1 minute read

Unit 8

Lesson 66 cvcc

Tricky word - there


Revisit Letter recognition and recall for /s/, /a/, /t/, /p/, /i/, /n/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/

Introduce Blending for reading cvcc words

Practise Blending for reading - w-e-n-t, h-e-l-p, j-u-s-t, t-e-n-t, b-e-l-t, h-u-m-p, b-a-n-d, b-e-s-t tricky word - there

Apply Read/write the sentence ‘I lost my best hat.’

Lesson 67 cvcc Tricky word - so

Revisit Letter recognition and recall for c, /k/, ck, /e/, /u/, /r/, /h/, /b/, /f/, ff, /l/, ll, /ss/

Introduce Segmenting for spelling cvcc words

Practise Blending for reading - d-e-n-t, f-e-l-t, g-u-l-p, l-a-m-p, w-i-n-d, l-a-n-d, h-u-m-p, c-a-m-p, t-e-n-t tricky word - so

Apply Read/write the sentence ‘It is fun to camp in a tent.’

Lesson 68 cvcc + consonant digraphs

Revisit Letter recognition and recall for /j/, /v/, /w/, x, /y/, /z/, zz, qu, /sh/, /ch/, /th/, /ng/

Introduce Blending for reading cvcc words that include consonant digraphs

Tricky word - were

Practise Blending for reading - ch-a-m-p, sh-i-f-t, ch-e-s-t, sh-e-l-f, t-e-n-th, th-e-f-t, th-u-m-p tricky word - were

Apply Read/write the sentence ‘She had a sandwich in her lunchbox.’

Lesson 69 cvcc + vowel digraphs

Revisit Letter recognition and recall for /ai/, /ee/,/igh/, /oa/, /oi/, /oo/, /òó/

Introduce Blending for reading cvcc words that include vowel digraphs

Practise Blending for reading - j-oi-n-t, b-oo-s-t, r-ao-s-t, t-oa-s-t, b-ea-s-t, p-ai-n-t, b-ur-n-t

Apply Read/write the sentence ‘She had a sandwich in her lunchbox.’

Lesson 70 cvcc polysyllabic words

Revisit Letter recognition and recall for /ow/, /ar/, /air/, /ear/, /ur/, /or/, /ure/, /er/

Introduce Spelling tricky words - he, she, we

Practise Blending for reading cvcc polysyllabic words - ch-i-l-d-r-e-n, sh-a-m-p-oo, h-e-l-p-d-e-s-k

Apply Read/write the sentence ‘She had a sandwich in her lunchbox.’

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