
The political madness of the First World War produced DADA. While in 2021 we were still looking with trepidation at Donald Trump, it is now Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine that has us terrified. Alongside a seemingly never-ending pandemic and climate change, these topics collectively form a good creative canvas for collages. Well combined, often cheeky, and reduced, collage can punch bluntly and directly in the face.
One of the representative individuals speaking for the revolt of artists against society and its value system is probably Hannah Höch (1889–1978). Höch’s work was intended to dismantle the fable and dichotomy that existed in the concept of the “New Woman”: an energetic, professional, and androgynous woman, who is ready to take her place as man’s equal. Hannah Höch’s “Klebebilder” are some of the most iconic works of the collage style from that period. As a child, Höch was already making paper collages. She created photo montages, using the childlike technique of replacement — interchanging heads and bodies of characters, reshuffling images, exploring gender roles, androgyny, and politics, calling into question the very way society viewed itself. She already created a feminist discourse, which encouraged the emancipa tion of women during the Weimar Republic (1919–1933) and continues through to today.
As of the beginning of last century, “cut, paste and create” stays one of the purest form of expression for our epoch, with all its juxtapositions, eclecticism, and strange bedfellows. Presently, the simple act of mixing together different elements allows us to question our reality and make new.

are open

back up

is coming back, but
have to get
069 Eyad Abushaar → On June 7th, Jeff Bezos announced that he will fly on New Shepard’s first passenger spaceflight of his company Blue Origin on July 20th.
070 Leon Beckmann → Opposition member Roman Protasevich has been arrested at Minsk airport, on a flight between EU member states Greece and Lithuania. Earlier a Ryanair plane was forced to land by the Belarussian presidency by a MiG-29 fighter. Protasevich’s news channel on Telegram is one of the main sources of information for the opposition. After the mass protests against Lukashenko last year, the 26-year-old was put on the wanted list.

handmade typography
Why would a designer ever use anything else to design than a computer? Well, there are things they can’t do. A brushstroke by hand is made in a second. The look of torn paper is created in seconds. The snot of ink runs uncontrolled. The smudged pencil is as unique as the fingerprint. The movement and the energy that one brings to guide the brush or the drawing tool creates a unique result that cannot be copied.
Though it is much more about controlled chance. Through random meetings, experimentation, improvisation, “mistakes,” or even unexpected results — happy accidents combine with sagacious insights to lead to novel outcomes, methodical innovation, changes in design direction, or a new areas of research.
One may ponder: Would all time great designers such as Paul Rand have used computers if they existed? Or would they still go on looking for happy accidents?

digital typography ↘
What is possible today was once unthinkable. US professors, at least the old ones, still used to design with Letraset, and spent hours of painstak ing work assembling typefaces onto repro-ready originals with cutter and glue. The snow of yesterday (at the same time as the glaciers) melted so quickly that we no longer remember it. Personal computers were the first miraculous wave. Soon after, the wonders that have become normality for most, are all the applications that now make it possible to create on smartphones. Complex virtual aesthetics are now possible and invite creatives to experiment and present the wonders found within the chambers of discovery.
Elena Scherweit

A fire on the ocean surface
the “Eye of fire” broke out early on Friday in the Gulf of Mexico near Pemex’ Ku Maloob Zaap oil development. A a gas leak from an underwater pipeline was responsible for starting the blaze captured
videos that quickly went viral.

126 Marie Bochen
power of black people
has been kept secret for centuries.
order to achieve that, white man destroyed the facial features of ancient black pharaoh

are they changing history?

about their sexual

the courage
people speaking
victims there are still some people who think that their allegations are false, claiming, that many are coming forward to get attention.
129 Nadine Sleiman
In Münster, a dispute over getting on and off the bus leads to a knife fight.

everything goes
When people are given the freedom to do anything, this poses a certain problem. Because everything is often too much. And a lot is not every thing. Especially when playing with form and content, the art is not to pull out all the stops, but to operate the keyboard carefully.

001 → @uupsie_daisy
002 → @artintearz
003 → @beckmann_leon
004 → @jacquomo_da_
005 → @lidia_donis
006 → @nor.aboi
007 → @kimlauraunger
008 → @artintearz
009 → @luisa_unbequem
010 → @nadineslmn
011 → @kiraconze
012 → @artintearz
013 → @elenaschrwt
014 → @claudiamai
015 → @kiraconze
016 → @luisa_unbequem
017 → @emmoemmiemma
018 → @eyaddesign
019 → @claudiamai
020 → @mariediabo
021 → @beckmann_leon
022 → @alina_.ti
023 → @lidia_donis
024 → @luisa_unbequem
025 → @kiraconze
026 → @marie_._design 027 → @pauline.hennerkes 028 → @nor.aboi
029 → @beckmann_leon
030 → @luisa_unbequem 031 → @elenaschrwt
032 → @emmoemmiemma
033 → @beckmann_leon
034 → @pauline.hennerkes 035 → @kimlauraunger 036 → @uupsie_daisy 037 → @eyaddesign
038 → @emmoemmiemma 039 → @jacquomo_da_ 040 → @nadinesoentgerath 041 → @beckmann_leon 042 → @marie_._design
043 → @nor.aboi
044 → @nor.aboi
045 → @nadinesoentgerath
046 → @artintearz
047 → @beckmann_leon
048 → @lidia_donis
049 → @kimlauraunger
050 → @kimlauraunger
051 → @kimlauraunger
052 → @luisa_unbequem
053 → @alina_.ti
054 → @jacquomo_da_ 055 → @marie_._design 056 → @eyaddesign 057 → @jacquomo_da_ 058 → @beckmann_leon 059 → @nadineslmn 060 → @lolaundmarlene 061 → @nadineslmn 062 → @juliaagnes__ 063 → @elenaschrwt 064 → @emmoemmiemma 065 → @artintearz 066 → @artintearz 067 → @emmoemmiemma 068 → @juliaagnes__ 069 → @eyaddesign 070 → @beckmann_leon 071 → @pauline.hennerkes 072 → @kiraconze 073 → @lolaundmarlene 074 → @elenaschrwt 075 → @beckmann_leon 076 → @elenaschrwt 077 → @nadineslmn 078 → @claudiamai 079 → @jacquomo_da_ 080 → @claudiamai 081 → @juliaagnes__ 082 → @luisa_unbequem 083 → @juliaagnes__ 084 → @eyaddesign 085 → @juliaagnes__ 086 → @kimlauraunger 087 → @kiraconze 088 → @elenaschrwt 089 → @luisa_unbequem 090 → @nadineslmn 091 → @uupsie_daisy 092 → @emmoemmiemma 093 → @mariediabo 094 → @elenaschrwt 095 → @lolaundmarlene
097 → @nor.aboi 098 → @marie_._design 099 → @mariediabo 100 → @claudiamai 101 → @artintearz
113 → @uupsie_daisy 114 → @nadineslmn 115 → @luisa_unbequem 116 → @artintearz 117 → @juliaagnes__ 118 → @eyaddesign 119 → @juliaagnes__ 120 → @lolaundmarlene 121 → @lolaundmarlene 122 → @lolaundmarlene 123 → @juliaagnes__ 124 → @emmoemmiemma 125 → @elenaschrwt
128 → @mariediabo 129 → @nadineslmn
Alina Rybacka Gruszczyńska vectors pc analog typeface abstract mac forever
Annik Troxler vectors pc analog hand written abstract mac!!
Florian Lamm combination pc combination typeface combination mac
Hey Porter both pc digital typeface abstract windows
Lars Harmsen vectors pc analog typeface abstract mac
Mark Bohle vectors tablet analog typeface clear mac
Markus Lange pixel pc need both both abstract mac
What is your poster design process, which element you like to start with?
Alina Rybacka → It’s hard to point one thing that inspires me. I guess I try to closely observe what is hap pening around me. During the project, I pay attention to the context, environment, and history. Exploring knowledge of typography and typeface design is very helpful. I’m not sure if I have idols or heroes. For sure I follow on Instagram a few great designers like Studio Dumbar because of their animations. Mostly I follow Polish folks like Edgar Bąk, Studio Otwarte, Wędzicka, and many more.
Hey Porter → Movies and songs mostly, Paula Scher, Quentin Tarantino, and Umm Kulthum.
Florian Lamm → It always depends — like all our work — on the task, the client and the artistic freedom. If part of a bigger corporate design then it’s the prod uct of an allover visual concept. If it’s more free then it’s always related to some visual point of interest, and on some visual analog and digital experiments, we are currently engaged in. Sometimes it’s a big discussion with a lot of drafts, arguments, and fails. Sometimes there is only one draft and the idea is properly working. In the last decade we produced a rather big archive of analog and digital ideas for real or unreal tasks. In combination with our professional experience, we use this archive to react fast and specific to numerous kind of visual and conceptual problems.
Lars Harmsen → First think about it. Then design. Often tons of sketches before getting to a final result. Mark Bohle → One of my all time heroes is definitely Seymour Chwast. And I do not believe in the concept of inspiration, I would rather call it influence. There is no specific order. From fun to funerals, everything can be a great influence.
Markus Lange → I think every good poster has that certain magical moment, it’s hard to put into words and I don’t think there is a rule book to create a good poster.
I think you just have to start, try, keep trying, be in a good mood, or a really bad mood, and then in the best case something interesting will come out.
Markus Lange → I have to say that I like to work with collages and make quick sketches before I start on the computer. I like it when there is material on my table in the process and I can just try it out.
What are your preferred / commonly used tools in your design process?
Annik Troxler → Analog techniques, scans, and InDesign.
Florian Lamm → Adobe CS, Touchdesigner, Python Hey Porter → Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Pixologic Zbrush, and Glyphs app.
Lars Harmsen → Many years ago freehand was my thing. Now InDesign just because I am too lazy to get used to other stuff.
Mark Bohle → I guess my primary tool is drawing. The design process usually starts by trying to approach a specific topic by thinking and drawing. This permits a broader image of a topic and captures thoughts in a precise container.
What makes a good poster?
Florian Lamm → A poster brings all required informa tion and your visual ideas as a condensate together in one piece. You purely cannot hide any content — i. e. on a backside. The large and fixed formats are a big benefit as well: You can play with them, react to the size and work with precision.
It’s always a good starting point for visual explora tions. A good poster can be fast, rough, sophisticated, minimal, or overtopping. But always includes a con vincing idea in combination with an astonishing visual expression in form and in print.
Hey Porter → Good concept.
Mark Bohle → As mentioned before, the mandatory element is a surprising one.
Lars Harmsen → Intelligence.
Markus Lange → I think every good poster has that certain magical moment, it’s hard to put into words and I don’t think there is a rule book to create a good poster. I think you just have to get started, try it out, really feel like it and then in the best case it will be good ;-)
What do you think about collaboration between designers?
Annik Troxler → very inspiring.
Florian Lamm → We are a studio with two main part ners, both graphic designers. In a lot of projects, we collaborate with other small studios to enhance our skills. We appreciate collaborations in teams, especially with diversity in the individual positions, where everybody can bring their own skills and profession, where competition is still a game and not a fight.
Hey Porter → 15 minute power naps, and this song: Julian Casablancas +The Voidz — Dare I Care (https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhVefqaUhTg)
Lars Harmsen → Always good to have a sparring part ner, stronger than you are.
Mark Bohle → This depends on the collaboration I guess. In general I prefer working together than work ing against each other.
Markus Lange → I love that and I think it’s really the best thing to work with others and just have a good time. I also like to think and try things out for myself but sessions with others together are absolutely necessary and a big part of me and my work. I wouldn’t go skateboarding alone either.
↘ ↘
Eyad Abushaar
FH Dortmund
018, 037, 056, 069, 084, 118,146, 155, 169, 025, 050, 068, 094
↘ Leon Beckmann
Münster School of Design 003, 021, 029, 033, 041, 047, 058, 070, 075, 028, 063, 074
↘ Alina Timm @alinatimm
FH Dortmund
022, 053, 138, 157, 082
↘ Amr Bakr @bakrawiie Cairo
007, 019, 045, 079
↘ Bassant Omar @imjustabeanie Cairo
001, 055, 065
↘ Céline Raffy @cellii.bellii Cairo 009, 018, 092
↘ Claudia Mai @claudiamai
FH Dortmund
014,019,078,080,100, 112, 133, 154, 163, 049, 088, 090
↘ Elena Scherweit @elenaschrwt
Münster School of Design 013, 031, 063, 074, 076, 088, 094, 102, 110, 125, 145, 031, 071, 080
↘ Emma Wöllstein @emmoemmiemma
FH Dortmund
017, 032, 038, 064, 067, 092, 103, 124, 140, 161, 167, 171, 024, 034, 053, 073
Franziska Filmer @artintearz
FH Dortmund 002, 008, 012, 046, 065, 066, 101, 116, 131, 141, 165, 170
Habiba Elbadrawy
@habiba.m.elbadrawy Cairo 003, 013, 035, 052, 066, 067
Lidia Donis
FH Dortmund 005, 023, 048, 150
Lola Wensky
@lolaundmarlene Münster School of Design 060, 073, 095, 096, 120, 121, 122, 134, 143, 147, 032, 039, 083
Luisa Kohnen
Heba Abubakr @hebaabubakrr Cairo 005
↘ Jacqueline Dalüge @jacquomo_da_
FH Dortmund 004, 039, 054, 057, 079, 109, 130, 164, 033, 087
↘ Julia Rosenberg @juliaagnes__
Münster School of Design 062, 068, 081, 083, 085, 107, 117, 119, 123, 010, 015, 076, 077
Kim-Laura Unger
FH Dortmund 007, 035, 049, 050, 051, 086, 104, 111, 127, 137, 162, 173, 078
↘ Kira Conze
Münster School of Design 011, 015, 025, 072, 087, 061, 064
↘ Lama Gamgoum @lamagamgoum Cairo 017, 029, 070, 086, 095
Münster School of Design 009, 016, 024, 030, 052, 082, 089, 105, 115, 097
↘ Mariam Khattab
@mariamtkhattab Cairo 014, 051, 089
Mariam Khawaga @mariamkhawaga Cairo 004, 044
↘ Marie Bochen
FH Dortmund 020, 093, 099, 126, 128, 142, 156, 091
↘ Marie Sander @marie_._design FH Dortmund 026, 042, 055, 098, 027
Menna Diaa @mennadiaamedhat Cairo 002, 020, 040, 042
Nabeela Tarek @nabeelaroshdy Cairo 006, 023, 030, 038, 056, 059, 084, 098
Nadine Marx @nadinesoentgerath
FH Dortmund
040, 045, 106, 144, 148
↘ Nadine Sleiman @nadineslmn
Münster School of Design 010, 059, 061, 077, 090, 114, 129, 139, 149, 166
↘ Nora Boiko @nor.aboi
FH Dortmund 006, 028, 043, 044, 097, 158, 159, 160, 172, 022, 026, 047, 057, 072, 081
↘ Nouran Ahmed @nouran.ahmeed Cairo 041, 058, 062, 093
↘ Pauline Hennerkes @pauline.hennerkes
FH Dortmund 027, 034, 071, 132, 135, 151, 152, 153, 011, 036, 043, 054, 096
↘ Rana Wassef @ranawassef Cairo 008, 016, 060, 069, 075
↘ Sophie Melot de Beauregard @uupsie_daisy
FH Dortmund 001, 036, 091, 108, 113, 136, 037, 048, 085
↘ Toka Essam @tokaessama Cairo 012, 021
001 → @imjustabeanie
002 → @mennadiaamedhat
003 → @habiba.m.elbadrawy
004 → @mariamkhawaga
005 → @hebaabubakrr
006 → @nabeelaroshdy
007 → @bakrawiie
008 → @ranawassef
009 → @cellii.bellii
010 → @juliaagnes__
011 → @pauline.hennerkes
012 → @tokaessama
013 → @habiba.m.elbadrawy
014 → @mariamtkhattab
015 → @juliaagnes__
016 → @ranawassef
017 → @lamagamgoum
018 → @cellii.bellii
019 → @bakrawiie
020 → @mennadiaamedhat
021 → @tokaessama
022 → @nor.aboi
023 → @nabeelaroshdy
024 → @emmoemmiemma
025 → @eyaddesign
026 → @nor.aboi
027 → @marie_._design
028 → @beckmann_leon
029 → @lamagamgoum
030 → @nabeelaroshdy
031 → @elenaschrwt
032 → @lolaundmarlene
033 → @jacquomo_da_
034 → @emmoemmiemma
035 → @habiba.m.elbadrawy
036 → @pauline.hennerkes
037 → @uupsie_daisy
038 → @nabeelaroshdy
039 → @lolaundmarlene
040 → @mennadiaamedhat
041 → @nouran.ahmeed
042 → @mennadiaamedhat 043 → @pauline.hennerkes 044 → @mariamkhawaga 045 → @bakrawiie 046 → @elenaschrwt 047 → @nor.aboi 048 → @uupsie_daisy 049 → @claudiamai 050 → @eyaddesign 051 → @mariamtkhattab 052 → @habiba.m.elbadrawy 053 → @emmoemmiemma 054 → @pauline.hennerkes 055 → @imjustabeanie 056 → @nabeelaroshdy 057 → @nor.aboi 058 → @nouran.ahmeed 059 → @nabeelaroshdy 060 → @ranawassef 061 → @kiraconze 062 → @nouran.ahmeed 063 → @beckmann_leon 064 → @kiraconze 065 → @imjustabeanie 066 → @habiba.m.elbadrawy 067 → @habiba.m.elbadrawy 068 → @eyaddesign 069 → @ranawassef 070 → @lamagamgoum 071 → @elenaschrwt 072 → @nor.aboi 073 → @emmoemmiemma 074 → @beckmann_leon 075 → @ranawassef
076 → @juliaagnes__ 077 → @juliaagnes__ 078 → @kimlauraunger 079 → @bakrawiie 080 → @elenaschrwt 081 → @nor.aboi 082 → @alina_.ti 083 → @lolaundmarlene 084 → @nabeelaroshdy 085 → @uupsie_daisy 086 → @lamagamgoum 087 → @jacquomo_da_ 088 → @claudiamai 089 → @mariamtkhattab 090 → @claudiamai 091 → @mariediabo 092 → @cellii.bellii 093 → @nouran.ahmeed 094 → @eyaddesign 095 → @lamagamgoum 096 → @pauline.hennerkes 097 → @luisa_unbequem 098 → @nabeelaroshdy

Encounters are often based on coincidences or fortunate circumstances. In this case, the exchange has a lot to do with the long friendship between Lars Harmsen and Markus Lange. Both have been running the collective Poster Rex since 2015. Both teach Communication Design at different universities. Lars in Dortmund and Markus in Cairo. Naturally, both shared the idea to bring each other’s students together and design posters.
In a first round, black and white basic motifs were created, consist ing of typography / text, or image / illustration / photo, or background. Just like in screen printing, the various layers were to be brought together in such a way that they all use the previously created pool.
Symbolically, this is already the first step of sharing cultural identity: that everyone has formulated his idea and vision in advance, but then mixes it with the thoughts and images of others, combines — to then also see from others how their own work moves and acquires new meanings. In terms of content, we covered three themes: Fashion & Subculture, Food, and City.
With all these topics we learned a lot from each other. Not only then, but also in the aftermath. The creation of this publication gave rise to a very close relationship between some of us. We worked together for days and nights, appreciating each other over the countless online sessions and conversations. We became friends in the process.

↙my fashion & subculture
Tell me what you wear and I’ll tell you who you are. Show me your tattoo and I’ll tell you how old you are. Open your wallet, and I’ll tell you which neighborhood you live in. Share your playlist, and I’ll know your friends. Take off your sunglasses, and I’ll see your soul. And yet everything is only a part of what everything is. A great whole, in which I am just as lost as you are.

my city
The city is full of monkeys, it is noisy and smelly. The granny is lonely, the man in the cab is asleep. The guy is hanging on the counter, the mother on the balcony. The boy hits the asphalt, the dealer picks him up. The traffic jam is endless, the air so gray. Good morning Cairo, I come from Dortmund. Habibi, sing me a song about your city, where I can’t be and come to visit.

my food ↙
Let’s imagine that we all go to one place and sit down together as a big group around a table. Everyone brings something to eat and we taste the delicacies of our friends. What would you bring? What story, what memory can you tell about it?
Eating is much more than just satisfying hunger. Eating is transcen dental: the way food is prepared, where it comes from, what rituals and traditions are associated with it carries meaning.

The publisher assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of all informa tion. Publisher and editor assume that material that was made available for publishing, is free of third party rights. Reproduction and storage require the per mission of the publisher. Photos and texts are welcome, but there is no liability. Signed contributions do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publisher or the editor.
Slanted Publishers expressly states that the sale of this publication is solely to cover the costs of production and distribution. Slanted Publish ers does not claim any financial benefits from this project, whose actual publisher is Dortmund University of Applied Sciences. Unfortunately, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences is not able to directly distribute projects such as this one. All works shown here were created as part of the 100 Poster Battle seminar under the direction of Prof. Lars Harmsen at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Used images/photos serve as artistic means in the sense of research and teaching, Slanted Publishers does not assume any liability for all images in this publication.
The German National Library lists this publication in the German National Bibliography; detailed bibliographic data is available on the Internet at dnb.d-nb.de.
About Slanted Publishers:
Slanted Publishers is an internationally active independent publishing and media house, founded in 2014 by Lars Harmsen and Julia Kahl. They publish the award-winning print magazine Slanted, which twice a year focuses on international design and culture. The Slanted blog www.slanted.de and social media have been publishing daily news and events from the inter national design scene and presenting inspiring portfolios from around the world for 18 years. In addition to the Slanted blog and magazine, Slanted Publishers initiates and creates projects such as the Yearbook of Type, tear-off calendars Typodarium and Photodarium, independent type foundry VolcanoType and others. Slanted’s publishing program reflects their own diverse interests, focusing on contemporary design and culture, working closely with editors and authors to produce outstanding publications with meaningful content and high quality. These publications can be found in the Slanted Shop alongside other extraordinary products by young design talents and established producers from all over the world. Slanted was born from great passion and has made a name for itself across the globe. Its design is vibrant and inspiring—its philosophy open-minded, tolerant, and curious.
Slanted Publishers UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Nördliche Uferstraße 4–6 76189 Karlsruhe
T +49 (0) 721 85148268 info@slanted.de slanted.de
© Slanted Publishers, Karlsruhe, 2022 Nördliche Uferstraße 4–6, 76189 Karlsruhe, Germany
© Design by Claudia Mai, Eyad Abushaar, Jacqueline Dalüge, Marie Bochen, Nouran Ahmed, Rana Wassef
All rights reserved. ISBN: 978-3-948440-39-8
Universities: Fachhochschule Dortmund Münster School of Design
Supervision: Prof. Lars Harmsen, Markus Lange
Design: Claudia Mai, Eyad Abushaar, Jacqueline Dalüge, Marie Bochen, Nouran Ahmed, Rana Wassef
Text Edit: Tom Barbereau
Publisher: Slanted Publishers
Publishing Direction: Lars Harmsen, Julia Kahl
Final Artwork: Clara Weinreich, Julia Kahl
Amr Bakr
Bassant Omar
Céline Raffy
Heba Abubakr
Lama Gamgoum
Mariam Khattab
Mariam Khawaga
Menna Diaa
Nabeela Tarek
Nouran Ahmed
Rana Wassef
Toka Essam
Elena Scherweit
Julia Rosenberg
Kira Conze
Leon Beckmann
Lola Wensky
Luisa Kohnen
Nadine Sleiman
Alina Timm
Claudia Mai Emma Wöllstein
Eyad Abushaar
Franziska Filmer
Jacqueline Dalüge
Kim-Laura Unger
Lidia Donis
Marie Bochen
Marie Sander
Nadine Marx
Nora Boiko
Pauline Hennerkes
Sophie Melot de Beauregard