Universal Living Ezine Jan/Feb 2015

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January/ February 2015 | Vol. 03 Issue 01

Universal Living


Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century


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CONTENTS JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 4 | New Years Revolution! by Roseann Zaft

8 | E2 Squared - A Review by Mary Robbins

10 | Dimension Hopping by Jill Matson

13 | East Meets West C is for Chi Nei Tsang by Mary Ellen Derwis

15 | Sleep The Key to Your Potential by Betsy Muller

17 | Medical Intuitive by Mary Maynard RN

19 | Spirit When Life Creates Gaps by Roseann Heinrich

20 | Natural Pet 10 Simple Steps to Sooth Winter Itch by Sheila Buchanan

22| HealthShare 22| 22 | HealthShare Take Control of Your Health by Nancy Coveleskie www.UniversalLivingEzine.com / info@UniversalLivingEzine.com / 216-459-9094 Content in these articles does not in any way reflect the opinion of the publisher and should not be considered as medical advice or an endorsement for any product

Are You Ready for a

New Year’s Revolution? By Roseann Zaft

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! Did you know that half of us decide to change something significant at the beginning of the year? While New Year’s Resolutions sound like a good idea, sadly, only 8% succeed. Enthusiasm quickly fades and we easily return to habits we vowed to resolve. Often we even reuse last year’s unsuccessful resolutions hoping that somehow, this time, it will be different. This year, I’d like to invite you to join me, and use a different approach. Not with a New Year’s Resolution, but with a REVOLUTION! There are scientifically proven reasons why resolutions FAIL, and thoroughly tested ways in which you CAN make significant positive changes in your life. Are you ready for your personal revolution? Maybe you are just a little bit tempted to start pondering what you might like to improve in your life?

3. Too Many Goals If we overload our mind with too many changes at once it rebels! Changes take up mental energy and time. When you try and change too much at once the mind simply cannot cope and will rapidly revert to old habits. Choose one goal to focus on at a time. Often our goals overlap anyway. For example: if you choose to reduce your TV watching to give you more time in the evening, it might naturally lead into a future goal of finding the time to exercise.

4. Not Enough Motivation

1. Vague Goals

Motivation is the mental energy we use to do anything. Motivation is needed to: get up in the morning; go to work; take a walk…... Anything and everything we do requires motivation. For some tasks it is easy. The motivation to eat is driven by hunger. The motivation to go and see friends is driven by pleasure. Unfortunately for many people motivation is also driven by fear. When we are children, the fear of punishment is often used as a motivator and we continue in this paradigm into adulthood. Fear of punishment can create enough motivation for some tasks.

Our minds are like computers, they need very specific instructions to operate effectively. Many resolutions are not specific enough for us to take the action. Goals like “get healthy” or “lose weight” are too general and they are difficult to plan for. When we make our goals specific it is much easier to put them into action.

For example: when there COULD be a punishment, like being late for work, it is rarely enough to motivate us to do tasks which nourish ourselves.

For example: “I will get healthy by going for a walk every day and taking at least 2 exercise classes a week” is much easier for the mind to grasp onto and take the steps needed to successfully reach the goal.

Giving up smoking, losing weight or getting fit are all self-nourishing tasks which are high on many peoples list of New Year’s Resolutions. Finding the motivation to successfully achieve these goals requires you to find positive drivers, instead of fear based ones. Giving up smoking because you are afraid of cancer is not naturally motivating. When we use guilt or fear to try and stop doing something, the initial motivating energy quickly fades. Instead, find something to do more of and the positive reasons why you want to do it.

First, let’s take a look at the 7 top reasons why almost ALL resolutions fail.

2. Unrealistic Goals When we set goals which are unrealistic it becomes overwhelming. Goals which are too big become ignored as the mind ‘hides’ from a challenge it cannot see the end of. Breaking bigger goals down into small manageable pieces, taking baby steps, is much more effective. Each baby step you take towards a goal can be rewarded, sometimes just with the satisfaction of knowing you have made progress. For example: if you smoke, simply cutting down by 1 or 2 cigarettes a day will gradually, and gently, lead you to your goal. Planning each small step you need to take is much more manageable. Rewarding yourself along the way will also keep your motivation strong. January / February 2015 Page 4

For example: a smoker might want to choose to “breathe more clean air”; to improve their lungs; smell better; save money; live a long and happy life.

5. Not enough support Taking steps to make changes in your life can be challenging and going it alone makes it harder. Studies have clearly shown that support is vital in making lasting changes. If your desire is

to improve your fitness, hanging around with friends eating icecream won’t do you any favors. Having people around you that encourage you to improve yourself is massively beneficial. Sometimes our friends are not ready for the changes we wish to make, and they subconsciously hold us back, offering cigarettes, cakes, drinks or other ‘contraband’ you would rather avoid. Getting the right support will hugely empower you to achieve your goals in life. Finding like minded people with the same goal means you can make the journey together. Even sharing different goals with people who are also working positively on themselves will help maintain motivation. Talking through challenges and finding solutions with others often helps you see things in a new way, overcoming obstacles on your journey. Professional assistance can provide advice to help you reach your goals quicker, finding the most efficient and suitable ways for you to move forward. Being compassionate to yourself includes accepting when you need help. While friends, family and colleagues can be an enormous aid in your process, sometimes a seasoned specialist is needed to help you get going and keep you focused.

6. Not enough will power Just like motivation, will power is an energy we can draw upon to take action. Will-power is generated in the part of your brain called the prefrontal cortex, located behind your forehead. The prefrontal cortex also helps you stay focused, solve problems and is responsible for short term memory. Will power is like a muscle, the more you use it the more you improve it, strengthen it. However, if you haven’t been using it much, don’t expect to suddenly to have a huge will power muscle! It needs to be gradually improved and developed over time. Just like a baby learning to walk, small steps and gradual improvements build up. You wouldn’t expect a baby to be able to run the first day it learns to walk. Taking small steps and rewarding yourself for progress, not perfection, gradually builds up your will power until it is strong enough for you to achieve your goal with ease.

7. No new habits Humans are habitual creatures. We perform the same actions without putting much conscious thought into it. Have you ever driven part of the way to work, only to realize you were meant to be driving somewhere else? Our minds operate using habits, doing the same positive or negative actions, over and over again. To make any change it is vital to make new habits. For example: the habit of having a walk after lunch; the habit of having one less cigarette per day; the habit of carrying fruit in your bag to snack on.


Developing new habits can be very rapid and they quickly build up into new behaviors. New behaviors supported by your new habits will lead you to the successful completion of your goal. Finding lots of small habits to gradually work on and incorporate into your life is far more likely to bring about lasting positive change in your life, whatever your goal is. So, now you know why 92% of resolutions fail! Do you think these reasons apply to you? Does it make sense why your resolutions, for New Year or any other time have NOT been successful? I’d like you to let go of any guilt, shame or embarrassment about failed goals. You simply didn’t have the right tools to empower your desired change! But soon you will…….

Well, what does work? Be specific. I invite you to reflect on the past year. Take a few moments to think about what went well for you and what isn’t working so well? What area of your life would you like to improve? Health, relationships, finances, fitness? Pick one area in which you wish to see changes and define a specific goal that you would like to pursue. Choose one high priority goal and make it very specific, find a way to measure your goal and give yourself a deadline. Make sure it is a realistic goal too. For example “I will lose 5 pounds in 2 months”, “I will walk in the park for 15 minutes every day”, “I will spend one afternoon per month with my mom”. Break your goal down into achievable parts, designing and developing new habits as you need them. Visualize yourself successfully completing your goal and taking positive steps towards its completion.

Find your motivation. You deserve to be healthy, happy and living the life you desire. Find the positive reasons why you want to make a change in your life and write them down. Revisit your list as often as possible, especially when you want to motivate yourself. Keep adding to your list of reasons why you are adopting new habits. Also record your progress and put both lists somewhere visible. Remember to reward yourself when you make even the smallest of steps towards your goal.

Get support. Telling others what your goal is will help you stick to it. However, it is vitally important your carefully pick your allies. Choose people who will positively empower you to make changes. Completely avoid people who say you cannot do it! Seeking some professional support can also provide information, tools and tips to help you reach your goals more easily. Experts can also recognize and resolve the ‘tricks’ your mind may try to sabotage your progress. January / February 2015 Page 5

Roseann Zaft, founder of LIVEFIT llc, is a passionate health and wellness professional who has for the last two decades helped clients successfully implement strategies to improve their wellbeing with amazing results. Using a combination of nutrition and fitness therapies Roseann’s training empowers individuals and groups with the knowledge and confidence to live the most vital life possible. Her lust for life is infective and inspiring, benefiting her clients with expertise combined with loving kindness.

Get going! So, now you know how and why your resolutions have failed in the past. The next step is to choose a goal and get going! Start your own personal revolution. What one thing would you like to see improved in your life right now? When I decided to make significant changes in my life, focusing on my health, I relied on the love and support of friends, colleagues and experts to help me progress. I am immensely grateful for all the advice, guidance and encouragement I received during my journey to recover my health and live my life to its fullest potential. It worked because I worked it and I was worth it… and so are you! So now I want to empower YOU with all the knowledge and experience I have gained over the last 17 years helping people to live healthier, happier lives, one day at a time. So, to start this year with a gentle health revolution, would you like to join me for a 30 day challenge? The “Fit and Fabulous in 2015 30-day challenge” is a 4 week online course packed full off fitness tools and health strategies, recipes, and other juicy information. The challenge has been designed to guide and support you to improve your health and fitness. Want to know more? Simply click here to find out more about how easily you can: increase your energy levels, improve your health and enhance your wellbeing – without having to join a gym or buy special equipment! You’ll receive everything you need to plan and prepare simple, delicious, healthy meals and take good care of your body. Plus you’ll be given all the support and guidance you need to live your life to its fullest and fittest potential.

Let me help YOU to flex your will-power muscles and start your own New Year’s Revolution with the ‘Fit and Fabulous in 2015 30-day challenge’.

January / February 2015 Page 6

Roseann is a board certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach, Fitness Trainer, Yoga Therapist, Live and Raw Foods Educator, Whole Body Nutritional Detox Program Facilitator and Essential Oils Expert. She is also certified with ACE, AFAA Stott Pilates, Johnny G and Titleist Golf and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).

Are you ready to LIVEFIT? You can by connecting with Roseann in all sorts of ways! 

Grab Some of her Freebies on the LIVEFIT Website: www.livefit2day.com

Email Roseann Personally: livefit2day@me.com

Hang out with Her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Livefit

Tweet Roseann on Twitter: https://twitter.com/livefit2day

Connect with Her on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/roseann-zaft/32/948/737/

Pick up her Pins on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/roseannzaft/

Images and Ideas Worth Sharing Instagram: http://instagram.com/livefit2day

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If your pet is having a health or behavior issue, a Bach Flower may help them. Bach Flower Recipes are all natural and work on emotions where a lot of issues originate. I do Natural Health and Energy Work. I use these energy modalities: Reiki, Quantum Touch, Qi Gong, and Jin Shin Jyutsu. I teach Reiki, clear Chakras, and use Gemstones for healing. I am looking forward to helping you or your pet feel better or just stay healthy on a natural path. With infinite love and gratitude, Liz Call: 440-552-9915 / Email: Lizard91134@wowway.com Visit website: www.Revlizmadsencnhprmt.vpweb.com We all have our paths to walk. Let's choose wisely.

January / February 2015 Page 7

A Review By Mary Robbins

filled series says we can fulfill our highest self if we intend and believe and actually feel it. Popular medium, Esther Hicks proclaims we have the ability to access our desires from the vortex of desire if we just relax, focus and go with the flow. Maryanne Williamson, who wrote A Course in Miracles, teaches us how to direct our inner power to claim the things we want. Everything we could want already exists and is waiting for us. Napoleon Hill, perhaps


one of the early contemporary teachers of the power of an your thoughts actually influence the events in

thought on your life experience wrote a book, Think and

your life? Is it true you have the power to effortless-

Grow Rich, in which he interviewed successful men of his

ly manifest your deepest desires? Is this ability to bring

time. And guess what? They all agree success starts in

about your wishes the secret to living life to your highest

the mind with an idea and blossoms, nurtured with belief


that it can be done. But, the big daddy for Christians is

For some time now, I have been noticing a barrage of information that seems to be coming from every angle, all saying the same thing. There seems to be a rising tidal

straight from the Bible, Romans 4-17, “Calling those things that be not, as though they were.” In other words, believe you have it before you have it.

wave that is growing in intensity and frequency straight

This is all very well, but the only problem is that we most-

out of the collective consciousness. And, I for one like

ly do not believe, deep down in our hearts and souls, that

what I am hearing. – we are co-creators of our reality.

we can mold our reality with our thoughts. Sure, we lis-

This culture of positive personal power is embodied in the

ten to the stories of great men who accomplished great

book, The Secret, in which many scientists, philosophers

things by utilizing unfaltering belief, but we don’t really

and forward thinkers contribute to the understanding of

think we can do it. It is difficult to ignore that big pile of

the true nature of our consciousness. We are all connect-

bills or the 9 to 5 job that we are chained to and image a

ed to a limitless field of possibility and have unerring in-

life of abundance and purposeful living free of the drudg-

fluence over the expression of our reality.

ery required to get by. Who is going to pay the bills?

In fact, our thoughts are things and can be projected into

How do we get from here to there?

reality so that we are the co-creators of our existence.

I am here to tell you that help is here. This little book, E-

We can have anything and everything we want in our

Squared, Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that

lives if we just focus enough, if we just want it enough, if

Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout,

we just believe it enough. Wayne Dyer, in his Wishes Ful-

shows us the way by providing for us the missing pieces.

January / February 2015 Page 8


Pam takes the metaphysical concept of our thoughts cre-

but it must be undeniable. For me, I

ating our reality and grounds it on solid scientific method

received extraordinary support in an

while giving us the step by step process we need to fill in

endeavor that I thought was a hopeless cause. I was fur-

the gaps. “This book is a refreshing guide to practical mys-

nished the right people at the right moment to bring

ticism. I love that it doesn’t ask me to throw out reason.

about a positive outcome and much promise for the fu-

Instead, I get to satisfy the skeptic in me by trying out the-

ture. The turn of events was totally unexpected and more

se simple experiments and looking at the results for my-

than what I had hoped for. I took it as a YES and contin-

self. And guess what? They work!” Vitoria Moran, life

ued my journey through the experiment. I was content

coach and author.

with that initial outcome for the first 24 hours, but then in

Oh yes, indeed, they work. The following are the spiritual experiments you can prove in E-Squared:

the final 24 hour period of the experiment, I, for no particular reason decided to peer under my car seat only to find a nice, crisp $20 bill. I was hooked. Other results I obtained were checks in the mail, a winning

1. There is an invisible energy force or field of infi-

lottery ticket for my brother’s birthday gift (only $3 but,

nite possibilities.

enough to encourage me) and reconciliation of a damaged

2. You impact the field and draw from it according

relationship — all within the 48 hour time period allowed

to your beliefs and expectations.

for each experiment. I felt my confidence growing. If I can gain small victories now, I can work up to manifesting that

3. You, too, are a field of energy.

beachside home in Belize.

4. Whatever you focus on expands.

Performing these exercises does require your full atten-

5. Your connection to the field provides accurate

tion. You must be present to play. You must be watching

and unlimited guidance.

and expectant in order to see the results or they will pass

6. Your thoughts and consciousness impact matter.

you by, but that small effort is so worth it. The book contains everything you need: clear instructions, examples,

7. Your thoughts and consciousness provide the

wisdom and advice from other participants. Essentially,

scaffolding for your physical body.

you carry out your experiments just as any scientist worth

8. You are connected to everything and everyone else in the universe.

his salt would do including a working theory, a hypothesis and using the scientific method. Don’t be put off; writing it all down just validates your results and makes it even

9. The universe is limitless, abundant, and strangely

more exciting and novel to perform the experiments. Did I


mention that Pam wraps her scientific process in a funny,

You might notice that these principals sound a lot like the best of every faith tradition and I found nothing in the book that violates any basic natural law – but, only a validation of universal truths.

uplifting, delightful prose that is nothing short of profound? She also writes a blog to help you with ongoing encouragement and new information. You can subscribe here at http://pamgrout.com/

I have not yet completed all nine of the experiments, but

The nine experiments in the book – all which take 48

have found extraordinary results in the four that I have

hours or less contain the hypothesis that the field of possi-

completed thus far. In Experiment #1, I asked for a sign to

bilities is dependable, predictable and available to every-

be shown to me within 48 hours that proves the existence

one and that means YOU and ME – no exceptions. Every

of this field and that I truly participate in it. No need to be

thought we entertain is energy and can affect everything

specific about the sign, (that comes in later experiments),

else in the universe.

(Cont’d page 16) January / February 2015 Page 9


Dimension Hopping By Jill Matson


odern science has finally caught up to Ancient Shamans and Intuitives throughout time, in acknowledging that there are many other dimensions surrounding us; higher dimensions are all around us, some only inches from our touch. Most people cannot sense or reach alternate dimensions in their ordinary lives, however, it is possible to contact and even impact dimensions beyond our own! Let's backup a bit. I have read a lot of the cutting edge, higher Physics material discussing the scientific, theoretical basis for the existence of higher dimensions. It is

3-D Cube

"hairy" and difficult stuff. After much effort, I believe the scientific case boils down to this: at the simplest level, January / February 2015 Page 10

scientists have found that it is necessary to postulate extra dimensions (as many as 12 or 13 total dimensions) to reconcile the math and make sense of the best current theories on the origin of and nature of our universe. Said differently, after hundreds of years of experiment and reflection by the best minds in history, we have arrived at a view of the universe that says there are far more dimensions than the three space and one time "D's" that we all know. In junior high science and geometry we learned about the world's dimensions and the theory behind them. The three space dimensions that we are familiar with can be referred to as length (L), width (W) and height (H). If you want to know the volume of a cube (think cardboard box) you multiply the length of one side times the width of another side times the height of the third side: Volume = L * W *H. Each of the linear dimensions is one "D" - a line is one dimensional. Multiply two linear dimensions and you get 2-"D" or a plane (like a sheet of paper). When you multiply three linear dimensions, as above, you get our 3"D" world. We also, often add time as the fourth dimension, because all the 3-D objects move and interact "in time". It is an interesting exercise to contemplate the possibility of beings who might live in a lower dimensional reality (sheds light on how higher dimensional beings might think about us). A famous 2-"D" universe is "Flatland", an imaginary (we think) world where the inhabitants live on a sheet-of-paper-like world. We could put our face inches above the Flatland world and the people living there

would have no clue of our existence. Seems simple, right well that is exactly how our 3-D universe appears to a be-

2-D Flat Plane

ing who resides in a higher dimensional reality. Only special humans have been able to reach the higher dimensions throughout time. Mystics, clairvoyants, Jesus and Buddha, all achieved their wonders by tapping into a higher dimensional realm. I would argue that our "future selves" reside in a higher dimension. You have probably heard that advanced beings "vibrate at a higher frequency" than we do; we just cannot detect them. I believe this is just another way of explaining the presence of higher dimensions and the presence of a vast unseen world with divine beings that we know exist. (My mother and my guardian Angel are no doubt standing right next to me watching my poor writing in action. Sorry Mom.) All is vibration and the higher beings are much higher in frequency (pitch) and therefore we do not detect them - analogous to how the frequency of a dog whistle is beyond our hearing and detection - but it is very real! Today it is well documented that people skilled at meditation can attain powerful states of mind and access special information. While in these deep trance states they obtain energy and information from higher dimensions. Tapping into higher dimensions, enables you to gain energy, hence power and information - answers to your questions, divine insights, work miracles. Edgar Cayce clearly reached into other dimensions to access the information that he shared so prolifically with the world. I believe the key to reaching alternate dimensions is energy. Energy can flow through dimensions - in both directions! One can go to higher dimensions and retrieve infor-

mation - just as the Ancient Shaman did while in trance states for his tribe. One can also go to other dimensions and leave information. I have always been very intuitive, and as a result oftentimes I experienced a very disturbing feeling, only later to clairvoyantly see snippets of a past life (presumably going on now in another dimension), which was the root cause of my bad feelings. For example, drown in a previous life? Chances are you are terrified of water next time around. There is bleed-through from one dimension to another. It benefits us in the now, to bless ourselves in the past and future - and in other dimensions. It is in the interest of the future, "higher dimensional you" to help with a current problem that you are struggling with in today's 3-D world. This makes me think that prayer energy creates a porthole to higher realms. When I pray, my energy reaches future "me" and future loved ones, who can send back energy or guidance to help me in my current reality. Bless the past and future and all your family and friends (and not-so-friends) with forgiveness and gratitude. Gathering energy from other dimensions is known as mediumship. What I am talking about could be called "reverse mediumship". You can leave energy in higher dimensions that is beneficial (today and tomorrow) for yourself and others. The implications and potential benefits of this "dimension traveling" are staggering. Music can be another modality, similar to meditation, that can help you reach a higher plane of reality - or another dimensional world. Specifically, music has special properties that can work to raise our consciousness and allow access to other worlds. Music can interact with us physically. Everyone knows how musical vibrations can affect our bodies directly: sing and calm a distraught infant, beat a drum to frighten an enemy, sweet love songs to woo a lover, peaceful compositions that relax, lower blood pressure, induce sleep, scary sound tracks that make that movie so intense... and many, many more. The musical frequencies enter our bodies (not just our ears); they alter our brainwaves. Our states of mind are altered - like with the expert meditating. Emotions are strongly influenced. You probably have heard of the Mozart effect? This is a well documented phenomena where intelligence can be enhanced with music. These wonders January / February 2015 Page 11

Jill Mattson has spent the past 25 years researching Vibratory Sound Energy for healing and a wide array of other remarkable uses (available in 3 books). She specializes in Sound Secrets of Ancient Civilizations. Mattson composes and produces her own CD's employing numerous Sound Healing techniques & energies and her original musical score. www.JillsWingsOfLight.com www.MusicForBeauty.com To experience Jill’s music, visit her website for THREE free MP3 downloads: Paint your Soul, Star Dust & Healing Flower Symphonies

January / February 2015 Page 12


Entire books have been written on the subject of Subtle Energy - due to our space limitations I think it is best defined as energy that straddles the physical and nonmaterial worlds. Subtle energy has never been directly measured by science but intuitives and mystics can sense it easily and manipulate it to grand results. Subtle energy has extremely high frequency and extremely small wavelength probably why we cannot detect it physically... like a ghost or an angel perhaps. The key point, for our purposes, is that Subtle Energy interacts with certain musical/sound vibrations. Music can affect and influence Subtle Energy in a variety of ways. Hence we have a readily available tool that can work in the nonmaterial or Higher Dimensional Spheres! Our ticket for hopping dimensions.

Although it is not entirely understood how music interacts with subtle energy - we do know a lot. Music is vibrational energy, as is Subtle energy. Clearly these two forms of energy can comingle and alter each other. I believe it is in the areas of resonance and harmony (among others) where music has the ability to affect subtle energy. Also, as we hinted at above, music is a physical or energetic embodiment of emotional states or feelings. As energy can cross dimensional boundaries, perhaps the emotional content of music goes through the dimensional levels as well. Once in a new dimension the music still conveys the same emotion and energy as it did in our world - a way of speaking to beings in another universe!? I would argue that these properties of music allow it to directly contact higher dimensions. Listening to peaceful, uplifting music alters our brainwaves, our emotions even our physicality.ur musical preferences are carried forward from an old life to a new one. The Ancients knew these things as they used Music for a powerful force in all spiritual aspects of their lives, ... and as conduit to other dimensions.


above, are all impressive - and I strongly recommend that anyone with the interest pursue these blessings of music. However, there is another lesser know power of music - I should say Sound - and that is the ability of special frequencies of Sound/Music to interact with and alter Subtle Energy!


East meets West

is for

Chi Nei Tsang Chi!! Most of us understand that it is a word that describes the indescribable energy that influences life. It permeates our very being. Organs, muscles, meridians, fascia…So, What is Chi Nei Tsang? Literally it means massage your viscera or guts with chi. Chi Nei Tsang is not abdominal massage as most western therapists see it. It is a modality that uses breath, massage, and movement of chi as tools to bring awareness back into the organ systems of the body. You might say what does that have to do with massage? Well may I suggest to you the Taoist Medical Chi Kung perspective that all disease emanates from the disruption of chi. And, one of the most powerful ways to physically balance that chi flow is through abdominal manipulation via Chi Nei Tsang. Our first experience of chi as a human being is from our navel where nourishment, both physical and energetic comes from within our mother’s body. A spiraling out of all tissues begins upon implantation of the egg in the uterine wall. It presents itself within our bodies as a spiraling of tissues. Muscles are not connected nor do they work in a linear fashion. They spiral thus offering flexibility. Taoist medical chi kung practice recognizes this spiraling nature and offers ways to address it through specific manipulations, breathing, and Chi Kung practice. Chi moves within the fascia. It communicates within the fascia. Fascia covers every cell of the body therefore

By Mary Ellen Derwis

through it Chi communicates with all body systems including the muscular system. Both smooth, cardiac and skeletal. This being said, Chi Nei Tsang is one of the most effective treatments for sciatica, headaches, back pain as well as constipation, bloating, and stress related disorders. When one performs a Chi Nei Tsang treatment things begin to happen! • By the very nature of physical touch detoxification of abdominal contents begins • Imbalances of visceral structure and congestion of structural patterns release and seek a more healthy position and function within the abdominal cavity • Unprocessed emotions trapped within the digestive system are attended to. Many psychologists have sought out CNT practitioners as physical support for their clients • Through massage and breath one becomes more self aware and now has choices available in lifestyle that they did now know existed. Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage gives one the tools to support this process. Choosing to pursue this modality requires a conscious choice to approach massage therapy through the Taoist January / February 2015 Page 13

five element system of fire, water, wood, earth, and metal and the eastern perspective of bodywork. My classes are based on the teachings of Mantak Chia and Gilles Marin. There is so much more to learn about Chi Nei Tsang than can be covered here. Please feel free to contact me for more information! m@beinthetao.com or 216.548.8980 and lets have a conversation. Next in the series East meets West ——- DANCE!!! Find how dance can be an integral part of health and wellness and has been for centuries! With 22+ years of experience as a licensed Massotherapist (OH and HI), Universal Healing Tao Full Instructor of Chi Nei Tsang , Chi Kung & Tao Yin Chinese Yoga, as well as basic Aromatherapy, guided imagery, Feng Shui, Mary Ellen Derwis LMT blends eastern and western wellness techniques into a user friendly format for the individual. She has offices in Independence and Westlake, Ohio and offers classes at Unity Spiritual Center in Westlake. Please feel free to visit her Facebook pages, Like them & initiate a discussion. Text or call 216.548.8980, or email m@beinthetao.com if you have questions or comments or if you have a subject you would like more information about concerning wellness. Your input is welcome.

be in the tao llc mary ellen derwis lmt., cht, cntt Universal Healing Tao full instructor www.beinthetao.com www.facebook.com/ beinthetao.doterra.cleveland www.facebook.com/chimassage www.chineitsangschool.com/unity-spiritualcenter-in-westlake

216.548.8980 m@beinthetao.com January / February 2015 Page 14

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Sleep -

The Miraculous Key to Your Potential “How are you sleeping?” Do you regularly awaken refreshed and ready for your day? No matter what goal or desire you have set, sleep is a miracle that unlocks your highest potential. Science has discovered miracles connected to sleep, including cellular detoxification, brain organization and weight management. Symptoms of sleep deficiency can include brain fog, depression, physical pain, accelerated aging and a weakened immune system.

By Betsy Muller sweat. Some people find that workouts late in the day can keep them up, so pay attention to how your body responds and schedule exercise to optimize sleep. 3. Avoid caffeine and products containing caffeine after 2 pm, including chocolate, energy drinks, sodas, coffee and tea. Some over the counter medications also have caffeine as ingredients, so make sure to read your labels.

4. Be mindful of stress. Do worries keep you from relaxing at bedtime or awaken you in the middle of the night? If so, that’s a call for action. Emotional Freedom Techniques (also known as tapping or EFT) is a gentle natural Prolonged sleep loss can contribute to weight gain and and tool for neutralizing stressful thoughts, memories and additional stress on a weary soul. Whether you are trying events that can fuel sleepless nights. Research demonto lose 10 pounds, training for a marathon, writing a book strates that a single session of tapping can significantly or launching a new marketing program, your success de- lower the stress hormone cortisol. Journal writing is another scientifically proven tool to help you witness and pends on those critical hours you spend in bed. process stress in a healthy way. Stress management offers If you regularly feel tired upon waking, other plentiful and positive side effects need medication to sleep or regularly ex- “Each night, when I go to sleep, I too. perience any of the unpleasant symptoms die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.” 5. Wind down peacefully. Having a roulisted above, it’s time to become curious ― Mahatma Gandhi tine before bed can set you up for better about what your unique sleep patterns sleep. Avoid a heavy meal close to bedare telling you. time so that your sleep is not disrupted by digestion. 1. Schedule a visit with your doctor to check on your Some people swear by a hot bath or dip in the hot tub overall health. Be vigilant about asking your health care followed by light reading before bed. Others may enjoy providers to look for the underlying cause. In many cases yoga stretches, listening to music or meditation. If you a sleep study can reveal sleep apnea, hormone imbalance find yourself spending hours in front of a computer or another medical condition interfering with healthy screen, tablet or TV before bed, you might want to cut sleep cycles. Keep in mind that your sleep problems are back on that too. Choose a regular bedtime and adhere to NOT due to a deficiency of sleeping medication. it. Begin experimenting and notice what works best for 2. Ensure daily exercise. Pumping up your body with you. movement and increased heart rate is good for you and helps you sleep when the day ends. Moderate to high intensity exercise lowers cortisol levels to help the body sleep even better. Personally, I get my best sleep benefits from an evening workout that brings about a heavy

6. Study your sleep patterns with a digital device. Fitness trackers such as the Fitbit and Weight Watcher’s new ActiveLink are now affordable and widely available. By monitoring your movements throughout the day, information about steps taken, intensity, calories burned January / February 2015 Page 15

and sleep are instantly available, showing patterns over time. Most sleep aps and monitors data based on movement to measure sleep efficiency, reported as time really sleeping divided by total time in bed. Many monitors automatically synch with mobile devices. All you need to do is put it on and charge it every few days. As someone who has used the ActiveLink wristband for over a month I’ve learned I fall asleep quickly (usually in 2 minutes or less) and sleep most solidly during my first 5 hours in bed. Most nights I log 7.25-7.5 hours of actual sleep out of about 8 hours in bed at 90-94% efficiency. A score of 80% or higher is considered optimal. My numbers are encouraging and I gratefully plan to maintain them.

time to pay greater attention to sleep as part of your rebirth. Smile knowing it is one of the easiest self-help habits you could choose. On a final note, sleep also offers a special place to connect with the wisdom of your angels and heavenly guardians in your dreams. That’s another great reason to get to bed earlier tonight. Sleep well friends!

If you’ve been struggling to make good things happen for your business, health, fitness, writing or creative life, it’s

Betsy Muller, MBA is a professional speaker, certified EFT Practitioner, holistic business coach, and best-selling author who has helped thousands of people create balanced, successful lives through empowered self-care. She offers private coaching, seminars, webinars, retreats and networking opportunities. Join her mailing list or request a private consultation at 440-238-4731 or www.createandconnectbrilliantly.com

(Cont’d from Pg. 9 - Mary Robbins)

winter months ahead of us and quite possibly change

After your first read through the book, you begin to see how important it is to manage your thoughts because they possess so much power. It is absolutely incredible to monitor your thoughts and see how at any given moment they meander far from any useful purpose. Harnessing your thought energy is, in my opinion, the best gift that E-

your life forever? I encourage you to read E-Squared and prove to yourself that Law of Attraction can work for you. I can hardly wait to begin the next experiment to see what I can conjure up. Each new day is full of promise and surprise when you practice the experiments in E-Squared. Sound like fun to you? Come on and try it for yourself.

Squared has to offer because you reap the benefits of having that skill immediately. You begin to believe that manifesting might be possible and even probable which is an indispensable attitude that you must obtain to succeed in any endeavor. You will learn what it feels like to be connected to the universe and everyone else in a new way you may have not experienced before. You will learn what it is like to see your thoughts and consciousness impact matter. You will cement the idea that the universe is limitless, abundant and accommodating and that fear is pointless. We must give up our old attachment to conventional reality. So, are you ready for an armchair adventure that you can embark upon to put a little excitement in these dark, cold January / February 2015 Page 16

Mary Robbins is an authorized Representative for Amega Global. To learn more about this elegant way to self care, please call: 330-807-3816 Email: mary@gotohealthy.com FB: Go To Healthy with Mary Robbins Check out this link for more information about a great way to enhance your health with a minimum of effort. http:// gotohealthy.myamwellness.com/fru/pg/424935/ mitem/17584/default.aspx

Real questions from real people.

Medical Intuitive I have been taking Zoloft for a year for a severe depression after having a baby. I wasn’t suicidal, but I didn’t really care about anything. My mood is better but I am still unhappy most of the time. The side effects are bothering me: I’ve gained lots of weight and my interest in sex hasn’t returned. My doctor says the side effects are a “trade off” with not being so depressed now. Is there something else wrong with me? Statistics are slippery with post-partum depression, running anywhere from 1%-25% of new moms. You aren’t alone with this and the side effects you report from the Zoloft are common. If you plan to continue treatment with an antidepressant, consult with a Board Certified Psychiatrist. Some medical doctors, general practitioners, don’t have as many resources for treatment and elimination of side effects, as a specialist. There are several chemically based options that are cousins of Zoloft that may work better for you. At times post-partum depressive events balance out after a year. Ask your doctor if you could try a wash out period from the Zoloft and see if your current unhappiness is due to side effects of stress, weight and decreased intimacy with your partner or untreated persistent depressive symptoms. Caution: don’t do this without medical guidance. There can be mild to severe reactions if you just stop an antidepressant. That’s the medical side of your situation. On intuitive exam, your adrenals are weary. The thyroid

Real answers that may touch your life. What Would Your Question Be? What is the question that you would ask your body, mind or spirit if you could? What unanswered question do you have about your life purpose or health? Give permission to share the answers and

Ask Mary Maynard, Medical Intuitive. gland is being overused and your immune system is overdrawn. You don’t mention experiencing colds, or other minor illnesses, but it certainly could be the case with your picture of overall physical fatigue. Be aware that the adrenals are one of the many glands that provide stabilizing hormones for your mood and that this adrenal fatigue looks as if it is longstanding, dating from early teenage years. The thyroid and organs of immunity are common places that the adrenals look to for an energy loan when we are tired. Chronic overdoing of poor sleep habits, sugar use, caffeine replacements for energy and a general stressful life pattern are showing up as habit choices you can change. All these factors are contributing to the unhappiness, weight gain and decreased sexual response. You also carry a hyper responsibility pattern for your child and are finding it hard to let others “take over”. Fears are common and expected with new, first time mothers. Find a play group, support group, mommy and me yoga or other social and active group for you and your child at the soonest. Talk about what is worrying you about being a mom. Engage in talking with your husband in a way he can hear you. Be non-blameful and honest about your needs for intimacy and see if the two of you can create closeness, even if it does not involve strong sexual response on your part. The Hard Things: decrease the caffeine to one cup a day, eliminate all sugars that are added and start to eliminate over a period of a month all snacks that are sugar based for you and baby. Use fruit, teas and water to detox. Walk twice a day for ten minutes outside. Breathe. Watch January / February 2015 Page 17

your thoughts as you tend to get stuck in negative conversations with yourself and others. Choose joy even when it seems out of reach. Say it out loud. Start a gratitude journal (or sticky notes!) of five things each day. Create a bedtime routine that you keep at least 80% of the time. Look up sleep hygiene on the net and you will find great ideas for the whole family on dialing down the evening stress and getting truly restful sleep. Often recall how helpful these changes will be for your baby as he grows and develops his own habits. Consult with a skilled practitioner of integrative medicine on supplements that will feed your adrenals, thyroid and brain as you move from surviving to thriving!

Why did I get breast cancer? Understand and accept first, that each person and each cancer is unique. Despite any label that has been given to a collection of cells (or the location of those cells) the causative factors of cellular changes remains exclusively personal Secondly, eliminate any perception that you ”caused” yourself to create a cancer. Too many times mainstream information creates expectations and judgments that further burden the emotional body, adding stress and self-blame. More useful and accurate, is the view that many factors impacted your physical body’s ability to maintain balance in the body, mind and spirit triad. The human life challenges that cause potential for imbalances in our systems come from so many directions that it is unreasonable to expect ourselves to be managing all influences at all times -particularly those outside our consciousness. With your request and permission to share, these are the primary considerations currently affecting your correct regeneration of cells in that area: recent flare ups of anger with your adult children for rejecting your guidance, early exposure to pseudo estrogens from plastics creating inflammation and circulation blocks, long term stress from grief and elder care at your mother’s illnesses, and a perception of your life as imperfect. This snapshot of the circumstances that are draining your vitality shifts and January / February 2015 Page 18

changes as you have more or less energy for self-care. Again, you are unique and your needs are specific to you. Joyfully, there is more power and strength in your system than stressors. Your overall health in circulation, level of activity and food choices is very good. You are a great source of compassion and tolerance for others. Using these abilities and refocusing on your own needs with that same compassion and tolerance will bring long term balance to these situations. Immediate gains will come from asking for help from others to care for day to day needs. This is a very strong learning opportunity for you now. Even small requests will open your receptors and refuel your sense of being cared for in peaceful exchanges, particularly with your adult children. Meditation, of any sort, will help reclaim your power from perfectionistic tendencies and ideas that have been in your family for generations. There are many integrative therapies you can explore and daily life strategies, called epigenetics, which can reinforce your life energy and decrease the impact of exposures to unavoidable environmental factors. Remember, cancer is a management issue for everyone, whether diagnosed or not. We are all exposed to influences in the environment that can be modified or prevented only to some extent. Bringing balance to the body, mind and spirit supports the rejuvenation and regeneration of processes and is the best prevention and recuperation from disease states.

Mary Maynard RN, BSN is certified and trained in professional holistic health. Her medical intuitive practice includes private consultations, writing and speaking. Teaching and mentoring others in advanced healing practices is a privilege. She welcomes conversation and can be contacted through maryamaynard.com.


When Life Creates


eptember was my last month as a full time employee. There was a lot to do in October as I continued on a part -time basis to train and found so much had been neglected at home that needed taken care of. Each item that I crossed off the “to do” list felt like a weight lifted from my shoulders. The universe also provided an abundance of business as well as teaching commitments in October. The month was a whirlwind. I find myself moving to the middle of November with a lack of desire to do anything. I have writing I want to continue, a website I need to update. I need to learn how to organize my ITunes so I have my podcasts and meditations where I need them for classes. There are so many things that would help my business build that must be accomplished. Yet, I find myself wanting to do nothing at all. I have always been a go, go, go girl, moving my way through the day nonstop. I went for a walk and asked for help. I don’t know how to relax. I don’t know how to do “nothing”. I feel discouraged that I am wasting life and wasting time. I know I must reassess my life. I know I must find a new way to BE and enjoy living. I am a spiritual teacher and I know there is something truly wonderful waiting for me. I just need to allow; wait for the divine timing of whatever is coming my way. I believe Spirit is providing an Oasis before they get me “busy” again. So why can I not relax and enjoy these moments? How many people who have embarked on retirement find themselves feeling as I do? To add to the dilemma or maybe this is part of the Divine Timing. We are in the dark days here in the northern hemisphere. All put together, a time for going within, spending time with myself and finding out what I really want. Many of my wants, I discover are things I “believe” I need because that is what others do in my situation I now realize I not only need to let go of beliefs imbedded in my consciousness from my childhood, but I must let go of “beliefs” I am unconsciously planting in my own mind about what life “should” look like for me in retirement.. How many times have I heard in readings the angels tell others to eliminate the “shoulds” in their lives. When will I listen to the advice that is always mine for the taking as well? I guess what is happening is that I don’t want to do the “shoulds”. Isn’t this an interesting way to eliminate them? Spirit is always so helpful. This leads to SHAME. This horrible low emotion conveys to me I am not good enough if I enjoy doing nothing. I am slovenly if I let things go. Sometimes it says I am not the perfect mother,


daughter, wife or whatever if I don’t complete the “shoulds“ list. Religion and society have really done a number on baby boomers. As I write, I see the judgments I allowed myself to make of not only myself but others as well. So, my work for the next several months will be to spend a great deal of time simply being me and doing exactly as I wish each moment. This will be so much more challenging than any teenager can imagine. But, I am up to the task. I wonder if others feel the same when they retire. I signed up for a class one afternoon on inner-child work. It was interesting. We had to paint. I have never been much of an artist or drawn to such things. But, I drew a picture of me as a child. I could see the mud pies in the picture, but the ME I drew was all grown up. I guess I never took time to be a kid, always so serious. Anyway, in the shower today, (many epiphanies happen in the shower- pay attention.) I thought maybe I should take a painting class. Over the last months I have created challenges for myself. In September I chose to release my obsession with raw almonds. No nuts in September. I did it. It wasn’t easy, but I did it. This month I chose to release my daily dark chocolate habit. It is not that these things are bad, just to know I can overcome habit. In December, I plan to give up my compulsion to shop when I feel a little depressed. Now, that will be the biggest challenge, but a necessity in the light of less income with retirement. My shower epiphany, I now realize, may fill this gap. I will keep you posted. Check in on me at Facebook, Reflections of the Angels. Has life created gaps for you? Find a way to fill the gap with a challenge and be aware of your shower epiphanies. Namaste - Roseann




We are here to serve, share and support.

5559 Peachtree Lane S Parma OH 44134

Roseann@reflectionsoftheangels.com www.reflectionsoftheangels.com


Roseann Heinrich Angel Therapy ® Practitioner January / February 2015 Page 19

10 Simple Steps to Soothe Winter Itch By Sheila Buchanan

You know the signs: Sounds of a jingling collar in the middle of the night; the sudden drop to the floor to scratch in the middle of play; flaky skin, excessive scratching and biting at the skin; and maybe even scabs and infection. If your dog exhibits these behaviors when the temperature drops outside, he may be suffering the effects of dry, winter air. Cold, dry air can make your pet miserable for a good portion of the year in this part of the country so it is important to take steps to naturally soothe itchy skin to provide relief. It isn’t uncommon for pets to get dry skin in the winter, just as many of their human family members do. About four years ago, when I moved to Cleveland from Houston, I noticed my skin and hair became really dry in the winter months. I bought countless brands of lotion and salves, but they offered little or no relief. It wasn’t until I started using some high quality oils on my skin, adding supplements to my diet and making a few changes around my January / February 2015 Page 20

house that I finally ‘cured’ this nagging ailment. And once I saw my pets showing similar symptoms, I had a hunch that I could employ the same regimen that brought me relief to offer comparable results for them. The first step in addressing any type of skin issue is to take a look at the diet. If your pet is consuming a daily diet that consists of a high quality base food (commercial or home-made) in addition to whole foods and basic supplements, then there are 10 Simple Steps You Can

Take to Avoid Painful Dry Skin On Your Pet This Winter Season: 10) Place a humidifier in your home to add moisture to the air. Just as extra moisture in the air soothes our nasal passages, throat and more, it will also help your cat or dog find relief. 9) Block drafts. Outside air can creep into your home through drafty doors and windows. Seal these tightly to keep moisture in and cold air out.

8) Set your thermostat below 70⁰ F. Excess heat causes dry skin so try to keep your thermostat set between 61 and 70 degrees for best results. 7) Move your dog or cat’s bed. If your cat or dog sleeps near a heat source such as a radiator or heat vent, move their bed to a location further away to avoid a direct blast of heat to them throughout the night. 6) Brush your pet daily. Brushing your pet improves circulation of blood and properly distributes natural oils throughout your pet’s body. 5) Bathe your pet less frequently. If you must bathe your pet in the winter months, use a natural shampoo and dry completely with a towel or air-dry. 4) Get out the snow boots! If your pet gets cracked, dry pads on their paws, you may want to invest in a pair of protective boots to keep their feet warm and dry when going outdoors. 3) Add high quality Omega-3 supplements to your pet’s daily diet. Healthy oils such as salmon, krill, and Vitamin E will add moisture and luster to your pet’s coat as well as helping them develop natural resistance to painful diseases such as arthritis.

The Natural Pet

1) Try Reiki treatments to treat moderate to severe symptoms of itching. Reiki sessions have proven successful in reducing the pain, irritation and scratching of many of our pet clients. If you need some help determining if your pet’s diet offers optimal nutritive value, consider a Personalized Pet Food Report from Beyond the Bag. After receiving the report and getting all of your questions answered by a Clinical Pet Nutritionist, you will be confident that you are feeding your pet the best diet possible based on your pet’s individual needs, your budget and your schedule.

SPECIAL OFFER: From now until March 30, Beyond the Bag is offering a special Winter Allergy Package which combines three of their most popular services to help you get to the cause of the symptoms and eliminate them. The special includes a Winter Allergy Action Plan, Personalized Pet Food Report, and one Reiki Session at a 15% savings. See website for details: www.PetNutritionandWellness.com. Sheila Buchanan is co-owner of Beyond the Bag Pet Nutrition & Wellness, a Cleveland based business that offers healing and wellness services to pets. Sheila and her partner Debbie Jones are Animal Reiki Masters, Pet Intuitives and Pet Nutrition Consultants.

Beyond the Bag Pet Nutrition and Wellness 2) Try herbal or homeopathic supplements to enhance the immune system and support detoxification organs. Examples are PetiGo homeopathic medicine, Skin & Coat Tonic herbal supplement, and Immunity and Liver Support herbal blend, all made by Pet Alive. These are just a few of the many products on the market today that can be found on the Internet or in specialty pet food stores.

Winter Allergy Package Includes: - Personalized Pet Food Report - Allergy Action Plan - One Reiki Session to bring immediate relief www.PetNutritionandWellness.com info@PetNutritionandWellness.com 216.215.4713

Special Pricing for Rescued Dogs

January / February 2015 Page 21

HealthShare Take Control of Your Health and Wealth


any individuals who have followed alternative choices for their healthcare have been left feeling confused and frustrated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Forced to purchase coverage that many individuals willingly went without, prior to the ACA, simply takes money out of their budgets for the care they prefer, such as naturopathic, homeopathic and integrative forms of healing. Stress and anxiety are the result of us spending our time and money in ways that don’t reflect our priorities and values. When we spend our money on energy healing, chiropractic, massage and other forms of integrative healing, we are aligning the energy of our money with our priorities and values. That in itself is able to contribute to an overall feeling of well-being. Unfortunately, there are very few options for individuals with regard to purchasing essential healthcare and abiding by the ACA regulations:

First, you may simply decide not to purchase coverage. One consequence is that you will not have coverage in the event of an accident or emergency situation. Hospitals are now instituting new rules for billing and you can no longer rely on free medical care. The second repercussion is that you will pay a penalty come tax time. The January / February 2015 Page 22

By Nancy Coveleskie

minimum penalty for 2015 is $95, even if you only went one month without coverage. The penalty is based on a percentage of your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) and over the next few years, will increase to 2.5%. Your penalty will be prorated for every month you don’t have qualifying coverage.

Second, you may elect to purchase your coverage through your employer. If your employer offers a group plan and you elect to not purchase it, you will be ineligible for any subsidies. Subsidies lower your premium and are based on income and the number of household members in your family. When subsidies are available, many people find the ACA policies to be very affordable. When they are not available, premiums are too expensive for many families. Once you pay your premium, high ACA deductibles and copays can place a further burden on your budget.

Third, you may elect to purchase coverage through an ACA exchange. If you are contemplating this, you need to act fast! Without a “qualifying event” such as losing group coverage, etc., you can only purchase individual plans during open enrollment, which ends on February 15. After Feb. 15th, you’ll have to wait until next fall, and now you are guaranteed to pay penalties!

Fourth, you may purchase healthshare instead of health insurance. Healthshare is a time-proven solution to caring for each other’s healthcare costs. It is a non-insurance, non-profit alternative to traditional health insurance. The Affordable Care Act recognizes its existence and exempts it from mandates. If you purchase healthshare, you are not subject to IRS penalties.

Advantages of Healthshare Healthshare is very unique in its approach to providing for the cost of healthcare. Being a non-profit whose sole purpose is to provide for the cost of its members’ healthcare costs, there is no ulterior motive, such as creating profitability by declining payment of services. Healthshare pays the actual discounted cost of healthcare for its members, reducing the amount they pay on a monthly basis to a much more manageable level. Affordable to buy and to use, this allows more money to remain in your budget for alternative care.

One aspect that every woman should applaud is that Thermographic Imaging is paid for as part of an annual wellness visit*! Many women are becoming more aware of the health risks and unsubstantiated claims of the advantages of mammography, yet insurance companies will pay for mammograms, but refuse to pay for thermograms. With healthshare, members may choose any hospital, any doctor, anywhere…even out of the country. You do not need to choose a provider based on a network. Once in the doctor’s office, healthshare helps keep the decision making between you and your doctor. They allow your doctor to choose the method of treatment! Finally, one last aspect of Healthsharing that is a very important component is caring for each other. We have the ability to share prayers and well-wishes with each other in a confidential manner that helps our members with the healing process. To learn more about regaining choice and control over your health & your wealth, visit: the site: www.TheHealthshareWay.org

Nancy is a life-long resident of Northeastern Ohio and has been in the financial services field since 1988, spending most of her career focusing on retirement planning, wealth transfer and business continuation and creating tax-free income for her clients. She also creates blueprints which allow her clients to identify, capture and transfer their True Wealth, not just their financial assets, putting their core values and principles at the center of all decisions regarding their wealth. Nancy is Vice President of Heritage Consulting Group, Inc., an Investment Advisor Representative through SMC Advisors and insurance licensed for life, health, annuity, property and casualty. She is certified as a Quadrant Living Specialist and has been personally trained in Missed Fortune concepts as a TEAM member by its founder, Douglas Andrew. Nancy is also President of Independent Insurance Agency of Ohio, the property and casualty arm of her practice .


*Liberty Healthshare pays for thermograms. Liberty Healthshare also supports the care of all household members. Couples may be unmarried and same-sex. Additional savings offered for single parent households.

Calendar of Holistic Shows, Expos and Events www.bodymindspiritdirectory.org January / February 2015 Page 23

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