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Contents`` 3 - Iris Christina Bio

4 & 5 - Interview

6 & 7 - ZombieBat

“About Me” + Hello welcome to my page, my name is Iris Christina Nunez. I was born in Columbus Ohio on the north side. I have four brothers and two sister. Columbus has been my home most of my life but two years when my mom sent my little sister, me and my two brothers to Honduras to met our two older brothers and family. It was the best time of my life I got to met my family and brothers for the first time it was amazing. While living with my family I was able to learn Spanish. We made many good memory, I will never forget it. Thanks to my mom, older sister,

God and school I am who I am today. Specially my mom she has helped me throughout my whole life to become a strong independent women. Never give up no matter how hard it gets always keep moving forward it’s all worth it at the end. “Your thoughts run your life don’t use your mouth to tell lies. Don’t ever say things that are not true. Keep looking straight ahead to what is good. Be careful what you do always do what is right” (Proverbs 23-26) My school and my older sister have helped me discover what my namesake knew: “that to live a rich, full life of value to ourselves and others, we must take responsibility for our own learning and pursue both knowledge and truth with a sense of excitement and

adventure, not just during school years but throughout my live. Art. For me is a new language new way to see and teach the world who you are throughout pictures color drawing Art. After highschool I want to go to Berea College or maybe CCAD and study business. I’m still try to figure out what kind of company I would like start but I know Iwant to be able to change, help people lifes also help them with the way they view themselves the world around us to see beyond the lights. In five years I see myself living a peaceful life with 3 kids and marry with a well develop company that had changed/helped people lifes for the best. I speak two different languages and developing a third one which is portuguese so excited. I AM a very open minded person who loves learning new things and loves taking Risk.

Christina Nunez Interview ~ Also know as Cool Chic

C`How does my strength distraction you would get out of whatever you’re doing just to benefits others? A`Well when you’re focused on you other people will look at you and see that you’re taking the time and you’re being serious about your work so it will influence others to get there work done as well

be with me you forget whatever you’re doing just to come and see me so I am your biggest distraction

but your education come first

my biggest strengths?

A`The habit of learning that I think apply to you is perseverance because you never give up try. You always keep trying til you succeed

C`How do my strength impack my work?

A`you phone and you get distracted easily at times

C`How do you think I can improve my weaknesses?

C`Which of the habit of A`I know I’m important but learning do you think is Control yourself put school first. I’m very important I appreciate it my Strongest? Christy `What are some of Alex`Your independence, Strong willed and Focus

A`Your work is a lot better when you take your time to do it and when you rushing its not its best it can be it’s more of a rushed project

C`What are some of my weakness? C`Can you describe a time I showed my weakness?

A` mhm Ok I’m your biggest

C`How can my weakness be considered a strength? A`Well there are times when I help you with whatever you’re doing when you get distracted sometimes sometimes

C`Whats a stringent that might help me in the future that you notice or weakness?

C`How did we meet and what was your first impression?

A`You’re my girlfriend The love of my life the future wife You like that rhyme didn’t you ‘’hahah’’ you’re always there for me You never left my side you’re very faithful, helpful and you make me a better person!

C`How have I changed throughout the year since you knew me? Definitely you ued to be quiet and shy now you’re outgoing and very talkative it’s hard to get you to be quiet “it was easier back in the days”haha

A`Funny story so originally I was a wingman for a friend and he liked you so did I but I let my friend tried to get you but didn’t work out beacuse ou didnt like him and I ended up coming to the picture and stole your heart!! <3 I can’t even describe it I was just like she is beautiful I can’t describe it but it was the Best thing that happened to me!!!

C`How would your describe our relationship?


A`Definitely perseverance keep persevering that will get you somewhere in life never give up

ZombieBat Hunger For The Criminal Mind Zombies are hunger So Am I Hunger for the Criminal Mind


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