Elevpaket – Tryckt + Digitalt
I Magic! 8 finns finns sex olika teman som fördelas på 24 kapitel. Varje tema innehåller ett utdrag ur en lättläst roman tillsammans med andra texter som är indelade i tre nivåer.
Svårighetsnivån på texten signaleras överst på sidorna med en, två eller tre prickar – så att inom temat finns något för alla. I resursdelen längst bak i Classbook finns grammatik och handfasta verktyg som utvecklar eleven som läsare, lyssnare, talare och skribent.
Övningarna hör till temana i Classbook och kan användas före, under och efter arbetet med texterna.
Classbook ingår digitalt.
Eleven övar de viktigaste orden från Classbook med hjälp av vikordlistor och korsord.
I det digitala läromedlet som ingår i elevpaketet finns Classbook inläst med textföljning samt olika självrättande övningar.
Olika typer av självrättande övningar.
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Dags för Magic! 8. Du får läsa om många spännande personer och lära dig en hel del om olika engelsktalande länder.
I Magic! ingår ett digitalt läromedel. I det digitala läromedlet kan du läsa och lyssna på hela boken och göra dina egna anteckningar om du vill. Du kan även lyssna på hörövningarna och arbeta med grammatik, ordövningar, korsord m.m. och du kan testa dig själv då och då. I det digitala läromedlet finns också ett avsnitt som kallas Want Even More? Där kan du läsa en text som du sedan får uppgifter till. Jag finns där och hjälper till där det behövs.
Genom att arbeta med Classbook, Workbook, Word Trainer och det digitala läromedlet kommer du att bli ännu duktigare i engelska.
Lycka till!
Max Magic
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Studentlitteraturs trycksaker är miljöanpassade, både när det gäller papper och tryckprocess. 32361 (avser Elevpaket, inkl Magic! 8 Classbook med digital del, Magic! 8 Workbook samt Magic! 8 Word Trainer)
ISBN 978-91-44-16726-8
Upplaga 2:11
© Författarna och Studentlitteratur AB 2013
Printed by Dimograf, Poland 2024
Classbook har 24 kapitel plus sex något svårare kapitel kallade Want Some More? – ungefär ett kapitel i veckan. I den digitala delen hittar du sex texter för extraläsning Want Even More?. I några kapitel finns avsnitt ur engelska ungdomsböcker. Längst bak hittar du Magic Pages, med olika genrer, studieråd och grammatik. På omslagets insida finns en inloggningskod till den digitala delen.
Här har du övningar till alla kapitel. Det finns olika typer av nyttiga och roliga hörövningar samt tal- och skrivuppgifter.
Word Trainer
Här tränar du de viktigaste orden i Magic! 8 med hjälp av vikordlistor och korsord. Här ska du även se målen för varje unit, planera och föra logg över ditt arbete.
Det digitala läromedlet
När du loggat in kan du läsa och lyssna på alla texterna i boken, öva att känna igen och skriva de nya orden, lösa ordflätor, träna grammatik och mycket mer. Jobba både med böckerna och det digitala läromedlet så lär du dig bäst!
1 FEELING GOOD 1 Spare Time? 8 fritid och tillfälligheter repetition 7 Forrest Gump 8
2 Forrest Gump Listening 11 ett besök i Vita huset has lived, had lived
3 Feeling Good from A–Z 12 må-bra-tips
Beautiful People Listening 13 inställning till smink
4 Bruce Lee – the Martial Arts Bruce Lee be going to Specialist 14
Kylie in Beijing Listening 15 ett besök i Peking
Want Some More? (WSM): Bend It Like Beckham 16 fotboll, kulturskillnader
Want Even More? (WEM): kommunikation morLife on the Refrigerator Door 17 dotter
2 BODY AND 5 Better Than the Film 18 Bok eller film? SOUL 18 Notting Hill 19 ett ovanligt möte
6 Notting Hill Listening 23 ett restaurangbesök work, working
7 Meat or Veg? 24 mat av olika slag
How to Make Mixed Fruit Smoothies 26
Kate's Good Health Café Listening 26
8 Trapped In Love 27 kärlek was playing, were playing Three Poems 28
WSM: Norma Jean Baker 29 Marilyn Monroe
WEM: Stargirl 30 en fantastisk tjej
3 ACROSS 9 Making Arrangements 32 att stämma träff BORDERS 31 The Interpreter 32 ett möte i Afrika
10 The Interpreter Listening 35 en händelse på FN can, could
11 The Girl Who Did Some Baking 36 myt om vår uppkomst ate, had eaten
An Interview With Adele Listening 37 sångerskan Adele
12 Nelson Mandela 38 fakta om Nelson Mandela South Africa Now Listening 40 och Sydafrika
WSM: Blabbermouth 41 en ny tjej i klassen
WEM: Keesha and the Rat 42 en smart protest
4 THE WORLD 13 Got a Job! 44 arbete och arbetslöshet AT WORK 43 The Full Monty 45
14 The Full Monty Listening 48 dansträning adjectives Let No One Steal Your Dreams 49 drömmar
15 Caitlin’s Irish Blog 50 fakta om Irland
Harry in Ireland Listening 51
16 25 Cool Things to Be When You yrken Grow Up 52 What Is Work Worth? 54
Which Job Is It? Listening 55
WSM: The Breadwinner 56 Att klara sig i Afghanistan
WEM: Johnny Delgado, Private ett ovanligt uppdrag
Detective 57
5 MILESTONES 58 17 I Couldn't Live Without It! 58 uppfinningar there is, there are Nicholas Nickleby 59 en otrevlig släkting
18 Nicholas Nickleby Listening 62 en internatskola
19 New York City 63 New York City some, any, somebody, anybody Gopal in Dubai Listening 64
20 A Man of Vision 65 Steve Jobs Milestones in Science and uppfinningar Technology 66 Sir Walter Raleigh Listening 68 upptäckter
WSM: Abomination 69 möte mellan klasskamrater
WEM: Dead Man’s Close 70 berättelser från förr
6 CREEPY 71 21 Talking About a Holiday 72 ledigheter carefully, fast The Talented Mr Ripley 72 en ovanlig resa till Italien
22 The Talented Mr Ripley Listening 77 en båtresa
23 The Cat in the Shopping Bag 78 snatteri must, should Gatecrashers Wrecked House 79
24 Midnight 80 brott och skräck get up, hang up Who Is Guilty? Listening 81
WSM: The Chain 82 gäng och grupptryck
WEM: The Taming of Lilah May 84 ilska och saknad
chapter 1
Spare Time?
Forrest Gump
chapter 2
Forrest Gump Listening
chapter 3
Feeling Good from A-Z
Beautiful People Listening
chapter 4
Bruce Lee – the Martial Arts Specialist
Kylie in Beijing Listening
want some more?
Bend It Like Beckham
De röda prickarna visar hur svår texten är. En prick = lättast, tre prickar = svårast.
Spare Time?
Read the dialogue and practise more in your Workbook.
Josie: Hi Danny! What’s up?
Danny: Not much, and you?
Josie: Well, my soccer team’s got a game this weekend.
Danny: On Saturday?
Josie: We’re actually playing on both Saturday and Sunday this weekend.
Danny: Wow! So will you make it to Cal’s party on Saturday?
Josie Of course! I wouldn’t want to miss that. But I can only stay until … like 11. I must get an early night because of the game on Sunday.
Danny: I understand. We’ve got a lot of homework for next week, haven’t we?
Josie: Tell me about it! Haven’t a clue how I’m going to squeeze in all the assignments I’ve got to do. My head’s spinning just thinking about it!
Danny: I know, and you take both French and German, right?
Josie: Yes, but I constantly ask myself –WHY?
Danny: Well, Paris is nice! Right, got to run, Josie! My bus is coming. See you tomorrow!
Josie: Yes, see you. Take care!
soccer team fotbollslag will you make it klarar du att komma get an early night lägga sig tidigt haven’t a clue ha ingen aning squeeze klämma assignment läxa, arbetsuppgift
Forrest Gump
One day when Curtis had to change a wheel on the car, I helped him.
‘If you’re an idiot,’ he said angrily, ‘how do you know how to do this?’
‘Maybe I am an idiot,’ I said, ‘but I’m not stupid.’ I was born an idiot, but I’m cleverer than most people think.
We quickly realize this is true in the wonderfully warm and funny story about Forrest Gump, a good-hearted young man from Alabama in the USA. He wins a medal for being very brave in the Vietnam War and meets the President of the United States of America. He becomes a footballer, a film star, a businessman and he goes into space. And his best friend is an ape called Sue!
School and football
I was born an idiot – but I’m cleverer than people think. I can think things OK, but when I have to say them or write them down, sometimes they come out all wrong. When I was born, my Mom named me Forrest. My daddy died just after I was born. He worked on the ships. One day a big box of bananas fell down on my daddy and killed him.
I don’t like bananas much. Only banana cake. I like that all right.
change byta, ändra maybe kanske stupid dum realize inse good-hearted godhjärtad win a medal få en medalj brave modig footballer fotbollsspelare named döpte
At first when I was growing up, I played with everybody. But then some boys hit me and my Mom didn’t want me to play with them again. I tried to play with girls, but they all ran away from me.
I went to an ordinary school for a year. Then the children started laughing and running away from me. But one girl, Jenny Curran, didn’t run
ordinary vanlig strange underlig grew (grow) växte inches tum (1 inch=2,54 cm) next to bredvid driver förare
away, and sometimes she walked home with me. She was nice.
Then they put me into another kind of school, and there were some strange boys there. Some couldn’t eat or go to the toilet without help. I stayed in that school for five or six years. But when I was thirteen, I grew six inches in six months! And by the time I was sixteen, I was bigger and heavier than all the other boys in the school.
One day I was walking home, and a car stopped next to me. The driver asked me my name, and I told him. ‘What school do you go to?’ he asked.
I told him about the idiot school.
‘Do you ever play football?’ he asked.
‘No,’ I told him. ‘I see other people playing, but I don’t play and they never ask me to play with them.’
‘OK,’ the man said.
Three days later, the man in the car came and got me out of school. Mom was there, and they got all the things out of my desk and put them in a brown paper bag. Then they told me to say goodbye to the teacher.
The man in the car took me and Mom to the new high school. There, an old man with grey hair asked me lots of questions. But I knew that they really wanted me to play football. The man in the car was a football coach called Fellers. Coach Fellers asked me to put on a football suit, then asked me to undress and dress again, twenty times, until I could do it easily.
I began to play football with the high school team, and Coach Fellers helped me. And I went to lessons in the school. One teacher, Miss Henderson, was really nice. She taught me to read. And who do you think I saw in the school café? Jenny Curran! She was all grown-up now,
coach tränare football suit fotbollskläder lesson lektion grown-up vuxen
Practise the words in the wordlists.
with pretty black hair, long legs, and a beautiful face. I went and sat with her, and she remembered me.
But there was a boy in the café who started calling me names, and saying things like, ‘How’s stupid?’ Then he threw some milk at me, and I jumped out of my chair and ran away. A day or two later, after school in the afternoon, he and his friends came up to me and started pushing and hitting me. Then they ran after me across the football field. I ran away fast!
I saw that Coach Fellers was watching me. He had a strange look on his face, and he came and told me to put on my football suit. That afternoon, he gave me the ball to run with. The others started running after me, and I ran as fast as I could. When they caught me, it needed eight of them to pull me down! Coach Fellers was really happy! He started jumping up and down and laughing. And after that, everybody liked me.
We had our first game, and I was frightened. But they gave me the ball and I ran over the goal line two or three times. People were really kind to me after that!
remember komma ihåg called somebody names ung. reta någon threw (throw) kastade goal line mållinje really verkligen
Forrest Gump is not like other children. People have even called him “idiot”. But, as he points out himself, “Maybe I am an idiot, but I’m not stupid.” No, he certainly isn't.
Forrest Gump
Listen to the story and practise.
Listen and do the exercises in your Workbook. Use these pictures to follow and retell the story.
the White House Vita huset pretty vackert, sött army people militärer immediately omedelbart shake hands skaka hand, hälsa pleased to meet you trevligt att träffas finish sluta stomach mage waiter kypare, servitör several åtskilliga, många silent tyst suddenly plötsligt while medan, under det att hurt skadad pulled me away drog bort mig front page första sidan
Practise the words in the wordlists.
Feeling Good from A–Z
Accept who you are and take pride in yourself. How do you react if you get a compliment? Listen to the nice things people say to you and believe them. Don’t forget to compliment others! Make someone else feel good and you’ll feel pretty good yourself.
Be thankful. No matter how bad your day is, make a mental list of what you’ve got to be grateful for. It can be small things like having a comfortable bed, etc.
Creativity helps you to feel better. Paint, write, or dance when you feel a bit down. Singing a song, even if it’s in your head, releases endorphins and actually makes you feel great.
Dreams give a lot of information about your life. Have you tried to write them down as soon as you wake up? Interpreting dreams is a useful way of getting to know yourself better.
Early to bed may sound boring but also try to get up an hour earlier for a while. You’d be surprised at how much you can get done before everyone else gets up and gets in your way.
Fitness is vital. Find some kind of exercise that you enjoy doing. Your body is your most important possession, so you need to look after it well.
take pride in vara stolt över compliment komplimang no matter det spelar ingen roll grateful tacksam comfortable bekväm creativity skapande kraft release frigöra endorphin endorfin
Goals are necessary. If you aim too high, you can get disappointed if you don’t make it. Be realistic! Instead set a small goal and once you meet it, work on the next.
Help can be given by friends. Let them know when you’re feeling down. It will make you feel less isolated. Once they realize how you feel they might be able to cheer you up again.
Imagine yourself in a new hairstyle or hair colour when you’re fed-up with your looks. Hair plays a big part in our image, so if you fancy a change, why not go for a whole new look? After all, if you don’t like it, it will grow back –eventually ...
Job hunting may seem a long way away yet. But see if there is any kind of extra job you can do in your spare time. Why not offer to walk a neighbour’s dog?
Knowledge is power. Learn some new fascinating facts every day.
Libraries are good places for books or you can download an e-book. The cheapest way to travel is through books. You can go all around the world – and to other planets, too. A nice way to exercise your mind.
Messiest bedroom in town? Why not set aside a Saturday to give it a good clean out? You’ll feel so much better when it’s nice and tidy again. And you’ll probably make somebody else happy, too!
actually faktiskt interpret tolka fitness kondition vital livsviktig possession ägodel goal mål feel down känna sig deppig isolated isolerad, ensam
image h. stil (framtoning) fancy gilla eventually så småningom messiest stökigast set aside sätta av clean out städa, rensa upp tidy städad, snygg
Negative thoughts or worries just drain your energy. Stop worrying about things you can’t change. Work on the things you can do something about.
Organize and prioritise. By doing this you will feel in control and can decide what things are the most urgent and important. Feeling prepared can help you to get rid of a lot of stress.
Positive thinking helps you to reach your goals. If you feel unsure of yourself look back at what you have already achieved. That will give you the confidence to go forward.
Quietness makes it easier to listen to your inner thoughts. Lie down, close your eyes, just listen to your body and relax.
Remember to have fun. Doing something you really enjoy means you get a chance to take a break and “recharge your batteries”.
Secretly learn some new skill, or try new things. Realizing that the world holds a lot more possibilities can help you forget your problems. There’s a well-known English saying that “a change is as good as a rest”.
Treat yourself to something extra every so often. It might be to your favourite food, a new film or just a nice hot bath. These little treats will give you the energy to face the tough times, too.
U are very important. Always keep that in mind.
Variety is the spice of life. Remember this old saying when you’re going to eat, choose a film, or buy some new clothes or …
Walking for half an hour a day is a good and cheap way to exercise.
Xtra. That little x-tra can make a big difference. An x-tra smile, an x-tra hug, an x-tra kind word....
Yoga and meditation are two ways to concentrate on your body and help you to reduce stress.
Zest for life is what you hopefully have by now. There’s so much to experience and learn in life. They say “You only live once” so make the most of it!
drain tömma prioritise prioritera urgent brådskande get rid of bli av med achieve uppnå confidence självförtroende recharge your batteries ladda batterierna, få ny energi skill färdighet saying ordspråk treat unna sig något, bjuda keep in mind komma ihåg variety omväxling spice krydda hug kram reduce minska zest for life livslust, aptit på livet experience uppleva
Beautiful People
Teen Journal has interviewed two teenagers – Heather and Jack – about their “beauty habits”. Listen and do the exercises in your Workbook.
Bruce Lee –the Martial Arts Specialist
In spite of a very short life, Bruce Lee is probably the most famous martial arts film star in the world.
Born: 27 November 1940
Birthplace: San Francisco, California
Died: 20 July 1973
Best known as: Star of Enter the Dragon
Bruce Lee (Lee Hsiao Lung), was born in San Francisco in November 1940, the son of a famous Chinese opera singer. A year later, the family moved to Hong Kong where Bruce soon became a child star in the growing film industry in the Far East. His first film was called The Birth of Mankind, while his last film – which was uncompleted at the time of his death in 1973 – was called Game of Death.
At the age of 12 he was beaten up by a street gang. It was after this that he decided to take up martial arts training. He had a temper and often ended up in fights, so his parents advised him to return to the U.S. At the age of 19, Bruce left Hong Kong to study for a degree in Philosophy at the University of Seattle. It was at this time that he worked as a waiter and also began to teach some of his martial arts skills to any students who would pay. It was also at university that he met his future wife, Linda.
After graduating, he got some small roles in Hollywood films. At the same time, he continued to teach martial arts and it wasn’t long before a number of major stars were begging to be students of the ‘Little Dragon’ as he was called. He regularly demonstrated his martial arts skills at exhibitions, and it was during one of these that he was spotted by a producer and signed up to do The Green Hornet series.
martial arts ung. stridskonst in spite of trots famous berömd was born föddes growing växande the Far East Fjärran Östern birth födelse mankind mänskligheten
uncompleted ofullständig, inte klar, ej färdigställd beaten up nedslagen, misshandlad temper humör end up ung. hamna i advise ge råd return återvända degree ung. examen philosophy filosofi
future h. blivande graduate ta examen continue fortsätta major stora, betydande regularly regelbundet exhibition utställning during under be spotted by upptäckas av producer producent sign up skriva på (kontrakt)
The series was fairly successful in the States – but was a really huge hit in Hong Kong. Bruce visited Hong Kong in 1968 and was totally overwhelmed by the attention he received from the people he had left. He once said on a radio program if the price was right he would love to do a movie for Chinese audiences.
He returned to the States. But back in Hong Kong producers were desperate to sign Bruce up for a martial arts film, and it was Raymond Chow the head of Golden Harvest who produced The Big Boss. This film was a major success and earned 3.5 million dollars in less than three weeks! This film was followed by several other very successful movies. His last film – The Game of Death – was the first-ever co-production between the U.S. and Hong Kong film industries.
Unfortunately, Bruce Lee never got to complete this film. It was completed later using a stand-in for all the un-shot scenes. On July 20th 1973, Bruce Lee died from a brain haemorrhage due to an allergic reaction to a pain killer he was taking for a headache. Doctors were stunned, as he seemed so fit and strong.
Bruce Lee had two children; Shannon and Brandon. Brandon Lee met the same destiny as his father. He became an actor, but died in 1994 at the age of 29 while filming The Crow.
Kylie in Beijing
Kylie is on holiday with her father in Beijing, the capital of China. They have just come back to their hotel after a day out and Kylie is skyping her mum. Listen and do the exercises in your Workbook
fairly ganska overwhelmed överväldigad earn h. spela in; tjäna co-production samproduktion unfortunately olyckligtvis complete avsluta un-shot h. inte filmade, inte tagna haemorrhage blödning due to på grund av allergic allergisk pain killer smärtstillande tablett headache huvudvärk stunned förstummad, chockad destiny öde
Bend It Like Beckham
by Narinder Dham
Jess’s parents want her to be a nice, conventional Indian girl. They pray she will settle down, study for law school and learn to cook. But Jess has other plans. She wants to play football like David Beckham. After all, anyone can learn to cook an aloo gobi, but not anyone can bend it like Beckham.
A few weeks later, I was in the changing-rooms, getting dressed after a training session. I’d kind of got used to getting changed in front of the others now, and I didn’t feel uncomfortable sitting there in my sports bra and shorts next to Jules, while I took off my boots.
‘Is that right then, Jess?’ Charlie, the goalie, asked me as she towelled her hair dry. ‘Your parents have no idea you’ve been playing all this time?’
I shrugged. ‘Nah, they haven’t.’ Now that I felt more comfortable around the other girls, I’d let them in on my little secret.
‘Where do they think you are, then?’ Mel asked.
‘At work.’ I pulled off one of my boots. ‘They think I’ve got a summer job at HMV.’
‘Blimey.’ Mel looked a bit startled. ‘That’s not on.’
‘Indian girls aren’t supposed to play football,’ I explained helpfully.
‘That’s a bit backward, innit?’ Mel remarked, picking up her towel.
‘Yeah, but it ain’t just an Indian thing, is it?’ Jules cut in. ‘I mean, how many people come out to support us?’
Mel ignored her and grinned at me. ‘So, are you, like, promised to someone, then?’
‘Nah,’ I said, looking alarmed. All the other girls in the changingroom were listening now too. ‘No way. My sister’s getting married soon, but that’s a love match.’
‘What’s that mean?’
‘It’s not arranged,’ I replied.
‘So, if you can choose,’ Charlie said, looking interested, ‘can you marry a white boy?’
I shook my head. ‘White, no. Black, definitely not. Muslim – ‘ I drew my finger across my throat.
Mel and the others looked shocked.
‘So you’ll probably marry an Indian boy, then?’ Jules asked, packing our kit away in her sports bag.
conventional ung. vanlig aloo gobi vegetarisk rätt med blomkål och potatis changing room omklädningsrum session pass feel uncomfortable känna sig generad bra bh goalie = goalkeeper målvakt towelled torkade med handduk shrug rycka på axlarna HMV musikaffärskedja blimey! ung. jäklar! be supposed to förväntas backward ung. gammaldags innit=isn’t it remark anmärka cut in avbyta support h. heja på, stödja grin flina promised to someone bortlovad till någon alarmed förskräckt love match ung. gftermål av kärlek drew h. förde probably troligtvis kit ung. utrustning
Mel was shaking her head. ‘I don’t know how you put up with it.’
I shrugged. ‘It’s just my culture, that’s all,’ I said defensively. ‘Anyway, it’s better than sleeping around with boys you’re not going to end up marrying. What’s the point in that?’
They all burst out laughing.
‘That’s the best bit!’ giggled Sally, one of our defenders.
‘Yeah, you should know,’ Charlie retorted.
They all laughed even harder. I turned pink, and bent over to do up my trainers.
‘When are you going to get some decent boots, Jess?’ Jules asked, as we went outside. ‘You want some Adidas ones like mine. They’re especially made for women.’
‘They look a bit pricey,’ I said doubtfully, but I was thinking hard. If I was going to take my game seriously, I really should get some new boots. At the moment, I was still using the tatty ones Joe had given me. There must be a way I could get the money for some new ones.
I headed for home, dumped my bag in the flower border as usual and went inside. Mum was sitting on the sofa. She was doing some sewing and watching a Hindi film with Amitabh Bachchan, her favourite actor. I was knackered, and dying for something to eat.
‘Mum,’ I said in my sweetest voice, ‘I’m really starving. I had to work all through my lunch hour today.’
Mum had been fussing around me ever since I started my ‘summer job’ so I was hoping she’d get up and make a meal. Instead, she just started at me.
‘Where’s Pinky?’ she asked, looking over my shoulder at the front door. ‘She went to HMV to pick you up, so you wouldn’t be late for Poli. She’s coming to measure you for the wedding suits.’
My stomach flipped over, and my heart began to pound. It was so loud. I was surprised Mum couldn’t hear it. I was desperately trying to think of an explanation which would cover me, when the front door opened.
Total panic. I looked around as Pinky came in, looking pissed off. She gave me a filthy look, and I gulped. Was she going to give me away?
put up with stå ut med defensively ung försvarande, undvikande sleep around sl. ligga med flera olika what’s the point vad är det för mening burst out brast ut giggle fnittra defender försvarare retort replikera, svara do up h. knyta trainers gymnastikskor decent anständig, vettig pricey dyr doubtfully tveksamt tatty sliten head for home sätta kurs hemåt dump ung. slänga, dumpa flower border blomrabatt knackered sl. helt slut fuss around pyssla om measure h. ta mått; mäta flip over ung. vända sig pound bulta, dunka explanation förklaring cover skydda, täcka pissed off sl. ung. sur, arg filthy h. elak gulp svälja häftigt
Hela klassen kan använda Magic! som erbjuder en tydlig röd tråd att följa, men också många möjligheter till individualisering genom det digitala läromedlet och texter på tre nivåer.
Magic! 8 består av fyra komponenter: Classbook, Workbook, Word Trainer och ett digitalt läromedel – allt praktiskt sampackat i ett elevpaket.
I det digitala läromedlet ingår bland annat alla inspelade texter, hörövningar, samt olika ord- och språkfärdighetsövningar. Magic! 8 fungerar både på dator och surfplatta. Magic! är ett basläromedel i engelska som tar sitt avstamp i Lgr 22.
Magic! för åk 8
Magic! 8 Elevpaket – Digitalt + Tryck
Omfattar Classbook med digitalt läromedel samt ett exemplar vardera av Magic! 8 Workbook och Magic! 8 Word Trainer.
Magic! 8 Workbook (10-pack)
Tio exemplar av Magic! 8 Workbook.
Magic! 8 Word Trainer (10-pack)
Tio exemplar av Magic! 8 Word Trainer.
Magic! 8 Lärarpaket med digitala resurser, elevens digitala läromedel samt ett tryckt lärarmaterial.
Magic! 8 Class Library
Sex stycken olika böcker med samlingsordlista
Magic! 8 Class Library ordlista (5-pack)
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ISBN 978-91-44-08266-0 Upplaga 1:12
© Författarna och Studentlitteratur 2013
Sättning: Blå Huset
Printed by Dimograf, Poland 2024
Ingrid Fröhlich omslag, 16, 23
Övriga illustrationer, fotografier
14 Jorg Hackermann / Shutterstock
Joyfull / Shutterstock
27 Nando Machado / Shutterstock
54 catwalker / Shutterstock
65 Vlad G / Shutterstock
69 Calvin Chan / Shutterstock
1 Spare Time? 4
Forrest Gump 5
2 Forrest Gump Listening 8
3 Feeling Good from A–Z 11
Beautiful People Listening 13
4 Bruce Lee – the Martial Arts Specialist 14
Kylie in Beijing Listening 18
WSM? Bend It Like Beckham 21
Magic! Class Library 22
5 Better Than the Film 23
Notting Hill 24
6 Notting Hill Listening 26
7 Meat or Veg? 30
How to Make Mixed Fruit Smoothies 31
Kate’s Good Health Café Listening 33
8 Trapped in Love 34
Three Poems 36
WSM? Norma Jean Baker 38
Magic! Class Library 40
9 Making arrangements 41
The Interpreter 42
10 The Interpreter Listening 46
11 The Girl Who Did Some Baking 50
An Interview with Adele Listening 51
12 Nelson Mandela 54
South Africa Now Listening 56
WSM? Blabbermouth 57
Magic! Class Library 59
13 Got a Job! 60
The Full Monty 60
14 The Full Monty Listening 62
Let No One Steal Your Dreams 64
15 Caitlin’s Irish Blog 67
Harry in Ireland Listening 68
16 25 Cool Things To Be When You Grow Up! 70
What Is Work Worth? 70
Which Job Is It? Listening 72
WSM? The Breadwinner 73
Magic! Class Library 75
17 I Couldn’t Live Without It! 76
Nicholas Nickleby 77
18 Nicholas Nickleby Listening 80
19 New York City 82
Gopal in Dubai Listening 85
20 A Man of Vision 88
Milestones in Science and Technology 89
Sir Walter Raleigh Listening 91
WSM? Abomination 92
Magic! Class Library 94
21 Talking About a Holiday 95
The Talented Mr Ripley 96
22 The Talented Mr Ripley Listening 101
23 The Cat in the Shopping Bag 103
Gatecrashers Wrecked House 105
24 Midnight 107
Who Is Guilty? Listening 110
WSM? The Chain 114
Magic! Class Library 117
Spare Time?
1 Warm-up: Your spare time
What do you do in your spare time? Mark with a cross (X) any of the following that you do regularly.
I regularly…
collect things (e.g. stamps) go jogging play golf play a musical instrument cook play tennis go dancing go fishing read for pleasure do Martial Arts (e.g. Kung Fu) paint or draw go skateboarding surf the Internet take photos go skiing help around the house go horse riding go to the gym play computer games play football go swimming
Now find a partner. Compare your answers. Are there any other things you do regularly?
2 Write a dialogue
Work in pairs. You are going to try and write your own dialogue where two people talk about the things they do in their spare time. The words in exercise 1 can help you. Try to write a dialogue of between 10–16 lines. When you have finished, read it together.
You can start like this (or choose your own opening lines).
A: What do you do in your spare time, ……… (name)?
B: What do I do in my spare time? Well, I like to…
3 Discuss
1 What kind of spare time activities are the most fun? Why are they such fun?
2 What do you learn from your spare time activities?
Forrest Gump
1 What are you good at?
Which of the following are you good at? Look at the key and put a circle around a number 1–5.
1 = I’m very good at this.
2 = I’m quite good at this.
1 sport (write which one:
2 English
3 dancing
4 cooking
3 = I’m average at this.
4 = I’m not very good at this.
5 = I’m bad at this.
11 telling jokes
12 swimming
Now form groups of 3–4. Compare and discuss your answers. Are there any other things that you’re good at (not in the above list)?
2 Sort it out
Read the first part of the text again (down to ...until I could do it easily). Then put the sentences in the correct order 1–5. Number 1 is already done.
He grew six inches in six months.
He went to an ordinary school for a year.
When he was born, his Mom named him Forrest.
He was put in a school where some children needed help to eat and go to the toilet.
Coach Fellers took him to a new high school.
3 Read and answer
Read the story (from ...I began to play football...) and fill in the missing information.
The sentences are in no special order.
1 That afternoon Coach Fellers gave Forrest a to run with.
2 After his first game, people were really to Forrest.
3 Someone was watching the boys running after Forrest. Who?
4 He met Jenny Curran in the school
5 When he played his first game, Forrest ran over the goal line times.
6 He began to play with the high school team.
7 It took people to pull Forrest down.
8 A few days later, the boy and his friends started pushing and hitting Forrest. Then they ran after him across the
4 Discuss
1 Why do people start liking Forrest? What makes him popular?
2 Have you seen the film Forrest Gump? If so, what did you think of it?
3 Are students bullied in school? Why and what can you do to stop it?
Advice on learning – Konsten att lära – See the Magic! 8 Web.
Read about how to use your brain and about different learning styles.
For advice on speaking, see Classbook page 91.
5 Fill in the missing words
Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. They are all found in the text. Choose from these.
brave good-hearted names strange change grown-up realize stupid coach lesson remember win a medal
1 ‘What do we have next?’ ‘Maths, I think.’
2 Most athletes hope to at the Olympic Games.
3 You have to be very to be a soldier or a firefighter.
4 Do you know how to a wheel on a car?
5 ‘You threw chalk at your teacher? What a thing to do!’
6 Young girls can sometimes look very when they wear make-up.
7 ‘What’s her name?’ ‘Sorry, I don’t .’
8 On her first day at her new school, some of the children in her class called her and hit her.
9 I didn’t Tom was Irish. I thought he came from London.
10 Since Andy Murray got a new , his tennis has improved greatly.
11 The film had a very ending. We didn’t really understand it.
12 I love my grandfather. He’s such a person.
athlete idrottare chalk krita
6 Check yourself
How much grammar do you remember? Here’s a chance to check yourself. Your teacher will give you more information. (See Teacher’s Material.)
Forrest Gump – Listening
1 Before you listen
A Match 1–10 with a–j. Use a dictionary.
1 army people a) Nobody was in the accident.
2 immediately b)
3 shake hands c)
4 stomach d) More than one, many.
5 waiter e) Come here at once! Come here !
6 hurt f) To someone from a fire.
7 several
g) He works at a restaurant.
8 silent h) You often do this when you meet someone.
9 pull away i) The opposite of ‘noisy’.
10 front page j)
B Fill in the missing words. Choose from 1–10 above.
1 Geraldine her back when she fell off her horse.
2 There was a big headline on the of the newspaper saying CHINA TO LAND A MAN ON THE MOON.
3 After the meal, Jack asked the for the bill.
4 It took hours to clear the road after the accident.
5 ‘Attention please! Passengers for flight SA316 are requested to go to Gate 29
For advice on listening, see Classbook page 91.
2 Listen and answer
Listen and fill in the missing information. Before you start, read through the sentences. And check the words in the wordlist in Classbook page 11.
1 The President lives at the White House. It has a big
2 Some started shaking his hand and saying they were pleased to meet him.
3 The President talked like somebody from .
4 Forrest didn’t listen to the army man talking because he was feeling
5 The President gave him a
6 He then went and had with the President.
7 They watched TV while he ate. True / False
8 The President showed him the place on his where he was once hurt.
9 Then Forrest pulled down his to show the President where he was hurt.
10 A lot of newspaper men started taking .
11 That afternoon Forrest’s picture was on the of the newspaper.
12 Colonel Gooch was really pleased. True / False
3 Retell the story
Now retell the story using the drawings in Classbook page 11.
4 Writing
Imagine you were one of the people in the audience. Write an email home telling a friend what you experienced. For advice on writing an email, see Classbook page 87.
5 Grammar: Verbs – Past tense and Perfect tense
Fill in the gaps by filling in the correct form of the verbs in brackets at the end of each sentence. Use either the past tense (walked, saw) or the perfect tense (have walked, has seen). Need help? See Classbook p. 110.
1 James in three countries altogether – Spain, France and Italy. (live)
2 Peter to do his homework last night. (forget)
3 Susan school at 16. She a hairdresser since then. (leave, be)
4 Colin his brother for nearly two years. (not see)
5 I’m so tired! I for nearly two days. (not sleep)
6 The dog the postman. (bite)
7 John and Simon are good friends. They each other since they were small children. (know)
8 Mary translated for us as she Spanish. (understand)
9 Mr James at this school for over twenty-five years before he retired. (teach)
10 Manchester United all their games since Christmas. In fact, the last time they was against Liverpool on December 20th (win, lose)
Feeling Good from A–Z
1 Read and answer
Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
1 What usually happens if you make someone else feel good?
2 Name one thing you can be grateful for.
3 What’s your most important possession?
4 What should you try and do every day?
5 What’s the cheapest way to travel?
6 What should you set aside a Saturday for?
7 What can help you get rid of a lot of stress?
8 What helps you reach your goals?
9 What can you do to ’recharge your batteries’?
10 What’s a good and cheap way to exercise? For advice on speaking see Classbook page 91.
2 Discuss
1 What did you learn from the text?
2 What other things make can you feel good or can help you to reduce stress?
3 Writing
Work in pairs. Try to think of 2–3 other pieces of advice to add to the A–Z list. Write them down. Then find another pair and compare your ideas.
4 What does it mean?
You’re now going to explain the meaning of some of the words used in the text Feeling Good From A–Z. Complete the following sentences by giving English explanations of the words in bold. Make your explanations as exact as possible. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Example: To be grateful for something is to be for it.
1 It’s vital to work hard at school. It means that it’s
2 If you fancy doing something, it means that you
3 After looking for six months, Jackie eventually found a job. This means that she found a job
4 A tidy bedroom is a bedroom where
5 If something is urgent, it means that you have to do it
6 If someone is feeling down, it means that they’re not feeling very
7 When you give someone a compliment, you say something to them
8 To reduce stress means to
9 If you take pride in your work, then you want to do it .
10 To interpret a dream means to try to . Advice on learning – Konsten att lära – See the Magic! 8 Web. Read about how to plan your work and keep a logbook and other useful tips.
Beautiful People – Listening
1 True or false?
Listen and mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Before you start, read through the sentences and check the words in the wordlist.
1 The average person in Britain spends nearly £500 a year on beauty products and treatments.
2 Heather gets her hair cut 6 times a year.
3 Jack gets his hair cut twice a month.
4 According to Heather, you have to spend a lot on any products to do with hair.
5 Heather often uses a hair straightener.
6 Jack likes curly hair.
7 Heather’s nails are blue and white today.
8 Heather also uses eyeliner and lip gloss.
9 Heather nearly always wears a lot of make-up.
10 Jack uses a lot of hairspray before he goes on a night out.
11 Heather spends a lot of time in front of the mirror trying to decide what to wear.
12 Heather doesn’t like fake tans.
2 Discuss
1 What kind of beauty products do you use?
2 Where can you buy good beauty products?
3 How important are beauty products for teenagers today? Why?
4 Who sets the make-up trends?
5 How common is it for teenage boys to use beauty products?
average medel, genomsnitt treatment behandling fairly ganska survey undersökning pile hög fake på låtsas tan solbränna
Bruce Lee – the Martial Arts Specialist
1 Read and remember
How much do you remember about the text? Choose the correct answer (a, b or c).
When you have finished, check by reading through the text again in Classbook page 14.
How many did you get right?
1 Bruce Lee was born in a) China b) San Francisco c) Hong Kong
2 His father was a famous a) doctor b) opera singer c) writer
3 The family moved to Hong Kong in a) 1941 b) 1942 c) 1943
4 He took up martial arts training after he was beaten up by a street gang when he was a) 15 b) 10 c) 12.
5 He left Hong Kong at the age of 19 to study in America at the university of a) Los Angeles b) Seattle c) Texas.
6 He met his wife, a) Linda b) Lucy c) Peggy while he was at university.
7 His nickname was ‘a) the Hong Kong Dragon b) Bruce the Dragon c) the Little Dragon’.
8 The Green Hornet series was a) never shown b) a huge hit c) fairly successful in Hong Kong.
9 The film The Big Boss earned a) between $3–£4 million b) almost $3 million c) more than $4 million in less than three weeks.
10 He died in a) 1971 b) 1972 c) 1973.
11 His last film The Game of Death a) was produced in Hollywood b) was never completed c) was completed using a stand-in.
12 Bruce Lee had a) three b) two c) five children.
2 Writing
What do you think of films showing lots of fights? Write an email to one of your friends suggesting a film that he/she should watch the evening you are spending together.
For advice on writing an email, see Classbook page 87.
3 Fill in the gaps
Fill in the missing words in the sentences. Use these words.
advise beaten up complete co-production growing overwhelmed regularly return skill spotted stunned unshot
1 We leave for the Far East on the 5th and don’t until the 29th
2 This film is a between a French an Italian film company.
3 They hired a stand-in to complete Bruce Lee’s scenes in the movie.
4 Drug-taking among young people is a problem in this country.
5 We were all at the Government’s plans to raise the pension age to 68.
6 ‘I need to earn some money. What would you me to do?’ she asked her best friend.
7 To keep fit, you need to exercise .
8 It took her nearly three years to her second novel.
9 Even as a young child, David Beckham’s footballing was obvious.
10 James was outside the nightclub by a gang of boys.
11 Bruce Lee was by a Hollywood film producer.
12 The young pop star was totally by all the attention she got after her first hit single.
4 Grammar: Future tense
A What’s going to happen?
Look at the drawings and say what’s going to happen. Choose from these verbs. Need help? See Classbook p. 111.
bite him drop it fall freeze melt score a goal
1 It’s going to
3 It’s going to .
5 He’s going to .
2 He’s going to
4 She’s going to .
6 She’s going to .
B Read through the following situations and then write down what you think is going to happen. Use ‘going to’ in your answer plus one of the following verbs. (The first one has been done.)
blow up drop faint pour down clear up dye lose sing crash fail pass sink
1 She’s got up at a karaoke bar and is holding a microphone and looking at a TV screen.
2 The aeroplane has smoke coming out of its engines and the pilot has lost control.
The plane’s
3 She’s feeling really hot in the lift as it’s so crowded. She can’t breathe or get any air.
She’s .
4 The two cars are 200 metres from the finishing line. The Honda is very close to the Ferrari and is going faster and faster.
The Honda is the Ferrari.
5 The sky is full of very black clouds.
It’s .
6 England are playing France in football. The score is 4-1 to France. There is less than a minute to go.
England are .
7 It’s a relay race. One of the runners is trying to pass the baton to the next runner, but he has not grabbed it properly.
He’s it.
8 Some soldiers are tying sticks of dynamite to a bridge.
They’re it .
9 The rowing boat has a hole in the bottom of it. It’s quickly filling up with water.
10 He’s trying his driving test. He has just hit a car while trying to park.
11 His hair is blonde, but he wants it to be black instead. He’s at the hairdresser’s.
He’s it.
12 The sky is not so black now and the sun is starting to come out.
It’s . going to sing
C Make questions using ‘going to’ from the following words. Number 1 is already done.
1 you/visit/ grandparents/this weekend?
Are you going to visit your grandparents this weekend
2 Paul/apply for/job/Manchester/that
3 your parents/buy/new car
4 it/snow/tonight
5 Tom and Margaret/get married/soon
D Translate
Translate into English.
1 Patty ska besöka Australien nästa månad.
2 Vad ska du göra i sommar?
3 Jag tror inte att det kommer att regna.
Kylie in Beijing – Listening
1 Listen and answer
Kylie is on holiday with her father in Beijing, the capital of China. They have just come back to their hotel after a day out. You’re going to listen to Kylie skyping her mum. The dialogue is divided into four parts and after each part there are some questions. You can write while you’re listening, but you’ll be given time to answer the questions after each part. Your answers must be in English. At the end you’ll hear everything once again without pauses. When answering questions with alternatives, choose ONE alternative only.
1 Yesterday Kylie and her father went to the and Kylie took photos of some
2 Last night they saw some Chinese a) acrobats b) clowns c) dancers d) skaters.
* * * * *
3 Kylie and her father went to the park at in the morning.
4 People there were doing a) yoga b) gymnastics c) ballroom dancing d) Tai Chi
5 They got to the Forbidden City by a) coach b) underground train c) taxi d) the number B bus
6 million people live in Beijing.
* * * * *
exhausted utmattad rewarding givande definitely absolut cute söt impressive imponerande emperor kejsare alleyway gränd courtyard house gårdshus slaughter slakta sceptical tvivlande haggle pruta street vendor gatuförsäljare dragon kite flygande drake arrival hall ankomsthall
7 Kylie seems to be a) fond of skyscrapers b) afraid of China c) tired of economics d) impressed with Beijing.
8 Because ordinary people in those days thought the emperor was a God, they weren’t allowed to see his
9 Hutongs have been pulled down to make way for new a) alleyways b) houses c) roads d) courtyards.
10 Kylie’s mother would like a as a present from China.
* * * * *
11 Tomorrow they plan to visit the which was built over years ago.
12 One thing Kylie has already bought is a) a watch b) a new winter jacket c) a bag d) a pair of designer trainers.
13 Her mother asks her to buy some Chinese .
2 Speaking
Find out information about one of the following cities. Write down what you find and then present it to a group of your classmates. You can also include photos.
Abuja Cardiff Christchurch Dallas Dublin Edinburgh Harare Hong Kong Honolulu Johannesburg Los Angeles Ottawa Oxford Sydney Valletta
3 Useful words: Travel
A Match the Swedish words on the left with the correct English words on the right.
1 ankomst
2 avresa, avgång
3 bagage
4 bilfärja
5 campingplats
6 enkel (biljett)
7 flygplats
8 husvagn
9 kryssning
10 pass
11 resebyrå
12 reseledare
13 resmål
14 resväska
15 tull
a) destination
b) excursion
c) arrival
d) passport
e) return
f) visa
g) tour guide
h) departure
i) camping site
j) suitcase
k) camp, go camping
l) car ferry
m) airport
n) travel agent
o) youth hostel
16 tur och retur (biljett) p) caravan
17 tälta
18 utflykt
19 vandrarhem
20 visum
q) single
r) customs
s) cruise
t) luggage
B Group talking – Role cards
Role cards
Work in small groups. Your teacher will give you more information.
Bend It Like Beckham
1 Act it out
Work in groups of five. Act out the dialogue. Your teacher will give you a copy of the script.
2 Find the words
Fill in the missing words, all taken from the text. Some letters are already given.
1 ‘What position do you play in your football team?’ ‘I was a d f d r, but now
I’m the g l e. I actually saved a penalty last week!’
2 It’s getting late. We’d better e for h e.
3 The hotel bed was really n m o t l I just couldn’t sleep.
4 The headteacher asked us to x l n why we were late for school.
5 As the clown slipped on a banana and fell, the children b s out laughing.
6 ‘What are you going to do tonight?’ ‘Oh, I’ll p b b y stay in and watch TV.’
7 What’s the p t in learning Latin at school? It’s a dead language!
8 ‘Which soccer team do you s p t?’ ‘Arsenal, of course!’
9 As the snake crawled towards her, Samantha’s heart began to p d loudly.
10 ‘According to my mother, Indian girls aren’t s p s d to play football’ Jess said to Charlie.
3 Discuss
What do you think is going to happen next? What will her sister say?
4 Writing
Pretend you are the girl in the text (or a boy in the same situation) and write about your day in a diary.
WEM? Want Even More? Go to Magic! 8 Web, Life on the Refrigerator Door.
Magic! Class Library
Questions on Forrest Gump
Read the whole book. Then test yourself by answering these questions.
A Who are these people? Match them up.
1 Jenny Curran a) the person who gave him a harmonica
2 Coach Fellers b) Jenny’s boyfriend
3 Coach Bryant c) Forrest and Jenny’s son
4 Bubba d) a childhood friend
5 Doyle e) Forrest’s pet ape
6 Mr Chi f) the university football coach
7 Rudolph g) an old man he played chess with
8 Mr Tribble h) a man who sold shrimps at a fish market in Danang
9 Sue i) a soldier with him in Vietnam
10 Forrest Jr j) the person who started him playing football
B Why does Forrest have to leave town?
a) Because he gets a football scholarship to a university.
b) Because of something that happens when he takes Jenny Curran to the cinema.
c) Because he gets into a fight with someone.
C He joins the army and is sent to (which country?)
D Who did he meet in the jungle?
a) Bubba b) a big ape c) Jenny Curran
E Why is he invited to the White House?
F In the book, which of the following is Forrest good at?
a) playing football b) schoolwork c) chess d) acting
e) boxing f) the shrimp business
G Who is Forrest Gump? Describe his personality.
Better Than the Film
1 Read the dialogue
Fill in the missing words in the dialogue below, then read it in pairs. Choose from these.
at the moment better enjoyed instance interesting joking left out opinion point preferred true
A: That was a good film. I really it.
B: Yes, I agree. But I the book.
A: Oh, I disagree. The book was too long and a bit boring in parts.
B: I didn’t think so. But the film’s only two hours long, so they a lot of things that were in the book.
A: Probably the boring bits! In my , films are always than the original books.
B: That’s rubbish! I can think of lots of really bad films made from books.
A: For example?
B: Er… er… I can’t think of one , but I’m sure there are lots!
A: And I can think of lots of films that were better than the book. The War of the Worlds, for
B: You’re ! It was nothing like the book!
A: You may be right, but that’s what made it more
B: I don’t agree. Films should be to the book.
A: So what about the Harry Potter films then? You liked those, didn’t you?
B: Yes. But that’s my They were true to the book.
2 Writing
Use the dialogue as a guide, work with your partner and write one of your own. Think of other films based on books and work out ways of comparing them, talking about their good and bad points. When you’ve written the dialogue, read it together.
For advice on discussions, see Useful Phrases in Classbook page 90.
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Studentlitteratur har både digital och traditionell bokutgivning. Studentlitteraturs trycksaker är miljöanpassade, både när det gäller papper och tryckprocess. 36180 (avser 10-pack)
ISBN 978-91-44-08267-7
Upplaga 1:12
© 2013 Författarna och Studentlitteratur AB
Illustrationer Ingrid Fröhlich
Form efter en design av Catharina Ekström
Printed by Dimograf, Poland 2024
I Word Trainer lägger du grunden till ett varierat ordförråd. Med hjälp av vikordlistor kan du öva de viktigaste orden i Classbook. Hur vikordlistorna fungerar kan du läsa om på nästa sida.
Olika nivåer – ”Levels”
I varje Unit finns texter av olika svårighetsgrad och dessa är markerade med ••• , ••• eller ••• , där tre svarta prickar (röda i Classbook) står för de svåraste texterna.
Orden övas i korsord
I häftet finns två korsord i slutet av varje Unit. Det första övar ord från Level ••• medan det andra tar upp ord från Level ••• och Level •••
Mål – planera – föra logg
Sist i Word Trainer hittar du Planners. Dessa ger en översikt av Classbook, Workbook, Word Trainer och den digitala delen. Här kan du se målen för varje unit, planera och föra logg över ditt arbete. Du kan pricka av vilka moment du har gjort och på så sätt få en uppfattning om hur det går med dina studier och vad du har arbetat med i Magic! 8
Jobba med ordlistorna i tre steg:
1 Översätt de engelska ord som står i fetstil och skriv det svenska ordet på raden intill. Till din hjälp står de svenska orden i bokstavsordning i den grå rutan längst ner på sidan.
2 Kontrollera dina svar så här:
• Vik högersidan längs mittlinjen.
• Vik över sidan så att kolumn B hamnar bredvid kolumn B När du har gjort rätt ser du att det är samma mönster längst upp och längst ner.
• Vik nu samma sida en gång till så att A nu hamnar bredvid A
3 Skriv de engelska orden på facitsidan där du ska översätta från svenska till engelska. Kolla sedan att du har skrivit rätt.
1 change your mind
2 Maybe she’s Irish?
3 a stupid man
4 realize you’re wrong
5 a good-hearted boy
6 hope to win a medal
7 a brave soldier
8 a good footballer
9 they named her Millie
10 an ordinary name
11 a strange man
12 he grew six inches
13 he grew six inches
14 Tom stood next to me.
15 a fast driver
16 a football coach
17 wear a football suit
18 the first lesson
19 she looks grown-up
20 Remember me?
21 they called her names
22 he threw the ball
23 cross the goal line
24 It’s really good!
25 visit the White House
26 a pretty face
27 see the army people
28 Come here immediately!
29 shake hands with me
30 Pleased to meet you.
31 finish at 5.30
32 a bad stomach
33 work as a waiter
34 wait several hours
35 the flat was silent
36 suddenly feel ill
37 read while you wait
38 Are you hurt?
39 he pulled me away
40 on the front page
Välj de rätta översättningarna i den grå rutan och skriv dem bredvid de engelska orden.
bredvid kanske byta, ändra komma ihåg dum lektion döpte modig fotbollskläder tränare fotbollsspelare tum (1 inch = 2.54 cm) få en medalj underlig förare vanlig godhjärtad vuxen inse växte
drog bort mig ung. retade henne första sidan skadad glad att träffa skaka hand, hälsa kastade sluta kypare, servitör tyst mage under det att, medan militärer vackert; sött mållinje verkligen omedelbart Vita huset plötsligt åtskilliga, många
1 take pride in your work
2 give a compliment
3 no matter how you feel…
4 grateful for his help
5 a comfortable bed
6 encourage creativity
7 release the prisoner
8 release endorphins
9 he’s actually French
10 interpret a dream
11 keen on fitness
12 vital for health
13 my favourite possession
14 have a goal in life
15 occasionally feel down
16 become isolated
17 create an image
18 fancy a change
19 eventually learn English
20 Messiest bedroom?
Vik sidan längs mittlinjen och vänd blad. Då ser du de rätta svaren.
21 set aside a time
22 clean out your room
23 a tidy place
24 drain your energy
25 prioritise your tasks
26 an urgent message
27 get rid of rubbish
28 achieve your goal
29 full of confidence
30 recharge your batteries
31 learn a new skill
32 a favourite saying
33 treat yourself
34 keep in mind the time
35 variety is the spice of life
36 variety is the spice of life
37 Give me a hug!
38 try to reduce stress
39 have a zest for life
40 a new experience
bekväm det spelar ingen roll egendom, ägodel endorfiner faktiskt frigöra gilla isolerad, ensam komplimang kondition
känna sig deppig livsviktig mål skapande kraft h. stil (framtoning) stökigast så småningom tacksam tolka vara stolt över
bli av med brådskande färdighet komma ihåg kram krydda ladda batterierna, få ny energi livslust, aptit på livet minska omväxling
ordspråk prioritera självförtroende städa, rensa upp städad, snygg sätta av tömma unna sig något, bjuda uppleva uppnå
21 ung. retade henne
22 kastade
33 mållinje
24 verkligen
25 Vita huset
26 vackert; sött
27 militärer
28 omedelbart
29 skaka hand, hälsa
30 glad att träffa
31 sluta
32 mage
33 kypare, servitör
34 åtskilliga, många
35 tyst
36 plötsligt
37 under det att, medan
38 skadad
39 drog bort mig
40 första sidan
1 byta, ändra
2 kanske
3 dum
4 inse
5 godhjärtad
6 få en medalj
7 modig
8 fotbollsspelare
9 döpte
10 vanlig
11 underlig
12 växte
13 tum (1 inch = 2.54 cm)
14 bredvid
15 förare
16 tränare
17 fotbollskläder
18 lektion
19 vuxen
20 komma ihåg
Öva igen! Försök att skriva den rätta engelska översättningen.
21 sätta av
22 städa, rensa upp
23 städad, snygg
24 tömma
25 prioritera
26 brådskande
27 bli av med
28 uppnå
29 självförtroende
30 ladda batterierna, få ny energi
31 färdighet
32 ordspråk
33 unna sig något, bjuda
34 komma ihåg
35 omväxling
36 krydda
37 kram
38 minska
39 livslust, aptit på livet
40 uppleva
1 vara stolt över
2 komplimang
3 det spelar ingen roll
4 tacksam
5 bekväm
6 skapande kraft
7 frigöra
8 endorfiner
9 faktiskt
10 tolka
11 kondition
12 livsviktig
13 egendom, ägodel
14 mål
15 känna sig deppig
16 isolerad, ensam
17 h. stil (framtoning)
18 gilla
19 så småningom
20 stökigast
36180 (Avser 10-pack)