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(AQA Specification Code 7042 (1C, 2Q and 3))
Course details: -
6 lessons a week - 5 hours of teaching time
Two examinations at the end of Year 13
Paper 1 (40%) Breadth Study: Tudors 1485—1603
Paper 2 (40%) Depth Study: The American Dream 1945-1980
Unit 3 (20%) Coursework on Witchcraft in the 16th, 17th and 18th century
Overview of course content: -
Year 12 Topics Paper 1 Henry VII Henry VIII Edward VI
Paper 2 President Truman President Eisenhower President Kennedy Paper 2 President Johnson President Nixon Presidents Ford and Carter
Year 13 Topics Paper 1 Edward VI Mary I Elizabeth I
Paper 3: Coursework Witchcraft
Skills acquired and future prospects: -
History is a very popular subject at A Level. In order to cope with this rigorous course, you will need to have good literacy skills and have a keen interest in the subject. It will require reading, essay writing, source analysis and discussion.
This A Level lends itself well to many careers, particularly those that demand strong writing and communication skills such as journalism, law, teaching, research and politics for example. You will find it very interesting and challenging and it will develop excellent skills for future employment.