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‘Heartwarming and hilarious!’
Jeff Kinney, author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid


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First published 2025 001

Text copyright © Jess Brallier and Jack Keely, 2025

Illustrations © Jack Keely, 2025

The moral right of the author/illustrator has been asserted

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ROOM 123

I live in a hole in the wall of Room 123 at the Boone School. Nobody knows I’m here.

The teacher said that a journal can be like a friend. You can share feelings by writing and drawing in it. I would like to have a friend.

Pens and pencils are too big for me to use, but dipping my tail in ink works.



I used to live in a stump in the woods. Life was lonely.
And I wanted to do big things!
Plus, my neighbours kept trying to eat me.

Then one day, there was a bad storm, and my home blew up!


Was it a sign to explore the world beyond the woods?

And maybe not be so lonely? It was now or never!

So, I snuck past my hungry neighbours and walked and walked.


House hunting is hard.

I looked at all kinds of homes. None of them seemed quite right.


One night I came to a gate post with a brass plate. A school! This might be the perfect place to learn new things and make a friend.

I squeezed through a little crack under the door and into my new home.

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