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BASTARD CHOOSE MY IDENTITY BY: CHRISTIAN ERNST LARS HARMSEN ANDRE ROSLER ULRICH WEISS AUTHORS: LASZLO CSIBA RADEK KNAPP SUDABEH MOHAFEZ JOSE F. A. OLIVER SELIM OZDOGAN ILIJA MARINOW TROJANOW BASTARD Choose my Identity – Tell me who I am and give me a face. In it you will find facets of me, but also see a reflection of yourself. BASTARD brought together photographers, writers, illustrators, graphic designers, musicians and typographers to create a unique book that also functions as a work of art. Their personal impressions have served to shed light on our modern culture – on daily life, on the themes of change and continuity. We must define who we are and be able to form both national and personal identities for ourselves. In this journey we may come to see that globalization is not a completely negative force, but offers us proof that we are living in an exciting era. What happens when all of the disparate places and faces of the world “shrink” into a global village? What happens when cultures begin to merge and traditions start to dissolve? Searching to define cultural identity and bastarding, Ch. Ernst, L. Harmsen and A. Rösler traveled to various hot spots highlighting the globalization trend. Writers with personal histories of emigration contributed their stories and poems. This book includes over 50 typefaces created by typographers from all over the word as well as 50 highresolution images and a musical soundtrack.

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