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Lene Syversen

READING R CKETS A Lästräning i engelska

Reading Rockets är lästräning i engelska för åk 3–7. Varje bok innehåller ett tjugotal texter av varierad längd i olika genrer. Allt från enkla instruktioner, intressanta och knasiga fakta till dialoger, sagor, myter, rim och ramsor, samt en tecknad Shakespeare i varje bok. Till varje text tränas elevernas förmåga att förstå ”the main idea”, men även deras förmåga att läsa mellan raderna. Det finns ordförståelseövningar till varje text som bygger ut och utvecklar elevernas ordförråd. I de senare böckerna finns även diskussionsfrågor för mindre grupper eller helklass. Serien passar lika bra att arbeta med individuellt som i grupp.

Reading Rockets A passar för åk 3–4 . Kolla även Reading

Rockets B, C och D!

ISBN 978-91-7823050-1

9 789178 230501

Reading Rockets A omslag.indd 1-2

2019-02-13 11:21

Bonnierförlagen Lära utvecklar alla sina läromedel tillsammans med Lärarpanelen, en referensgrupp som består av undervisande lärare runtom i Sverige. Vill du vara med? Mejla hejlara@bonnierforlagenlara.se och skriv ”Lärarpanelen” i ämnesraden!

Reading Rockets A ISBN 9789178230501 © 2018 Bonnierförlagen Lära AB Originalutgåva: Rookie Reading Lesetrening i engelsk Författare: Lene Syversen © 2014 GAN Aschehoug, Oslo

Illustrationer och omslagsillustrationer: Thor W. Kristensen Översättning: Anna Granlund Form: Framnes Tekst og Bilde AS, Marit Messing Omslag: Marit Messing Produktionsledare: Merete Lind Första upplagan 1 Tryck BALTO Print, Litauen, 2019

Detta verk är skyddat av upprätttshovslagen. Kopiering, utöver lärares och elevers rätt att kopiera för undervisningbruk enligt BONUS-avtal, är förbjuden. BONUS-avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsarnordnare. Intrång i upphovsmannens rättigheter enligt upphovsrättslagen kan medföra straff. Såväl analog som digiotal kopiering regleras i BONUS-avtalet. Läs mer på www.bonuscopyright.se.

Reading Rockets A omslag.indd 3-4

2019-02-13 11:21

Lene Syversen


Lästräning i engelska

Reading Rockets A.indd 1

2019-02-09 13:52

Contents Chapter 1

The last day of school Chapter 2 Design a kite Chapter 3 The most used letter? Chapter 4 Please park here! Chapter 5 Good manners Chapter 6 Three blind mice Chapter 7 Funny-looking animals Chapter 8 Visiting family Chapter 9 Boomerang Chapter 10 Romeo and Juliet Chapter 11 Make a Christmas star Chapter 12 Only a cat Chapter 13 Sleeping in a tent Chapter 14 Dogs Chapter 15 Riddles and jokes Chapter 16 My uncle says Chapter 17 Be careful! Chapter 18 Wazzik the dragon Chapter 19 The hare and the tortoise Chapter 20 A bell on the cat Chapter 21 Fun facts about African animals

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44

Glossary – Chapter by chapter


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Instructions 1 2




The text

Read the text on the left-hand page carefully.

New words

Put the four words from the text into other sentences.

Main idea

What is the text about? Read carefully and choose the best answer.


Answer the questions. There is only one correct answer.

Find it!

Find the correct word for each picture.

3 Reading Rockets A.indd 3

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Chapter 1 The last day of school




Hi! My name is Zoe. Last summer I went to England. I went to Manchester to visit my uncle. His name is Charles. He is the headmaster of a school. I went with him to work one day. It was the last day before the pupils’ summer holiday. All the pupils were very excited! They made a lot of noise. They ran around. They joked and laughed. It was nothing like an ordinary school day! It reminded me of my school on the last day before the summer holiday.

New words


Choose the right word.






1 Every summer we go on _______________. 2 The person in charge of a school is called a _______________. 3 My father has a brother. He is my _______________. 4 When children have fun they make a lot of _______________.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) A day at Zoe’s work. d) A day at Zoe’s home.


a) A day at Zoe’s school. b) A day at an English school.

1 Where did Zoe go on her holiday? a. Manchester b. London


Questions Choose the right answer.

c. Manchester United d. She stayed at home.


2 What is Charles’ job?

a. He is a football player. b. He is a headmaster.

c. He is a teacher. d. He is a pupil.

3 Why were the pupils so excited?


a. They had pancakes for lunch. b. It was the last day before the summer holiday.

c. The teacher was angry. d. They had a sleepover.

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. pupils laugh






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Chapter 2



Can you design your own kite? Your kite needs a nice pattern. Your kite needs bright colours. Your kite needs a long tail! To design a kite is a fun activity. To fly a kite is a fun activity on a windy, autumn day. Go on, give it a try!


Design a kite

New words

Choose the right word.






1 The sun was __________________. 2 He made a nice, colourful ____________________.


3 __________________ is one of the four seasons. 4 The dog wagged its ___________________.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) Learn to design a car. d) Learn to dress up in colourful clothes.


a) Learn to design a kite. b) Learn to fly a kite.


Questions Choose the right answer. 1 Why do you need colouring pencils?

c. to make a tail d. to make your teacher happy


a. to build your kite b. to make a colourful pattern 2 When can you fly your kite? a. only in the summer b. only in the winter

c. only when it is windy d. only when it is sunny

3 What kind of weather is best for flying a kite? c. wind d. rain


a. sun b. snow

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. colouring pencils kite






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Chapter 3 The most used letter?




The English alphabet has 26 letters. The Swedish alphabet has 29 letters. Some of the letters are more often used than others, like the letter e. Do you think that’s true? How many times can you find the letter e in this text? Count them, and see for yourself!

New words

Choose the right word.






1 Do you know all the letters in the _______________? 2 There are 26 _______________ in the English alphabet. 3 You use letters from the alphabet to make a _______________.


4 To find out how many letters there are in the alphabet, you can _______________ them.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) Learn how to count. d) Learn how to play Hangman.


a) Learn the alphabet. b) Learn something about the alphabet.


Questions Choose the right answer.

1 How many letters are there in the English alphabet? c. sixty-two d. twenty-six


a. zero b. twenty-seven

2 How many more letters are there in the Swedish alphabet? a. three b. four

c. six d. twenty-nine

3 Which letter is smart to suggest when you play Hangman? c. e d. a


a. t b. q

Find it! Find the word for each picture. 1









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Chapter 4 Please park here!




Zoe went to Manchester to visit her uncle, Charles. He is the headmaster of a school near Old Trafford, Manchester United’s home stadium. Charles told her that many people come to watch Manchester United play football. He thought it would be a good idea to rent out the school playground for people to park their cars. “It brings in some extra money”, he said. Zoe thinks that Charles buys books with that money. She saw books everywhere when she visited his school.

New words


Choose the right word.

car park




1 I like to play in the _____________ with my friends.


2 He needs _____________ to buy new football boots. 3 My father’s brother is my _____________. 4 All the cars stay in the _____________.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.


c) The headmaster uses the extra money to buy tickets to the football match.


a) The headmaster uses the extra money to buy books. b) The headmaster uses the extra money to buy cars.

Questions Choose the right answer. 1 What is Zoe’s uncle called?

c. Charles d. Carl


a. Mike b. Charley

2 Which football club plays at Old Trafford? a. Leeds United b. Wolverhampton

c. Manchester City d. Manchester United

3 Why did Charles rent out the school playground?


a. for people to park their bikes c. to earn money b. for people to get the car washed d. to keep books there

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. headmaster Old Trafford




car park

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Chapter 5 Good manners


True or false? T F In the United Kingdom you …

1. … stand in line when you wait for the bus. 3. … burp loudly after a meal.


2. … don’t spit in the street.

4. … don’t say sorry if you bump into someone in the street. 5. … say please, sorry and thank you very often.


6. … cover your mouth when you yawn. 7. … don’t pick your nose in public.

New words

Choose the right word.






1 You need to _______________ out the toothpaste. 2 He was sleepy and started to _______________.


3 Many people standing behind each other in a _______________. 4 I often _______________ when I drink soft drinks.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) How to behave as your friends tell you to. d) How to behave as you like.


a) How to behave in Norway. b) How to behave in the United Kingdom.


Questions Choose the right answer. 1 Why is it good to know how to behave?

c. so you can forget about it


a. so you can be polite b. so you can break the rules

2 What is important to remember when you are in the United Kingdom? a. to say “sorry” b. to speak Swedish

c. to bump into people d. to look for the police

3 What can you do if you forget how to behave?


a. find the police b. say “sorry”

c. run away d. go home

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. a line burp


bump into



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Chapter 6



Three blind mice


Three blind mice. Three blind mice. See how they run. See how they run. They all ran after the farmer’s wife, who cut off their tails with a carving knife. Did you ever see such a sight in your life, as three blind mice?


New words

Choose the right word.






1 One mouse + one mouse = two _______________. 2 You can use a _______________ to cut something. 3 She is married to the farmer. She is his _______________. 4 The mouse has a long _______________.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.


a) Three blind mice ran after a cat. c) The mice ran after the woman. b) The cat ran after three blind d) Three blind men ran away. mice.


Questions Choose the right answer. 1 Who had a knife?

c. the farmer’s wife


a. the cat b. the mice

2 Who lost their tails? a. two blind mice b. three mice

c. the farmer’s wife

3 Who ran after the farmer’s wife?

c. a cat


a. three mice b. the farmer

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. mice knife






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Chapter 7 Funny-looking animals




Have you seen these funny-looking animals before? The first animal lives in the deep, deep sea. It is called a blobfish. It has very few muscles and looks a bit like jelly. The second animal lives in the swamps. It is called a shoebill. Its beak looks like a wooden shoe. The third animal lives in the jungle. It is called an aye-aye. It picks out its food from trees using its long, thin middle finger. They all look funny. But some people think they look ugly. What do you think?

New words


Choose the right word.






1 A _______________ is used for eating. 2 You can find _______________ along large rivers. 3 You have to use your _______________ when you wrestle! 4 There are many _______________ animals in the world.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.


a) To learn about a hungry fish c) To learn some facts about three b) To learn some facts about three strange birds strange animals d) To learn some facts about two strange animals

1 Where does the blobfish live?

c. in the deep sea d. in the jungle


a. in a fishbowl b. in the river


Questions Choose the right answer.

2 What kind of animal is the shoebill? a. a fish b. a pig

c. a bird d. a monkey

3 How does the aye-aye get its food?


a. it uses its nose b. it uses its little finger

c. it uses its middle finger d. it uses a spoon

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. wooden shoe beak





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Chapter 8 Visiting family




Last summer Zoe went to England to visit her cousins. Their names are Daniel and Fiona. Zoe had not seen them for a long time and she was very excited. When she arrived at their house, they both gave her a big hug. She felt warm and welcome! They took her to their back garden to meet their new pet, Ben. Ben is a tortoise. They played with Ben and laughed when he tried to nibble on their toes. Ugh!

New words hug


Choose the right word.




1 It is fun to play in the _______________.


2 Don’t _______________ your food! Eat properly! 3 Let me give you a big _______________. 4 A _______________ is a very slow animal.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.


a) A story about a hungry tortoise. c) A story about two boys and b) A story about seeing family one girl. members. d) A story about Zoe’s cousin Ben.

1 What are the cousins’ names?

c. Fiona and Daniel d. Jack and Jill


a. Daniel and Ben b. Daniel and Zoe


Questions Choose the right answer.

2 How was Zoe greeted? a. with a handshake b. with a kiss

c. with hugs d. with laughs

3 What made them laugh?


a. The tortoise nibbled their toes. b. The tortoise nodded its head.

c. The tortoise walked out of the garden. d. They didn’t laugh.

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. laugh tortoise





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Chapter 9 Boomerang




When you throw a boomerang, it flies through the air. If the boomerang doesn’t hit anything on its way, it makes a big circle and comes back to you. Strange, don’t you think? Many years ago the aborigines in Australia used the boomerang when they went hunting. Today people use it for fun. So, keep your eyes open next time you are in the park!

New words

Choose the right word.






1 The teacher told him to draw a _______________. 2 Sydney is a city in _______________. 3 He played with a _______________ in the park.


4 Many years ago, people used to go _______________ for food.

20 Reading Rockets A.indd 20

2019-02-09 13:52

Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) Learn some facts about boomerangs. d) Learn some facts about Australia.


a) Learn how to throw a boomerang. b) Learn how to draw a circle.


Questions Choose the right answer.

1 Which part of the world does the boomerang come from? c. America d. Australia


a. Europe b. Asia

2 What can you do with a boomerang? a. eat it b. burn it

c. draw with it d. throw it

a. to eat b. to hunt


3 Why do people use the boomerang today?

c. to make fire d. to play

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. park boomerang






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Chapter 10

Romeo goes into Juliet’s garden. She is on her balcony. “I love Romeo,” she says. “I don’t care if my family hates him.”


Romeo loves Juliet. But Romeo and Juliet come from different families. The families hate each other.



Romeo and Juliet


Romeo loves Juliet too. But the families quarrel.

Both Juliet and Romeo die. Then the families become very sad.

New words

Choose the right word.





1 It is nice to sit out on the _________________. 2 It is not nice when people __________________.


3 Romeo and Juliet ______________ each other.

Reading Rockets A.indd 22

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) A story about two people who hate each other. d) A story about two people who love each other.


a) A story about fixing the balcony. b) A story about fixing the garden.


Questions Choose the right answer.

1 Where was Juliet when Romeo came into the garden? c. on her balcony d. standing under a tree


a. in the kitchen b. on the toilet

2 Who love each other? a. Romeo and Zoe b. the two families

c. Ronny and Juliet d. Romeo and Juliet

3 What happens at the end of the story?


a. Romeo and Juliet die. b. Romeo and Juliet become enemies.

c. Romeo and Juliet’s families start to sing and dance. d. Romeo and Juliet’s families are happy.

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. Romeo and Juliet balcony





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Chapter 11


This is a Christmas star. It is easy to make. You may use your Christmas star as a gift tag or a greetings card.


Make a Christmas star

You need: three squares of paper (size 5x5 cm, any colour you like). a glue stick colouring pencils


Instructions: Start with three squares of paper. Fold each square in half diagonally. You will now have three triangles. Glue two of the triangles together, like this………….. Put a dab of glue on the inside flaps to keep them together. Glue the last triangle on top. You now have a Christmas star! Leave the front flap of the star unglued. Draw a picture or write a special message inside!


New words

Choose the right word.

gift tag


greetings card


Christmas star

1 I send a _______________ every Christmas. 2 I put a _______________ on the presents I give to my friends. 3 Can you make a square of two _______________?


4 We have a _______________ hanging in the window.

Reading Rockets A.indd 24

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Main idea Choose the right answer.


a) Learn how to follow instructions. c) Learn how to make a birthday b) Learn how to make a Christmas card. candle. d) Learn how to make a mess.


Questions Choose the right answer. 1 How would you read these instructions?


a. Read everything first, then put c. Look at the pictures but not read. the text away. d. Read bit by bit, following the b. Read but not look at the pictures. instructions. 2 What are you supposed to do with the Christmas star? a. Put it on the Christmas tree. b. Decorate your room with it.

c. Use it as a gift tag or greetings card. d. Eat it for Christmas.

3 What would you write inside the star?


a. Happy birthday! b. Get well soon!

c. Merry Christmas! d. a story

Find it! Find the word for each picture. 1

glue stick








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Chapter 12 Only a cat



I’m only a cat, and I don’t ask for much. I’m happy with milk and fish and such!


I’m only a cat, and I stay in my place. Up there on your chair, on your bed or your face!

I’m only a cat, and we’ll get along fine. As long as you know I’m not yours — you are mine! (Unknown author)


New words

Choose the right word.






1 Sit down on your _______________! 2 You sleep in your _______________. 3 They had _______________ for dinner yesterday. 4 She had a big smile on her _______________.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) Cats like to swim. d) Cats like to watch TV.


a) Cats like to do what they want. b) Cats like to play computer games.

1 Where is the cat’s place?

c. on the chair, bed or face d. on the chair, bed or bag


a. on the chair, bed or sofa b. on the chair, bed or table


Questions Choose the right answer.

2 What does the cat like to eat and drink? a. milk and bread b. milk and taco

c. milk and pizza d. milk and fish

3 What does a cat owner have to know about cats?


a. That cats can talk. b. That cats can breakdance.

c. That cats like to be the boss. d. That all cats like dogs.

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. face cat





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Chapter 13 Sleeping in a tent




It’s a warm summer night. Zoe and Fiona are sleeping in a tent in Fiona’s garden. They bring food, comic books and a flashlight. They hear noises outside. What can it be? A dog? A fox? A bear? A zombie? “Who’s there?” they say but there’s no reply. “This is scary!” Fiona cries and the girls run screaming into the house. From the window they see the neighbour’s cat, Samson. He is eating the food in the tent. Zoe and Fiona don’t want to sleep in a tent any more. What’s on the telly?

New words


Choose the right word.


comic book




1 When you go camping you can sleep in a ___________. 2 You can watch films on the _______. 3 Fruit, vegetables, meat and fish are different types of __________. 4 Many kids like to read a __________.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) The garden is full of animals and zombies. d) A sister sleeps in a tent in the garden.


a) Two children try to sleep in a tent. b) Three sisters and a cat are in the garden.

1 Where was the tent?

c. in a comic book d. in the garden


a. on the telly b. in the house


Questions Choose the right answer.

2 Why do Zoe and Fiona run into the house? a. It was too warm in the garden. b. They had no food left. a. the fox b. the cat


3 Who took the food?

c. They heard scary noises. d. They ran after the cat.

c. the bear d. the zombie

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. flashlight fox






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Chapter 14 Dogs


2. There are around 400 million dogs in the world.


1. The first dogs started living with people more than 12,000 years ago.

3. Dalmatians have no spots when they are born. They are completely white.


4. Zorba, an English mastiff, is the biggest dog ever recorded. He weighed 155 kg! 5. Most dogs can run at about 30 km/h. Greyhounds are the fastest dogs in the world and can run at speeds of 72 km/h.


6. The oldest dog we know is an Australian dog called Bluey. He lived for more than 29 years.

New words

Choose the right word.

English mastiff





1 Have you read the story about the 101 _______________? 2 An _______________ is a big dog! 3 A _______________ runs really fast.


4 There are many dogs in the _______________.

Reading Rockets A.indd 30

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) Facts about wild animals. d) Facts about all kinds of pets.


a) Facts about the world. b) Facts about man’s best friend.

Questions Choose the right answer.


1 When did the first dogs start living with people? a. 12 months ago b. 1200 years ago

c. 12000 months ago d. 12000 years ago


2 How much faster can a greyhound run than other dogs? a. All dogs run at the same speed. c. 30 km/h b. 42 km/h d. 32 km/h 3 Which kind of dog changes its colours after it is born? a. The greyhound b. The Spanish water dog


Find it!

c. The Dalmatian d. The Australian dog

Find the word for each picture. running spots








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Chapter 15 Riddles and jokes


Q: What did zero say to the number eight? A: Nice belt. Q: What do you have when you have 7 oranges in your right hand and 5 in the other hand? A: Big hands!


Question: What’s black and white, black and white, black and white? Answer: A penguin rolling down a hill! Q: Why do cows wear bells? A: Because their horns don’t work!

Q: What bird can you write with? A: A PENguin.


Teacher: Name two animals that live in a cold region. Student: A polar bear and his wife.


Q: Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space? A: Because he wanted to see Pluto.

New words

Choose the right word.


outer space




1 Astronauts travel to ______________. 2 Tell me a ______________. 3 ______________ live in the Antarctic.


4 The cowboy held the cow by its ______________.

Reading Rockets A.indd 32

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) To learn maths. d) To learn facts about animals.


a) To have a laugh with your friends. b) To make your friends angry.


Questions Choose the right answer.

1 What did the number eight have around its waist? c. a jumper d. a belt


a. a scarf b. an elastic band

2 What do cows use instead of horns? a. bells on their hands b. bells around their necks

c. mobile phones d. drums

3 Which colours are penguins?

c. black and yellow d. black and white


a. black and blue b. black and red

Find it!

Find the word for each picture. Pluto eight









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Chapter 16



My uncle is a magician. He can do tricks with cards and coins. He says he can see into the future. He says he can tell the score of a football match before it even starts. And he is always right. Do you know how that can be?


My uncle says

The score of a football match before it starts is always 0 – 0.

New words


Choose the right word.





1 He wants to be a _______________ when he grows up.


2 The referee flips a _______________ before the football match starts. 3 The _______________ was 0-1. 4 My mother’s brother is my _______________.

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Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) A story about magic. d) A story about a smart uncle.


a) A story about Harry Potter. b) A story about an angry uncle.

1 What magic does the uncle do? a. He tells the future. b. He watches football.


Questions Choose the right answer.

c. He does tricks with a ball. d. He plays football.


2 What kinds of tricks can this uncle do? a. tricks with coins and books b. tricks with animals and footballs

c. tricks with coins and cards d. tricks with balloons

3 What’s the score of a football match before it starts? c. 2-2 d. 2-0


a. 0-0 b. 1-1

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. magician cards


football match




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Chapter 17 Be careful!




“Don’t step on the cracks in the pavement,” Zoe’s sister always says to her. They have to tiptoe and be very careful. “But what will happen if we step on the cracks?” Zoe asks her. “Maybe they’ll open up and you’ll fall in,” she says. “Or a monster with big white hands and green spots will get you”, she says. “Or the sky may fall down on your head,” she says. “Or a train may come along and hit you,” she says. “That happened to Harold’s sister.” “No, you are not telling the truth,” Zoe says and steps on a crack in the pavement. Oooops!


New words

Choose the right word.






1 If you drop your mobile on the floor, the glass may get ________on it. 2 We have to be quiet! We have to _______________. 3 You can travel by car, plane _______________.


4 Don’t walk in the street! Walk on the _______________!

Reading Rockets A.indd 36

2019-02-09 13:53

Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) A story about trains. d) A story about stepping on cracks in the pavement.


a) A story about monsters. b) A story about two brothers.


Questions Choose the right answer.

1 What happens if you step on a crack in the pavement? c. You have to stand on your head. d. Nothing happens, really.


a. You start to fly. b. You start to dance.

2 What happened to Harold’s sister? a. She got hit by a train. b. She got eaten by a monster.

c. She fell through the cracks in the pavement. d. The sky fell down on her head.

a. Harold b. Zoe


3 Who stepped on a crack in the pavement?

c. Zoe’s sister d. a monster

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. monster crack






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Chapter 18 Wazzik the dragon




Wazzik is a dragon. Wazzik lives at the North Pole. Wazzik is a cold dragon. In fact he is cold and has a cold. Wazzik is tired of being cold. One day he flies south. He flies across many countries. He flies across Sweden and Germany. He flies across high mountains. He lands on a beach in Italy. Wazzik has a new job now. He sells ice creams and cold fizzy drinks.

New words


Choose the right word.



are cold

have a cold

1 If you sneeze and your nose is running, you _______________.


2 Turn up the temperature, we _______________! 3 Germany is a _______________. 4 Wazzik is a _______________.

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2019-02-09 13:53

Main idea Choose the right answer.


a) Wazzik is not a dragon. c) Wazzik wants to go somewhere b) Wazzik wants to go somewhere warm. cold. d) Wazzik can’t fly.


Questions Choose the right answer. a. He is a fly. b. He is a mountain.

c. He is a dragon. d. He is a fizzy drink.


1 Who is Wazzik?

2 Was the dragon happy at the North Pole? a. Yes, he liked the cold. b. No, he didn’t like the cold.

c. Yes, he liked the ice creams there. d. No, he didn’t like the fizzy drinks there.

3 Where is Wazzik now?


a. on a mountain in Germany b. on a beach

c. in a hotel in Italy d. crossing Sweden

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. dragon fizzy drink






39 Reading Rockets A.indd 39

2019-02-09 13:53

Chapter 19 The hare and the tortoise





Everybody says that the hare is the fastest animal in the forest. “Nobody can run faster than me!” he says. “I can,” says the tortoise. Everybody laughs. “Let’s run to the edge of the forest and back,” says the hare. “Okay,” says the tortoise. Everybody shouts: “Ready, Steady, GO!” The hare runs very fast. The tortoise is very slow. The hare stops by the edge of the forest. He wants to wait for the tortoise and make fun of him. The hare falls asleep. The tortoise comes to the edge of the forest and turns back. The hare wakes up. He can’t see the tortoise. He runs as fast as he can, but it’s too late. The tortoise wins the race. Nobody laughs at him now.

New words

Choose the right word.






1 They went for a walk in the _______________. 2 The _______________ changes its colour in the winter. 3 I _______________ for the bus every morning.


4 “Quickly” means the same as “_______________”.

Reading Rockets A.indd 40

2019-02-09 13:53

Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) A story about winning a race. d) A story about getting lost in the forest.


a) A story about a hare and a mouse. b) A story about a hare and a fox.


Questions Choose the right answer. 1 Who says that the hare is the fastest animal?

2 Who wins the race? a. the hare b. the tortoise

c. the hare and all the other animals d. nobody


a. the tortoise and his friends b. the fox

c. the fox d. nobody, they got lost in the forest.


3 Nobody laughs at the tortoise any more. Why?


a. Because the tortoise died. b. Because the tortoise moved to another forest.

c. Because the hare kicked the tortoise. d. Because the tortoise won the race.

Find it! Find the word for each picture. 1







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Chapter 20 A bell on the cat




The mice meet to talk about the cat. The cat is their enemy. All the mice are afraid of the cat. “What can we do about the cat?” they say. “How can we hear him coming?” “We can put a bell around his neck,” a small mouse says. “Then we can hear him.” “What a wonderful idea!” they all agree. “But who will put the bell on the cat?” an old mouse asks. All the mice are quiet. “Easy to say but difficult to do,” the old mouse says.

New words


Choose the right word.






1 Mice don’t like cats. The cat is their _____________. 2 I can _____________ music. 3 A cow has a _____________ around its neck. 4 He is _____________ of the dark.

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2019-02-09 13:53

Main idea Choose the right answer.

c) A story about bells. d) A story about mice.


a) A story about cats and dogs. b) A story about being friends.

1 How can the mice hear the cat?

c. They ask the cat to wear shoes. d. They put a bell on the door.


a. They put a bell around the cat’s neck. b. They tell the cat to meow.


Questions Choose the right answer.

2 Why do the mice want to hear the cat? a. So they can scare the cat. b. So they can play with the cat.

c. So they can steal the cat’s food. d. So they can run and hide.

3 Why is it difficult to put the bell around the cat’s neck? c. The cat is playing with a dog. d. The cat likes to eat bells.


a. The cat is outside. b. The cat likes to eat mice.

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. bell mouse






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2019-02-09 13:53

Chapter 21 Fun facts about African animals




Did you know that it takes a baby elephant six months to learn how to control its trunk? Did you know that a rat can last longer without water than a camel? Did you know that a newborn giraffe is about two metres tall? Did you know that dolphins sleep with one eye open? Did you know that no two zebras have the same stripe patterns? Did you know that a kick from a giraffe can kill a lion?


New words trunk





1 The elephant’s nose is called a _____________. 2 A _____________ has two humps on its back. 3 _____________ are very smart animals. 4 The _____________ has a long neck.

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2019-02-09 13:53

Main idea Choose the right answer.


a) To learn fun facts about Africa. c) To learn fun facts about animals b) To learn fun facts about in Africa. animals in Europe. d) To learn fun facts about pets.


Questions Choose the right answer.

1 Who can last without water for the longest time? c. a giraffe d. a rat


a. a camel b. an elephant 2 Who sleeps with one eye open? a. an elephant b. a giraffe

c. a lion d. a dolphin

3 Who can kill a lion with a kick?

c. a camel d. a zebra


a. a giraffe b. an elephant

Find it! 1


Find the word for each picture. giraffe pattern






45 Reading Rockets A.indd 45

2019-02-09 13:53

Glossary – Chapter by chapter

Chapter 5 Good manners to bump into att stöta på to burp att rapa to cover att täcka över a line här: en kö loudly högt pick your nose pilla sig i näsan please var så snäll to spit att spotta thank you tack to wait att vänta to yawn att gäspa


in charge of ha ansvar för excited här: upphestad / upprymd headmaster rektor holiday semester / lov to joke att skämta last här: sist to laugh att skratta a noise ett ljud ordinary vanlig pupil elev school skola uncle farbror /morbror to visit att besöka

money pengar playground här: skolgård to bring in money att tjäna pengar to park att parkera to rent out att hyra ut to visit att besöka to watch att se på uncle farbror /morbror


Chapter 1 The last day of school


English svenska

Chapter 2 Design a kite


give it a try prova /testa activity aktivitet autumn höst bright här: (lysa) starkt colouring pencils färgpennor kite drake need behöva nice fin pattern mönster a tail en svans windy blåsig to wag att vifta

Chapter 3 The most used letter?


alphabet alfabet to count att räkna how many times … hur många gånger letter här: bokstav see for yourself … se själv to suggest att föreslå true sant twenty-six tjugosex

Chapter 4 Please park here! a good idea en god idé a car park en parkeringsplats headmaster rektor home stadium hemmaplan

Chapter 6 Three blind mice blind blind a carving knife en bordskniv farmer bonde knife kniv life liv mice möss mouse mus to run – ran att springa – sprang tail svans wife fru

Chapter 7 Funny-looking animals animal djur aye-aye fingerdjur beak näbb blobfish blobfisk deep djup funny-looking roligt / knasigt utseende jelly gelé jungle djungel muscles muskler

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a star en stjärna triangle trekant unglued utan lim

sea hav shoebill träskonäbb swamps träsk thin tunn ugly ful wooden shoe träsko


Chapter 12 Only a cat

bed säng cat katt chair stol a face ett ansikte a fish en fisk get along komma överens I don’t ask for much jag ber inte om mycket only bara such sådan

Chapter 8 Visiting family

Chapter 13 Sleeping in a tent

aborigines urbefolkningen i Australien boomerang bumerang a circle en cirkel eyes ögon to go hunting att gå på jakt a park en park strange underlig to throw att kasta

Chapter 10 Romeo and Juliet


balcony balkong different annorlunda family familj garden trädgård to hate att hata I don’t care jag bryr mig inte to love att älska to quarrel att bråka


Chapter 11 Make a Christmas star Christmas star julstjärna a dab här: en skvätt a flap en flik to fold att vika gift tag till-från-klisterlapp to glue att limma glue stick limstift greetings card här: julkort message meddelande square kvadrat

Reading Rockets A.indd 47

a bear en björn comic book serietidning flashlight ficklampa food mat fox räv neighbour granne a noise ett ljud a reply ett svar scary läskigt sleep sova telly TV tent tält zombie zombie


Chapter 9 Boomerang


to arrive att ankomma, anlända cousins kusiner garden trädgård a hug en kram laugh skratta nibble knapra pet husdjur toes tår tortoise sköldpadda to visit att besöka

Chapter 14 Dogs

(to be) born (att) födas completely helt Dalmatians dalmatiner English mastiff engelsk mastiff ever recorded någonsin registrerad fast snabb oldest äldst run springa speed fart spots fläckar world världen … years ago … år sedan

Chapter 15 Riddles and jokes cow ko eight åtta horn (for a bike) tuta (på cykel) horn (on a cow) horn (på en ko) outer space rymden

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Chapter 19 The hare and the tortoise

cards kort coins mynt football match fotbollsmatch magician magiker score här: ställning tricks trick uncle farbror / morbror

Chapter 17 Be careful!

Chapter 20 A bell on the cat afraid rädd to agree att vara överens bell pingla enemy fiende to hear att höra idea idé to meet att mötas mice möss mouse mus neck nacke quiet tyst wonderful fantastisk


careful försiktig a crack en spricka monster monster pavement trottoar sister syster spots fläckar to tiptoe att trippa på tå train tåg the truth sanningen


Chapter 16 My uncle says

Ready, Steady, Go! Klara, färdiga, gå! edge här: slutet to fall asleep att somna fast snabb forest skog hare hare to laugh att skratta to make fun of att göra narr av nobody ingen to shout att ropa slow långsam too late för sent tortoise sköldpadda to wait att vänta to wake up att vakna


penguin pingvin riddle gåta waist midja

Chapter 18 Wazzik the dragon



beach strand to be cold (“he is cold”) att vara kall to have a cold (“he has a cold”) att vara förkyld country land dragon drake fizzy drink sockerdricka / läsk Germany Tyskland ice creams glass Italy Italien mountains fjäll / berg the North Pole Nordpolen Sweden Sverige to sell att sälja south här: söderut to be tired of … att vara trött på

Chapter 21 Fun facts about African animals camel kamel to control att kontrollera dolphin delfin eye öga giraffe giraff to kill att döda to last att klara lion lejon month månad new-born nyfödd pattern mönster rat råtta the same… samma trunk snabel

48 Reading Rockets A.indd 48

2019-02-09 13:53

Bonnierförlagen Lära utvecklar alla sina läromedel tillsammans med Lärarpanelen, en referensgrupp som består av undervisande lärare runtom i Sverige. Vill du vara med? Mejla hejlara@bonnierforlagenlara.se och skriv ”Lärarpanelen” i ämnesraden!

Reading Rockets A ISBN 9789178230501 © 2018 Bonnierförlagen Lära AB Originalutgåva: Rookie Reading Lesetrening i engelsk Författare: Lene Syversen © 2014 GAN Aschehoug, Oslo

Illustrationer och omslagsillustrationer: Thor W. Kristensen Översättning: Anna Granlund Form: Framnes Tekst og Bilde AS, Marit Messing Omslag: Marit Messing Produktionsledare: Merete Lind Första upplagan 1 Tryck BALTO Print, Litauen, 2019

Detta verk är skyddat av upprätttshovslagen. Kopiering, utöver lärares och elevers rätt att kopiera för undervisningbruk enligt BONUS-avtal, är förbjuden. BONUS-avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsarnordnare. Intrång i upphovsmannens rättigheter enligt upphovsrättslagen kan medföra straff. Såväl analog som digiotal kopiering regleras i BONUS-avtalet. Läs mer på www.bonuscopyright.se.

Reading Rockets A omslag.indd 3-4

2019-02-13 11:21

Lene Syversen

READING R CKETS A Lästräning i engelska

Reading Rockets är lästräning i engelska för åk 3–7. Varje bok innehåller ett tjugotal texter av varierad längd i olika genrer. Allt från enkla instruktioner, intressanta och knasiga fakta till dialoger, sagor, myter, rim och ramsor, samt en tecknad Shakespeare i varje bok. Till varje text tränas elevernas förmåga att förstå ”the main idea”, men även deras förmåga att läsa mellan raderna. Det finns ordförståelseövningar till varje text som bygger ut och utvecklar elevernas ordförråd. I de senare böckerna finns även diskussionsfrågor för mindre grupper eller helklass. Serien passar lika bra att arbeta med individuellt som i grupp.

Reading Rockets A passar för åk 3–4 . Kolla även Reading

Rockets B, C och D!

ISBN 978-91-7823050-1

9 789178 230501

Reading Rockets A omslag.indd 1-2

2019-02-13 11:21

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