1 minute read
(EDUQAS Specification Code A660QS)
Course details: -
6 lessons a week — 5 hours of teaching time
Performing - 25% or 35% (Internally marked and externally moderated) . Solo, and ensemble work, resulting in a recital lasing 8-12 minutes
Composing - 35% or 25% (internally marked and externally moderated). 2-3 compositions, one free choice or to a set brief, and one following existing compositional techniques.
Appraising - 40% (Written examination)
Overview of course content: -
Year 12 and Year 13 Topics ● The Western Classical Tradition ● Rock and Pop ● Music Theatre ● Jazz ● 20/21st Century Music
Skills acquired and future prospects: -
Analysis, co-ordination, creativity, flexibility, independence, innovation, listening, logic, organisation, presentation, resilience, team work, thinking on your feet. Employers love the skills and qualities exhibited by musically trained people.
Many, many possibilities, including Agent, Arranger, Arts Administrator, Broadcaster, Composer, Concert Promotion, Conductor, Critic, Film work, Music Therapist, Performer, Publisher, Teacher.