The Silenceof Awareness
Previousbooks by Nanne Nyander Silence. Angels andPoems (2018) Outofthe Labyrinth. Poems(2022) TheStruggleofGoing Nowhere. Poems(2022) TheWay Back Home.Poems (2023) OneWithout aSecond. Poems(2024)
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Title: TheSilence of Awareness. Poems ©Nanne Nyander2025.
Publisher: BoD· BooksonDemand, Östermalmstorg 1, 114 42 Stockholm, Sweden,
Print: LibriPlureos GmbH,Friedensallee273, 22763 Hamburg, Germany
Cover, book design andpaintingbyNanne Nyander.
Today is agood daytowakeup.
Whatisthe answer?
I’m here to experience, I’mnot here to be found. I’mnothing,I’m everything, I’mnowhere,I’m everywhere. Ihavenoborders, so what is goingto find what?
Thoughts floating around in awareness. Am Ialsoa thoughtinawareness, or, am Iawareness, andthe me Ithought wasI, is just athought? Howfunny, me thinking me wassomething. Whowould have thought, themebeing somethingnot existing. Themeisa thought, averypersistentthought, butnow it’s vanishing. I’msomuchbiggerthan Icould ever have imagined. Iamnothing. Nothing is everything, everything is nothing. That’s what Iam. Iamnot athought. I’mreality itself.
I enterthe daywithanopenheart andanempty mind. Iamawake. Thoughts come andgo. Still, Iamawake.
Doesa fish feel lonely? Does it know that it’s part of agreat ocean? Does theocean know that it’s apartofMotherEarth, or does it feel apartfromeverything, believingit’sonits own, moving around,separatefromeverythingelse? Does Mother Earththink? What wouldits thoughts look like? I’ma tiny, lonelyplanet in this vast universe, I’mlost, please help me to find me. Or is it contentwithjustbeing? Is theuniverseseparatefromme? From outthere I’mnothing, I’mnot even visible, just aspeck of dustthatnoone sees. Iamnoone. Ican seeyou. To me,you arespecial, to me,you are notjusta speckofdust, to me,you are everything, to me,you areme.