1 minute read
Lesson Guidance
1. Remind the children when reading each grapheme that:
• two letters that make one sound is called a digraph
• three letters that make one sound is called a trigraph
• graphemes a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e are called split digraphs
2. If included and already taught, say the alternative pronunciations for the following graphemes: e-a can be pronounced
3. Only the GPCs taught at Phases 5a-5c are covered by the Phase 5 flash cards. Words containing graphemes taught at other phases must be sourced from those flash cards sets. e.g. /ee/ ee, e-e, y, ey, ea, ie jeep, week even, theme very, happy, donkey, turkey, sea, seat, chief, brief, field, shield
Flash Cards Units 1-7

(Product code: LT50)
Flash Cards Units 8-12
(Product code: LT51) e as in bread
Phase 5 Alternative Pronunciation Flash Cards Covers Units 13-17

(Product code: LT36)
Phase 5 Alternative Spellings Covers Units 13-17
(Product code: LT153) ee as in seal or /oo/ oo u oul /or/ or au ore oar oor al our augh /r/ r wr /s/ s c se ce st sc /sh/ sh ch ti ci ssi /u/ u o-e ou /ur/ ur ir or ear /v/ v ve /z/ z zz se ze 35