wisconsin, Inc. Permission to reprint must be secured in advance of publication and credit given to author and On Premise

Musky Mike • 920-323-3351 • Two Rivers, WI • www.riversidefoods.com Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 July/August On Premise






Take It Personally



few months ago, a close friend of mine, Red Gadzinski, passed away. Along with being a friend of mine, Red was a true Tavern League Member. Red served on our state board as well as the President of his local league and SafeRide Coordinator. I don’t know if Red had a lot of outside interests because every time we were together we just talked Tavern League.



This is how I run my business, why would running an association be any different? Taking it personally also means taking pride in my association. We all know about the good things our association does, but do others outside the association? A member proud of the TLW will talk about the $9 million given to Wisconsin charities and what the local league and its members do for the local communities.

While driving home I began to think just what does that mean. What does it mean to “take it personally” when it comes to a trade association, and in particular, the Tavern League of Wisconsin? So I thought I would write down some thoughts. First of all I think it means taking ownership. If I belong to an association I am an owner and a stakeholder. As an owner, I want my association to succeed and I will do what I can to create success. I will pay my dues and participate when I can. Participation, going to meetings, conventions etc, demonstrates that I take my membership seriously and that I appreciate the effort others put forth to help my association succeed. When others in the association do something positive, I will acknowledge them and thank them. If they do something negative, I will correct them.


On Premise 2012 July/August

as do we. But there is none better to endorse and promote than you. You, the member, should talk up the TLW whenever the chance comes around. Do your vendors know what we do, not only at the state level but locally? Imagine the impact if our salesmen were talking Tavern League of Wisconsin at their many stops during the week at non-member establishments. What about your customers? Think of the army that we could create if we all shared our story with the folks we see everyday.



At Red’s funeral, I spoke with many friends and members. They all spoke highly of Red and all had something in common to say; when it came to the TLW “Red took it personally”. What a wonderful compliment and tribute to a guy that had done so much for his local league.

By Pete Madland TLW Executive Director


As a member I can brag about our SafeRide Program because getting people home safely is the right thing to do. As a member proud of the TLW I should display the TLW decal and metal sign and when they get old and weathered they should be replaced. (Those faded signs make all of us look bad.) Every TLW member should take pride in the value the association gives to its’ members and make non-members aware. I know several members, for instance, who are saving hundreds of dollars a month on Major Medical Insurance because they participate in the TLW group program. What about the value of membership when we defeat increases in beer and liquor taxes along with other proposed legislation that would increase our cost of doing business? Simply take pride in the hard work and leadership our fellow members demonstrate on a daily basis while volunteering and donating their time and energy.

Taking it personally will naturally result in increased membership. For years, we celebrated our 5,000+ membership and now we talk about 4,700 or 4,750, let’s change that. With a down economy, more businesses will look to trade associations for answers. Take ownership of your association and demonstrate pride in what we, together, have accomplished. When we have pride and take ownership it’s easy to endorse the Tavern League of Wisconsin as the association you choose to represent you and your business. Red was a tavern owner just as you are. Red took it personally and made a difference, so can you.

Taking it personally also means endorsing our association. Every group publishes newsletters and magazines to tell their story,


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Not sure where to start? Need a refresher? Here are 10 TIPS for providing excellent customer service so patrons come back again and again.


On Premise 2012 July/August


By Amanda N. Wegner

Earlier this summer, Nicole West went to her neighborhood bar with a group of coworkers for lunch, just as they do every other Friday or so. But this visit was different. When West ordered, the server repeated back the order incorrectly and then became frustrated when West corrected her. When the server returned with the beers and mixed drinks, she accidently stepped on West’s sandaled foot but didn’t apologize. When the server finally brought out West’s order, it was completely wrong. At this point, West was frustrated and went straight to one of the managers, who often called her by her first name, smiled and made small talk. He immediately put in the correct order and

1 » Keep the Bar Clean

7 » Go the Extra Mile

You have seven seconds to make a good first impression and the cleanliness of your bar is the very first impression you can make. Keep the bar clean and the bar back organized. Dispose of empty glasses and garbage as soon as possible. If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.

If a customer asks for you to do something that won’t cost you a lot in time or profits, do it for them. Not only will this result in a happy client, it will keep them coming back. If you need to remedy an error, go the extra mile so they have a reason to return.

2 » Meet & Greet

8 » Be Honest and Responsible

A smile and a greeting when a patron sits down, and thanking them when they leave, can make a huge impression. Treat newcomers and regulars with equal respect. If the bar is busy, acknowledge waiting customers and reassure them that you’ll help them as soon as you can. Ask what you can get them before they have to ask you.

It is your responsibility to make sure everyone drinking in your bar is of legal age, so check IDs. Also, charge people fairly and give them what they are paying for.

3 » Anticipate Be aware of everything in your bar and be prepared. From having plenty of cocktail napkins to offering a patron a refill before they take their last sip, anticipating needs keeps the bar running smoothly and keeps patrons happy.

4 » Remember

ordeal had taken so long, West got the order to

Learn the names and drinks of choice for regular customers. Wow your customers (and exercise your short-term memory) by recalling the orders of new bar patrons.

go and when she got back to her office to eat, she

5 » Make Suggestions

told her not to worry about the bill. Because the

was met with a pleasant surprise: Not only had the manager fixed her order, comped her lunch and boxed up the wrong order to take back to the office to give to a coworker, he had put some free drink cards and candy in the to-go bag. West was so surprised and delighted with the manager’s customer service, she immediately went onto Facebook and complimented the manager on the experience. Within an hour, they exchanged posts, West had a full belly, and the tavern had a new positive review on Yelp.

If a customer seems indecisive, make a suggestion. When a customer sits down, set a cocktail napkin on the bar and tell them about that day’s drink specials. For regulars, suggest a new drink or spirit you just got in stock. Frequently, the customer will take your advice and show their gratitude for the suggestion.

6 » Fix Your Mistakes Not taking responsibility of your own blunders is a surefire way of gaining a bad business reputation. Transparency is important in any business, and the hospitality industry is no different. Keep your cool and fix an incorrect order, refund an overcharge or repour a drink of the soda that is flat.

9 » Be Professional Have fun and enjoy your work, but keep the conversations friendly and appropriate, wear clean clothes appropriate for the establishment, and be professional in your demeanor and service. This will create an environment that customers want to come back to again and again.

10 » Treat Employees Well Bar owners and managers, this one is for you. Employees are customers, too. Show them your appreciation by thanking them and finding ways to let them know how important they are to you and your business. Treat your employees with respect and they will respect your customers and your business. Excellent customer service starts at the top.


Victim No More: Curbing Employee Theft By Amanda N. Wegner

addressed in the handbook arise in the future, the employee cannot say they weren’t aware of the rules; their signature shows that they knew about— and agreed to — what was outlined in the handbook. “Have a written policy on how to serve and dispense, whether or not they can give free drinks, how to properly handle cash, basically all your expectations,” says Giese. Brehm adds, “Tell them right up front. Then they know what they can and can’t do, and if they do do the wrong thing, there’s no excuse.” Giese adds that it’s about creating a culture of respect and understanding. “Create a culture where employees value what they do, where they treat inventory and cash as if it is their own. That doesn’t mean they can take it, but rather protect it. It’s about taking pride in their work and the business.”

It’s happened to all of us: Shaking for shots, free drinks, disappearing cases from the storage room. We’ve all fallen victim to employee theft. “In talking to bar owners,” says Scott Brehm, who spent 20 years in law enforcement before starting his company, Stealth Solutions, “a majority experience some kind of employee theft. But how much do you let go? Shaking for shots? Buying for customers? Blatantly dipping into the cash register? In the end, this is all coming out of your pocket.” But it doesn’t have to, and your efforts and investments to thwart employee theft don’t have to break the bank. In fact, they’ll boost your bottom line. “According to a variety of sources, nearly onethird of small businesses fail due to employee theft and misconduct,” says Craig Giese, Security Consultant with Per Mar Security, which has six offices in Wisconsin. “It’s a competitive world, and we’re all competing for the same customers, so those free drinks or dollars out of the register can make a difference. They can make or break your business, so it’s important to take measures to protect yourself.” Here, Tavern League Affiliates share their expertise on how to curb employee theft to keep cash in the till and cases in the cooler.

CHECK OUT The first step in stemming employee theft is hiring the right people and today, that requires 12

On Premise 2012 July/August

more than calling references and checking Wisconsin’s online CCAP system. “It’s hard for bar owners to do a thorough background check,” says Brehm, who will do extensive background checks for customers. “I get that. But bar owners need to know who they’re hiring and what kind of person they are.” The “background checks” most bar owners can do on their own probably won’t reveal an applicant’s activities in other states, personal financial history or other relevant facts that aren’t available on an application. Since bartenders are your frontline employees and handle your most valuable assets, it pays to do a thorough background check. “We literally go into their lives, find out their criminal situation, theft of any kind, upkeep in their own lives, financial history, down to the history of their past, the history of the people they’ve been around,” says John Kelly, Business Development Coordinator with MPI Protective Services, which covers the entire state. “If you’re going to bring a bartender into your bar, you want to make sure they’re trustworthy and can handle money. That’s why we came on board with the Tavern League. You don’t have to hire just anybody. You can hire the best.”

PUT IT IN WRITING After you have the right people in place, requiring employees to sign a handbook or contract that outlines expectations and what they can and cannot do is another line of defense. Not only is this low cost, but should issues that are

RING IT RIGHT David Putz has an interesting story to share. Putz is a Technical Sales Consultant with Total Register Systems (TRS), which sells pointof-sale (POS) systems and security systems for bars, restaurants and retailers. Recently, he sold a POS system to a business that previously had basic cash registers. The owner, he says, couldn’t figure out how some of his employees could afford new cars and cellphones when they were only working for him. “After he purchased the POS system,” says Putz, “that answered his question.” They were taking from the till. Investing in a POS system offers several benefits: price consistency; the ability to track employees by cash drawer, what they sell and their sales actions, such as the number of “No sales” they enter each shift; inventory tracking; and more. “The reporting tools in the POS system allows you to know everything about each employee and how they are ringing up sales,” says Putz. Giese notes that a front-end control like POS system is a security measure he highly recommends. “Working out of an open cash drawer creates a lot of issues. A POS system is by far the best way to go.” TRS, which is based in New Hope, Minn., has been in business for over 36 years, and the company supports everything it sells. “We are really consultants,” says Putz. “We come www.tlw.org

into the business and ask questions; from the information we get, we can show you ways of fixing the problems you are currently having.” When moving to a POS system, adds Putz, it’s easy to tell which employees are most inclined to steal. “They are the first to tell you the system won’t work there. They say it won’t be as fast as a cash register and that the customers won’t be happy with the POS system. But the POS system will give better customer service because you don’t have to run to the bar or the kitchen to put your orders in, so you can pay more attention to the customers. The fact of the matter is they have to be more responsible and theft is harder.”

SMILE FOR THE CAMERA The thing about surveillance cameras, at least from the employee perspective, says Brehm, is that they can’t know there are cameras. “If they know where the cameras are, they’ve won half the battle,” says Kelly. “Once they know where they are, they’ll figure out how to cover them up or position themselves to keep doing what they’re doing.” Adds Brehm: “As long as you don’t have audio, you can have hidden cameras and don’t have to tell them about them.”

a $5 and gives it to his buddy who just got paid to sit at the bar. You can’t see that with a single camera.” Brehm adds that cameras not only protect against theft, but provide visual evidence of criminal activity and other on-premise issues, like fights, accidents and more. “There is a delicate balance with camera systems,” acknowledges Giese. “Bar owners want to protect the privacy of their clients and don’t want to feel like Big Brother. But they’re a very valuable deterrent.”

Today’s surveillance systems can be set up so there’s little technical expertise involved on the owner’s behalf once the system is installed, and the surveillance can be viewed via an Internet connection or smartphone. Plus, it records to a DVR, so you don’t need to worry about switching tapes.

He adds that once the system is installed, “you still have to look at them and check out what’s going on in your bar. You don’t need to sit there for hours at a time, but take other bits of information and use those as reference points to look at the cameras to put the whole picture together. It’s not going to jump off the wall and tell you Sally is giving away free drinks.”

There are also options to have the camera trigger an alarm on your phone or computer if it’s activated after-hours.


Giese notes that it’s important to put cameras at critical control points for loss prevention. Places where inventory is stored, cash handling areas and the actual service area where drinks are dispensed. “The biggest problem in taverns is a lack of proper camera coverage for the areas you want to watch,” says Giese. “If you have a 30-foot bar, typical dim bar lighting, and two registers 20 feet apart, one camera will not provide sufficient detail to see both registers.” He adds that in this example, one camera on the register and one providing a wide view of the bar is the better option. “That way, you can see when the bartender puts in two singles and pulls out

Tavern League of Wisconsin

that both arms and disarms the alarm. (Owners or upper management would have a code to enter the premises to open for the day.) Codeless arming keeps employees from coming back in after hours, and the system maintains a record of when bartenders leave.

CASH AND CARRY A service of MPI is civil processing and among other things, the company will deliver deposits to the bank for customers. “Most people don’t want to carry money, but you have to get the deposit out,” says Kelly. “This service is one less thing you have to rely on bartenders for; the less they can be around money, the fewer opportunities to theft.”

Scott Brehm, Owner Stealth Solutions 715-459-4321 stealth@solarus.net

If you have your eye on a certain bartender, a “secret shopper” is a low-key method to see their thieving ways in action.

Craig Giese, Security Consultant Per Mar Security Services 800-845-9608 x8503 cgiese@permarsecurity.com

“I’ve gone right in and acted as a patron,” says Brehm, “and tried eliciting the kind of activity the owner is concerned about and observe them on the job.”

John Kelly MPI Protective Services 608-243-7946 jkelly@mpiprotective.com

Most bar owners, adds Brehm, have a pulse on what’s going on, but those questionable actions don’t happen when they’re around.


David Putz, Technical Sales Consultant Total Register Systems 763-537-1906 x18 dputz@trs-pos.com

If you have a burglar alarm, consider upgrading to one that offers “codeless arming.” Giese explains that with codeless arming, employees simply engage the alarm with the touch of a button instead of being assigned a specific code 2012 July/August On Premise



On Premise 2012 July/August


2012 FALL CONVENTION & TRADESHOW October 22-25, 2012 Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells

UPCOMING TLW EVENTS FALL 2012 Convention & Tradeshow October 22 - 25, 2012 Kalahari Resort 1305 Kalahari Drive Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 SPRING 2013 Conference & Tradeshow April 8 - 11, 2013 Plaza Hotel & Suites & Conf. Ctr. 1202 W Clairemont Ave Eau Claire, WI 54701

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FALL 2014 Convention & Tradeshow October 6 - 9, 2014 Kalahari Resort 1305 Kalahari Drive Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 SPRING 2015 Conference & Tradeshow March 30 - April 2, 2015 Grand Geneva Resort 7036 Grand Geneva Way Lake Geneva, WI 53147 FALL 2015 Convention & Tradeshow October 5 - 8, 2015 Paper Valley Hotel 333 W. College Ave. Appleton, WI 54911

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FALL 2013 Convention & Tradeshow October 7 - 10, 2013 Hyatt 333 Main St Green Bay, WI 54301 SPRING 2014 Conference & Tradeshow April 7 - 10, 2014 Radisson Hotel & La Crosse Center 200 Harborview Plaza La Crosse, WI 54601


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With over 12,000 choices, you’re bound to find what you need.

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On Premise 2012 July/August



HOTEL INFO HOTEL: Kalahari Resort 1305 Kalahari Drive Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 (877) 525-2427

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Name _______________________________________________ Spouse/Guest Name________________________________________________ Signature(s)_________________________________________________ / ________________________________________________________ Business Name________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Business Phone___________________________________________ Home Phone __________________________________________________ Local League________________________________________________________________________________________________


This is my first convention


I am a new Member

REGISTRATION FEES (per person) Must be postmarked by 10/11/12.

Full Registration

METHOD OF PAYMENT Total Amount Due $_______________________________________


Member: $50 / Non-Member: $70. . . . . . . . . . . ___ x $50 + ___ x $70 = ________

Registration One Day

Member: $30 Non-Member: $35. . . . . . . . . . . . ___ x $30 + ___ x $35 = ________ circle one . . . Tuesday or Wednesday

Postmarked AFTER 10/12/2012

Member: $60 Non-Member: $80. . . . . . . . . . . . ___ x $60 + ___ x $80 = ________

TOTAL FEES = ________ I would like to contribute $5.00 of this registration fee to: (please check one only)

Check #________   n



Card # _____________________________ Exp. Date _____________ Cardholder Name _________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________ Cardholder Address ______________________________________ City/State/Zip____________________________________________

n Tavern Industry Political Action Committee n Wisconsin Tavern League Foundation n CORE (Children of Restaurant Employees) Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 July/August On Premise


schedule of events MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2012 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM TLW Board of Directors Meeting – Guava Room

12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Silent Auction for TIPAC – Tamboti Room

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Food Service Sanitation Course & Exam – Wisteria (Class Registration open to members and non-members)

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Seminar: How to Double Your Profits & Double Your Loyal Regulars in Any Economy Presented by Nick Fosberg – General Session Room

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Board Lunch – Tamarind 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Registration & $2 Bill Exchange – North Atrium, Reg Booth 1

3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Seminar: DUI – Know the Law, Know Your Rights, Presented by Attorney Dan Berkos – General Session Room

8:00 PM to Midnight Sauk County Tavern League Welcome Party Location: Marley’s Band: Trailer Kings

8:00 PM to 1:00 AM Cocktail Party & Costume Contest – C, D, E, F Convention Center Halloween theme: Don’t be Scared, You’re not Alone! Band: The Retro Specz


9:00 PM to 10:00 PM Live Auction (Proceeds to Direct Givers Fund) – C, D, E, F Convention Center

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Registration & $2 Bill Exchange – North Atrium, Reg. Booth 1 8:45 AM to 9:15 AM Audit Committee – Empress Room 8:45 AM to 9:15 AM Nominating Committee – Guava Room 9:15 AM to 12:00 PM General Business Meeting – A, B, G, H Convention Center • Attendance Drawing • Host League Introduction – Jim Pickett, Southern Zone V.P. • Opening Ceremony – Keith Koehler, Sauk County President • Vice President’s Report – Terry Harvath • President’s Remarks – Rob Swearingen • Secretary’s Report – Sue Bonte Lee • Treasurer’s Report – Tom Dahlen • Executive Director Report – Pete Madland • Keynote – Author Garrett Peck, Prohibition Then & Now • Special Club Awards • Member of the Year Award • Attendance Drawing • First Timers Orientation 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Trade Show – 1 thru 8 Convention Center Tournament for TIPAC – Speed Round Pool


On Premise 2012 July/August

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2012 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Registration & $2 Bill Exchange – North Atrium, Reg. Booth 1 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM General Business Meeting – A, B, G, H Convention Center • Attendance Drawing • Legislative Report – Scott Stenger • ABL Report – Bob Sprenger • Good and Welfare • Attendance Drawing 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Trade Show – 1 thru 8 Convention Center 9:00 AM to 2:15 PM Silent Auction – Tamboti Room 11:45 AM to 12:15 PM SafeRide Meeting – General Session Room 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Vendors Drawings (Attendees must be present to win) – Trade Show Area 2:45 PM to 3:00 PM Exhibitor Booth Drawing (Exhibitor must be present to win) – Trade Show Area

3:00 PM to 4:00 PM District Caucuses: 1st & 9th District – Aloeswood 6th District – Mangrove 2nd District – Marula 8th District – Aralia 3:15 PM to 3:45 PM TLW Winter Get-Away Presentation – General Session Room Free Cruise give-away 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM District Caucuses: 3rd District – Aloeswood 4th District – Mangrove 5th District – Marula 7th District – Aralia 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM TLW Winter Get-Away Presentation, Free Cruise give-away – General Session Room 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Cocktail with the President – $20 Donation to TIPAC Location: D & E Convention Center Sponsored by: Precision Pours & Meyer Brothers LLC

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM General Business Session – A, B, G, H Convention Center • Attendance Drawing • CORE Report – Joyce Bartelt • Entertainer – TBD • Audit Committee Report • DOT- New License Presentation • Host League Drawing • Trade Show Buyers Raffle • Good & Welfare • DVD Presentation • Attendance Drawing 12:00 PM Sauk County President’s Reception – Keith Koehler Country Keg/Baja Cantina 732 Oak St. Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965-1533 (608) 254-7475 Note: Times and events are subject to change without notice.


AUCTION! Each year at the Fall Convention members gather Tuesday evening for the TLW Live Auction.

The TLW Live Auction is one of the larger parties and members sure have fun bidding, toasting and dancing! In addition to the Tuesday night function members also have the opportunity to participate in the Silent Auction that runs during the day on Tuesday, Noon to 4:00 p.m. and Wednesday 9:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Auction items have included travel packages, sports memorabilia, fine clothing, electronics, art and more! Auction Chairman Pete Olson helps coordinate the auctions that benefit the Direct Givers Fund and TIPAC. Donating an item is simple. 1. P lease fill out the form and mail it to: Pete Olson 416 Chestnut • Black River Falls, WI 54615 2. Bring your item to the registration booth upon arrival to the Fall Convention. * The auction committee decides if the item will go into the Live or Silent Auction. *A ll items purchased at the auctions must be paid for by personal check, credit card or cash. Thank You for your contributions!



If your league or members will be bringing auction items to the Fall Convention, please complete the form below and send it to the Auction Committee Chair, Pete Olson. Donor (Individual name and League)_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (business)__________________________________ (home)____________________________________

Please describe the item(s) your members will be donating to the TLW auctions. Item:_________________________________________________________Value:____________________________ Item:_________________________________________________________Value:____________________________ Item:_________________________________________________________Value:____________________________ Item:_________________________________________________________Value:____________________________ Item:_________________________________________________________Value:____________________________

Thank you for your participation! Return this form by October 12, 2012 to Pete Olson, 416 Chestnut, Black River Falls, WI 54615

Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 July/August On Premise


Enjoy Responsibly

© 2012 Shock Top Brewing Co., Shock Top® Lemon Shandy Flavored Belgian-Style Wheat Beer, St. Louis, MO

Member of the year The TLW Member of the Year Award

This is presented to a deserving member each Fall at the State Convention. Please take a moment and nominate a member who you feel is deserving of this award. The recipient is chosen based on service to not only the TLW, but also family/community. Many members are qualified to receive this award. Complete this form and be sure to include any information such as local awards, media coverage, newspaper clippings, endorsements, references, etc. Please send nominations into the TLW office by October 5, 2012 Last year’s Member of the Year was Pat Purtell from Terry’s Bar: Oshkosh.

Nomination Form Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Business__________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip______________________________________________________________________________________________ Local League_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please state why you feel this person should receive the TLW Member of the Year Award. (Attach additional sheets/information if necessary.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR INFORMATION: Name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Local League_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date______________________________________________________________________________________________________


2012 July/August On Premise






Tavern League

ACCOUNTING O ne of the state’s smallest local leagues is also one of its youngest. With just 28 Members, the Dunn County Tavern League, located in northwestern Wisconsin along the I-94 corridor, was incorporated in March 2004, just eight years ago.


are here to make money…our customers are the students and when you have 13 licenses in a four-block range, there’s a lot of competition.” The city’s interim Chief of Police has come out on the Tavern League’s side, noting that many of the problems related to alcohol stem from areas outside Menomonie’s downtown. “That’s a positive thing, having the Police Chief saying that we’re not the issue.”

CORPORATE “It’s really what makes our league unique,” says Damon Anderson, President of the Dunn County Tavern League and owner of Menomonie’s Silver Dollar Saloon.



With school out for the summer, Anderson and his fellow league officers, Micky Rugland, Owner of Dean & Sue’s Bar & Grill, and Vicki Blodgett, Owner of Lakeside Lounge, have turned their attention to fundraising and membership. The Dunn County League hosts an annual golf tournament, usually in June, but has moved it to August as it was too close to the golf outings of two neighboring counties and the all-district event. “It was just too much golf at one time,” says Anderson.


Despite being one of the smallest leagues in Wisconsin, members here keep busy, especially those in the city of Menomonie, which is the largest city in the county and home to University of Wisconsin-Stout. “Right now, we’re kind of quiet, but within the city of Menomonie, we’ve run into issues. Fortunately, we haven’t seen anything since December or January.”

LEGISLATIVE Anderson explains that some city council members have a history of targeting the local bar industry by proposing ordinances to make it difficult for taverns to operate. The latest attempt was a liquor license review committee. “If there are major issues in the city or county, we’re on them as soon as I get the information in my hands,” says Anderson. “We have a pretty good core group that will get together and figure out our plan of how we’re going to deal with an issue if it’s not something we want to embrace.”


When school’s in session, the university can be a challenge for this small league as well. “According to some people at the university, we’re apparently the biggest drinking county in the state,” says Anderson with a chuckle. He explains that earlier this year, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention listed Wisconsin No. 1 in binge drinking, local officials added their own caveat that based on underage drinking tickets, Dunn County was the worst in the state. “There are really much bigger fish to worry about across the county,” says Anderson.



Just in its third year, the golf outing is this league’s biggest fundraiser, with a portion of the proceeds donated to the local food pantry. The


On Premise 2012 July/August


“We are certainly interested in branching out and seeing what else we can do to support our [SafeRide] Program and the community.” Anderson has been a member of the Dunn County Tavern League for six years and has owned the Silver Dollar Saloon for six-and-a-half years. “I bought the bar, then got invited to a meeting by the officers and within six months, I was elected President,” he says. While recruiting, especially for leadership positions, isn’t always that easy, it’s a priority here. At present, Anderson is following up with bar owners whose membership has recently lapsed, and working hard to sign up the ten or so bars in the county that are not Tavern League Members. When new establishments do open in the county,


“We are certainly interested in branching out

and seeing what else we can do to support our


[SafeRide] Program and the community.”

outing brings out about 20 teams and includes raffles, hole prizes and more to help raise money. It also supports the county’s SafeRide Program. In Dunn County, SafeRide is primarily used by rural establishments, which have their own volunteer drivers; a few places use their own shuttles to get patrons home safely.

— Damon Anderson Anderson tries to get to them right away. In fact, he recently signed up a new member before his bar was even open for business!


DISTRIBUTOR While it can be a challenge, the Dunn County Tavern League is working to find a common ground with the university. “We are bars and


“We’re continually looking for new members. In the past couple months, there are a few who have neglected to pay dues, so that’s a matter of getting people back in. Some bars have changed hands too, so it’s a matter of getting out there and getting those people recruited.”


The officers are also looking at the possibility of having a softball or kickball tournament fundraiser in the fall when students are back in school. “Since I’ve been around, the golf outing is the only thing we’ve done,” says Anderson.






Dean & Sue’s Bar & Grill


and its residents. “I think you have to give to get, and it just comes back around.” Rugland recently acquired a van, and the bar provides its own SafeRide service Thursday through Saturday. “We’re only half a mile out of town on the outskirts, but we felt it was really important to do this. It’s almost gotten to be that you have to do it.”


ow in its third generation, Menomonie’s Dean & Sue’s Bar & Grill has come a long way from its three-stool roots. “My grandparents opened it in 1925,” says Owner Micky Rugland. Decades ago, in the heyday of the railroad and Menomonie’s brick business, Rugland’s grandparents opened Midway Grocery, a small store and three-stool bar that served the surrounding neighborhood that had been built by the brick company. Rugland’s parents, Dean and Sue Lecheler, took over in the early 1960s, and Rugland has been working in the bar nearly her whole life; she was cleaning the bar at age seven and bartending at 15. Her parents remain active in the bar as well.

have a large turnaround. “They stay with me. I have a couple bartenders who have been here for 10 or so years. Even my college students come here when they start at Stout and are here all through college. That’s been good for me and the customers.”

Mom still works a few days a week, and Dad comes in at 7 a.m. and fires up the vacuum cleaner, but he hasn’t bartended for years. When the Lechelers actively owned the business, Sue worked days and Dean worked nights so he could farm; he eventually went to farming fulltime, “his passion,” as Rugland calls it, when she took over the bar.

“It’s always a busy place from morning to night,” reports Rugland. “I have a $2 burger special all day on Mondays and tacos on Tuesdays, which are busy days. I have an old-time band that comes once a month and you wouldn’t believe the crowd we get. There’s 20 teams of volleyball and a whole lot else going on. We stay busy, and we need to stay busy.”

Today, Dean & Sue’s features two bars, a banquet facility and an expansive patio and outdoor space with three sand volleyball courts. This bar and grill is open all day, from morning coffee to last call, and serves an American-style menu of burgers, salads, wraps, pizzas and the like. Well-established with the locals, Rugland considers Dean & Sue’s more of a townie bar than a college bar.

With the banquet facility, which was added in the mid-1980s, Dean & Sue’s is a popular place for weddings, anniversaries, meetings and other events. Like a dancehall, it seats 150 and has its own bar and walk-in cooler. It leads to the patio, which has tables and chairs where people can sit back and enjoy their drinks under the tiki lights. “It’s a pretty substantial part of our business and is always used,” says Rugland. Rugland’s daughter, Brook, who has a business degree from nearby University of WisconsinStout, is now working the bar with her mother and has plans to take it into the fourth generation. Even the staff is like family as Rugland doesn’t Tavern League of Wisconsin

The bar also offers a full schedule of leagues yearround, including volleyball, dartball – an indoor baseball-style dart game, bean bags and pool. She also does a number of benefits, both hosting them on-site and providing gift certificates and other in-kind support to the local community

While Rugland doesn’t remember her parents being Tavern League Members, she joined in the 1980s and says it’s a must for bar owners today. For years, Rugland served as Treasurer of the Dunn County Tavern League and now she is Vice President. “If there is one thing you should do as a bar owner, you should be involved in Tavern League. No doubt about it. These are the people who fight for us, because it’s a lot tougher than it used to be.” That is also why Rugland has diversified her business so much; it’s a means of survival. “It’s pretty rough in the bar business today and in general; I can’t blame a guy for buying a 30pack and staying home instead of coming out. Today, you have to have food, leagues, a party room and more to attract and get people out to your place. And with all that, there is never a quiet moment around her, but thank God,” says Rugland. “Hopefully we all can survive.” Dean and Sue’s Bar & Grill Michelle “Micky” Rugland, Owner 2002 Midway Road, Menomonie, WI 54751 715-235-9940 www.deanandsues.com

2012 July/August On Premise





The Stepping Stones’ Food Pantry provides food and personal care items to low-income people. Clients can come as often as needed and receive food for everyone in their household, including non-perishables and fresh or frozen food such as produce, bread, eggs and meat. The food pantry is open every day but Sunday and serves those at the federal poverty level and below.

The Stepping Stones’ Shelter provides emergency shelter, housing assistance and referral services. The shelter has three furnished apartments for individuals or families and residents generally stay for one month. During their stay, residents work closely with shelter staff to secure permanent and affordable housing, to find or maintain employment, and to access available resources to become selfsufficient. The shelter also provides housing 24

On Premise 2012 July/August



assistance for rent and security deposits as funds are available. This assistance, says Dutton, addresses the ultimate goal of homelessness prevention.

businesses and the drawing event was held at the Pioneer Grill. It was a perfect example of the community pulling together to address the needs.”

Finally, the Community Connections Program connects volunteers to neighbors to provide needed supportive services such as transportation, yard work, companionship, small home repairs and more. This program also provides direct assistance to people in financial need, as funds are available, to help with things such as utility payments, car repairs, health care expenses and similar needs.

Stepping Stones primary needs are pretty consistent: food and funds. The organization welcomes donations of nonperishable food and personal care items, which adds variety to the current items available. Financial contributions are also critical to help with operating costs, including the purchase of food, and all gifts are tax-deductible. Donations to Stepping Stones go a long way. The organization gets the majority of its food through the Feed My People Food Bank in Eau Claire, where every $1 equals $10 compared to what can be purchased at retail costs.

DISTRIBUTOR n an effort to prevent hunger, homelessness and isolation, Stepping Stones of Dunn County serves its local community through three programs: the Food Pantry, Stepping Stones’ Shelter and the Community Connections Program. “Stepping Stones is one of the primary resources for low-income residents of Dunn County,” says Katherine Dutton, Executive Director of Menomonie’s Stepping Stones. “We seek to be a ‘stepping stone’ on the path to a better life for anyone who needs a hand. When the most vulnerable people in a community have a place to turn, the whole community is stronger for it.”



Through all its programs, Stepping Stones serves about 5,000 people per year. The Food Pantry, says Dutton, averages approximately 1,300 visits

“We seek to be a ‘stepping stone’ on the path to a better life for anyone who needs a hand. When the most vulnerable people in a community have a place to turn, the whole community is stronger for it.” — Katherine Dutton per month, compared to just under 700 two years ago. The organization works closely with other agencies as well, such as the United Way, West CAP and the Department of Human Services. “If we cannot meet a need,” adds Dutton, “we are often able to refer people to other places or resources.” The organization also relies on about 200 volunteers to help it accomplish its mission and fulfill its services. Stepping Stones is dependent on grants, fundraising activities and donations from individuals, churches, businesses and other organizations. In fact, says Dutton, Stepping Stones could not provide the services it does without the support of partners like the Dunn County Tavern League. “The league was especially helpful in doing some fundraising for our recent capital campaign to cover building costs of a much needed and expanded new facility. Tavern League businesses sold raffle tickets for dozens of prizes donated by local

“The Dunn County community is very generous in supporting Stepping Stones and expressing concern for their neighbors in need,” says Dutton. “There is a strong sense of the community pulling together to overcome hunger and homelessness and help people struggling during these challenging economic times.” Stepping Stones of Dunn County Katherine Dutton, Executive Director 1602 Stout Road, Menomonie, WI 54751 715-235-2920 director@steppingstonesdc.org www.steppingstonesdc.org


PARTNERS IN PROGRESS MAJOR SUPPORTER OF STATE AND LOCAL TAVERN LEAGUES Tavern League of Wisconsin • Co-sponsor of TLW Legislative Day • Underwriter of TLW Video on Jobs and Employment • Provider of Coin-Operated Games at TLW Conferences & Shows to Benefit PAC • Sponsor of the TLW Trip Give-away at TLW Fall Convention & Show • Donor of Large Screen TV at TLW Spring Conference & Show

Local Tavern League Programs (SafeRide, Golf, Others) • Contributions and support from individual WAMO members • Matching Funds from WAMO to Tavern League Locals • Contributions to SafeRide Program, Golf and Others • Active Participation and Attendance Wisconsin Amusement & Music Operators PO Box 250, Poynette, WI 53955-0250 | T: 608.635.4316 | F: 608.635.4327 | E: wamomax@aol.com A complete list of WAMO members can be found on the web site. Visit us at www.WAMO.net Hosts of the World’s Largest Dart Tournament & the Nation’s Largest Pool Tournament

Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 July/August On Premise





d istributing force in Wisconsin since the mid-1940s, Wirtz Beverage Wisconsin covers the entire state, offering bar and tavern owners high-quality brands such as Three Olives vodka, Southern Comfort and Korbel brandy and champagne. Wirtz Beverage Wisconsin is part of the Chicago-based Wirtz Corporation, one of the largest privately held companies in the country with interests in a variety of industries. Wirtz Beverage Group operates in five states — Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Nevada — with The Dairy State representing the company’s first foray into the distributing industry. Now in its third generation, the Wirtz Corporation remains family owned and operated. “Arthur Wirtz made Wisconsin Wirtz’s first entrance into the beverage business,” says Dick Deutsch, Senior Vice President of Wirtz Beverage Wisconsin. “Today, one of the things that makes us different is that we are the largest multistate operator in Wisconsin.” Wirtz’s venture into Wisconsin began in 1945, when it purchased a small distributing company serving the seven-county Milwaukee area. Twenty-five years later, Wirtz purchased Simon Companies, a small company serving the 13-county Madison region, effectively tripling its reach. As companies struggled to stay afloat in the 1990s, Wirtz acquired additional small distributors around the state. With suppliers seeking distributors that represented the entire state, Wirtz expanded its services to the entire state of Wisconsin in 2004, and today is headquartered in Hartland with offices in Madison, Green Bay and Eau Claire. At present, Wirtz represents some of the top names in wines and spirits. Statewide, the company offers, among other spirits, Proximo’s 1800 tequila, Three Olives vodka and Kraken rum; William Grant & Son’s Stoli vodka, Glenfiddich and Tullamore Dew; and Diageo’s Ketel One vodka. The company also distributes Wisconsin’s renowned Death’s Door gin, which is made from Washington Island wheat. In Milwaukee, Wirtz Beverage Wisconsin also distributes Brown-Forman’s Jack Daniels, Southern Comfort and Korbel champagne and brandy, and the company has rights to distribute Sazerec’s Fleischmann nameplate in Milwaukee 26

On Premise 2012 July/August

and Madison. In Madison alone, the company offers Jim Beam. As for wines, it’s Sonoma-Cutrer, Rodney Strong, Diageo, Treasury Wine Estates, J. Lohr and Schmitt Sohne, which produces a Wisconsin favorite, German Riesling. Wirtz Beverage Wisconsin has a number of smaller wine companies in its portfolio as well, including Wisconsin’s own Spurgeon Vineyards. Speaking of wine, Deutsch notes that customers’ desire for upper-tier wines is on the upswing.

In addition to broad market experience, Wirtz trains its people to do more than sell; they teach them how to be consultants to help customers including tavern owners grow and thrive. Increasingly, that means offering customers assistance with the digital sphere. “Online and social media are where consumers are getting their information now,” says Deutsch. “They are going to the Internet to find drink specials, food specials and entertainment. How people will spend their money is increas-

“We’re seeing more and more experimentation with wines and that market continues to grow.” — Dick Deutsch “Many places are pouring better wines by the glass in response to demand,” says Deutsch. To capitalize on this, he suggests offering half-price bottle wine nights and specials on slower evenings to bring out customers. “We’re seeing more and more experimentation with wines and that market continues to grow.” In the last year, he adds, vodka has increased in popularity and tequila remains strong. Deutsch and Wirtz get this sort of market intelligence through its own data capture and by drawing on the experience of its operations in other states. This helps Wirtz keep customers updated on trends and ahead of the curve to remain competitive. “Market intelligence is a big piece of what we offer that others can’t,” says Deutsch. “Those who will be successful are ones that are willing to change, and with our organization, we bring you the information to make that change in a smart, profitable way.”

ingly being decided online and if you’re not there, you’re not going to get those dollars.” Working with suppliers and partners, Wirtz’s digital activation team does more than promote brands, trends and events. They also help get customers online to be more successful. “Whether it’s helping you get into the digital age, informing you of trends or helping you find new ways to access your customers, we offer excellent products and up-to-date information on trends and market changes,” says Deutsch. “Our people aren’t just order takers. They are your partners, working to help you succeed. We truly have the best people in the industry, ready to help you and your business.” Wirtz Beverage Wisconsin Dick Deutsch, Senior Vice President 262-814-1500 www.wirtzbeveragewisconsin.com


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Proud member of the Tavern League of Wisconsin






Proud member of the Tavern League of Wisconsin

Tavern League of Wisconsin

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n business since July 1999, Brad Palubiak’s Cornerstone Processing Solutions wants to be your financial ally, even if you’re not a customer.


“We consider ourselves the premier processing solution consultant for the Tavern League of Wisconsin and its members; their best interest is our primary concern and our allegiance to the Tavern League of Wisconsin is strong,” says Palubiak, who is President and Founder of the Oshkosh-based business. “Just last week, we helped a member who was having trouble with his ATM company. Whether you buy from us or not, we’re here to help you, representing the Tavern League.”



Cornerstone Processing Solutions, Inc. (CPS) is a family-owned and operated business providing ATM, point of sale (POS) systems and credit card, check and giftcard processing terminals, service and technical support to merchants.


stead of having three or four companies to deal with.”

“When I looked at other options, I decided to go into business for myself so I didn’t have to deal with Corporate America hassles anymore,” recalls Palubiak.

In terms of changes and advances in technology, ATMs are just half what they cost 10 years ago, making it more affordable for you to own your own, says Palubiak. “You’re not only generating revenue, but it also assists in keeping credit card fees down and eliminating bad check debt. When you own your own, you don’t let someone else place it and take money out of your pocket. An ATM is a good investment.”


Cornerstone was one of the original Exclusive Member Benefit providers when the program began about five years ago. The company also offered the Processing With a Purpose program, which gave a percent of the profit from member’s accounts to the Tavern League Foundation, but chose to discontinue the program and become a Corporate Sponsor four years ago to better serve the organization.

With technological advancements and add-ons in POS systems and cash registers, these are good investments as well. These updates include handheld terminals, online ordering, gift cards, pouring system monitoring and inventory tools.


The company also pays membership fees for non-members to encourage their participation in the organization.

Working with Cornerstone Processing Solutions, members get prompt, courteous and personal service, the best rates available, and the satisfaction of knowing they are working with a company that is dedicated to the Tavern League.


Cornerstone has participated in 26 straight tradeshows and has attended and sponsored legislative days, among other events. Two of Cornerstone’s sales representatives hold district League offices.


For 16 years, Palubiak worked for a Fortune 500 company. When his company asked him to relocate for the 11th time, he decided it was time to move on.

changes to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as it relates to ATM use; and EMV card security, an anti-fraud measure that replaces the magnetic strip on credit and debit cards with miniature computer chips.

“Unlike our competitors, we consider ourselves a service company not a sales organization.


“We are a family-owned business, just like many Tavern League Members; we are fighting the same battles daily in regards to regulations”

— Brad Palubiak

Initially, Palubiak only offered ATMs; at a Tavern League tradeshow in 2000 in Lake Geneva, he shared a booth with an associate from Minnesota; by the end of the show, it was agreed that Palubiak could better serve the organization from his Wisconsin office.

“We are a family-owned business, just like many Tavern League Members; we are fighting the same battles daily in regards to regulations,” says Palubiak. “I feel we know the Tavern League and its members needs and concerns better than our competition.”

Remember when honesty, integrity and service were everything? We never forgot. Cornerstone has a solution for all of your processing needs, and we want to grow with you and your establishment.”

While his business serves clients from coast to coast, his primary focus is Wisconsin.

The company strives to keep members up to date with mailings, phone calls, newsletters and more, providing information on industry changes that may affect the tavern business. In the past few years, these topics have included, among other things, PCI – which concerns the safe handling of consumer financial information for businesses that accept payments by card;

Brad Palubiak, Owner and Founder Cornerstone Processing Solutions 1600 S. Main St., Oshkosh 855-TLW-ATMS www.cornerstoneps.net

“It became quite apparent early on that there was a great need for a business like this to be based out of Wisconsin,” he says. “We now offer members the full range of processing solutions – creditcards, checks, ATMs, point of sale — in28

On Premise 2012 July/August



Club Members





Club Members



DODGE COUNTY Tavern League

DOOR COUNTY Tavern League


Vodka or gin? Olive garnish or pickled onion? Shaken or stirred? Ask a dozen martini drinkers what makes the perfect drink and you can expect a dozen answers.

Tavern League

Not so with the Precision Pour 3-ball liquor pour!


Precision Pours has created a measured pour that is as close to perfect as any pour on the market. More accurate and easier to maintain than old style pours, with a new cork that creates a better seal and yet is easier to remove from the bottle, and unrivaled in durability; our pour will last for years.

Tavern League

Annual Membership Levels

If you’re looking for the perfect liquor pour, we’ve made your choice simple. If you’re looking for the perfect martini, we can only wish you luck.

Platinum - $ 1,000 Annual Membership Level Gold - $ 500 Annual Membership Level Silver - $ 250 Annual Membership Level For more information on becoming a Special Club Member, call the TLW office at (800) 445-9221

The only pour featuring patented 3-ball technology. Available in wide variety of shot sizes and configurations including a three ounce “martini” shot size.

1-800-549-4491 > www.precisionpours.com MADE IN USA

Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 July/August On Premise







Superior Customer Service At A Reasonable Price! We Are Proud To Offer You:


• A Full Service Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, Ice Machine Equipment Service, Sales, Maintenance and Installation Company • 24/7 Emergency Service

• Upfront Competitive Pricing – Your Time Is Billed When We Arrive On Site; Not Port To Port • Assistance With Energy Saving Business Cash Incentives • Prompt Responsiveness Combined With Reliable Performance • Factory Authorized Dealer, Distributor, Authorized Warranty Agent For: Trane, NuTone, Master-Bilt, Ice-Matic, Perlick, Scotsman, Manitowoc, True, Beverage Air (just to name a few) • We Service & Maintain All Makes & Models Of: Heating/cooling equipment, ice machines, bar equipment, refrigerated display cases, prep tables/refrigerated drawer systems, walk-in coolers/freezers (including gaskets, doors, lighting, etc), boilers, exhaust systems and temperature controlled systems (thermostats) • Preventative Maintenance Agreements Designed Specifically For Protecting Your Investment:

* Creates Less Nuisance Equipment Breakdowns

* Can Lower Utility Costs

* All Materials (i.e. air filters, belts, etc) Included in Monthly/Quarterly Pricing

* Extends The Life Of Your Equipment

* Hourly Rate Savings With A Preventative Maintenance Agreement

Just In Time can further offer your company the additional piece of mind in making your decision to bridge a relationship with us by providing references from existing restaurant chains/businesses that are pleased with the service and dedication we have been providing to them. So if you have an existing signed service contract, check the expiration date before it automatically renews, and give us a call to find out how/if you can save money and still receive quality, prompt service! Our phone # is 608-839-0383 or you can call Justin direct @ 608-403-1111. Just In Time Refrigeration LLC Justin Boid 1985 15th Ave. Friendship, WI 53934 608-839-0383 www.justintimeref.net


On Premise 2012 July/August


Having worked with tavern and restaurant owners since 1985 when he started Turbo Chemicals, Gene Shafer saw the opportunity to take his involvement with the Tavern League to the next level in 2010 with Saloons-N-Spoons, a hospitality-related newspaper offering targeted advertising that is affordable and effective.


“The paper is growing month by month in popularity with the customers who read them as well as the advertisers who support the free paper,” reports Shafer. “We try to make the paper fun and interesting to read. We also try to make the paper informative and helpful for the readers to find new places to check out and things to do.” A local guide to bars, restaurants, entertainment, music and more, Saloons-N-Spoons is distributed from about 30 miles south of Stevens Point, all the way north to Minocqua. That includes Wisconsin Rapids, Wautoma, Waupaca, Mosinee, Wausau, Merrill, Tomahawk, Rhinelander, Three Lakes, Eagle River and about almost all the other small towns in between. “We pass out over 11,500 copies per month and will be boosting that total this summer,” says Shafer. “Eventually we will be expanding the paper to different areas and hope to have five or six different editions across Wisconsin in the next few years.” By the end of the summer, Shafer will incorporate codes into most of the newspaper’s advertising to direct people to the advertiser’s websites, Facebook pages or “to whatever other message they want to get out.” Discounts on advertising rates are available to Tavern League Members. In addition to the newspaper, Shafer offers drink passport books that offer buy-one-get-one-free coupons from the participating establishments. The books are currently available in Portage and Marathon counties, and the next book will be drink deals of the Northwoods. Recognizing the power of mobile, Shafer’s company has developed a mobile app that allows people to use paperless coupons through their smartphones. “By simply bookmarking our website, they will have all the participating bars’ phone numbers, addresses, websites, Facebook pages and more stored and available at their fingertips.” Shafer has been an Affiliate Member of the Tavern League since he started the paper in March 2010. While he tries to donate advertising space to worthy causes each month, Shafer is a strong supporter of the SafeRide program, helping the Tavern League promote events and fundraisers. “I feel the Tavern League is a very important organization for helping support small business owners’ rights, as well as a great way to meet new people who work in the industry.” Saloons-N-Spoons Gene Shafer, Owner 715-846-7984 www.saloons-n-spoons.com www.drinkpunchcard.com • saloonsnspoons@yahoo.com


INSPHERE INSURANCE SOLUTIONS If Steve Boyer doesn’t have the answer, he knows someone who will. “I have over 26 years experience as a licensed insurance agent in the state of Wisconsin,” says Boyer, of Insphere Insurance Solutions. “If I don’t have the answer, I can find it.” One of the fastest-growing insurance companies in America, Insphere fulfills the insurance needs of small business and the middle-income families and contracts with the top carriers in the industry for life, health, Medicare, long-term care and disability income insurance, as well as policies for specific diseases. All these types of insurance, says Boyer, who is based in Mukwonago, help protect a person’s assets. For instance, says Boyer, term life insurance rates are at historical lows. “Many people are underinsured and may not realize how little money it takes to protect your loved ones.” Term life insurance is one way to give your family peace of mind. Long-term care insurance helps pay for your care toward the end of your life, such as time in a nursing home or assisted living facility; without this protection, these costs are paid by the estate, lessening its value for your children and grandchildren. Boyer notes that it’s best to invest in long-term care insurance when you’re younger to get more competitive rates. Disability insurance helps pays for everyday expenses after a disabling illness or accident. “Health insurance pays the doctor, but who pays you when you can’t work? Disability insurance,” says Boyer. With changes to health care and the uncertainty of health care reform, Boyer recommends that individuals check in with their agents, especially if their health policies are a few years old; these may be “grandfathered out” under reform and not offer the mandated coverages more recent policies do. Plus, regular check-ins are a good practice to ensure you have the coverage and protection you need for yourself, your family and your business. Many family-owned businesses, says Boyer, find it difficult to plan the transition of the business to younger family members. Insphere has specialists who can help Members with a succession plan to transfer the business, as well as estate planning. “Most small businesses don’t have a plan in place for that, but it’s so important.” Boyer, who used to be a bartender, became an Affiliate Member seven years ago. “I joined because Insphere’s niche is the self-employed market and all the tavern owners are self-employed, so I can relate well.” (All of Insphere’s agents are self-employed.) The company has offices and agents located in all areas of the state to serve Members.

Team Name/Tavern Contact Person Phone # Name

Shirt Size


Shirt Size

“I have the experience and knowledge to truly help Tavern League Members, and I understand their concerns,” says Boyer. “Plus, with 25 major insurance lines, we have a lot of options and can find something to meet Members’ needs.”


Shirt Size


Shirt Size

Guest Dinner Only #

@ $20 =

Insphere Insurance Solutions Steve Boyer, Licensed Insurance Agent 866-511-0738 sboyer@insphereis.com www.insphereis.com/sboyer

Golf Registrations #

@ $100 =

Tavern League of Wisconsin

** I would like to be a hole sponsor at a cost of $100. Enclose money with application.

2012 July/August On Premise




Uncertain Times




By Kimberly Ruef, CPA




s we head into another election season, we are facing a very uncertain time. Numerous tax provisions are scheduled to expire at the end of 2012, and if no legislative action is taken there could be big tax implications.


Provisions Expiring December 31, 2012:

• FICA reduction – The employees’ portion of FICA taxes will revert to 6.2% from its current 4.2% level for wages paid after January 1, 2013.


• Individual income tax rates will revert to the 15%, 28%, 31%, 36%, and 39.6% levels from their current 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35% levels.


are placed in service. For 2012, the limits are $139,000 and $560,000 respectively.

• If you have the ability to accelerate income into 2012, consider doing so.

• 50% bonus depreciation available in 2012 will not be available in 2013 and later years.

• Those in danger of losing their homes should attempt to have the foreclosure process completed before the end of 2012.


• The exclusion of up to $2 million of qualifying principal residence indebtedness expires on December 31, 2012. • Employees making elective deferrals into a health FSA (Flexible Spending Account) will be limited to $2,500. Currently there is no limitation.


• Long-term capital gains will be taxed at a maximum rate of 20% (up from 15%).

• Medical expenses will not be deductible unless you itemize and your total expenditures exceed 10% of your AGI (Adjusted Gross Income). Currently the limit is 7.5%.

• Qualified dividends will no longer be taxed at 15%, but at your marginal tax rate.

• Personal exemption and itemized deduction phase-out are back for 2013.

• The child tax credit reverts back to $500 per qualifying child from its current $1,000 level.

• The “marriage penalty” returns in 2013.


• Earned income credit rules revert to 2001, including no additional credit for taxpayers with more than two children. • The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for hiring qualified veterans expires.

• The American Opportunity Tax Credit expires ($2,500 maximum credit for higher education expenses). The Hope Credit will again be available ($1,500 maximum credit). • The Section 179 (First year expensing) deduction is limited to $25,000 and phases out if more than $200,000 of eligible assets 32

On Premise 2012 July/August

Kimberly Ruef, CPA is a partner with Wegner LLP, CPAs & Consultants and Wegner Payroll Group with offices in Madison, Baraboo, and Waukesha. She has been providing accounting and tax services to businesses and business owners for over 20 years. This article is not intended to give you complete tax advice, but a general review of the subject matter.


Phone: (608) 274-4020 Email: kim.ruef@wegnercpas.com

• Estate and gift tax rules in effect in 2001 will be in effect again beginning January 1, 2013. The maximum estate tax rate will be 55% (35% in 2012), and the exclusion amount will be $1 million per taxpayer (currently $5,120,000).


• Dependent care credit is limited to $2,400 per qualifying dependent ($3,000 in 2012), and the rate of the credit is reduced from 35% to 30%.

• Large asset purchases could be accelerated into 2012, but be careful, this may work against you if you’re attempting to move earnings into 2012.


Assuming no action is taken, this will be an important year for tax planning (and even if some action is taken, many of these favorable provisions are likely to be gone). Some ideas to consider: • Recognized long-term capital gains in 2012. • Closely-held C-Corporations with Earnings & Profits should consider paying dividends in 2012. • If large medical expenses are expected, consider accelerating into 2012. www.tlw.org

As of July 1, 2012 Ackley Novelty Inc

DeVere Company Inc.

Johnson Brothers Beverage

Pub Passports

Advanced Draft Solutions LLC

Dierks Waukesha

Johnson Dist. Inc.

Affiliated Investment Group

Dining Publications LLC

JP Graphics Inc.

Qpondog Text Message Marketing Specialists

Airgas National Carbonation



Alliance Insurance Centers, LLC

Disher Insurance Services

Keg-Stands, LLC

Allied Games, Inc.

DJ D-Train

Kessenich’s Ltd

Allied Insurance Centers Inc.

Edge One Inc

Kobussen Buses, Ltd

American Entertainment Services, Inc.

El Cortez Hotel & Casino (The)

Krantz Electric Inc.

American Income Life

Electro-Kold Corporation

Lakes Business Group Inc

American Welding & Gas

Emil’s Pizza, Inc.

Lamers Bus Lines

Amusement Devices Inc

Empire Development & Construction Inc.

Lebby’s Frozen Pizza

App Mountain LLC ATM Network Inc. Audio Excitement B & K Bar & Restaurant Supplies B-M Music & Games Badger Hood Cleaning Baer’s Beverage Inc. Baraboo Sysco Food Services Baraboo Tent & Awning BarsGuru Enterprises LLC Bay Tek Games Bay Towel/Linen Rental Beechwood Distributors, Inc. Benedict Refrigeration Service, Inc. Best Bargains Bevinco Bi-State Point Of Sale Solutions Big Daddy Games LLC Big Game Sports Cards/Sterling Graphics Blondie Enterprises BMI (Broadcast Music Inc) Bob Schuchardt Insurance Boelter Companies Bromak Sales Inc Buy Right Purchasing Group LLC Cash Depot Central Ceiling Systems, Inc. Chambers Travel Cintas Corporation Coffee Express, Inc. Cornerstone Processing Solutions, Inc. Corporate Casuals & Promotional Products

Energy Distributing Engels Commercial Appliance, Inc. Flanigan Distributing Fleming’s Fire I Flipside Coin Machines Inc Fox Valley Clean Air Freistadt Alte Kameraden Band Friebert, Finerty & St. John, S.C. Game Management Corp. Games Are Us Inc General Beer - Northeast, Inc. General Beverage Sales Co Glavinsured Agency, Inc. Great Lakes Amusements Great Lakes Beverage Great Northern Amusements Guardian Pest Solutions, Inc Gunderson Linen Heartland Payment Systems Hiawatha Chef, Bar and Janitorial Supply Hidden Bay Graphics Holiday Wholesale Inc Hood Cleaning Pros. Hospitality Services Corp. Huebsch Services Hyer Standards Ideal Ad & Sportswear Impact Seven, Inc. Independent Insurance Services Inc. Indianhead Foodservice Dist. Inc Insphere Insurance Solutions Is It 2b Marketing

D & D Amusement Games LLC

JBM Amusements

Dean Health Plan

Jim’s Tap Cleaning LLC

Delafield Brew Haus

John Hancock

Tavern League of Wisconsin

Lee Beverage Of Wisconsin LLC Lehmann Farms M & R Amusements & Vending LLC Madison Area City Guide Magnuson Industries Inc. Mass Appeal Specialties Inc. MBA Corp. Micro Matic Midstate Amusement Games Midwest Amusements Midwest Coin Concepts Of WI Milwaukee Brewers Milwaukee Bucks Mitchell Novelty Co. Modern Cash Register Systems Moy, Borchert, Erbs & Associates, LLP MPI Protective Services* Murphy Desmond S.C. Mutual Of Omaha MyBarWI.com National Chemicals, Inc. New Glarus Brewing Co New York Life Northern Lakes Amusement Northwest Coin Machine Co Original Ovenworks Pizza Pantheon BC Paradise Printing Company Park Ridge Distributing, Inc. Pehler Distributing, Inc. Pep’s Pizza / Benetti Per Mar Security Services Plunkett’s Pest Control Portesi Italian Foods, Inc. Precision Pours, Inc. Preferred Distributors, LLC

R & S Marketing Racine Amusement Inc. Red’s Novelty LTD Reindl Printing Reinhart Food Service, LLC Riverside Foods, Inc. S & S Distributing, Inc. Saloons N Spoons/Turbo Chemical Sam’s Amusement Co Sam’s Club Sanimax Marketing LTD Saratoga Liquor Co, Inc. Schmidt Novelty Serralles USA Brands Service Specialists Slack Attack Communications Special Olympics Wisconsin, Inc. Stansfield Vending Inc. Star Connection, Satellite & Security Stealth Solutions Stevens Point Brewery Stinky Gringo Margarita Inc. Sunroom Design Group Superior Beverages LLC Superior Vending Swanel Beverage Inc./Banzai Tamarak Design’s This Drinks on Us, LLC Ticket King Inc. Toccata Gaming International, LLC Total Merchant Services Of WI Total Register Systems Travel Leaders Tri-Mart Corporation Tricky Dick & Joyce Specialty US Foodservice Vern’s Cheese Inc Vital Tokens Wausau Coin Machines Inc. WI Hospitality Insured Wil-Kil Pest Control Windy Water Amusements Wine Institute Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps

2012 July/August On Premise




May 20 to June 30, 2012

PRESIDENT’S State Only Mickey’s Bar Don Sports Tony DISTRICT 1 Kenosha City Denny’s Sports Den Jackie Dehoria Kenosha

Sandbar Sports Pub Inc. Dan Murphy Pewaukee Crabby Joe’s Bar Iris & Joe Garcia Waukesha


Marquette County Pub N’ Prime Peter C. Michalos Marquette Portage County Bullpen Tracy Rosenthal Rosholt Wood County Lefty’s Keith Polster Marshfield Foley’s Nita Brew Kevin E. Foley Nekoosa Sideroads Food & Spirits LLC James Marceau Wisconsin Rapids District 6 Brown County Anduzzi’s Sports Club Mike Tomasik Green Bay Billy Goats Pub Sue Long Green Bay Phase II Heather Hazaert Green Bay Sand Box (The) Mike Watson Green Bay Marinette County Leanne’s Green Lantern Leanne Krueger Coleman Oconto County Rhode’s Junction Margaret E. Rhode Suring District 7 Clark County Boozers Bar & Grill Pamela Geiger Dorchester Mug (The) & JJ’s Pizzeria Jill Johnson Merrillan

LOCAL LEAGUE District 3 Grant/Iowa County Whispering Winds Winery James Eisele Fennimore Juneau County Das Rasthaus Heather Boers Cazenovia La Crosse City/County Howie’s Ryan Johnson & Mike Gorder La Crosse

Kenosha County Home Again Restuarant Terri Schubkegel Bristol Cross Lake Inn Angela Visconti Trevor Foxy’s Kathie McCarty Trevor Racine City Monroe County Depot Bar & Grill (The) Angelini’s Pizzeria Mark Gracyalny & Ristorante, LLC Caledonia Antonio Angelini Sparta South Central Yellowstone Golf Course LLC Richland County John Emery Watering Hole Blanchardville Lone Stop Shell Lone Rock Sinners LLC Joshua Foulker Sauk County Monroe Wintergreen Resort Julie Johnson Walworth County Lake Delton Fat Cat’s Mark Basil District 4 Lake Geneva Manitowoc County Bullpen Sports Bar Zenda Tap LLC Dave Stuebs Jose Hernandez Manitowoc Lake Geneva Skinny Dip Inn District 2 Debra Andrusak Jefferson County Manitowoc Golden Lake Pub Meribeth Shovick Sheboygan County Oconomowoc Blue Harbor Resort Jesse Wilder Madison/Dane County Sheboygan Ivory Room Piano Bar Jack Sosnowski District 5 Madison Marathon County Down Under Bar & Grill Waukesha County Jennifer Fischer A.J. O’Brady’s Irish Pub Stratford Bruce Russell Menomonee Falls BB Jacks Frank & Pam Stimac Wausau






On Premise 2012 July/August





Washburn County Foxxy’s Bar & Grill Mark Andrea Spooner Snag’s Sports Bar George Basgall Spooner District 9 Milwaukee County Hospitality Cat-Daddy’s Pub & Grub Cat West Cudahy Brass Monkey II Ron Thelen Milwaukee Lakeland Area Lucky’s Irish Pub & Grill Legends of the North, Inc. Arben Useni Kevin D. Brandt Milwaukee Saint Germain Mamie’s Pub ‘n Prime Inc Debra L. Mickey Mark Wagner Milwaukee Saint Germain Milwaukee Nights Pub LLC Oneida County Joshua N. Acosta Moonlighting Milwaukee Barb Shovick Rhinelander Still Shakers Brent Rupcich Milwaukee Price County Merri Cassidy’s Mike Lasusa’s Merri Cassidy Michael Lasusa Fifield Oak Creek Sawyer County Emilia’s Grotto & Mollica’s Dows Corner Bar Sport Pub Barbara Timme John Mollica Hayward West Milwaukee Louie’s Landing Pamela Brown Hayward Wildlife Museum & Bar Kathleen Tworek Hayward BP Food Mart & Sports Shop Rodney Cooper Winter Superior/Douglas County Norwood Golf Course Jim Nicholas Lake Nebagamon Rapids Riverside Cheryl Skylondz South Range




Pepin County Prock’s Construction Zone Bar Alex Prock Durand Polk County Top Spot Tavern Nick Elert Balsam Lake District 8 Greater Northwoods Harbor Lights Inn Lowell W. Hines Saxon


Jackson County JP’s Rider Inn Julie Prieur Millston



TLW “Winter Getaway” ALL-INCLUSIVE CRUISE 2013

February 23 - March 3, 2013 Aboard the NORWEGIAN DAWN

Depart Saturday, spend one night in Tampa FL, set sail Sunday for 7 nights. Ports of Call include: • Tampa – FLORIDA • Costa Maya – MEXICO • Roatan – HONDURAS

• Belize City – BELIZE • Cozumel – MEXICO

Inside CABIN

$1,545.00/per person Green Bay/Appleton/Milwaukee departure

$1,445.00/per person Minneapolis departure

Balcony CABIN

$1,830.00 per person Green Bay/Appleton/Milwaukee departure

$1,730.00 per person Minneapolis departure


$159.00 + tax/per room (includes hot breakfast)

INCLUDES Round trip air fare from Green Bay, Appleton, Milwaukee or Minneapolis (limited seats), round trip transfers, 7 nights aboard the NORWEGIAN DAWN, all meals and beverages on the premium beverage package. DOES NOT INCLUDE Hotel 1 night prior to departure in Tampa (payable upon arrival) and $12 per person per day gratuity for cabin steward, bus boy and waiter (added to cabin account daily). Prices based on 2 passengers sharing a cabin. DEPOSIT $125.00 per person to reserve cruise (check or credit card) $100.00 per person to reserve air (check only) Final Due December 7, 2012 CONTACT patti@chamberstravel.net or 920-496-9596/800-235-9596 www.chamberstravel.info for more information Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 July/August On Premise


LEGISLATIVE The historic recalls are over.

By Scott Stenger Stenger Government Relations



What began last February ended with the Recall Election of





s the 2011 legislative session began Republicans held an 18-15 majority in the State Senate. Through the course of two recall elections, one in August 2011 and the other June 5th, State Senate Democrats defeated three incumbent Republican Senators to take a 17-16 majority in the State Senate.

DISTRIBUTOR Governor Scott Walker and Lt.

Governor Rebecca Kleefisch on

June 5th. Governor Walker and Lt Governor Kleefisch easily survived the recall elections and will serve out their term which goes until January 3, 2015. While Democrats were not successful in recalling Governor Walker they did take control of the State Senate.

In addition to the US Senate race, there will be a number of primaries for State Senate and State Assembly races. The August 14th primary will trim the Republican field to take on Democrat Tammy Baldwin to fill the seat of retiring Senator Herb Kohl. Four Republicans are running to take on Baldwin: Tommy Thompson, Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, Eric Hovde and Mark Neumann.


The even numbered seats of the State Senate are up for election in November. With the upcoming November election, their majority may be short lived as Democrats will have a difficult job of defending three seats while Republicans have no seats in play. Republicans need to win one of three targeted seats to recapture the majority. In the State Assembly Republicans hold a 59-38-1 majority and all 99 seats are up for election this fall. There are two significant changes voters should be aware of going into the 2012 elections. The Primary date was pushed back one month to August 14th and candidates for the state Legislature will be running in newly drawn legislative districts. It is important to make note of these changes now to make certain you are fully informed what district you are in and to make plans to vote via absentee ballot if you are out of town for the August 14th primary. Tavern League of Wisconsin President Rob Swearingen is running for the State Assembly in the 34th District and will have a primary election on August 14th.

The other big change this year is the new legislative districts candidates are running in. Every 10 years the Legislature must redraw State Senate and State Assembly districts to reflect the shift in population. The newly created districts will be in place for the August 14th primary and the November 6th general election. The new maps have made significant changes in districts across the state. It is recommended that you check to see what State Senate and State Assembly district you are in prior to the primary and general elections.

The change in the Primary date was a result of a federal deadline to mail overseas ballots. As a result the Primary will be in the summer which will likely impact turnout. Early estimates are voter turnout in August will only be around 10%. The Republican US Senate race is the only statewide race to appear on the August 14th ballot. 36

On Premise 2012 July/August


WHO REPRESENTS ME? To view a complete list of all candidates running in the state senate and state assembly please go to www.TheWheelerReport.com and click on elections.

Assembly District Map

Senate District Map

For interactive maps, visit the site here: http://maps.legis.wisconsin.gov/redistricting

Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 July/August On Premise




eave it to the Londoners to give a bad rap to a good thing. While many suppose gin is the product of England, Dutch physician Franciscus Sylvius is credited with inventing this light-colored liquor in the 16th century as a curative for people suffering from kidney disease. Sylvius named his concoction genievre, French for juniper, the berries of which give gin its distinct flavor and aroma. Made of a mash of various cereal grains, gin is often also flavored with anise, coriander, almond and more. British troops first happened upon gin in the 1600s in Holland as they were fighting the Spanish in the Eighty Years War; gin reportedly produced a calming effect for the soldiers before going into battle, earning it the nickname “Dutch courage.” In the 18th century, mass production of gin exploded when King William the III banned the importation of expensive liquor from France and made gin affordable to the masses. In the mid-1700s, it is estimated that of all the drinking establishments in London, not including coffee shops, over half were gin shops. In fact, some historians speculate that unsafe, poorly made gin lifted London’s death rate higher than its birth rate for a period in the 1700s. Until the 20th century, turpentine was a common additive in cheap gin, which gave gin its characteristic juniper berry flavor without the need for pricier distillations with berries and spices. Through the centuries, improvements in manufacture and design of gin stills and the distilling process gave way to what many consider the highmark of gin styles, London Dry. This style of gin is highly distilled, with “dry” referring to the elimination of sweeteners and other unnatural flavors. While it is now the world’s most popular gin, for years this style of gin was made outside London and only recently has the city seen a resurgence in distillers interested in making the city’s signature gin. Stateside, gin gained ground during Prohibition because it could be distilled in bathtubs and didn’t require vats, barrels and other equipment. That also made it a popular base spirit for many classic mixed drinks, including the martini. Another classic gin drink, the gin and tonic, has a more illustrious history. In tropical British colonies, gin was used to mask the bitter flavor of quinine, which was the only effective anti-malarial compound until the 1940s. Quinine, which comes from the bark of 38

On Premise 2012 July/August

the cinchona tree, was dissolved in carbonated water to form tonic water and then mixed with gin. (Don’t worry – modern tonic water contains only a trace of quinine as a flavoring.) Gin is on an upward trajectory in terms of variety and products to market. Unlike other spirits, there are very loose guidelines when it comes to making gin. The base can be nearly anything; London Dry Gins are typically made from wheat, Holland’s genever gins use fermented barley or rye, and other types start with sugar cane or fruits like grape and apple. Most gins require no aging (and by law, manufacturers cannot qualify their gin by age), which also means it’s easier for producers to experiment and release new products quickly.

However, your favorite gin for a martini won’t necessarily be your best choice for a gin and tonic and vice versa. While many of the newer, more botanically dominated gins are best in martini form when splashed with dry vermouth, their subtle flavors can get overpowered when combined with tonic. As such, the classic choice for a gin and tonic remains a London dry-style gin, like Tanqueray, Beefeater, Seagram’s and the like. Thanks to its herbaceous and floral nature, gin’s piney complexity makes it a good match for citrus, fruit and herbs and an ideal base for steamy weather. Here are two summer-ready gin cocktails to choose from:

Tom Collins

This cocktail-hour standard for more than 150 years is best served with a slice of orange and atomic red-colored maraschino cherry.

1 ½ ounces fresh-squeezed lemon juice ½ ounce superfine sugar 3 ounces gin Seltzer, to taste Combine lemon juice and sugar in a 24-ounce glass and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add gin and fill the glass with large ice cubes. Top with seltzer until the glass is full. Garnish with a maraschino cherry pinned to an orange slice, if desired.

Gin Rickey

Often referred to as “air conditioning in a glass,” the Rickey is named after a 19th century lobbyist.

½ ounce fresh lime juice Splash of simple syrup 1 ½ ounces London dry gin Soda water In a highball or rocks glass full of ice, squeeze half a lime and toss in the rind. Add the gin and simple syrup and top up with soda. Garnish with another lime slice if desired.




As published in the Waushara Argus newspaper








Members from the Tavern League include; back Row: Murf Corner (Murf’s Bar), Dean Tschurwald (Dogger’s Lanes), Gary Burmeister (Billy B’s), Dianne Shafer (Lambeaul Lanes), Dennis Felton (Wild Rose Hotel), Gene Lorenz (Unbearable Pub), Jason Scharping (Waushara Country Club); front row, Crystal Church (Zinkes), Sheila Dassow (The Hideaway), Denise Blader (Blader’s Dakota Inn) and Mary McCrory (Stumble Inn).

When Denise Blader, owner of Blader’s Dakota Inn for 12 years, walked into a meeting for the Waushara County Tavern League for the first time she was not expecting to walk out as the organization’s president. She could not believe she was being nominated but she accepted the display of members’ faith in her abilites and she has not looked back since. Blader heads a thriving organization both in the state and within Waushara County. The Tavern League has existed in Wisconsin for seventy-seven years and has had a presence in Waushara County for about fifty years.



Currently, forty-one bars and taverns in the area make up the Tavern League. Anyone is eligible for membership as long as they pay their yearly dues of $150, of which $25 stays right here in Waushara County. The many benefits to membership include a fulltime lobbyist in Madison. According to Blader, one of the best days to be part of the League is the date in which Waushara County Tavern League members descend in numbers on the state capitol and talk to their members of the legislature firsthand. In recent years, the smoking ban and roadblocks were discussed. The state organization also sponsors a state convention every year in which members can hear motivational and educational speakers such as Robin Yount, former Milwaukee Brewer.



In Waushara County, the League meets every second Tuesday of the month. Each time a new venue is chosen, spreading out the benefits of hosting with preference given to new members that attend meetings for the first time. At each meeting, members discuss laws, events and fundraisers. Sometimes vendors come and talk about new products, ideas and services. Blader says the League has a good relationship with Sheriff David Peterson, who sometimes attends meetings to discuss law changes and delve into common problems. Another benefit of League membership is the regular Spotlight section published in the Resorter, which highlights a different League member tavern each month. A relief fund for members also exists that comprises gifts of $500 for local taverns falling under hard times.



One of the greatest services the League provides the community is the SafeRide Program that has been in existence for ten years. SafeRide provides free rides home for any patron of a League institution. In Waushara County, the League contracts private drivers who are paid $30 per ride to provide transporation at any hour. Cities tend to use this service more often where taxis are also contracted to provide the service. The money for this program comes from the 1999 Wisconsin Act 109 that established a surcharge on every DWI conviction. The surcharge goes directly into paying for the SafeRide Program. Between the years of 2010-2011, the total number of riders using the program in Wisconsin was 65,042, with 100 of those riders coming from Waushara County.

“I would like people to be more aware of this service, that it is out there and that it is free,” says Blader. “I wish every place was a member [of the Tavern League] because then each tavern could offer this service.” If Blader’s wish came true, everyone would know that no matter which bar they chose, they could get a safe ride home. Currently, Waushara County has only three privately contracted drivers. The League is always looking to hire more.


The Tavern League has adopted the policy that the best ways to open those doors are those that give back to the community. Every year the League sponsors three main fundraisers that donate money to community organizaitons. One annual fundraiser is the Tavern League Golf Outing that usually occurs at Two

Tavern League of Wisconsin


In short, the League exists on the state and local level to bring people together so that they can accomplish things they cannot do on their own. Its purpose is to support the local business of the bar industry. The League offers this support finanically but also creatively. According to Blader, meetings at the local level include a time to brainstorm new ideas on how “to make business better” or “how to survive”. Blader’s philosophy maintains, “If you open the door, they come”. Together, the Tavern League supports each other by helping each other open those doors.


Oaks but this year will be hosted by the Waushara Country Club on July 15. Different venues host the bowling tournament each year and around Christmas, a banquet is held. Blader is especially involved in this event because her bar and restaurant, Blader’s Dakota Inn, hosted the event in the last few years. Each year money raised at the banquet is donated to five charities. This past December $1,000 each was given to Habitat for Humanity, the Food Pantry, Crimestoppers, Waushara County Christmas Project and the Department of Aging. The State League also matches fundraising up to $1500 each year. The Waushara County Tavern League chooses to spread this money out over the year around its members. This gives local fundraisers, even those occuring at single taverns, money for their individual events. The League also supports local high school graduates by funding scholarships given to each of the local high schools. This year’s recipients include Makayla Marinack, Tri-County; Charlotte Jones, Wautoma; Kyle Kalish, Westfield and Molly Abraham, Wild Rose.

Blader strongly believes in the importance of the League and their role as supporters of community life. “Bars get a bad rap,” she says. “We want people to realize that we are locally-owned businesses and are part of the community. We are here not just to be places where people consume alcohol but we are gathering places.” Blader sees the taverns of Waushara County as vital parts of the fundraising process. “Everyone goes to the bars and restaurants first to receive donations. I know I have never turned down an opportunity to support the community by giving a gift certificate.” With its mission to give back, this county’s Tavern League is healthy and going strong.



2012 July/August On Premise


The ABL Convention in Las Vegas

The National ABL Convention was held June 10-12 at the Monte Carlo Resort in Las Vegas. Tavern League Members and staff attended the event that included keynote speakers from the beverage alcohol industry and industry-related seminars. Among the many activities was the final night awards dinner. Receiving the Brown-Forman Retailer of the Year Award was Pat Purtell of Terry’s Bar in Oshkosh, WI. Congratulations Pat! Approximately 20 TLW Members attended this year’s event and enjoyed the hospitality displayed by the American Beverage Licensees.


On Premise 2012 July/August


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Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 July/August On Premise


ADVERTISER INDEX Anheuser-Busch, Inc. www.anheuser-busch.com........................................................ 20 Benedict Refrigeration Service, Inc. www.benedictrefrigeration.com..................... 16 Cash Depot www.cashdepot.com................................................................................... 37 Department of Health Services (Wisconsin Wins) www.smokecheck.org................... 9

Great Lakes Amusement

Disher Insurance Service www.disherinsurance.com................................................ 41


Edge One, Inc. www.edgeone.com................................................................................. 27 Engels Commercial Appliance, Inc. www.engelsinc.com.............................................. 7 Great Lakes Amusement www.glastore.com................................................................ 42 Magnuson Industries, Inc. www.posi-pour.com........................................................... 16 Midwest Financial Processing www.mfpatm-safe.com............................................... 41 MillerCoors www.millercoors.com............................................................................... BC Newton Manufacturing Company www.newtonmfg.com/jimflynn............................ 42

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Many American-made Products Available Newton Mfg. Rep. – Jim Flynn Janesville 608-758-3470 or Cell 608-201-2055 Email: jimsspecialties@yahoo.com Website: www.newtonmfg.com/jimflynn

Pep’s Original Pizza www.pepspizza.com..................................................................... 27 Precision Pours, Inc. www.precisionpours.com.......................................................... 29 Riverside Foods www.riversidefoods.com...................................................................... 7 Sanimax USA Inc. www.sanimax.com.......................................................................... 14 Serralles USA www.destileriaserralles.com................................................................. 14 Smart Move Realty (Thunder Inn for sale) www.jancares.com................................. 14 Smart Move Realty (Klinkers Bar for sale) www.jancares.com................................. 14 Society Insurance www.societyinsurance.com..........................................................IFC Stealth Solutions www.stealthsolutionsllc.com........................................................... 13 SYSCO Food Services of Baraboo, Inc. www.baraboosysco.com................................ 16 Total Register Systems www.trs-pos.com...................................................................... 27 WAMO www.wamo.net.................................................................................................... 25 Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps www.wimilkcaps.com.................................................. 42 Wisconsin Wine & Spirits Institute..............................................................................IBC Yahara Bay Distillers www.yaharabay.com.................................................................. 27


On Premise 2012 July/August


Heidi Koch Slack Attack Communications




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