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Media Studies
(AQA Specification Code : 7572)
Course details: -
6 lessons a week — 5 hours of teaching time
Two written examinations and production at the end of Year 13
Media One (35%): Key concepts with a focus on advertising and marketing, music video, radio, newspapers and film
Media Two (35%): Close-study questions with focus on television, magazines, online, social and participatory media
Coursework (30%): creation of a cross-media production
Overview of course content: -
Year 12 Topics Focus on key concepts: Language, Representations, Industries, Audiences Contemporary media theory Production skills Year 13 Topics Close Study of Media Products:
One print production, one online
Social and participatory production and one audio-visual production.
Creation of a cross-media production.
Skills acquired and future prospects: -
Media Studies provides experience, expertise and skills that are essential to undergraduate arts-based subjects and careers within Media and the Creative Arts. These skills include the ability to: ● Work to a deadline, communicating succinctly within a variety of formats, whether in print, visual, audio or audiovisual media to create interesting content for specific audiences. ● Develop critical thinking through discourse and analysis, drawing on evidence to argue a position effectively, thereby developing independent perspectives. ● Articulate one’s standpoint on contemporary media issues such as feminism, identity, censorship and exploitation.