Universal Living Sept / Oct 2014

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September / October 2014 | Vol. 02 Issue 05

Universal Living


Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century




HOLISTIC FAIRS Sept & October 2014 We are offering holistic health opportunities & fun for the whole family. Come join us for a day of growth & relaxation with informative speakers, vendors, unique products & services plus a selection of delectable foods.

Free Lectures all day * Energy Balancing * Intuitive Readings * Akashic Records Gift Items * Tuning Forks * Jewelry * Runes * Crystals * Much More! Featuring live music by TWK—Soundscape, Ambient, New-Age Artist

Saturday, September 20

Sunday, October 12



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call Pat for details: 216-221-8076

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CONTENTS SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2014 4 | The Living Matrix The New Science of Healing By Mary Robbins


6 | What’s your “gut” feeling? Better digestion is just a few easy steps away By Roseann Zaft


9 | East Meets West A is for Aromatherapy—getting started. By Mary Ellen Derwis


11 | Sound: Language of the Body


By Jill Matson

12 | Natural Pet 12

Is your pet’s food affecting their health? By Debbie Jones

17 | SPIRIT: Moving On 18

and letting go…. By Rosanne Heinrich

18 | How to Center Yourself Five simple practices to help you keep centered. By Dr. Judith Orloff, MD www.UniversalLivingEzine.com / info@UniversalLivingEzine.com / 216-459-9094 Content in these articles does not in any way reflect medical advice or is to be considered an endorsement for any product


The Living Matrix: The New Science of Healing Can you benefit from the new science of healing?

on treating the body with natural substances like herbs and food that sup-

What is healing exactly? Can we all be healers? I just finished viewing a film called “The Living Matrix” in which these questions are examined.

These questions are

strange to many of us who have only known the current modern medical paradigm which entrusts all of our healthcare into the hands of healthcare professionals, leaving the patient with few options except prescribed drugs and surgery. However, it should be noted that this current state of affairs is relatively new being at most

ported the body. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine said, “Let food By Mary Robbins be thy medicine and thy medicine be food.” Every ancient culture had its own version of a doctor, whether they called them shamans, medicine women or village healer. So, what we are talking about is not really a new paradigm, but a reawakening of what healing really has always been, a restoration of the body’s own intelligent, magnificent repairing system.

only about 200 years old. Previously, healing was approached in an entirely different manner which allowed

But exactly how do methods that rely on nutrition and

us more personal power about the methods used to re-

invisible energies work? Most don’t know that there is

gain our health.

hard science to back up the new (old) science of healing. These options are still considered less than creditable by

The Living Matrix introduces us to a whole new understanding of how our bodies are organized and how they function; and it is nothing like what we currently believe to be true. As Yoda says, “You must unlearn what you have learned.” Of course, if you are reading this ezine, you are probably aware that we do have many complimentary holistic options available to us when we need to heal. Some are ancient, like yoga and acupuncture, and some are newer like Reconnective Healing, Access Bars and Quantum Energy Self Care Tools. Before big pharma and corporate medicine ever existed, we humans relied September/October Issue—Page 4

a large unknowing segment of the US population. This is where The Living Matrix comes in - to enlighten and empower us by revealing the current scientific information available that supports a more precise and less tortuous healing experience. It is no less than a complete 180 degree swing from our current belief system. In the film, we learn to question that we are separate – separate from our bodies, separate from our brains, separate from each other. What if we were all joined together and existed in an all expansive field of energy? What if we were a vibrational energy that manifests as one outer matter

body surrounded by an invisible field called a Biofield or

tive and complimentary methods of self care – not that

Bio-Energy field? What if all living things were nothing

you must abandon your healthcare professionals entirely.

but a bundle of condensed energy that vibrated and sent

Modern medicine with all its advanced technology is su-

information through the field?

perb at patching us up after accidents or repairing us from

When we look at our bodies in this way, we now have a way to approach other questions that current accepted science can’t explain such as: How does one fertilized egg know to become a fully formed human being? Where is consciousness or memory located? How does distance

congenital defects as well as diagnosing where problems exist. However, in the end, it is your choice how to treat your body.

Watch The Living Matrix and educate your-

self to the possibilities of advanced self care. Maybe, you are the best judge after all.

healing work? The Living Matrix features such luminaries as Dr. Bruce Lipton, Fritz Von Popp, Edgar Mitchell and Lynn Mc Taggert who are able to explain very clearly how this might occur. This is not pseudo science they are espousing, but real discoveries that have illuminated our understanding of the universe and all that resides therein. And it is easy to absorb.

Mary Robbins is an authorized Representative for Amega Global. To learn more about this elegant way to self care, please call: 330-807-3816 Email: mary@gotohealthy.com FB: Go To Healthy with Mary Robbins

One of the most profound revelations is that matter and energy waves are interchangeable depending upon human observation. This helps to understand how thoughts are energy but can manifest in human actions such as beautiful art or in the body as human disease. We now know that stress can cause great harm to our bodies in the form of inflammation which can then result in discomfort and even disease. Is it possible that all human maladies are caused by energy distortion or disruption? Even the food we eat can have a negative effect energetically as it is not the food itself, but the energetic signature of the food that is harmful. The energy emitted by a toxin such as fluoride will have a negative energetic signature, whereas, the vibration from an organic orange will be positive and life giving to the body. After you watch The Living Matrix , you will never view your body, mind and consciousness the same again. Your new understanding will empower you to seek out alternaSeptember/October Issue—Page 5

After eating do you feel fully energized and ready to rock or do you feel tired and ready to nap? Are you healthy and feeling great inside and out or are you sick all the time with colds and flu? Do you end your meals with a satisfied smile or are you left gassy and bloated like a balloon ready to burst? If you suffer from gas, indigestion, heartburn, tiredness or cramps and have lost that loving feeling, it could be your gut trying to tell you something is up! If you are fed up feeling like you have no energy or are craving unhealthy foods, then this information could be the answer to your problems. What if you could feel alive, vital and energized just by adding 3 simple steps to your lifestyle? Your digestive system is an amazingly vital and complex system. It forms the first line of defense for your immune system, brings you vital nutrients and is often felt as the source of intuitive feelings. But if that system has been damaged, by antibiotics and poor nutrition, it could be causing all sorts of symptoms. Lucky for you just a few simple changes can begin to restore your gut and make you look and feel much healthier.

Step 1: Chew your food! The first step in digestion is when you put the food into your mouth. You chew it into little tiny pieces and mix it with saliva. That saliva contains enzymes which start to break the food down into even smaller bits which your body can use. See how simple? Chew your food well and improve your digestion! I bet your mom told you that too. Well, she was right! Chewing is really important and it the first step to healthy digestion. Enzymes, in your saliva and in the rest of your gut, break down food to its simplest building blocks. They are special molecules which fit specific types of food and cut it into extremely small pieces. They act like little scissors, chopSeptember/October Issue—Page 6

ping up your food. Without enzymes food would just pass straight through you and you wouldn’t be able to absorb any nourishment.

Step 2: Get more enzymes Your body is able to make enzymes but it gets less efficient with age. Another way of taking in enzymes is from the food you eat. Fruit and vegetables are full of natural enzymes which break down food. Nature packed them full of exactly the right biology to work with your body – handy, huh? But, if you cook all your food, you kill off the enzymes so it is important to eat at least some fruit and vegetables raw. As many of you know already, I am a HUGE fan of having a quart of green smoothie a day. There is no better way to get these food enzymes in your system and the blending process actually helps you digest the ingredients more easily. If you are consuming lots of cooked food, consider a quality digestive enzyme supplement to support the breakdown of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and protein). Since cooking the foods damages the enzymes, taking a supplement will give you back the digestive ‘tools’ to get these essential nutrients into your body. We simply cannot manufacture enough enzymes ourselves and there are massive health benefits from taking a high quality digestive enzyme supplement.

Step 3: Make friends with friendly bacteria When you swallow food, it makes its way down to the stomach where it is all mixed up. Then substances are added to help digestion. Food usually stays in the stomach for a few hours, until bit by bit, it is emptied into the intestine where the process of absorbing the nutrients occurs. Living in your intestine are trillions of bacteria which help break down food and absorb nutrients. Most people don’t realize how important these little miniature assis-

tants are. Without realizing, we kill them off with antibiotics and don’t feed them what they need. Worse still, we feed the bad bacteria and fungus that lives there too. Bad bacteria, and specifically the fungus candida, love sugar. They even make you crave eating more of it! If you over feed the bad guys they stage a takeover and wipe out the helpful bacteria. This means your immune system gets weaker and you stop absorbing all the nutrients needed to keep you healthy. These good bacteria are amazingly vital to your health. Science is only now uncovering how many people are sick because the bad bacteria and fungus have taken over. Childhood illness such as eczema and asthma, along with adult diseases such as cancers, obesity and loads of autoimmune disorders are all being linked to, yep, you’ve guessed it, bacteria! The simple and effective way to heal your gut is to replenish those wonderful little bacteria living in your intestine. Your best bet is a daily dose of high quality prebiotics and probiotics. There are a lot of products out on in the market today…... so buyers beware. Consult with your naturopathic doctor or health care professional to make sure you are getting what you need. Alternatively, you can just include more good bacteria in your diet by eating fermented food like yoghurt and sauerkraut (pickled cabbage). Also, it is essential that you take a look at the amount of sugar you are consuming as it ONLY feeds the bad bacteria and fungus. Instead, feed and nurture the good guys with natural plant based food. When you start working with good, healthy bacteria you will quickly feel your energy levels increase as you get more nutrients from your food. Your immune system will become more effective and you’ll stop getting all those


little sniffles. Allergies will disappear and you will reduce your risk of all sorts of other diseases. Basically, by simply cutting out sugar and eating more raw fruit and vegetables you will revamp your gut and almost immediately feel the benefits. Another excellent reason to get the bacteria working for you is they will naturally help you drop a few pounds and reduce your appetite. What more could you want? That’s it… 3 simple steps to keep your belly happy and live a more vibrant life! - Chew your food really well - Boost your enzymes with raw food or supplements - Support your good bacteria (avoid antibiotics, reduce sugar and eat fermented foods or take pre/probiotic supplements) So, trust your intuition, listen to what your gut is trying to tell you. There is a new healthier you waiting to be discovered. Not sure where to go from here? Roseann C. Zaft is a Certified Fitness Trainer, Wellness Coach and a Member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Roseann’s training and personal journey with digestive problems enables her to offer expert coaching programs designed to help even her busiest and challenged clients to achieve optimal health and find balance of fitness and nutrition in their life. Roseann is enthusiastic about sharing her passion and energy to individuals. Her vision is to create communities of wellness. She offers workshops in private homes and public workplaces to help spread the word about living fit. Contact her at livefit2day@me.com or visit her website www.livefit2day.com and join her mailing list to receive monthly tips on how you can live a happy, healthy and harmonious life, one day at time! DISCLAIMER OF HEALTH CARE RELATED SERVICES: Roseann Zaft, aka LIVEFIT LLC, encourages you to continue to visit and to be treated by your healthcare professionals, including, without limitation, a naturopathic or traditional medical physician. LIVEFIT is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional. LIVEFIT is not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services and will not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.

September/October Issue—Page 7

be in the tao llc mary ellen derwis lmt., cht, cntt Universal Healing Tao full instructor www.beinthetao.com www.facebook.com/ beinthetao.doterra.cleveland www.facebook.com/chimassage www.chineitsangschool.com/unityspiritual-center-in-westlake

216.548.8980 m@beinthetao.com Centered Wellness

– A business structure based on collaboration instead of competition, could it possibly work? Mary Maynard, Centered Wellness founder, believes it will, and has seen it in effect since creating this collaborative affiliation in 2010.

Wellness Fair November 15, 10am - 5pm United Spiritual Center 23855 Detroit Road Westlake OH Everything from Animal Care to Zumba • Keynote Speakers • Breakout Sessions • Forums • P.U.R.E. Love organic food • Loving Healers & Readers • Products • Holistic Services September/October Issue—Page 8

While many businesses today use a deconstructive process, Mary is drawn to the constructive process. Now is the time to build up, to reconstruct, whether a company or a human body. Fear triggers competition, as if there isn't enough, while collaboration enlivens sharing, increasing values, knowing there is enough. Come see how this collaborative process works on November 15th. Start the day with a Wellness Fair designed for your total well-being. It covers attitudes towards money, healthy food choices, types of Yoga, your pet's diet, how to maximize healing, books to read, energizing jewelry, and healing oils. Tips, services, and products from caring, holistic, health practitioners, personal break-out sessions, and key note speakers fill the day. Centered Wellness is an affiliation of caring, collaborative professionals waiting to partner with you to bring maximum wellness into your life, visit www.centeredwellness.org.


is for Aromatherapy East meets West By Mary Ellen Derwis According to Robert Tisserand, author of one of the first books I owned on the subject, Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of plant-derived, aromatic essential oils to promote physical and psychological well-being. It is sometimes used in combination with massage and other therapeutic techniques as part of a holistic treatment approach. Plainly, the use of plant essential oils affect body, mind, and spirit through inhalation, topical use, and in some cases, ingestion as is used in Europe and Asia. Such a lovely practice, so powerful, and yet you will find the aromatherapy “wars” are on full bore here in the US. “Mine is better than yours”... blah, blah, blah. I have chosen to consider the source when reading all this ‘”stuff” on the internet and moved beyond it so that I am able to find oils that speak to me personally. I use them in my practice because I know they work. Plain, simple. We did not invent the use of essential oils in the United States. Aromatherapy is an ancient healing art used since biblical times. And in China, their use is documented as far back as 3000 BC.

Why are we so fascinated with aromatherapy? Perhaps, because for millennia ancient peoples have used it as a very important form of medicine. The community healer provided them. Before that, each family had their own healer, Mom. She harvested and provided medicinal herbs for her family or clan — an essential part of daily living. Much has changed since ancient times. Modern distillation processes have created a much more potent product; consequently one must be cautious in their use. The volatile oils can be toxic in large amounts and some may cause irritation. So here are the basics: Why do Aromatherapy? Well the benefits of using natural products opposed to synthetics in your wellness regime is obvious, your body recognizes the healing properties of natural things and is confused by synthetics because they do not occur in nature. Essential oils are derived from the plant oils which carry the information that supports immune function. They are easily available. You September/October Issue—Page 9

can now establish yourself as the healer in your own home.

out one of my favorite books: Aromatherapy an A-Z by Patricia Davis - a great reference book that should be in every home library.

What about the Fragrance? I hate a specific oil.. I get this question a lot. If you have an aversion to a specific scent it just might be you really need Aromatherapy that one and your critical Diffuser mind is attempting to protect you from making changes in your lifestyle. What would I do? Put it on my feet! Now I can appreciate the benefit without smelling it.

The best way to navigate the study of aromatherapy is to find someone you trust for more general information. I teach classes locally in the Greater Cleveland area at Unity Spiritual Center in Westlake. Maybe you live in another community, don’t be discouraged. Track down someone you trust and ask about classes. Reading a book limits you. Online courses also limit you because unless you touch and breathe in the oils and listen to the messages they impart to you, it is all theoretical. Feel them and you will not forget that experience. Listen to them and you will learn.

So what’s in it for me? Well, aromatherapy triggers memories, gets into the bloodstream in 20 seconds, every cell in 4 minutes, olfactory system, fab for anxiety, relaxation etc, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, inexpensive & safe treatment for day to day health challenges. Now let’s look even further:

There are no regulations for the use of essential oils. What does that mean for a newbie? Use common sense! Most important for me personally: I have individuals sample oils by inhalation via a toothpick. This way the oils do not touch the skin. Some individuals are very sensitive to the oils. You may be too.

Fragrance can bring back a memory if it has been anchored with a specific scent. Think Lavender…think Grandma.

When putting the oils on the skin, use a carrier such as fractionated coconut oil. This protects the delicate skin by dilution.

Gets into the bloodstream within 20 seconds if inhaled or applied to the skin

Travels to every cell in your body within 4 minutes

Crosses the blood brain barrier almost immediately if the oil is high in sesquiterpenes. Here it affects your mood.

Not bio accumulative—essentials oils will not build up in your body

Can be used for pain relief such as peppermint, which is used in many sports creams.

Can be antiviral and boost the immune system such as lemon.

Can be antifungal and help with athlete’s foot fungus such as melaleuca.

Need to relax? Try Lavender.

Need to focus? Try peppermint.

Have I piqued your curiosity? Good. Nature’s medicines are within your reach, all you have to do is educate yourself. So I want you to go to your nearest library and take September/October Issue—Page 10

Once you have an experience, you will begin to understand the complexity of this modality for healing. Want to learn more? Feel free to contact me. Ah, the next article is about a wonderful modality called bodywork. It encompasses several types of work: massage energy and more. Stay tuned for the B’s in our series of East meets West.

With 22+ years of experience as a licensed Massotherapist (OH and HI), Universal Healing Tao Full Instructor of Chi Nei Tsang , Chi Kung & Tao Yin Chinese Yoga, as well as basic Aromatherapy, guided imagery, feng shui, Mary Ellen Derwis Lmt. blends eastern and western wellness techniques into a user friendly format for the individual. She has offices in Broadview Hts and Westlake, Ohio and offers classes at Unity Spiritual Center in Westlake, Please feel free to visit her Facebook pages, Like them & initiate a discussion. Text or call 216.548.8980, or email m@beinthetao.com if you have questions or comments or if you have a subject you would like more information about concerning wellness. Your input is welcome.


Sharry Edwards, from BioAcoustics, believes tiny ear

The Language of the Body

that “all is number” (do they mean we should count the

Studies are popping up all over – showing that the language of the body is sound. Invisible sound waves are the body’s secret communication system! Understanding the “Rosetta stone of body language” will unlock untold breakthroughs in health. Science maintains that nerves communicate information to the far reaches of the body through electrical impulses. Thomas Heimburg*1+, a Copenhagen University biology and physics researcher, questions this, “The physical laws of thermodynamics tell us that electrical impulses must pro-

sounds reflect communications within the body, “Our ears create intrinsic sound waves” (scientific fact). Sound goes out the ears like a radio signal, broadcasting to the rest of the body. Is the language of the body numbers (of cycles of sound waves), expressed as frequencies or sounds? This reflects the idea of Plato and Pythagoras who insisted number of sine waves of sound?). Edwards did this very thing. By observing body sounds, Edwards discovered that when waves interact, the addition or subtraction representing wave cancellation or addition is impeccably accurate. In other words the processes that occur in the body (like digesting your food) operate like interacting sound waves. Further, these numbers (gotten by counting sound waves) can be correlated to chemicals and biological formulas within the body. Our incredible and intricate bodies utilize the power of sound for communication and wave interference interactions for body maintenance and operations. Our medical field is learning this wisdom. Now it uses sound for sonograms, tens units and to heal broken bones faster.

duce heat as they travel along the nerve, but experiments

Sound, is right in front of our noses, yet we have barely

find no heat.”*2+ We need to rethink standard thinking

scraped the surface of its secrets and mysteries. When we

about inter body communications via the nervous system.

do, a whole new way of thinking will become evident –

Heimburg proposes that the nerves communicate information, but through sound waves. This controversial idea also explains how anesthesiology works – a mystery that

uplifting and tuning our world. *1+ Thomas Heimburg and theoretical physicist Andrew Jackson – co authored this research study in the Biophysical Journal. *2+ Controversial Idea: Nerves Communicate Sound, Not Electricity,

has baffled scientists for years. Anesthetics change the

March 14, 2007, http://www.livescience.com/1357-controversial-idea-

melting point of nerve membranes so that they can’t


propagate sound. Nerves are put on “stand by” and can’t report messages that the brain would interpret as pain. Do the nerves communicate pain and other things through sound waves? John Beaulieu, from BioSonics, links nerves and sound in an entirely new way. He believes that the high pitched, electrical ringing in one’s ears (a sound that comes and goes, not like tinnitus) is the sound of nerves communicating. By humming the sound heard in one’s ears, the sound can lessen or stop.

Jill Mattson is an author, artist, musician and composer whose passion is studying antiquity. Jill has extensively researched ancient traditions that used Sound Healing to transform people’s consciousness and soothe their mind, body and spirit. To experience Jill’s music, visit her website for THREE free MP3 downloads: http://www.jillswingsoflight.com September/October Issue—Page 11

Can your pet’s food affect their health?


By Debbie Jones

eter. You may notice that after you eat these types of doubt, you have seen the latest news re-

foods you may feel uncomfortable, bloated, and you

ports about how the food we choose to

may just want to sit on the couch and veg out for a

eat affects our state of health and wellness. The re-

while. And this is after just a few snacks (or maybe

ports are constantly changing, but hot topics currently

even a binge, if it is one of THOSE days)!

range from organic vs. non organic foods, GMOs vs. Non GMOs, and fresh

But imagine how you would feel if you

foods vs. processed foods, just to

ate like this every day. What would your

name a few. Many of us try to eat the

energy levels be like if you never ate a

healthiest food we can, within the

fresh vegetable, tasted a crisp apple, or

means of our budget.

had fresh eggs, salad or meats? If you are a carnivore, can you imagine living

It seems to be common knowledge

on canned, processed meat for your

now that whole, fresh foods are the

entire life? If you are a vegetarian, can

best option to keep us feeling well.

you imagine living on canned fruits and

You may have noticed that when you

vegetables every day?

eat fresh foods you feel better, are

think you would feel? Sure, you would

more alert, more active and are gener-

survive, but would you thrive?

How do you

ally in a positive mood. Most people would agree that the answer is “No”. But But on occasion, for whatever reason, you may reach

many haven’t made the connection to the way they eat

for ‘bad’ food, and by ‘bad’ food I mean highly pro-

and the way they feed their pets. Consider this: All

cessed food that usually comes out of a colorful bag

living things benefit from fresh, nutritious, unpro-

and is found in the middle of the grocery store, far, far

cessed, whole foods. When animals are fed processed

away from the fresh fruits and veggies along the perim-

food on a daily basis they typically begin to display signs

September/October Issue—Page 12

The Natural Pet

of ill health over time (just as we would if our diet was so limited). It may show up as a dull coat, runny eyes, stinky ears, dry scratchy skin, dirty teeth, bad breath, lethargy, intermittent vomiting (especially for cats), a bad temper, or more significant issues may arise. So how can you tell if the food you feed your pet is nutritious and healthy or over-processed and lacking in necessary vitamins, minerals and enzymes? The first step would be to look at the label. Bypass the pretty, brightly colored bag with pictures of fresh fruits and vegetables and go straight for the Label of Ingredients. You want to ask yourself the following questions: What

Next, check to see if one ingredient is listed several

types of foods are listed (whole foods versus syn-

times in different forms. An example of this may be

thetic)? Are the ingredients easily recognizable? Are

corn meal, corn hulls, and corn grits. If you add up all

there any organic ingredients? How long is the ingredi-

the ‘corn’ ingredients it is now the primary ingredient in

ent list? Are there chemical additives? Is the food

the food. You may see chicken listed first (implying

made in the USA and are the ingredients sourced in the

that the food is made mostly of chicken) but if the next

USA? Is there a number to call if you have questions?

three ingredients are corn based, then the food is pri-

Is there an expiration date and a date of manufacture?

marily made up of corn.

Wow, this sounds pretty similar to what we look for on

Lastly, be wary of any food that is ‘dyed’ to mimic fresh

our food labels. So, that’s not so intimidating. Let’s see

foods. Dyes or food colorings have no nutritional value

if we can break it down further. First, always look for a

and like some dyes that are used in human grade food,

quality protein source (not a ‘by-product’) to be listed

they can be linked to hyperactivity and food allergies in

as the first ingredient. Examples are chicken, turkey,


beef, etc. You do not want to see any ingredients that list the generic term ‘meat’.

These are short and simple steps that you can take to ensure that your pet is receiving the nutrients required for optimal health and quality of life To learn much more about how to feed your pet a nutritious diet every day, visit www.PetNutritionandWellness.com. The good news is that there are more manufactured foods on the market today which are nutritious and made with quality ingredients than ever before. There are also pet food companies that use human grade ingredients, which are highly recommended. Also, consider investigating alternatives to kibble such as wet foods, dehydrated raw, freeze dried or frozen raw. September/October Issue—Page 13

Again, there are many great options available to help your pet thrive, not just survive.

So what can you do

is not spoiled or rotten). The ideas are endless. And you may be surprised at the dramatic changes that you will see by taking small steps to boost your pet’s diet! Not to mention how much your pet will love you for it.

to boost the nutritional value of your pet’s

Sheila Buchanan is a Clinical Pet Nutritionist and co-owner of

food beyond reading ingredient labels?

Beyond the Bag Pet Nutrition and Wellness, LLC. With her business partner Debbie Jones. Together, they empower pet parents to make educated decisions about their dog or cat’s well-being

First, get rid of any packaged snacks or treats. Instead,

via online seminars about Pet Nutrition, Animal Reiki, Pet Com-

consider fresh (or frozen) fruits and vegetables as

munication, and more. They also provide wellness services to

healthy snack options. Some examples are frozen blue-

pets and their families in the form of Canine Massage, Pet &

berries, carrot sticks or sliced hot dogs. A cut-up apple

People Reiki and Animal and Spirit Communication.

or even banana are wonderful nutritious snacks or toppers to your pet’s dinner bowl. Sweet potato chips or dehydrated chicken strips are great and are so easy to make! Simply slice a sweet potato (or chicken into thin

‘Nurture the Family Bond through Nutrition and Spirit”. You can download classes, see product offerings, or check a list of local events



Beyond the Bag

hours until the chips are crispy (the chicken may take a

Pet Nutrition and Wellness

few more hours to fully dehydrate). These are great

Nurturing the family bond through nutrition & spirit

treats you currently offer. And if you have a dog, gone are the days of wasting food! If you have some salad greens, broccoli, cucumbers or celery that are not quite crispy enough for your taste, blend them in a blender and top off their dinner or breakfast meal (make sure it



strips) and cook in the oven at 250 degrees for 2-3

snacks that your pets will prefer over the store bought

Certified Pet Nutritionist Shamanic Reiki Practitioners & Teachers Services In-Person & Online Sheila Buchanan 216.215.4713 Debbie Jones 216.536.9426 info@PetNutritionandWellness.com www.PetNutritionandWellness.com

Tranquility & Wellness Reiki Therapy, Reiki Attunements, Spiritual Counseling, Massage, Medical Intuitive

Nadine Jankowski, CRP, LMT, LPN 6619B Pearl Road Parma Hts., OH 44130

(440) 345-5566 thereikishop@att.net Find us on Facebook

Never have so many had such broad and advanced access to health care. But never have so many been denied access to health. —GRO HARLEM BRUNDTLAND (1939-) Norwegian Diplomat, Physician, & International Leader September/October Issue—Page 14



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Paranormal Spirit Readings: You can find out if there are any ghosts in your home or place of work. I will send them on and clear out negative energy they leave behind Pet Oracle Card Readings: You can get a message from your pet or get an insight to your relationship with them. Animal Runes: Get a brief insight into something in your life. Sev    


Certified Natural Health Professional Natural Health and Energy Consultant Reiki Master-Teacher Animal Communication/Pet Psychic Paranormal Spirit Reader

Several types of readings are available: Animal Communication: If you would like to know what your pet is thinking or would like to tell them something, I am able to telepathically communicate with animals. I can also talk to your pet that has passed on. Guide and Power Animal Readings: You can find out what animals you have around you for guides, and which is your Power Animal. Your Power Animal is a reflection of you.

If your pet is having a health or behavior issue, a Bach Flower may help them. Bach Flower Recipes are all natural and work on emotions where a lot of issues originate. I do Natural Health and Energy Work. I use these energy modalities: Reiki, Quantum Touch, Qi Gong, and Jin Shin Jyutsu. I teach Reiki, clear Chakras, and use Gemstones for healing. I am looking forward to helping you or your pet feel better or just stay healthy on a natural path. With infinite love and gratitude, Liz Call: 440-552-9915 / Email: Lizard91134@wowway.com Visit website: www.Revlizmadsencnhprmt.vpweb.com We all have our paths to walk. Let's choose wisely.

September/October Issue—Page 15

Calendar of Holistic Shows, Expos and Events www.bodymindspiritdirectory.org

Flourish Wellness Spa     

Biofeedback for Stress & Pain Management Reflexology Whole Body Vibrations Ionic Detox Footbath Ear Candling

Alina Romano, QBT 440.856.5280

23140 Lorain Road *** NEW Address Oct 24: 28887 Lorain Rd *** North Olmsted OH / 440-777-7211 

Tumbled Stones, Large Specimens & Points

Statuary of all Faith Paths

Classes, Workshops & Development Circles - Open to All

Aromatherapy and Herb products

Custom Jewelry by Mystic Stone

Monthly Psychic Fairs

Interactive Blog updated weekly

7 Day Candles & Candles by Coventry Creations

Large selection of Tarot & Divination Tools

New books & calendars

Sponsor of 2014 Holistic Health & Healing Expo

Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 12 pm - 7 pm Saturday-Sunday: 12 pm - 6 pm www.Goddesselite.com September/October Issue—Page 16

Learn Practical Reiki TM

SUE BALL Certified Practical Reiki Master Level Instructor

CLASS STARTS SEPT 8! Call: 216-459-9094 info@learnpracticalreiki.com www.learnpracticalreiki.com


Moving On... By Roseann Heinrich


t is almost time to write the next article and this time I will be ahead of schedule. When I sit to write, I am never sure what will come through, but the time feels right now. The energies we are living in at this time are suddenly changeable. Have you noticed that people are making life changing decisions on a dime? All of a sudden they are changing the course of their lives. Sometimes it is a nagging desire that has been at the back of their minds for years and all of a sudden they decide to quit their job and go teach in the Yukon or some other favored location. Or, they have been married and unhappy for 30 or 40 years and now decide to move on. Many people are changing their life styles and many more are struggling with the desire to do so. This is the time to move forward. Go where your heart is pulling you now. There is no such thing as security except with trusting the Spiritual Energies that so want to be of service to you. Over a year ago I wanted to retire from my J.O.B. I was scared and still am. I am old enough that I have many layers of Belief System to peel off to find my dreams. But that is simply an excuse. I need to move forward and to trust. A dear friend shared with me an affirmation she is using. It feels good and I am sharing it with you in this

writing….”I ALLOW the Universe to support me.” Doesn’t that feel the simplest and easiest way? Just allow and move forward trusting it will all come together in the easiest way possible. Of course, this does involve giving up control. For some of us, this is a really big deal. As part of the planning committee for my (oh Yuk) “50th high school graduation reunion, I watch some of the participants struggle to let go of control. We hope for everyone to want to come to the party and enjoy themselves. We can only do our best to provide a joyful event, but we cannot ensure all will find the event joyful and gratifying. Watching the stress people create as they try to plan the perfect weekend, hoping to control the outcome for those who attend, has been an eye opener for me. Maybe it is a major mirror to make me see and realize I too must let go of trying to control the future. If we spend some time contemplating control, we will find we really don’t have any at all. So, give it up and just do what feels good. You will be guided and you will find greater joy if you “Let Go” and as the saying goes, “Let God”. - Roseann Heinrich and my angels.

September/October Issue—Page 17

How to Center Yourself by Judith Orloff MD Watch your diet. Notice what foods feel good, which do not. Your body will tell you what it requires. Usually, denser foods-meat, chicken, fish--have more of a grounding effect than grains, vegetables, or fruit. I'm not a big meat eater but if my body announces, "I need a hamburger," I will devour one. Listen to your body's signals. Notice how they fluctuate. Do mundane tasks. Mindfully focusing on everyday chores can bring you back to your body. Grocery shopping, going to the bank, paying bills, washing clothes, taking out the trash, or cleaning the yard can be grounding. These activities anchor you in the here-and-now by drawing on the luminous nature of the ordinary. Practice Anonymous Service. Do something nice for someone without taking credit for it. Hold the elevator for a little old lady. Let someone go before you in line. Serve food to the homeless. Give a charitable donation. Anything that shifts the focus from you to helping others. No deed is too small. The act of giving--especially when you're most frazzled--opens your heart, is regenerative. Spend Time in Nature. As poet William Wordsworth put it, civilization can be "too much with us." People, cars, the news, telephone cables matting the sky, all can keep us from our bodies, divorce us from what is natural. Regularly take at least a few hours out from your routine. Visit the beach, a forest, a canyon, a river. Choose a spot that moves you. Aboriginals seek out windswept plains for purification. Native Americans go to fresh streams to clarify their inner vision. (Any water source, including a bath or shower, can cleanse and purify.) Tibetan monks pilgrimage to mountaintops. Allow yourself to draw on the earth's primordial forces. Savor the beauty of a twilight, sunset, or dawn. Let them nourish and restore you. September/October Issue—Page 18

Meditate. Sitting in meditation is a life-line to your center, to the earth. By calming the mind, you can re-align with your essence. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Then gently extend your awareness downward to strata, bedrock, minerals, and soil. From the base of your spine begin to feel a continuity with the earth's core. Picture having a long tail that roots in that center. Allow the earth's energy to infuse your body and stabilize you. If you meditate for five minutes or an hour this is sacred time. Judith Orloff MD is a psychiatrist, intuitive healer, and NY Times bestselling author. Her latest national bestseller is “The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life” (Harmony Books, 2014). Dr. Orloff's other bestsellers are “Emotional Freedom, Positive Energy, Guide to Intuitive Healing and Second Sight”. Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. She passionately believes that the future of medicine involves integrating all this wisdom to achieve emotional freedom and total wellness.www.drjudithorloff.com FREE MINI VIDEO CLASSES ON YOUTUBE FOR YOU! Please check out “Dr. Orloff’s Living Room Series” to find out more about the special method Dr. Orloff recommends to remember your dreams and other topics to build the power within. Stop by www.youtube.com/judithorloffmd anytime.

Holistic Health & Healing Expos 2014 Holistic Expo Sponsored by Goddess Elite

October 18th & 19th, 2014 — 11 AM - 6 PM, daily Soccer Sportsplex - 31515 Lorain Rd. In North Olmsted OH This year’s 25,000 square foot show features over 90 vendors and practitioners, 4 lecture areas, a Kid Zone featuring an activities table and free balloon animals, an ongoing drumming circle and an indoor labyrinth courtesy of Unity Spiritual Center & Centered Wellness.


Michelle Belanger

General admission tickets are $10/day at the door or only $8.00/ day if purchased in advance or online: www.HHHexpos.com

Jill Matson

Karen Johnson

Douglas Bluefeather

Patty Conklin


NEW LOCATION (October 24): 28887 Lorain Rd / North Olmsted, OH 440-777-7211

Dr Jane Semple

Dr Janet Levatin

We are proud to announce our 2014 Charity as Wigs for Kids. A portion of the show's proceeds will be donated to this wonderful charity.


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