Urban transport and commuting

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Workgroup 3 URBAN TRANSPORT AND COMMUTING 6 December 2012

EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

Jan Mรถllmann, Secretary General


Objectives Development of a competitive market structure Support the opening of the passenger transport market for competition EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

Watch, monitor and push for fair market development

• Founded in 2006 •9 largest private public transport • companies in Europe • Min. 80% of business won in competition qualify for membership •75 000 vehicles operated •255 000 employees •12 bn passengers/year •Services in 22 EU countries •Network with all other private sector associations

Agenda set by terms of references

Topic is „Urban mobility and commuting, including taxis as part of the public mobility chain “ Meanwhile decision that Taxis will be in a separate report According to the ToR the following points should be covered:

4 December 2012 EPTO board meeting Slide 3

•Collective passenger transport for growth, competiveness and social inclusion (vision); •Users’ needs •Legislative and administrative frameworks; •Fiscal matters and user charging; •Infrastructure and seamless intermodality; •Easy access to services, information and new technologies •Safety and environment; •City-related aspects; •International dimension; •Innovation and best practices


EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

Vision: • Public transport backbone of public transport mobility

Focus: • Passenger, passenger, passenger

Objectives: • Social inclusion • Modal Shift • Rise of quality • Value for public money

Principles: • Reasonably-governed, carefully regulated and adequatelyresourced framework, based on efficiency • Only promote practical, affordable, reasonable, efficient and 4 sustainable solutions


EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

Establishing public transport at the heart of European transport policy • clear policy and business targets to double its use in the 10 years • produce a shift in customers’ behaviour • inclusive, efficient and sustainable mobility solution for all European citizens and visitors • at lowest cost for society

Public transport must meet demand effectively and use resources efficiently • to achieve a high standard of public service • maximising value from the expenditure on public transport by passengers and public authorities Public transport is challenged by the current financial situation Innovative, new solutions and potentially a revised framework will be required to attract new private investment.

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• EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

Public transport is a locally planned and organised business, requiring little regulation by European legislation • 1370/2007, Concessions Directive European support would be best directed at opening funding opportunities to: • Encourage investment in public transport capital • Promote modal shift (journey planning tools, ticketing initiatives such as reduced fares for young people etc), • Facilitate best practice exchange, and • Introduce regulatory and policy measures to ensure fiscal incentives that can be passed onto passengers in terms of lower fares (0% VAT, lower duties on fuel etc.) All EU actions should be promoting open, fair and non-discriminatory legal framework which encourages an entrepreneurial approach.




•Duality of Commercial PT Markets and PT PSO Markets • Operators know and will adapt to passenger needs •PSO Markets • Competent authorities at a local and regional level define the necessary and appropriate quality and quantity requirements for the passengers • Decision on use of existing and available financial resources. •European Passenger rights • Yet to be in place for buses and coaches

EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

•Selection of proposed actions • Develop and support the sharing of best practice, aiming to develop local and urban policy metrics to achieve the best value for money 7 • Passenger rights - measure and analyse the benefits and costs


•Regulation 1370/2007 • Clear and comprehensive framework for public transport contracts and compensation in place • Interpretative Guidelines on 1370/2007 are under preparation • Review after 2014

EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

•Selection of proposed actions • Commence 1370 review activities early • More support of market opening and competition in 1370 recast • Encourage more private investment and initiative in the public transport sector • Innovative provision of passenger information and ticketing are welcomed, must be realistic, efficient and compatible with existing solutions • Fair, reasonable and non discriminatory access to terminal 8 infrastructure


Selection of proposed actions in the field of taxation

EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

•No EU/national/local policy or legislation in the field of taxation and user charges should increase burden on the public transport sector • Additional costs will have to be borne by the tax payer and the passenger •Strategy to internalise external costs generated by transport (on the principle of "polluter and user pays") is welcomed • Income from the internalisation process should be reinvested in sustainable transport modes • Buses and coaches “as solution to the problem” to be excluded from any proposals for additional charges such as road tolling or congestion charging. •Acknowledgement of private sector investments in innovative public transport infrastructures by fiscal incentives 9


Selection of proposed actions in the field of infrastructure and seamless intermodality

EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

•Prioritise public transport and its associated infrastructure in all urban planning developments •Where passenger journey time benefits can be realised, support the building of dedicated infrastructure and separate (high occupancy) public transport lanes in urban areas, including by making increasingly use of modern ITS solutions •Study on the shortcomings and barriers related to access of collective/public passenger transport by road to terminals/infrastructures •Collective public transport key part in any future EU multimodal journey planner • taking into account and respect existing solutions; 10

6. EASY ACCESS TO SERVICES THROUGH BETTER INFORMATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES Multimodal information supply on access to other modes, safety, help and support services, with specific provision for customers with disabilities is welcomed

EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net

Selection of proposed actions •EC support for public transport operator initiatives and for development of agreed common standards and protocols for supply and exchange of passenger information. •Any initiative at EU level must be customer-focused and demand led in the areas of ticketing and customer information •EU research into the benefits from, and support for public private partnerships •Develop EU-wide solutions enabling passengers to obtain travel information, whilst preserving and supporting existing locally developed solutions 11



Principles •Encouragement and support for further technical development should be contributing to the aim to growth in the use of public transport. •Requirements of new technical and environmental standards for different modes should be proportional to the benefits for each mode Selection of proposed actions •Review CIVITAS initiatives and lessons learned from them •Promote additional priority measures to remove buses •Access to sustainable financial research support from EU funding (for example for the technical and economical development of bus vehicles) •Development of sustainable funding mechanisms for public transport in cities EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net




Selection of proposed actions •Encouragement of sustainable transport planning •research into the successful adoption of residents’ parking schemes, limitations on parking supply for new development, workspace parking charging and large scale Park & Ride systems •Carry out a study on the impact of the introduction of clean car technologies on collective passenger transport •Support new management and technological innovations, such as Bus Rapid Transit, and facilitate the exchange of best practices

EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net




•Study and spread Best urban transport industry practices from regions outside Europe, where proven and efficient public transport solutions (such as Bus Rapid Transit) have been implemented;

EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net



Selection of proposed actions •Maximisation of the attractiveness of the public transport sector attractive for funding from other sectors and for private sector investors •Promote further research and dissemination of good practice in the field of congestion charging and parking pricing for further development of sustainable transport modes •Provide more information on availability of and access to existing funding measures, targeted to the public transport community, to raise awareness of these opportunities •Future CIVITAS programme to include measures related to the modernisation of the public transport business models, notably pilot projects on market segmentation and product differentiation EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net


THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! www.epto.net jan.moellmann@epto.net

EPTO 28, Quai d. Charbonnages B-1080 Brussels M.: +32-2-6636632 F.: 0049-1212-666655626 E.: jan.moellmann@epto.net


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