Zulu Queen Saphire

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Zulu Queen Saphire

Zulu Queen Saphire is chief librarian of Universal Zulu Nation. Thanks to her we now have several books of lessons Zulu Nation, written by members of the organization, starting with the 70s. In addition to the preparation of new books, Malika Saphire teaches and works in a number of social programs aimed at combating drug addiction, HIV infection and other problems of contemporary society.


Tell us about yourself. How did you get into UZN? I joined the Zulu Nation When I was 16, a friend that was a Zulu member at the time brought me to my first Universal. I arrived at my first Universal Meeting in Bronx River, the year was 1995. As I stood in the main circle of Bronx River I just felt at home, like I was finally with likeminded people. You are the founder of the library of the UZN and co-author of several books, stored in it. Tell us how was born the idea came to create this library. What books for you have the greatest value? The author of some books you are? The UZN Lesson Library, started with Zulu King Mark Luv and Myself, coming together on the concept that we were tired of having the lessons scattered around. He had started with the green book and I had started making pamphlets of the lessons. We merged together and stuck with the colors of this great Nation (Red, Black and Green). We named it "The Library" and the rest is history. The Books Greatest Value is they cause Unity! Everyone has the same lessons and the same books, the same message. So, if you ask me they all have equal value! I would like to take a moment to correct this here; I am not the actual author of the lessons within the books. We have taken the lessons that other Zulus or other Zulu Queen Saphire & DJ Lord Yoda X

authors of value, and compiled it into a collection of books so members wouldn't have to chase or search for lessons. So in essence I am a compiler and archiver of all existing lessons past and present. The library has many books. Tell us about some of them. Can we buy these books freely in shop? There are a total right now of 14 lesson books right now. "The Green Book" is for all people, members of UZN or not. "The Black Book" is the original archived lessons from the 1970's (Members Only) "The Red Book" is the leadership book meant only for King or queen or higher. "The Gold Book Vol. 1" is infinity plus one lessons. These lessons touch on a wide array of topics. And so does "The Gold Book Vol. 2" the 5:1 charter gave a lot of lessons for these books. "The Brown Book Vol. 1-3". These three brown books are Moorish lessons for anyone interested in sovereignty and for the Zulu Kemetic Moors. "Book for the Minds Vol. 1" are nuwabian lessons from Dr York. "Book of Health Vol. 1". This one speaks for itself. "Book of Law Vol. 1". This one is American laws that we should be aware of and I hope that I can get other members to add in laws from their countries. "Scottish Infinity Lessons Vol. 1-3". These three lessons books were submitted by the Scottish members of the 5:1 charter. The majority of the books are for members only, and at the moment there is no shop to buy them. That is currently something I'm working on. What do you do as a librarian of Zulu Nation? Does your work in a constant search for new and interesting books? Being the librarian for the Universal Zulu Nation is a big job, as the head librarian I research the validity of lessons old and new. I have a team of two researchers at the moment that help me with this task. We are all avid readers or writers, so we are always looking for new books for our books for the mind list. We also ask members in put about books that they are reading and why they think it's a good book. Afrika Bambaataa also does a lot of research himself and is usually the main contributor of lessons, but in other instances we have entire books for different countries like Scotland 5:1 (a branch of the 5:1 Chapter), the 5:1 Scandinavia chapter ran by Zulu King Life 9 was also a main contributor for our first gold book. Then we have some individuals that upon request they have freely given us written works of theirs like indie Hip Hop Artist/Activist Immortal Technique.


Zulu Queen Saphire & Big Lord

Another one of my many jobs, I think the hardest one, is getting the lessons translated. Which we have had some great contributors too as well. There are so many now it has become hard to name them all but I am whole heartedly grateful for everyone of the members who took time out of their lives to translate a book for "The Library". Has your outlook changed, thanks to the work in the library of Zulu Nation? Since I was sixteen years old Afrika Bambaataa has always said to us, "Research everything that's anything", so since a young age I have had this mind frame to not believe everything you read. Get deep into critical reading, find out the sources, read that information and come to a conclusion yourself. To me I have had the advantage of not being to set in my ways when I joined, so really when I think about it my work is a result of that thinking, all that has happened now is I see more and more my own conclusions coming to life. Tell us about the educational projects, which are conducted by Zulu Nation with your own library? The Library focuses on more than just education but to answer your question directly first. I have a small class of GED Students I am personally teaching. Other projects we are currently working on is providing Emergency Supplies to at risk elderly and a multi-services facility, for drug rehabilitation and HIV/AIDS counseling (and various things of that nature that plague our city streets).

How UZN generally provides educational activities? What are the objectives in this activity? What it looks like in practice? The Universal Zulu Nation Charters usually study and practice their lessons together. Everybody learns differently so we have chosen not to put the constraints of a curriculum. Instead Charters give input on what works for them and if another charter has questions on how to teach I advise on some of the ways other charters choose to learn. These meetings can range from google or skype group meetings, chat rooms, conference calls and face to face meetings. The activities of these meetings range just as much from having members write essays on a chosen rule or lesson, to having them read everything individually and having group discussions. Anyway taken though I have had standard test made by Sen One6, members must pass these tests to proceed to the next color book or next level. Are there branches of library in different cities and countries? The Library is more like a department I suppose, with a small staff for the moment. I'm always looking for new people to add to the Library staff. We need writers, researchers and people that know how to work the proper programs. Anyone in UZN is more than welcome to contact me to apply.


Iare you the assistant Africa Bambaata & Amad Henderson? What is your joint activity? Now to me this is a fairly difficult question but I will try my best to answer. Yes, I am an assistant to both Amad Henderson and Afrika Bambaataa. I'm also the Supreme World Council Secretary and I work in administrative staff. I try my best to facilitate what they need done. As to individual projects they are too plentiful to start naming here. As in UZN and hip-hop for you relate to the work and lifestyle? Tell us about your attitude to the hiphop culture, and your understanding of it. When I listen to Afrika Bambaataa talk about the early days of Hip Hop, I hear him talk about sampling many different kinds of music from Classical to Punk Rock. So for me Hip Hop is in every musical form, you just have to have the mind to look for it. Hip Hop is within your soul! Your workplace is located at the headquarters in UZN Keskeskek (Bronx)? The library is located in the same place?

Yes, my work place is within UZN Headquarters. Yes, the library resides within headquarters as well. How does your family think about your work? You're the only representative UZN in your family? My immediate family is very proud of my impact on the world. My extended family I get a wide range of reactions it depends on how awake they are really. Some are still sheeple and won't grasp what I'm doing here and so they choose not to acknowledge my works, others are wide awake and love what I do. My two children grew up within Zulu Nation so I consider them representation. What are your plans for the development of library UZN now stand in the first place? One of my goals is to get all of the lessons translated, put them together and bury them in a time capsule to preserve the Hip Hop culture thousands of years into the future. The culture that stands the test of time is the culture that strives and survives!

https://www.facebook.com/saphire.zulu http://www.zulunation.com/books-for-the-mind 004

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