MARY SATHELA KANU - Candidature for Sec Gen, EB 2022/23

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“Powerhaslittletodowiththestateofyourmuscles butmoretodowiththestrengthofyourmind.”

Table OfContent



PlanOfAction Curriculum vitae



FAMSA-Federation of African Medical Students’ Association

IFMSA-International Federation of Medical Students’ Association

MSA-Medical Students’Association

SCOPUB- Standing Commitee on Publication

SCOPUB- Standing Commitee on Publication

SCOPA- Standing Committee On Publication Activities

SCOMER- Standing Committee on Medical Education and Research

NAPS-SL -National Association of Pharmacitical Students



The key to attaining heights in life is consistency, hard work, diligence, and love for what you do. As a passionate soul and keen on impact, I have worked hard in my capabilities to bring the very best to those I am serving and those looking up to me. I sincerely doff my hat to you SLEMSians for giving me the opportunity to serve and also participate in one way or the other to grow. Being the first-ever female Public Relations Officer was not easy, but I knew my job was clear. It was not to disappoint those who trust in female leadership, those who personally trust my judgments, and also those who never trusted the process. I mostly find myself in positions that very few women venture into and this is always my drive to at least establish the fact that women can assume such and try my best to leave behind serious benchmarks which will eventually earn the trust of the public.

I have had a great deal for service and working on meeting the needs of the ones I serve. Throughout my career from secondary school to my current level, I have been able to build my career on the grounds of integrity, trust, and commitment. As a trying Christian that was groomed on the principles and respect, tolerance, and love, leading arguably one of the most intelligent people in Sierra Leone as the SecretaryGeneral may not pose so much of an issue by God’s grace. I have served in various capacities of leadership and have been able to lead well and deliver as expected with extraordinary inclusion serving with equity and justice through the help of God and some seasoned individuals. I have served in various leadership positions in and out of the academic arena and these experiences have left me with the upper hand and a hand full of ideas and backbone on which I stand, giving me the confidence to serve and deliver with ease. Throughout these times of service, I have been able to build my confidence, intelligence, and technical know-how. These have helped me prove that women can attain heights in power based on merit and not sentiments.

Entering medical school I started from the least as an ordinary member and have been able to climb the ranks to this present point. I have served as the deputy secretary general in Student Representative Council and have had a hand full of achievements during my era. Coming to SLEMSA I was part of SCORE as an ordinary member and was later appointed as the fundraising assistant. Through these times I was able to work on myself building my capacity by working on my inter and intrapersonal skills, and leadership qualities and also doing crash courses that have helped equip me mentally and physically to carry responsibilities given based on the office I am expected to work in. I have had several posted works both nationally and internationally, with posted articles, poems, and even a research paper. I have been part of the SCORE research team and have done a research paper still pending to be published. My contributions to SLEMSA as an Organizing Committee member were as well immense, at the first-ever WCC symposium I drafted a theme on medico-legal practice and it was a success. In 2021 I was part of the MedFest team and I drafted another theme “The Reason” which is to date arguably one of the most trending stories reacted to in a day as we see hundreds of SLEMSians giving their reasons why they choose medicine. In all this, I am trying to tell us that I

Dear SLEMSians, 4. WhiteCoatCeremonyandMedicalSymposium

always observe and apply my strength in areas I am experienced in thus the reason for the office of the Secretary-General this year. I believe in what one has to deliver and not attaining power or positions due to the benefits of the office. I have been building my career path and being the Secretary-General will allow me to bring a new page to the world of SLEMSA.

Outside SLEMSA I have been able to build an outstanding name for myself I have served in FAMSA as the MSA officer here in Freetown, as a professional freelance graphic designer, spoken word poet, voiceover artist, writer, and the list goes on. Attached is my Resume for convenience's sake. Having international appointments and published work is a feather added to my cap and that has given me the confidence and more experience on how to lead and be led, how to implement and proffer solutions to arising issues The world is full of uncertainties and having this bowl of experiences has helped me go through these times with trusted judgments based on integrity and fairness, not sentiments and feeble judgments.

My passion for Impacting lives had driven me to pass the hard times. I am the founder of a movement called Creating an Impact. This movement has been operating behind the scenes helping school children, orphans, and the vulnerable The aim of the movement is to help those in need in silence with the slogan “helping them but leaving the camera at home” The aim is to help without having it all over the media We have been able to help pay full academic year fees for children in the slum, providing clothing and basic gifs for them. Most of these were done without any sponsors just my pocket and a few good samaritans.

I am the Co-founder of The Word Empire a literal and edutainment portfolio office. The Word is a portfolio office operating in silence had had major collaborations with international writers and has proofread and edited literal work The office is on its plans to go fully public as the year ends with written work and audio and visual content.

Working in these capacities has helped me gain ideas, knowledge, and more experiences which I am ready to leverage and work on to meet the people.

With all these experiences I am ready to bring a new phase in my era of service The general body can attest that during my term as the Public Relations Officer, I have been able to work and outdo what I met and have been able to bring more opportunities to Slemsians with the help of my able PR team of officials. We were able to bring consistency and a new face to the public relations part of the association.

I am ready to serve the general populace of SLEMSA bringing opportunities and changing things that the general body has been having issues with. The general populace has concerns and things they want to see changing or see improved and in that light, I am ready to give that listening ear and give a platform for inclusion where every SLEMSians has the right to voice their concern with ease

Before you want an opportunity to make a change you should be able to present your capabilities. Some of us have attained positions and leave as we leave but some of us have managed to leave a platform whilst our legacies stay.

“With great power comes great responsibilities” is a popular line from the movie Spiderman This line says it all, with power allocated to one a lot is expected and I am ready to serve with my very best, giving all I have and all I can offer

In the line of leadership, the way is shown and everyone walks the way at everyone's pace. My major aim is to set a standard and system for SLEMSians who would come years after we leave to see medical school as their friendly environment and have a way to channel doubts and also build their capacities before going out into the corporate world

I can’t thank you enough The opportunity to be a servant was an honor and with shoulders lifted high I can say a job well done to us SLEMSians We have done well and have been able to gain a lot throughout my tenure as a Public s great. A bittersweet one but it was worth it. I am now looking forwa sibility to serve you SLEMSians and bring my best to the table

Yours sincerely,


Plan Of Action

The six that fix


Green Revolution

To show my level of commitment towards blending Tech and Medicine, eight students were given scholarships to improve their Tech skills at Eminence Africa one of the leading Tech companies in Sierra Leone. Technology is at its peak and we have to follow the trend so as not to be left behind. The green revolution is the star plan as it entails a lot and has so much that needs to be done. This would be highly technical and have an essence of newness


Keep it up, running, and updated. I have expanded our social media platforms so I will try and link all platforms to the website and encourage early online registration of members as the data collected will be used for other developmental activities


Most events are hosted and certificates are being issued, most are lost and can't be retrieved We would build a system where every certificate being issued out would be in our coffer and be linked directly with a Bar code, QR code, or number that leads them directly to the soft copy on our data platform. This would help keep records and also revolutionize the ways our certificates are given out.

ID cards and Data based ID

A hard copy identification card would be issued out with an expiring date decided at the first general house meeting to members and on this hard copy a bar code, QR code, or number would be written so as to trace them from the database with all valuable information fit for the public to see This would serve as a way to prove the authenticity of the organization This would be a revolution in how we operate as an association.

Internet and Data

In other to empower our already established online library and to help with the smooth running of the association I will try my best to rally around telecommunications companies to help us with cheap internet access or free Wi-Fi.

8medicalstudentsweregivenopportunitythroughthePROtodowebdesign,graphicsand othertechskills.

General House Meeting


It is stated in the constitution to have quarterly meetings and also monthly general meetings (constitution 4.5.1) in this vain monthly meetings will be conducted in other to keep the general membership abreast with the runnings of the association and five minutes every in every meeting will be given to sensitize the general public about the constitution so that we all will be more aware of our responsibilities and roles Monthly physical meetings might pose some challenges due to studies, weather, and other factors so I will encourage online meetings. I will work with the Public Relations Office to reach out to the general membership for the quarterly meetings.


As the Secretary-General I am charged in Constitution 6.2.3 a and c to have more partnerships with other associations, organizations, and bodies In the case of a partnership, the work frame is divided into two National

FAMSA-Federation of African Medica Students’ Association

This set will deal with health, health-related bodies, and also non-health-related bodies. An MOU/partnership would be done in the city. This is to partner with organizations and associations. Building a platform of trust and understanding where every SLEMSians can meet and network This would be done with media houses, health organizations both Government and nongovernment and other academic associations building a collaboration to work on related topics example the Law students association and slemsa working on the ills of sexual abuse, etc. this would extend to other related fields of studies like nursing, lab technicians and the likes as I started similar quests as the Public Relations Officer I wi like to improve

The branch would be extended to the provinces. As I am on targeting headquarters towns and working with other organizations and associations there Universities studying medical sciences would have a platform to work with SLEMSians creating a mutual bond and network International Partnership.

We will partner with health and nonmedical organizations for the betterment of members We have seen the advent of the internet Library and we tend to bring more benefits and platforms IFMSA and FAMSA activities will be propagated to the general membership to encourage the participation of SLEMSians internationally. I have a wealth of experience at these levels so I can easily navigate myself and see that the MOU/partnership is done

Capacity Building

The world is evolving fast We have to be at par with it As students get immersed in reading to pass they forget to work on the basics like leadership qualities, interpersonal relationships and even identifying their skills and what they want and this usually haunts them after leaving medical school because that's when they try to start learning it all over again Since the online Library is available we will update it with lots of books that will improve one’s life generally through our sponsors

As an office, I would like to partner with organizations that will sponsor trips for medical students that are interested but have no money for funds. Quiz competitions will help smart pants expose their strengths and I am in for that I have started the idea for this general assembly 2023 I hope the Organizers implement it. Crash courses and seminars will be encouraged. I worked assiduously to see that the Medical Students ClinicAl Visitation came to pass so I am more than willing to see all of these come to pass


I am more than ready to capacitate our Standing Committees by solving the problem of letterheads and sponsorship I am also of the opinion to dedicate some percentage from programs that we make a profit to be able to buy a computer and a camera to capacitate the Executive and the general members as money for a camera and some equipment will cut down.

Encouraging sponsors through partnerships to help SLEMSians who are passionate about SLEMSA activities to get a travel assistant fund or help in any good way Activities organized by the Executive can as well help these members after all the association for us and not us for the association


As an extension of bringing SLEMSA to SLEMSians my office will use information throughout my term as a Public Relations Officer and also prepare Google forms for past executives to harvest more data. We will develop a small handbook that will have relevant history and facts of the association and it will be introduced especially to our Premed associates to build interest and to keep things alive We all can attest to the facts that our constitution needs to be reviewed and my office is going to propose a constitutional review committee and work with all SLEMSians for all our views to be discussed and submitted


I am already in contact with some past members through the bringing SLEMSA to SLEMsians project. My office will want to officially extend an official honorary membership This will help the association keep tr of past members and also to reach out for help and sponsorship will not be hard 9.

BreastCancerScreenwith ThinkingPinkBreastCancer Foundation MedicalStudentClinic Visitation MOUwithN’jala andUniMak Onlinelibrary sensitization WorldAnti-microbial weekwithNap-sl
exchange student after a very long time.
Tech Crash Course through Eminence Africa at MTC Partnership with Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Foundation
African Regional Meeting First
World KidneyDay
Fact Friday

Training on Graphics and Social Media Handling of Standing Committees and Team of Officials

Medfest theme lead 2022

Presidential Session African Regional Meeting

Graphics training

Unicef partnership
World Hypertension Day
World Tourism Day World Malaria Day
Class tours
MSHCV Programme Preparation


I am a 5th-year medical student. I am passionate about writing and creativity Making a positive difference is one thing I am always ready to do. I have participated in policy writing, research I remain your humble servant .

The Annie Walsh Memorial 2011-2017

School Prefect 2013


Public Speaker/Spoken Word Poet/Voiceover Artist

Social Media Marketing


FAMSA team for the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa.

Article Writer SCOPUB 2022

Certificate in web design and graphics through SCOPUB

FAMSA team the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa.Part of the SLEMSA newsletter editorial board 20192020

Former Deputy SecretaryGeneral for SRC


First female Public Relations Officer for SLEMSA 2022

Taught at Boston Boys School Charles Street

Co-founder of The Word Empire

Theme event lead White coat ceremony 2021

Degree in Basic Medical Science

Pursuing Bachelor in Medicine and Surger

2018College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences S

Literature Writing


Graphics Designing Leadership

Content Creator

Web Designer

Photography and Videography

Current Public Relations Officer of the Sierra Leone Medical Students’ Association

Published research paper on Annals of Medicine and Surgery December 2022

African Regional Meeting 2022 (ARM)

ARM Presidential Season 2022

Article Writer SCOPUB FAMSA 2022

MSA Officer SCOPA FAMSA 2022


Part of Kectil Leadership 2022 to date

Graphic Designer for SCOPUB FAMSA


SCORE SLEMSA research team 2021/2022

Volunteer at Kidney Savers Foundation



Research paper with SCOMER FAMSA2022

IFMSA website: Poem title Tobacco

Auscultate Magazine: Story of my life and Seeds grow strong

SCORA international magazine: HIV and Human rights

Research paper on the topic of the need for more medical schools in medically underserved regions in Africa”


Content Creator FAMSA COVID-19 Technical group

2022 Laison Officer for SCOMER 2022 Article Writer for SCOPUB 2022 Graphic Designer for SCOPUB2022 Creative writer at Arkore Writes Spot

Blog 2022


Founder of Creating an Impact certified

Graphic designer

Scientific research writing and publication

SCOMER FAMSA2022 Emergency medicine SCOPA webinar 2022

The Game Changer Summit NIMSA Nigeria 2022

Unicef workshop on Breastfeeding

Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign


Webinar on Malaria Vaccines with NAPSL and SLEMSA 2022 Awareness Campaign with Kidney

Savers Foundation 2022/23

First ever free online Library for SLEMSians

Online training for Standing Committees and Team of

Officials on Graphics and Social Media Handling

The reason why some politicians tend to shy away from the truth is because they want to tell you all what you want to hear even if these things aren’t possible. Watch my track records I am capable to deliver and create a positive impact.


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