Universal Living Ezine Sept / Oct 2015

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Sep / Oct 2015 | Vol. 03 Issue 05

Universal Living


Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century

The Emotion Code Shift Happens The FIVE Elements Treating ADD/ADHD with Quantum Biofeedback Joy thru Movement


HOLISTIC FAIRS Holistic Health & Healing Expos 2015 Holistic Expo Sponsored by Goddess Elite

October 17th & 18th, 2015 — 11 AM - 6 PM, daily Soccer Sportsplex - 31515 Lorain Rd. In North Olmsted OH General admission tickets are $10/day at the door or only $8.00/ day if purchased in advance or online: www.HHHexpos.com (Save your ticket stub for $5 admission the following day)

This year’s 25,000 square foot show will feature up to 100 vendors and practitioners, 4 lecture areas, a Kid Zone featuring a craft table and a game room and an indoor labyrinth courtesy of Unity Spiritual Center. Look for money saving coupons in the Cleveland Magazine, The Women’s Journal, Friday Magazine, Scene Magazine and more!

We are proud to announce our 2015 Charity as Wigs for Kids. A portion of the show's proceeds will be donated to this wonderful charity.

Saturday, November 7 10 am - 6pm West Shore Unitarian Church 20401 Hilliard Road Rocky River OH

Alternative Healing Products, Candles, Soaps, Bath Salts, Organic Clothing, Pet Products, Unique Jewelry, Psychics, Mediums, Reiki Energy Healers, Holistic Practitioners, Artists, Speakers, and much more...


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$5 admission includes: all speakers and activities Kids 12 and under: FREE ADMITTANCE


4 | The Emotion Code By Sue Ball

6| shift happens By Mary Robbins

8 | The FIVE Elements By Mary Ellen Derwis

10| Experience Life joy thru movement By Roseann Heinrich

12 | Helping kids ADD & ADHD By Alina Romano

www.UniversalLivingEzine.com / info@UniversalLivingEzine.com / 216-459-9094 Content in these articles does not in any way reflect the opinion of the publisher and should not be considered as medical advice or an endorsement for any product


A few months ago The Emotion Code came across my radar for the third time. Third time, hmmm, I guess that means I should pay attention. When I first heard about The Emotion Code, it was several years ago and I didn’t really inquire as to what it was or what it did. Looking back, I also realize that I wasn’t far enough along in my education of “energy” to have properly understood or even accepted it. Now is a different story. The Emotion Code is one of the most powerful healing modalities I have found. It is easy to use, it’s powerful and the results can literally change the world. EC is a technique used to remove trapped emotions/ energies that get “stuck” in our bodies. These trapped energies can affect our relationships, our abundance, our jobs and even our health. Left unchecked, these energies can wreak havoc on our lives. It’s essential we take time to release all this “emotion baggage” because it can keep us from experiencing a more complete and happier life. In his book, The Emotion Code, renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skillfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of “trapped emotions”; emotional energies that literally inhabit your body.

Trapped emotions create filters through which we experience life. If that filter is filled with anger, hatred, fear, worthlessness etc., it not only changes the way you view your surroundings, circumstances and people, but it also changes the way they view YOU. Many of these trapped energies were created when we were small children, when we were too young to understand and process the happenings in our daily lives. What seems to us as adults a minor occurrence, to a toddler it is absolutely enormous. That energy then gets trapped and becomes the way he looks at the world. For example, a child wanders away from his mom in a department store and panics because all he sees are racks and racks of clothing and no mom no matter which way he turns. There you have it – Panic & Fear. WE know we were watching him the whole time, but he didn’t. Now we’ve got a kid that clings because he’s afraid of being separated from Mom. It’s no big deal to us, but to him, it rocked his little world. See? Then, of course, are the major mayhem events that can happen: accidents, death, war, physical assault, abuses, major illness etc. Remember - Everything is energy. Our thoughts, words and actions, plus those of others; the energy created by light and sound (think bombs & mortar rounds, screeching tires); smells; the damage from a physical assault on the body, etc., etc. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY – no exceptions. If we don’t process through the emotions as they occur,

Sep / Oct 2015 pg 4

they will take up residence. Add to that, every time that emotion comes up later in life, more energy is added to the trapped energy and ratchets up the volume or amplitude. Here’s where the physical & health issues come into play. Theory of Resonance: when an energetic body comes in contact with a stronger (higher amplitude or higher volume) energy, the weaker system will resonate to the stronger energy. Simple physics. Translation: if you have a lower vibrating emotion such as anger, grief or shame that keeps getting stronger and stronger over the years, it now has the power to bring softer energy or the physical body’s systems into entrainment with it. The hatred, et al, will create a serious problem for your emotional and physical health.

be reduced, or anxiety or stress relieved. Again, it’s amazing to watch! Obviously, the older we are the possibility exists that quite a few trapped emotions can be stuck in our energetic field. Sometimes the clearing process can take a very long time. With anything that is a tragic life event, it may make the process even longer. But the results are worth it! Just think, a happier, healthy, abundant life can be yours by releasing the “emotional baggage” you’ve been carrying around. Try an Emotion Code session and see! For more information on the Emotion Code, call me at 216-459-9094.

See how emotions can play a crucial part in your health? So, how do we rid ourselves of these trapped emotions? The EC uses your subconscious mind to identify what trapped energies need to be released, and in what order. It can also provide any information needed to assist the process. How? By using muscle testing. Muscle testing accesses the information stored in the subconscious mind (which is about 90% of the entire brain). Just an FYI, your conscious mind will lie – it loves the status quo – “nope, nothing to see here – we’re just fine”. Subconscious mind says: “Oh no, we are ready to clean this mess up now!” It is amazing to watch! Through muscle testing the trapped emotion is identified and then made ready for release. A simple swipe down the governing meridian of the body releases the energy. Sometimes, immediate results can be observed, pain can

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Healing Holistic Journeys Reiki Master - Certified Crystal Healer - Zyto Scan - PetGemz Certified Practical Reiki Instructor - Essential Oils Wellness

Emotion Code Practitioner 216-459-9094 (office) Sue@healingholisticjourneys.com


Certified Practical Reiki Master Level Instructor

216-459-9094 info@learnpracticalreiki.com www.LearnPracticalReiki.com Sep / Oct 2015 pg 5

shift happens LINDA’s STORY -

Linda is a busy wife and mom who

also holds down a full time job at the bank. She had been noticing some disturbing symptoms that developed so slowly over time that she barely realized what was happening. However now, she is becoming quite concerned. It started with fatigue in the afternoon that grew to complete exhaustion by evening. She has minor headaches that she treated with ibuprofen. Sometimes, not all the time, she experiences stomach pains, some nausea, as well as just a general run down feeling. She is having pain and discomfort after she eats and alternating diarrhea and constipation. Then, she began bleeding from the rectum and became truly frightened. After many appointments and tests, her doctor finally settled on a diagnosis of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and began prescribing Imodium which would help her for a time but, brought some unhappy side effects like cramping, dizziness and dry mouth for which she was prescribed additional drugs. And she still is experiencing fatigue and headaches. Linda was referred to several specialists, underwent many tests and missed days of work. Stress levels at home are rising as others in the family are feeling the effects of Linda’s unhappy condition. She was getting frizzed out, impatient and short tempered while spending lots of time and money while not getting any real relief. Finally, she is feeling desperate wanting to get her old life back where she breezed through the day, had a cheerful disposition and slept like a baby at night only to wake up refreshed and ready to take care of her family and job. She feels guilty about the lack of care and time she was Sep / Oct 2015 pg 6

By Mary Robbins

giving to her family and is growing weary of the constant pill popping and doctors’ appointments needed to monitor the side effects of the prescription and OTC drugs. No one was taking time with her or listening to her. She is looking for and wanting to try something different. Her body is screaming out warnings that she should be looking for another way to address her condition. Then, one day while passing by a street fair she spies a booth that had a banner advertising holistic self-care and offering a free health assessment. Intrigued and curious she stopped to learn what holistic care would look like. She wants to know what is offered and can it help her. Can holistic self-care be the answer she is looking for? Is it possible to become well and drug free again? And what exactly is holistic? Since Linda is weary of treating symptoms and not moving back into wellness under her current treatment model, she decides to give holistic and complimentary methods a look-see. She finds that the program offered her an opThe American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) promotes holistic health as an approach to creating wellness which encourages you to: 

Balance and integrate your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects

Establish respectful, cooperative relationships with others and the environment

Make wellness-oriented lifestyle choices

Actively participate in your health decisions and healing process.

portunity to get to the source of problems that could not be treated on the physical level alone. She knew she needed help with stress, but did not know where to go. All aspects are included in the holistic model of care including the emotional and spiritual which are mostly never considered under modern physical medicine. In addition, this method offered her ongoing coaching so as not to leave her on her own and encouraged her to make the changes in her lifestyle that would be beneficial. She had access to knowledgeable people to ask questions if needed, that would see her through the program, keep her accountable and make it fun even. Linda is ready to shift into holistic self-care.


This type of program represents the shift in how we view ourselves and our wellness. We cannot separate our individual aspects of our being, but must treat the body as an integrated whole to achieve optimum health. We are beginning to shed the idea that we have no say in the matter of our health and do not want to hand over personal health decisions to a host of medical professionals who are so busy that we barely get 15 minutes of the doctor’s time. We are wanting full participation as we understand that our health is our responsibility. Not to say that we are giving up regular MD’s altogether. They are important for sure, but there are many steps we can take on our own to help insure our good health.

All over America we are seeing new col-

laborations and institutions comprised of healing arts practitioners of non-invasive modalities such as, reiki, nutrition counseling, iridology, use of essential oils, yoga, meditation, reflexology and many more. Many times these programs are doctor supported by physicians with a holistic mindset to provide further resources should they be needed.


Holistic Medicine

Conventional Medicine


Based on the integration of allopathic (MD), osteopathic (DO), naturopathic (ND), energy, and ethno-medicine.

Based on allopathic medicine.

Primary Objective of Care

To promote optimal health and as a by-product, to prevent and treat disease.

To cure or mitigate disease.

Primary Method of Care

Empower patients to heal themselves by addressing the causes of their disease and facilitating lifestyle changes through health promotion.

Focus on the elimination of physical symptoms.


Evaluate the whole person through holistic medical history, holistic health score sheet, physical exam, lab data.

Evaluate the body with history, physical exam, lab data.

Primary Care Treatment Options

Love applied to body, mind, and spirit with: diet, exercise, environmental measures, attitudinal and behavioral modifications, relationship and spiritual counseling, bioenergy enhancement.

Drugs and surgery

Secondary Care Treatment Options

Botanical (herbal) medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, manual medicine, biomolecular therapies, physical therapy, drugs, and surgery.

Diet, exercise, physical therapy, and stress management.

Sep / Oct 2015 pg 7


is for the Five Elements By Mary Ellen Derwis

July / Oct August Sep 20152015 pg 8pg 6

Five Element Theory and You Each indigenous group has developed their own understanding of natural law. Ayerveda with vatta pitta kapha uses three basic avenues. Others talk about the ethers, earth, water and such. In Taoist shamanic practice it is the five elements: Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. Since this is what I teach, I will look at the 5 element model. Lets explore each one separately.

Metal: Is about breath and discernment. It is the Season of Autumn when we begin to keep what is useful and discard that which is not, preparing for the Winter. It is reflected within our bodies by two meridians: Lung and Large Intestine and regulates our first and last experiences with that which is outside ourselves. The color is White or Black and it has excesses (Overly flashy or shelf absorbed) deficiency ( grief and depression) and balance ( righteousness and connectedness with ones feelings)

two meridian sets: Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium and Triple Warmer., regulating circulation and communication The color is Red. It has excesses (burn out) deficiency (lack of passion) and balance (love, true passion and compassion)


Is stable in nature, it nourishes and satisfies. It is the Season of Indian Summer when the fruits of our labors are harvested and prepared to sustain us thru the preparation of all things useful. Preparing for Autumn where we decide what will do us the most good as we weather the cold quiet and introspection of Winter. It is reflected within our bodies by two meridian sets: Stomach and Spleen which regulate digestion and energy. The color is Yellow. It has excesses (Stubbornness) deficiency (worry) and balance (satisfaction and safety) The Elemental forces serve as tools that we can utilize to navigate our environment and create balance body mind and spirit. As a Taoist practitioner, I have integrated them into the understanding of my daily life and its journey to wellness. It is a simple and easy way to bring balance into your life. Please feel free to contact me to learn more.


Is about Introspection and bring out that which is hidden. It is the Season of Winter when we conserve our energies stay warm and prepare for the bursting forth of life that comes with Spring. It is reflected within our bodies by two meridians: Bladder and Kidney and nourishes the whole being with moisture which cools and balances the ph levels. The color is Blue and it has excesses (reclusive) deficiency (fear) and balance (peace)


Is cerebral in nature, talkative, creator of ideas. It is the Season of Spring when we cultivate and plant our seeds literally and figuratively. Setting out before us that which we want to bear fruit in Summer. It is reflected within our bodies by two meridian set: Liver and Gall Bladder and it regulates and filters on many levels. The color is Green. It has excesses (anger and frustration) deficiency (lack of clarity or purpose) and balance (kindness and generosity)


Is passionate and loving in nature, it guides with a firm directed hand. It is the Season of Summer when the fruits of our labors spring forth giving us something to harvest in Indian Summer and set aside sustenance for body mind and spirit. It is reflected within our bodies by

be in the tao llc mary ellen derwis lmt., cht, cntt Universal Healing Tao full instructor www.beinthetao.com www.facebook.com/ beinthetao.doterra.cleveland www.facebook.com/chimassage www.chineitsangschool.com/unity-spiritualcenter-in-westlake

216.548.8980 m@beinthetao.com JulySep / August 2015pg pg09 7 / Oct 2015


experiencing life joy thru movement Every person who gives time to this writing is experiencing life in some form, but so are the animals and trees and rocks, etc. I wonder if I have ever been a rock and experienced the weather as I remained still or as I was thrown into a pond. What an odd concept. But I think it might be easier to be a rock experiencing in the moment than a human with a racing mind that carries me around the planet in 0 to 60 and back again. This is why I study and teach T’ai Chi Chih® a moving meditation. During my practice, I learn to be mindful of the movement of my body, the feelings I experience and I learn to let go of all the other extenuating activities and worries that invade my life. Over the summer, I began taking Yoga classes. Oh yes, another opportunity to be in the moment, to be mindful of movement and the lack of it; to be still in a pose and to focus is another practice that helps me release the hub-bub of what is happening around me. This summer has been a whirlwind of activities most that were not planned until springtime. All the activities brought with them a price and a concern for expenses. There was a lovely wedding to attend 800 miles away, a wonderful conference 500 miles in another direction, an anniversary weekend away, and then, the opportunity arose to replace the decking on our rapidly deteriorating deck. Yes, that too was accomplished as I reacted to the concept of a decreasing bank account. As a retired person, raises and bonuses, are only bestowed by the Universe and we all know that comes exactly when needed and not as an assurance that it will be there. We must trust it will. The only way to move through it all was to find peace with in my T’ai Chi Chih practice, to find joy in holding a Sep / Oct 2015 pg 10

pose. The Angels also urged me to continue to do things I love. Zumba is one of the things I love. Yes, it is exercise, but more importantly it is fun. So, I did lots of Zumba and at 68 years old find gratitude to have completed the hour. While utilizing my joys in life, I forget my concerns and relax my body. The energy flows more easily through my body and healing of all sorts continue. As we move into the autumn of the year, we are seeing a decline in the stock market and a new concern for those accounts. I spent a couple of days angsting and then returned to my practice of T’ai Chi Chih and mindfulness that today…..all is well. I will continue my daily practice and I will continue with the Yoga lessons as I like being in the moment and forgetting there are worldly concerns; for in those moments the Universe shows me there is nothing to be concerned about. I will have peace in my heart and angels all around as long as I remain mindful that they are there for me always. Namsate’

Roseann Heinrich




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Paranormal Spirit Readings: You can find out if there are any ghosts in your home or place of work. I will send them on and clear out negative energy they leave behind Pet Oracle Card Readings: You can get a message from your pet or get an insight to your relationship with them. Animal Runes: Get a brief insight into something in your life.     

Certified Natural Health Professional Natural Health and Energy Consultant Reiki Master-Teacher Animal Communication/Pet Psychic Paranormal Spirit Reader

Several types of readings are available: Animal Communication: If you would like to know what your pet is thinking or would like to tell them something, I am able to telepathically communicate with animals. I can also talk to your pet that has passed on. Guide and Power Animal Readings: You can find out what animals you have around you for guides, and which is your Power Animal. Your Power Animal is a reflection of you.

If your pet is having a health or behavior issue, a Bach Flower may help them. Bach Flower Recipes are all natural and work on emotions where a lot of issues originate. I do Natural Health and Energy Work. I use these energy modalities: Reiki, Quantum Touch, Qi Gong, an Jin Shin Jyutsu. I teach Reiki, clear Chakras, and use Gemstones for healing. I am looking forward to helping you or your pet feel better or just stay healthy on a natural path. With infinite love and gratitude, Liz Call: 440-552-9915 / Email: Lizard91134@wowway.com Visit website: www.Revlizmadsencnhprmt.vpweb.com We all have our paths to walk. Let's choose wisely. Sep / Oct 2015 pg 11



By Alina Romano

Neurological disorders affect billions of people around the world, and are defined as “disorders of the body’s nervous system”. Some neurological disorders include: brain damage, headaches, stroke, epilepsy, head injury, sleep ailments, learning difficulties, brain damage, Alzheimer, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, ADD/ADHD, and spinal cord injury to name a few. If your child is diagnosed with ADD/ADHD you are not alone. Many families are dealing with the challenges associated with this condition. Today ADHD/ADD cases are being diagnosed at an alarming rate! According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data about 6.4 million children have been diagnosed with ADD/ ADHD, a 16% rise since 2007 and a 53% increase over the past decade according to The New York Times. ADD/ADHD is a common neurological disorder that has been widely studied by Joel Lubar, a professor of psychology at the University of Tennessee. For more than two decades, Lubar has studied biofeedback’s applications with ADD and ADHD, publishing his findings in such leading medical journals such as the Journal of Pediatrics and Sep / Oct 2015 pg 12

Pediatric Neurology. Lubar has found that many children and adults who suffer from ADD/ ADHD have brain-wave patterns high in theta and low in beta (brain-waves associated with concentration). As a result of such brain-wave imbalances, these children and adults go through life unable to focus their attention. Lubar states that 80 - 90% of children can significantly benefit from biofeedback. He saw academic and behavioral scores reported a 2 ½ grade-level leap in achievement & behavior and a 15 point increase in IQ scores by 15 points. Until now, the only treatments were behavior therapies and medications.

EPFX/SCIO QUANTUM BIOFEEDBACK A growing number of people are turning to biofeedback – a cutting-edge holistic approach to help numerous disorders within the body and mind. The EPFX/SCIO Quantum Biofeedback provides unique specialized protocols and individualized reports of stress reactions for each client’s optimal education, as well as

cognitive and behavioral retraining. While traditional biofeedback and neuro-feedback work solely with brainwaves or heart rhythms, the EPFX/SCIO generates holistic programs designed to entrain emotional and physical responses in all areas of the body and mind encouraging improved mental and neurological performance. EPFX/SOIO Quantum Biofeedback is FDA cleared, Safe, Non-Invasive and Effective. If you or someone you love needs support managing a neurological disorder, share this beneficial information with them. To learn more contact me at 440-856-5280.

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Biofeedback for Stress & Pain Management Reflexology Whole Body Vibrations Ionic Detox Footbath Ear Candling

Alina Romano, QBT 440.856.5280

28887 Lorain Rd North Olmsted OH / 440-777-7211 

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Next event: WELLNESS FAIR November 14

23855 Detroit Road / Westlake OH Sep / Oct 2015 pg 13

www.UniversalLivingEzine.com / info@UniversalLivingEzine.com / 216-459-9094

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