Lene Syversen
READING R CKETS C Lästräning i engelska
Reading Rockets är lästräning i engelska för åk 3–7. Varje bok innehåller ett tjugotal texter av varierad längd i olika genrer. Allt från enkla instruktioner, intressanta och knasiga fakta till dialoger, sagor, myter, rim och ramsor, samt en tecknad Shakespeare i varje bok. Till varje text tränas elevernas förmåga att förstå ”the main idea”, men även deras förmåga att läsa mellan raderna. Det finns ordförståelseövningar till varje text som bygger ut och utvecklar elevernas ordförråd. I de senare böckerna finns även diskussionsfrågor för mindre grupper eller helklass. Serien passar lika bra att arbeta med individuellt som i grupp.
Reading Rockets C passar för åk 5–6 . Kolla även Reading
Rockets A, B och D!
ISBN 978-91-7823052-5
9 789178 230525
Reading Rockets A omslag.indd 9-10
2019-02-13 11:21
Bonnierförlagen Lära utvecklar alla sina läromedel tillsammans med Lärarpanelen, en referensgrupp som består av undervisande lärare runtom i Sverige. Vill du vara med? Mejla hejlara@bonnierforlagenlara.se och skriv ”Lärarpanelen” i ämnesraden!
Reading Rockets C ISBN 9789178230525 © 2018 Bonnierförlagen Lära AB Originalutgåva: Rookie Reading Lesetrening i engelsk Författare: Lene Syversen © 2014 GAN Aschehoug, Oslo
Illustrationer och omslagsillustrationer: Thor W. Kristensen Översättning: Anna Granlund Form: Framnes Tekst og Bilde AS, Marit Messing Omslag: Marit Messing Produktionsledare: Merete Lind Första upplagan 1 Tryck BALTO Print, Litauen, 2019
Detta verk är skyddat av upprätttshovslagen. Kopiering, utöver lärares och elevers rätt att kopiera för undervisningbruk enligt BONUS-avtal, är förbjuden. BONUS-avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsarnordnare. Intrång i upphovsmannens rättigheter enligt upphovsrättslagen kan medföra straff. Såväl analog som digiotal kopiering regleras i BONUS-avtalet. Läs mer på www.bonuscopyright.se.
Reading Rockets A omslag.indd 11-12
2019-02-13 11:21
Lene Syversen
READING R CKETS C Lästräning i engelska
Reading Rockets C.indd 1
2019-02-09 13:46
Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20
Cornflake Cakes Make Your Own Compass Body Ratios Rugby for Rookies Black Bart – a Robber and a Poet Be(e) Kind!
4 6 8 10 12 14
The Rainbow Picture Writing Hadrian’s Wall The Giant Panda Some Silly Stories Tongue Twisters A Family Visit The Scariest Monster Ever! Cab Driving Daniel’s Super Team Every Cloud has a Silver Lining Macbeth Packing List Christmas in South Africa
16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Glossary – Chapter by chapter
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Instructions 1 2 3 4 5
The text
Read the text on the left-hand page carefully.
Main idea
What is the text about? Read carefully and choose the best answer.
Answer the questions. There is only one correct answer.
New words
Put the four words from the text into other sentences.
Do it!
Different tasks for you to do in pairs, groups or with the whole class.
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Chapter 1 Cornflake cakes
You need: 25 g butter 2 tablespoons syrup 1 tablespoon cocoa 2 tablespoons sugar 7 tablespoons cornflakes 20 small baking cups (muffin cups)
Feeling peckish? Would you like something sweet? Why not try a cornflake cake! It’s easy to make and it doesn’t even have to go in the oven!
How to do it Put the 20 cups on a baking tray.
Slowly heat the butter and syrup in a saucepan. Heat until the butter has melted. Stir the sugar and cocoa into the saucepan and let it heat for about 2 minutes. Lift the saucepan away from the heat and turn the hob off. Mix the cornflakes with the batter quickly, but carefully. Make sure the batter covers all the flakes. Use two teaspoons to fill the muffin cups.
Now the difficult part: WAIT while it cools down! –While you wait you could think of this: How to divide the cakes between your friends and family?
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) How to make sweet cakes d) How to make a mess in the kitchen
Questions Choose the right answer.
a) How to make a dinner dish b) How to make a dish that needs to be baked in the oven
a. It doesn’t say. You have to try and see. b. Under “You need” and “How to do it”. c. It says only under “You need”.
2 Which ingredients do you need to make the cornflakecakes?
a. Butter, coconut, sugar, cornflakes and syrup b. Butter, cocoa, honey, cornflakes and sugar c. Butter, cocoa, sugar, syrup and cornflakes
3 What is the most difficult part of making the cornflakecakes?
a. Remembering to add all the ingredients b. Remembering to ask for help c. Remembering to wait for the cakes to cool down
1 Where does it say how many cornflakecakes you can make out of this recipe?
New words Choose the right word. peckish
baking cups
1 Be careful of the _______________! I just turned it off and it is still very warm! 2 She was still _____________! And she had just eaten a lovely dessert! 3 He couldn’t find the _____________ in the kitchen cupboard, so he had to buy some new ones.
4 If you don’t ___________ the soup, it will burn.
How many kinds of desserts can you think of in five minutes? Make a list. Choose one dessert and describe it. Let your classmate guess which dessert you are describing.
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Chapter 2 Make Your Own Compass
There is one tool that will always guide you home, and that is a compass. But what can you do if you forget to pack this useful tool in your survival kit? (And your mobile is out of battery!) Easy! Just look for a pool of water and float a needle on top of it! Well, there’s a little bit more you have to do, but you can do it at home or in your classroom with just a few tools.
You need: • a sewing needle • a magnet (make sure it has a “north”/”south” distinction) • some wax paper • a pair of scissors • a red marker (make sure it is water proof!) • a bowl • some water
How to do it: 1. Have you ever magnetized a needle? No? Well, here’s your chance! To magnetize your sewing needle, rub one end of the needle with the “north” pole of your magnet 50 times. Use the red marker to colour this end of the needle. 2. Rub the “south” pole of your magnet against the other end of the sewing needle. (The end that’s not red.) 3. Use a pair of scissors to cut a circle about 2.5 cm in diameter out of the wax paper.
4. Carefully thread the needle through the wax paper circle (as if you were sewing). Leave the needle half-way through the wax paper. (See picture.) 5. Float the wax paper on the surface of the water. The ends of the needle should be facing up. (See picture.) 6. While the needle and paper float on the surface of the water, watch what happens: The needle will rotate on the surface of the water! The red end of the needle will point north!
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2019-02-09 13:46
Main idea Choose the right answer. c) Learn how to sew. d) Learn how to wax paper.
Questions Choose the right answer.
a) Learn how to make a useful tool. b) Have fun with water in your classroom.
a. If you get lost, it can help you find your way home. b. It will help you charge your mobile phone. c. It will help you find water.
2 Why do you need a red marker to make a compass?
a. To colour the whole sewing needle. That makes it easier to find in your backpack. b. To colour the “north” end of the sewing needle. All compasses have a red end that points to the north. c. To colour the water in the bowl red.
1 Why is it useful to know how to make a compass?
3 Which strategy is the most useful when you read instructions?
a. Skim through the text and call for help. b. Read the text bit by bit, following the instructions. c. Don’t read any of the instructions, just copy what your classmates do.
New words Choose the right word. sewing needle
wax paper
1 ____________ is water proof and often used in cooking. 2 Sometimes it can be hard to get the thread through the eye of a _____________. 3 A hammer is a useful _______________ for a carpenter.
4 To ______________ is the same as to turn around.
Do it!
Try to make a compass at home or at school.
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Chapter 3 Body Ratios
People come in all shapes and sizes, but there are some things that are pretty consistent in most people. Check this out! Use your body and test your “ratios”!
• When you hold your arms out wide, the distance from fingertip to fingertip is about the same as your height. • The length of your nose is about as big as your ear. • The width of your mouth is approximately as big as your ear. • The length of your foot is the same as the distance around your fist. • The distance around your thumb multiplied by 8 is close to your waist size. • The length from your wrist to your elbow is about the same as the length of your foot. • Your foot is pretty much as long as your face. • The height from your knee down is about twice the length of your foot. • Your hand is approximately 1/10 of your height.
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) Learn how to get better at gymnastics.
b) Have some fun and check if the ratios are correct.
d) Learn how to make a fool of yourself.
Questions Choose the right answer. a. big toe b. thumb c. nose
2 Your ears are the same length as your…
a. Your thumb b. Your head c. Your big toe
1. Which body part can you measure and multiply by 8 to find your waist size?
a) Learn how to get better at multiplying.
3 Do you think the ratios are approximate measures or precise measures?
a. Precise measures. b. The ratios are silly because children grow and everyone is different. c. Approximate measures.
New words Choose the right word. consistent
1 Did you know that the ____________ of the Swedish flag are 6:1:2:1:12 horizontally and 6:1:2:1:6 vertically?
2 Sometimes it’s warm and sometimes it’s freezing cold. The weather in Sweden is never ____________!
3 I don’t know exactly when I’ll be there. It will be at _______________ ten o’clock.
4 The word ________ is useful when you compare two things. It means almost the same as proportion.
Do it!
Check out your ratios! You can do the measuring yourself or get help from a friend. Are the ratios you find in the text more or less correct?
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Chapter 4 Rugby for Rookies
Both rugby and football have goals with two posts and a crossbar. The main difference is that in football you score a goal by putting the ball in the net below the crossbar, while in rugby you score a goal by kicking the ball above the crossbar. In rugby you also score points by getting the ball across the other team’s goal line (this is called a “try”). In football, that would only mean that you lose the ball to the other team.
2 The goal and how you score
1 The ball Rugby has an oval ball and football has a round ball.
What is the difference between rugby and football?
3 Hands or feet? In football only the goalkeeper is allowed to pick up the ball with his or her hands but in rugby everybody can use their hands.
4 Tackling In rugby you may tackle the player with the ball above the knees and below the shoulders. In football this is strictly forbidden. The referee would probably blow the whistle and give you a red card!
5 Advancing the ball and passing In football you pass the ball with your feet and you may pass it both forwards and backwards. In rugby however, passing the ball means throwing the ball with your hands to another player on your team, and you can only pass backwards on the pitch. The main way of getting the ball forward in rugby is by holding it under your arm and running with it.
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) Learn about the differences between rugby and American football. d) Learn how to score a goal.
Questions Choose the right answer.
a) Learn about the differences between rugby and football. b) Learn the rules of football.
a. It is round. b. It is square. c. It is oval.
2 What happens to a rugby player if he tackles another player by grabbing his waist?
a. The referee will blow the whistle and hand out a red card. b. The referee will send the player who’s been tackled, off the pitch and into the changing room. c. Nothing. Rugby players are allowed to tackle each other above the knees and below the shoulders.
3 How do you advance the ball in rugby?
a. By throwing the ball forward to another team-mate b. By running and holding the ball under your arm c. By running and hiding the ball under you sweatshirt
1. Describe the rugby ball.
New words Choose the right word. crossbar
1 The rugby ball went over the ____________. It’s a goal! 2 “They are moving up the field! The team is ___________!” the commentator shouted. 3 To find the differences between rugby and American football, you have to make a
4 The ______________ is a person who makes certain that the rules are followed.
Make a list
What other sports can you name in English? Write a list. Compare lists with a classmate. Add new sports to your list.
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11 2019-02-09 13:46
Chapter 5
Have you ever heard of a criminal who robbed people, taking all their money and valuables, and left them – with a poem? Here is the strange story of Black Bart: Black Bart’s real name was Charles Bowles and he was born in England in 1829. His family moved to America when he was just a baby and he grew up on a small farm in California. Like many other young men at that time, he spent many years looking for gold in the Californian mountains. And like many other young men, he didn’t find any. At some point, Charles Bowles gave up gold digging and started to rob people travelling on stagecoaches. Known as “Black Bart”, he robbed at least 28 stage coaches in Northern California between 1875 and 1883. He was quite successful, often taking thousands of dollars a year.
Black Bart – a Robber and a Poet
Black Bart was clearly different from other criminals. A couple of times he left little poems with the people he robbed. He was afraid of horses and made all of his robberies on foot. Black Bart was always very polite and never used rude language. When robbing a stagecoach he said things like: “Please throw down the box and nobody will get hurt.” He dressed in a long black coat and a bowler hat, using a sack with holes cut for his eyes as a mask. He had a gun, but he never shot anyone. He became famous as “Black Bart the Poet”.
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He was finally arrested and sentenced to six years in prison, but he was released after four years for good behaviour.
Here I lay me down to sleep To wait the coming morrow, Perhaps success, perhaps defeat, And everlasting sorrow. Let come what will, I’ll try it on, My condition can’t be worse; And if there’s money in that box It’s money in my purse. — Black Bart
2019-02-09 13:46
Main idea Choose the right answer.
Questions Choose the right answer.
c) “Black Bart” got rich digging for gold. d) All robbers used to leave poems for the people they robbed.
a) Robbing other people makes you polite. b) Being a criminal and a poet is a strange combination.
a. He didn’t find any gold. b. He wanted to go back home to England. c. He found enough gold to set up a new business with stagecoaches.
2 Why did Charles do the robbing on foot?
a. Because he was afraid of the coachman b. Because he was afraid of horses c. Because he was afraid of getting stuck in traffic
1 Why did Charles give up gold digging?
3 Why did Charles get released two years earlier than his sentence called for?
a. Charles frightened the prison guards b. Charles got into a fight with another prisoner c. Charles behaved very well
New words Choose the right word. behaviour
1 His _____________ is excellent! What a role model! 2 The _______________ were usually pulled by four horses. 3 They didn’t bring any of their ________________ on the trip. They were afraid they would get stolen.
4 They were ______________ for the crime they had done.
What do you think of Charles Bowles’ way of robbing people? Compare Charles “Black Bart” with Robin Hood. What do you think is similar and what is different?
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2019-02-09 13:46
Chapter 6 Be(e) kind!
Bumblebees are in trouble! Wildflowers have been disappearing from the countryside and that means less food for the bumblebee. The bumblebee feeds on the nectar and pollen inside flowers. But not all bumblebees can eat from every kind of flower because of the length of their tongue. When certain flowers are difficult to find, some species of bumblebees may not survive. Fewer bumblebees means fewer insects to pollinate plants, and that means fewer plants – plants that give us flowers, fruits and berries. But we can all help save bumblebees by growing bee-friendly flowers in our gardens. Here are three simple tips:
1. Plant bee-friendly plants It doesn’t matter if you have a big garden or a small balcony; use the space to plant bee-friendly plants. The plants can give the bumblebees nectar the whole season.
2. Avoid spraying poison Bumblebees might enjoy towns better than the countryside! The reason is that in towns you have parks, gardens and balconies with different flowers blooming from early spring to late autumn. And people don’t spray! (Well, if you know somebody that does, tell them to stop! It will harm the lives of other animals, not only insects).
3. Let your garden grow wild! (The grownups might like this one!) Bumblebees need many different wild flowers that grow in nature. Let your garden be as “natural” as possible! Let dandelions and other weeds grow wild in the lawn!
Be(e) kind – keep buzzy!
14 Reading Rockets C.indd 14
2019-02-09 13:46
Main idea Choose the right answer.
a) They have less food and some species are endangered. b) They can’t fly long distances. c) They are very greedy insects and have eaten all the nectar.
1 Why are bumblebees in trouble?
Questions Choose the right answer.
c) To learn about living in the countryside d) To learn how to help bumblebees find enough nectar
a) To learn facts about the life-cycle of the bumblebees b) To learn about living in town
2 What can you do to help the bumblebees?
a) Plant flowers, don’t spray and don’t pick weeds. b) Pick flowers and weeds, but don’t spray. c) Pick flowers and weeds, and spray well.
3 Why do you think the grownups will like tip number three?
a) It gives them a good reason for not doing a lot of gardening. b) They like to work in the garden. c) They like dandelions in the lawn.
New words Choose the right word. lawn
1 The grass has grown so long. I have to mow the ___________. 2 I try to grow flowers in my garden, but I only get _________.
3 I love making crowns out of ______________. Have you tried? So yellow and bright! 4 There are around 25,000 known __________ of bees in the world.
Draw a map and make a list Draw a map of the schoolyard with a suggestion of where to place flowerbeds. Make a list of the things you will need to make a bee-friendly flowerbed.
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Chapter 7 Alphabet Rhyme Bifrost The Vikings in Norway believed that the rainbow really was a bridge called Bifrost. The bridge separated Asgard, the home of the gods, from Midgard, where humans lived. Bifrost was magical. One end was fixed to a large mountain in Asgard, but the other end moved all the time. Therefore no humans could cross Bifrost. The bridge was guarded by a real superhero: Heimdal. He needed almost no sleep, he could see for 50 miles and he could hear the grass grow. The best guard in the world!
Leprechauns You can often hear stories about leprechauns in Ireland. A leprechaun is a type of elf that looks like a small man. He wears green clothes and has pointy ears. The leprechaun earns money making shoes for the elves. He has a pot filled with gold hidden away at the end of the rainbow. If you catch a leprechaun, maybe he’ll give you some gold for his freedom. If he refuses, you can turn him upside down and shake him. He will then turn into a four-leaf clover and you can make a wish.
A rainbow is very beautiful. You might say it’s almost magical. That’s probably why so many stories have been told about it.
The Rainbow Serpent In Australia there are many stories about the Rainbow Serpent and one story tells how the serpent made rivers and lakes. The Rainbow Serpent was a huge snake slithering along making many holes and paths. One day the serpent met some frogs. They were sleeping and their stomachs were full of water because they had slept for so long. The Rainbow Serpent tickled the frogs and when they laughed, all the water ran out and into the holes and paths the serpent had made. And that’s how lakes and rivers were made.
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Iris In ancient Greece there was a goddess called Iris. She was the goddess of the rainbow and a messenger between gods and men. Every time it rained, she flew with her golden wings to the sea. There she fetched water to pour on the clouds, making them rain. This gave water to animals, plants and humans. Next time you see the rainbow, why not make your own story about it? Where does it come from? What can be found at the other end? Use our imagination!
2019-02-09 13:46
Main idea Choose the right answer.
a) To learn both facts and fiction about the c) To learn where and how to find a pot of gold rainbow b) To learn all the myths that have ever been d) To learn how to write a story told about the rainbow
1 Who was the Rainbow Serpent?
a) A small snake b) A big snake c) A frog
a) The Irish b) The frog c) The leprechauns
2 Who is dressed in green?
Questions Choose the right answer.
3 Why can’t humans cross Bifrost?
a) The bridge is slippery. b) The bridge is transparent. c) One end of the bridge moves.
New words Choose the right word. elf
1 An __________ is a magical being you can read about in fairytales. 2 They went ________________ down the muddy hill. 3 A ____________ is another name for snake. 4 ________________ is another word for very old.
Draw and describe Draw one of the figures from the stories. Tell your partner about it.
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Chapter 8 Picture Writing
Every day you communicate in writing. You send text messages, e-mails and pictures to other people. Often, when writing to friends you’ll use “emoticons” instead of words to save time. Sometimes you may feel that a picture expresses what you feel even better than words. Do you think using pictures instead of letters is a modern idea? The fact is that “picture writing” was invented and used long before the mobile phone and the computer. Here are some examples: Each flag represent a letter, a number or a special message. Here are the letters:
Rock carvings and rock paintings Even Stone Age people wanted to communicate by using pictures. They carved or painted on rocks and in caves. Some of these pictures are still here today. The oldest of them are more than 40,000 years old! The pictures often show animals or people, but some of them look like abstract figures. We can’t really know why they made these pictures so all we can do is guess.
Hieroglyphs The early Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphs 5,000 years ago. There are more than 750 pictures in the hieroglyph alphabet and the Egyptians used them to write on papyrus, on walls and on pyramids.
Signal flags Signal flags have been used since the beginning of the 1800s as a way to identify ships and send messages from ship to ship. Even today, signal flags are carried by all large ships.
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Information signs You probably don’t think much about it, but you “read” pictures around you every day. These pictures are symbols on different signs. Some of them tell you what to do, what not to do or where to find something. Many symbols are international, meaning that they are almost the same in every country of the world.
2019-02-09 13:46
Main idea Choose the right answer.
c) Learn how to draw d) Pictures have been, and are still in use when communicating.
a) Writing with pictures is a new way of communication. b) Writing with pictures is something people stopped doing when mobiles and computers were invented.
Questions Choose the right answer.
a. The Egyptians b. The Stone Age people c. The Vikings
1 Who used the hieroglyphs?
2 What do the rock carvings show?
a. Houses, people and abstract figures b. Maps of hunting grounds c. People, animals and abstract figures
3 Why do large ships carry signal flags?
a. For fun b. To see which way the wind blows c. To identify ships and to send messages from ship to ship
New words Choose the right word. expresses
1 He had to ______________ all the answers on the test. He didn’t know any of them! 2 The song _______________ just how she feels. In love! 3 They _____________ a heart with their initials into the tree trunk.
4 Can you imagine only ____________ by sending letters?
Do it!
“Write” a message to a classmate using signal flags. Exchange messages and see if you can solve it.
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Chapter 9
Hadrian’s Wall is over 1,800 years old and stretches 118 kilometres across England, from Solway to Wallsend. It was originally around 5 metres tall and in some places 3 metres wide. It was built to mark the northern border of the Roman Empire, and to keep the “barbarians” – the Scots – out. Julius Caesar and his Roman soldiers invaded Britain in 55 BC and took control of most of Britain. For the next 500 years the Romans ruled England and Wales – But not Scotland! In the year 122 AD Emperor Hadrian decides he wanted a wall across the North of England. He wanted to keep the wild and dangerous Scots out! Engineers, workers and masons from all across the Roman Empire built the Wall. They began in 122 AD and it took them about 6 years to finish it. It was built with gates for merchants and travellers to pass through, a bit like the customs areas at airports and borders today.
Hadrian’s Wall
food, weapons and other supplies, and often a hospital. A bathhouse with a latrine* normally lay outside the fort. Little villages and towns grew up around the Roman forts, where merchants had their shops and lived with their families and slaves. The wives and families of the soldiers probably lived there too. The soldiers came from all over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Many English soldiers also joined the Roman army.
Forts There were many forts along the wall. A Roman fort contained houses where the soldiers ate and slept. There was also a large house for the commander and his family, a workshop, buildings for storing
The wall today The Romans finally left Hadrian’s Wall in 402 AD, but you can still see parts of it today. Many tourists come to Hadrian’s Wall to see what is left of the wall and of the forts. Walking along the wall is a popular thing to do, but if you want to walk the whole distance, you have to be prepared to walk for more than six days!
*A latrine is a very simple old-fashioned toilet
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Main idea Choose the right answer.
Questions Choose the right answer.
c) Learn about the Berlin Wall. d) Learn about a historic wall in Britain.
a) Compare Hadrian’s Wall to the Great Wall of China. b) Learn about how the Scots lived.
a. To make a popular tourist attraction. b. To keep the Scots out of the Roman Empire. c. To keep the British separated from the Roman Empire.
2 Why do you think the place is called “Wallsend”?
a. Emperor Hadrian only knew two words in English: “wall” and “end”. b This is where the wall ends. c. Emperor Hadrian’s last name was Wall.
3 What is BC short for?
a. British Control b. Before Christ c. Before Caesar
1 Why was the wall built?
New words Choose the right word. border
Roman Empire
1 A _____________ is a person who buys and sells things. 2 Augustus is regarded as the first emperor of the ________________. 3 A _____________ is the same as a bricklayer.
4 The Rio Grande is a natural ________________ between the US and Mexico.
They didn’t take photos in Roman times. So how do we know all this about Hadrian’s Wall? Discuss with a classmate.
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Chapter 10 The Giant Panda
The good news is that giant panda numbers are slowly increasing, thanks to several successful projects. New panda reserves have been created. By following new bamboo “corridors” from one bamboo forest to another, the pandas can move to new areas, find more food and meet each other.
The giant panda is one of the most popular animals in the world and the rarest member of the bear family. It is also unfortunately an endangered species. The giant panda is a peaceful creature with distinctive black and white fur, and has been the World Wide Fund for Nature’s (WWF) logo since 1961. The giant panda is a national symbol of China, where it lives in the wild. Even though the giant panda is popular and adored, it has been made almost extinct. That is because it is losing its habitat, the bamboo forest. The bamboo forest is cut down to give room to other plants that can feed the fast growing Chinese population. Bamboo is also used as fuel and building material. Giant pandas need lots of bamboo and a lot of space to survive, but they also need to meet other pandas occasionally. If not, there will be no new panda babies.
Facts: • The giant panda lives in the bamboo forest in the south-west of China. • They eat almost only bamboo. • They live by themselves, and meet up with other pandas only now and then. • They can weigh up to 160 kg and live between 10-15 years. • The giant panda eats about 13 kg of bamboo every day.
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) Learn about bamboo. d) Learn how to tame a giant panda.
a) Learn about one endangered species and what can be done to prevent it becoming extinct. b) Learn about many different endangered species.
Questions Choose the right answer.
a. The World Wide Web b. The World Wide Fund for Nature c. The World Wide Fund for Animals
2 Why is the giant panda population at risk of being extinct?
a. Giant pandas are easy to spot for a hunter with their black and white fur. b. Their habitat is getting smaller. c. Their habitat is getting bigger.
3 Why do people cut down the bamboo forest?
a. To make food and fuel for people b. To give room for popstars and their big houses c. Because people want the giant panda to live somewhere else
1 Which organization uses the giant panda as their logo?
New words Choose the right word. increase
1 To ______________ means to grow bigger. 2 A type of animal that is almost extinct is an __________ species. 3 A ___________ is the home of an animal or a plant.
4 There are no more dodos in the world. The dodo is an _________ animal.
Find out
Make a list of endangered animals. Compare your list with a classmate. Make a class list of endangered animals.
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Chapter 11 Some Silly Stories
Mr Steel’s New Car Wheel “It’s a deal”, said Mr Steel and paid O’Neil for his new car wheel. Mr Steel made a deal with O’Neil over a (very expensive) roast veal meal. “Mr Steel, you have made a super business deal”, said O’Neil. And Mr Steel could not conceal the joy he did feel about the new car wheel. But the deal Mr Steel had made with O’Neil wasn’t such a great deal. Mr Steel’s new wheel was made from orange peel! (It was all quite surreal!)
Walter the Weasel Walter the weasel watched with wonder how his fur went white in winter. “Wonderful, woolly and white”, he whispered and watched himself in the reflection of the icy lake. “What a wicked winter coat”, howled the king’s watchdog as she walked by. “But watch out! You wouldn’t want to leave these woods and end up on the king’s royal winter cape, would you? You see, weasels have been killed and wrapped around the wealthy king’s neck many times. I’m a watch dog! I have seen it happen more than once!” Walter walked along with the king’s watch dog for a while. What could go wrong? Well, while walking away from the woods, Walter got whacked on the head by a warden. Walter is now wrapped around the king’s winter cape. “Farewell, Walter! Farewell! ”
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) Read nonsense and maybe learn some new words. d) Read facts about a wheel and a weasel.
a) Learn how to seal a business deal. b) Learn how to catch a weasel.
Questions Choose the right answer.
a. Nothing, they had breakfast. b. Roast beef c. Roast veal
2 What went wrong with Mr Steel’s business deal?
a. Mr Steel got tricked by O’Neil. b. Mr Steel fell asleep and O’Neil went home. c. Mr Steel’s car got stolen.
3 What happened to Walter the weasel?
a. He lived happily ever after. b. He died. c. He married the watch dog.
1 What did Mr Steel and O’Neil have for dinner?
New words Choose the right word. whacked
1 He slipped on the banana _________________ and bumped his head badly. 2 _____________ is another word for hide. 3 You don’t want to get ______________ on the head! It’s painful!
4 _____________ is a small animal, with a long body and short legs.
Do it!
Make a drawing of Mr Steel’s car or the king’s winter cape.
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Chapter 12 Tongue Twisters
“Tongue twisters” are words and sentences that are particularly difficult to say. Some of them are made from normal sentences and make perfect sense and some of them are just silly.
Tongue twisters exist in every language. Here are some that are well-known in English: on the sea shore. She sells seashells re. are seashells, I’m su lls se e sh ls el sh e Th
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could ch uck wood?
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
To begin to toboggan, firs t buy a toboggan. But don’t buy too big a to boggan!
Wunwun was a race horse. Tutu was one, too. Wunwun won one race. Tutu won one, too.
d’s Ken Dodd’s da
dog’s dead.
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) Make a fool of yourself. d) Learn some important words and sentences in English.
a) Practice and improve your pronunciation. b) Get your tongue twisted so you need to see a doctor.
1 Who would chuck wood if he could?
a. Peter Piper b. Ken Dodd c. A woodchuck
a. Buy a toboggan. b. Wait for your friend. c. Wait for it to snow.
2 What is the first thing you have to do when you want to toboggan?
Questions Choose the right answer.
3 Who were Tutu and Wunwun?
a. Two men with horses b. Two horses c. Two race tracks
New words Choose the right word. toboggan
pickled peppers
1 You use your ___________ to taste something. 2 It is fun to go sledging on a _______________. 3 My grandmother made jars of _________________ every year. 4 A groundhog is another name for a ___________. It’s an animal that lives in
North America.
Do it!
Practise the tongue twisters until you can say them easily. Can you make your own tongue twister as well?
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Chapter 13 A Family Visit
They enter the arrival hall and Zoe runs up to the information monitors. A big grin spreads across her face. She has butterflies in her stomach as she reads “Bag on band”. They’ll be here any minute now! Zoe looks at the people waiting by the sliding doors, just like her. It strikes her how happy everybody looks! Some have flowers. Zoe didn’t bring any, but she is going to give her family a big hug when they arrive! They are only a few minutes away! The doors are opening, but no, nobody she knows. She can see somebody waving. Hugs! Laughter! Smiles! Flowers! The doors close. Zoe waits. The same happens again and again. ”It goes on forever! “ Zoe thinks. She looks at the travellers’ plastic bags and suitcase tags to see where they come from. She tries to hear if anybody speaks English with a Manchester accent. The sliding doors keep opening and closing. The “bag on band”- loop keeps rolling in her head until… finally! There they are!
Zoe and her dad are on their way to the airport to pick up her aunt, uncle and cousins who are visiting from England. She can hardly wait to see them! Zoe has been counting down for the last month! Finally, it’s time!
Zoe runs towards them. Her dad is right behind her. Smiles, laughter and big hugs to everybody! But then, just for a split second, she remembers the departure hall, one floor up. All the farewells… She can feel a lump building in her throat. She’ll be there in just a week, waving farewell outside the safety barriers. No, she doesn’t want to think about that now. She wants to enjoy the moment.
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Main idea Choose the right answer.
Questions Choose the right answer.
c) How to get to the airport and back home d) Instructions about where to get flowers
a) A story about looking forward to something b) A story about not looking forward to something
a. They are at the train station. b. They are on holiday in England. c. They are at the airport.
2 What keeps looping in Zoe’s head?
a. Bag on band b. Bad band c. Dad on band
3 Why is Zoe impatient?
1 Where are Zoe and her dad?
a. She is looking forward to seeing her family. b. She wants to watch the planes take off at the airport. c. She is hungry and wants to go home.
New words Choose the right word. sliding doors
1 He nearly got stuck in the ___________ as they were closing. 2 They were looking for the ___________ sign. 3 A ______ is another word for a smile.
4 He felt _____________ and could hardly wait!
Think, pair and share How many airport words can you come up with? Make a list. Pair and share with a classmate. Pair and share with two other classmates. How many words did the four of you get on your list?
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Chapter 14 The Scariest Monster Ever!
Daniel: –Wow, Darth Vader must be the coolest bad guy ever! That wheezing sound he makes when he speaks gives me the creeps.
Zoe is visiting her cousins Daniel and Fiona in England. They have just watched an old Star Wars film together.
Fiona: – OK, what is the scariest or coolest monster ever? And forget Star Wars. That’s just for kids. Daniel: – What do you mean? Are you crazy? What monster could possibly be worse than Darth Vader?
Fiona: – Zombies, obviously! And Darth Vader is no monster; he’s just a disturbed human. No, it has to be zombies, because they just come at you, no matter what, to eat your brains.
Daniel: – I’ll admit that zombies are not nice. But what about vampires? They drink your blood and turn you into a vampire, too. They vanish in a puff of smoke and can only be killed by a stake through the heart. Zoe, what do think? Zoe: – In Sweden we have trolls. They are bigger than houses, as stupid as they come and want to eat you for breakfast. They live inside the mountains and only come out at night. People say sunlight will turn them into stones, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
Daniel: – That is scary but I still think vampires are worse. Fiona: – You know what, I have another suggestion. I just read that we, humans, have cut down half of all the rain forests in the world. We are destroying about 4,000 football fields of forest per hour! If we continue like this, we will soon have no rain forests left –and we ruin the climate, too. We will soon have killed the whole planet! Zoe: – That is really scary! Daniel: – Agreed! I think we have a winner: US!
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) To learn how to plant a rain forest. d) To understand how much damage humans do.
Questions Choose the right answer.
a) How to win a monster contest. b) To learn what monsters eat.
a. We kill vampires. b. We do bad things to our planet. c. We hunt trolls.
2 How is a vampire killed?
a. By a puff of smoke b. By a stake through its brain c. By a stake through the heart
1 What makes humans “monsters”?
3 Which monsters are mentioned in the text?
a. Trolls, vampires, zombies and Darth Vader b. Trolls, vampires, Zumba dancers and Darth Vader c. Trolls, vampires, zombies and Dark Wader
New words Choose the right word. vanish
1 Has your teacher ever made that squeaky sound with the chalk on the blackboard? That sound gives me the ___________! 2 Some people make a ____________ sound when they breathe. 3 My puppy keeps eating my homework! It’s completely _________________!
4 ______________ is another word for disappear.
Do it!
Make a drawing of Darth Vader, a zombie or a vampire. Let your partner draw a copy according to your instructions.
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Chapter 15
They go outside and almost at once a black London cab shows up.
Zoe and Fiona are in London. They are going to the cinema to see a film. They have tickets to the Odeon for the two o’clock show. But suddenly they are too late to take the underground and have to get a taxi.
Cab Driving
Cab driver: Where to, miss?
Fiona: We’re going to the cinema, the Odeon, please. Do you know where that is? Cab driver: Not really, there are many cinemas in London called the Odeon, I’m afraid. Do you know which one you’re going to? Fiona: The one at Marble Arch, I think. Isn’t that right, Zoe? Zoe: I think so. But can there really be that many Odeons in London? Cab driver: I think there might be more than 20, miss.
Zoe: Oh, I see. Do you know where all of them are?
Cab driver: I might have to check one or two, but the rest, yes. Zoe: But how do you know all this? London is such a big city!
Cab driver: Well, I’ve been a cab driver for a long time and you learn as you go along. And to become a cab driver, you have to take a test. You have to know 320 basic routes. There are about 25,000 street names and 20,000 places of interest, so there’s quite a lot. Zoe: That’s insane! It’s impossible to hold all that in your head! Cab driver: Well, maybe, but still … Fiona: Oh, there’s the cinema! In good time as well! Zoe: Thank you, mister; you’ve surely earned your pay.
Cab driver: Thank you, miss. That’ll be £4.50, please. Enjoy the film!
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Main idea Choose the right answer.
Questions Choose the right answer.
c) Learn how to find your way around in London by tube. d) Learn a little about a cab driver’s job.
a) London cabs are yellow. b) It is very easy to become a cab driver in London. You just pick up customers.
a. There is only one Odeon in London, and it is huge! b. There are between 10 and 20 Odeon cinemas in London. c. There are over 20 Odeon cinemas in London.
2 Why did Zoe and Fiona get a cab?
a. They wanted to go sightseeing on their way to the cinema. b. They were in a hurry. c. They didn’t get a cab. Fiona’s father drove them to the cinema.
3 What did Zoe and Fiona mean by “you’ve surely earned your pay”?
1 How many Odeons are there in London?
a. The cab driver has to remember a lot of street names and many different places; he deserves the money he gets payed. b. Zoe and Fiona think that the cab driver is charging too much for the taxi ride. c. The cab driver doesn’t want to get paid.
earned your pay
New words Choose the right word. cab
places of interest
1 A ___________ is another name for a taxi.
2 She had to _______________ her bank account to see if she had any money. 3 There are fewer ___________________ in Oslo than in London. 4 You have worked really hard, so you have really __________________!
How many places of interest in London can you think of in five minutes? Compare your list to a classmate’s list.
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Chapter 16 Daniel’s Super Team “I wonder which star I’ll get? Maybe Zlatan?” he said to himself. But there was nobody among the twelve players that he had even heard of before. “Bad luck!” said Sean. “It doesn’t happen very often. Most of the time you get at least one or two really famous players. Better luck next time”. Then Sean had to go home and Daniel was alone. Alone with his not-so-Super Team…
It all started a couple of weeks ago when Daniel’s friend Sean came home with him after school to play the new football game UEFA 17 on Daniel’s Playbox. “Don’t you have any famous football players on your team?” Sean asked. “I have all the big stars on mine: Ronaldo, Messi, Suarez and Neuer!” Daniel was impressed. “How did you do that? You need a lot of points to get all the good players.” “No problem.” Sean said. “All you have to do is buy the Surprise Pack with twelve random players. One surprise pack costs almost nothing and you always get some of the big stars in it. Before you know it, you have a Super Team!” “That’s almost too good to be true! I want a Super Team!” Daniel shouts, “Where can I buy a Surprise Pack?” Sean showed Daniel how to buy a Surprise Pack online. It was very easy and they cost only £3 each. Daniel felt really excited as he downloaded his first Surprise Pack.
Daniel is in trouble. Serious trouble. He keeps telling himself that he’ll have to tell mum and dad about it, but he is afraid they will be angry and upset. “They’ll never trust me again!” he tells himself in the mirror.
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) Learn about famous football players. d) Things that are “too good to be true” can get you in trouble.
Questions Choose the right answer.
a) Always believe what people tell you. b) Learn how to buy things online.
1 How do you think Daniel felt after a) Disappointed because he didn’t get any good he downloaded the first Surprise Pack? players. b) Happy because he had got what he wanted. c) Angry because he didn’t beat Sean. a) He stopped buying Surprise Packs. b) He bought many more Surprise Packs. c) He started to do his homework.
3 Why was Daniel in trouble, do you think?
a) He quarrelled with Sean and Sean left his house. b) He had spent a lot of money buying things online. c) He had broken the mirror in his room.
2 What do you think Daniel did after Sean went home?
in trouble
New words Choose the right word. impressed
1 _____________ means something that happens by chance, not planned or arranged. 2 It was difficult to find their friends ____________ all the other people.
3 You sing so well! I am really ____________! 4 If you haven’t got a ticket on the bus, you may be ________________.
Act it out
Daniel is telling his parents what he did and why he did it. What does he say and how do they react?
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Chapter 17 Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
Zoe is in Manchester. She has gone for a run in the park when a sudden rain shower surprises her. She runs to a small shop to get out of the rain. Shopkeeper: – Yes. Do you like Manchester, then?
Zoe: – Yes, it would have been better with a raincoat and a pair of wellingtons than a sweat shirt and trainers, I suppose. Do you mind if I just stand here a bit to see if it stops?
Zoe: – I love it! When it’s not raining, that is. But look, you can see some blue sky now. The clouds are breaking up.
Shopkeeper: – It’s raining cats and dogs outside, isn’t it, dearie?
Shopkeeper: – Well, every cloud has a silver lining, as they say. Because of the rain I got a new friend from Sweden today. I hope to see you again soon.
The shopkeeper: – Of course not, love. Do you live around here? Zoe: –No, I’m just visiting my cousins Daniel and Fiona.
Shopkeeper: – Ah, I know them. They live further up the road, don’t they?
Zoe: – Thank you for letting me stay in your shop. I promise to drop by to buy something later on. Shopkeeper: – No problem! Cheerio, love!
Zoe: That’s right. My name is Zoe, by the way. I come from Sweden.
Shopkeeper: – Goodness gracious, from Sweden! And you speak English so well. Better than me! My name is Aryama, which means “the sun” in India, but that doesn’t really help, does it? I could say I’m from India, but that isn’t really true since I’ve lived in Manchester all my life. Zoe: – No, you would be a “Mancunian”, wouldn’t you?
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Main idea Choose the right answer.
Questions Choose the right answer.
c) To learn about cats and dogs. d) To learn about India.
a) To learn how to distract a shopkeeper. b) To learn some common expressions in English.
a. She was shopping. b. She was going for a walk in the park. c. She was going for a run in the park.
2 What does Aryama mean in India?
a. The sun b. The moon c. A smile
1 What was Zoe doing when it started raining?
3 What did the shopkeeper mean by “Every cloud has a silver lining”?
a. The clouds were all silver grey. b. An unpleasant situation turned out nice; he got a new friend. c. He wanted to become a weather man.
New words Choose the right word. silver lining
raining cats and dogs
Goodness gracious
1 They stayed inside. It was __________________ and they didn’t have any raincoats. 2 Look on the positive side of things. Remember that every cloud has a _________________.
3 _______________________, he cried out!
4 ______________ is another way of saying goodbye.
Do it!
Make a list of typical English sayings. Ask your teacher permission to use the Internet.
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Chapter 18
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) Facts about a Scottish king. d) A story about bad choices and consequences.
Questions Choose the right answer.
a) A story about a king and a queen and their magic forest. b) A story about a king and a queen that loved surprise parties.
a. His wife, Lady Macbeth b. Three witches c. Banquo
2 Who killed King Duncan?
a. The guards b. Lady Macbeth c. Macbeth
3 Who killed Macbeth?
1 Who told Macbeth about his future?
a. Lady Macbeth b. An army c. Macbeth got lost in the magic forest and never came back.
New words Choose the right word. bough
keen on
1 A branch of a tree is a _____________. 2 Have you seen the ___________ outside the King’s Palace? 3 That was stupid of me! I ______ everything and wish I hadn’t done it.
4 He was not ______________ seeing the headmaster after he had broken the window.
Mime a word
Find five words in the text and write each word on a slip of paper. Put them upside down on the table. Pick up a word and mime it. Let your partner guess your word. Take turns.
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Chapter 19 Packing List
First she brainstorms about everything she will need during her holiday trip, and then she organizes everything into two categories: Clothes and Other. She starts with underwear, t-shirts, socks, pyjamas, a bathing suit (important to remember on this trip!), tops, shorts, jeans, a dressy outfit, a sweater and a jacket. Then dress shoes, trainers and flip-flops, a sun hat and sunglasses, and then a few accessories. It is Christmas after all!
Zoe is going to South Africa for her Christmas holiday this year and has to pack her suitcase. In December it’s winter in Sweden but summer in South Africa. She can hardly believe it! She has to look for the summer clothes that she put away several months ago.
Then the “Other” items; toothbrush, toothpaste, rinse and dental floss, a hair brush, shampoo and conditioner, hairspray, perfume and deodorant, sunscreen and after sun lotion. (Imagine: she is going to spend her Christmas holiday on the beach!) And not to forget: the first aid kit! Zoe stops to think – is that all? Now she has to find her summer clothes up in the dark and scary attic. Maybe she would ask her mum to do it…
But first she has to write a list – a packing list. She loves writing lists when preparing for a trip; it‘s a part of the whole adventure! It gives her a warm and exciting feeling in her stomach. Often she likes to rewrite the list too, first to organize it, and then just for fun and to make it look nice.
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) How to pack a suitcase. d) How to get your mom to do something for you.
Questions Choose the right answer.
a) How to organize a trip to South Africa. b) How to book a trip.
a. So her mother can read it and do the packing for her. b. To categorize the packing list. c. So she knows what to put where in her suitcase.
2 Why does Zoe have to bring her bathing suit?
a. She is going to a costume party. b. She is going to spend some time at the beach. c. The bathing suit is a Christmas gift for her friend.
3 Where does Zoe keep her summer clothes during the winter?
a. In the basement b. In the cupboard c. In the attic
1 Why does Zoe rewrite her packing list?
New words Choose the right word. adventure
first aid kit
1 When you put things that belong together in one group and other things in another group, you make _____________.
2 This box has a red cross on it. I think it is a __________. 3 An _____________ is an exciting or unusual experience.
4 ______ are things that aren’t exactly necessary, but just nice to have.
What would you pack if you were going on a trip to the mountains/ the sea/a big city? Make a list.
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Chapter 20 Christmas in South Africa
Zoe has read that South Africa has several Christmas traditions similar to the ones they have in England. That is probably because South Africa was a British colony from 1902 until 1910. Zoe is quite familiar with several of the British traditions because she has spent many Christmas holidays with her aunt and uncle in Manchester. Many people in South Africa put up a Christmas tree and children hang up their stockings for Father Christmas to fill. The Christmas dinner is often turkey or roast beef followed by Christmas pudding and mince pies, much like the Christmas meals she’s had in England. The big difference between having Christmas dinner in South Africa and having it in Manchester (or Sweden!) is that they will be eating outside, in the summer sun! Lola has told Zoe that her family always goes for a walk on the beach and end the day with a swim in the Indian Ocean! This will be Zoe’s first Christmas in a bikini, that’s for sure! But what about Father Christmas? He will be dressed up in red velvet and furs. He must be boiling in that costume!
This Christmas holiday, Zoe and her parents are going to South Africa to visit some friends. Zoe is very excited about going, first of all to see her friend Lola again, but also because she is interested in the history of South Africa. She finds it strange, but very interesting. Lola has told Zoe that it is summer in South Africa at Christmas time. Can you imagine a Christmas without snow, cold winds and warm clothes? Instead there’s lots of sun and beautiful flowers in full bloom!
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Main idea Choose the right answer. c) To learn a bit about Christmas traditions in Central Africa d) To learn a bit about Christmas traditions in South Africa
a) To learn a bit about Christmas traditions in South America b) To learn a bit about Christmas traditions in Sweden
Questions Choose the right answer.
a. She is travelling with her mother and father. b. She is travelling with her aunt and uncle. c. She is travelling alone.
2 Why will Zoe need a bikini for her Christmas holiday?
a. Zoe is giving her friend Lola a bikini as a Christmas present. b. Zoe will spend some time at the beach. c. Zoe and Lola are attending a costume party.
3 Many people in South Africa have Christmas traditions like they have in England. Why is that?
a. They like to copy England. b. South Africa used to be a British colony. c. South Africa used to be a Swedish colony.
1 Who is Zoe travelling with?
full bloom
New words Choose the right word. mince pies
1 __________ are small, fruity cakes. Yummy! 2 _________ is another word for sea.
3 The purple flowers are beautiful in ____________ . 4 Did you know that Jamaica used to be a British _________?
Make a dialogue between Zoe and Lola as they walk along the beach.
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Glossary English / svenska
Chapter 3 Body Ratios
about / här: omkring, cirka approximately / här: ungefär close to / här: nära distance / avstånd exactly / precis fingertip / fingertopp gymnastics / gymnastik height / höjd length / längd to measure / att mäta to multiply / att multiplicera precise / precis pretty consistent / nästan alltid samma pretty much / här: ganska lika proportion / (storlek) i förhållande till ratio / (storlek) i förhållande till a shape / en form size / storlek thumb / tumme toe / tå twice / dubbelt upp width / vidd
baking tray / bakplåt batter / deg to describe / att beskriva a dish / här: en maträtt to divide / att dela a hob / en värmeplatta ingredients / ingredienser to melt / att smälta to make a mess / att stöka till det peckish / småhungrig / sugen a recipe / ett recept saucepan / gryta to stir / att röra tablespoon / matsked teaspoon / tesked
Chapter 1 Cornflake Cakes
Chapter 2 Make Your Own Compass
a bowl / en skål to charge / att ladda a distinction / här: ett skall to float / att flyta to magnetize / att göra något magnetiskt a marker / en markeringspenna north / norr a pair of scissors / en sax to point / att peka a pool of water / en vattenpöl to rotate / att rotera / att snurra runt to rub / att gnida to sew / att sy a sewing needle / en synål south / söder a surface / en yta survival kit / räddningsutrustning tool / verktyg useful / nyttig wax paper / vaxpapper
Chapter 4 Rugby for Rookies
backwards / baklänges below / under a changing room / omklädningsrum a crossbar / en tvärslå (över målet) a field / här: fotbollsplan (amerikansk fotboll) forwards / anfallare a goal line / en mållinje goalkeeper / målvakt to grab / att ta, gripa to hand out / att dela ut a net / ett nät oval / oval a pitch / här: (fotbolls)plan a post / här: en stolpe a referee / en domare a rule / en regel strictly forbidden / strängt förbjudet to tackle / att tackla
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Chapter 6 Be(e) Kind!
balcony / balkong bees / bin berries / bär to bloom / att blomstra a bumblebee / en humla certain / här: vissa a crown / en krona dandelion / maskros a distance / en sträcka endangered / utrotningshotad gardening / trädgårdsarbete greedy / girig grownups / vuxna to harm / att skada a lawn / en gräsmatta life-cycle / livslängd to mow / att klippa (gräsmatta) nectar / nektar a season / en årstid a space / här: ett område
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Chapter 7 The Rainbow
ancient / ålderlig, gammal to cross / att korsa an elf – elves / en alv – alver fixed / här: fäst a four-leaf clover / en fyrklöver a god / en gud a goddess / en gudinna Greece / Grekland a guard / en vakt a human / en människa imagination / fantasi to laugh / att skratta a leprechaun / en leprechaun (en slags irländsk pyssling) messenger / budbärare myth / myt path / stig pointy / spetsig a pot / en gryta to refuse / att neka serpent / orm slippery / halkigt to slither / att glida stomach / mage to tickle / att kittla upside down / upp och ned
behaviour / uppförande a coachman / en kusk condition / tillstånd a criminal / en kriminell a defeat / en förlust gold digging / guldgrävning grew up / växte upp a guard / en vakt “morrow” = tomorrow / i morgon on foot / till fots poem / dikt polite / artig prison / fängelse a purse / en portmonnä / börs released / frisläppt to rob / att råna rude / ohövlig sentenced / här: dömd till stagecoach / diligens valuables / värdesaker
Chapter 5 Black Bart – a Robber and a Poet
species / arter to spray / att spraya to survive / att överleva weed / ogräs
a whistle / en visselpipa
Chapter 8 Picture Writing
abstract / abstrakt (något som inte föreställer en person eller en sak) a cave / en grotta to communicate / att kommunicera Egyptians / egyptier to express / att uttrycka sig hieroglyphs / hieroglyfer to identify / att identifiera, känna igen någon initials / initialer to invent / att uppfinna a letter / här: en bokstav mobile phone (UK) = cell phone
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Chapter 11 Some Silly Stories a cape / en kappa to conceal / att dölja a deal / ett avtal icy / frusen a lake / en sjö a meal / en måltid nonsense / nonsens orange peel / apelsinskal quite / ganska roast veal / stekt kalvkött royal / kunglig surreal / surrealistisk, märklig weasel / vessla to whack / att smälla till a wheel / ett hjul wicked / här: cool wonder / här: förundran woolly / av ull to wrap / att linda
across / tvärs över AD / e.Kr (efter år 0) all across / från hela area / område barbarians / barbarer BC / f.Kr (före år 0) be prepared to / vara förberedd på a border / en gräns (om länder) a commander / en ledare customs / tull emperor / kejsare empire / imperium (stort rike) engineer / ingenjör gate / port to join / att gå med i latrine / utedass a mason / en murare a merchant / en handelsman Roman / romersk to rule / att styra, härska to store / att lagra supplies / lager (av något) a traveller / en resande a village / en by a workshop / en verkstad
Chapter 9 Hadrian’s Wall
giant / jätte a habitat / en naturlig miljö in the wild / i naturen increase / öka national symbol / nationalsymbol occasionally / av och till peaceful / fredlig population / befolkning to prevent / att förhindra rare / ovanlig a reserve / ett reservat unfortunately / dessvärre
(US) / mobiltelefon probably / kanske, troligtvis rock carvings / hällristningar (grottmålningar) to solve / att lösa (en gåta, ett problem) text messages / textmeddelande tree trunk / trädstam
Chapter 10 The Giant Panda
adored / beundrad bamboo / bambu a creature / en varelse to develop / att utveckla distinctive / tydlig endangered / utrotningshotad extinct / utrotad to feed / att föda, ge mat till a forest / en skog fuel / bränsle, här: ved fur / päls
Reading Rockets C.indd 46
Chapter 12 Tongue Twisters
to chuck / här: att kasta, slänga to make perfect sense / att ge mening a peck of / gammal måttenhet = ca. 9 liter pickled peppers / syltad paprika el. chili pronunciation / uttal race horse / galopphäst sea-shell / snäckskal seashore / strandkant a sentence / en mening silly / dum, fånig a toboggan / en kälke
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insane / sinnesjuk place of interest / sevärdighet, turistmål a route / en rutt, vägen till något surely / här: säkert tube / här: T-bana underground (UK) = subway (US) / här: T-bana
Chapter 13 A Family Visit
Chapter 16 Daniel’s Super Team
Chapter 14 The Scariest Monster Ever!
according to / enligt bet on it / slå vad om det a contest / en tävling the creeps / gåshud destroy / ödelägga, förstöra disturbed / störd ever / någonsin a human / en människa a puff of smoke / en rökpuff a puppy / en valp a stake / en påle to vanish / att försvinna wheezing / väsande
Chapter 15 Cab Driving
among / bland bad luck / otur to download / att ladda ner excited / spänd, ivrig to impress / att imponera mum (UK) = mom (US) / mamma a pack / en bunt med kort random / slumpmässig to react / att regera serious / allvarlig, seriös a surprise / en överaskning to trust / att lita på to be upset / att bli upprörd
arrival / ankomst to count down / att räkna ned departure / avgång grin / flin, leende hug / kram impatient / otålig a lump / en klump safety barrier / säkerhetsspärr sliding doors / skjutdörrar a split second / bråkdelen av en sekund to strike / här: att inse a tag / en etikett (i klädesplagg) throat / hals
to toboggan / att åka på en kälke a tongue / en tunga to twist / att vrida well-known / välkänd a woodchuck / ett skogsmurmeldjur (i Nordamerika)
basic / grundläggande cab / taxi cab driver / taxiförare a customer / en kund to check / att kontrollera a cinema / en bio earned your pay / förtjänade dina pengar be in a hurry / ha bråttom
Chapter 17 Every Cloud has a Silver Lining by the way / förresten Cheerio! / Hej då! common / vanlig dear, dearie, love / vännen min distract / distrahera to drop by / att titta förbi an expression / ett uttryck to go for a run / ta en löptur Goodness gracious! / Milda makter! a rain shower / ett ösregn raining cats and dogs / våldsamt regn silver lining / något positivt sudden / plötslig unpleasant / obehaglig
Chapter 18 Macbeth
to blame / att skylla på a bough / en trädgren camouflage / kamouflage consequences / konsekvenser a descendant / en ättling ghost / spöke a guard / en vakt
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accessories / tilbehör adventure / äventyr after all / trots allt attic / vind category / kategori conditioner / hårbalsam dressy / uppklädd first aid kit / förstahjälpenlåda hardly / nästan inte to organize / att organisera other / annan, andra to prepare / att förbereda to rewrite / att skriva om scary / otäck several / flera stomach / mage suitcase / resväska sunscreen / solskyddskräm
Chapter 19 Packing List
keen on / ivrig Phew! / Puh! to raise / här: att samla ihop to regret / att ångra a sissy / en fegis wife / hustru witch / häxa
Chapter 20 Christmas in South Africa
bloom / blomstra to boil / att koka a colony / en koloni a costume / en kostym fur / päls mince pie / köttfärspaj probably / antagligen purple / lila roast beef / rostbiff similar / likadan stockings / här: julstrumpa tradition / tradition turkey / kalkon velvet / sammet
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Bonnierförlagen Lära utvecklar alla sina läromedel tillsammans med Lärarpanelen, en referensgrupp som består av undervisande lärare runtom i Sverige. Vill du vara med? Mejla hejlara@bonnierforlagenlara.se och skriv ”Lärarpanelen” i ämnesraden!
Reading Rockets C ISBN 9789178230525 © 2018 Bonnierförlagen Lära AB Originalutgåva: Rookie Reading Lesetrening i engelsk Författare: Lene Syversen © 2014 GAN Aschehoug, Oslo
Illustrationer och omslagsillustrationer: Thor W. Kristensen Översättning: Anna Granlund Form: Framnes Tekst og Bilde AS, Marit Messing Omslag: Marit Messing Produktionsledare: Merete Lind Första upplagan 1 Tryck BALTO Print, Litauen, 2019
Detta verk är skyddat av upprätttshovslagen. Kopiering, utöver lärares och elevers rätt att kopiera för undervisningbruk enligt BONUS-avtal, är förbjuden. BONUS-avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsarnordnare. Intrång i upphovsmannens rättigheter enligt upphovsrättslagen kan medföra straff. Såväl analog som digiotal kopiering regleras i BONUS-avtalet. Läs mer på www.bonuscopyright.se.
Reading Rockets A omslag.indd 11-12
2019-02-13 11:21
Lene Syversen
READING R CKETS C Lästräning i engelska
Reading Rockets är lästräning i engelska för åk 3–7. Varje bok innehåller ett tjugotal texter av varierad längd i olika genrer. Allt från enkla instruktioner, intressanta och knasiga fakta till dialoger, sagor, myter, rim och ramsor, samt en tecknad Shakespeare i varje bok. Till varje text tränas elevernas förmåga att förstå ”the main idea”, men även deras förmåga att läsa mellan raderna. Det finns ordförståelseövningar till varje text som bygger ut och utvecklar elevernas ordförråd. I de senare böckerna finns även diskussionsfrågor för mindre grupper eller helklass. Serien passar lika bra att arbeta med individuellt som i grupp.
Reading Rockets C passar för åk 5–6 . Kolla även Reading
Rockets A, B och D!
ISBN 978-91-7823052-5
9 789178 230525
Reading Rockets A omslag.indd 9-10
2019-02-13 11:21