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Coloma's 16+ Open Event will take place on Thursday 7th October 2021.
Online Application
Students wishing to apply to Coloma Sixth Form should apply online at: https://www.coloma.croydon.sch.uk/sixthform/apply-online/
Your application should be submitted online by Friday, 26th November 2021
Course Suitability Discussion
Applicants will be invited to attend a course suitability discussion at the school in the Spring term of 2022. This is not an interview but is designed to provide advice concerning subject choices and to enable prospective pupils to determine how their needs and requirements might be met at the school. The course suitability discussion does not form part of the decision process on whether to offer a place.
Offer of a Place
If offered a conditional place, applicants will be asked to confirm their acceptance in writing and agree their preliminary choice of subjects. Confirmation is regarded as a commitment. All places are conditional on meeting the admissions criteria. Please read the conditions for individual subjects carefully.
At the end of June 2022 applicants will be invited to attend an Induction Day when they will have the opportunity to meet with staff and other students and familiarise themselves with the Sixth Form Centre. They will also receive reading lists and preparatory work for their chosen programmes of study.
Confirming your Place
Following publication of the GCSE examination results in August 2022, applicants will be expected to submit their results to the Head of Sixth Form at Coloma. They will be invited to an enrolment meeting. Their pathway and subject choices will be confirmed, subject to the applicant achieving the required entry grades. An alternative pathway may be offered to an applicant following the outcome of their results.
Assistance and Queries
Applicants may contact the school at any stage of the admissions process if they need any further information or assistance. Please contact our Sixth Form Coordinator at jingram@coloma.croydon.sch.uk.