1 minute read
Revision example
Review alternative pronunciations for the grapheme ie
Select a set of cards, half illustrating one pronunciation of a grapheme and half the other. e.g. /igh/ pie, lie, tie, die, cried /ee/ chief, brief, shield, priest

Display a picture with the first spelling (e.g. pie).
Ask the children to sound-talk and read the flash card.
Display a word with an alternative pronunciation (e.g. chief), sound-talk and read it using the incorrect pronunciation and therefore saying a nonsense word.
Discuss with the children which grapheme might be wrong (e.g. the ie in chief says /ee/).
Sound-talk the word again and read the word, this time correctly.
Draw a grid on your whiteboard and tell the children it is time to play “sort the sound”.
Use an adhesive putty to place the pictures to the whiteboard.
Display another flash card and ask the children to sound-talk and read the word. Stick the flash cards on the whiteboard under the appropriate pictures.