Sleepwell / September- October'16

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September - October 2016

Neden HOMEVS Yatakları? • • • • • • •

Pozitif enerji ile daha zinde güne merhaba diyebilmek için, Günün tüm yorgunluk ve stresini üzerinizden atmak için, Vücudunuza sunulan destek ile kaslarınızın gevşemesini sağlamak için, Cildinizin daha parlak ve taze kalması için, Pozitif enerji ile uyanabilmek için, Günlük hayatınızda doğru kararlar alabilmeniz için, Fiziksel aktiviteleri daha dinç yapabilmek için,

Why HOMEVS Beds? • • • • • • •

To To To To To To To

welcome the new day with more positive energy, cleanse your body of the fatigue and stress of the day, ensure that your muscles are relaxed by the support to your body, ensure that you skin stays brighter and fresher, wake up with more positive energy, be able to give better decisions in your daily life, be stronger during physical activities,




Kilim.......................................................Back cover Doğtaş.......................................Inside back cover

Mattress, the shining star of Turkey in furniture manufacturing

Kayzer initiates fully furnished sleep centers with Notice


Homevs...................................... Inside front cover


The sleep products sector convenes in Istanbul at SLEEPWELL EXPO

Homevs...................................................................1 A&E Primus Betten.................................................4 Nobel.......................................................................9 Polya......................................................................13 Duralli.....................................................................15

Homevs offers healthy and natural mattresses

Kuştüyü..................................................................17 Edaş.......................................................................19 İxira........................................................................21 Yıldız.......................................................................23 Konfor....................................................................25 Kayzer....................................................................33 SleepWell Expo....................................................49 Ciff..........................................................................59 Pu Magazine......................................................132 Hotel Show..........................................................136



World interior design industry focuses on the trade fair duo, imm cologne and LivingKitchen

CIFF Shanghai hosted the world furniture industry



From The Editor

Showtime in Istanbul

We take pride of being the main successor of establishing the identity of the mattress industry in Turkey. Until the introduction of Sleep Well and Sleep Tech magazines the mattress industry had not identified itself very well in Turkey. It wouldn’t be a good part of the home textile industry nor a respectful segment of the furniture industry. It would be considered somehow inside one of the two sectors. It fact, it wouldn’t need any. It deserves its own identity. It is the mattress industry. Our two magazines have proven this very successfully. The Sleepwell Expo show has cemented this identity. Now, it is time to see the show of the sector in Istanbul. The show will host some 100 companies operating in the machinery, raw materials, components and finished mattress segments of the sleep products industry. We have exhibitors from different countries and we have buyer delegations supported by the Turkish government. Sleepwell Expo, the international show of the Turkish mattress industry, will be open for the industry buyers and to see or to set the trends. How?

The Sleep Zone The show has organized a trend area titled THE SLEEP ZONE. This area will show the latest trends in the industry and will offer the buyers and consumers to compare different alternatives of mattresses.

Turkey is peaceful, Istanbul is lovely, economy is on the rise… Despite many attempts, from in and out of Turkey, it is a fact that the country is on the way to developing further at all respects. There are many smear campaigns to show Turkey as a place of dangers for both, economy and life, the reality is that everything is very well and the democratic system has all controls as in Europe and in the rest of the democratic world. There is only one thing missing in Turkey; we are not promoting our possessions well. I hope our foreign friends are may read the country correctly.

Mehmet Söztutan

w w w . s l e e p t e c h m a g a z i n e . c o m

İstanbul’da şov zamanı Türkiye’de yatak sanayinin kimliğinin oturmasındaki başarımızın haklı gururunu yaşıyoruz. ‘Sleep Well’ ve ‘Sleep Tech’ dergilerinden önce yatak sanayi Türkiye’de sektör olarak iyi konuşlanmamıştı. Ne ev tekstilinde ne de mobilya sanayinde kendine layık olan yeri bulamamıştı. Aslında kendi başına bir sektör, saygın bir sanayi olmayı hak edecek seviyeye gelmişti. Nitekim iki dergimiz bunu ispat etti. Sleepwell Expo fuarımız da sektörün kimliğini iyice perçinledi. Şimdi sektörün İstanbul’daki şovunu izleme zamanı. Fuar makine, ham madde ve komponent alanında faaliyet gösteren 100 civarında markanın sunumlarına sahne olacak. Çeşitli ülkelerden gelen katılımcılar ve alım heyetleri İstanbul yolundalar. Sleepwell Expo, yatak sanayindeki en son trendleri görmek için de iyi bir sürpriz hazırladı:

The Sleep Zone Fuarda bu isimli bir trend alanı organize edildi. Alıcılar ve tüketiciler o alanda hem son trendleri görecekler hem de kendilerine uygun yatak alternatiflerini kıyaslama imkanı bulacaklar. Türkiye huzur dolu, İstanbul çok güzel, ekonomi yükselişte... Türkiye’nin içinden ve dışından yapılan birçok negatif girişim ve kalkışmalara rağmen ülke her alanda gelişmesine devam ediyor. Türkiye’nin tehlikelerle dolu olduğu imajını vermeye çalışan çok kötü niyetli kampanyalar yapılsa da ülkede her şey normal seyrinde, yatırımlar artarak sürüyor, demokratik sistem en az Avrupa’daki ve diğer hür dünyadaki kadar güzel işliyor. Türkiye’nin diğer ülkelerinden noksanı şu ki, imkanlarımızı ve potansiyelimizi iyi tanıtamıyoruz. Herkese iyi fuarlar dileriz...


ISTMAG Matbaacılık Gazetecilik İç ve Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Adına sahibi H.Ferruh IŞIK

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PRINTED BY Vizyon Basımevi İkitelli Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Deposite İş Merk. A6 Blok Kat:3 No:309 Başakşehir/İstanbul Tel: +90 212 6716151 Fax: +90 2126716152


MEGA Group USA announces a new product brand available to all members! MEGA Group USA yeni bir ürün markası sunuyor

REVEAL by XSENSOR branding shown.

Dream Map is a mattress recommendation system with leading-edge pressure mapping technology that will increase your operating revenue, reduce returns, and increase traffic while giving your customers the best mattress shopping experience possible. MEGA Group USA has partnered with XSENSOR Technology, the manufacturers of the REVEAL Mattress Recommendation System, to produce this custom branded system for its membersjust another value-added service the company offers to make your store more profitable.

Dream Map system has planned an efficient showcasing program at Las Vegas Market 2016 July 31 – August 4 in the MEGA showroom B-1154.

Dream Map, vücudun yatak üzerindeki baskı haritasını gösteren teknoloji olup kişi için en ideal yatak tavsiye sistemi. Bu sistem ile alınan yatak hem gelir yönetimi açısından hem de iade oranını azaltıp en iyi yatak alışverişi deneyimi sunuyor. MEGA Group USA XSENSOR Teknolojisi ile çözüm ortaklığı yaparak

Xsensor’un REVEAL teknolojisine uygun üretim yapmaya başlıyor. Bu yeni partnerliği firma ilk kez 31 Temmuz 4 Ağustos tarihleri arasında yapılacak olan Las Vegas Market’ta B-1154 numaralı standında sergileyecek.

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Mattress, the shining star of Turkey in furniture manufacturing Yatak, mobilya üretiminde Türkiye’nin parlayan yıldızı...


Turkey has attracted the attention of the world especially because of the export-oriented growth, structural reforms and major investments in last decade. This has led growth in furniture exports, too, so much so that the sector set its major target 2023 as being one of top-five industries in the world. This idea keeps the sector very assertive. Ahmet Güleç, Chairman of the Board of Federation of Furniture Industrialists and Businessmen (MOSFED), says that they had targeted to be one of the first 5 furniture countries in 2023 with a manufacturing volume of 25 billion dollars and export volume of 10 billion dollars. The figures

Türkiye son 10 yılda gerek yapısal reformlar, gerek büyük yatırımlar, gerekse ihracat odaklı büyüme ile dünyanın ilgisini çekti. , Türkiye’nin mobilya ihracatı günden güne büyümeye devam etti. Öyle ki 2023 yılında mobilya üretimi konusunda dünyanın ilk 5 ülkesinden biri olacağı inancı tüm sektörü diri tutmaya yarıyor. Bununla ilgili Mobilya Sanayicileri ve İşadamları Dernekleri Federasyonu (MOSFED) Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Ahmet Güleç, 2023 yılında dünyanın 5 mobilya ülkesinden biri olmayı hedeflediklerini, 25 milyar dolar üretim ve 10 milyar dolar ihracata ulaşmayı planladıklarını anlatırken inanıcını gözlerinden okumak mümkün. Geçtiğimiz günlerde bir basın toplantısı ile düşüncelerini paylaşan Güleç’in verdiği rakamlar hiç de küçümsenecek rakamlar değil. Ahmet Güleç, Türk mobilyasının kalitesinin ve Temmuz 2016 itibarıyla yüzde 72,4 olan kapasite kullanım oranının artırılması gerektiğini

belirterek, Türkiye’de 61 ilde 36 bin mobilya üreticisi bulunduğunu, geçen yıl 5 milyar 749 milyon dolarlık üretim gerçekleştiğini, sektörün 500 bin kişiyi istihdam ettiğini ve 10 milyar dolarlık büyüklüğe sahip olduğunu vurguladı. Mobilyanın, dış ticaret fazlası veren ve istihdam dostu bir sektör olduğunu vurgulayan Güleç, “19 sektörü de etkiliyor. Sektörde 2015 yılında 2 milyar 315 milyon dolarlık ihracat gerçekleştirildi. İhracatta Türkiye 12’nci sırada yer aldı.” dedi. İhracat pazarlarının Irak, Suudi Arabistan, Libya, Almanya, Azerbaycan, Fransa, Türkmenistan, İngiltere, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri ve ABD olarak sıralandığını bildiren Güleç, hedef pazarların ABD, Almanya, Fransa ve İngiltere olduğunu, 204 noktaya ihracat gerçekleştirdiklerini ve ihracatçı firma sayısının 10 bin seviyesinde bulunduğunu kaydetti.


Mr. Güleç pronounced at a recent press conference are not something could be underestimated. Pointing out that the quality and current usage rate of Turkish furniture of 72.4 as of 2016 should be increased, Ahmet Güleç said that there were 36 thousand furniture manufacturers in 61 provinces of the country and that they had been realizing 5.749 billion dollars worth of furniture manufacturing with an employment power of 500 thousand heads. Güleç said the total of the sector had a growth of 10 billion dollars. Highlighting the fact that furniture is an employment-friendly sector generating foreign trade surplus, Güleç said, “Furniture industry has an influence on 19 sectors. Turkish furniture industry realized 2 billion 315 million dollars worth of exports in 2015. This figure represents 12th rank in Turkey’s total export items.” He mentioned main export markets as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Germany, Azerbaijan, France, Turkmenistan, England, UAE and USA adding that the main target markets were USA, Germany, France and the UK. “We realize exports to 204 points by around 10 thousand export companies,” Güleç noted. “Our exports to Saudi Arabia increased

Güleç, “Suudi Arabistan’a ihracatımız yüzde 2,7, İngiltere’ye yüzde 0,2 ve ABD’ye yüzde 0,3 yükseldi. Siyasi kriz yaşadığımız Rusya ise ilk 10’daki yerini kaybederken, onun yerini ABD aldı. Bu çok önemli bir gelişme. Birkaç yıldır tohumlarını ektiğimiz adımlar filizlenmeye başladı. Gelecek yıllarda ABD ihracatımızın katlanarak artmasını bekliyoruz.” diye konuştu. Biraz da mobilya üretiminin dünya ölçeğindeki üretim rakamlarına

bakmak gerekiyor ki Güleç’in verdiği rakamları daha iyi okuyabilelim : Mobilya, dünyada belli başlı ekonomik sektörlerden biridir ve sektör hem ana unsurları hem de yardımcı ve yan unsurları ile birlikte yıllık ortalama 437 milyar dolarlık bir değer üretmektedir. Dünya mobilya üretimi son on yılda değerini iki katına çıkartmış̧, 2004 yılında yaklaşık 220 milyar ABD doları değerinde iken 2013 yılında 437 milyar dolara kadar ulaşmıştır.


by 2.7%, to England by 0.2% and to the USA by 0.3%. The volume with Russia decreased down to the line below top-ten and the USA replaced Russia with which a political crisis had been experienced. This is an important development. The seeds planted for some years have started to give the fruits. We are expecting folded increases in our exports to the USA in future years.” In order to read the figures supplied by Güleç we need to look at the World figures in production: Furniture is one of the major industries in the world yielding a total annual value of average 437 billion dollars as the main industry and sub and auxiliary industries.

Furniture and Mattress Industries in Turkey and in the World China, Germany, Italy, Poland and USA are the largest exporters of furniture

Dünya mobilya üretiminin 150 milyar dolarlık bölümü üretici ülkelerde tüketiciye sunulurken, 70 milyar doları aşan bölümü uluslararası ticarete konu olmuştur. 2050 yılında mobilya pazarının 1 trilyon ABD dolarını geçeceği tahmin edilmektedir. Dünya mobilya ihracatı 2011 yılında 149,1 milyar $ düzeyinde iken, 2014 yılında 177,5 milyar $’a yükselmiştir. Dünyanın en büyük mobilya ihracatçıları Çin, Almanya, İtalya, Polonya ve ABD’dir. Türkiye’nin hedefi ilk 5’e girmek ve bunu yapabilecek her türlü argümana sahip bir ülke. AR-GE yatırımları katlanarak artıyor, hatta devlet önemli oranlarda katkı sağlıyor. Dizayn alanındaki rekabet henüz İtalya seviyesine ulaştırmasa bile Türkiye dizaynları ile dünyanın her yanına beğenilen ürünler satabiliyor. Sektörde güçlü oyuncular var, yetmiyor sermeye


in world markets. In this enlarging market, Turkey aims to be one of the top countries at the race and it has all elements and opportunities to reach its targets. Investments both in production and in research and development activities as well as the supports and incentives of state are on the increase for years. Though there are more to be done to become a major country in terms of setting trends in designs, like Italy, several designers in Turkey has managed to sell their designs and products in almost all parts of the world. A good number of powerful producers are active in furniture industry. In addition to them, major investors are seeking partners and opportunities to invest in Turkey and to establish partnership with Turkish furniture and mattress companies. They invest serious funds in this industry. Turkey has an ambitious target for the year 2023 aiming to export 25 billion dollars worth of furniture to international markets. In order to be one of the top five countries

grupları Türkiye’de önemli mobilya ve yatak firmalarına ortak oluyor, yatırım yapıyor. Zaten 2023 yılında eğer ihracatımız 25 milyar dolar olacak, mobilya üretimi konusunda dünyanın ilk 5 ülkesinden biri olacaksak daha fazlasını yapıyor olmalıyız. Tanıtım katlanarak devam etmeli, gidilmedik fuar, ayak basılmadık ülke şehir kalmamalı. THY zaten dünyanın en fazla noktasına uçan havayolu unvanını alalı yıllar oldu, onlarda durmuyor yeni yeni destinasyon noktaları belirliyorlar. Mobilya yan sanayii ürettiği kaliteli mobilya kompenantları ve teknolojisi ile zaten endüstrinin yanında. Kumaş deseniz en güzel kumaşlar, döşemelikler, yatak kumaşları Türkiye menşeili. Hani denir ya, yağ var, un var, şeker var, yapılacak tek şey özveri ile çalışmak ve helvayı yapmak. Mobilya sektörü ile ilgili yazdıklarımızın hemen hepsini yatak endüstrisi özeline de indirgemek mümkün. 2015 yılında dünya genelinde yaklaşık 2 milyar dolarlık bir hac-


in the world we have to do more than that especially in the promotional fields. We have to invest and spent more for marketing and promotion of Turkish furniture products. We must participate more fairs, visit every event in the world related with this industry, and seek more opportunities in every square meters of the globe.

THY, the national flag carrier, is the most successful example in our efforts in world markets. For many years, the THY has been known as the top airline having the most destinations in air flights. Even they are still expanding to reach more parts of the world. Another point that needs to take into account is the network that is needed for any powerful industry who wants to be an international player. Furniture industry has a powerful supplier network who produces quality elements for furniture manufacturing and higher technologies needed for better products. The best and the most attractive fabrics, upholstery, linens are made in Turkey. Every

me sahip olan yatak endüstrisinde liderlik mobilyanın tüm segmentlerinde olduğu gibi Çin’in elinde. 442 milyon dolar ihracat yapan Çin’i 237 milyon dolar ile Polonya, 89 milyon dolar ile Portekiz takip ediyor. İhracat rakamlarını miktar bazında incelediğimizde Çin’in yaklaşık 105.000 ton ile liderliği yine kimseye bırakmadığını görüyoruz. Polonya yine ikinci sırada yer alırken Portekiz üçüncülük konumunda. Türkiye ise 15.000 tonun üzerinde bir rakam ile dördüncü sırayı alarak yatak imalatı yan sanayii sektöründe global bazda rekabet edebilecek konuma geldiğini açıkça ortaya koyuyor.

Dünyada Yatak Sektörü

Dünyadaki yatak üretiminin yüzde 40’ını yaylı, yüzde 45’ini sünger yatakları oluşturuyor. Dünyada en fazla yatak üreten ve en fazla tüketen ülkeler arasında ABD, Çin ve Brezilya ilk 3 sırada yer alıyor. Yatak ithalatı yapan ülkeler arasın-


needs of the manufacturers are met by several stakeholders in the furniture industry. One only need to act as an intelligent entrepreneur in this sector by aiming high in international markets.

All of our views expressed for the furniture industry can be repeated almost as the same for especially the mattress industry. All are true for this segment as well. In 2015, mattress industry in the world has sold about 2 billion dollars worth of mattresses. Chinese are leaders in this market with their annual exports about 442 million dollars. Poland comes next with 237 million dollars of exports who was followed by Portugal with 89 million dollars of exports.

Chinese companies in total is also the leader in the market in terms of the total weigh of exports with 105 thousand tons. Poland and Portugal follow them. Turkey ranks at fourth position with its 15 thousand tons of mattress exports. This shows that Turkish manufacturers have become mature enough to compete in the world markets with major producers.

Mattress Industry in the World

40 percent of the mattresses manufactured in the world are spring type of mattresses. 45 percent are made foam based. The USA, China and Brazil are top producers and consumers of mattresses in the world. Top three importers of mattresses in the world are Germany, France and the USA. Top three exports of mattresses ranked as Poland, China and Belgium. By now Turkey is not mentioned among top ten countries importing and exporting mattresses.

Mattress industry in Turkey

95 percent of mattresses in Turkey is produced as spring type, only 5 percent of mattresses are made of foams. Investment of mattress manufacturers totaled about 40 to 50 million dollar. There are 25 firms in the mattress industry each are employing 50 to 500 workers in their facilities. With smaller sized businesses the number of compa-

da ilk 3 sırayı Almanya, Fransa ve ABD; ihracat yapan ülkeler arasında ise ilk 3 sırayı Polonya, Çin ve Belçika alırken, ihracat ve ithalat yapan ülkeler arasında Türkiye henüz ilk 10 sıralamada değil.

Türkiye’de Yatak Sektörü

Türkiye’de yatak pazarının yüzde 95’ini yaylı, yüzde 5’ini sünger yataklar oluşturuyor. Yatak üreticilerinin yaptığı yatırımlar 40 bin dolar ile 40 milyon dolar arasında değişiyor. Türkiye’de yatak üretimi yapan 50-500 arasında işçi çalış-

tıran 25 firma var. Küçük işletmelerle birlikte bu sayı 400’e kadar çıkıyor. Giriş maliyetleri düşük bir sektör olduğu için çok fazla üretici bulunmaktadır ancak bunların yarıdan fazlası merdiven altı olarak tabir edilen kalitesiz ürünler yapan firmalardır. Üretici iller arasında ilk sırayı Kayseri, İstanbul ve İzmir alıyor. Kayseri, yıllık 2 milyon civarında üretim ile toplam üretimin yarısını karşılıyor. Yıllık yatak ihracatı toplamda 46 milyon dolar civarında.


nies active in mattress manufacturing in Turkey rises up to 400. Since entry costs are rather low in the industry there are more producing companies more than the need. Some of them are makeshift companies who have low quality products.

Major producers are concentrated in Kayseri, Istanbul and Izmir. Kayseri meets almost half of total manufacturing in the country with its annual production of 2 million mattresses. Annual exports of these companies run about 46 million dollars. Most of the mattresses produced in Turkey is sold in European and Middle Eastern countries. Turkey is located in an advantageous position both geographically and in terms of labor, energy, raw material supplies for mattress manufacturing. The mattress industry sells about 4 million mattresses annually in the country, 3 million of them are distributed through classic channels, while 1 millions are sold in exclusive and moderns sales channels. The growth pace of the mattress industry is forecast to be higher then before, when the investments in hotel and hospitality industries with their needs of about 900 thousand items of mattresses. There are powerful brands belonging to these major companies. Thee brands of Boydak

Türkiye’de üretilen yatakların daha çok Avrupa ülkeleri ile Ortadoğu’ya satılıyor. Türkiye’nin işgücü, enerji, hammadde ve coğrafi konum nedeniyle yatak üretimi için uygun bir merkez konumunda. Sektörde üç milyonu klasik kanallarda, bir milyonu ise münhasır mağazalar ve modern kanallarda olmak üzere yılda yaklaşık 4 milyon adet yatak satılmaktadır. Şu anda var olan yaklaşık 700-900 bin yataklı binden fazla otel yatırımından dahi yola çıkarsak yatak sektörünün büyümesini gelecek yıllarda artırarak devam ettireceği

öngörüsünde bulunabiliriz. Markalar bazında büyük üretimlerimiz var, Boydak grubunun önemli 3 markası yatak ihracatımızın toplamda lideri durumunda. İstikbal, Bellona ve Mondi ile tüm dünyaya mobilyanın yanı sıra yatak da satıyorlar. Sektörde BRN YATAK, YATAŞ, İDAŞ, MONESSA, LARESSA, İŞBİR YATAK, EDAŞ YATAK, NOBEL YATAK, KİLİM MOBİLYA, HOMEVS, INDİVANI, VISCO LOVE, KAYZER, PIERRE CARDIN, KAYBED, İPEK MOBİLYA vs. gibi ihracat ve iç piyasa odaklı çalışan bir çok marka var. Sektör hızlı büyüyor, her gün yeni bir mar-


group is seen as the leader in total sales, with its Istikbal, Bellona and Mondi brands, who also sell furniture and mattresses to world markets. Among other brands in the business are BRN, Yatas, Idas, Monessa, Laressa, Isbir, Edas, Nobel, Kilim, Homevs, Indivani, Visco Love, Kayzer, Pierre Cardin, Kaybed, Ipek Furniture etc. They are active both in domestic and international markets.

The industry is still growing with the new entrants in the market. New brands are emerging. Companies are growing by additional machinery and investments. Machine manufacturers, component suppliers, from both Turkey and from foreign countries from four corners of the world are trying to sell their products to mattress manufacturers in Turkey. They are all participating in the fairs and trade events held in the world, and spending in promotional activities. Sectoral media and publications are also growing and proliferating. Because, mattress industry is still growing and promises more opportunity in the future. Any company who invests for branding, emphasize on R&D, targeting major markets in Europe, USA and in Japan may get its share in this ever growing market. Since the 2000’s, manufacturing of mattresses has been moving away labor based manufacturing to technology based production. Buyers are demanding A class mattresses and lower costs. If the producers in Turkey aim for high quality premium products, and invests more in their businesses, they may easily compete with their European rivals and become successful more in the future. If then, their competition may come to Turkey as brands who wants to buy their goods from Turkey.


ka üretime başlıyor. Yatak üretim makinaları ve kompenant firmalarının büyümesinden anlaşılıyor ki sektör gerek içeride, gerek dışarıda hızla büyüyor, markalaşıyor. Bırakın yerli makina ve kompenant üreticilerini, dünyanın 4 bir yanından makina üreticisi, kompenant firması Türkiye’ye mal satmaya çalışıyor. Fuarlara katılıyor, sektör yayınlarına ilanlar veriyor. Çünkü yatak sektörü büyüyor ve gelecek vadediyor. Markaya yatırım yapan, ARGE’ye önem veren ve kafasını kaldırıp Avrupa, USA ve Japonya pazarlarını hedef edinen her firma mutlaka bu pastadan yer alabilir. Malum olduğu üzere Avrupa’da 2000 li yıllarından itibaren işçilik ağırlıklı üretim azalmaya, hatta kaybolmaya başladı. Yatak üretiminin kısmen devam ediyor olması yüksek kalitede A sınıfı yatakların Avrupa’da üretiliyor olmasına rağmen yüksek ücretlerde satılabiliyor olması ve ithalattaki navlun sıkıntısı. Ama Türkiye eğer yüksek kalitedeki ve inovatif ürünlere yönelir, zor bir segment olmasına rağmen asıl para kazandıracak olan bu alana yatırım yaparsa kısa bir süre sonra Avrupa’daki üreticilerin kepenk kapatması ihtimal dahilinde. Bir çoğu ise kendi markaları adına Türkiye’de üretim yapmak üzere kapımızı aşındırır.


Kayzer initiates fully furnished sleep centers with Notice Notice ile yeni uyku merkezleri


Hüseyin Şıkoğlu, General Coordinator Genel Koordinatör

Kayzer is renowned for its diverse range of quality mattresses and sleep centers. We have recently interviewed Hüseyin Şıkoğlu, General Coordinator of Kayzer. He focused on the innovative approaches of the Company.

What would you like to say about the recent restructuring drive of Kayzer?

What we are trying to do is to combine nature and comfort in an ideal way. Our brand new product Notice signifies these characteris-

Kayzer Mobilya, yeni konsepti ile sadece uyku ürünlerini değil, bunları tamamlayıcı diğer mobilya ve ekipmanlarını da yeni markası olan NOTICE ile birlikte üretmeye başladı. Aynı zamanda özel yatak koleksiyonları da ürettiklerini söyleyen Kayzer Genel koordinatörü Hüseyin Şıkoğlu, Avrupa’da her ülkede uyku merkezi açma hedefinde olduklarının altını çizdi.

Kayzer için son dönem yapılanmasını nasıl değerlendirmek istersiniz?

2015 yılı hedeflerimizin tamamını

Kayzer Mobilya olarak tutturmuş durumundayız. Üretimde sıkı bir şekilde ilerliyoruz. 2015’den bugüne yaklaşık 24 adet yeni ürün tasarladık. Ar-Ge çalışmamız ciddi anlamda güçlü bir şekilde ilerliyor. Ve şunu da belirtelim; daha kataloglarda gözükmeyen 20 yeni modelimiz var. Bunlar, ilerleyen zamanlarda hem yurtiçinde hem de ihracat ile yurtdışına göndereceğimiz ürünlerde karşınıza çıkacaktır. Yeni bir ahşap yatırımımız oluştu. Bu atölyede sadece bizim için ahşap komidinler, sandalyeler, aksesuarlar, çalışma masaları, konsollar,-


tics. We put emphasis on a series of sleep centers through innovative products such as Notice and the related accessories. Kayzer reserves a major part of its yearly turnover for R&D works which in turn enable the company to compete with the world leaders thanks to its innovative equipment.

What are the major innovative approaches of Kayzer as far as mattress industry is concerned?

We provide the most appropriate product, project and service for the customers’ expectations for today and tomorrow. We can sum up our vision and mission as follows: To maintain the sectoral dynamism both at home and abroad by putting a special emphasis on the individual needs. Our passion is to develop stylish and smart products that will inspire, comfort and protect you during the night. The company is headed towards a future bright with new technology and innovation, where increas¬ing numbers of people will be able to enjoy the peaceful, problem-free sleep that they deserve.

Could you mention about your R&D activities?

Are you ready for the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had? We offer a wide range of specialty sleep systems. We are proud to introduce sleep center locations. We offer the largest selection of mattresses sleep sets, and accessories. We have what you’re looking for. Your comfort is our top priority. We help you find the perfect sleep system for your individual needs.

Kayzer launches its new brand Notice and the related furniture and accessories for a healthy sleep banch , dresuar, yan sehpa ve benzeri ürünler üretiliyor. Şuan uyku merkezlerinin içerisinde bütünleyici ürün isteniyor. Ve insanlar bunun tedarikini sağlayamıyorlar ya da farklı farklı yerlerden alıyorlar. Bu da haliyle verimli olmuyor. Çünkü ya satın aldıkları bazanın mevcut yeriyle uyuş- muyor, renk uyumu sağlanamıyor ya da ürünlerinin teslim terminleri tutturulamıyor gibi bir takım sıkıntılar ortaya çıkıyor. Bizden de bunlar istenmekteydi. Bizde böyle bir yatırım ile bu tarz doğal/masif ahşap üretimine başladık.

Uyku sistemlerinde nasıl iyileştirmeler yaptınız?

Kayzer, Notice markası ile yatak odasındaki bütünlüğü sağlayan tüm ekipmanları üretmeye başladı. Biz uyku formatında ki her şeyi satıyoruz. 2017 başlarında yeni tasarımlarımız ve yeni modellerimiz olacak. Artık kendimizi uyku sistemleri üreticisi olarak yapılandırdık. Sadece yatak değil; yattığımız odadaki eşyaları, dolapları, ko-


Could you mention about your domestic market potential, export markets and export targets?

As of 2016, we continue to initiate a series of sleep centers in 15 locations in the domestic market. We would be 60 different locations at the end of 2017.

We export all the European countries except for a few ones. Holland, Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Spain and the UK are the major European countries to which we export. Apart from these, we also export to Dubai, Qatar, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. We are planning to increase and diversify our export volume in 2017.

midinleri üretmeye başlamış olduk. Şimdi Kayzer’in yeni markası olan Notice ile piyasaya çıktık. 2016 Mart ayından buyana patentimizi tamamladıktan sonra biz Mayıs ayında kataloğumuzu elimize aldık. Ürünlerimizin standart dışı uyku çözümleyici tarafının dışında medikal ihtiyaca cevap yönü de var. Hareketli ürünlerimizin sadece konfora dayalı bir yönü yok. Aynı zamanda sıhhi anlamda da hasta olan insanlara hizmet verecek şekilde ürünlerimizi tasarladık. Kısacası bütün bu ürünleri insanlara hizmet vermek açısından biraz daha o formata doğru yoğunlaştık. Mesela katalog içerisinde görürsünüz bir mekanizmamız sadece yatağı geriye çekerken ya da sırtını kaldırırken komidin ile olan el mesafesini de aynı seviyeye getiriyor. Hem oturum dediğimiz yani, yatay duran kısım geriye doğru çekiyor, hem de sırt bölgesini havaya kaldırıyor. Yurtdışında bu hareketli mekanizmayı hareket ettirme mesafesini 20-25 cm yaparlarken biz 40-42 cm gibi bir hareketli mekanizma yapıyoruz. Bir de hareketli motorlu

olan yataklarda baza özelliği yoktur. Yine patenti bizde olan sandıklı motorlu bazalar mevcut. Bu konuda diğer firmalardan öndeyiz.

Peki yataklarda ne gibi yenilikler var ve yeni ürünler var mı?

Yataklarda yenilik şöyle; artık çoğu kesim yataklarda doğallık talep ediyor. Mesela bazı ürünlerimizdedoğal ürünler kullandık.Örnek olarak at saçından olan bir ürün. Bu üründe doğal at saçı kullanılıyor. Tümüyle el yapımı bir ürün. Sadece ve sadece kenar kapamasını o da malum elle dikilemeyeceği için makinayla dikiliyor. Yaklaşık 10 dakikalık bir makine işlemi yapılıyor geri kalan her şey el ile özenilerek yapılıyor. Uyku aşamasında çok aşırı terlemesi olan insanlar da, hava almama gibi nedenlerle rahatsızlık duyan insanlar için özel bir ürün. Viskon kumaşın altında doğal elyaf ve onun hemen altında da at saçı var. O rahatlık hissini konforu hemen yaşatıyor zaten. Viskolu yataklara gelecek olursak onlarında kendi arasında grupları var.Her visco kullanılmış ürün iyidir


denilemez. Kullanılan malzemenin hangi yeterlilikte olduğunun sogulanması gerekir.Tabii ki her üretici en iyi olanın kullanıldığını söyleyecektir. Ancak ne yazık ki bazı merdiven altı diye tabir ettiğimiz üreticilere prim veren perakende noktaların dikkatli olması gerekir. Sattıkları ürünün müşterileri ile buluşmasında verilmiş olan ürünün net olarak aynı içerikte olduklarından emin olmalılar.Yoksa haklı/ haksız üretici aynı yargı ile karşı karşıya kalacaktır . Yurtdışındaki bağlantılarımızı arttırdıkça bizler hem kalite konusunda hem de modelleme konusunda ciddi bir yol kat ettik. Bilinçli müşteri bizim için en önemli unsur. Bize hem Ar-Ge hem Ür-Ge konusunda ciddi şekilde destek oluyor. Yapmış olduğumuz ürünlerde illaki hatalar çıkabiliyor. Bizim ön görmediğimiz kusurlarla karşı karşıya kalabiliyoruz. Bunun müşteri tarafından bize geri dönüşü sağlıklı olur ise bizde bunu görüp ona göre yaptığımız hataları çözümleyebiliriz.

Böyle geri dönüşler var mı peki size?

Şimdi Ar-Ge çalışmalarında pazarda ne istendiğine bakıyoruz. Şuan yönümüz nereye doğru kaydı diye bakıyoruz. Biraz daha Retro tarzı mı oldu? Ahşap bütünleyicilerle diğer ürünlerdeki montajlar gerekli mi? Ne kadar isteniliyor? Kumaş seçenekleri neler? Bu sorulara yönelik çalışmalar yapıyoruz. Baktığınız da kataloğumuzdaki kumaşları birçok koltuk üreticisi birebir kullanıyor. Bu kataloğu gören birçok firma biz deli misiniz diye soruyor. Bu kadar çeşide girilir mi diyorlar. Biz buna girdik ve bunun kontrolünü çok iyi bir şekilde yapıyoruz. Çünkü burada sistem kontrollerimizde çok iyi, içerideki üretimin takibini çok net bir şekilde yapabiliyoruz. Teknolojiyi en son şekli ile kullanılıyoruz. Sevkiyat aşamasına kadarki tüm formu kullanabiliyoruz. Oradaki tüm üretim aşaması kendi kendine net bir şekilde yürüyor. Yürümesinin en büyük etkeni sistemin doğru

bir şekilde çalışıyor olmasından kaynaklanıyor.

adımlarla ilerlemek ve hatasız ürün üretmek için böyle bir yol izliyoruz.

İhracatta durumlar nasıl? Yeni pazarlar için hedefleriniz var mı?

İhracat ile alakalı son dönem ile birlikte kaç ülkede varsınız?

Şimdi iç pazarın durumu malum. Bazı sıkıntılar yaşanıyor. Biz yine de iç piyasada pes etmiyoruz. Biz her hâlükârda iç pazarda hedeflediğimiz Notice uyku merkezlerinin oluşturmaya devam ediyoruz. 2016 yılı için kendi kendini güçlendiren markamız Notice’yi 15 mağazayla sınırlandırdık. Metropol olmuş merkez şehirleri seçmeye çalışıyoruz. Hizmeti en iyi şekilde müşteriye vermemiz gerekiyor. Sonuç olarak iç pazar için 2016 yılı sonuna kadar 3 tane mağaza İstanbul’da, diğerleri de Anadolu’nun diğer bölgelerinde olmak üzere 15 noktada olmayı planladık. 2017 sonu için ise planımız Türkiye genelinde 60 noktada var olmaktır. Daha fazla yerde de olabilirdik ama biz doğru

Birkaç ülkenin dışında şuan Avrupa’nın tüm ülkeleriyle çalışıyoruz. Hollanda, Almanya, Fransa, Danimarka, İtalya, Belçika, Avusturya, İspanya bunların başında geliyor. İngiltere’ye de ürünlerimizden gönderdik. Suudi Arabistan, Dubai, Katar ve Irak ise Orta Doğu’da çalıştığımız ülkeler. Avrupa’da var olan uyku merkezlerimizi geliştireceğiz. Bunlara pek el atamadık. Satışlardan memnunuz bir sıkıntımız yok. 2017 yılında daha da güzel olacak. Avrupa’da her ülkede uyku merkezi açmak hedefimiz


Natural mattresses from Primus A&E

Betten Piremus Betten’den doğal yataklar

The brand increases the number of stores in Germany Piremus Betten Almanya’daki mağaza sayısını arttıracak

A mattress and boxspring brand in the world, A&E Primus Betten, who combines comfort, aesthetics, originality and quality in its designs, has changed its production policy towards ecological processes and added natural mattresses in its product portfolio. Owner of the brand Aynur Erman informed about their activities.

How were the reactions you got in trade shows?

There were great interests in Germany. Two buyers wanted to open stores to sell only our products. At the same time, our firm in Israel also participated in a fair there. All responses are good for us. Primus Betten is known and is preferred now. A certain level of familiarity has been established visually, in


Dünyanın önde gelen yatak ve boxspring markası olan A&E Primus Betten, ürünlerini tasarlarken konfor, estetik, özgünlük ve kalite gibi birçok unsuru bir araya getiriyor. Son zamanlarda insanların doğaya geri dönüşüne göre üretim anlayışını değiştiren marka, ekolojik yaşam tarzından esinlenerek 2016 koleksiyonuna doğal yatakları da ekledi. Aynı zamanda Avrupa’daki nokta sayısını da arttıracaklarını belirttiren marka sahibi Aynur Erman, uyku kalitesini arttırmak için çok titiz çalışmalar yaptıklarını söyledi.

Son dönemde katıldığınız fuarlardan nasıl tepkiler aldınız?

Aynur Erman, Owner of the brand

trust and in quality. We plan to be active in Europe with our shop in shop operations.

Do you consider opening new stores in Germany?

Yes, we do. There is a showroom in Cologne and two more stores will be open. We will be at 6 to 7 more locations by mid-2017. In this matter we behave selectively even on the regional and streetwise

choices. Since we targeted upper segment, we have to be careful. We especially aim native Germans in these markets.

On product varieties

Hand made mattresses are most important for us, they attracted great interest of our buyers. All made by labor, everything is crafted by the people using natural materials such as horsehair. By

Primus Betten olarak Almanya’da ki fuarda çok ilgi gördük. Burada 2 mağaza komple bizim ürünlerimizden oluşan mağaza açmak istediklerini belirttiler. Aynı zamanda İsrail’deki firmamızda bizim markamızla orada bir fuara katılmış. Burada da yoğun ilgi göstermişler. Bütün bunların hepsi bizim için çok güzel şeyler. Çünkü marka olarak Primus Betten artık tanınıyor ve tercih ediliyor. Göz aşinalığını, kalite ve güven gibi unsurlarla tercih edilen bir markayız artık. Bu yüzden önümüzdeki dönemde Avrupa’da shop in shop olarak yer almayı düşünüyoruz. Biraz daha büyük marketlerde kendi köşemizi almak gibi bir planlarımız var. İşte bu fuarlardan geri dönüşümlerle birlikte bunlar gelişecek.



Almanya’da mağazanız var. Önümüzdeki dönemde bu bölgede başka mağazalar açmayı planlıyor musunuz?

Evet, Almanya Köln’de bir showroom var. Önümüzdeki günlerde iki mağaza daha açılacak. Bunun yanı sıra 2017 yılının ortalarına kadar ise 6-7 noktada daha olacağımızı düşünüyorum. Biz mağaza konusunda çok seçiciyiz. Hangi cadde ve hangi bölgede olması gerekiyor gibi etkenleri seçerek ilerliyoruz. Bu kadar seçici olmasak daha hızlı ilerleyebiliriz. Ama hitap ettiğimiz sınıflar açısından böyle olmak zorundayız. Mesela oradaki Türklere hiç hitap etmiyoruz. Tamamen oradaki Alman’ları hedefleyen bir koleksiyonumuz var.

Premis Betten olarak kaç yatak çeşidiniz var?

Bizim için en önemlisi hand made yataklar. Bu sene müşteri isteklerine göre içinin özelliğini arttırdığımız hand made yataklarımız

now, we have thirty varieties five of which are completely handmade.

On differences between domestic and international markets

Handmade mattresses are sold well at premium prices in Europe. It is not so cheap and easy to produce in Turkey. Costs are high, but there is limited number of producers of handmade products. We also have a unique design and our prices are still competitive. There is a great potential for handmade mattresses.

çok ilgi gördü. Bunlarda kesinlikle makinaya dair bir şey yok. Her şey elle yapılıyor ve içerisinde at kılı gibi doğal malzemeler kullanılıyor. Şuan 30’a yakın yatak var. Ama hand made anlamında yaklaşık beş tane ürünümüz bulunuyor. Onların içerikleri de çok dolu.

Yurtdışı ve iç piyasanın farklılıklarını nasıl görüyorsunuz?

Mesela hand made yataklar için konuşmak gerekirse, Avrupa’da fiyat aralığında iyi kaldık. Çünkü Türkiye’de üretim öyle zannedildiği gibi ucuz değil. Özellikle bizler gibi bir tesise sahip olanlar için üretim o kadar kolay değil. Maliyetler çok yüksek çıkıyor ama hand made yapan mağaza çok fazla yok. Bu kadar malzemeyi bir araya getirip bir ürün ortaya çıkaran az. Biz birde kendimize özgü çok güzel bir tasarım yaptık ve bu tasarımı yapanda yok. Fiyat anlamında da iyi kaldık. O yüzden hand made yatakların önünü çok açık görüyorum.

Uyku ürünleri sektörü İstanbul’da SLEEPWELL EXPO’da toplanıyor 40

The sleep products sector convenes in Istanbul at SLEEPWELL EXPO SLEEPWELL Expo, the only show in both wings of the industry, the main industry and the sub-industry and technologies, brings the professionals of the sector together for the third time in Istanbul Expo Center, 20-23 October 2016.



From raw materials to the finished mattresses, including the supply industry, components, machinery and technology SLEEPWELL EXPO Istanbul is the event showing the trends and latest products. The fair will host almost 100 exhibitors showcasing thousands of products. The previous edition of Sleepwell Expo - Mattress and Technologies Fair, which is the first and only fair in Turkey in its field, became an arena where 101 exhibitors, of which 79 were domestic and 22 foreigners, and 5,238 professional visitors attended.

The mattress industry to focus this event

Sleepwell Expo will represent a wide range of portfolio including the latest products of mattress manufacturers, pillow manufacturers, sleep products manufacturers, exporters and dealers, mattress exporters and importers, bedding manufacturers, home textile manufacturers, coverlet manufacturers, equipment firms, distributors, agents, firms who want to get distributorships, chain store purchasing authorities, local furniture stores, professional import and export firms, designers, hotel purchasing managers,


Hammaddeden bitmiş yataklara kadar bütün malzemelerin ve teknolojilerin sergilendiği SLEEPWELL EXPO sektördeki bütün segmentlerde en son ürün ve trendleri görücüye çıkarıyor. Fuar binlerce ürün teşhir edecek olan 100’e yakın katılımcıyı konuk ediyor. Bir önceki fuara 22’si yabancı olmak üzere 101 firma katılmıştı ve fuarı 5238 kişi gezmişti. Yatak sektörü; otlardan doldurulan döşeklerden, yün döşeklere, sünger yataktan günümüz yataklarına ulaşana dek çok ciddi gelişim evreleri geçirdi. Günümüzde yatak artık en modern halini almış olabilir mi diye sorduğumuzda ergonomi, hammadde devreye giriyor ve yatak komponentleri bizleri her yeni günde şaşırtmaya devam ediyor. Bütün bu değişimler ışığında gelişen yatak sektörünü büyük bir ticari arenada bir araya getirecek olan SleepWell Expo, Türkiye ve dünyayı yatak sektörü etrafında birleştirecek. Katılımcılarına yeni iş bağlantıları oluşturmaya ve ihracat avantajları sağlamaya devam edecek olan SleepWell Expo 2016, 20-23 Ekim tarihleri arasında İstanbul Fuar


interior design firms, experts of the private sector, mattress industry buyers and trade press portals‌ In short, all members of the industry come together at the Sleepwell Expo-Mattress and Technologies Fair.

Turkey continues to pursue its development worldwide with its rapidly increasing population, advantageous geography, and contribution of exports by its advantageous geography. One of the most important sectors in Turkey, without any doubt, is the mattress industry, mattress machinery and components industry. Developments, innovations and example solidarity of the sector which has been performed in the mattress sector in recent years, have become the factors which affect the sleep products sector positively. Correspondingly, many positive economic indications which have been performed on behalf of the country and the sector in recent years, many regulations and directives made for the business volume and the mattress sector which has grown depending on the flow of foreign investments, indicate the importance of the SLEEPWELL Fair, which is an important area in the country. The mattress main sector, sub-industry, machinery and equipment fair which has been awaited for a long time by all


Merkezi’nde gerçekleşecek. Yatak ve yatak ürünlerinde, tasarım, renk, detay ve ergonomi adına yeni tasarımlar sunacak olan Sleepwell Expo, katılımcıların verimliliğini en üst düzeye taşıyacak ve yatak endüstrisine yönelik tüm beklentileri karşılayacak. Sektörün lider üreticileri, yeni Ar-Ge çalışmalarını yerli ve yabancı alıcılarıyla buluşturacak.

Yatak sektörünün gözü bu organizasyonda!

SleepWell Expo; yaylı yataklar, visko yataklar, lateks yataklar, uyku sistemleri, rulo yataklar, karyola sistemleri, visko yastıklar, medikal yastıklar, kaz tüyü yastıklar, çocuk yatakları, yatak koruyucu alezler, hareketli yataklar, özel sipariş yataklar, at kıllı yataklar, kişiye özel yataklar, yuvarlak yataklar, doğal yataklar, medikal yataklar, akıllı yataklar, kaz tüyü yorganlar, bazalar, metal karyolalar, yatak başları, makina ve makina ekipmanları olmak üzere oldukça geniş bir katılımcı profili oluşturacak. Genişleyen ziyaretçi ağı ve artan katılımcı sayısı ile dikkatleri üzerine çekecek olan SleepWell Expo 2016 Türkiye’de yatak endüstrisine ait ilk ve tek spesifik fuar olma


sleep products industry professionals, will be successfully held for the 3rd time in Istanbul Fair Center, which is located opposite the Ataturk International Airport, 20- 23 October 2016.

The mattress industry in Turkey is growing rapidly. It has been known that the sector has reached the sales figures of 4 million in the local market in 2014. 95 percent of the market has been consisted of spring mattresses and remaining 5 percent of foam mattresses. The size of the market is very close to TL 1 billiard and the growth rate is 7%. 10 thousand mattresses of Turkey’s total 20 thousand daily are produced in Kayseri. After Kayseri, it comes Istanbul and Izmir. There are more than 400 manufacturers in Kayseri. The production capacity of these firms approaches to 2.7 million. Kayseri holds the half of the total production with 2.5 million mattresses. The share of the sector in the foreign market is approximately 60 million dollars. Kayseri performs more than half of the total export value. The mattresses, which are produced in Kayseri, are exported mainly to France, Germany and The Netherlands and other European countries and the different countries of the Middle East. Representatives of the industry express that the trends that are seeking healthier, more comfor-


özelliği ile Voli Fuar tarafından düzenleniyor. Yatak endüstrisine yepyeni açılımlar sunmayı hedefleyen SleepWell Expo Fuarı, organizasyonlarıyla sektörü canlandırmak ve yatak endüstrisi liderlerini İstanbul’da toplamak amacıyla, organizasyona ev sahipliği yapıyor. Yatak ve uyku ürünleri sektöründe başka spesifik bir fuar olmadığını belirten fuar yöneticileri, sektördeki gelişmelerin yakından takip edildiği, iç ve dış piyasa açısından önemli bir rol üstlenen Sleepwell Expo’nun, yakın gelecekte kendi kulvarında dünyanın en büyük organizasyonu olacağına inandıklarını belirtti. Sağlık Bakanlığı yetkilileri tarafından yapılan açıklamalara göre, hastanelerdeki 130 bin yatak kapasitesinin 90 bini önümüzdeki 4 yıl içerisinde sıfırdan yenilenmiş, ileri teknolojik duruma dönüştürülüyor. Sağlık sektörünün dünya genelinde olduğu gibi Türkiye için de önemli ve stratejik bir sektör olduğunu belirten yetkililer, 1 yıl içerisinde yaklaşık 25 bin yatak kapasiteli şehir hastanelerinin ihaleye açılacağı bilgisini verdi. Böylelikle, 2018 yılında 45 bin ile 50 bin yatak arasında yenilenmiş, nitelikli, ileri teknolojili hastane ve hastane odaları tamamlanacak. 2018 yılına kadar da 130 bin yatak kapasitesinin 90 bini önümüzdeki 4 yıl içerisinde sıfırdan


table sleep environments, play an important role in growth. According to the industry representatives the 3 million of the 4 million mattresses sold, have been sold to the individual consumers, 1 million to the institutions such as hotels, dorms and hospitals. There are around one thousand hotels which are under construction with 800 thousand-bed capacity in the country and the private sector hospital investments are accepted as an indicator that the growth in the industry will be continuous. With the rising success trend of the industry, the request to

announce this success publicly, the desire to have a say in the international areas, the expectations from the industry and that the Voli Fair is able to respond to these expectations and therefore Sleepwell Expo Mattress and Technologies Fair was appreciated by the mattress industry and the fair resulted in a great success.

The mattress industry officials now have bigger expectations from the 3rd Sleepwell Expo Mattress and Technologies Fair, which will be held 20-23 October 2016, after the success achieved at the fair and both the organizer and the exhibitors started to work for the grater targets. ISTANBUL FAIR CENTER

Istanbul Fair Center which hosts Sleepwell Expo Fair in its 9-10 and 11. Halls, is located in the area of Istanbul Ataturk Airport. Istanbul Fair Center is the most appropriate place to arrange the Sleepwell Expo Fair both with its infrastructure and transport and


yenilenmiş, ileri teknolojik hastaneler durumuna dönüşecek. Önümüzdeki günlerde açılacak ihalelerle ön plana çıkacak olan yatak sektörü için, Sleepwell Expo Fuarı’nın önemi bir kat daha artıyor. Türkiye’de yatak endüstrisine ait ilk spesifik fuar olma özelliği taşıyan Sleepwell Expo, Voli Fuar tarafından düzenleniyor. Yatak endüstrisine yepyeni açılımlar sunmayı hedefleyen Sleepwell Expo Fuarı, organizasyonlarıyla sektörü canlandırmak ve yatak endüstrisi liderlerini İstanbul’da toplamak amacıyla, organizasyona ev sahipliği yapıyor. Dünyanın dört bir yanından katılımcı ve ziyaretçinin gelmesi beklenen ve sektöre büyük yankı uyandıran Sleepwell Expo Fuarı’na çeşitli ülkelerden gelen tedarikçiler yanında İstanbul’dan ve Anadolu’dan da yoğun ilgi var. Fuarda, İstanbul’un yanı sıra Kayseri, Denizli, İnegöl, İzmir ve Ankara’dan katılımcı firmalar yer alıyor.

Resmi havayolu partneri STAR ALLIANCE

Yatak ve teknolojileri sektörünün ilk ve tek arenası SleepWell Expo’2016, resmi havayolu partneri olarak STAR ALLIANCE ile anlaştı. Fuar süresince SleepWell Expo 2016 fuarının tüm yurtdışı konukları Star Alliance Conventions Plus programı ile 27 üye havayolu ile 193 ülkeden Businness Class ve Economy Class rezervasyonlarını SleepWell Expo etkinlik kodu ile yapması halinde % 20’ye varan indirimlerle uçabiliyorlar.


technical specifications. The venue of 18 thousand square meters in total with its lounge and technical facilities has greatly contributed to perform the fair successfully. The fair venue is very close to the airport in the terms of the international visitors. It is also very close to the subway station and to the intersection point where both TEM and E-5 connections. The service busses operated from the subway as the ring provided an advantage to visitors of the fair.

“Our team who worked very intensive to perform Sleepwell Expo Fair successfully, had no difficulties to reach the information because of the industrial publications which have been published by Istmag Magazine Group, a group company with fair organizer Voli Fair,” Omer Faruk Gorun, Project Manager of the show, said. “Sleep Well and Sleep Tech magazines became the main media sponsors for the fair and since they publicized the event to the world at the preparation period, the show attracted a great many exhibitors and visitors from around the world.” To see the latest trends in the mattress in which we spare one third of our lives, all people who care for good sleep, welfare and

health are invited to visit SleepWell Expo 2016, the first and only specialty fair of the industry to be held in Istanbul Expo Center, 20-23 October 2016.

Official carrier solution partner is STAR ALLIANCE

SleepWell Expo 2016 made a prestigious contract for transportation and signed an agreement with Star Alliance as the official airline group. The exhibitors and visitors flying for SleepWell Expo Istanbul will get discounts up to 20% in Business and Economy Class flight statuses with the 27 member airlines over a flying network of 193 countries.


Homevs offers healthy and natural mattresses Homevs’ten doğal ve sağlıklı yataklar Homevs, a company in EVS Group Mob Co. Inc, has been producing mattresses made of natural materials such as horsehair, camel wool and cashmere. Besides, there are mattresses that are covered with linen, pro active, silk and vanilla scented knitted and woven fabrics. Koray Donmez, member of the board and general manager of the company, aims more export to neighboring countries. He informed about the mattress industry and the need for the education of customers.

First of all will you tell us about the story of the brand, Homevs? What kind of innovations do you want to realize in the sector?

Founded on the years of experiences in the industry, EVS Grup Mob company proudly launched Homevs brand into the market in the first quarter of the year 2015. Our firm is one of the leading companies in the sector with its highly experienced staff, having higher level of technology, integrated and fully automated manufacturing facility in its factory. With comfortable and modern products

EVS Grup Mob. A. Ş. bünyesinde 2015 yılından beri insan sağlığını düşünerek uyku ve uyku ürünleri üreten Homevs, yataklarında at saçı, deve yünü ve kaşmir gibi doğal ürünler kullanıyor. Bunların yanı sıra keten, pro active, ipek ve vanilya kokulu gibi özel karışımlı örme ve dokuma kumaşlarla yataklarını kaplayan marka, bu ürünlerle önümüzdeki dönemde ihracatta daha fazla atağa kalkacak. Hedeflerinin Avrupa ve Orta Doğu olduğunu söyleyen Homevs Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Genel Müdürü Koray Dönmez, şuanda ihracat çalışmalarının sürdüğünü söyledi. Yatak sektörünün mobilya sektöründen


we aimed to be the best in what we have been doing by offering trust, aesthetic and comfort to our customers. We did not spare any effort while establishing our brand and building our factory that were founded by observing every detail.

What kind of sleep products do you produce? Would you mention about their specifications?

Our products answer expectations of every folks of life. They are all produced with the same excitement that we had at the beginning with the same quality and devotion. We have variety of mattresses for upper, middle and lower segments of the market. Most of them are produced by keeping in mind the needs for the health and comfort of people. Specially knitted or woven fabrics made of horsehair, camel wool, cashmere, organic cotton, latex, coco, sheep-wool etc. and natural materials visco, linen, Tencel, proactive, silk, vanilla scented, viscon blended, printed with digital presses are used in the mattresses we produce. Water, dirt and oil repellent type, digital printed, washable and padded fabrics are used on the surface of the mattresses. There are functional motored bases in our product line. Naturalness is a must for ergonomic and healthier mattress manufacturing. We also keen on the hygiene, organic materials and healthier mattresses. Quality, visuality and attractiveness are important for our company as a producer of the mattress.

Will you inform us about your sleep centers and the activities that you are engaged to promote your products?

We have regional sleep centers having at least 150 square meters. The sleep centers that were designed by our designers are located in regional centers. The sleep centers designed and prepared by

ayrılarak branşlaşması gerektiğini de söyleyen Dönmez, tüketicilerin bu konuda bilinçlendirilmesi gerektiğine dikkat çekti.

Öncelikle Homevs markanızın hikâyesini sizden dinleyebilir miyiz? Yatak sektörüne ne gibi yenilikler katma hedefindesiniz? Yılların vermiş olduğu deneyimle kurulmuş olan EVS Grup Mob. A. Ş. insana ve ülkeye yatırım yapmanın haklı gururunu yaşayarak Homevs markasını oluşturdu. 2015 yılı ilk çeyreğinde faaliyete başlayan Homevs son derece gelişmiş, üst düzey teknoloji ile donatılmış tam entegre ve full otomasyon yapısıyla ülkemizin önde gelen firmaları arasında-

Homevs 10 yılı aşkın süredir ürettiği sağlıklı ve doğal yataklar ile tüketicilere hizmet etmeye devam ediyor.

dır. Konforlu ve modern ürünlerimiz ile müşterilerine güven, estetik ve rahatlığı sunan markamızın hedefi, yaptığımız işte en iyisi olmaktır. Tesisin kurulumunda ve markanın oluşturulmasında hiçbir detay göz ardı edilmemiş olup tüm gereklilikler yerine getirilmiştir.

Ne tür uyku ürünleri üretiyorsunuz? Bunların özelliklerinden bahseder misiniz?

Ürünlerimiz her kesimden müşteri beklentilerini karşılayacak nitelikte olup yıllar sonrada aynı kalite ve aynı özveri ile daha da büyümenin heyecanı ile oluşturulmuştur. Üst, orta ve alt grup yatak imalatımız bulunmakta olup, ağırlıklı olarak


our designer by utilizing Homevs concept. They are located at the most prestigious points in the cities. They are the most decent and the top chick locations. We are also supplying mattresses for hotels, hostels, hospitals, and special projects.

As an important representative of the industry, what do you want to say about the sleep sector in Turkey and sleep products offered to the markets?

Humans spend their 25 years in their lives on mattresses and in sleep. Unhealthy mattresses can cause pains in the belly, back and muscles caused by the daily stress and psychological problems of the day. While Europeans change their mattresses in every two years, the replacement period of mattresses in Turkey has been lowered recently to 8 years from its earlier period of 10 years. Training programs have to be organized to educate the people and the customers about buying the right mattresses for their needs. When became a separate industry from furniture sector, mattress industry will prosper much in the future.

Would you mention about your export activities? Which countries do you export, and which countries do you want to enter? Our export activities have been carried out in collaboration with our EVS Foreign trade company in Istanbul. Our products sold mainly in Iran, Iraq and some other Arab countries in the Middle East and some European countries. We aimed to increase their share in total exports. Our aim is to offer the best services to our customers and the people in answering their needs and expectations backed by the same devotion of our educated and experienced staff having high level of moral qualities, who produce higher quality of products.

Koray Donmez, Homevs Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Genel Müdürü Member of the Board and General Ganager

insan sağlığına yararlı ve daha konforlu yataklar üretilmektedir. Yataklarımızda at saçı, deve yünü, kaşmir, organik pamuk, latex, coco, koyunyünü gibi doğal katmanlar; visco, keten, tencel, pro active, ipek, vanilya kokulu, viscon karışımlı özel örme ve dokuma kumaşlar kullanılmaktadır. Su, kir ve yağ itici özellikli dijital baskılı, yıkanabilir kılıflı ve petli yataklarımız, fonksiyonel motorlu baza ve yataklarımızla ürün gamımızda yer almaktadır. Doğallık, ergonomik ve sağlıklı yatak imalatı için ana unsurlardan biridir. Bununla birlikte hijyenin ön planda tutulduğu kalite, görsellik ve albeni markamızın vazgeçilmez konularıdır.

Uyku merkezleriniz ve bunları yayma adına yaptığınız çalışmalar hakkında bilgi verir misiniz?

Uyku merkezi konseptlerimiz tespit edilen merkezi bölge mağazalarında minimum 150 metrekare alan içerisinde tüketiciyle buluşmaktadır. Hazırlamış olduğumuz uyku merkezlerimiz, tasarımcımız tarafından Homevs konsepti uygulanarak mağazaların en nezih ve en şık bölümü oluşturulmaktadır. Uyku merkezlerimizin yanı sıra otel, yurt, hastane ve özel proje çalışmaları yapılmaktadır.


Siz bu sektörün önemli bir temsilcisi olarak Türkiye’deki uyku sektörü ve uyku ürünleri hakkında neler söylemek istersiniz?

İnsan hayatının ortalama 25 yılını geçirdiği bir ürün ile alakalı farkındalığın oluşturulması şüphesiz en önemli konudur. Sağlıksız yatak ve uyku gün içerisinde yaşanan stres ve psikolojik sorunların ana etkenlerinden olup ilerde yaşanacak bel, sırt ve kas rahatsızlıkları gibi fizyolojik sağlık problemlerine neden olmaktadır. Avrupa’da ortalama 2 yıl olan yatak değişim süresi ülkemizde 10 yıl ortalamalardan 8 yıla düşmüştür. Tüketicilere bu konu ile alakalı olarak sık sık eğitimler verilmesi ve bilinçlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Yatak sektörünün mobilya sektöründen ayrılarak branşlaşması uyarlılığı daha da artıracaktır.

İhracat ile alakalı çalışmalarınızdan bahseder misiniz? Hangi ülke ve bölgelere ihracat yapıyorsunuz? Girmeyi planladığınız yeni ülkeler var mı?

İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren EVS Dış Ticaret firmamız ile bağlantılı olarak ihracat faaliyetlerimiz yürütülmektedir. Avrupa ve Orta Doğu ülkeleri hedef ve planlarımız arasındadır. Amacımız markalaşma için çıktığımız bu yolda yüksek iş ahlakı, kaliteli ürünlerimiz, eğitimli ve tecrübeli çalışanlarımız ile müşterilerimizin ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini eksiksiz karşılayabilmek ve yıllar sonra da aynı özveri ile ülkemize en iyi şekilde hizmet etmektir.


World interior design industry focuses on the trade fair duo, imm cologne and LivingKitchen Dünya iç tasarım endüstrisi imm cologne ve LivingKitchen ikilisine odaklandı


The middle of the market benefits from the export opportunities provided by the leading trade fair Pazarın merkezi, bu önemli ticaret fuarının sunduğu ihracat fırsatlarıyla coşuyor In just over four months, the trade fair duo of imm cologne/LivingKitchen (16 through 22 January 2017) will open its doors. With around 1,300 exhibitors from 50 countries across 270,000 square meters of gross exhibition space, the event in Cologne will once again present itself as “what is probably the biggest and most comprehensive furniture store in the world”. As always, the coming edition of imm cologne will also once again be a uniquely international showcase for the global interior design industry. Just short of 70% of the exhibitors will be coming from abroad, primarily from Europe. More than 110,000 industry insiders are expected on the trade visitor days. Even now, all of the signs are clearly indicating that the increased interest from abroad in imm cologne and LivingKitchen can be built on even further, thus providing long-lasting support for the exhibitors in their efforts to grow export sales. In addressing visitors, the focus is currently on Europe, North America and China.

imm cologne ve LivingKitchen fuar ikilisinin açılışına (16-22 Ocak 2017) 4 aydan fazla bir süre var. 50 ülkeden 1300’den çok firmanın 270 bin metrekare brüt alanda yapacakları şovda bu fuarın dünyanın en büyük ve en kapsamlı mobilya fuarı olduğunu bir kez daha ispatlayacak. Her yıl olduğu gibi bu fuar da küresel iç tasarım sanayi için uluslararası yegane buluşma yeri olacak. Katılımcıların yaklaşık %70’i başta Avrupa ülkeleri olmak üzere yurt dışından gelecek. Teşhir günlerinde yaklaşık 110 bin sektör temsilcisinin ziyaret etmesi

bekleniyor. Daha şimdiden fuara olan ilginin çok yüksel olduğu ve daha da artacağı gözlemleniyor. Ziyaretçilere hitap etmek konusunda odak noktaları ise Avrupa, Kuzey Amerika ve Çin. Koelnmesse fuarının Başkanı ve CEO’su Gerald Böse’ye göre imm cologne fuarı bir kere daha kapsamlı bir iç tasarım fuarı olduğunu ve bu alanın bütün ürün gruplarını ve fiyat kategorilerini sunacak en önemli etkinlik. Fuar organizasyonu gelecek Ocak ayında yapılacak olan imm cologne


In the words of Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse, imm cologne will once again present itself as a comprehensive interior design event that reflects entire product lines across all interiors segments and price categories for all sales channels currently in use. Top international design will also once again be a focus of imm cologne in 2017, which will be particularly evident in the Pure segment.

The organizers can chalk up interesting first-time exhibitors as well as returners in almost all segments of imm cologne for the coming January. This is particularly true for the Smart segment, accommodated in Halls 7 and 8. Major companies that serve the “middle of the market” have again, or for the first time, confirmed their participation because not only do they reach the market-relevant purchasing structures in German-speaking countries, but also the high-turnover distribu-

fuarı için yüksek sayıda hem yeni katılımcı hem de eskilerden dönen katılımcı kaydediyor. Bu özellikle 7. ve 8. hollerde yer alan Akıllı segmentinde geçerli. Pazarın merkezine hitap eden en büyük firmalar yine ya da yeniden katılımlarını teyit ettiler zira bunlar sadece Almanca konuşan ülkelerde pazarla ilgili satın almalarla değil bütün Avrupa’dan yüksek cirolu dağıtımlarla ilgilenen kesim.

Yatak sanayi yine Köln’e odaklanacak ve bunun sonucu olarak da 9. Holdeki “Sleep” senaryosu, 2017 yılında da, “Kusura bakmayın, yerimiz kalmadı” şeklinde olacak. Çok sayıda firma hala kendisi için bu holde bir stant yeri açılmasını bekliyor. 9. Holden başka, 5.1 holünde de yatak Sleep konusunda hizmet veren katılımcılar yer alacak. Böylece ziyaretçiler bu sektörde de yeni isimler görebilecekler.


Uluslararası tasarım 2017 imm cologne’sinde de özellikle Pure (saf, temiz) segmentinde etkin olacak. Her iki yılda bir olduğu üzere 2017 yılında da LivingKitchen birleşik fuar etkinliği de önemli bir konu olarak öne çıkıyor. Bir çatı altında en büyük mutfak katılımı olan 200’den fazla firma imm cologne

tors from the whole of Europe. It is precisely this international acceptance on the buying side that clearly distinguishes imm cologne from other, more regionally oriented industry events, states Gerald Böse. After a one-year pause, CS Schmal is returning to the Smart halls. The newcomers include, among others, the Danish company Interstil, as well as numerous other debut exhibitors from countries such as Spain, Sweden and Russia. Other companies returning to the event include Ekornes in the Comfort segment as well as Joop Living and Maronese in the Prime segment. The mattress industry continues to focus on Cologne and consequently, the scenario for “Sleep” in Hall 9 in 2017 will once again be: “Sorry, fully booked”. Numerous companies are presently waiting for a stand to become available in this hall. Apart from in Hall 9, Sleep will take place in Hall 5.1 as

ile birlikte daha zengin bir içerik sunacaklar. Bütün bunlar demek oluyor ki Köln şehri 16 Ocak gününden 22 Ocak gününe kadar uluslararası döşemeciliğin trend barometresi olacak. Ziyaretçiler ve basın bu fuarda birçok ilginç ve heyecan verici yenilikçi ürünler arayabilirler.

Yatak sanayi yine Köln’e odaklanacak ve bunun sonucunda 9. Holdeki “Sleep” senaryosu: “Kusura bakmayın, yerimiz kalmadı” şeklinde olacak.


well, so visitors can look forward to seeing attractive new participants in the Sleep segment as well. Top international design will also once again be a focus of imm cologne in 2017, which will be particularly evident in the Pure segment. Pure will be rounded off with Pure Editions (innovative interior designs, special-edition concepts, as well as “Das Haus Interiors on Stage”), Pure Textile (textile interior design by premium textile brands), Pure Talents (experimental design, schools and universities, Pure Talents Contest) as well as, for the first time, Pure Studios (design labs, professional networks, independent designers/ studios). New exhibitors in the Pure segment include, among others, Gloster, Nanimarquina, Möller Design, Roche Bobois, and Meridiani.

As in every second year, in January 2017 LivingKitchen will also once again be an important part of the combined fair and a major highlight. More than 200 exhibitors will be participating in the world’s biggest kitchen show staged under one roof. All of this means that Cologne will be the trend barometer for the international furnishing world from 16 to 22 January 2017. Visitors and the media may look forward to many interesting companies and exciting product innovations.


Innova Bedding signs strategic partnership agreement with NA Group Innova Bedding, NA Group ile stratejik ortaklık anlaşması imzaladı STAN TR is born from the new partnership. Ortaklıktan STAN TR firması doğuyor

Hong-Kong based and Switzerland origin NA Group company signed a strategic business agreement with Innova Bedding and Onder Honi in Turkey.

Innova Bedding is a Kayseri origin company networking, consulting, sourcing and distributing in bedding, furniture and textile industry.

The name of the new company is going to be StanTR. STAN TR will perform sales from Turkey by using NA Group’s sales network in other countries to bedding and textile materials.

NA Group is producing pillow and zippered textile bags in China mainland and Cambodia. The main market of the group is Central Europe. Na Group has its own companies in Macedonia, Romania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Germany, China and Hong Kong about mattress and textile industry for 40 years. With the new partnership NA Group companies will source from Turkey. STAN TR will be established in Turkey as the 7th country for cooperation in activities to be done. The NA Group is an amalgamation of international trading and production companies headquartered in the Far East that was established on the initiative of Rolf Neidhart and Andreas Arbenz. Its strategy is based on the supply of components and finished products from the Far East to the processing industry and retail trade.

NA Group companies work without any bank loans whatsoever — all the Group companies have grown under their own strength. All profits are reinvested in the NA Group.

NA Group integrated business model focuses on three areas - sourcing, agents and services - and allows us to combine expertise and resources for the benefit of our customers. We add local specialist knowledge to the experience we have gained in all competence areas at the NA Group to deliver flexible and uncomplicated solutions for our customers. NA Group’s compact organizational structure allows us to act with flexibility and speed. In other words, we have the capacity to adapt our products and services to changing market and customer requirements.

NA Group’s business model affords us the opportunity to engage the market in an innovative way and the unrivalled ability, by way of local structures in Asia, to handle sales directly without any intermediaries. All this is done with the reliability of western standards. Efficient supply chain management is guaranteed. In the strategic business areas: - Bed products

- Mattress accessories - Promotional articles


The products marketed by the NA Group originate from the close cooperation with its production partners. When selecting products the benefit to the customer is always its first priority, and NA always tries to satisfy the needs and desires of its existing customers in its target markets. The products stand for functionality, fitness for purpose, user-friendliness and durability. The NA Group markets the following bed products: - Baby items - Bed goods - Packaging bags Support pillows.

Mattress accessories comprise the following products: - 3D Mesh Mattress covers - Mattress foot protectors - Zippers

The new company’s headquarters will be in Kayseri. STAN TR will supply bedding and mattress components from Europe and Fars East to Turkey. At the same time the company will sell Turkish bedding components and mattress production materials to worldwide mattress producers with the cooperation of NA Group and Innova Bedding network.

Hong Kong’da kurulu İsviçre menşeli NA Group, Türkiye’den Innova Yatak ve Önder Honi ile stratejik iş anlaşması imzaladı. İnnova Yatak Kayseri firması olup yatak, mobilya ve tekstil sanayilerinde ağ, danışmanlık, araştırma ve distribütörlük işlerinde uzman bir firma. Yeni şirketin ismi StanTR olacak ve Türkiye’den NA Group’un Türkiye’den diğer ülkelere yatak ve tekstil satış ağını oluşturacak. NA Group Çin’de ve Kamboçya’da yastık ve fermuarlı tekstil çantaları üretiyor. Grubun ana pazarı Orta Avrupa. Grubun Makedonya, Romanya, Bosna Hersek, Almanya, Çin ve Hong Kong’da 40 yıldır yatak ve tekstil sanayisinde çalışan kendi şirketleri var. Bu yeni şirket ile NA Group Türkiye’yi de ağına katmış olacak. Yapılacak işler açısından STAN TR’nin kurulması Türkiye’yi grubun yedinci ülkesi olarak bünyesine katmış olacak. NA Grubu, Rolf Neidhart ve Andreas Arbenz’in teşebbüsleri ile merkezleri Uzak Doğu’da bulunan uluslara-

rası ticaret ve üretim şirketlerinin birleşiminden oluşan bir yapı. Grubun stratejisi işleme sanayi ve perakende ticaret için komponent ve bitmiş ürün tedariki sağlamak. NA Group’un kompakt yapısı, esneklik ve hız için oldukça uygun bir yapı. Yani ürünlerini ve hizmetlerini değişen pazar şartlarına ve müşteri taleplerine kolayca adapte edebilecek bir yapıya sahip. Şirket ana olarak yatak ürün ve aksesuarları ile tanıtım malzemelerine odaklanmış bir durumda. Yenilikçiliğe son derece önem veren firma en son teknolojileri kullanmak konusunda da hassas bir yapıya sahip. Yatak ürünlerinde bebek ürünleri, yatak eşyaları, paketleme çantaları ve destek yastıkları bulunuyor. Yeni şirketin merkezi Kayseri’de olacak. STAN TR, Avrupa’dan ve Uzak Doğu’dan Türkiye’ye yatak komponentleri tedarik edecek. Şirket aynı zamanda Türk yatak komponentleri ve üretim malzemelerini NA Group ve Innova Bedding ağı işbirliği ile dünya çapında pazarlayacak.


A new product from Sova Bedding: Penta Sova Bedding’ten yepyeni bir ßrßn; Penta Penta, a new mechanism for bedding, made by Sova Bedding company to be introduced in the Sleepwell Expo.

Started to produce in Holland in 1995, Sova Design launches its brand new product Penta first in Sleepwell Expo under its new brand Sova Bedding. Penta has four movements, more than other competitive mechanisms. General manager of the company Mehtap Akkoyun informed about his company and its products.

On the company

As a foreign company headquartered in Holland, we started to produce boxspring in 2008 and decided to produce them in


Turkey at the end of 2015. So, we established a new production facility and began to produce at European standards.

Penta: A different solution

Penta has more ability to move in four directions. This is our superiority on similar products. There are only movements on the head side and on the leg side in our other mechanisms. Penta can be lowered and heightened on both sides.

It is designed for home use

Penta is especially designed for the needs of elderly and patients. Penta is the new form of beds normally used in hospitals and special care units for the needs of special people who need care at their homes. Like other similar products, this product has electrical control units and can be adjusted easily for variety of positions. Its outlook is also somehow different from professional products, and made of metal parts. Balanced distribution of weigh of the patients is important, so, our product is designed for this end. Handset that controls the movements provides high level of practicality to the user.

Mehtap Akkoyun Sova Bedding General Manager Genel Müdür

1995 yılında Hollanda’da üretime başlayan Sova Design, yeni markası Sova Bedding ile ürettiği yepyeni ürünlerini ilk kez Sleepwell Expo’da görücüye çıkarıyor. Özellikle hareket kabiliyetleri ile ön plana çıkan Penta, diğer mekanizmalardan farklı olarak 4 harekete sahip.

Yenilikçi üretim

Sova Bedding’in yenilikçi ürün anlayışı ile üretim yapacağının altını çizen Genel Müdür Mehtap Akkoyun, markasının üretim anlayışını şu şekilde değerlendirdi: “2008 yılından itibaren tamamen Boxspring üretmeye başlayan markamız,

2015 yılı sonunda Türkiye’de üretim yapma kararı aldı. Bu sebeple yeni bir üretim tesisi inşa ettik ve Ar-Ge’nin önemini bilerek üretim yapıyoruz. Üretim segmentimiz Avrupa Standartları doğrultusunda yapılmaktadır. Zira biz; merkezi Avrupa’da olan bir firmayız ve üst segmentte üretim yapmaktayız.“

Penta’nın diğerlerinden farkı Diğer muadillerine göre daha fazla hareket kabiliyetine sahip olan yeni ürünleri Penta hakkında da konuşan Akkoyun: “Bizim bu ürünümüzü diğerlerinden ayrı kılan; eklenen 4 ayrı harekettir. Diğer


Sova Bedding, uzun çalışmalar sonucunda ürettiği yeni mekanizması Penta’yı, Sllepwell Expo’da görücüye çıkarttı.

mekanizmalarımızda yatak başucu ve ayakucu hareketleri mevcuttur. Penta ise; yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda hep yükselebilmekte hem de alçalabilmektedir. Ayrıca, diğer mekanizmalarımızda mevcut olan ayakucu ve başucu hareketlerinin yanı sıra yatak yükselme hareketinde iken, ayı anda ayakucu da alçalmaktadır.

Hastane yataklarının ev için tasarlanmış hali

Penta’nın özellikle hasta ve yaşlılar için tasarlandığının da altını çizen Mehtap Akkoyun sözlerini şu şekilde sonlandırdı: “Penta, hastane ve özel bakım evlerinde kullanılan yatakların ev için tasarlanmış halidir. Evde bakıma ihtiyaç duyan hasta ve yaşlılar da artık rahatlıkla bu ürünü kullanabilecekler. Penta yine diğer hareketli yataklar gibi elektrik aksamına sahiptir. Burada 2 ayrı motor kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca motora bağlı kumanda ile de hareket seçenekleri mevcuttur. Gerek kullanım gerekse görsel olarak bambaşka bir ürün olan Penta, di-

ğer mekanizmalar gibi yine metalden üretilmiştir. Birçok üreticinin aksine mukavemeti artırmak için ciddi bir çalışma gerçekleştirilen ürünümüzün bu özelliği önemlidir. Zira yaşlı ve hasta bakımında vücut ağırlığının dengeli dağılımı çok daha önem kazanmaktadır. Kumanda sistemi ise sadece hareket kabiliyetini açısından değil kitap okumak, televizyon izlemek gibi aktiviteler için kişiye özel konfor da sağlamaktadır.


CIFF Shanghai hosted the world furniture industry

CIFF Şangay fuarı dünya mobilya sanayisini ağırladı Second in Shanghai and 38th in total, China International Furniture Fair (CIFF) came to a successful end on September 10, 2016. With over 2,000 exhibitors and 48 seminars and activities, the four-day event presented an amazing feast to the global furniture industry. For the second time CIFF took place in NECC (New Exhibition and Convention Center) in Hongqiao. It attracted 84,696 professional visitors, with an increase of 9,574

Şangay’da bu yıl ikincisi düzenlenen ama toplamda 38.cisi yapılan Uluslararası Çin Mobilya Fuarı (CIFF), 7-10 Eylül tarihleri arasında Şangay Yeni Sergi ve Toplantı Merkezi’nde yapıldı. 2000’den fazla katılımcı ve 48 seminer ve etkinliğe sahne olan bu dört günlük dev fuar dünya mobilya ve yatak sanayiinin küresel bir gösterimi oldu. Yaklaşık 85 bin profesyonel ziyaretçiyi konuk eden CIFF, geçen yıla göre zi-


over last year. This number is perhaps less breathtaking than the hundreds of thousands of visits or billions’ RMB deals that happened to some exhibitions. However, the progress indeed reflects a growing business value of CIFF as a trade oriented furniture show. As is CIFF’s principle: always concentrate on the needs of exhibitors and visitors, it stands by the industry and develops together with the industry so that all parties can share a win-win outcome. In this gigantic world event, Turkey was represented by 20 exhibitors operating in the contract furniture, office furniture and home furniture. They had a broad range of products of classic, modern, modular, coupon and avant-garde styles. Visiting the show, H.E. Özcan Şahin, Turkish consul general in Shanghai, and S. Aykut Aymelek, Turkish commercial counselor, visited the Turkish companies and Mr. Ahmet Güleç, Chairman of the Board of Paper and Forestry Products Exporters’ Association, the organizer of Turkish participation.

As a premium furniture trade show, CIFF (Shanghai) always promotes common prosperity among exhibitors and visitors. It facilitates information exchange and business matching, making trade smooth and effective. This year it offered a “Buyer Data Package” to exhibitors before the show. With the package, they could better understand the market and thus introduce suitable products to the show. CIFF (Shanghai) also


yaretçi bazında yaklaşık 10 bin kişi fazlalık başarısı kaydetti. Fuarın günümüz ekonomisinde büyümeye devam etmesi büyük bir başarı olarak kabul edildi. Bu dev organizasyonda Türk katılımı kontrat, ofis ve ev mobilyaları konularında iştigal eden 20 firma tarafından temsil edildi. Yatak ve mobilya çeşitlerinin bol olarak sunulduğu Türk şovunda klasik, modern, modüler, kupon ve avangart stiller göze çarptı. Türkiye’nin Şangay Başkonsolosu S. Aykut Aymelek ile Ticaret Ataşesinin birlikte Kağıt ve Orman Ürünleri Derneği Başkanı Ahmet Güleç’i ve Türk katılımcı firmaları ziyaret etti.

Sektörün önde gelen fuarı olan CIFF, katılımcı ve ziyaretçiler arasındaki ortak başarıyı tanıtan bir marka. Bilgi paylaşımını kolaylaştıran ve örtüşen iş imkanlarını daha etkin olarak devreye sokabilen yapısıyla CIFF fuardan önce katılımcılara “Satın Alıcı Data Paketi” sundu. Pakette sektör ve ihtiyaçlar hakkında bilgiler ve ticarette dikkat etmeleri gereken kural ve faydalı bilgiler bulunuyordu. Satın alıcıların talep ve ihtiyaçlarına göre fuarda gezmelerinin haritasını da belirleyen CIFF yöneticileri o çok büyük alanda en pratik gezme, görüşme ve sonuca varma için rehber niteliğinde çalıştı. Satın alıcı delegelerin doğru katılımcılarla


designed customized visiting routes for buyers according to their purchase demand. This helped them identify the right partners more efficiently. During the show, a business-matching event was successfully launched, drawing a large crowd of participants. With rounds of intense networking, many of them reached satisfactory deals. CIFF (Shanghai) invited a number of professional buyer groups, such as European and American dealers and government procurement delegations. This helped brought actual benefits to exhibitors.

CIFF (Shanghai) is not just an incubator for trade cooperation. It is also a grand stage for industry communication. The 38th session organized 48 brilliant activities, including design displays, expert seminars, guest dialogues and fashion shows. All of the events focused on industry needs and trends. The EAST Design Show shared fascinating colors and the best oriental furniture design. The China Tour of Pinnacle Awards by American Society of Furniture Designers debuted in CIFF (Shanghai), sharing design pieces that are mass-produced and highly popular in the US. Famous scholars, economists and entrepreneurs gathered to discuss heated themes, sharing insights on “Supply-side Reform & Distribution Innovation for China’s Furniture Market”, “Intelligent Industry


Upgrading and Transformation” and “Made in China 2025”. The Office Life Theme Pavilion shared an integrated office environment of human factors, ergonomics, green requirements, smart trends, space mix & match and fashion. The “Furniture ·Harbor Story” launched “Alpod --- a mobile home” to share a futuristic open living space. Driven by market demand and featured by crossover integration, the on-site events helped inspire the industry and foster common development. The next edition of CIFF will be held in Guangzhou, 18-21 March 2017 as the first phase and 28-31 March 2017 as the second phase.

görüşmeleri için de organizasyonlar, yönlendirmeler ayarlandı. Öncesinde dünyanın çeşitli yerlerinden, özellikle de Avrupa ve Amerika’dan satın alıcı heyetler organize edilmişti. CIFF’in gelecek fuarı iki devre halinde Guangzhou şehrinde yapılacak. Birinci devre daha çok ev mobilyası ağırlıklı olup 18-21 tarihlerinde, ikincisi de 28-31 Mart tarihlerinde ofis mobilyaları ve mobilya teknolojileri ile birlikte Interzum Guangzhou etkinliğiyle eş zamanlı ve aynı mekanda, yani Pazhou fuar ve sergi alanında yapılacak.


Opportunity for renewal of bedrooms

Yatak Odaları için Yenilenme Fırsatı

Having all parts of an integrated products needed for living spaces, Koleksion, offers Alia mattress and other products series designed by Faruk Malhan, for sale in shop collection online store with a discount of 2,500 TL. Special offer contains an Alia mattress, a drawer-dresser and two nightstands.

The series reflects the warm texture of wood in a special design and also exhibits a noble stand with its lean outlook. All units of the collection have triangle formed legs as a characteristic of the design. It promises a comfortable and healthy sleep experiences with its wooden structure and headstand. Having the same characteristics with other units, the dressers have

Koleksiyon offers special opportunities for newly weds and for those who want to renew their bedrooms in its online store for Alia sleep products. Yaşam alanları için bir bütünün tüm parçalarını farklı yaklaşımlar içerisinde sunan Koleksiyon, Faruk Malhan tasarımı Alia yatak serisini adresindeki online mağazasında 2.500 TL’lik bir indirimle satışa sunuyor. Özel kampanyada sunulan set bir Alia yatak, bir şifonyer ve iki adet komodinden oluşuyor. Özgün tasarımında ahşabın sıcak dokusunu taşıyan Alia serisi, yalın

görüntüsü ile bulunduğu ortamda asil bir duruş sergiliyor. Sıcak malzeme yanında serinin tüm üyelerinde bulunan üçgen kesitli ayaklar karakteristik bir öge olarak tüm üyelerin birbiriyle olan bağını güçlendiriyor. Bu karakteristik özelliklerle vücut bulan Alia yatak ahşap iskeleti ve yatak başıyla hem konforlu hem de sağlıklı bir uyku deneyimi vadediyor. Aynı karakteristik özelliklere sahip Alia şifonyer


Eve dair en özel anları kelimelere gerek duymadan tasarımlarına taşıyan Koleksiyon, online mağazasında Alia uyku grubu kampanyasıyla yatak odalarını yenilemek isteyenlere ve yeni evlenecek çiftlere özel fırsatlar sunuyor. larger storage capacities with its multiple drawers.

Buyers may visit the site of the company for other details of the campaign that will be valid by the end of October.

de çoklu çekmeceye sahip yapısı sayesinde geniş bir depolama ünitesi olarak dikkat çekiyor. Ekim ayı boyunca Koleksiyon online mağazada geçerli olacak kampanyadan faydalanmak ve tüm Alia üyelerini tanımak için shop. adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.


SLEEP WELL EXPO 2016 show previews


SLEEPWELL EXPO is the only show in the world offering all segments of the sleep products industry, from raw materials, components, and machinery to finished mattresses. In the 2016 edition around 100 exhibitors will showcase all major items of the industry including machinery, springs, foams, fabrics, chemicals and other components. To give you an impression on the exhibitors and exhibits we are offering the following previews with some snapshots to lead the visitors to the correct stands at the venue.


Turan Akozlu Akozlu, General Manager

Yuxing was founded in 2002 and specialized in manufacturing computerized quilting machines including scientific research, process manufacture, sales management and after sale service all over the world. Successful implement of the company into ISO9001:2000 international Quality Management System , honored as “Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises” by Dongguan City Science & Technology office. Factory cover area is 66.666sqm (100acre) with 200 workers and 50 technical engineers. It’s good capability on products’ development and improvement, owning a lots of patents in this industry. Akozlu Company is the Yuxing business partner in Turkey to provide “ sales, installation, training and after sale service” for Turkey, EU and neighbor countries.


Selcuk Varli, Director, Allbeco

Allbeco is one of the important company of bedding sector with its natural products made by plant fiber and animal hair containing Latex Foam , Horse Hair , Camel Hair , Cashmere , Wool , Cotton , Sea grass. Besides those , Allbeco provides BODITRAK Body Pressure Maps which is used for sales point to increase sales volume of the customers by showing right mattresses for the end users.

Export Georgia, Iran, Ethiopia, Moldova, Kosovo, Armenia, Italy, Nigeria, Trinitrate Tobago, Guinea, Netherlands, Romania

Product Range

Natural mattress materials, mattress materials

About Sleepwell Expo

Come together and talk about the advantages of natural products in mattress market with domestic and overseas manufacturers and be a force in mattress market.


Mustafa Turunc Arda Kimya, General Manager

Arda Chemical Company, one of the leading innovative companies in this sector has been manufacturing glues and auxiliary materials for sector furniture, upholstery, shoe, bedding and automotive industries in accordance with customer expectations in İstanbul Boya ve Vernikciler Organize Sanayi Region (İstanbul Paint and Varnishers Organized Industrial Area). It was established in 1997 under the name Mekimsan Kimya San.and Tic.Ltd. located in İstanbul - Maltepe. The company changed its name to Arda Chemical Company.Has started production in İstanbul Paint an Vanishers Organized industrial area. In order to meet continuous demand the company produces following products:

Export Markets: Egypt, Algeria, Lebanon, Balkans, Middle East and Europe





About Sleepwell Expo: Last year we had participated in the fair for the first time. The positive result of the show led us to attend this year again. I believe that this is an important opportunity for all manufacturers to promote their products.



Hizir Korkmaz Artintech, Foreign Trade Manager

“Artintechs presents solution partnership with unconditional customer satisfaction about designing and manufacturing of Display Systems. Artintechs’ products are Mattress Display Systems, Curtain Display Systems and Special Product Designing.

All advertising tools must be used effectively in order to present the products correctly to the target market.

Artintechs, always targets express service to ensure customer satisfaction by following the innovations in the sector with the principles “ Brilliant Idea, Correct Design, Perfect Production’.

Our Company with its educated, experienced and talented team will be pleased to be a solution partner for you with all its projects.”

Export Markets:

USA, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Russıa, Australıa, New Zealand, China, INDIA, Nigeria, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Israel.

Product Range:

Mattress display systems, pillow display systems, boxspring display systems, ad boards, boxspring headboard display systems, mattress crossing display systems, special designed sleep center systems, portable mattress systems (for homes and hotels).

About Sleepwell Expo:

We will be there to introduce our new products to our existing customers and to meet with new potential customers from domestic and international markets.


Conny Dils - Patrick Jakob Artilat

Artilat holds a leading European position as a manufacturer of a well-balanced range of latex foam products. Thanks to our close collaboration with the bedding industry, we are able to supply our partners with top quality products.


Berhan Kaya Aydin Tekstil, Sales Manager

Export Markets: We export to around 60 countries in America, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia.

Product Range: Mattress fabrics.

About Sleepwell Expo: We were very much satisfied with last year’s performance of the fair. We are hoping with the same excitement to get better results this year. We consider this show as a good event and believe that it will get a better place in the future.


Celil Cicek Asya Orme, General Manager

We, as Asya Orme, are aware of our responsibility with our 22 years of textile experience and the expert staff in its fields. We give you an opportunity of healthy and quality life with our products which allow you to wake up refreshed and relaxed.

Our Vision

To produce bedding fabric that our priority is serving as human health by following sectoral innovation in the world, changes, developments with an innovative approach. Depending on this vision, our company takes aim at being recognized, being know and being a brand in demand with compony’s image which produces SLEEP FRIENDLY BEDDİNG FABRIC.

Our Mission

Ergonomic product range that we shape with R&D activities completes with our main quality and fair price mission. To increase customer satisfaction with a sustainable acceleration and to create awareness constitute another element of our mission. Periodic quality checks at every stage of production is the insurance of the qualty guarantees of our products.

Export Markets: Approximately 10 countries notably in European zone.

Product Range:

About Sleepwell Expo: We will take part at Sleepwell Expo to meet new customers.


Mustafa Atasever Aziz Tekstil, General Manager

Aziz Textiles COMPANY PROFILE; Our company was founded in Organized Industrial Zone in 2012. ADA. It is engaged in the recycling of textile waste. Seal line with the latest technology we have built in 2012, about 500 monthly / We make 750 tons felt manufacturing. Weight weight varieties of 800 m2 / g m2 / 1800 m2 / g m2 ars we have been felt in production. Mission; Nature and high standards make products without harming the environment, improve customer satisfaction, to be a reliable partner for our customers. Vision; Our production capacity and further enhance our quality every day, to deliver a smooth and timely products to our customers.

Export Markets: Ukraine and Azerbaijan

Product Range: -Felts

About Sleepwell Expo: We will take part in order to increase our influence in domestic and foreign markets.


Ilham Oz B-Mix Yatak, General Coordinator

“B-Mix, a brand of İşbir Holding, has always been loyal to the İşbir general principles and with the guidance of these principles continues to move forward with decisive steps towards being a well-recognized, trusted and market leader brand.

The company strives towards becoming a contemporary corporation that creates a distinction by fulfilling its commitment to customers from the raw material stage to delivery of the finished product and by reinforcing its quality with a technological infrastructure. Being aware of the importance of quality as the backbone of our brand strategy, we set out to provide each of our customers with the right quality product and service at every stage of the formation of our brand. With this awareness we provide many different varieties of stylish products generally affordable and appealing to any age and preference. B-mix mattresses, in a wide range from full ergonomic mattresses in 3 different firmness to visco mattresses provide an ideal alternative especially for those seeking quality and affordability in the same product.”


Currently, we are not involved in foreign trade.

Product Range

The motto of our brand B-mix Yatak is “not only ergonomic but also economic”. As you can tell from this motto, the two concepts we brought together while creating our product portfolio were good quality and affordable price. We provide good quality, economic products that appeal to every age and preference. We have a mattress portfolio that ranges from full ergonomic mattresses in three different levels of firmness, to our memory foam mattresses including many alternatives and stylish models. We also produce bed bases, headboards and textiles as a complementary line under our brand.

About Sleepwell Expo

Our biggest goal this year is to increase the number of shop in shop sales points. Since we are a company that grows with shop in shop strategy and aim to be perceived as easily available brand, the number of sales points is a critical issue for us. At the SleepWell exhibition, we expect to meet business partners that are suitable for our brand in this respect.


Duygu Gunaydin Bedcovers, Assistant General Manager

With its production in a 3500 m2 area in Saraykoy, Ankara, we have made progress in the field of quality assurance with bed-covers (Kardeşler Deri Saraciye Tekstil ve Otomotiv Sanayi Tic. Ltd.Şti.), with a high production capacity since 1989. Experts of our work, our customers perform flawless production with our trained staff. We receive positive feedback in this regard. With values such as world fashion, comfort, in order to be the first company started production of new products, we constantly follow the industry. We are beginning to favorable construction work to the generation of our products to our newly developed products. With the help of developing machines, our dynamic team continued to work in an integrated way. We have acquired convenient machinery through our quality posture in the sector. Our company provides the quality of the assets and the modern lines of our products are constantly improved and continuity for its customers. Therefore, it is “time for the change”.

Export Markets: Switzerland, Germany, Iran and Azerbaijan.

Product Range:

About Sleepwell Expo: We will be at Sleepwell Expo Istanbul in order to meet with the organizations operating in the global and Turkish markets, to promote our product variety and quality, to find new solution partners, to add value to our brand, to offer our innovative and modern concept to whole sector.


Mehmet Koksal Borsa Malzeme, Proprietor

Bor-sa Malzemecilik, with its approx. 10 years experience, gives supply service to furniture producer with wide range raw material such as foam, upholstery fabric, knitted and jaquard mattres fabric, felt, glue, accesories (air capsule, legs,etc.) mattres tape, fiber, pocket or helezon spring and at the same time supples depending on our customers specific requested semi products such as quilted capitone, mattress side bordures etc.

Export Markets:

Tunis, Georgia, Macedonia, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq and Greece.

Product Range:

Trading of all materials related to mattresses. We also make foam-sizing business.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We will be at Sleepwell Expo to increase of export activities and to expand our customer portfolio.


Gokmen Kara Boyteks, Mattress-Ticking Fabric Marketing Director

Boyteks produces mattress ticking and the carpet group in Kayseri, while the upholstery fabric is produced in Bursa. Having started producing mattress ticking in the year 2000, Boyteks also started producing woven mattress ticking in 2005 to respond to the market demand in addition to knitted fabric, which was increased in 2010 and will continue to be increased in the future. Additionally, upholstery fabric production started in 2003 and carpet production in 2011. Manufacturing yarn in their own facility for production since 2003, Boyteks completes all processes from yarn to fabric production in its own fully integrated facilities which operates within the company’s own ERP system.

Export Markets:

We export to countries in different continents mainly to America, England, Italy and Poland. Last year we exported to 90 countries from Mauritius Republic to Peru, Japan and Chili. We serve over 5,000 customers in 5 continents.

Product Range:

We follow the trends in textiles very closely. It is our mission to improve standards and living quality through our innovative products. For instance, ’Triple Fresh’ mattress ticking fabric cleaning the air of the environment, ‘Biorytmic Sleep’ and ‘Proactive’ mattress ticking fabrics which regulate the bio rhythm of body continue attract interest. In addition, we developed ‘Biorytmic Sleep’ with an inspiration from minerals used at acupunctures and stone therapies.

About Sleepwell Expo:

It is an important advantage to have a fair at this sector for the first time in Turkey to see the innovations and product portfolio. It is a clear fact that it will offer a different perspective to the industry. This will be an important platform for the mattress industry and for those who want operate in this business. We will take our part in this show.


Feridun Tosun: Boycelik, Export Manager

One of the forthcoming investments of Boydak Holding, an industrial leader in Turkey and all over the world. Raw materials supplier of Europe’s largest mattress and furniture manufacturers. A forerunner in manufacturing industry with quality products and on-time service. Operating on 112.000m2 total area of which 62.000m2 is covered and 50.000m2 is open, Boyçelik manufactures wire in a variety of diameters, springs and spring systems of numerous different specifications, round and rectangular tubes of several dimensions in 2 main facilities. Boyçelik export to 65 countries especially European countries, USA, South America, Middle East, and North African Countries.

Export Markets: 65 countries mainly European countries, the USA, Central Asian Turkic Republics, Middle Eastern and African countries.

Product Range:

-Boyçelik manufactures wire in a variety of diameters, springs and spring systems of numerous different specifications, round and rectangular tubes of several dimensions

About Sleepwell Expo:

We believe that the successful and stabile growth of the show will continue and it will be successful this year too.


Murat Ozturk Duru Sunger, General Manager

As Duru Sunger Ltd.

We have been producing special flexible /rigid and viscoelastic foams for mattress, sofa cosmatic and medical sectors since 2004. We have wide range of products for;

-make up sponges

-ergonomic flexible foams for mattress and pillows

-nishy selective flexible foams for sofa and armchairs -special flexible foams for medical purpose

-semi rigid and rigid foams for furniture and insulation sectors.

Export Markets: Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran.

Product Range:

Viscoelastic foam, sport foam and armchair foam.

About Sleepwell Expo:

I believe that the fair will be more influential when some details are improved. It has a bright future for the mattress industry.


Uzeyir Ozcan D-Label, Export Manager

We are one of the leader company for all kind of material for mattress labels. As like sewing,thermal (hotmelt),sticker satin,leather,woven,silicone,metali embroidery lalels. Also we produce to mattress catalog, brochure , posters and mattress display systems , pillow and mattress boxes for mattress shorwroom for support to sales.

Export Markets:

We export to 40 countries notably in America, Africa and Middle East.

Product Range: Mattress Label Pillow Box Catalog Brochure Magazine Poster Paper Bags Stand Card Cardvisit Folder Roll up Banner X Banner

About Sleepwell Expo: We felt to contribute to this event because it is the first in Turkey and we believe that it will help us to expand our foreign market and to find new customers in the future. I am sure that it will be a worldwide event as Istanbul Furniture Fair. We will support this event to develop further.


Erhan Aksu Era Endustriyel, General Manager

Our MissionIs To Deliver The Right Product At The Right Price At The Right Time,With Our Genuinely Service To Get Your Money’s Worth.

Export Markets:

Romania, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Chili, Bolivia, UK, Sweden, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Product Range:

Foam casting and cutting machines.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We will take our part in Sleepwell Expo to meet new customers and to expand our export activities.


Serkan Guler: Elektroteks, Sales Manager

ELEKTROTEKS is a 25-year old, Turkey based company specialized in mattress and quilting industry solutions. It offers complete solutions to mattress and quilting industries with the product groups of : Quilting Machines, Packing Machines, Tape Edge Machines, Mattress Border Machines, Automatic Glue Lines, Fully Assembly LÄ°nes.

Export Markets:

South Korea, Portugal, Spain, Mexico, Egypt, Iran, Czech Republic, UK, Ireland, Poland, Kosovo, Romania, Greece, Tunis, South Africa, Lebanon, Morocco, USA, Canada, The Netherlands, Germany, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albenia, Armenia, Georgia and Nigeria.

Product Range:

-Elektroteks divides its product group into 4 as listed below:

- Mattress Production Lines: Automatic Glue Lines, Conveyors and Tape Edge Machines

- Quilting Machines: Single Head, Double Heads Continuous Quilting Machines, Single Head Frame Type Quilting Machines

- Packing Machines: Automatic Packing Machines, Manual Packaging Machines and Rolling Lines - Border Machines: Full Border Processing Lines, Different Decorative Border Stitching Machines, Handle Machines and Auxiliary Machines. But of course these ranges are dynamic all the time and 30% of our production is all the time new machines, systems, developments.


Ali Oguzbas Erike Tekstil, General Manager

Export Markets: The Netherlands, Belgium, Moldova, Iran, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Product Range:

• Bed Closing Tapes from 10 mm up to 80 mm in 120 colors • 0,5 cm – 10 cm Narrow Woven • Bed Handles

• Elastic Colon at 40-45% stretch • Load to Lift Equipment • Auto Trail Rope

About Sleepwell Expo: We take part in this show in order to showcase our new products and to obtain new customers.


Mehmet Kaynar Felteks, Export Manager

Export Markets: We export over 35 countries.

Product Range:

Felts and waddings for mattress, furniture and automotive industries.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We believe that we have to be in this show as one of the leaders of the sector. Sleepwell Expo is a good opportunity to develop our brand in domestic and international markets. I believe that it will be a good show as long as it is supported.


Arif Emre Olmeztoprak Form Sunger, Sales & Marketing Manager

Many years of manufacturing experience accumulated under Boydak Holding premises has been passed on to Form Foam, which started its activities in 2002. Continuous investments complement the ever increasing production capacity and revenue targets of our company, carrying out activities on 82.000 m² of covered area with 400 employees. Our company manufactures on average 3 million cubic meters of foam annually, comprised of TDI-MDI based blocks and injection foam. Our main product categories include Standard Foam, High Resiliency (HR) foam, Visco (Memory) Foam, Visco Pillows, Medical Pillows and fiber.

The products we manufacture are mainly used by the furniture, automotive, home textiles and insulation industries. Form Foam facilities have the capacity and technology to meet foam demands of varying color, density, dimension, shape and physical features.

Export Markets: Asia, Africa, Europe and America continents.

Product Range:

Polyurethane foams, HR foams, Visco foams, Visco gel foams, Visco pillows.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We expect that this only mattress exhibition in the region comes to a powerful level by gaining more exhibitors and visitors every year.


Erhan Karakaslar Giz Group, General Manager

Giz Group Textile Plastic and Printing company is the mattress accessories producer based in Istanbul Turkey, we’re supplying mattress accessories for mattress producers in Turkey and around the world. Every mattress producer can find all mattress accessories in one place by GizGroup. Thanks to the elite team, quality products, best service, and support of our valued clients, GizGroup has grown each year. Our products : Mattress air ventilators, mattress handles, mattress 3D spacers, mattress tapes, bed bases accessories, mattress side border tapes, mattress labels etc.

Export Markets: Russia, Ukraine, Turkic Republics, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunis and Algiers.

Product Range:

Mattress Tape, Speacer, Speacer Machine, Woven Tape, Ticking Handles, Mattress Ventilators, Mattress Handle, Corner Guards and Mattress Labels

About Sleepwell Expo:

Sleepwell Expo is the only fair of the sector in Turkey. For this reason, we believe that it will be successful. We hope it becomes functional and we meet with our domestic and international customers.


Mehmet Erdem Kurt Gunteks Elyaf Tekstil, Export Manager

We are the biggest manufacturer of felt product in Turkey. Because We are Gunteks Nonwoven in Gaziantep/Turkey producing fibers for felts Ä°n 10.000m2 closed area and produce high quality felts in 15.000m2 area in 10.000m2 closed area with latest technology of 2016 model of italian machine.((there is no factory still has this technology yet in Turkey))Because All our product of felts will be always checked with our newest technology of Zwick laboratory too. Our company Gunteks felt produces 750 tons/month between 500 gsm through 5000 gsm with hard felt, soft felt, duo felt, thermovat, and thermobond which prefered from our customers

Export Markets:

We are shipping our products to 10 countries.

Product Range:

Felt and felt raw materials.

About Sleepwell Expo:

This will be our first experience at this fair. Many of our customers especially from abroad will come to the show. I hope it will be an excellent platform to showcase our products and to promote our company.


Ding Chunhai̇, Hangzhou Xiaoshan Meixin Deco Fabric Plan

Hangzhou Xiaoshan Meixin Decorative Fabric Plant (Meixin) is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. We are a professional decorative fabric company integrating research and development, manufacture, sales and marketing. Based on the ever innovative concept, and the tenet of “seeking clients with reputation”, Meixin is becoming a leading group in the realm of decorative fabrics.

Mattress fabrics, bedding fabrics, curtain fabric and sofa fabric with different materials are our main product range. The jacquard knitted fabric which is made from natural material like soy/bamboo/organic cotton and also polyester. Meixin can now produce 10 million meters annually and has been awarded as Grade AAA Enterprise and our “Meixin” trademark is honored to win the title of “Well-Known Trade Mark of Hangzhou”.


Malik Enes Huroglu Hurpol, Domestic And Export Specialist

HĂźrpol Vakum San A.Ĺž. was established in 2002 in Bursa. In line with development process and increased demands across the world, the firm has achieved the competence and speed serving in a few different sectors. Currently, we work in the areas of medical, furniture, textile, home textile under our brands Ergofoam and Viscofoam. We are a producing firm sustaining activities along with the experienced management understanding, technical infrastructure and stable working line.

We serve to our customers by keeping our sensitivity to quality in front plan especially in viscos pillows, viscos mattresses and gel products with honest and reliable firm image in medical and home textile sector.

Export Markets:

We export to 23 countries notably to UAE, Romania and The Netherlands.

Product Range:

Visco pillows, visco cooling gels, pillows and mattresses.

About Sleepwell Expo:

Increase of foreign exhibitors at every edition led us to participate in this show. With this expectation we will always support Sleepwell Expo.


Emre ErgĂźnes Huzur Malzemecilik, Purchasing Manager

Our company is supplying to domestic and foreign markets all kind of raw materials for mattress production, till hard felt,mattress fabric,adhesive,sewing thread etc since 1983

Export Markets: Egypt, Tajikistan, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, UAE, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Macedonia, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, China, Tunis, Twain, Korea, Poland, Vietnam, Nigeria, Pakistan, Romania, Albania, Bahrain, Belgium, Belarus, Algiers, Estonia, Armenia, Morocco, Palestine, Georgia, Montenegro, Cyprus, Hungary, Mongolia, Moldova and Uzbekistan.

Product Range:

Mattress glue, tape, felt, fiber, padding and yarn

About Sleepwell Expo:

We are planning to meet new customers and increase our sales. I believe that this show will contribute to our brand value too. Besides, we want to maintain continuity with our customers by increasing our product variety.


Haifeng Yuan Nantong Healthcare Machinery Co., Ltd

Nantong Healthcare Machinery Co., Ltd was founded in 2003, specializing in research, design and manufacturing of CNC contour cutting equipment. We are the largest and most successful manufacturer of CNC equipment in China. From the beginning we have operated with the spirit of “good faith� business philosophy. We are a proactive, innovative company striving to provide customers the highest quality products and best customer service available in the industry. An installed base of more than 1,500 machines worldwide speaks to our success. Further testament to our success is that we have captured more than 65% of the Chinese market.


Akın Kaynar Ixira Yatak, Owner

Ixira Mattress has been producing quality and healthy mattress with the aim of ‘’waking up the people happy’’. Basic principle of our company who operates in the mattress sector with the slogan ‘’Sleep For Future’’ is to present a good and quality sleeping comfort to our customers. Because we know that the person who sleep well and has well rested body and mind will make a happy start to the new day, say good morning with a smile to everybody and will be productive at his/her work. We have been using hygenic, high quality and Oeko-Tex standart materials consisting of cotton knitted fabrics in our mattress production. We have been selling our products to domestic and foreign markets from our factory in Izmir.

Export Markets:

We will start export activities soon.

Product Range:

Mattresses made of visco, fuzz and natural materials.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We will be exhibiting at Sleepwell Expo for the first time this year. We are targeting to promote our firm through this fair. I believe Sleepwell Expo will be a good opportunity to meet with new customers from domestic and foreign markets.


Onder Honi Innova Bedding, Founder

Innovabed Bedding puts tree of life on its logo because root of it represents our strong background and beaches of tree is representing our ambition to achieve a company which is long lasting and as possible as highest levels. Trees are giving without expectations, hopefully we will be useful to humankind like trees . Innova Bedding can supply all mattress components from Turkey to the World and from World to the Turkey. The name Innova is originated from Innovation, which is one of the main philosophy of Our new company. According to our experience; innovation, design and philosophy is main 3 must of successful companies.

Export Markets:

China, India, Middle East and Europe.

Product Range:

Ä°nnovative sleeping products, mattress cencors, mecanisms, 3D spacer bedding components.

About Sleepwell Expo:

I believe that Sleepwell Expo has a promising future and an event which the sector needs. With the finished mattress coverage, the show will be a better fair. In a short time, the fair will be an international event rather than a domestic show.


Huseyin Şıkoğlu Kayzer Furtiture, General Coordinator

“Kayzer Mobilya Ltd. Şti. was established in 2011-2012 to manufacture high in quality sleep products. We have launched the production in order to contribute to the national economy focusing on exports along with management for the furniture sector, human resources, production processes, quality and marketing network with our founding staff owning a great experience in the furniture sector.

Producing beneficial, advantageous and practical products is an obligation in our company principle to safeguard customer satisfaction and ease. We export 60 percent of the production to Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Austria, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia and Dubai. We want to be one of the most important producers of national and international markets. Searching continuously for being better one, focusing on development, innovation, quality and honesty are the unchanged commitments of Kayser Mobilya. Our qualified, knowledgeable, dynamic and high motivated employees attach attention to every detail of product including design, laboring and packaging. We possess a unique, flawless and careful understanding which takes the products under guarantee to meet demands and wishes of customers in the market having high competition. “

Export Markets:

Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Norway, Libya, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Italy, BAE, Qatar, Egypt and Denmark.

Product Range:

Moving and complementary concept products.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We are exhibiting at Sleepwell Expo to promote our company in domestic and international markets.


Onur Kirayoglu Kirayteks, Member Of The Board

Our company, which is continuing the production of jacquard and straight fabric for home textile for a period of more than 20 years, also serves to domestic and foreign markets as result of its previous and ongoing investments on new technologies. Our product types are consisting of fabrics for roller blind, mattress ticking and technical textile with numerous design, type and composition.

Export Markets:

Russia, UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia, Morocco, Tunis, Lebanon, Cyprus, Greece, Azerbaijan, Spanish, Italy, Canada and Australia.

Product Range:

Knitted and woven bed covers (since 1975), drapery fabric (mainly for roller curtains), technical textile industrial fabrics (value added such as flame retardant, antibacterial, stainless)

About Sleepwell Expo:

The first two editions of Sleepwell Expo had been very successful beyond our expectations. We think that this is a very attractive show especially for neighboring countries. I think it will functional regionally first. This year more foreign companies should attend the fair. This will increase the number of visitors at the same time.


Selim Sahin: KĂźcĂźkler Tekstil, Assistant Manager

Export Markets: We are exporting to over 45 countries mainly to European countries such as Italy, Germany and Spain, the USA, Jordan, Algiers, Ukraine and Russia. We are doing our best with all means to increase our export and market shares.

Product Range:

Knitted Mattress Ticking Pique


About Sleepwell Expo: We are targeting to establish our position in and out of Turkey with the best way to make our brand a sought after name. One of the most efficient ways to promote the brand and products and to reach potential customers is fair participation at home and abroad. Our company has participated in a lot of fairs since its establishment in order to offer more products to our customers in the sector. With this perspective our company will participate in the Sleepwell Expo fair as we did last year. I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciations to the organizers who contributed to the sleep and mattress industries so much with this show. We, all parts of the industry, have to support this fair in order to make it a better one for the benefit of our national economy. We had the chance of meeting many new customers at the show. We also cemented our relations with the existing customers. We will arrange our stand with our new products. The experiences of our company have been doubled every year. We will offer our newest products prepared for our customers with innovative variety at Sleepwell Expo. We believe that our products and brands to be showcased at this show will contribute to building up our brand.


Saffet Gungor Lineer Makina, Shareholder

“Lineer Makine” Hydrolic & Pneumatic Electric Electronic San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. has been created to transfer 20 years machine production experiences and savings to our industrialists and answering their needs. Service principle having customer satisfaction as preference, knowing customer problems well at least as much as customer does, these needs, most effective and most creative products, meeting by producing with most suitable cost and before competitors do. Aiming at being reliable and believing in the customer satisfaction as most important than anything else. “Lineer Makine” is fast developing and growing in its sector because of its successful works. In Kayseri Organize San. Zone, 4.500m2 close, 7.000m2 open area. Carrying on machine production with faith and success with 6 engineers, 8 mechanical and electrical technicians, 20 machine producing and mounting employees. Produced machines by “Lineer Makine” are AS-RS(Automated Stor

Export Markets:

10 countries notably to The Netherlands and Azerbaijan.

Product Range: Mattress machines.

About Sleepwell Expo: We are targeting to obtain new customers from abroad and to show that Lineer Makina operates in this sector and manufactures mattress machinery.


Sedat Kantarcioglu Lifos Sleep Products, General Manager

Export markets: We export to 13 countries mainly to France, Italy, The Netherlands and the U.K.

Product Range:

Contour cut design mattresses

About Sleepwell Expo: We are attending this show to expand our export market and to offer our patented products to domestic and foreign markets.


Mehmet Pucak Mekanizma DĂźnyasi, Owner

We present our mechanism since World Company As of 15 hotels in Kayseri whole year and hospital services. Our company; Hotels in particular, practical employees Low-Volume Production is, however Multifunctional Products. All of our products have the bed may feature,

Single manufactured in various sizes according to customer demand, dual and triple relaxation chairs; and armchairs with multiple functions provide both function as beds.

We serve our valued customers with these products, as well as hotels and hospitals are too many varieties needed extra beds and our practical mechanism puff bed.

R & D activities of our company, which strives every period Alive continues its activities as a participant in various exhibitions in addition, since 5 years.

Sleepwell Expo will attend this year’s first exhibition in 2016 through our company to expand its current customer portfolio and aims to gain new markets.


Huseyin Basak Mavera Kimya, General Manager

* Evamelt Pocket Spring Hotmelt Adhesives * Evamelt PSA(Pressure Sensitive Adhesives) Hotmelt Adhesives * Enzel Solvent Based Adhesives * Fomtex Solvent Based Adhesives * Potakim Solvent Based Adhesives * Evamelt Glue Stick Adhesives * Evamelt Packing Hotmelt Adhesives * Evamelt Edge Banding Hotmelt Adhesives * Evamelt Profile Wrapping Hotmelt Adhesives * Evamelt Bookbinding Hotmelt Adhesives * Evamet Carpet Fringe Hotmelt Adhesives * Evamelt Labelling Hotmelt Adhesives * Evamelt Filter Bonding Hotmelt Adhesives

Export Markets:

20 countries mainly from Europe and Middle East.

Product Range:

Foam adhesives, variety of hotmelt, candle silicon, solvent-based adhesives.

About Sleepwell Expo:

Meeting with our customers to increase our influence in domestic market and gain new foreign markets.


Enes Sumer Merpol, General Manager

Our main product groups are memory foam pillows, cushions, mattresses, mattress toppers and waterproof mattress protectors. We produce high quality memory foam products for medical industry and home textile as well. We have our own brand softlife which is a well –known brand in domestic market.

Our main export regions are Europe, Middle East and Africa countries. We are able to produce for our customers label and logo.

Export Markets: Germany, The Netherlands, Ireland, Bulgaria, Greece, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Morocco, Tunis, UAE, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Georgia, USA, UK and France.

Product Range:

Visco Pillow, mattress and waterproof mattress and pillow protector.

About Sleepwell Expo:

Our goal is to meet with domestic and foreign customers operating in different sector.


Mustafa Nebi Dogan Mert Makina, Director

MERT MACHINERY, established in 1993 with the awareness of this necessity, has started the production of mattress machines.

Export Markets:

We export 70 countries in 5 continents.

Product Range

• Quilting Machines ( Chain and Lock Stitch & Single Head and Double Head) • Tape Edge Machines (Automatic or Manuel)

• Mattress Packing Machines (Automatic or Manuel & Roll and Flat) • Bonnell Coiling & Bonnell Coil Assembly Machines • Spring Carcass Fatigue & Grinding Machines

• Quilted Panel & Roll Fabric Cutting Machines • Border & Spacer Machines

• Automatic Mattress Gluing (HotMelt) & Tape Edge and Packing Lines

About Sleepwell Expo

Sleepwell expo is expected to be the most important and successful organisation considering that Turkey holds a strong and competitive mattress industry. The sector is growing continuously at an exponential rate which imposes the Sleepwell Expo to be designed especially to create an atmosphere where customers can find the suitable supplier. It is also required that it also provides the opportunity for new product offerings and exciting trends in the mattress production sector with in respect to the unmatched efficiency. Comparison and coverage of the latest innovations in machinery, equipment, supplies and service of the mattress industry shouldn’t be forgotten in this organisation and should guide with new market explorations with the acquirement of these development in the most efficient places. Every visitor must leave with new ideas gained and inspiration to us to achieve the potential of our market.


Mehmet Salih Basoz Mesa Label, General Manager

MESA ETIKET; was established in Denizli in 1990 as a first woven label manufacturer in Anatolia and since that time it has grown up continuosly with its own capital. Our company works with ERP software; it has OEKO-TEX STANDARTS 100 as well as ISO 9001: 2008 certificates since 2006.Mesa Etiket is not only serving to lots of famous brands but also is an official licenced producer of Disney and La Martina brands. Every year; it measures all the feedbacks obtained from its regular Customer Satisfaction Surveys; it continues to develop itself.Our Product range;Mattress Tape,Mattress Label,Woven Edge Woven Label and Ribbon, Jacquard Woven Label and Ribbon, Badge, Zip Puller, Artificial Leather Label, Heat Transferred Label, Laser Processed Serial Number Labels, Digitally Printed Label and Ribbon and also supply of Print Label, Sticker, Swing Ticket but also Keychain, Wristband, Calender, Miniature Carpet, Flag, Digital Printing. Mesa Etiket has also contact and service Office in Istanbul

Export Markets:

UK, Germany, France, America, The Netherlands, Austria, Australia, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Canada, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine and Hong Kong.

Product Range: ‌.

About Sleepwell Expo: We target to increase our current export share and attain new customers.


Oguz Ozey Milkay, Sales Manager

Export Markets: S. Arabıa, Egypt, Dubaı, Etc. All Middle East, Unıted Kıngdom, Poland, Romania, Serbıa Etc. All Europe, USA, Brazil, Chili, Dominican Republic, Panama, Bahamas, Paraguay, Uruguay Etc. Azerbaijan, Georgia, India, Pakistan, Morocco, Libya, Senegal, Angola, Congo Etc. All Africa

Product Range:

Hard Felt, Soft Felt, Cotton Felt, Wool Felt, Jute Felt, Soft Gray Pad, Cotton Pad, Polyester Felt, Needle Punched Felt, Polyester Pad, Ball Fiber

About Sleepwell Expo:

We are one of the biggest felt producer in the world and we must exhibit the fair. We sent invitation to all customers in the world.


Burhan Cetinbulut Mitsan, Member Of The Board

Export Markets: We export to over 35 countries.

Product Range:

Soft and hard felts, waddings, viscoelastic mattresses and pillows.

About Sleepwell Expo:

I believe that it will be a good show as long as it is supported well.


Vedat Celik MKR, Owner

Export Markets:

We are exporting to 10 countries.

Product Range:

All kinds of sleep products made from 100% natural wool.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We will launch our products at Sleepwell Expo for the first time. We are expecting a great deal of interest to our products at the show. There was excellent interest beyond our expectation last year. The fair will assume an active role in the sector for its future.


Muhammet Darrat Nobel Yatak, Proprietor

Export As an international bedding group, we have been in bedding industry since 1998. We continue our manufacturing processes in 6 different plants in 4 countries and we have been exporting more than 45 countries in Middle East, South America, Russia and Turkic Republics, North and South Africa and Central Europe

Product Range all kinds of spring mattresses, foam mattresses, latex and visco-foam mattresses, roll-packed mattresses, flat-packed mattresses, zipped mattress covers, slip, all kinds of polyester pillows, visco-foam and latex pillows, mattress accessories such as mattress handle, mattress ventilator, mattress tape, 3D spacer, mattress labels, printed and woven mattress ribbons; on the other hand, we also have been supplying industry a wide range of articles as follows: converted foaming products, rolled polyester and cotton products, hard felt products, bed frame, headboard, comforters, bed linens, blankets, adhesive, knitted and woven mattress ticking, PVC coated terry mattress fabric, 3D border machine.

About Sleepwell Expo

We intend to expand our export area and meet to new customers. .


Firat Akinci Nerteks Iplik, Sales Rep

• Staple Spun Polyester Sewing Thread • Staple Spun Polyester Sewing Thread • Polyester Covered Corespun Sewing Thread • Cont. Filament Polyester Sewing Thread • Cf Polyester Sewing Thread • %100 Mercerised Cotton Sewing Thread • Polyester Corespun With Cotton Wrap Sewing • Quilting Sewing Thread • Texturized Sewing Thread • Texturized Polyester Thread

Export Markets:

Romania, Brazil, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Togo, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Germany.

Product Range:

Master (Staple Spun Polyester Sewing Thread) Spring Staple Spun Polyester Sevwing Thread) Polymax (Polyester Covered Corespun Sewing Thread) Nefleks (CF Polyester Sewing Thread) On (%100 Mercerised Cotton Sewing Thread) Denim İplik (Polyester Corespun With Cotton Wrap Sewing) Ner Koza (Quilting Sewing Thread) Nerteks (Texturized Sewing Thread) Spring (Texturized Polyester Thread)

About Sleepwell Expo:

We have been making production at our own plants for many years in line with the requirements of the sector. As is the case for every company, we have our target markets too. By taking part in this show we will address to mattress manufacturers and visitors. We believe that we will make good contacts at this show. I wish success to all exhibitors.


Mustafa Taka Nova Sünger, Member Of The Board

Nova SüngerveYatak A.Ş. offers basic finished and semi-finished goods needed by the industry to markets all around the world in highest service standards by completing horizontal integration with polyurethane products, industrial wires, spring bed wires, bedspring and construction, industrial staple, fiber products and R&D departments. Nova SüngerveYatak A.Ş. gives service in its facilities equipped with newest technologies and fully automated systems with a total production area of 245.000 square meters, of which 55.000 square meters being indoor space in Adapazarı.

Export Markets:

20 countries mainly are in Balkans, Caucasus and Arabian Peninsula.

Product Range:

Different densities of foams for the mattress and furniture industry.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We had been very much satisfied with last year’s performance of the fair. We are hoping with the same excitement to get better results this year. We consider this show as a good event and believe that it will get a better place in the future.


Ahmet Ozkan Ozka Makina, General Manager

OZKA MACHINE COMPANY has been established by Ahmet OZKAN in 2003. We have pleased all our customers and enhanced the team spirit among our employees by applying the total quality management. Our first aim is to manufacture machines that are in line with CE and ISO 9001 standards to give full satisfaction to our customers. We take responsibility for our after sale services by installing our network all around the world.

Export Markets:

Bulgaria, Tunis, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Uzbekistan, Libya, Romania, Lebanon, Azerbaijan.

Product Range:

About Sleepwell Expo: We would like to confirm and announce our existence in the mattress and sub industry of which importance has been increasing and to penetrate into this market.


BĂźlent Tuna Onur Kapitone, General Manager

Export Markets: We are shipping the products of the company which we represent to England, The Netherlands, Serbia, Romania, Russia, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan and Latvia.

Product Range: Multi-needle quilting.

About Sleepwell Expo: Our goal with this participation is to promote our company with an affective way and to reach as many customers and visitors as possible.


Osman Karakose: Paknur Tekstil, Purchasing Manager

Our company serves the sector with woven fabrics.

Export Markets:

We’re exporting to 21 countries. Some of these Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Germany, Netherlands.

Product Range:

Woven mattress ticking fabrics and boxspring fabrics.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We consider the Sleepwell Expo as an important event bringing the main industry and the supply industries altogether. Our main target is to meet with our current customers as well as potential ones from domestic and foreign markets. We are planning medium and long term business plan by getting benefits of this well-established fair. With a hope that we can reach our message to the entire world with this fair we are taking our part at Sleepwell Expo.


Senol Oksum Pak Ipek, Sales Manager (Pakfiks)

* Pakfiks High Tenacity İndustrial sewing yarns * Pakfiks Texturised Polyester sewing yarns * Pakfiks Skin İndustrial sewing yarns * Pakkoza Quilting sewing yarns * Pakstrom Spun Polyester sewing yarns * Pakstrom Polyester Covered Corespun sewing yarns * Pakstrom Polyester Corespun With Cotton Wrap sewing yarns * Pakstrom İnseparably sewing yarns * Pakstrom Waxed sewing yarns * Pakstrom Vardola sewing yarns * Rahatyaslan Pillow * Rahatyaslan Safety Belt Pillow * Rahatyaslan Travel Cushion * Rahatyaslan Create your own design. * Rahatyaslan Custom design. * Rahatyaslan book pillow. * Rahatyaslan baby cushion.

Export Markets:

Germany, England, Russia, The Netherlands, Iran, Ukraine, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Balkan countries.

Product Range:

Pakfiks high resistant industrial sewing machines, Pakkoza quilting/embroidery pirns, Pakstorm unbreakable, waxy, corespun sewing yarns.

About Sleepwell Expo:

This will be our first experience at Sleepwell Expo this year. We are excited to find the opportunity of promoting our products and meeting with new customers. We are targeting to increase our customer potential and market share by promoting our brands and product variety with the best way.


N. Cansu Coskun: Punteks, Foreign Trade Manager

Everything started with the idea of sorting and recycling textile waste for Punteks and the company was established in 1995.

In 2006, Punteks invested a nonwoven production line with a capacity of 1.000 tons/month. This nonwoven line is able to produce felt between 500 g/m² to 3000 g/m². Established on 30.000 m² land with 12.000 m² factory area, Punteks is exporting almost 50% of its production to 21 countries. These felts can be used in household appliances, automotive, furniture and construction sectors.

Punteks is deeply concerned with understanding current needs and expectations of our sector and customers. Since 1995, Punteks offers consistent quality to its customers and strive to improve the quality that it provides.Therefore Punteks’ strategy is to keep its quality, trust and customer satisfaction at top importance. These three conditions are the most important musts for Punteks. Punteks is certified by TUV Rheinland with ISO 9001:2008 and renews it each three years.

Export Markets:

USA, UK, Ireland, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Russia, Greece, Bulgaria, Chili, Italy, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Finland, Serbia and India.

Product Range:

Soft felt, medium hard felt, hard felt, blue felt, izogreen (flame retardant felt), thermoplastic felt and PP felt.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We, as Punteks, have been participating in Sleepwell Expo since its first edition. We had a very good show last from the standpoints of both, organizational and reaching target companies. We attained new customers from domestic and foreign markets thanks to the efficient promotion of the fair. The productivity of last year made us to expect more this year. We hope we may meet new customers from Middle East and Europe. We believe that an efficient promotional program will help the sector as well as to the national economy. I think this show will be one of the leader fairs in the sector.


Eyüp Bülent Bakan Palmfleks, Proprietor

Palm Domestic and Foreign Trade performs its activities as general distributor of the Italian Goma&Goma Firm in Turkey, the Turkic Republics, Iran and TRNC in springless mattress sector since 2012. Taking Turkey’s distributorship of Materassifico Montalese, the biggest mattress producer of Italy which has emerged with its own technical information and typical craft in the Italian mattress manufacturers, the firm continues on its way by giving dealership in PerDormire Springless Mattress concept stores.

Export Markets:

Acting as the general distributor of Italian Goma&Goma in Turkey, Turkic Republics, Iran and TRNC for springless mattress sector Palm Domestic and Foreign Trade has been exporting to these regions.

Products Range:

Product portfolio of Goma&Goma Springless Mattress such as mattresses (latex, visco and waterfoam), boxsprings, bedsteads, headboards and pillows (latex, visco, waterfoam).

About Sleepwell Expo:

We have planned to offer the blessings offered by the nature to us, our springless mattress products developed with most up-to-date technology, untouched by human hand, at maximum comfort level to the service of Turkish and foreign people. We want to promote our products and to increase our sales.


Oğuzhan Oguz Ruba Grup, General Manager

RUBA has been supporting the MATTRESS and FURNITURE INDUSTRY with the production of “MATTRESS TICKING”, “FELT”, “STEEL WIRE”, “SPRING AND SPRING SYSTEMS “, “FOAM”, “ MATTRESS AIR VENTILATOR AND MATTRESS HANDLE”, MATTRESS TAPE”, “NON WOVEN SPUNBOND FABRIC AND POLYESTER FIBER” and “ADHESIVE”. We have been exporting all of our these manufactured products all over the world with our young management team. RUBA is proud to present customers “PERFECTATION”, “INNOVATION”, “CAPABILITY”, “POWER”, “COMFORT”, “TRUST” and “FUTURE” with its own length experience, highest quality products and services, advanced technology machinery yields, advanced production capabilities, improvement and efficiency at production, offered products and services that meet customer requirements and principle of complete customer satisfaction.

Export Markets:

We export to 25 countries notably Romania and Serbia.

Product Range:

Everything needed for a mattress.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We think that this show will be the leading fair of the sector. We are targeting to develop our relations with the current customers and meet with potential buyers.


Ahmed Enver Siteks, Export Manager

We are the biggest Felt producer company in Turkey since 1939 and we supply Mattress, Furniture, Automotive and Electrical Home Appliance Industries.

Export Markets:

We export around 40 countries; almost all countries in Europe, Middle East and North Africa, many of Russian and Eastern Block countries. We are also shipping to Latin America, North America and Far East.

Product Range:

• Hard (Thermofix) Cotton Felts

• Soft Cotton felts (Needle Punched) • Orijinal Woll and Cotton Felts • Fire Retardant Felts • Felt with Foam

• Ultra Hard Felt for Mattress Bases • Felt With Jute Backing

About Sleepwell Expo: We have been participating in foreign fairs regularly since 1997. Fairs are successful and productive feedback providing organizations. Since we are observing that domestic fairs are also improving. That’s why we are attending this show.


Ramazan Celik Sefox, Proprietor

SEFA CHEMİCALS manufacturing Water Borne, Hotmelt, Solvent Based, Without Toluene Adhesive etc. SEFOX’ s Some Specifications:

-SEFOX can be used on single surface -SEFOX can transport easily

-Due to its viscosity, bonds more material with less adhesive -Sefox is preferred all over the world

-Environment-Friendly solvent used, no toxic chemicals involved, such az benzene, ethylene dichloride etc. Applıcatıon Fıelds

Sefox is used in bonding of foam to foam, foam to wood, foam to felt, foam to fabric, foam to metal, foam to plastic, felt on felt, fabric on fabric in Furniture Industry, Spring Bed(Matterss) Industry,Office Furniture Industry

Export Markets: We are shipping our products to 67 countries around the world.

Product Range:

Water-based, solvent-based and hotmelt varieties addressing to the mattress, furniture and footwear sectors.

About Sleepwell Expo:

We believe that it will be a good show to meet new customers and existing ones.


Sadreddin Ercan Sohret Yatak, ProprÄąetor

Export Markets: Balkans, Africa and Middle East

Product Range:

Mattress, boxspring and headboard

About Sleepwell Expo:

As a company operating in the sector we consider that we should be in this fair. We also want to improve the familiarity of our brand and to gain new customers. We believe that Sleepwell Expo is an important organization to achieve these goals.


Mehtap Akkoyun Sova Bedding, General Manager

Sova Bedding offers you the experience on bedding industry since 1995. We are manufacturing Electrical Adjustable Bed, Hardbox, Boxspring, Headboard and

Metal Mechanism and frames in 2 manufacturing line one is in Kayseri City in Turkey and the second one is in Oudenboch City in Netherlands.

Our manufacturing line is unique among the similar producers because of the Soft and metal line and also painting line is combined in one production factory.

Export Markets:

We export to 8 countries mainly in Europe and Gulf.

Product Range:

Movable systems, boxspring, toppers, headboards and bunk beds.

About Sleepwell Expo:

As an experienced brand recently started to make manufacturing in Turkey, we will introduce ourselves to the market.


Mr. Zafer Tazim

SIMALFA速 by ALFA Klebstoffe Eurasia Yapistirici San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti

SIMALFA速 water-based adhesives have been designed especially for the foam industry. Produce your mattresses with high efficiency and make adhering process with the environmentally-friendly products. Any adhesive cannot make your adhering processes as SIMALFA速! SIMALFA速 is the most economical way of quick adhering! You can see our newest technological products at our stand.


Fatih Genc Tugsan Metal, Owner

TuÄ&#x;san Malzemecilik - are ready to be your material supplier.

Export Markets:

Iraq, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

Product Range:

Wholesale of furniture and mattress materials.

About Sleepwell Expo:

I believe that this fair will be the leading show of the sector. It will be useful for us. To obtain new customers for export activities and to develop relations with existing customers further we will take part in the fair.


Abdullah Umit Canan Verra, Foreign Trade Executive

As Verra ltd. we continue to be the key partner of the mattress & bedding manufacturers all over the world.

We have been serving the manufacturers with raw materials, components, semi-finished & complementary goods, promotional items, spare parts and tools. Some of our major products are; • Mattress packing bags & films, • Mattress tape,

• Mattress labels (stickers, sewing, iron-on etc.) • Accessories (air ventilators, handles etc.) • Solvent based glue

• Mattress Sewn Covers & Semi-finished mattresses (new)

Apart from the a.m. products, we supply all types of components for mattress & bed box manufacturing.

More info about our products and services can be found our frequently updated webpage;

Recently we have announced our new brand name Coverrest® for sewn mattress covers. To stay up to date, and be informed of our latest models & promotions you can visit We are always committed to meet and exceed our customer’s expectations...

Export Markets:

We are currently exporting from Middle East to Africa, from North America to Europe.


Sleepwell expo is the first major exhibition in Turkey about mattress manufacturing industry. We are expecting to expand our sales through the exhibition, and meet our current customers to present new products and services


Ugur Bükümcü Rahatyaslan, Founder

Export Markets:

Germany, England, Russia, The Netherlands, Iran, Ukraine, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Balkan countries.

Product Range:

Digitally printed lace pillows, security belt pillow, neck pillow, patterned children’s pillows, baby changing cushion, book pillow and customized design pillows.

About Sleepwell Expo:

This will be our first experience at Sleepwell Expo this year. We are excited to find the opportunity of promoting our products and meeting with new customers. We are targeting to increase our customer potential and market share by promoting our brands and product variety with the best way.





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B-mix, a colorful brand in mattress industry It is a name for lovely colors and trends in the quality mattresses. It really embellishes the bedrooms and offers excellent sleep through its variety of products. B-mix always mixes the best features. Ilham Oz, General Coordinator of the company answered the questions of Sleep Well. Full text of the exclusive interview follows:

You have entered the mattress sector as a new brand. Can you give us some information about the purpose for B-mix’s entering the sector and the sleep products you plan to provide to consumers? B-mix is a 6 year-old very young brand. It is a brand of İşbir Holding Company. Deriving its strength from the Holding Company it belongs to, B-mix provides


products to customers with the İşbir brand warranty. The motto of the brand, which mostly addresses the middle class segment, is “not only ergonomic but also economic”. As you can tell from this motto the main goal is to provide consumers with good quality in the most economic way possible. Our brand, which has developed a sales network more in the shop in shop market, continues to progress rapidly in this direction. We produce in an indoor space of 30,000 m2.

Could you provide information about the mattresses you produce as B-mix and their features?

We have affordable options suitable for every age and every preference. We have a mattress portfolio that ranges from full ergonomic mattresses in three different levels of firmness to our memory foam mattresses including many alternative and styles models. We also produce bases, headboards and textiles that complement our products under our brand. The most

important element of our product portfolio that distinguishes us in the market is that in addition to appealing to different perspectives we offer ideal alternatives to those seeking quality beds at affordable prices.

Will we only see these mattresses on the domestic market? Do you have plans to export?

The B-mix brand was created to be active in the domestic and shop in shop market. We are not considering expanding into the foreign market at this time.

You will be participating in the Sleepwell Expo. What is your objective in this fair and what are your thoughts about the fair?

This will be the first exhibition for our brand. This is why we are experiencing a different kind of excitement. Our most important expectation is to meet potential business partners towards increasing the recognition of our brand and sales locations.

Ilham Oz, General Coordinator



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