Universal Living

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September 2013 | Vol. 01 Issue 01


Universal Living Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century

Quantum Biofeedback Practical Reiki

for Nurses & Caregivers

Eating Raw Foods Top Five Reasons

T’ai Chi Chih A Daily Practice

Energetic Perspective - the Zero Point Field

Manifesting, Spirit Messages & More! UniversalLivingEzine.com

September 2013 | Vol. 01 Issue 01

Universal Living eZine

Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century

From the Publisher: Welcome to the Inaugural Issue of Universal Living – an electronic magazine dedicated to Mind, Body, Spiritual and Energetic Wellness. With each issue, I hope to give voice to the many, varied and sometimes brand new modalities we can utilize to achieve better health – in all ways. And maybe include a little light reading as well! My inspiration for starting this ezine came from my frustration that, in spite of reading multitudes of books and articles, attending hours & hours of classes and lectures, I still did not have enough information to help, I mean really help, family and friends who were critically ill. If only I had known about the effects of macrobiotic diets, redox signaling molecules, energy medicine and more, then maybe they could have had a bit more time? We’ll never know. I believe there’s no one simple answer or simple solution that fits everyone. But I do believe that the right combination of a few strategic modalities can bring about change. So, to that end, if I hear of anything, if you hear of anything with the potential to really make a difference in our lives, then, let’s share it with everyone! Love & Light! Sue Ball 216-459-9094 info@UniversalLivingEzine.com www.UniversalLivingEzine.com

Features: Quantum Biofeedback - Deb Haltuch | 4 The 5 Reasons to Eat a Raw Food Diet - Marisa DiCenso-Pelser | 6 Practical Reiki for Nurses and Caregivers - Alice Langholt | 8 Simple & Sensational Smoothies - Roseann Zaft | 10 Tarot Quick View - Christine Gesicki | 12 Attain Something More - Melinda Carver | 14 Integrated Energy Therapy - Lovey Adamczyk | 15 Animal Totems - Ian Bailey | 16 Animal Messages - Lady Lindora | 17 Energetic Perspective - Mary Robbins | 18 Star Signs—the Royal Baby - William Tuma | 19 Plant Based Nutrition for Beginners - Gloria Zabala | 21 Finding Me in T’ai Chi Chih -Roseann Heinrich | 22 Spirit Message - Ernesto Cardona | 23 Manifesting Made Simple - Maria Celeste | 24

Quantum Biofeedback The physiological activity that is going on inside your body is a process that is constantly changing, moving and responding. It responds to the outer world around us and our inner world of thought, perception and emotion. Indicators like heart rate, body temp and others adjust constantly to find the optimal balance and state. These vital rhythms define your very life, your health, wellness and performance. What if they are out of balance? Many modern health problems such as tension headaches, stress related anxiety, high blood pressure stem from neurobiological dysfunction as well as behaviors and life style patterns.

predominantly in the relaxed Alpha rhythm. The most common response that clients feel after a session is a profound sense of peace and calm.

Biofeedback refers to technology that enables us to see in real time the mind body system. It’s like having a mirror in which we can see the physiological signals. And this allows us to reduce stress and gain control over our fears, phobias and performance.

our bodily functions are performing most efficiently and focusing on the tasks they were designed for. When we live in a state of stress, or “fight or flight”, our physical and emotional systems are functioning in a state that was meant for survival of the moment, as when we are defending our lives.

Regular training sessions can allow the adrenals to resume normal healthy function, restore the nervous system to its parasympathetic state and allow the brain to operate Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 4

This feeling is also referred to as the parasympathetic state or “rest and digest” and is the state of our nervous system that we were meant to function in most often, not the sympathetic state – also known as the “fight or flight” state. The parasympathetic state is inherently healing as this is when

laxation, muscle re-education and pain management. This emerging technology provides results within minutes as opposed to days or weeks and is the leading way to non-invasive, drug free relaxation for stress and pain management. 

It is based on Quantum Physics: all things, all thoughts, have a measurable electronic signal or signature

It is a computer-assisted, noninvasive system that reads the body for signatures of stress . The wrist GEOs contain sensors that measure electro dermal responses, to over 10,000 different stressors that commonly interact with the human body.

It helps correct and reduce the stressors energetically, thus increasing health through relaxation, stress and pain management. It is a device designed for stress reduction, muscle re-education, pain management and brain wave balancing. It does not diagnose any condition, disease or disorder. Only a licensed healthcare professional can diagnose a patient.

This emerging technology provides results within minutes..

Quantum Biofeedback involves a computer assisted electronic device used in sophisticated response detection for stress reduction, re-

By Deb Haltuch

It builds upon major developments in the fields of Quantum physics and more. It utilizes similar technologies as the MRI, CT Scan, EEG, and ECG, all of which measure the body’s electrical activity in order to provide information about the overall state of health.

Everyone responds differently and every stress is different, however, on a whole, one should experience a shift within 3 sessions. Typically a session’s signature continues to “work” for 3-4 days after a session. Sessions scheduled once per week for multiple weeks seem to afford the best results. What are experience?       





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Better sleep Calm, relaxation Less anxiety, fear, anger, aggression Improved ability to focus, clarity of thought Improved relationships Less judgmental Improved energy

Quantum Biofeedback is THE Essential Tool for Healthcare in the 21st Century. Deb Haltuch is a Quantum Biofeedback Technician, Reflexologist, Macrobiotic Coach & Rep for doTerra Essential Oils.

Redox Signaling molecules are vital for the health of your cells; that’s why your body makes its own supply. But after the age of 12, our cells make fewer and fewer of these molecules. ASEA is the world’s only source for replenishing Redox Signaling molecules. For your FREE Video about Redox Molecules:

SUE BALL 216-459-9094 www.SueBall.teamasea.com

Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 5

Top 5 Reasons to Eat a Raw Food Diet Why Raw? The raw food diet, while often billed as a recent diet fad, has actually been around for centuries. Eating raw is truly as easy as it sounds. The diet consists of eating only uncooked food.

example, heating proteins fuses the basic amino acid chains together in a process called denaturing.

Raw and living foods are simply uncooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains. There are also other foods that fall within this category such as seaweeds, raw carob powder, cold pressed olive oil and certain spices and seasonings. By combining the various food groups, you can create an endless variety of salads, appetizers, entrees and desserts that will satisfy even the biggest critic.

The human body cannot The Raw Trainer dissolve these unnatural Marisa DiCenso-Pelser bonds and so the food becomes useless to the body, not to mention toxic. Also, cooking carbohydrates results in carmelization of the sugars and heated fats quickly become rancid.

Reasons to Eat Raw: 1) Raw food is more nutritious. Cooking food, whether you steam or fry it, removes much of the water from the food. Just look at the difference before and after a pound of spinach is cooked! This water is necessary for both hydration of the body and assimilation of many important nutrients. The more nutrients you absorb the more energy you will have for your daily activities and workouts. Also, the more nutrient absorption you have, the better you body will recover from daily physical and emotional stress. 2) Raw food is not altered. Cooking food completely changes the chemical makeup of the food. For

3) Raw food contains fewer calories per bite. A pound of bananas contains only 400 calories with 3% fat. Compare that to the same amount of broiled steak and you get a whopping 1251 calories, 65% of which is fat! And that’s with the excess fat trimmed off. 4) Raw food is much more satisfying. Because raw foods retain their water and fiber, they are higher in volume. On a healthy raw vegan diet, you can eat a very large amount of food and you will still lose weight! Okay, so raw foods are inarguably better for us. But what about the effects of eating this way? What benefits can you expect from a raw food diet? 5) Many benefits of raw food. Here are just some of the awesome results you can experience on a healthy raw vegan diet: improved digestion, permanent weight loss, improved muscle tone, improved athletic performance, increased energy, better sleep, shiny hair, smooth soft skin, healthy teeth and gums, mental clarity and so much more!

Marisa DiCenso-Pelser is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer and Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, she is spreading the word of Raw Food & Fitness throughout Northeast Ohio and the world. They are graduates of Cleveland State University with a B.A. in Exercise Science as well as Certified Living on Live Foods Chef/Instructors. To learn more about their weekly raw food delivery, education classes and personal training, please visit: www.rawtrainer.com or email marisa@rawtrainer.com Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 6

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Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 7

Incense, Oils, Candles, Jewelry, New Age Music and Books, Clothing, Bulk Herbs, Gemstones and more! Check our Website for schedule of classes and events: www.Aradias-garden.com Store Hours: Mon, Tue & Wed: 12 pm - 6 pm Thu & Fri: 11 am - 5 pm / Sat: 11 am - 6 pm / Closed Sunday

Practical Reiki for Nurses and Caregivers By Alice Langholt

You arrive at work after a stressful morning at home. The home front is tense and you didn't sleep well last night. A full day is ahead, and you need to be on your game. You sit for 5 minutes to rest your hands on your lap, quiet yourself and breathe. Warm energy surges through you, releasing tension, clearing your mind, and bringing clear-headed alertness. When you stand up, you are refreshed, focused and ready.

Enter Reiki, a complementary holistic practice. Reiki is a method of energy healing that works with life force energy, the nonphysical aspect of everyone who is alive. Life force energy comprises thoughts, emotions and awareness of every experience in life. The practice of Reiki involves helping to create a state of energetic balance, which releases stress, relieves pain and helps encourage healing. This is done by offering an extra measure of life force energy to the person in need. It can be given silently, with noticeable results.

An anxious mother is holding her crying baby as she enters the exam room. You step in to get the vital information and start the appointment. You take a moment and place one hand on the mom's shoulder and the other on the baby's back. The mom looks at you, takes a breath and smiles a little. The baby's cries stop and he snuggles against his mom. You proceed efficiently with your duties.

Reiki literally means "guided life force energy." It was developed in Japan in 1922 by Mikao Usui, a Buddhist. Usui became aware of a way to direct life force energy for healing. The method he developed became known as Usui Reiki. Reiki is directed simply, via intention or "directed thought." A person who practices Reiki learns how to simply think "Reiki" and then give a simple direction, such as "relieve pain." The energy does the rest.

The 8-year old child needs a vaccination and is frightened and squirmy. You enter the room with the syringe. With your free hand, you gently hold the patient's hand for a moment. She becomes calm and takes a breath. You give the vaccination swiftly and the child holds still.

How did you do this? NPs and PAs are on the front lines of healthcare. Patients' most pressing needs usually involve pain, anxiety, illness or a combination of the three. Whatever the area of specialty, these needs are common in patient care. Among the regular duties of NPs and PAs are reassuring the patient and helping him or her feel confident in the care provided by the medical team.

Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 8

While Usui Reiki has structured hand positions, ritual and symbols, it is actually not necessary to use these things. A new method of Reiki, called Practical Reiki, is now available to healthcare professionals, caregivers and the public. Practical Reiki does not involve any ritual beyond intention, and is fast and effective enough for anyone to learn. The course Practical Reiki for Nurses and Caregivers was recently approved

for 8 continuing education credits by the Ohio Board of Nurses, and it is offered online at the Reiki Awakening Academy website: reikiawakeningacademy.com Reiki is offered at a growing number of hospitals, hospices and senior care facilities nationwide. The associated calming effects and self-care benefits are gaining growing recognition.

Why Learn Reiki? Reiki can be effective at helping with the three most common patient issues: pain, anxiety and illness. For a patient in pain, a few minutes of Reiki can help soothe and relax the patient, rendering the pain less intense. When the anxiety over the pain is reduced, the patient can become more capable of noting a decrease in pain level. Between pain meds, Reiki can help the patient hold out until it's time for another dose. Stomach upset and headaches can be soothed and relieved by Reiki. For an anxious patient, the stress relief provided by 1 to 3 minutes of Reiki can make blood draws, injections and IV placements easier. It can also help patients relax before a surgery or during a procedure. Anxious end-of-life patients can relax better as stress and pain are relieved. Patients sleep more restfully after Reiki. Most people report that Reiki is relaxing, and that relaxation counters stress levels immediately.

An ill patient will take longer to heal if stress is present. Reiki helps soothe away the stress, allowing the patient's body to focus on healing. Emotional balance is not separate from physical healing. When the emotions are relaxed, the body relaxes and healing speeds up. Also, a relaxed patient who is not stressed, and not in pain will have a better patient experience. Patient experience is important in any healthcare setting. Offering superior patient care is good for everyone.

No Touch Needed Reiki can be provided to a patient without physical touch. Hovering the hands over the patient's area of discomfort can produce the same benefits as hands-on touch. Therefore, patients who have injuries that can't be touched can still be treated with Reiki.

Don't Forget Yourself! Reiki can effectively and quickly be applied for selfcare as well. Just as it can relieve stress, pain and emotional overload, Reiki can bring mental clarity and focus. Healthcare professionals, especially NPs, PAs, RNs and LPNs, work in high-demand and highstress environments. How you feel, what your morning was like and what politics are at play around you affect you. During the day or at the end of the day, Reiki self-healing can help relieve stress, facilitate relaxation, bring focus and improve your own overall health and well-being.

You can learn more about Reiki in the book Practical Reiki for balance, well-being and vibrant health. A guide to a simple, revolutionary energy healing method (CreateSpace Publishing, 2011). Alice Langholt is a Reiki Master Teacher who is the founder and executive director of The Reiki Awakening Academy. She is the author of Practical Reiki for balance, well-being and vibrant health (CreateSpace Publishing, 2011) and the recently published Practical Reiki Companion Workbook (CreateSpace Publishing, 2012).

The Reiki Awakening Academy is a school of intuitive development with classes available online and locally in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Courses are designed to assist students in developing their intuition, powers for healing, and supporting them through this fascinating journey. Wherever you are in terms of intuitive development, the Reiki Awakening Academy can help you rise above challenges and meet your personal goals. Classes are offered for novices as well as those experienced in intuitive work of any kind. Come in, browse, and register for the classes that interest you. For more information on The Reiki Awakening Academy, send an email to info@reikiawakeningacademy.com. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 9

Simple and Sensational Smoothies to Supercharge Your Awesomeness! By Roseann Zaft


ost mornings (and sometimes in the afternoons) you can find me reaching for my quart mason jar of green stuff, takings sips between clients sessions at the fitness center where I am personal trainer. The first reaction I generally get from a client or member is “eeww… what is THAT?” Ah ha! This is my moment. The time to inspire and educate with a simple reply…“Well, its my YUMMY smoothie of course… want to try some?” A few moments, and a taste test later, I am giving out my simple recipe that anyone can make, with any kind of blender, at any time of the day!

its energy on cellular repair, detoxification and the metabolism of the “not so healthy” denatured meals of the day before.

Could a simple sip change someone’s life? The answer is yes. I have seen it time and time again. And the results in many cases are profound. Take my friend Lisa, for example. She’s my friend, helps me out around my house. I introduced her to yoga a few years ago too. She saw the “stuff” I drank and asked me about it. Well, a year later and 35 pounds less of Lisa, people are now asking her: “Lisa… what did you do?” A simple answer: “Green Smoothies”.

You are restoring your body’s alkalinity and lowering acid which is the huge factor in inflammation in your body and the potential for degenerative diseases because of it.

Every sip of a Green Smoothie literally changes your cells, providing your body with vital nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants in an easy-to-digest form. This in turn will have an amazing impact on your digestion, your skin, your sleep, your ultimate outlook on life. You are getting at least 10 servings of fruits and veggies in about 3 cups of smoothie (1 blender full). Compare that to how much are you are currently getting.

First…. my top 7 list of WHY Green Smoothies:

Besides whittling down your waistline, smoothies are an aphrodisiac. Yes, your read that right! By eliminating endocrine disruptors, hormone inhibitors and addictive chemicals in the form of refined sugar, MSG, food dyes and other crap in process food and replacing it with whole plant foods, you will be naturally satisfied and energized. So with the increase in energy and the decrease in your waistline you can repair and restore your sex drive and sexual performance in no time!

You are drinking live enzymes from real food that is “pre-chewed” which means more bio-available nutrition preserving your precious digestive fire. In this way, your body can focus

Green Smoothies are SUPER SIMPLE to make…. You don’t have to be a gourmet chef to have some fun in the kitchen… trust me… if my husband can make them anyone can.

So, whether you are a newbie to smoothies or a seasoned professional, here is my 7-7-7 smoothies living list:

Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 10

They taste GREAT! The real bonus besides complete nutrition and protein boost is the variety of rich flavors because you control what is (or not) in them!

Now … 7 steps to HOW you reinvent your health care and heal with Green Smoothies: Just 1 quart a day is all you need... and you don't need a fancy blender to make it happen (see "Green Smoothie 101" recipe below). Start slow and keep it simple. Green smoothies are a sensational way to get a complete raw meal of protein. All this fiber will help your body to eliminate toxins. Pretty powerful, so easy does it. Over time you can step up your smoothies according to your needs. Keep your choice in greens simple (spinach and romaine), but dominant (like 60-80% of your mix). The goal IS, after all, to keep your blood more alkaline with a blood pH between 7.35-7.45. High acid is the underlying cause of many diseases. Use ORGANIC fruits low to medium with a low GI (glycemic index) to make your smoothie scrumptious and keep your blood sugar stable. Low GI fruits include apples, pears, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, strawberries and plums, while medium GI fruits include bananas, mangoes, papaya and pineapple. I suggest you Google “clean 15” and

learn what foods you should definitely buy organic and what isn’t so critical. Mix things up a bit... use coconut water to increase your electrolytes. Consider almond, coconut or hemp milk too. These liquids actually offer extra benefits to your smoothies besides contributing to a great taste, Looking for a creamy texture? Just add either 1/2 banana, mango or avocado or a ½ cup of cashews. Too thick? Just add a little more water. Green Smoothies are filling for sure! Chew, not chug your smoothie. The digestive enzymes in your saliva helps to make this nutritious per-chewed drink even more beneficial and digestible.

PLUS…. 7 ways for you veterans out there to SUPER CHARGE your Green Smoothies: Add at least 1 tablespoon of healthy fats. Not only will your heart love you back, but fats soften the taste of the greens and add a creamy texture to your smoothie. Fats to consider: coconut (meat, oil, butter), avocado, nuts (almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts), seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame).

Amp up your smoothie even more with spirulina! This queen of sea veggies, a unique algae, increases energy, endurance and mental ability. If that isn’t enough, it absorbs toxins more efficiently than most food, and contains nine essential amino acids (complete protein!) in a balanced and easily digested form. Check this out: spirulina in your Green Smoothie provides your body three times more complete protein than any other plant proteins. Add flavor enhancers that add vitamins and minerals that heal: maca (B12, iron, calcium, libido boost), lucuma (naturally sweet, adds potassium, magnesium and phosphorus), ashwagandha (antioxidant, adaptogen, great for men), shatavari (calcium, zinc, excellent for women), carob (potassium, calcium), mesquite (sweet, carmely flavor that provides calcium, magnesium, potassium), matcha green tea (antioxidant), vanilla bean (an antioxidant, antidepressant and aphrodisiac), cinnamon (blood sugar regulator), ginger (enhances digestion), turmeric (a super anti-inflammatory), cayenne (a great gut cleaner).

Need more protein? Blend in a scoop or 2 of vegan protein so you get the 20-30 grams you need per smoothie meal. Stellar after a hard workout. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 11

So, just a quart a day will definitely keep the doc away! Your green smoothie will stabilize blood-sugar, increase energy, lift your mood and improve concentration levels throughout the rest your day. What's even better is those who have been chronically ill or have nutrient deficiencies, or who simply want to bring their level of health from great to REALLY great, a basic smoothie can be changed into a SUPER smoothie.

Green Smoothie 101: Use a high powered blender (it doesn't have to be expensive, but it's best if it's high-powered). Ingredients: 3 cups of greens (start with just spinach, then get a little daring later -1

banana - 1 apple (without core) - 1 cup blueberries - 1 cup water plus a couple ice cubes Directions: - blend greens and water first - add apple and blend (cut in chunks so it blends well into green mixture) - add banana (cut in chunks) and berries blend until smooth and creamy - pour and enjoy!

Speaking of seeds.. Just 1 tablespoon of flax, hemp, or chia seeds adds soluble and insoluble fiber and protein. These ingredients are high in omega-3 fatty acids and contain potent cancerfighting properties. Love chocolate? Let’s hear it for raw cacao.. the king of super foods, for even more antioxidants, phytonutrients plus magnesium. Cacao makes your Green Smoothie seriously yummy.

make a super smoothie by just adding a drop or two! Check out my website: http://www.mydoterra.com/livefitllc/

Use essential oils... therapeutic grade of course! Essential oils are the “blood” of plant life and enhance the healing effects of your green smoothie. CPTG (certified pure therapeutic grade) Oils make is super easy to

Reminder: chew your smoothie. I use quart size glass mason jars. Easy to pour into and drink out of. Don't forget to share too. Once you get "hooked" consider investing in a Vitamix or Blentec blender. They are more expensive... But they will last a lifetime and make mixing smoothies super easy. Cont’d Pg. 12

Tarot Quick View Christine Ziehm Gesicki

September Queen of Swords A woman will play a very important role in your life this month. She is a queen - very knowledgeable, experienced and wise. Some would consider her a bitch because she is very assertive (men are considered assertive, women are considered aggressive). The fact is, she is right and very justified in her words and actions. Side with this woman - she is a great ally.

October Page of Wands If you have children or are around children between the ages of 1 and 18, listen very carefully to what they say. He or she has a spiritual message for you from God. As Art Linkletter used to say, kids say the darndest things! If there are no children in your life, you will still receive a spiritual message from a source younger than you. Don't disregard it. For a Crystal & Tarot reading, contact Christine Ziehm Gesicki at (440) 884-6957 (cont’d from pg. 11) Whether you are a Green Smoothie Newbie or a Seasoned Smoothie Pro there will be recipes that will rock your world! You can find oodles of Green Smoothie recipes on the Internet. Start with a few recipes that you like then add in your extras one at a time to get to know what flavors you like. Feel free to drop me an email too… I would LOVE to share some of my

favs! Trust me, the more you experiment and stay committed to your daily Green Smoothies you'll embrace stronger flavors of greens and super foods enhancements. Notice that eventually your taste buds will change as you change (and improve) your health… one sip at a time… one quart at a time… one day at a time.

Wishing you a happy healthyyummy-balanced smoothie sipping and chewing day!!

Roseann Zaft is a certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Practitioner. She is also a senior apprentice for "Green Smoothie Girl" and a Certified Living on Live Foods Educator. Roseann works with busy women and men that are looking to find more balance in their life. She helps her clients find solutions to fitness and food so they have more energy, manage stress better and learn how to LIVE FIT using her "one day at a time approach". Whether it is going through a 10-day detox, using essential oils, learning about food choices or incorporating functional weight training, golf fitness, Pilates, yoga, indoor cycling or water aerobics, Roseann creates an approach specific for her clients. Offering this diverse menu of services enables her to support her clients all the way to find the balance they need. Check out her website: www.livefit2day.com or email her directly: livefit2day@me. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 12

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Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 13

Attain Something More Everyone wants something “MORE” in their life, whether that’s more love, money, security, food or more material things. We always seem to be bouncing back and forth between what we need and what we want. What we need to live is air, water, food and the Sun. Everything else is a “want” including love and money. Without air, we cannot breathe. Without food and water, our bodies will give out. Without the Sun, we will wither away. When we have these basic necessities of life provided for, that’s when we want “MORE”. Depending on where you live, your culture or religion, this “MORE” may vary. Some of us only require a regular job, others require a multi-million dollar paycheck. Some of us only require a small home, while others strive for that mansion on the hill. Some of us require a small circle of family and friends, while others strive for fame and notoriety. What can you do to attain something more when you do not know where to even begin? Try these steps: 1. Decide on what exactly it is that you want. When you pray to God/Goddess or ask the UniSept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 14

verse for something, you should be very clear and concise on what you would like to attain. Think it through, choose your words carefully. Your thoughts are energy and speaking them amplifies that energy. 2. Dream. It’s a good start to dream of what you want in your life or what you would like to do. See yourself attaining that goal or item. Dreams sustain us and give us hope. 3. Be Realistic. By looking at the goal or items you would like to have in your life, you should welcome a dose of reality. Just because you want to attain it, doesn’t mean it will happen overnight. Here’s an example: if you are currently a barber and you want to become the CEO of Llewellyn. What degrees do you hold? Which skills would you need to become a CEO of an international publishing company? Where can you begin gaining experience in publishing and running a multimillion company? If you do not have the education, skills or experience, you will need to move to the next step. 4. Take Action. Create an action plan for your goals or items that you want in your life. This includes a business and/or market

By Psychic Melinda Carver

ing plan, an education plan, or if you want material items - how to raise the necessary funds or how long you will have to work to be paid the dollar amount for the item. When you create your plan then begin taking action! With these steps, you can then begin attaining something “MORE” in your life. Keeping a positive outlook will also assist you. Stretching and growing your Soul will help attract “MORE” also. Attain Something More originally published in Positive Perspectives July 2013 issue.

Melinda is the Official Psychic of the Tarot Guild (USA), has appeared at metaphysical expos, conferences & fairs, and as a guest on various radio shows. She is a Clairaudient, Clairsentient & Clairvoyant Psychic Medium, Universal Light Minister, Tarot Reader & Positive Energy Specialist. Melinda is the host of Positive Perspectives Radio and the creator of Melinda’s Positive Energy Products. She is a member of the Coalition of Visionary Resources.






Integrated Energy Therapy

By Lovey Adamczyk

I.E.T. is the art of healing with the loving and pure energy of spirit. I.E.T. works at the next level beyond Reiki to detect and release energy blocks formed by suppressed emotions. Energy blocks create physical, emotional, mental and spiritual disorders. I.E.T. is a safe, gentle, nurturing way to release patterns of the past and help you empower and balance your life.

What you can expect An I.E.T. session is private and one hour in length. You will be fully clothed and relaxed on a massage table while soothing music is played in the background. Using gentle therapeutic touch, the practitioner will direct healing energy vibrations to specific areas on the body that hold in blocked emotions. Energy blocks will then be released and cleared through I.E.T. power points along the spine. At the end of an I.ET. session it is typical to feel a sense of peace, renewal, and readiness to make life changes and regain your happiness.

Benefits of I.E.T.       

Helps you to empower, balance and align your life and health Facilitates the release of suppressed feelings and promotes the self healing process Painlessly awakens and releases core cellular memory Provides gentle powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families Awakens you to fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life Clears energy blocks that limit health, life purpose, prosperity, sexuality and creativity Supports healing at all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual To Contact Lovey, call 216-978-0898 or email: Lovey@loveysangels.com

Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 15

Lovey Adamczyk I.E.T. Therapist


TOTEMS, many times, are grouped into four categories: water, air, insect, and land. Air totems are usually symbols of strength (mental and physical). They are also signs of life transitions. Bats are symbols of intuition, dreaming, vision. If the bat is a totem for you then you are prone to prophetic dreams and are most likely able to be intuitive and perceptive on a psychic level. They are aware of the surroundings that they live in and this makes them a very wise totem to have as they can show you many things from the insides of caves to the tops of the mountains and trees. Blackbirds are symbols of transition and transformation. They are known for mystery, magic, secrets, and higher intelligence. A simple minded person is not likely to attract a blackbird as a totem. They are usually a totem for deep thinking people. They will help you to find your potential in life. Falcons are symbolized by spirit, light, power, focus, and aspiration. They will come to you when you have questions about a transition in employment or when you are trying to make a goal setting plan in your life. They can lead you to a life purpose. Owls are known for their vision, wisdom, mystery, secrets, and protection. They are known as a witch’s familiar. This means that they are an animal whose soul can be linked to that of a human through a unique bond of communication.

Land totems

are aware of Mother Earth’s heartbeat and how she works. They relate to intuition and awareness and represent being grounded and stable mentally and physically. Beaver are known for building dreams. They are a symbol of family, intuition, and balance. Beaver is also a multi Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 16

area animal as can be classified as water or land. The way they build their dams is also a symbol of blocking negativity. Bears are symbols of power, bravery, peace, resurrection, and motherhood. They are strong animals that love to be out in the sun and be peaceful and quiet but also very protective of the young. Cows are a symbol of fertility, motherhood, nurturing, calming, and beginnings. They also symbolize patience and the feminine symbol of yin. They are an emblem of royalty in many cultures. Dogs symbolize community, friendship and companionship. The goddess Hecate has been shown with dogs surrounding her as both are defenders of those who cannot protect themselves, such as babies, young children, the meek, mild and people who are mistreated. In Celtic symbolism the dog is known for heroism. House cats are known for cleverness, secretiveness, the supernatural, intelligence and independence. When a cat is your totem it many times means that it is time to shake things up in your life or change your routine. You should distance yourself from problems that you have no way of solving on your own. The horse is known for power, grace, beauty, strength, and freedom. In your dreams or meditation, if you are riding a horse and you fall off this may symbolize that you are unsure or not ready for something coming up in your life. If you are holding onto the reigns it may mean either that you are secure in your life or that you need to loosen the reigns or have more fun. Squirrels are known for energy, playfulness, balance, preparation, and resourcefulness. If you have a squirrel as your totem it may be telling you that you need to look into provisions and plan for the future, whether in retirement, 401k, insurance, or any other area of importance in your life. The squirrel also tells you to communicate with those around you and honor others.

Insect totems

symbolize tenacity, patience, and de-

tachment. They remind us to mind our own business but still work hard & be an important part of our community. The praying mantis is excellent for spirituality or meditation. He instills peace and tranquility in a time of need or a time of learning. The spider is known for cunning, feminism, rebirth, death, and protection. It may be telling you that things are not always as they seem. The bee is known for industry, action, and communication. If you have the bee as a totem you may want to ask yourself, “What am I doing to pollinate the earth, how am I showing myself when I work?”

Water totems

are known for being bright and playful,

also for their cleansing, freedom, and mobility. They will try to lead you to a better path during times of deconstruction in your life. They will help you relax and think of simple and easy ways to fix your problems. The dolphin represents high energy, playfulness, harmony, friendship. They are a king of the sea and are known for gentle way of ruling, not the reigning type. This may tell you to relax your style of management or to let loose a bit on the way you live your life. Turtles are known for order, strength, patience, innocence, and protection. They may tell you to do things at your own pace. Be patient and everything will work out. They are the totem of protection and longevity. Frogs symbolize resurrection, healing, and luck. They may be telling you that you are about to be in the midst of birth whether a child, a new way of living, a new job. They also symbolize prosperity which is very helpful. Having a frog as a totem can be a great thing! Ian Bailey was introduced to the metaphysical & magical world in 2004. He is a restaurant manager & a minority owner of Goddess Elite, along with his wife, Melissa. Ian has found a calling using his clairvoyance to see auras & spirits. He is also a Practical Reiki Master and has a love of Celtic mythology. He is a father & stepfather to two young boys, Izaak and Rune. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 17


I have had so many animals come to me lately it was a tough decision which to choose. The prize winner this month is Frog. I have several that have taken up residence in my front pond. They make a barking squeak sound that reminds me of a dog squeaky toy. Frogs are amazing. They are amphibians meaning breathing capability in two worlds! Earth and Water. They have the Magic that comes with both worlds too! They are also connected to the lore of the Fairies and Elves. Frogs symbolize strength, adaptability, and creativity. People with frog totems are creative thinkers that adapt well to any environment. Frogs hop and navigate land with ease, but born in water and live both on land and in the water. Frog shows up around well-rounded and adventurous people who are both practical, yet creative. The Frog is in tune with the moon and is believed by Shamanics to work with the energy of rain and control of the weather. Dad always said “To be a Shaman, you MUST work with the weather". Frog people are often creative and expressive usually through voice talent or music. Frogs use their "voice" and their distinct calls to attract mates. Frog Medicine can bring Rain for every purpose: cleansing, healing, purifying. Is Frog telling you that New Fresh Water is needed . Frog can teach us how to clear murky waters in our life. Frog is a totem of metamorphosis change. If Frog has hopped into your life, is it time to turn into something else as Frog did? Egg-PolliwogFrog ! Are things too mundane in your life? Frog teaches us to be adaptable to our environment. Are you drowning in emotions, resisting change? Frog can symbolize coming into one's own creative power. Frog has a sensitivity to sound that works best in or around water. Water is a great conductor of sound. Sensitivity to sound is developed with Frog people to hear things that most can't. Frog appears in your life to tell you to pursue your dreams, look for the Rainbow and establish your "voice" - but to do so in a down-to-earth practical manner - Look before you leap can be the message of Frog. Magic and Love To All Lady Lindora H.Ps.

Lady Lindora is the owner of Aradia’s Garden in Eastlake 440-975-1911 www.aradias-garden.com

An Energetic Perspective

By Mary Robbins

Are you tired? Do you run out of energy before you run out of day? If so, you are not alone. Chronic fatigue is the number one complaint at the doctor’s office and is a warning signal that all is not well in the body. What is the reason for this common fatigue that so many of us endure? The simple answer is that we are expending more energy than we take in. We know that stress is a huge contributing factor. Stress in our lifestyle and environment zap our bodies of the nutrients necessary to produce the energy we need for our cells to operate efficiently. How does this happen? We are supposed to get the energy we need for our bodies from the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Yet, this we know; our food is processed and depleted of nutrients, our water is contaminated with chemicals and our air is polluted. In addition, wifi, cell phone emissions, computer screens, microwaves and radiation from many sources fill our atmosphere with frequencies unfriendly to our human bio energetic sphere. Never before in the history of mankind have we had to endure this kind of attack on our physical systems. Meanwhile, mainstream medicine Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 18

which is very adept at fixing broken bones and repairing trauma, answers our physical, mental and emotional symptoms with expensive and toxic drug therapy and surgeries many times leaving us with a bigger problem than we had before. All they can do for us is symptom management and that is not healing. Fortunately, technology got us into this mess and technology can get us out. For about 100 years now, scientists have been studying something called the Zero Point Field. As their ability to peer into the core of the atom has improved, they now know that our bodies and everything around us actually consists of condensed energy. Instead of being a byproduct of our nutrition, it plays a much bigger role in our physiology. Zero Point Field has been called the life force energy and is the scientific validation of all energy modalities out there from acupuncture to reiki. It turns out that the ancient masters were right all along about the energy movement in our bodies and now we have the science to prove it. So, how does this help us? One company, Amega Global, has harnessed the ZPF resonance and uses it in healing tools to channel this life giving energy to our bod-

ies. The process is called Amized Fusion Technology and has been helping folks all over the world for the last seven years to balance their energetic quantum and achieve the state of homeostasis. That state of balance or homeostasis is the place from which the body’s own intelligence can kick in and heal itself. Doesn’t this make sense? Now we have available to us a technology and the tools which validate the holistic approach with irrefutable scientific proof. Energy healing is becoming a respected way of caring for our body and each other. It is documented in many books such as The Field, Quantum Neurology and Vibrational Healing to name just a few. Luminaries such as Dr. Oz and Dr. Mercola and many other scientists and doctors are talking about the shift that is occurring in the way we view our world and our wellness. We are living in exciting times, indeed.

Mary Robbins is an authorized Representative for Amega Global. For more information, call 330-807-3816

Star Signs By William Tuma

The Royal Baby Prince of Cambridge On July 22nd, 2013 at 4:24 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time, an eight pound six ounce future monarch was born. His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge is third in line to the crown after his grandfather, Charles and his father, William. The young prince is a Cancer. Because he was born mere minutes before the Sun’s entry into Leo, his Sun is very strong. He’s still a Full Moon baby even though his birth was only minutes before the lunation. Since his Sun is so close to Leo, he will exhibit many Leo characteristics. In the zodiac, Leo is represented by the lion, king of the jungle. What better influence for a future royal monarch? The Cancer Sun will give him a real sensitivity to others. He will be very paternal and nurturing. No other sign, except Pisces, is more emotional than Cancer. This could make him susceptible to moods swings which he will need to keep an eye on and try his best to control. Cancer is the sign associated with home and family, so strong ties with family members will be an extremely important to him. He will value routine and traditions. Cancers often grow up to work in the family business. What better business to be born into than a royal monarchy? His Moon is in Capricorn. As his Sun is at the very end of Cancer, his Moon is at the very end of Capricorn. Since Capricorn is an earth sign it will help to anchor the watery Cancer Sun.

Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 19

It is interesting to note that his mother is a Capricorn while his father is a fellow Cancer. Both his father and his mother, as well as Princess Diana have a Moon in Cancer. There will be certain intensity to the prince’s personality because he has Scorpio Rising. This will also give him a magnetic presence and a certain amount of charisma. He will probably be very secretive about his personal life. An interesting aspect of George’s chart is the predominance of planets in earth and water signs. His Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are all in water signs, while his Moon, Venus, and Pluto are in earth signs. All of his will give him an idealistic nature grounded in reality. The lone planet that I did not mention is his Uranus, which is in Aries. The fact that this planet is not in water or earth, and off on its own will make this a significant planet in his chart and can make him a bit of a free-spirited rebel.

Another interesting factor of his chart is the strong connection between his mother, Kate, along with the Queen, his great-grandmother. His Moon in Capricorn is very close to his mother’s Sun in Capricorn. Kate’s Moon is in Cancer, the sign of his Sun. This will give them a strong affinity and deep core connection to each other. The prince’s Ascendant is Scorpio while the Queen has a Scorpio Midheaven. When two people have a similar Ascendant and Midheaven it shows a deep connection and a shared destiny. They both have a determined quality to their personality. Earth and water signs are predominate in the Queen’s chart just like they are in George’s chart. At times he may struggle trying to balance his family life with his public role. The Queen could definitely be a role model for him in trying to deal with his public persona and his own personal life. George’s Moon falls in the first house of his great grandmother. She could benefit from the light of his Moon in her chart. This indicates that he will probably even be more popular than her. Another important link is that his Mercury is very close to the Queen’s Pluto. This could indicate that he will become an excellent spokesman for the royal family. This is something that he can learn from his great grandmother.

To Contact William for a reading Call 440-237-1992

The Atrium 3505 Royalton Road Suite #207 Broadview Hts. OH 44147

Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 20

Astrology Cleveland is spearheaded by William Tuma. He is a professional astrologer who has been practicing in the Greater Cleveland area for over 25 years. In addition to counseling his clientele, he also teaches at a number of venues and lectures throughout the country. He is an accomplished writer who has written for national publishing houses, including Llewellyn Publications. William has appeared on a number of radio and television programs, including “It’s in the Stars” with Sandra Leigh Serio and the “Scott Newell Show”. He is knowledgeable in many areas of astrological study including natal interpretation, forecasting, synastry and karmic astrology. In addition to his astrological work, he has studied cognitive behavioral therapy at Xavier University and a variety of therapeutic techniques through the Ohio Alcohol and Addiction Board. He has counseled dual diagnosis patients at a world renowned rehabilitation center. Through William’s training and hands on clinical experience, he has become an understanding, compassionate as well as an insightful counselor.

Plant-Based Nutrition for Beginners: How to Get Started By Gloria Zabala Perhaps you saw the movie Forks over Knives or read Joel Fuhrman, M.D.’s book Eat to Live and want to reduce your risk of lifestyle related diseases. Or perhaps it's one of the recent research studies that said eating less meat is better for the planet -- either way, there’s no doubt that reducing your meat in-take and embracing a whole food plant-based diet is one of the best things you can do for your health and the environment.

Getting started with more plant-based whole foods Protein: Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in how our bodies function. But too much protein is associated with several diseases. It is more important to eat a varied diet than to isolate and focus on any one nutrient. When more plant sources of protein are included, this will also offer more health benefits including more fiber and nutrients. There are lots of nutrient dense foods with high protein content such as tempeh, edamame beans, and tofu. Make sure to get organic soy products, since most commercial soy beans today are genetically engineered to feed cows. Skip the frozen soy nuggets and use fermented soy products instead. Tempeh, like tofu, will take in any flavor you give it. Marinate it using sesame oil, tamari and ginger allowing it to soak in all those flavors. Then sauté it making it an excellent meat substitute. If you love soup, add miso paste to a soup base. It has live cultures beneficial for digestive health. Other plant based sources of protein include dark, leafy vegetables. Instead of a heavy, egg-centered breakfast, whip up your greens in a smoothie with a cup of frozen, ripe banana or your favorite berries. Add almond milk or your favorite plant-based milk with a tablespoon of hemp protein. For extra sweetness, include a teaspoon of stevia or maple syrup. What other drink offers fiber, antioxidants, protein and healthy fats in one meal? Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 21

Legumes, also vegetables, are rich in protein and have been the foundation of many diets for centuries. High in fiber, carbs, and protein, legumes are generally feel-good foods for satiety, balancing blood sugar while maintaining weight and energy. Hummus makes a great spread on toast layered with cucumbers, sprouts and tomatoes. Look for flavor varieties like cilantro or mint at your farmer’s market. Make your own hummus with your favorite legumes and add your own herbs, red bell peppers or nuts. Although higher in fat, nuts and seeds are also a staple in most vegetarian and vegan diets and should be used sparingly. Foods with a higher content of healthy fats include hemp, pumpkin and flax seeds, walnuts, almonds, cashews, nut butters and avocados. Use them in salads, add to smoothies or create a delicious dessert or snack. Make your own trail mix without the added salt and sugar found in commercial ones. In addition, ancient grains such as quinoa and amaranth are a major part of a plant-based diet. Grains are very versatile. You can generally add any variety of vegetables, herbs, spices and other condiments. You can also eat them for breakfast as a cereal, for lunch as a salad or for dinner as an entree. The possibilities are endless.

Calcium: Many people avoid milk because it contains saturated fat, cholesterol, allergenic proteins, lactose sugar, and frequent traces of contamination, or simply because they don’t feel well after consuming dairy products. Milk is also linked to type-1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes & other serious conditions. Happily, there are many better choices for including calcium in your diet. Most of the plant sources previously mentioned here are not only high in protein but are also a good source of calcium. Dark, leafy vegetables such as collard greens and kale are loaded with calcium. Great Northern and Navy beans have the highest calcium value from the legume family. In addition, tofu is also a good source. Once again, eating a variety of foods and all the colors of the rainbow will ensure that you are getting all the nutrients and fiber needed for a healthy lifestyle. Pay attention to how you feel both mentally and physically to ensure you are eating what your body needs. Keeping a food journal is a great tool to stay on track and to omit something when you are not feeling your best. Gloria Zabala is a certified health coach & whole food plant-based educator. She received her certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University; and is certified as a health coach from The Vegetarian Health Institute. She coaches others how to overcome health challenges, digestive issues, eliminate addictions & lose weight. Contact Gloria @ 440-546-1800 or email atozhealthyliving@gmail.com

Finding Me in a Daily Practice -

T’ai Chi Chih It was frustrating to me that I heard so often I “should” meditate. Did “they” not know some people have a hard time sitting still and I am one of them…high energy, always in my head. I was so excited to hear about T’ai Chi Chih, a moving meditation. I thought… I can move and maybe this will work for me. I found I became one with the practice. My mind was trained into my body, the movement, the weight shifting. I was taught as I moved my weight across the soles of my feet that I was massaging every organ in my body because they are all connected to some point in the soles of the feet. Moving in this way, this slow shift of weight was very different from working out and amazingly it helped me release the need for medication to relax my body. It activated the energy at all levels; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. How was this possible?

® By Roseann Heinrich

Letting go of trying to understand how it worked was primary. It just worked the energy in and around my body. I often discovered answers to some of my life’s questions as I did my daily practice. After the activation of my energy, it circulated and balanced all energies out to the etheric layers beyond my physical body. I use the practice to calm myself, to release stress, to find peace in the midst of a very busy life. How did it know my needs? Let Go…do a practice and let it do its work. Practice T’ai Chi Chih….yes, for me, it is a daily, joyful time and something I do for me. Roseann Heinrich Accredited T’ai Chi Chih® Instructor For more information contact: roseann@reflectionsoftheangels.com

Calendar of Holistic Shows, Expos and Events www.bodymindspiritdirectory.org Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 22

SPIRIT Dearest Ones, It is the eyes that are the windows to the soul. It is in the heart that the soul lives in truth. Many are awake and many more awakening yet a great number remain asleep, or shall I say 'in a deep sleep,' like being in a 'coma,' for that idea of resistance, of change, fears, insecurities, or just plain old 'wanting to be right,' resides in the ego mind. Lacking acceptance of the Divine Mind is like shutting the blinds that keeps out the warm, brilliant, magnificent light from entering a cold, stale, darkened room. To see clearly with open eyes is allowing yourself to see all facets of reality with a different perspective and perception with new eyes. View of expansion is like a cube, you look at all sides, all angles...six sides in all directions. As you rotate it, the foundation is still one object...one cube. This is in truth, one way of understanding what expansion means. You can use one word that may have several meanings or choose how to use the word. It's how you speak it with multiple expressions. Look inside your heart and open all your sensory perceptions brought the heart. This may be difficult for many as what was once learned before may not be easy to accept what rings truth now. But with surrendering GOD/Source/All That Is, you will reawaken in a safe place centered with new eyes and a foundation of knowing in the heart where love and light shines like a star from the inside out in full contact of who you truly are. 'Awaken All, Awaken.' You are all sparks of the Divine, 'Awaken Divinities.' I AM Pallas Athena

Channeled by Ernesto Cardona


ot only is he young and charismatic, Ernesto is by far, one of the most profound and compelling Psychic Channelers you will ever encounter. His readings are accurate, insightful, honest, and most importantly, they are life-changing. He takes his job very seriously and has made it his mission to be of service to all, to bring about the best in each and every one of us, to connect us closer to our higher selves and ultimately, to get us back on the path for our return to source...to ALL THAT IS. December 2012 marked the beginning of the Golden Age of mankind and the end of the third dimensional way of life. With the release of these limitations, also came an elevation which expanded and enhanced Ernesto's abilities to include telepathic energetic clearings, Language of Light Codes Activation and a stronger connection to the heavens and beyond. With ASHTAR Commander as his Main Guide and the assistance of his spirit, angelic, and NOW his Stellar and Universal Guides, you will be certain to benefit profoundly in body, emotion, mind and spirit. In addition to the above, he is available for Oracle Consultations (in person or by phone), Psychometry, energetic clearing, healings (hands-on or telepathic), workshops and seminars. After realizing his ability at a very early age, he hasn't looked back, and now, with 16 years of professional experience under his belt, he is truly a force to be reckoned with. To Contact Ernesto, call Goddess Elite at 440-777-7211 Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 23

Landing the Right Spot for Your Healing Practice:

Manifesting Made Simple


ver experience the feeling of being on a long lost journey of the mystery of finding just the “Right” healing space? Ever feel like it might not be right for you? Well here is my story about holding space and keeping the faith in the journey of manifesting my center; The Center For Creative Healing™. OK~ So, the search took six years. Yes, six years of a long, dedicated search. A little bit of wrong, a lot of right; a little bit of right, a lot of wrong. In this search, I began to wonder did the “All Right and NO Wrong” office space really exist? Was I asking for too much? ~Force it ~ Sabotage it ~ Trust it ~ Love it ~ Hate it ~ Where was it?

Maria Celeste

The space for The Center For Creative Healing™ did so, creatively, magically and in Divine Right time(!). If you are ready to find that perfect space for your healing practice, take time to be specific about your space. Offer to the Universe a detailed list of your wants, desires, needs and dreams. Outline in this list all the parameters you envision in your healing space. Again be specific with the Universe. Ask and you shall receive. Let the Universe know as much detail in detail as possible. The more specific you are, the easier for the Universe to meet your personal orders. Offering a blueprint to the Universe takes out the guess work. Would you order eggs without specifying to the chef how to

“Enough LORD,” I begged. “IF THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT US TO DO, YOU FIND US THE PERFECT SPOT, PLEASEEEE!,” I CRIED. So with this cry out to My Lord, I rested from our search. I LET GO ~ LET GOD. This was and still is the motto. Many months passed in this rest period. AND then, I received a phone call from a long time sister friend. She asked, ”Are you still looking for a place for your center and crystal shoppe? Well, I think we found you a perfect spot. Call Cindy. She has shared office space available. I think it is yours.” LET GO ~ LET GOD....For you will never know where, how and when THE LORD will lead you when you simply LET GO and LET GOD. I made the phone call. I made the appointment. We toured the space. BAM! It was perfect: built in book shelves, a waiting room, kitchen, shared space, private bathroom, easy access, easy to get to. ALL RIGHT ~~ NO WRONG. I found the “All Right and No Wrong” office space. If you can dream it, The Universe can create it (!). When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the practitioner is ready, the space will appear. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 24

prepare these eggs? Would you tell your builder “Build me a house” without blue prints from which to work? Why then tell the Universe you want something without sharing your specifics? Some specific details might include: How much you are willing to pay per month/per year/square foot; the distance you are willing to drive; the type of locale and environment you see around your space; the size; storage space; the type of clients you wish to serve; the name of the business practice; the number of clients you wish to serve per day/per month; hours to be kept.

Get in touch with how this feels. Visualize yourself working in this space. Breathe it into your reality using all your five earthly senses in support of this manifestation. As a side note, over this journey, I used serpentine and stichtite along with rose quartz and tourmaline in grid work to assist me in my search and in my wait time. After listing my center's wants and needs, I ritualistically place these stones over my written list. I would then periodically visit this space. I would approach this grid layout in a prayerful and sacred manner. In my prayerful approach, I held the highest intentions for the manifestation of my center as it served the highest and greatest good for all. After you have told the Universe and yourself the details of what you wish to manifest for your healing space, get out of the way, Letting Go ~ Letting GOD. Step out of the way. Trust and keep breathing. Trust in knowing that all you want is available. Pushing the issue, rushing the issue, compromising the issue, compromising yourself, serves no purpose. Trust in knowing that all you want is available. Know you are worthy of your dreams manifest in your reality. Know YOU ARE ENOUGH(!). During your time waiting, take time to review, analyze and modify if necessary, that your thoughts, actions, deeds and words are in fact in alignment with your dreams. Recharge your dreams. Fuel your dreams. Thoughts are things. Feel it. Be it. Live it. Believe it. Know it. While you are waiting, plant some more ideas. Plant some more dreams. Keep on keeping on all the while trusting that the Universe is bringing to you everything you want and desire as it serves your highest and greatest good and purpose. Keep dreaming!!! Your dreams are being manifest in Divine right time. All things good are worth waiting for. Ask Mother Teresa. Take time. Make time. Be time. All is in Divine right time. Trust. Keep breathing. Remember ~ Patience is a virtue.


~ Rhodonite ~ Fire Up Your Passion

Maria offers a wide variety of services including individual and group sessions, sessions for special occasions, classes and products. Contact Maria directly for all additional information / cost inquiries. Thank you, Namaste. Partial List of Services/Readings: Crystal and Mineral Sales Clairvoyant / Clairaudient Medium / Channeler / Advisor Crystal Resonance Therapy Crystal Ally Cards Reiki Level IV Master / Teacher Flame / Crystal Messages Tuning Forks / Shamanic Drumming Weddings / Rite of Passage/Life Ceremonies Space Cleansing and Blessing Creative Healing Dance™ Classes available upon request www.mariaceleste.mytouchstoneessentials.com


Gems by Celestial Dancer ™ Center for Creative Healing™ www.center4creativehealing.com 951 East 86th Street, Suite 100-A Indianapolis, IN 46240 Always by Appointment – Often by Chance

317.690.1335 Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 25

IN SIMPLEST TERMS, HEALTHY EATING IS ABOUT GETTING BACK TO DID YOU KNOW? Most of us don’t get enough nutrients from fruits and vegetables. The current recommendation for a healthy diet is to fill half your plate at each meal with fruits and vegetables. Do you get that much? Hardly anyone does, especially not our children. The best way to reduce your risk of disease is to eat a healthy diet. Almost every day, another research study or news story touts the importance of our dietary choices - especially the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables. The message is clear: we need more fruits and vegetables and other whole foodbased nutrition in our diets every day. It's the one thing everyone agrees we can do to improve our health and reduce our risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer basics - by following the latest USDA guidelines, like those from USDA’s My Plate. Today, healthcare professionals know more than ever about how health and wellness are influenced by nutrients from fruits and vegetables. But healthy eating takes time, planning, and can cost a lot of money. With today's busy lifestyles – from busy moms to traveling executives to active seniors – it's easy to miss out on the nutrients we need from fruits and vegetables. That's why adding Juice Plus+ to your diet is an important step for you and every member of your family. It's a simple, affordable way to fuel your body with good nutrition. As a Nutritionist in the field for over 30 years, I know good nutrition is key. Ask yourself, are you doing everything you can to strive to eat well? Are you following the “my plate principles”? Why not? Are you looking for answers to balance out your life? Consider learning more about the connection between food and disease. Feel free to contact me for more information on healthy living, Juice Plus or any other health related concerns. I conduct monthly free seminars on health. I can keep you informed of all our events in the surrounding northeastern Ohio area.

CHC WELLNESS Colleen McArtor 440-552-6540 or email at refreshforlife@yahoo.com www.cmcartortakesjuiceplus.com

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