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In the shadow of Pinochet AnnStödberg

Recollections from the resistance struggle againstthe dictatorship in Chile

In theshadow of Pinochet recollections from theresistance againstthe dictatorship in Chile


In theshadow of Pinochet

recollections from theresistance against

thedictatorship in Chile

dedicatedtothe comrades whogavetheirlives in theresistancestruggle

Honor and Glory

©Ann Stödberg2023

Publisher:BoD ·BooksonDemand, Stockholm, Sweden

Printer: LibriPlureos Gmbtl, Hamburg, Germany



Ifirst metAnn at theKolle-Kolle Conferenceheldoutside of Copenhagen in thespringof1973. This Conference wasthe inaugural meetingofthe Nordic Associationfor Research on Latin Americaor NOSALFwhich had been established with supportfromthe Nordic Council. Despiteher youth– shewas only22– Annwas already a doctoralstudent at theUniversityofLund. Herfocus wasonwomen in thelabormarketinLatin Americaand sheparticipatedenthusiastically in boththe academic as well as theorganizational and social activities

During thehalfa centurythatour paths havecrossedsince then, I haveconstantly been reminded of her academic knowledge, her administrative talentsand her ability to combineher rolesasa parent to smallchildren, acolleague and afriend; somethingshe didwith acombination of joyand great seriousness. Ihavebeen impressed by her continuous thirst forknowledge, her curiosityregarding new experiences andher social engagement.It’snosurprisethat Ann, onceshe retiredasa Research Secretaryand Manageratthe SwedishAgencyfor Research CooperationwithDevelopingCountries (SAREC), her final postwhich followedmany yearsasCountryDirector forthe Swedish InternationalDevelopment Agency (SIDA) in different countries in Africa,Latin Americaand Asia,now attends coursesatStockholmSeniors´ University,participates in book clubs, is active as alay judge and is aboardmemberofher housingassociation. At thesametimeshe dedicatesa greatdeal of time to her successful and internationalized children and grandchildren. As I writeAnn is,typically forher,inBostonduringsomeofthe summer weekshelping her daughterIsabelget settled in as Isabel starts her doctoralstudies at theUniversityofHarvard.

During thefifty yearsthathavepassedsince our firstencounter, Ihavealsogot to know Annasa dedicatedfeministand revolutionary, in bothsensesa true representative forthe so-called68 generation.1 Herinterestand engagement with gender issues runs likea redthread –and Idomeanred –throughout thecourse of her life, ever sinceher political engagement in thewomen´s movement as well as her studies in economic historyatLund University when we metinDenmarkin1973, untilher position as President of the Boardfor theNGO Operation1325,an umbrella NGOfor Swedish womens´organizationsworking to promotepeaceand conflictresolutionprocesses, whichshe heldfor anumber of years.

Even if Ann´swork, interestsand engagement havebeen well known among her colleagues and friends, fewhavehad evena glimmerof knowledge abouther background as an active member of theunderground armedresistanceagainstthe militarydictatorshipunder Augusto Pinochet in Chile duringthe years1973-1976 and laterinSweden. Ifeel partially responsible forthe fact that Ann´struly unique and fascinatingtimetogether with theleadership forthe ChileanMovement of theRevolutionary Left(MovimientodelaIzquierda Revolucionaria –MIR)is now being described by herself.Inthe beginning of 2022 Igavea briefsnapshot of theseeventsinmyown biography. Annhas said that it helped her decidetowrite thetextthat follows, not leastfor her ownchildrenand grandchildreninorder forthem to havea more complete pictureoftheir mother and grandmother.There exists an initiative among Chileans in exile to publishbothAnn´s story and that of SvanteGrände, theson of aSwedish pastor whowas in Chile at thetimeofthe militarycoup and whoalsojoinedMIR.Afterthe coup Svantecrossedthe AndesintoArgentina, wherehewas killed by theArgentinianmilitary in theprovinceofTucuman in October1975.

1 This refers to themassive studentrevoltinMay 1968 that hadaverybig influence on young peopleinthatage group in Europe and many other places

In 1973 Annobtained ascholarship to carry out doctoralstudies on womenand thelabor market in Latin Americaand, in asituation wherethe bordershad beenclosedafter themilitarycoup and thousands had startedtoflee, shedidn´thesitatetogoagainstthe tide and travel to Chile as soon as thebordersopened. When we metinParis in thedaysfollowing thecoupbothI and my friend Charlestried to convince her how dangerous and absurd her intentions were,but shedidn´tlisten. Ann,whoinSwedenwas amember of theSwedish Communist party VPK, planned to contactthe Chilean Communist Party. Even in this regardCharlesand Itried to deterher,realizingthatwithher characterand herideological beliefs shewas more than likelytowindupreaching out to MIR. Although at that point in September 1973, Annwas doubtfulregarding our thoughts, when shefinally arrivedinSantiago in December,itdidn´t take long beforeshe wasintouchwithMIR and relatively soon after wasworking with theirleadership. From our conversations on the floor of our friend Dani´s apartmentinParis Ialsoremember getting theanswertoa question Ihad been asking myself ever sinceKolleKolle,which washow shecouldspeak such fluent Spanish; it turned out that shehad grownupinColombia. No doubtthisfactorwas of helptoher duringher underground lifeinChile.

Ann´sstory is exhaustive and needs no further clarifications.Apart from my subjective commentsonthe days in ParisinSeptember 1973, Ineed to take theopportunity in this shortpreface,toemphasize my gratefulnessfor havingbeen abletocount AnnStödberg as well as thefather of her children, theMIR leaderMario Juancho Espinosaamong my dearestfriends.In2023 it will be exactly50 yearssince Imet Ann. We now liveinanother world. Butwhen I read her text Ithink of oneofthe songsbythe Swedishsinger song-writerBjörn Afzelius,wherehedescribes howwewanted to change thecourse of history:

“Wewerethe bells in acrucial time.Old friends,comeforth!Let me shakeyour hand! Let me thankyou forall we did! We were the future then, andour victoriesremain, as they do when one has done what one should”.

UppsalaJuly22, 2022


This book is atestimonyofthe resistance struggle against the dicatatorship of Pinochet during the first years after the military coup in Chile in 1973. The autobiographical account of ayoung Swedish student who participated in the resistance movement describes the ruthless persecution the movement wassubjected to by the Chilean secret service and what happened to those who opposed the oppressors.

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