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Publishing House «Slavutich» (Saint-Petersburg), established in June 2003, specializes in editing of periodicals for professionals in building, road-building and mining branches. Its image is determined by specialized catalogues-guides. For the present day the following projects are developed in the framework of the publishing house: «Dorozhnaya Tekhnika», (Road Building Equipment) – contains information on machines, plants and materials for building, repairs and exploiting of highways, manufactured by the world-wide and Russian producers. «Gornaya Tekhnika», (Mining Equipment) – information on wide spectrum of equipment for all the directions of mining industry. «Beton i Zhelezobeton. Materialy. Oborudovaniye. Tekhnologii», (Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Materials. Equipment. Technologies) – in this edition the wide range of questions concerning manufacturing of ready-mixed concrete, concrete and reinforced concrete wares is discussed.
