Summer Guide 2011

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Vladimir Šubic (1894- 1946) designed many magnificent Ljubljana buildings. The most prominent of them is the Ljubljana Nebotičnik, which was inaugurated on February 21st, 1933.

The Nebotičnik restaurant serves a selection of business lunch menus and A' la Carte dishes on a daily basis.

The sunny terrace offers a magnificent view of the city: so, welcome to indulge in a cup of coffee and delicious local treats while taking in a panoramic view of Ljubljana.

In the evenings, we offer you relaxation in our Club, where on Fridays you can enjoy Live Music, and on Saturdays dance to hot Dj beats.

Opening hours: Club- Lounge: Sun- Wed 09.00- 01.00 Thu- Sat 09.00- 03.00 Restaurant: Mon- Sat 12.00- 21.00 Sun- closed (open upon agreement). Terra Australis d.o.o., Resljeva cesta 44, 1000 Ljubljana; PE: Kavarna Restavracija Nebotičnik, Štefanova 1, 1000 Ljubljana Info: 00 386 40 601 787,

Contents 9 Škocjan Caves 10 Bovec 12 Kranjska Gora 14 Kranj 16 Škofja Loka 18 Idrija 20 Postojna Cave 22 Lipica 24 Ljubljana 26 Moravske Toplice 28 Obsotelje & Kozjansko 29 Destination Rogla - Pohorje 30 Ptuj 34 Rogaška Slatina 36 Dolenjska 38 Krško The Slovenia Times Summer Guide A special edition by The Slovenia Times Edited by Jaka Terpinc Design & Layout by Maja Kaplan

I Feel My Country This summer, Slovenia is celebrating 20 years of independence. As is appropriate for such an occasion, Slovenes will be enthusiastically reflecting on and reviewing the moments when the nation was maturing in preparation for its decisive moment – the declaration of its independence. Even though the giant leap was made in 1991, it happened years of preparation. In the eighties, so many memorable things were in the air: new-wave rock, 8-bit computers, victorious alpine skiers, civil movements, protests, debates… and that small, yet significant advertising campaign called “Slovenia Moja Dežela” – Slovenia My Country. It all began in 1983, when the chamber of commerce gathered a bunch of experts in various fields to come up with branding for Slovenian tourist destinations. This was to be combined with a campaign to get everyone involved in shaping and contributing to the beauty of the country. The campaign indeed was smartly scripted and beautifully crafted. Its imaginarium remains unforgettable not only to the generations who have lived it, but safe to say, to the national history: the linden leaf and the title Slovenia and those elegant, thick letters with rounded serifs, and, of course The Tourists Arrive clip (the top hit on YouTube when searching for “Slovenia My County”). The campaign was initially aimed at explaining how everyone could contribute to a better tourist outlook of the country but its slogan took it far beyond its original aim. The elements of Slovenia My Country, both graphic and verbal, were widely adopted by Slovenes, who were developing, not only their tourism, but their own independent country. The independent Slovenia was lucky all the way throughout its independence struggle, but apparently less so with tourist branding campaigns installed afterwards. Maybe because “Slovenia My Country”, together with its historical moment, has set such a strong reference that it is difficult to come anywhere near it. More than 20 years on, I Feel Slovenia seems to be the first decent successor of the country’s branding. We still feel it and it feels good! Let this little booklet guide you to your own memorable experiences in a country which always has a warm welcome for its visitors.

Marketing & Distribution by Goran Mladenović Published by Domus, založba in trgovina d.o.o. Trg MDB 12, 1000 Ljubljana

Tel. editorial office: +386 (0)1 520 50 84 Tel. marketing: +386 (0)59 045 005 CEO Brane Krajnik


R n

Mežica Kranjska Kranjska Hrušica Gora Mojstrana

Črna na Koroškem




Bled Bovec Bovec


Bohinjska Bistrica





Kamniška Bistrica


Preddvor Brdo






Ljubno ob Savinji




Zagorje ob Savi





Idrija Idrija


Vrhnika Ajdovščina




Stična Ivančna Gorica

Vipava Štanjel

Postojna Cave Postojna


Cerknica Ribnica

Sežana Lipica Lipica

Pivka Škocjan Škocjan Caves


Ilirska Bistrica


Piran/Pirano Portorož/Portorose


Osilnica Kostel Hrastovlje


Moravske Moravske Toplice Toplice

Šentilj v Slov. goricah Radlje ob Dravi



Zreče Zreče



Slovenska Bistrica









Središče ob Dravi


Rogaška Rogaška Slatina Slatina








Slovenjske Konjice Konjice


Lendava/ Lendva

Lenart v Slov. goricah


Dobrovnik/ Dobronak



Lovrenc na Pohorju

Slovenj Gradec




Ravne na Koroškem

Gornja Radgona

Obsotelje & Kozjansko

Rimske Toplice Radeče

Podsreda Sevnica Brestanica


Krško Krško Brežice

Trebnje Šmarješke Toplice

NOVO Dolenjska




Dolenjske Toplice


Slovenia in brief AREA: 20,273 km2 POPULATION: 2,019,406 (as of 30 June 2007) CAPITAL CITY: Ljubljana LANGUAGE: Slovenian, also Italian, German and Hungarian in nationally mixed areas CURRENCY: Euro (since 1 January 2007) PHONE DIAL CODE: +386 TIME ZONE: GMT/UTC+1




LARGEST TOWNS: Ljubljana, Maribor, Kranj, Celje

The Path of Independence Twenty years have passed since a ten-day war wrote the decisive chapter in Slovenian independence. This anniversary brings an opportunity to review the key moments of the independence process. Although every part of Slovenia holds its special memories of these glorious moments, we decided to run an inevitably selective article: The Slovenia Times Summer Guide will lead you through some of the places where the dramatic events took place.

The Slovenian Spring in Ljubljana

Kongresni trg: “We want a sovereign state of law” (source:


“United for our rights” at Roška (source:

In summer 1988, in the building of Yugoslav People Army’s (YPA), a military court prosecuted four civilians involved in the theft of top secret files, detailing plans for the arrest of journalists and dissidents in Slovenia. While the Yugoslav “people’s” army at that point demonstrated their desperate attempts to hold together the disintegrating county, Slovenian civil society reacted sharply to the fact that three Slovenian civilians were court-martialed in Serbo-Croatian language. While more than 10,000 people gathered on Roška cesta awaiting the judgment, these events united a large share of Slovenes striving for greater freedom. Many civil organizations, intellectuals, artists, politicians and other public figures were united under and coordinated by the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights. Today, this relatively quiet street below the castle hill hosts various educational institutions.

Kongresni trg and Trg republike: the gathering place The Roška protest was only a prelude to a much greater gathering. On 21st June, 1988, over 30,000 people attended an event at Kongresni trg, which combined a rock music spectacle with political speeches. From that point on, ambitions for the Slovenian state could not be reversed.

Three years later, on 24th June, 1991, the Slovenian flag was raised as the country’s independence was proclaimed and celebrated only a street away on Trg Republike. Kongresni trg, which has just been renovated and had a parking garage inserted beneath it, has seen many popular gatherings with several historical figures speaking from the balcony of the seat of the university, from President Tito to Bill Clinton. Nowadays, Ljubljana’s squares host various gatherings and events, many of them commemorating historical events in one way or another, particularly those of independence.

Cankarjev dom: for human rights On 27th February, 1989, Cankarjev dom, the most prominent national cultural venue, hosted a gathering in support of Kosovo miners, who had gone on a hunger strike to protest Serbian repression in the province. The increasing Serbian supremacist policies were no less worrying for Slovenes; as a result, the agenda of the meeting was actually against violence, for human rights and equality of nations. This protest was the work of the entire Slovenian political spectrum, from Communist to Roman Catholic. The event further degraded the relationship between Ljubljana and Belgrade. During the war, Cankarjev dom hosted press conferences; Slovenia won its media battles there. Cankarjev dom offers a prime cultural venue with its large halls. In the winter months, it is the alternative venue to all possible state level open-air events. To date, Gallus Hall remains the largest congress/concert venue in the country, proudly serving its purpose.

The Armed Conflict

TO soldier in Ljubljana manning AA gun Ljubljana

Pekre: the first victim Even before the independence, Slovenia has already trained its Territorial Defence (TO) forces to form a future army. Two months before the actual ten-day war, the TO captured two YPA reconnaissance officers at Pekre. This came as an excuse for the YPA to surround the Pekre training centre and demanded the surrender of the unit that had captured the officers. The incident outraged the local population, who started protesting in front of the army barracks, where an army vehicle ran over and killed protester Josef Simcik – the first victim of independence efforts. The YPA expected to scare and supress the growing aspiration for independence, but the Pekre events merely reinforced the determination of Slovenes. The legendary training centre now hosts fire-fighting and rescue units. Pekre is a suburban village of Maribor, with its monumental Pekrska Gorca hill with vineyards and a Stations of the Cross path leading towards a small church.

Holmec: battle for the border

Ormož: Tanks entering Ormož. (source: Ptuj-Ormož museum)

After independence was declared on 25th June, 1991, YPA forces followed orders by the general command to take control of the border control posts, which had been besieged by the Slovenian police. This is considered the fiercest of infantry clashes, which broke out at many the border posts. The two-day battle claimed the lives of three YNA soldiers and two Slovene policemen. Today, Holmec is a quiet village at the Austrian border, with a Memorial Park of Freedom and Peace reminding us of its past. Before the Slovenian entry into Schengen Area, it was a moderately busy border crossing. Other former border passes such as Šentilj, Vrtojba and Gornja Radgona share similar stories.

Brnik: wounded wings Ljubljana’s airport was one of the strategic points YPA wanted to seize, using an armoured battalion stationed at Vrhnika. The convoy had already faced resistance on the way there but failed to complete their mission, due to fierce resistance by the TO, who were equipped with effective anti-tank weapons. Meanwhile, the airport hangars were air-raided and three civilian airplanes were damaged. The victims of airport clashes also include two Austrian journalists, whose vehicle was hit by YPA anti-aircraft guns. Ljubljana’s airport became the new country’s primary airport, later renamed after Jože Pučnik, a late independence period politician. The airport has seen many upgrades and is constantly expanding.

Medvedjek: civilian horror Medvedjek’s strategic position, representing a natural barrier towards the Ljubljana basin had seen fierce battles in WWII. In June, 1991, a convoy of YPA vehicles hit a

barricade set up by the Slovenes. The air strike intended to clear the siege might have scattered the TO, but the cluster bombs killed a farmer and six truck drivers of different nationalities who were stuck in the barricade. Medvedjek remains a busy place in the terms of passing traffic. However, the historical road now serves only local purposes as a new motorway has been built nearby. A monument commemorates the victims of the battle.

Krakovski Gozd: the final battle In addition to the YPA stationed in Slovenia, reinforcements were sent from nearby Croatian barracks. The Krakov forest in south-eastern Slovenia, close to the Croatian border, represents a decisive victory for Slovenian forces. The Territorial Defence here managed to stop a large convoy of YPA armoured vehicles and eventually force it to surrender on 2nd July. Over the next two days, the Slovenian forces took control of all of the country’s border crossings, and YPA units were allowed to withdraw peacefully to barracks. The forest remains one of Slovenia’s natural gems. Spread between the Krka and Sava Rivers, it grows quality oak and hosts diverse wildlife – especially attractive for birdwatchers. The monumental 350-year-old Cvelbar oak in the village of Malence reaches an incredible 27 metres in height.

KOPER: THE HAPPY FAREWELL According to the Brioni agreement, which ended the war, YPA forces were ordered to stay inside their barracks and gradually retreat from the country. By 25th October, 1991, the remaining arsenal was shipped from port of Koper, as were the soldiers. Nevertheless, many of the army professionals from ex-Yugoslavia, stationed in Slovenia decided to abandon the ideals of the Yugoslavia they were protecting, and stay in the country they have adopted. Many others, unfortunately, ended up waging much bloodier wars in Croatia and Bosnia. Still, the night before 26th October is remembered as the day when the last YPA soldier left the Slovenian soil. The Arch of Independence, erected in 2007 decorates the entry to the Port of Koper, Slovenia’s only – and increasingly busy – cargo port.

Public Transport Info Airports Aerodrom Ljubljana, d.d. Zg. Brnik 130a 4210 Brnik-aerodrom Passenger information: T: +386 (0)4 20 61 981, T: +386 (0)4 20 61 000 Aerodrom Maribor d.o.o. Letališka cesta 10, 2312 Orehova vas Passenger information: +386 (0)2 629 17 90 Aerodrom Portorož 6333 Sečovlje T: +386 (0)5 617 51 40

Air Carrier Adria Airways Kuzmičeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana Reservations and information: +386 (0)1 369 10 10 Toll-free number: 080 13 00

Railway Station Slovenske železnice Kolodvorska 11, 1506 Ljubljana, T: +386 (0)1 29 13 332, Answering machine (Outside working hours): 090 93 98 01 Maribor Railway Station T: +386 (0)2 29 22 164 Celje Railway Station T: +386 (0)3 29 33 156 Koper Railway Station T: +386 (0)5 29 64 158

Bus Avtobusna Postaja Ljubljana, d.d. Trg OF 4, 1000 Ljubljana T: +386 (0)1 234 46 00, Call centre: 090 93 42 30 Maribor Bus Station Mlinska ulica 1, 2000 Maribor T: +386 (0)2 235 02 12, Toll-free informations: 080 11 16

World Cultural and Natural Heritage The Škocjan Caves are situated near Divača, at the crossroads of impenetrable flysch rocks and the river Reka. From 1986 the Škocjan Caves have been put on the list of the world’s cultural and natural heritage – UNESCO due to their amazing subterranean canyon, pioneering research into karst phenomena, a rich archaeological heritage and a great biodiversity. They were later also put on the list of the Ramsar Convention of internationally important wetlands as the first subterranean wetland, and onto the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (MAB). The whole system of the caves consists of many individual caves and tunnels, streams, natural bridges and precipices. There is also a strong archaeological heritage because Škocjan has been inhabited ever since the early Stone Age.

Events July, August and September Creative workshops take place in front of the museum collections in the village of Škocjan. They focus on different topics, like archaeology and ethnology.

Škocjan Caves

Visits to the Škocjan Caves A visit is possible in the company of experienced guides. The path leads through The Silent Cave, full of dripstones, then on to one of the biggest underground canyons and then to the previous entrance of the river into the underground. After 46 years visitors can once again see the Mahorčič and Marinič cave and the Little Collapse Doline (Mala dolina) between the caves. Visitors can pick a tour of their preference: The Škocjan Caves Classic tour, a short tour through the Mahorčič and Marinič cave - or the Extended tour of the entire cave system.

The Learning Trail For organized groups with a previous arrangement it is possible to go on a learning trail, which is similar to “field work”. The tour includes all the museum collections.

Tour of the Collections An ethnological collection in the J’kopin barn, a karstological collection in the Jurij barn and a biological, geological and archaeological collection in the natural science learning centre – the Delez house. A tour of the museum collections is included in the offer of the Škocjan Caves Park during the season (from June until September) and lasts about an hour.

The Škocjan Caves Regional Park Škocjan 2, Divača +386 5 708 21 10, 708 21 04 (booking),

Ljubljana Škocjan Caves

82 km


Photo: Claudio Costerni


Photo: archive Soča Rafting

Seekers of exciting adventures, lovers of simple cosiness, family tourists and world travellers in love with nature can all discover places anew every time, with their unique Alpine and Mediterranean climate. No wonder then that the Bovec area is the most attractive destination for time out in Central Europe for many. Hollywood filmmakers too have discovered Bovec’s enchanting surroundings and made it a location for Disney’s Chronicles of Narnia. Grand peaks, sheep and goat pastures interspersed with trails, enchanting streams, rivers and waterfalls weave an abundance of experiences throughout the year.



Ljubljana 130 km

Photo: Erik Cuder

In the Heart of the Soča Valley

The Stunning Beauty of the Soča River For many, the most beautiful European river, it is safeguarded by 2000 metres high peaks, flows through rocky gorges and enchants with its emerald colour. The best-known inhabitant of the emerald river is the Soča trout, an endemic fish that can be caught as nicely with a camera as with a fishhook.

TIC Bovec Trg golobarskih žrtev 8, Bovec Phone: +386 (0)5 389 64 44,

A World of Adrenaline Adventures The Soča River and its tributaries offer a diversity of sports and recreational activities, lead by adrenaline adventures with a raft, a river bobsled, a kayak or canyoning. Besides water and air activities – i.e. flying over Bovec with a paraglider or a light plane – there are plenty of activities to choose from on the solid ground, i.e. golf, horse-riding, biking, tennis and hiking. And the admirers of the mysterious underground can visit the caves. You can end your sporting day by going to a swimming pool or sauna.

Golf Golf lovers can swing their clubs on the new nine hole golf course. Five different tees are arranged according to USGA standards with regard to the player’s knowledge, which gives beginners an easier game and poses a more demanding and interesting challenge to good players and professionals.

1915-17 The Isonzo Front is known as one of the bloodiest battle sites from the First World War. Many different nations fought in the Italian army against the Austrohungarian and German empires. The remains of the front are still visible in the Bovec area. One of the major attractions from this period is the Kluže Fort.

Photo: BOBO

Even though the Kanin mountain range is quite high, a fairly Mediterranean sun still scorches its crests. The view from Kanin reaches all the way to the east Julian Alps and the sea. Kanin is a great place for trekking and mountaineering, a take-off point for paragliders, while mountain bikers can try out their skills in the Kanin Mountain Bike Park. Numerous deep Karst abysses and natural sights are also characteristic of Kanin, with Prestreljeniško okno (the window in Mt. Prestreljenik) being the most visited. The remains of the Soča Front can be found on Kanin and, if you go up Prevala over the col, you can see the traces of an Italian hospital there. You can also bump into the indigenous Bovec sheep on that trail, through which Bovec cheese also became famous. There is also an educational trail for those who are not really good walkers, presenting the high alpine Karst area of Kanin with its 220 million years of geological history. In winter, Kanin becomes a popular skiing resort, particularly interesting for its newly established connection with the Italian slope Sella Nevea. This shared area offers a variety of possibilities for skiers of all skills. Italian tracks are gentler and slightly wider, while the Slovenian slope, positioned at a very high altitude, boasts with excellent snow conditions well into spring. The cabin lift to Kanin operates every day in July and August and every weekend from June to the end of September. The details are on its website.

Photo: Archive LTO Bovec, F. A. BOBO


Events 2 July – Buški dan (Town’s day) and Street race for the Bovec Grand Prix 13 Aug – Čomparska noč (Potato farmer’s night) 21 Aug – Bicycle race to Mount Mangart

Kranjska Gora

In the Kingdom of the Goldhorn In the northwest of Slovenia there is a fairy tale land which offers thousands of pleasures on the snow in winter and an escape from the unbearable heat and pleasant shade for everyone who wants an active holiday full of experiences in summer. We are, of course, speaking about one of the most beautiful mountain jewels – KRANJSKA GORA. In summer and winter Kranjska Gora offers a wide range of active experiences. You may choose from hiking, cycling, Nordic walking, golf, fishing, horseback riding, Alpine climbing, skiing, crosscountry skiing, sledding, ski touring and ice skating.

Cycling You can decide for a lazy pedalling style or for more demanding journeys into the heart of the Alpine valleys. You will work up a sweat and get a tan on the steep slopes of the Karavanke range. On the bicycle trail of three countries, which starts at the three-country border with Austria and Italy, a visit to Bled through the valley Radovna is highly recommended. A bicycle route map and lunch in your backpacks might be the best way to get to know the Zgornjesavska valley. The trail is in perfect condition all the way until Mojstrana. You can also take many detours from this main trail. If you are an adrenaline buff, then the Kranjska Gora bike park with its courses offers everything you could wish for, including the children’s bike park.

Kranjska Gora


85 km


TIC Kranjska Gora Tičarjeva ulica 2, Kranjska Gora T: +386 (0)4 580 94 40,

Hiking Hinking is definitely amongst the most popular summer activities. There are plenty of trails for everyone, from the easiest and recreational hikes to serious Alpine tours, which demand experience, appropriate equipment and a mountain guide. The first wonderful trail can be found in the confines of the Triglav national park – The Triglavska Bistrica trail in Vrata is a true experience of nature – the Peričnik waterfall, the galleries, the gable of the Vrata and the mighty Triglav northern wall. Conquering Triglav via this wall is a real achievement. You can also have mysterious experiences in the valley Kot, from where the road along the Radovne valley leads you to the Gorge (Vintgar). Those who enjoy the sight of a precipice have to experience the challenging trail to Prisank from Vršič. Those who like safer sights can discover the road to Slemenova špica, the meditative solitude of the panoramic forest walk from Vršič to the lakes with a view of the magnificent Jalovec. Perhaps the most beautiful trail in the Zgornjesavska valley is the trail to the first and second Martuljek waterfall.

Events 24–26 Jun – MTB Masters 2011, XCO & DHI European Championships 25 Jun – The running event Andrejčkov tek 26 Jun–3 Jul – 10. The Kekec festival

6– 10 Jul – Vitranc summer festival

Nordic walking

15 Jul – Solo singing students of Alenka Gotar

Kranjska Gora offers many opportunities for this ever more popular version of simple walking. There are instructors available and you can also borrow poles.

16 Jul – Concert Alenka Gotar 22 Jul – Concert Mia Žnidarič and »Love You Madly« 23 Jul – Braco Doblekar’s Big Band »Dom« and Nina Strnad

Cultural Sights

30 Jul – Performance of Russian Cossacks


31 Jul – Memorial celebration by the Russian Chapel

In the Slovenian Alpine Museum the past and present walk together. A rich collection of objects with versatile historical backgrounds, versatile photographic and archival material and a comprehensive technical library offer visitors an insight into the mass appeal and importance of Alpine activities in Slovenia. THE LIZNJEK HOUSE, KRANJSKA GORA The Liznjek house is a genuine Slovenian Alpine house, which was renovated and refurbished in 1983 and adapted into an ethnological museum. The cellar features a permanent exhibition about the life and work of children’s author Josip Vandot (18841944) and a temporary gallery.

5 Aug – Concert Janez Bončina Benč 6 Aug – Fireman party Pod lipo 6 Aug – Celebrating the holiday of the Municipality of Kranjska Gora 13 Aug – Zgornjesavska valley picnic 15 Aug – Village day in Rateče

THE KAJŽNK HOUSE, RATEČE It belongs in the category of renovated objects with a very much preserved folk architecture. In it you can see a reconstruction of the equipment from a black kitchen and pantry, exhibitions of the Rateče folk garb and local history, old films on the still preserved customs and the Planica ski jumping competition and an exhibition of handiwork made by members of the Rateče-Planica Tourist Association.

15 Aug – The running event Kranjskogorska 10-ka 26 Aug – »Rdeči noski« parade 26–27 Aug – The Aljaž event 26–28 Aug – Škerlj’s Days 3 Sep – 33rd Ascent up Vršič 11 Sep – Meeting at the threecountry border

Photo: B. kladnik

Kranj High Fashion in Ancient Jewellery



29 km


The Canyon of Kokra The river Kokra cut an almost 30-meter deep canyon through the town centre, which the townsmen used as a source of water. Because of its fast current, they also put mills into it and used it for swimming. Nowadays there is an educational trail in the Kokra Canyon, where you can see some rare birds, interesting flora and water animals. Due to its position, it offers a pleasant escape from the hot sun and several places for relaxation. When visiting Kranj, you must certainly not miss going to the Canyon of Kokra.

Tourist Board Kranj Glavni trg 2, Kranj +386 4 238 04 50,

Photo: Tone Poleneci

Kranj is a town rich with culturalhistorical and natural heritage. That is why it has been protected as a cultural monument ever since 1983. It is one of the rare exceptions in Europe because it has a canyon running through its centre, through which a river flows. Slovenia’s greatest poet France Prešeren, has spent the last years of his life in Kranj, making this town the keeper of his rich heritage. Kranj also boasts the castle Khislstein, houses with beautiful arcade courtyards, architect Plečnik’s masterpieces, the town defence walls with towers, galleries and museums and cultural events which contribute to the pleasant pulse of the town.

The Tunnels Under the Old Town Kranj

Events 3 Jun–2 Jul – The Carniola Festival The Carniola Festival traditionally raises the pulse of the old town centre in the early summer months with its international participation and multi-cultural repertoire. The programme offers visitors a wide array of events in the fields of music, theatre and dancing. Photo: Tadej Slemc

In the hot summer days you can descend into the Kranj underground, walk around the tunnels and take a look at the old town shelter, built during the Second World War. You will travel back to a time when life was different than it is today, you will see a reconstruction of the shelter and experience a simulation of an air raid. You will also be able to admire real stalactites and interesting underground animals. The whole year round, the tunnels host various interesting events for all ages. In 2009, the tunnels received a Silver Sower award for creative and innovative achievements in tourism.

The Gorenjska (Upper Carniola) Museum The treasures of the Gorenjska Museum can be viewed in the Town Hall. It is considered as a special cultural sight due to its architectural uniqueness. In the museum, you can see the Renaissance hall, three permanent exhibitions (works by academic painter Lojze Dolinar, the archaeological exhibition The Iron Thread and the folk art of the Upper Carniola region) and two galleries. The main attraction of the museum is the findings of gold jewellery, which is about 1,500 years old. It was worn by wives of powerful soldiers who followed high fashion standards.

Pirc’s Dye-works

The Brdo Estate

Photo: Drago holynski

In the dye-works from the 18th century visitors can see devices for fabricironing from 1797 and 1809. One can also see the procedure for working with dye and the production of linen. The collection is enriched by the grand legacy of the bourgeois dressing culture, which reveals the charm of former bourgeois life, family documents and documents on the development of the dye-works and the shop, as well as documents on the cultural, sporting and economic development of Kranj.

The delightfully regulated Brdo park is a treasure-trove of Carniola’s aristocratic history. When walking through the park, you will be able to admire the rich flora and fauna and many other fascinating features, like the Brdo Castle, a valuable sculpture collection, a beehive with painted beehive panels of famous Slovenian painters, hayracks with hay and the new congress centre, which has already become a cultural monument in Slovenia.

29–30 Jul – Kranfest

At the height of Summer, the streets of Kranj change into the most popular event in the Upper Carniola region – Kranfest, including the traditional Kranj Night. The festival is a mosaic of numerous events, which offers, at various venues, musical and sport events, theatre performances and hosted programmes for visitors of all ages. It is also free of charge.

19–28 Aug – Jazz Camp At the end of August the Jazz Camp in Kranj will be the meeting place for internationally acknowledged jazz and pop musicians from Slovenia and abroad. They will be working together in smaller and larger ensembles and trying their hand at various styles.

Photo: Jana Jocif

Škofja Loka One Loka, Two Valleys, Three Highlands, Infinite Stories Visit one on the oldest and most beautifully preserved medieval towns. In its vast collection of monuments it also hides a priceless sacral heritage, so we invite you to let the spirit of history guide you and take you on the path of its heritage, where the leading spot certainly belongs to the literary work Škofjeloški pasijon (Processio Locopolitana).

Škofja Loka


Ljubljana 23 km

Tourist Board Škofja Loka Kidričeva cesta 1a, Škofja Loka +386 4 517 06 00,

A Fish that Caused the Earthquake

Events Historial Škofja Loka 2011, 25–28 Jun 2011

2011 marks the 500th anniversary of the earthquake that had catastrophic consequences not only for Škofja Loka, but for a large part of central Europe as well. The works of famous fresco painter Jernej of Loka coincide with the renovation of churches after the earthquake and carry in them the mystic legacy of the Pharaonic Fish, which according to the legend caused the disaster.

The Masters of Craft The beauty of this ancient town is nicely rounded off by the Selška and Poljanska valleys, which preserve the rich tradition of old customs. The Selška valley was strongly marked by ironworks. The area is also known for a rich crafts tradition, especially the production of the Dražgoše honey breads and bobbin lace. The valley also offers plenty of opportunities to spend your free time actively. Bobbin lace and shoemaking has been preserved till this day in Poljansko and Žirovsko as well. You can experience the local hospitality on tourist farms, and taste baked goods from a baker’s oven, ecologically manufactured fruit and vegetables, or real home-made spirits.

In the scope of the Historial Škofja Loka 2011 there will be many historical and ethnological events presented, with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Škofja Loka, and an emphasis on the local heritage of the area. The central event of this year’s Historial Škofja Loka will be on Saturday, 25th June, when Škofja Loka returns to its rich past. The Handicrafts fair, will revive forgotten crafts and will be opened by a bishop. There will be a culinary offer, a creative museum workshop, children’s stories, historical dances and a percussion group. The afternoon on the Škofja Loka Castle will be intended for families and children. The schedule will feature craftswomen and games and the day will finish with the historical music festival Musica Locopolitana and the evening concert.

Activities in Nature

Photo: Izidor Jesenko

Photo: Jana Jocif

You can experience the valleys on foot or with a bicycle, as there are many well-kept trails. Take a look at the system of underground fortresses – the Rupnik line and the old Rapal border, which were built by the old Yugoslav army.

Tourist Board Škofja Loka will gladly give you advice and prepare an interesting trip, get you some accommodation, give you a chance to taste the local delicacies and inform you on the several natural and cultural sights of the area.

On Sunday, 26th June 2011, the Polenc house in Puštal, also known as Nace’s house, will host an animation programme for families and the evening will be finished in the spirit of the historical music festival and the performance Coprniška krvava rihta v Loki (Witch Bloody Court in Loka). Monday and Tuesday will be marked by a technical discussion for the 500th anniversary of the earthquake, with the subject »Year of the Pharaonic Fish« and the Musica Locopolitana festival.

Photo: Samo Trebižan

Idrija On the road of Mercury Heritage

The Magic World The oldest Slovenian mining town is known for one of the biggest mercury mines in the world, which attracted explorers and travellers from all of Europe when it was still operational. Lace, which is respected all over the world, was also hugely important to Idrija. The cuisine is also rich and versatile, with a special pedestal for a specialty known as the “Idrija žlikrofi”. Photo: Andrej Križ, archive STO

Photo: Matevž Lenarčič

»Views across centuries of history« is the slogan which invites visitors to Idrija, the oldest Slovenian mining town with a rich technical, cultural and natural heritage. The city received two flattering titles this year – European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) for 2011, with the tourist product “Idrija – a story for all times” and “Alpine City of the Year 2011”, with which it committed to the principles of permanent progress. From 1995 we have been trying to put Idrija on the list of Unesco heritage, with which the technical heritage of the mercury mine will be suitably protected and presented.



Ljubljana 58 km

TIC Idrija Vodnikova 3, Idrija +386 5 374 39 16,

Photo: Jože Hanc

Photo: Samo Trebižan

•  The Wild Lake (Divje jezero) – a natural monument in the Zgornja Idrijca Natural park •  Castle Gewerkenegg with the Municipal Museum – the finest European museum of technical and industrial heritage •  Anthony’s shaft in the mercury mine •  Idrija “Kamšt” – water pumps for raising ore from shafts, with a wooden wheel of 13.6 metres in diameter •  “Klavže” – Slovenian pyramids – river water barriers for transporting wood •  The Church of the Holy Trinity – it is situated on the same spot where the legendary pail maker discovered mercury •  a walk along the water channel “rake”, along a nature study path where various forest climaxes with rich brushwood can be observed •  Exhibition of lace and products made from Idrija lace – in the Idrija Lace School and the Centre of Idrija lace •  Tasting of Idrija žlikrofi – tasting this traditional dish at various establishments in Idrija •  Aquarium M – the youngest public aquarium in Slovenia with an amazing variety of species •  The Military Museum – for everyone who is interested in the military history of the previous century •  The heritage of the Second World War – The Printing Workshop Slovenia and the partisan burial ground in Vojsko…

17–19 Jun International Festival of Idrija lace, the penultimate weekend in June. This ethnological, economic, cultural, educational and entertaining event gives Idrija a unique character because the whole town lives and breathes with Idrija lace during the time of the festival. Novelty: The fashion spectacle with Idrija lace 18 Jun Photo: Samo Trebižan

Tips on Tours/Experiences


Modni atelje šiviljstvo MAL

15–16 Jul International TANGO festival Hosts different musicians involved with this type of music. We will be seeing solo artists, bands and highly-regarded foreign musicians. 12–13 Aug International ALTER ART festival, in August. Presents many artists from the field of amateur culture, alternative youth subculture and “serious” culture, youthful alternative music bands from Slovenia and abroad, exhibitions of fine arts and photography, performances by dance groups and literary soirées. Photo: Jani Peternelj

According to folk legend, mercury was discovered coincidentally by a pail maker, who was pumping water from the river. When he wanted to lift the pail, he could barely move it. He had pumped mercury, a liquid metal of such density that even a piece of iron floats in it like a cork. The news of his discovery spread quickly and drew many people to the yet undeveloped valley. On the place where the pail maker collected the mercury stands the Church of the Holy Trinity.

Photo: Samo Trebižan


Experience Idrija Actively in all Seasons

Tourist offer from Idrija and booking of accommodation - Web store with Idrija lace and souvenirs -

Photo: Samo Trebižan

Photo: Samo Trebižan

Hiking – bicycling on marked paths – bathing in the natural baths of Bela – climbing – fishing in the clean Idrija waters – hunting – mushroom picking – tennis … Nature, tranquillity, relaxation and limitless possibilities for an active holiday can be found in Idrija and its surroundings. Visit Idrija and see the surroundings of the town, where there are also plenty of sights. You can visit them on foot, with a bicycle, or by car.

14 Aug The Assumption of Mary or Prfarski štrukljevc This attracts many visitors and pilgrims. The celebration takes place at the Church of Mary in Skalca, where there’s a solemn high mass every year. On this holiday, they prepare the traditional Slovenian dish “štruklji”, they make garlands, dance and sing.

Photo: Miha Krivic

Postojna Cave About half way between Ljubljana and the coast – or if you like, between Vienna and Venice – lies one of the most beautiful corners of this world – the Slovenian Kras. This is an unusual world of rocks and water, interwoven with numerous specific surface and underground phenomena, which have always stirred up our imagination and attract many visitors and researchers with their mysterious character. One of the most recognizable and beautiful natural sights, which brought international fame to Kras, is the Postojna Cave, which has been attracting visitors from far and wide for centuries; in the last two centuries in great masses. Kras is also a world of exciting monuments of culture and castles, like the Predjama Castle, where all of your senses will be tingling because the preparation of home-cooked meals, with a mixture of natural products and Mediterranean spices, gives the dishes a special flavour and draws in even the most demanding gourmet.


Ljubljana Postojna

53 km

Postojnska jama, d. d. Postojna Jamska cesta 30, 6230 Postojna

Photo: Dragan Arrigler

A Unique Experience!

Photo: Miha Krivic

Postojna Cave The Postojnska Cave, this underground cathedral, where centuries mean nothing, is one of the longest caves with its 20 kilometres of explored tunnels and belongs amongst the underground caves with the greatest amount of stalactites. It is very well equipped for tourists and easily accessible for anyone. Its beauties have been admired by almost 34 million visitors, who are taken into the mysterious subterranean world by the cave train, while the kind and qualified cave guides safely lead them along the illuminated tunnels. If you are of a more adventurous spirit, you can see the Postojna Cave in a more exciting way – like a cave explorer. Using speleological equipment, you go in smaller groups and enter with a feeling of being the first to be in this underground world, where you are struck by excitement, tension and expectation (Only by previous arrangements).

From the middle of the 17th century the Postojna Cave has interested natural scientists and is thus considered the cradle of speleobiology, the science about subterranean life. The Postojna underground world in inhabited by around 130 different species of animals. Visit the Proteus Vivarium in the Postojna Cave, to find out the peculiarities of the subterranean environment, the history of karstology and speleobiology. Here you will be able to see an amazing cave creature named human fish (proteus anguinus), amphibian with a tail that grows up to 30 cm in length, breaths with gills. With its eyes shriveled, it is totally adapted to darkness.

Photo: Miha Krivic

Proteus Vivarium


Predjama Castle

Photo: Miha Krivic

Only 10 kilometres away from the Postojna Cave is one of the most picturesque wonders of human history – the Predjama Castle, which has been a dominant feature for more than 700 years, in a 123 metres high rock wall. It is massive, threatening and unconquerable. It was perfect as the secret domicile of the daring, stubborn and persistent knight Erasmus Lueger (Erazem Predjamski), who is described in a romantic and beautiful story about a robber. Underneath the Predjama Castle, the subterranean river Lokva formed an underground cave, the tunnels of which are arranged in four discernible storeys.

Erazem’s Knight Tournament, Sat 16–Sun 17 Jul The medieval time at the Predjama Castle comes to life every year in July for the event Erazem’s Knight Tournament. At that time, Predjama features knights, horsemen, swordsmen, archers, comedians, dancers, musicians and masters of old crafts, who are also joined by many visitors.

Night of fire and fun, Sat 16 Jul The mystic environment will start heating up on Saturday because visitors will be able to see a display of a spectacular nocturnal attack on the Predjama Castle. You will be able to enjoy a real medieval celebration and camp in an encampment beneath the unique historical fortress in a night of fire and fun.

Lipica The Cradle of the Lipizzaner Horse The Shelter of Cultural and Natural Heritage The Lipica Stud Farm is one of the most beautiful culturalhistorical monuments in Slovenia, which provides a home to almost 400 Lipizzaner horses. With a more than 400 year-old tradition it is the oldest stud farm in the world to have been breeding horses since its establishment. It represents a unique environment, where the spatial arrangements, the buildings and the cultural landscape have always been in line with the original activity of breeding horses. Enriched with a fascinating tourist offer it gives a real opportunity for an unforgettable vacation.


22 Lipica

80 km

Lipica Stud Farm Lipica 5, Se탑ana +386 5 739 15 80,,

Guided Tours A promenade through the estate of the stud farm in the company of a friendly guide, takes the visitors into the world of the Lipizzaner horses. Besides Slovene, the tour is also possible in English, Italian, German and French language.

A Taste of Mediterranean Pleasure Home-cooked delicacies from Karst region are only a part of treats available in the Maestoso Hotel 3*. It restaurant also offers a number of noble and delicious local wines that perfectly suit the panorama you can admire from the terrace. In the coffeehouse beneath the branches of the horse chestnut tree, time will stand still with a glass of sparkling wine or a dessert from a variety of choices.

Lipikum – Museum of the Lipizzaner The museum opened its doors this May and has become the new centre for the cultural and tourist offer of the Lipica Stud Farm. It is designed according to modern museum principles and with the help of interactive procedures enables adults and children to come to the desired information themselves. It presents contents which are in any way related to the rich history of the stud farm and the Lipizzaner: the history of the horse, the behaviour and life of the horse, the development and growth of the stud farm, the origin and evolution of the Lipizzaner breed, events in the past where this horse played a vital role, etc. A tour of the museum is possible during the opening hours of the stud farm.

The Lipica Golf Course This is the only course in Slovenia that is open all year. It was built in 1989 in accordance with the designs of Donald Harradin, a worldwide known designer of golf courses. The course has nine holes and a practice range. The range for practicing long shots is the longest in Slovenia and enables hitting from both sides. Practicing is possible in all weather conditions because the range is covered. The course also features the Academy of Golf without Borders, which includes experienced professional trainers from Slovenia and Italy.

Schedule July and August, from 9am to 6pm, except noon Guided tours in Slovene, English, Italian, German and French language. Tuesday, Friday, Sunday: 3pm Watching a performance of the classical riding school

Colourful Experiences The memories of Lipica that the visitors will take with them are truly manifold and unique. The trainings and the performances of the famous Classical riding school astound with their beauty and the elegance of the chosen stallion, which perform surprising elements above the ground. Beginners and experienced riders can acquire additional knowledge by taking various riding courses, while pony rides are organized for children. The most romantic experience is to take a carriage ride on the estate.

Tue–Sun: 10am–10.45am and 11am–11.45am Watching a training of the classical riding school Tue–Sun: 10am–noon and 12.30pm–2.30pm and 3pm–6pm Horse riding for children Tue–Sun: 10am–2pm and 4pm–6pm Carriage ride Horse riding Weekday and weekend courses with a possibility of accommodation in the Maestoso Hotel 3*.

A Charming Capital The capital of Slovenia Ljubljana is a city which radiates an irresistible charm during the summer. Apart from the varied architecture and numerous historical sights, it is filled with culture due to the numerous festivals and various events going on in the hot months which make it a unique destination for travellers and a place where everybody can find something for their interest.

Guided Tours

Tivoli Rosary

You can choose from three guided tours that take you around Ljubljana to marvel at the old part of the city which is defined by a mixture of Baroque and Art Nouveau architecture and masterful creations of the 20th century architect Jože Plečnik. The tours can be combined with either a funicular, tourist train or boat ride, taking you to either the Ljubljana Castle or on a ride under several of Ljubljana’s famous bridges. Also tours of the Town Hall are organized that offer an insight into the rich history of a building which is one of Ljubljana’s most striking Baroque monuments. On this tour, visitors can see a number of rooms which have not been open for public viewing so far.

The rose garden next to the Tivoli glasshouse and the renovated pond is in full bloom - more than 900 roses have been planted there. In the old beds of the nicely branched out flower garden 528 of the so-called queens of the flowers are blossoming.



Outdoor Galleries Krakovski nasip along Ljubljanica River and Jakopičevo sprehajališče in Tivoli Park are two outdoor galleries which are important cultural venues for Ljubljana and where photo exhibitions of many famous photographers from all over the world take place.

Slovenian Tourist Information Centre TIC Ljubljana Krekov trg 10, Ljubljana Stritarjeva ulica, Ljubljana +386 1 306 45 75 +386 1 306 12 15,

Photo: S. Jeršič

Ljubljana Postojna

Lively Ljubljana This year as well Ljubljana offers an abundance of events in its public spaces. We offer you a quick overview of the most visible ones:

Library under the Treetops

This speciality of Ljubljana operates on five sites and each of them offers everyone the joy of taking a break in the company of a good book or a magazine in the shade of trees, completely for free. You can enjoy your quality free time in Tivoli Park, on the stairs along Ljubljanica River in Trnovski pristan, the on the platform above the Ljubljanica on Petkovškovo nabrežje, on the Ljubljana Castle and in July and August also in Tabor Park. You can browse through publications in Slovene and also foreign languages.

The star pavilion The pavilion in Zvezda Park is too going to come to life as various musicians are going to give their performances on Saturdays and in July also on Wednesdays there. You are also going to be able to bump into fine artists who are going to do live painting during the weekends on the attractive spots in the old city core.

City of sounds The international music day 21st June is going to be marked in a lively manner also on the Ljubljanica which is going to be an acoustic venue for music performances of wind orchestras and classical and folk musicians throughout the summer. Just like last year, the Town Hall balcony is going to host the Ljubljana pipers every Saturday at precisely 11 a.m. from June to the end of September. After the performance they are going to move to the Ljubljana Castle and surprise the visitors there.

Images from the past The Ljubljana postman from the times of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy has become the recognisable character of the summer Ljubljana and this year too he is going to roam the streets of the city centre. You are also going to be able to meet Urška and Water Sprite on stilts besides clowns and jugglers who are going to bring some more life to the old part of Ljubljana throb. In the middle of the ninth month, on 17th and 18th September, Ljubljana is yet again going to host the Medieval Days, a traditional event with an international cast and a festival of the Medieval and Renaissance music. The event is going to take place on Križevniška ulica street, Breg and in the Ljubljana Castle.

For the youngest ones This year’s Mini summer festival is going to start in the end of June and is going to take part in the city centre. It is going to offer puppet shows with creative workshops, aimed at children. If you plan to wander the streets of Ljubljana on Sundays in June, you most definitely will meet the storyteller with her printing bicycle who is going to allure you with her story interesting both for children and also adults. The Butcher’s Bridge is going to be especially intriguing in June and September when a puppet show The Legend of the Ljubljana Dragon is going to take place.

Street attractions The first weekend in July is reserved for an international festival Ana

Desetnica which is going to happen on many locations, especially along the Ljubljanica from Špica river bank to the Butcher’s Bridge. The bridges on the Ljubljanica are going to be the scenery for performances of the Crossroads project in the end of June and in the beginning of August. Slovenian dances along the Ljubljanica is an event which is this year going to take place four times – twice in June and twice in September. The dancers, dressed in the Slovenian national costumes, are going to take a stroll down the city streets and dance on Dvorni trg square.

The party in Trnovo Summer in Ljubljana is also time for the traditional Trnfest festival in the Trnovo city quarter (from 28th July to 28th August) which is later on in the end of August accompanied by the Emona Promenade festival (24th August – 28th August).

Moravske Toplice Drops of Pleasure in the Oasis of Health in the Middle of the Prekmurje Lowland The town of Moravske Toplice is situated in the very north-east of Slovenia, in the centre of Pomurje. The region of Moravske Toplice with its surroundings is rich with thermal springs, culinary delights, cultural sights and offers various possibilities of recreation for an active holiday.

Thermo-mineral Invigoration and Relaxation Terme 3000 – more than 5000 m² of water surfaces, a huge swimming pool complex with the famous Aqua loop slide, the world of saunas, a wellness centre and a golf course. Terme Vivat – around 2000 m² of water surfaces, a smaller thermal complex with a wellness centre, appropriate for families. Besides hotel accommodation, you can also get a room privately.

Moravske Toplice



201 km

TIC Moravske Toplice Kranjčeva 3, Moravske Toplice T: +386 (0)2 538 15 20, F: + 386 (0)2 538 15 22,

Culinary Experiences – Touch the Oasis of Panonian Flavours The treasury of Panonian flavours, mixed with more modern ones, pampers your senses. You will see an oasis of orchards, vineyards, pastures and fields in front of you, while on the table you will be served with fresh food (stews, meat, pumpkin oil, cakes) and quality wines.

Events 17–19 Jun, M. Toplice A festival of the prekmurska gibanica cake and ham from Prekmurje A traditional festival of the Prekmurje cuisine, folk music and dancing, traditional crafts

Recreation Enriched with Experiencing the Countryside The nature offers countless possibilities for active experiences and is a paradise for cyclists and hikers. In the vicinity of Moravske Toplice there are 11 marked thematic hiking trails, some of which are also appropriate for Nordic walking. There are also 10 bicycle trails. All the trails naturally lead past tourist sights.

25 Jun, Filovci 5th Festival of Wine and Cuisine and open day in the pottery village A celebration of the Prekmurje cuisine and pottery

New cycling Road of Pleasure We invite you to the adventures you can experience on the Road of Pleasure, which is intended for the whole family to enjoy a cycling excursion for the entire day. The road takes you from Moravske Toplice to the regional cultural centre Murska Sobota.

The Skill and Art of Masters of traditional crafts Products with a certificate of craftsmanship can be found at the summer fair, in the centre of Moravske Toplice. You can try your skills at pottery in the Pottery village (Ratkovci). You can also see some other traditional chores during our events (manual grass mowing, husking and stripping of corn, husking pumpkin seeds, grinding of flax, etc.).

The Allure of Visiting Cultural Sights Lovers of cultural landmarks should visit the Romance rotunda in Selo, Plečnik’s masterpiece in Bogojina (white dove) and the church of St. Martin in Martjanci. Take a look at the Časar mill (Berkovci) and wander around the castles of Prekmurje! Moravske Toplice can be a starting point for a visit to the Tropical Garden (Dobrovnik) and the Bukovnik lake with its energy points…

July, August – Summer in Moravske Toplice Tourist market, ethno music, children’s activities (between Thursdays and Sundays). 27–28 Aug, Ivanci The Vegetable-Folklore Festival A celebration of dishes from vegetables and a folklore festival of three countries 28 Aug, M. Toplice 16. Cycling Marathon Vivat Length of course: 10, 30, 50 km. 1 Sep, Bogojina Concert: Nova Schola Labacensis (SI) A concert of old music, a part of the Seviqc Brežice festival Sat 3 Sep, Sebeborci 11th Hike of the Marič Inn A hike of 13 km. Sun 4 Sep, Bogojina Grinding of flax and yarning A demonstration of a traditional chore. Sat 17–Sun 18 Sep, Selo 8. Corn husking A demonstration of stripping and husking corn.

Photo: Domen Grögl

Obsotelje & Kozjansko Photo: Domen Grögl

Kozjansko park Kozjansko Park is one of the oldest and most protected areas in Slovenia. Nature and man have created a unique mosaic of flowering meadows, ancient orchards, steep forested slopes and clear streams and farms and paths amongst which are dotted castles and churches. Photo: Domen Grögl

Rogatec Rogatec Open Air Museum is a living archive of rural ethnology, preserving the stories of the past for today and tomorrow. The Strmol Mansion, a 15th-century manorhouse located on a low hill above the old town centre of Rogatec, has always been inspirational. And the three headed mountain Donačka gora with its primeval beech forest is perfect for hiking.

Šmarje pri Jelšah

Podčetrtek Photo: Damjan Regoršek

The Way of the Cross in Šmarje pri Jelšah is home to fourteen separate chapels, all with their own stories and stunning sculpture, painting and architecture. Then there is Sladka Gora with an expressionistic baroque church of the Mother of god and Tinsko, both areas filled with vineyards.

Šmarje pri Jelšah


Ljubljana 100 km

In the land of fairytales and fantasy, you will find Olimje – the first Slovenian golden village in the 2009 Entente Florale competition. Make your own fairytale at the thermal spa resort Olimia which offers wellness services in the broadest sense of the term.

Attractive in every season The local hills of Obsotelje and Kozjansko are still largely undiscovered. Give them a try! You will love the countryside and the friendliness of the locals. The municipalities of Šmarje pri Jelšah, Rogaška Slatina, Rogatec, Podčetrtek and Kozje all boast a highly preserved natural and cultural heritage and any number of activities for visitors, including trips on the Šmarje-Virštanj wine road (VTC 10) which is also very suitable for hiking and biking.

Events Jun–Aug – Music seminars and concerts, Podsreda castle Jun–Aug (every Thursday and Saturday afternoon) – Taste the heritage, Open-air Museum Rogatec 25 Jul – The traditional march “od Gorce do Gorce” – VTC 10, Sladka Gora 10–16 Jul – Summer with Ana in Rogaška Slatina 16 Jul – Etnofest 2011 – “Likof na taberhi”, the Outdoor Museum Rogatec 30 Jul – Horse racing, Imeno. Info:, 03 810 90 13 5–10 Aug – Summer in Podčetrtek 7 Aug – Rattle Sunday, Virštanj 7 Aug – Šmarje cycling marathon, Šmarje pri Jelšah. 12–16 Aug – Pilgrim’s triad (Sladka Gora - Tinsko - Sv. Rok above Šmarje pri Jelšah)

Development Agency Sotla Šmarje pri Jelšah +386 3 817 18 60,

Explore, Feel, Enjoy The destination Rogla – Pohorje boasts amazing wealth of natural and cultural heritage. The destination connects Zreče, a town created with a blacksmith’s hammer, Slovenske Konjice, a town of flowers and wine, Vitanje, a town of tradition, and Oplotnica, a town with unique natural treasures. Get to know the interesting countryside by bicycle or on foot, along the marked bicycle and hiking trails. Relax in the pleasantly warm thermal water, recharge yourselves with the energy of a natural healing climate, experience history and pamper yourselves with fine cuisine and excellent local wines.

Events Summer musical evenings in the Charterhouse Žiče 18 Jun at 8.30pm – Gal Gjurin 1 Jul at 8.30pm – Carmina Slovenica choir 30 Jul at 8.30pm – Terrafolk Tickets are available one hour before the concert in the Charterhouse Žiče. In case of bad weather, the concerts will be cancelled.

9 jul – A healthy day with Petra Majdič (Olympic medallist in crosscountry) 10 jul – Pohorje Pot Day – culinary event dedicated to a local specialty 23–24 jul – Jacob’s Days on Resnik – traditional event with a march, competition in accordion and a meeting of folklore singers.

The local tourist board Rogla – Zreče Cesta na Roglo 13 b, Zreče +386 3 759 04 70

Destination Rogla - Pohorje The Tradition of Blacksmithing The town of Zreče is known for its long blacksmith tradition and the Ošlak smithy is one of the rare preserved monuments of the old blacksmith art in the Zreče area, supposedly established in 1770. The Ošlak smithy is only 3 kilometres from Zreče. It is composed of the old residential house, the business building, the smithy, the Venetian saw with a joiner’s workshop, a wooden shed and the new residential house. The mechanism, as well as other iteresting contraptions are run by water wheels. The distinguishing features of the smithy also include an air pump with a water drop and a double-sided piston air pump, a hammer called the “repač” and a big collection of homemade tools used for the needs of farming in those days. Here, we can still hear the sound of the hammer in the smithy.

Charterhouse Žiče It can sometimes happen that we come to a place that simply astounds us. We look around ourselves and get the feeling that time itself has been frozen, that we have entered into some other world, stepped into an unknown dimension. It is certainly no coincidence that in the 12th century monks from a Grande Chartreuse from Grenoble, France settled in this secluded and quiet Valley of Saint John the Baptist. Here they have found an untouched part of the world, which allowed them to live according to their monastic rules – modestly, in seclusion, in prayer and meditation. Today, Charterhouse Žiče offers various experiences: Otakar’s sparkling wine cellar, the oldest still open inn in Slovenia – Gastuž, two permanent exhibitions, meeting with herbal tradition and the tradition of pottery. The most valuable experiences are the preserved peace and quiet which can be enjoyed all over the valley.

TIC Slovenske Konjice Stari trg 27, Slovenske Konjice + 386 3 759 31 10

100 km


Zreče Slovenske Konjice


Ptuj A Treasure Trove of the Millenniums Even before the time when the Romans started calling it Poetovio, the cultural-historical treasure trove of Ptuj already started collecting beauties and riches that take one’s breath away. A short historical overview tells us that Ptuj is one of the biggest cultural treasure troves in Europe. In the past, Ptuj was an important link between the East and the West, as the amber road also led through it. The town experienced two important pinnacles in its evolution – in the time of the Roman colonisation and in the latter Middle Ages. The Roman Poetovio was one of the biggest cities amongst the Roman provinces, with 40 thousand inhabitants. Between the 9th and the 16th century the town developed a specific outlook with a triangular shape, ending on both sides with the Dominican and Minorite Monasteries, while the top was reserved for the Castle. Ptuj also boasts a great deal of cultural heritage, preserved particularly in the numerous traditional events. One of the biggest events of this kind is undoubtedly the Kurent celebration, the biggest Shrovetide ethnographical holiday in Europe. Ptuj



130 km

Ptuj Tourist Board Slovenski trg 5, 2250 Ptuj +386 2 779 60 11,

Culinary and Wine Offer in Ptuj Ptuj and its surroundings have always been known for its excellent and historically conditioned cuisine and amazing wines. The oldest town in Slovenia has more than seven centuries of tradition when it comes to making and nurturing quality wine. Here you can find the oldest wine in Slovenia, from 1917. In Ptuj you can pamper yourselves with wines from all over the country. Needless to say - excellent wines are available all over and around the town in many shops, bars and restaurants, however the real connaisseurs should head to Mitra hotel, Zlati grozd wine cellar ot Ptuj Castle. The Ptuj cellar has become one of the most successful ones in Slovenia in the last few years and has recognisable wines with its Pullus trademark, which get the highest prizes at international contests. The fine wine of the area goes nicely with the local delicacies, like the Ptuj chicken, turkey with baked noodles, sausages, ham and blood sausages with cabbage, cucumbers with potatoes, štruklji, buckwheat and corn rolls, the Haloška gibanica cake, mushroom soup with buckwheat mush, sour soup with pork, etc. Ptuj chefs are masters in preparing these traditional dishes the modern way. (

Thermal Park The park with its surroundings offers a wide array of possibilities for an active holiday: experience the water delights in one of the biggest thermal parks in central Europe, play golf or tennis, take a hot air balloon ride, etc. The Ptuj Thermal Park offers a wide choice of accommodations, from small houses in the camp, bungalows, apartments and the Grand Hotel Primus ****. It boasts more than 4.200 m² of water surfaces: 6 outdoor pools, including an Olympic swimming pool and the biggest system of waterslides in Slovenia. The amphitheatre presents many attractive events. The whole year round, the Ptuj Thermal Park brings many events of all kinds, many of them inspired by the Roman history: The Roman theme wedding in April, the central summer event called Roman Games, and the Saturnalia at Christmas and many others. Ptuj with its surroundings is famous for its wine tradition, so the Ptuj Thermal Park has exclusive wine evenings, called Primus’ wine stories, where the leading viticulturists and cellars present their first-rate wine products. (

Events 17 Jul, 21 Aug and 18 Sep – Museum weekend, Ptuj Castle The museum weekend is a free programme, intended for children and parents, where they work together, spend time together, have fun and get to know the museum and its exhibits. Date and theme of the event: 25 Jun – The partner town Run, Town streets and squares The run lasts for 8 hours straight and takes place in the streets of Ptuj. 20–23 Jul– Beach - master, The Ptuj Lake, the Ranca harbour The most prestigious tournament in Slovenia with numerous foreign players represents the pinnacle of beach volleyball in Slovenia. There is also a BEACH PARTY, with entertainment, DJ’s and popular bands. 22 Jul–5 Aug – Art Ptuj, Ptuj The international cultural festival of music and painting with many concerts and exhibitions by domestic and international artists takes place in the old town centre. A great combination of excellent music and modern visual arts.

Events 29 Jul–31 Jul – 15th International Hot Air Baloon Celebration, Ptuj Thermal Park Evening and morning rides above Ptuj and its surroundings will commemorate the celebration of the Municipality of Ptuj. 5 and 6 Aug – Ptuj Summer Night, Town streets and squares Many events culminate with the Ptuj summer night. The streets and squares host activities and games, a cultural programme, while the evenings are reserved for live music. 6 Aug – 19th Rancarija Ptuj Lake, Ranca harbour Rancarija is a traditional competition in rowing with typical boats (rance) of the river Drava.

Ptuj Lake The Ptuj Lake, which is filled by the Drava river, is the biggest permanent artificial lake in Slovenia. At the harbour Ranca, you can tie boats and lower them into water. The visitors have named the lake “sea on dry land” because it offers sailing, surfing, motor boats, jet skis and panoramic trips with a ship on the lake and the river Drava. It also attracts cyclers and hikers. The lake is also a venue of firstclass competitions in water sports. Here you can play volleyball, football and handball on the beach. In the summer months kayaks, sailboats, motorboats, rafts and pedal boats are available, as well as lessons in a sailing and rowing school. The lake and its surroundings host rare and protected birds (tern, gull, cormorant, etc.) and indigenous species of flora and fauna. (

18–21 Aug – 4th Roman Games, The Ptuj Thermal Park, town streets and squares

A cultural and an entertaining event, based on Ptuj’s Ancient roots. 19 Aug, 7.30pm, 42nd festival of popular folk music, The Minorite Monastery (courtyard) A competition of popular folk music ensembles. This is the oldest Slovenian festival for this music, with a competition for the prestigious Orfej (Orpheus) award. 24–27 Aug – Days of poetry and wine Old town centre Days of Poetry and Wine, one of the most important European poetry festivals, has been bringing poets from all over the world together for 15 years now. Poetry readings are joined by other art forms: concerts, films, street performances, exhibitions, puppet shows, reading hours for

Golf Course The Ptuj golf course has 18 holes next to a modern club space made of glass and aluminium, and a practice range for practicing long and short shots. It is situated beneath the impressive Ptuj Castle. The River Drava has always been defining the town and the golf course is no exception. The golf course as well has many water obstacles. The 14th hole is extraordinary due to a spectacular shot onto an island. You will experience all the excitement of the golf game on this course and that is why golfers love to return here. (

Summer Performances and Events Throughout the year, in particular in summer, Ptuj hosts numerous performances, festivals, concerts and other events. The rich cultural activity is also intended to speed up the tourist development of the town.

Events children, while the centre of Ptuj is full of artistic installations for this entire week. 26 Aug–4 Sep – Ptuj – Open Town Town streets and squares

SUMMER FESTIVAL ART PTUJ 22 July – 5 August Art Stays and Arsana will join forces this year again as we will see two festivals interwoven: the 9th International festival of modern visual arts Art Stays and the 3rd International music festival Arsana, with the joint name Art Ptuj. This is a combination of high-quality music, modern visual arts, dance, literature and cuisine. Ptuj will host internationally renowned artists. In the field of music we will hear the likes of Rade Šerbedžija & New cinema group (CRO/USA), Auckland Youth Symphony Orchestra (New Zeland), Chris Jarrett (USA/GER), Konstantin Bogino, Alexei Kornienko (RUS) , Marko Fiorentini (ITA), Sae Lee (JAP) and top Slovenian artists like Papir, Langa, Toti Big Band Maribor, Bilbi, Vox Arsana, Boštjan Gombač, Marta Zornik, Miha Rogina and others. Modern visual arts will be represented by Lynn Book (USA), Mahmod Zulfike (SIN), Olga Schigal (RUS), Peppe and Lucio Perone (ITA), Bosse Sudenburg (D), Nemanja Cvijanovič (CRO), Jongemoon Choi (KOR), Eike (HU/D), Monika Grycko (PL), Jaša (Slo), Katharina Klement (A), Robin Starbuck (USA), while many others will also present themselves on other venues in the city and its surroundings. Alongside the musical activities, an international summer music academy, will take place, as well as camps, seminars, lectures, dance performances, culinary events, literary soirées, auctions, and many children events. In only 15 days we will see the creative process and performances of over 300 artists from the whole world, from different areas of music and visual arts. (

Ptuj - the Partner Town of 2012 European Capital of Culture As a partner town, Ptuj is involved in the project Maribor 2012 – European capital of culture. Its central piece will be the Art & heritage carnival, which will offer a host of cultural events, relying on the rich cultural heritage of the area and its unique ethnographic heritage. This comes as an opportunity to upgrade the cultural infrastructure. The renovation of the Dominican Monastery and the building of a new multipurpose cultural hall are top priorities, into which the city is already putting a great effort. The project is a huge opportunity to raise awareness about the meaning of Ptuj as a Slovenian and European cultural jewel.

A street festival with theatre performances, animators, musicians, dancers, puppeteers, mimes, painters, graphic artists etc. 3 Sep , start at 11am – 9th Poli marathon, Ptuj, Moškanjci Cycling marathon for all ages. 3 Sep – 9th Ptuj castle games, The Ptuj Castle (tournament area)

A social event which brings the history of the castle and town to life and portrays the medieval culture of Ptuj, its famous and successful period in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The featured wine celebration is the central event for the promotion of viticulture and the tourist offer along the wine road VTC13. 8–11 Sep – International folklore festival, Ptuj The folklore festival represents a part of culture which is greatly based on volunteer work. We will be seeing folklore groups from Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia, with interesting folk dances, songs, customs and music of these lands. 24 Sep – World Tourism Day, Mestni trg square A tourist event to commemorate the World Tourism Day and the 125th anniversary of the Ptuj Tourist Association. Featuring prizes for the most beautiful houses and a joint concert of Ptuj and Izola brass bands.

Photo: Jure Kravanja

Rogaška Slatina

Treasure from the Depths of Time

Photo: Jure Kravanja

A popular European spa with a several hundred year-old tradition – harmony of unique natural resources joined into first-rate medical programmes of the leading spa in Slovenia, natural mineral Water Donat Mg, the luxury and comfort of staying in hotels and suites, a rich and versatile wellness offer, pampering yourselves in swimming pools with thermo-mineral water, countless possibilities of recreation, discovering the surroundings on the many thematic trails and indulging in gastronomic pleasures, the hospitality of people, a rich tradition of the glazier’s trade, varied cultural events throughout the year, an excellent place for meetings – all that and much more in the embrace of unspoiled nature. Come and convince yourselves about the luxury of pleasures offered to you by Rogaška Slatina!

Rogaška Slatina


Ljubljana 113 km

Touches that Leave an Impression

Rogaška Slatina is a home of rest and welfare. Wellness & Spa centres are the right place for relaxation and pampering. Treat yourself to one of the various massages and body treatments, world of saunas, luxurious baths,… and experience the facial, body and hair treatments in our beauty centres. With us you will bring relief to both the body and spirit.

TIC Rogaška Slatina Zdraviliški trg 1, Rogaška Slatina +3863 581 44 14,

On a Walk through an Elegant Gallery of Nature The park from the 19th century and its promenade is the green heart of the spa complex, around which a number of neoclassical buildings are located. The unspoiled nature of the surroundings offers numerous possibilities of recreation (walking, jogging and cycling paths) and many sightseeing attractions. A cacti pavilion invites you to visit the impressive collection of cacti from all over the world. Among the more than 7000 cacti are many rare species, which makes the collection even more significant. A visit to the Landscape Park Boč will delight all nature lovers. Its best-known plant is a rare Easter flower, which flourishes only around the Easter holidays. The park offers plenty of options for hikers and bicyclists, while others can head out to the more thematic learning trails. In the Information centre Boč you can watch 10 minutes of multivision. Of course Rogaška Slatina with its surroundings offers many others sightseeing attractions.

Thermal Mineral Invigoration and Relaxation

Photo: Jure Kravanja

Enjoy yourself in the pools of Rogaška Riviera and other hotel pools with active thermal-mineral water, strengthen your immune system in saunas, whirlpools and Jacuzzis. After a visit to the pools you will feel rejuvenated, and the bubbling water will infuse you with new energy.

Where Wine and Food Shake Hands The wine glasses are real, and so it the high quality wine poured into them. The wine road in the area of the municipality spices up the offer of the Spa complex. The main route goes through the countryside and encompasses many tourist and hospitality establishments, as well as viticulturists and vintners. You’ll get to experience a homely atmosphere at the Junež house – an old farm house from the 19th century, where you’ll be able to taste treats from a baker’s oven and get to know some of the customs and traditions of the area.

Reach Cultural Life A regular guest of Rogaška Slatina is music. Concerts and other events are held throughout the year. Summer open air concerts are especially unique experiences. Even the very famous Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt held a concert here and this year when we are celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the birth of this famous composer, numerous concerts will take place here. An international landscape development and horticultural competition known as “Entente Florale Europe” is organized by The European Association for Flowers and Landscape (AEFP) in order to promote a greener and more pleasant environment in European towns and villages and this year’s Entente Florale Awards 2011 host is Rogaška Slatina.

Events 19 Jun, 3 Jul, 18 Sep – Summer Musical Evenings 30 Jun–2 Jul – Festival Pranger Festival where poets, critics and translators of poetry meet. 10–15 Jul – Ana invites you to Rogaška Musical evenings with a gala opening ceremony for the renovated spa park (15 July). 16 Jul – Anna`s ball Charity ball in the Crystal Hall of the Grand hotel Rogaška. 22 Jul – Piano concert to commemorate the 200th anniversary of F. Liszt’s birth 24 Jul – “Na Anino” - International meeting of tambour groups 6–20 Aug – Festival Musica Music festival of various genres.

26 Aug – Farewell to Summer Fun event with concerts 13–17 Sep – 1st European Boules Championship for Women 16–18 Sep – Entente Florale Awards 2011 23 Sep–1 Oct – European Chess Club Championship 2011 24–27 Sep – The World Tourism Day Events

Feel the Real Slovenia

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Novo mesto

Cruising on the River Krka around the historic centre of Novo mesto with a special programme and meal, wine…

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The story of cviček wine and life in the Slovenian countryside on a homestead which is a member of the European association: “The house of tradition”


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More than 3000 km of hiking, cycling, horse-riding and boating trails. These can be printed or entered into your GPS.


Kompas Novo mesto Travel Agency – offers tours through Slovenia including the Dolenjska region and no less than six tourist products which were placed among Slovenia’s most innovative in recent years by the Slovenian Tourist Board.

Kompas Novo mesto Novi trg 10, Novo mesto +386 7 393 1 520,

World of Culture

Krško has a rich history. Many fates and life paths of several important people were decided on its territory. In the renovated old city centre and the new part of Krško, the buildings even nowadays, with their cultural and historical content and stories, speak about the fascinating life and past achievements. Let us mention the City Museum within the Valvasor complex, the Krško Gallery, the City park, the Valvasor Library, the Capuchin convent with a library, the Krško Cultural Centre, the Jurij Dalmatin Memorial Park, the Vladimir Štoviček Gallery, the Mausoleum of Anastazij Gruen and many others.

We present a piece of Slovenia, situated between the wonderful nature of Gorjanci and Bohorje on one side and the wine-bearing hills on the next side and the rivers Krka and Sava flowing in between. Photo: Goran Rovan

Photo: Marinšek & Marinšek Photo: Goran Rovan


A World on its Own, in Harmony with Nature and Culture

Congress Tourism Multifunction conference halls in the Krško Cultural Centre, hotel Pacific, hotel City, Dvorana v Parku and congress rooms in the municipality building enable business, motivational and educational meetings, cultural and tourist events, team buildings and workshops. You can wrap up business meetings with visits throughout the region, which offers both recreation and relaxation with many possibilities for biking, jogging, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, swimming and visits to natural and cultural heritage sights.

25 Jun – A guided tour on the road of the four waterfalls in Bohorje

A Touch of the Countryside


Ljubljana 99 km


2 Jul – The Peter Fair in Brestanica Photo: Goran Rovan

Away from the noise of every day, in the embrace of the finest plant in the world, the grape vine, and by the warmth of the sun rays, you are invited to experience a wide range of offers in the unique vine cellars, vineyard cottages and tourist farms. Experience the local home cuisine and the fine wines from the wine-bearing Posavje hills. Amidst the wonders of nature you will be able to have many experiences and be in the presence of honest people.


TIC Krško Valvasorjevo nabrežje 2-4, Krško T: +386 (0)7 490 22 21, (0)8 205 18 00,

2 Jul – A guided tour of the geological collection and the coal shaft in Senovo 6 Aug – 7th Cviček (wine) evening at Raka 14–15 Aug – 13th traditional Farm Games in Koprivnica 19 Sep – National Championship in Speedway in Krško

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