Ule vol 1 issue 2 nov 2013

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November/December 2013 | Vol. 01 Issue 02


Universal Living Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century

Earthing Get Connected & Feel Vibrant!

Vogel Crystals DNA Activation & Repair

10-Day Detox! Is it time?

Medicine Cabinet Makeover with Natural Solutions

Energize your Life Energize your Money

Spirit Messages & More! UniversalLivingEzine.com

Deb Haltuch / Spirit of Health Independent doTerra Product Consultant 330-998-4054 deb@neoSpiritofHealth.com

WholiSound Products, Inc. 7433 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, OH 45236 513-793-4777 / 855-293-9100 info@wholisound.com

Nov/Dec 2013 | Vol. 01 Issue 02

Universal Living eZine

Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century

From the Publisher:


Do you remember standing in the mud when you were a little kid? Letting it squish between your toes. How it was soft and warm? Don’t you miss doing silly stuff like that?

Earthing—Get Connected - Clint Ober, Stephen Sinatra, Martin Zucker | 4

Well, guess what? We should all make a concerted effort to do just that because silly as it may be, it’s something that can contribute greatly to our overall balance… it’s called Earthing!

Medicine Cabinet Makeover - Deb Haltuch | 8

Scientifically speaking, by connecting your bare feet to the earth you are connecting yourself to an enormous source of energy. Your body will absorb the negative ions from the earth and balance out the positive ions that are assaulting and overloading us on a daily basis.

3 Crystals & 2 Stones You Need - Melinda Carver | 13

Think we’re doing okay with positive ions? Do we really understand just how much is being tossed into our energetic fields without our knowledge? Seriously – from the microwave, to our hairdryer, to the blender we’re using to make our smoothies (now there’s a bit of irony) to our cell phones, the wifi in our homes, Starbucks, the cell towers we drive by, the electric power lines we’re walking under, it’s all around! If we can get bars on our cell phone, we’re getting nuked! So stick those bare tootsies into the earth – stick them on the front lawn or stick them into a big old pile of mud – but get out of those vinyl soled sneakers that are separating you from this free source of healing energy – and EARTH!

Love & Light! Sue Ball

5 Easy Ways to Drop 5 Pounds - Maria DiCenso-Pelser| 6

Why do People Get Sick? - Mary Robbins | 11

Getting Your Kids to Eat Healthy - Gloria Zabala | 14 Order within Chaos - J:D Aricchi | 16 What is Your Purpose? -Roseann Heinrich | 18 Spirit Message - Ernesto Cardona | 19 Is it Time to DETOX? - Roseann Zaft | 22 Vogel DNA Activation & Repair—Part 1 - Maria Celeste | 25 Energize your Life, Energize your Money - Jan Litterst | 28

216-459-9094 info@UniversalLivingEzine.com www.UniversalLivingEzine.com

EARTHING: The Most EARTHING: Important Health Discovery Ever? Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., Martin Zucker

What is Earthing? Earthing, or grounding as it is often called, simply means connecting to the Earth’s natural, negative surface charge by being barefoot outside or in bare skin contact with conductive systems indoors while you sleep, relax, or work. A simple concept, yes. But one with profound impact on the physiology. Connection with the Earth restores a lost electrical signal to the body that seems to stabilize the complicated circuitry of our essentially-electrical body. Our built-in self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms become more effective. There are head-to-toe improvements. Better blood flow. Less pain and inflammation. More energy. Deeper sleep. For many people the effect is dramatic, like charging a failing battery. For others, the effect is gradual and subtle. The research indicates that Earthing transfers negatively charged free electrons into the body that are present in a virtually limitless and continuously renewed supply on the surface of the Earth. The existence of this unseen electron “reservoir” has been established by science. Maintaining contact with the ground allows your body to naturally receive and become charged with these electrons. When thus “grounded,” any electron deficiencies and free radical excesses in the body are corrected. A natural electrical state is restored.

Why is this so important? Electrons are the “object of affection,” so to speak, of positively charged free radicals, the biochemical agents that cause oxidation in the body. Electrons are the source of antioxidant power. We believe this influx of electrons from the ground serves to potently neutralize or quench free radicals that would otherwise steal elecSept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 4

trons from healthy tissue, activity resulting in tissue damage and chronic inflammation at the basis of many common and serious diseases. Here, seemingly, is a simple, natural, and yet astonishingly profound remedy for chronic inflammation.

Earthing is nothing really new It’s purely old age, a revival of a timeless and forgotten law of Nature: that we belong to Nature, and part of the very connection with Nature is the connection with Mother Earth under our feet.

We live on the planet but aren’t in physical contact with it. Earthing is among the most natural and safest things you can do. The eternal ground energy feeds and nurtures living things – plant and animal life – that have their roots and body parts in direct contact with the land and the sea. But we are disconnected from this energy. We live on the planet but aren’t in physical contact with it.

What’s clear is this: Modern living has increasingly separated us from Mother Earth’s great natural endowment of healthnurturing energy. Instead of conductive leather or footwear made of hides, we wear insulating shoes with soles of plastic and rubber. We rarely walk on the Earth barefoot anymore. We don’t sleep on the ground as in times past. This disconnect from the Earth and Nature has, until now, been virtually overlooked in our modern age of

great medical advancements. Parallel to such advancements, however, is an alarming increase in chronic diseases.

Is there a connection between the disconnect with the Earth and the increasing unwellness of the Earth’s population? The Earthing experience, now on a worldwide scale, strongly indicates that indeed there is, and that reconnection with the Earth holds great promise for our increasingly sick world. For years now many people around the world – men, women, and children alike – have reconnected with the Earth on a routine basis and report that they sleep better, have less pain and stress, and experience faster recovery from trauma.

By scientific standards, Earthing research is in an early stage, but clearly represents a new and exciting frontier of exploration. The research, in fact, indicates that reconnecting to the Earth may be a missing link in the health equation along with good food and water, sunshine, physical activity, and minimizing stress.

For more information on this fascinating subject, you may want to get a copy of the book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? (Also Available on Amazon.com)

Ongoing scientific research is now discovering the details as to why many people feel significantly better when they make physical contact with the planet’s omnipresent energy field right under our nose.

Clint Ober

Martin Zucker

“Earthing” is a revolutionary health breakthrough that will change your life.” - Martin Gallagher, M.D., D.C. 

“This book is a manual for one of Nature’s great healing secrets.” - John Gray, Ph.D. 

“Earthing may be as fundamental as sunlight, air, water and nutrients.” - Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. 

“Earthing ranks right up there with the discovery of penicillin.” - Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S. 

“Earthing is a return to the healing power of Nature...here’s a simple but powerful way to restore your health on all levels.” - Hyla Cass, M.D. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 5

5 Easy Ways to Drop 5 Pounds! By Marisa DiCenso-Pelser

I'd like to share five simple strategies with you for shedding five pounds of fat before the holidays. But first let me clear something up.

Weight loss can be put into two categories.

and replacing it with water, you will lose inches and pounds—effortlessly.

Strategy #2: Swap Sandwich Bread for Lettuce Move over bread, lettuce is better.

The first is a fully concentrated effort. This is where you dedicate yourself to counting every calorie and slaving away in the gym. The pounds come off, but once you relax the regimen your weight goes right back to where it was.

It's time to re-define your sandwich. While bread has tradition on its side, lettuce wraps offer you weight loss and increased energy. Try my Tasty Tuna Lettuce Wraps recipe below.

The second is a combination of simple lifestyle changes. This is where you change a few key factors about what you eat and how you exercise, without making it a fulltime job. This type of weight loss is gradual and permanent, since you are able to maintain it long term.

Bottom line: Eating bread and other starchy foods always leads to extra pounds, so change your ways. Swap your sandwich bread for lettuce for 30 days and see how much you will effortlessly lose. I bet you'll feel more energetic after lunch too.

The five simple strategies below all fall into the lifestyle change category. These strategies may seem ridiculously simple, but do them over an extended period of time and you will see amazing, permanent results.

Strategy #1: Ditch Your Diet Soda Studies are coming out that link diet soda to weight gain. Researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio concluded that those who drank two or more diet soft drinks a day had the largest waistline increases—about five times more than that of non-drinkers. They stated, "Data from this and other prospective studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas as healthy alternatives may be ill-advised: they may be free of calories, but not of consequences." Bottom line: Artificial sweeteners are addictive, lead to waistline increases, and cause you to crave sugary foods. By cutting diet soda out of your daily routine,

Strategy #3: Trade Slow Cardio for Intense Intervals Doing slow cardio will not give you results. In order to really make your workout effective, you need to turn up the intensity. If you love the treadmill, then do a series of sprints throughout your workout. If you're a swimmer, then push yourself extra hard every other lap. Bottom line: Doing slow, easy cardio will not give you the streamline body you want. Only intense intervals will do that for you. Pepper your workout with bouts of intense cardio and watch as the fat starts to disappear.

Strategy #4: Avoid Sugar 99% of the time Sugar will cause you to gain weight every single time. There's really no way around that simple truth. Sugar is standing between you and your perfect body. If you're serious about looking and feeling great, then under-

Marisa DiCenso-Pelser is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer and Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, she is spreading the word of Raw Food & Fitness throughout Northeast Ohio and the world. They are graduates of Cleveland State University with a B.A. in Exercise Science as well as Certified Living on Live Foods Chef/Instructors. To learn more about their weekly raw food delivery, education classes and personal training, please visit: www.rawtrainer.com or email marisa@rawtrainer.com Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 6

stand that sugar has no place in your diet. Bottom line: If you avoid sugar 99% of the time, then you will be on your way to a lean and energetic body. If it's your birthday or a special holiday, then partake in a small amount of sugar, but make that the exception and not the rule.

Strategy #5: Exercise With A Professional When we design your workouts, you know it will be good. People who work with a personal trainer get better results than those who attempt to do it on their own. Just look at our clients and their amazing transformations, and you'll see what I mean. Each workout will push you to your limits, challenge your body and deliver the results you're looking for. Bottom line: All of our clients expect to get the best workout of their lives each and every time they train, and it’s our job is to over-deliver.

Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 7

Who needs bread weighing them down? These tasty Mock Tuna Lettuce Wraps are so much better than a traditional tuna sandwich, and will leave you feeling light and lean. 1 cup Lentil or Mung Bean Sprouts 1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds 3 Tbsp. Almond butter 1 Tbsp. Kelp powder ½ tsp. sea salt ½ cup Sweet onion 3 Celery stalks 4-6 butter head lettuce leaves In a Vitamix blender or food processor, combine sprouts, sunflower seeds, almond butter, kelp, and sea salt. Blend until smooth. Add in onion and celery and pulse chop, keeping the mixture chunky. Place the “tuna” mixture in a lettuce cup and enjoy!

give your medicine cabinet a

MAKEOVER Natural solutions that are safer, cheaper & more effective than traditional remedies By Deb Haltuch My intention is to educate and empower you so that you can take control of your family’s health. I’ve found the essential oils to be safer, cheaper, and more effective than over the counter medicines. And, the essential oil medicine cabinet is nearly 40% cheaper than the average person’s medicine cabinet. We are so fortunate to live in a time of such great medical advances, but there are limitations to modern medicine that we have all experienced. So, what do you choose...let’s take a look at the options. Modern Medicine  

  

These drugs are designed to manage symptoms and often just mask them. Prescription drugs are made from isolated synthetic agents designed to mimic natural substances such as essential oils from plants. All drugs have side effects and the misuse of prescription drugs has devastating consequences. Annually, $4.5 trillion dollars is spent globally on healthcare. Are we healthier because of it?

In contrast, let me share the health benefits that can be found in nature. Nature’s Medicine 

Nature’s medicine helps support the body by minimizing symptoms and addressing root causes.  One of the most effective forms of natural medicine is essential oils. Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in plants. They are essential to the life of the plant and to the life of people on our planet. Plants are used in many different ways for helping Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 8

and healing others but the most concentrated way to use them is in the form of essential oils.  Essential oils are used safely and without harmful side effects.  Another benefit, they cost pennies per dose. They can also be administered in the comfort of your own home, reducing trips to the doctor, exposure to other illnesses, and co-pay. So, with natural solutions we accomplish safer healthcare...how about more effective healthcare? 

Essential oils are 50-70 times more powerful than herbs.  They kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of viruses.  They enter the bloodstream within 30 seconds.  Essential oils are a natural antibiotic and have the ability to kill bacteria. Beyond that, they are able to penetrate the outer membrane of the cell wall. This means that essential oils can go to work against viruses, too. So, if your doctor says, “You have a virus. Go home, rest, and drink lots of fluids. There isn’t anything else we can do.” You CAN do something else. Use your essential oils to help fight viruses! One of the biggest perks of essential oils is that they are friendly to all the natural safety barriers in the body. Many companies produce or use essential oils but not all essential oil products are equal. In fact, some could be very toxic and harmful to our bodies. There are different grades and it is important to be aware of the distinctions. •The lowest grade of essential oils are synthetic and are produced in labs that have copied the components of the oil. These oils are very low quality and are used in lotions

and perfumes. •Next are food grade essential oils. These are used to flavor foods like lemon in salad dressings or cinnamon chewing gum. •The next grade, intended for a health benefit, is therapeutic grade. This has held the standard in the essential oil industry for the last 30 years. These are the oils that are found in health food stores and used in the health industry. These oils have served well but now things are even better One company named DoTERRA has established a new standard in essential oils called Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (or CPTG). DoTERRA set this standard by demanding the highest quality in all aspects of growing, processing, and distributing essential oils. DoTERRA is committed to obtaining oils from the original source. So they buy oils from growers that they select, train and monitor from all over the world. For example, Lavender comes from France and Frankincense comes directly from Oman. After the oils are obtained, they are processed in the manner best suited to that plant. Then they undergo third party testing in two independent labs to certify each batch of oil is pure. There are no synthetics, impurities or chemicals. If a batch does not meet this high standard, it does not make its way into bottles. 3 WAYS TO APPLY ESSENTIAL OILS The first and fastest way is aromatically. Just take a whiff! The oils start working immediately. They kill germs in the air, open airways and affect mood. These life-changing oils can be diffused into the air, sniffed straight from the bottle, or applied to the skin.

The second type of application is topical. The oils can be applied to head, feet, ears, chest, back of the neck and troubled areas. Application on the bottom of the feet enters the blood stream and affects the entire body within 30 seconds. CPTG oils can be taken internally! These oils can go right to work from the inside to relieve issues in the digestive system, mouth, throat and liver. Take under the tongue, in a gel capsule, in water, or in food. 20 HEALTH BENEFITS OF ESSENTIAL OILS Affect the psyche

Improve the circulatory system

Support Immune function Promote optimal endocrine function Supply potent antimicrobials (kills MRSA)

Support the urinary system

Provide natural pain relief Soothe burns, sunburns, minor cuts Reduce inflammation

Support muscles and bones

East stress and anxiety

Provide oral and dental care

Decrease insomnia

Nourish and strengthen hair

Rejuvenate skin

Improve mental clarity

Protect against colds and influenza

Protect against cancer

Soothe digestive disorders

Provide safe, natural alternatives to household cleaners

So, with all of this information about essential oils, what is the next step? Contact me to setup a one-on-one health consultation, to schedule an essential oils class in your home or business or to send you an invitation to my next essential oils class.

Deb Haltuch is a Quantum Biofeedback Technician, Reflexologist, Macrobiotic Coach & Rep for doTerra Essential Oils. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 9

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Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 10

Why Do People Get Sick? By Mary Robbins

Often times I hear folks pondering how to get themselves healthy or back to a state of wellness. They are asking about what doctors to consult, what procedures to undergo, what medicines to take? A question I don’t often hear is; Why do humans get sick in the first place? It makes sense to ask this because people are getting sicker and sicker at younger and younger ages. I just read where women in the US are starting to see shorter lifespans for the first time since the industrial age began. Why is this happening? To understand why we get sick, we first, need to understand the human body. We know that our bodies have limbs and organs which can be broken down into muscle and tissue. The muscles and tissue are then further broken down into cells which are the smallest living organism. The cells are composed of molecules which are made of atoms. We can break atoms into parts called protons, neutrons and electrons. Science now knows that an atom has an electric charge as well as an energy component common to all things called the zero point field. Discovered by Einstein in 1913, ZPF has been an intriguing mystery to quantum physicists for decades only to be understood just recently. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 11

We now know that the more electrons an atom possesses, the more vital it is. We look at the molecule and see that its strength rests on the strength of its atoms. Therefore, the more electrons the molecule has from the atoms, the stronger that molecule becomes. We then continue to the state of the cell by looking at the strength of the molecules – all of which are stronger the more electrons they have. Since we are composed of 100 trillion cells, the strength and vitality of that tiny unit is vitally important to our wellbeing. When we are born, our cells emit 70 millivolts of electricity. But lifestyle, environment and the normal process of ageing can bring that number down to 60, 50 or even 40 millivolts. The cells need 70 millivolts to optimally perform three main duties: bring in and process nutrients, release toxins and replicate itself. What happens if the cell can’t do those three tasks because of a lack of millivolts? We become undernourished with even less energy to work with. Toxins build up and clog function preventing the cell from doing its job, and as the cell reproduces itself – it does so by presenting a lesser version of itself further weakening its power. This is what is happening when we get tired. Lack of energy in

the cell brings on fatigue in the entire body. Fatigue moves on to symptoms and then, if unchecked, disorders appear leading to disease. Everything begins at the cellular level. It follows that the healthier and more energized the cell, the healthier and more energized is our entire body. We all suspect that we are not getting enough nutrients in the food we eat, the water we drink or the air we breathe. You may not fully realize the body is also enduring unprecedented levels of stress from our supercharged electronic atmosphere. Just since WWII, there has been enormous growth in all kinds of frequencies in the form of radio, TV, microwave, cell tower radiation and even the electric wiring in our homes. Our everyday appliances emit frequencies that are foreign to our bodies, which have evolved millions of years relatively free of this type of interference. This unavoidable exposure to radiation changes the delicate electrical balance in our cells causing further problems with cellular health. The evidence is beginning to show itself in scientific studies of this subject. What can we do about this, you ask? How can we protect ourselves from this pervasive threat? Again, I say, science got us into this mess and

(cont’d: Why People Get Sick) science can get us out. We now have available to us breakthrough technology that fortifies us with the zero point field which then sources free electrons to our beleaguered cells thus strengthening them and bringing balance to our entire bodies. This exquisite development is called Amized Fusion Technology from Amega Global and the results are simply stunning. People all over the globe in 156 countries are discovering the beauty of caring for the body, mind and spirit with energy devices that are simple to use and based solidly in the hard science of quantum physics.

Mary Robbins is an authorized Representative for Amega Global. To learn more about this elegant way to self care, please call: 330-807-3816

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Three Crystals & Two Stones Everyone Should Have By Melinda Carver

In my workshop “Clearing the Negativity from Your Life!”, I discuss the use of crystals as very powerful tools used to clear negative energy, to heal people, and to meditate with or use for manifesting. There are three crystals and two stones that I recommend that everyone should have as their beginning point. Once you have them, you will have the ability to begin healing, experiencing stronger intuition and boosting your personal power. These three crystals and two stones are easily found at any new age store, metaphysical expo or lapidary club event. The first one I recommend is a Clear Quartz crystal. Clear Quartz crystals are highly attuned and can be used in any negative energy removal or healing ceremony. They absorb and then diminish negative energy. Clear Quartz also boosts the power of other crystals that you work with to assist you in obtaining stronger results. You can hold a Clear Quartz point in your left hand and open your right hand to remove any negative energy you may pick up through your day. The second one I recommend is a Rose Quartz crystal. Rose Quartz are pink crystals that have great Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 13

healing energy, especially for the heart chakra. Holding a Rose Quartz in your hands while praying or meditating will ramp up your healing in any physical or emotional situation. The third one I recommend is an Amethyst crystal. Amethysts are purple crystals that carry the energy of both red (love/passion) and blue (power) crystals. Amethysts are great to use for healing and meditating. You can lay several pieces of amethyst around you to create a healing grid while you pray or meditate. After obtaining the three building block crystals, I urge you to try two stones for additional healing. The first stone to try is an Atlantis Stone. They are used to help you to reconnect with Atlantis memories of healing and technology. Atlantis stones have shades of lime green with purple circles. I have always been fascinated with Atlantis, and in a past life reading learned that I used to be a priestess on that mystical isle. Holding an Atlantis Stone to your Third Eye or during meditations will pull powerful memories of your past life in Atlantis. Labradorite is another powerful stone to work with. It allows you to

see through illusions and to determine your dreams and goals. It stimulates your imagination, is excellent for strengthening intuition, and assists with healing your emotions. Labradorite is a blue-green crystal with a colorful rainbow type sheen (aka labradorescence) or it comes in a golden color. Using these three crystals and two stones will assist you in emotional healing. Many stores carry these crystals and stones as jewelry, or you may carry polished crystals and stones in a gem bag in your purse or pocket. Local book stores and new age stores and your public library carry many crystal books if you would like to learn more about them. Melinda is the Official Psychic of the Tarot Guild (USA), has appeared at metaphysical expos, conferences & fairs, and as a guest on various radio shows. She is a Clairaudient, Clairsentient & Clairvoyant Psychic Medium, Universal Light Minister, Tarot Reader & Positive Energy Specialist. Melinda is the host of Positive Perspectives Radio and the creator of Melinda’s Positive Energy Products. She is a member of the Coalition of Visionary Resources.






Getting Kids to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables By Gloria Zabala Many parents say that one of the biggest challenges of parenthood is getting their kids to eat enough of the right kinds of foods. Not surprising when we live in a country in which millions of dollars are spent each year on food advertising, targeted directly at kids, that glamorizes junk food, breakfast cereals, fast food, candy, soda and so-called "fruit" drinks, most of which is loaded with refined sugar, fat, and/or artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Is it any wonder that we don't hear kids in the aisles of the supermarket begging their parents to buy apples and carrots? Well, the struggle to build a nutritious foundation for your kids' health doesn't have to be a losing battle. Here are a few suggestions to help you and your kids form healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.

Add produce to smoothies. Start with mostly the fruit that your child loves. Add a frozen banana to deliver sweetness and a handful of blueberries. Then start incorporating celery to their smoothie. Once your child gets used to the celery, start adding small – and hard to detect – quantities of other greens. And of course, go ahead and add a handful of spinach! With time, everyone in your home should get used to the taste, and even prefer it over the fruit-filled version, which may start to seem too sweet. Our taste buds are really quite adaptable! The key is to make the change gradually. Over time, they’ll learn to enjoy the true flavor of fresh, healthy food and the lovely tastes that fresh vegetables, greens and fruits have to offer. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 14

Puree or finely chop greens to cook with sauces and soups. For lunch or on the go, pack a thermos soup and add their favorite vegetables with the greens. Serve with whole-grain bread.

Trail Mix. Kids love sneaky classroom snacks and without the right options, they will often turn to vending machine junk food items. Why not give them a nutritious snack to carry with them? For this trail mix, include a mixture of raw walnuts, Goji Berries, Inca Berries, pepitas, and dried coconut. This mixture is fairly low in sugar and packed with nutrition. Plus it tastes great.

Pack a colorful vegetable every day. Cut up veggies with a dip can be a tasty and fun addition to any lunch box. Try baby carrots, celery sticks, red pepper strips, snow peas, raw string beans, raw broccoli, raw cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, cut-up cucumbers or romaine lettuce leaves with dips such as a hummus or bean dip.

Toss raisins, nuts, apples and other foods your children enjoy into your salads and sautéed greens. Appeal to their senses: Kids love colorful foods with interesting textures. On the other hand, some kids dislike foods with strong, overpowering flavors. Other kids don't like mixtures of foods (like casseroles). So skip the jalapenos in your black bean dip, steam and serve several vegetables separately, and try to remember these finicky preferences are likely to change quickly. Certain shapes are also more appealing to children. For example, a star shape cut is more appealing that a stick shape.

Add pizzazz to traditional sandwiches. Add dried or sliced fresh fruit, such as apples to a peanut butter sandwich, then squeeze on a little honey, sprinkle it with cinnamon and cut it into triangles or roll it up. Try different

nut butters. They are great spread on whole grain bread and topped with apple, banana, or strawberry slices. Just make sure that you read the ingredient list when choosing whole grain bread. It should list "whole grain" as the first ingredient. If more than one grain is used, they should all be whole grains. Make healthy wraps with whole grain pitas, tortillas or better yet, collard or lettuce leaves. Hummus with shredded lettuce, cucumber and tomato slices is a quick and easy option.

Here are a few tasty additions to any lunchbox: Melon/Blueberry/Coconut Salad: This sweet, colorful salad is quick to prepare and easy to take along in a lunchbox. Cut honeydew melon and/or cantaloupe into small chunks. Or use a melon baller - a task your kids will love to help you with. Add frozen or fresh blueberries and some shredded coconut. Kids have fun eating this salad because they can use their fingers! Lunchtime Noodles: Most kids love noodles, so this salad is a lunchtime hit. Cook 4 ounces of whole grain noodles (curly noodles, like rotini, are great for this recipe) according to the package directions. Prepare a dressing for the

noodles using 1 tablespoon of toasted sesame oil, 1 tablespoon of rice vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce. If your kids like spicy foods, add 1/2 teaspoon of hot pepper oil or a pinch of cayenne pepper. Add finely chopped carrots, celery, and red cabbage. Top with sesame seeds. Add salt and pepper to taste. This salad can be made ahead, and stored in the refrigerator for up to a week, but it won't last that long-we promise! Chick pea spread with vegetables: Chick peas (also known as garbanzo beans) are loaded with protein and fiber. Plus, they have a mild, slightly sweet taste kids enjoy. Chick peas are used to make a traditional Mediterranean hummus. Hummus is quick to prepare and easy to take along in the lunch box. Include carrot sticks, red pepper strips, or celery stalks and/or tortilla chips for dipping. To make the hummus combine 1 can (15 ounces) of chick peas, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 clove of garlic, and 2 tablespoons of sesame tahini in a food processor. Mix until smooth. If hummus is too thick, add water as necessary. If your kids don't like spicy food, skip the garlic. If they do, add paprika as well as the usual salt and pepper to taste. Gloria Zabala is a certified health coach & whole food plant-based educator. She received her certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University; and is certified as a health coach from The Vegetarian Health Institute. She coaches others how to overcome health challenges, digestive issues, eliminate addictions & lose weight. Contact Gloria @ 440-546-1800 or email: atozhealthyliving@gmail.com

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Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 15

ORDER within CHAOS: Science vs. Spirituality There is a scientific theory that states: it is human nature to create order within chaos. As humans, we assume that the universe is random or chaotic and we will try to “see” an order within it. From this theoretical perspective, we choose to believe in some type of order where we have the power to “make sense” of it all. What is key is the idea that our belief has been chosen or even fabricated to align this “supposed’ chaos into a structure of order. This theory in a sense is flawed, or at least contradictory in its essence, based on the simple fact that to call something “chaos” is in fact putting an order to it. In that sense, it is not a pure observation. Defining it as random or chaotic is also creating a confine for it to exist within - essentially creating a belief in random or chaos. This theory can only be based on what is “known”. And what is “known” is constantly changing, expanding, and transforming. In other words it is limited within current knowledge or abilities to comprehend. Now let’s take a look at the spiritual or belief based side of things. Many believe that all things happen for a reason. True or not is irrelevant, because the belief is chosen and it cannot be truly disproven. This is a random generalization of spirituality as a whole, but possibly a core to most belief systems whether it be God, Gods, Goddess, Goddesses or any kind of supreme being even if that supreme being is considered as the entire universe. From the above mentioned theoretical approach to “all things happen for a reason or purpose” is comfortable within a structure of belief or a supposed order within chaos. And that perspective is actually Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 16

the same process of creating an order of supposed chaos. So is there a difference? J:D Aricchi Is this scientific approach really just another belief in the same respect that spirituality is a belief. The bigger question is does it matter? Science, psychology, and spirituality often get put on opposing sides. But are they really all that different? Other branches of science tell us that all things are actually just energy on the smallest scale and that reality itself, in which this supposed chaos is happening, is actually just an illusion anyway. In many instances different branches of science prove, or at least align with many ancient spiritual teachings. My purpose is not to take you on a mental merry goround, although it may seem that way. It is more to point out the significance and validity of belief. In what? In anything. We choose to assign some type of discernible understanding of the world around us. This may be through spiritual teachings, scientific testing, theorizing, or meditating. As humans, our brains have boundaries. There are concepts that we know to be relatively true, that we cannot truly wrap our heads around. We really are not able to process the concept of unlimited. We have an idea of it, but not really a complete understanding of it. So if belief is the point, then what? If there is an intended point, it is that the only truth may be that

there is no truth at all. If there is no truth, no one is right and no one is wrong, we simply are. With that idea in mind, it does not matter what you believe, it is what you do with it. Your belief is your path, it can change and adapt in many ways all leading you to experience. Those experiences make you who you are. An individual. How you use those experiences and what you learn from them is possibly the only true meaning that can be found. All beliefs can exist in harmony if the actions of the individuals respect the boundaries and limitations of the beliefs of others. No matter what you believe, it is what you do with it that makes you who you are. The culmination of all beliefs is what make us what we are. So before entering a debate with someone about what is true or not, ask yourself if you are simply trying to replace someone else’s perceived order within chaos with your own perceived order within chaos?

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ost artists' challenge is to create a visual representation of things we can all see. J:D Aricchi takes the unseen and turns it visible, making it come alive in chalk, possessing an energy that can be felt if not easily described. J:D is an artistic channel. Often referred to as spirit art, etherealism is more than a style of painting. "I open a window for people to see what they normally don't," J:D says. "It's an opportunity for them to look into themselves in a way they are not accustomed to." J:D works primarily in chalk pastels and charcoal on pastel board or paper, and occasionally in acrylics. , J:D is different from many other spirit artists. He does a general interpretation work (similar to a reading) but, emphasizes the use of the Spirit Drawing as a tool to work with. "The purpose of my work is not for me to tell people who they are, it's to show them. The purpose is for them to see a part of themselves that they normally wouldn't consider. For me to tell someone who or what they are defeats the purpose of them looking within. It's important for them to grow through the process." Often a painting grows with the recipient -- the same image that may have one meaning initially can come to mean something very different as the person develops deeper understanding about themselves. J:D Aricchi InfiniteCreations@neo.rr.com / 888-618-3698

What is your purpose? By Roseann Heinrich

There are so many thoughts that surface when one sets out to write an article. I wrote a good article last week, but it will have to wait. These thoughts surfaced between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. today. This is Angel time. The Angels tell me it is more important to express this now, for me, and for those who will read and be affected by this writing. We search for our purpose in living. We want to live better; be better parents, partners, employees or employers. We are searching to be more as we have learned to let go of having more. The thing is we are serving our purpose by being here on the planet at this auspicious time when everything is changing so rapidly our heads spin. When the darkness and heaviness surface in such chaos, we wonder if things can be better. Our purpose is to BE, just BE. In being, we bring our light, our spirit light into the world. Our light is the magic elixir that helps to calm the negativity, to cleanse the darkness. It is a huge job.

world. Be you. You are the perfect you for this work. This is your purpose. It is just that simple. Follow your inner guidance to be better and brighter in your own unique way. No one else can BE you. When your light goes out and it is time for you to return HOME, know your job is complete. No one leaves before their work is done. For some the time is way too short while others serve a very long time. Roseann Heinrich, Angel Therapy Practitioner In loving honor and memory of my son, Joe; a very bright light who served well on this planet from August 10, 1967 until October 11, 2013. His light brightened my being and that of so many others. We shine brighter because he touched our lives.

When we find ourselves called to healthy fitness routines, it increases our light. We shine brighter. When we get out into nature and breathe more deeply, our light is infused with more energy. When we feel the urge to clean up the foods we ingest and put more organic and less artificial into these bodies, we shine with more efficiency. When we spend time balancing our chakras we improve our abilities to shine. As we share our light by moving through the earth plane in so many ways, we are the ones who are making the shift happen. Being here IS our purpose. Being here is why we are held in high respect by the Angelic realm and the spirit world. We are here serving a purpose. As we touch the lives of our friends, family, coworkers, we get brighter, they get brighter and together, we fill the world with more light. It is this light that will help heal all of the ills that have been created on this planet. So BE better; BE healthier, more fit, eat well and get outside more. Let your light shine brighter. Serve your purpose by doing the easiest possible service you can in this

Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 18

Calendar of Holistic Shows, Expos and Events www.bodymindspiritdirectory.org

SPIRIT This newsletter has been encoded with light frequencies during the channeling process which, in turn will transfer to the reader the positive vibrations relating to the topic of this message.

Attention! My beloved brothers and sisters, I AM Ashtar Commander and I bring great news of importance. Mother Earth went into a reboot in the cycles of 12/12/12 to 12/21/12 and her people went through a dimensional shift between the self and entering into the new paradigm whether they were aware of it or not. Those that could not sustain the light quotations to enter into this new Golden Age are merely feeling the peak and start of an overall transformational experience. New frequencies have developed since into the new Earth plane. Now into 2013 we are in a time of expansion. Ask yourselves, are you ready to anchor the Christ Consciousness and Galactic Self Light Bodies within your embodiment and walk among the Earth. This process is about having self-awareness and cutting through fears and illusions to start living in truth and integrity. In order to work through the Ascension process one must be prepared and accept with love and forgiveness in order to walk among the Earth. This is a critical point! At this time Mother Earth is going about another major shift within her tectonic plates due to the releasing of built-up negative emotions from her people and for her people. Your neighboring star families will assist in making this transition as easy as possible and request the help from the Star Seeds Ground Crew. Starting NOW, everyone upon Mother Earth will be going through a spiritual evaluation. This is not a punishment. We are simply looking through the divine karmic blueprints of each and every one of you, sending Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 19

Ernesto Cardona

help from the Stars for those of you who are seriously committed through the heart. As you can see in the media, much is changing in an unexpected yet historical way. Those that we look up to and that influence many are the first to be reevaluated. This is a statement and an opportunity to give those in authority a chance to do what is right and not what is easy. Those that are prepared in truth will expand and jump leaps and bounds. Those who are not honest within the self or to others will be cut off and replaced due to their own actions. Another note, the expansion and elevation of all senses will decrease for those that misuse and abuse their power. Understand this ~ this applies to World Leaders, politicians, governments, institutions, societies, groups, etc. This also applies to the FDA and the healthcare industry who work behind the scenes to manipulate the system for self benefit. This also includes psychics, mediums, healers, astrologers, light workers, star seeds, magicians, priests and priestesses and all walks of life. To hold the light you must live in your own light and hold the love vibration fully into your physical vessel. The All-Seeing Eye of SOURCE CREATOR is now open and magnified scanning all of Gaia (Earth) and her people. The military (all armed forces) will be experiencing some subtle changes as well. In their words ‘strange and unexpected events’ are occurring and will continue to occur. All things will be uncovered to all as it is the right for all to know. One must live in oneness and not in separation. It is time to rejoice and live fully in alignment with your

12 dimensional selves…who you are truly meant to be. Are you ready for the quantum leap? We send you Sacred Numerological Light codes of 3, 33, 01, 555, 444, 121212, 1222, 333, 222, 2222, 1111, 5, 55, 111, 00 and 0. Take in these activations now and open up to the inner Divine Spark of your heart seed atomic cell opening the Diamond Matrix within the Golden Sun and within the seed of the soul. With the expansion of the crown you may feel tingling sensations and/or pressure at the top of the head for deep healing and balance brain re-patterning and activation of the pineal and pituitary glands for full activation of telepathy NOW. We send you the Dolphin Star Link codes and anchor you in a crystalline structure of Mother Earth’s new grid line 144.

The Extra Show Live. I decided to snap a photo with my iPhone of the interview taking place. What I had seen with my own eyes and what I saw on the screen were two very different things! My heart races as I see Ashtar Commander standing in the audience towards the back left hand side staring and smiling right at me! Also notice the Violet and Rainbow rays as well. Zoom in to see him within the crowd.

Be blessed and live in your TRUTH. We love you all. Until the next transmission~

I AM Ashtar Commander Accompanied by Archangel Michael, Saint Germain, Mother Mary, Jesus the Christ, and Archangel Metatron Channeled by Ernesto Cardona

Photo taken personally by Ernesto.

Note: Earlier this year I went into prayer and I request assistance from the Star Beings of Light in regards to a negative technology issue and much more. Forty minutes after, I head out of my place towards the Apple Store at the Grove in LA and notice


ot only is he young and charismatic, Ernesto is by far, one of the most profound and compelling Psychic Channelers you will ever encounter. His readings are accurate, insightful, honest, and most importantly, they are life-changing. He takes his job very seriously and has made it his mission to be of service to all, to bring about the best in each and every one of us, to connect us closer to our higher selves and ultimately, to get us back on the path for our return to source...to ALL THAT IS. December 2012 marked the beginning of the Golden Age of mankind and the end of the third dimensional way of life. With the release of these limitations, also came an elevation which expanded and enhanced Ernesto's abilities to include telepathic energetic clearings, Language of Light Codes Activation and a stronger connection to the heavens and beyond. With ASHTAR Commander as his Main Guide and the assistance of his spirit, angelic, and NOW his Stellar and Universal Guides, you will be certain to benefit profoundly in body, emotion, mind and spirit. In addition to the above, he is available for Oracle Consultations (in person or by phone), Psychometry, energetic clearing, healings (hands-on or telepathic), workshops and seminars. After realizing his ability at a very early age, he hasn't looked back, and now, with 16 years of professional experience under his belt, he is truly a force to be reckoned with. To Contact Ernesto, call Goddess Elite at 440-777-7211 Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 20

23140 Lorain Road North Olmsted OH / 440-777-7211 www.Goddesselite.com 

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Are you ready to ditch the diet mentality? Kiss the cravings good-bye? Enjoy endless amounts of energy you didn’t know existed? Lose weight while you amp up your immune system? Let’s start here and take this short quiz: Rate each of the symptoms using the following point scale: 0 — Never or almost never have the symptoms 1 — Occasionally have it, effect is not severe 2 — Occasionally have it, effect is severe 3 — Frequently have it, effect is not severe 4 — Frequently have it, effect is severe ___Fatigue


___Excess Weight

___Brain Fog




___Muscle Pain

___Joint Pain

___Sinus Congestion


___Itchy Skin

___Sweet Cravings



___Bags or Dark ___Poor memory circles under eyes or concentration

___Total Score

How did you do? If you answered a level of 2, 3 or 4 to any of these, you have found your “WHY” and time to take a look at a Whole Body Detox Program.

Are You Ready to Dump? Toxicity often lies at the root of many chronic illnesses. The cumulative load, called the "total body burden,” leads to illness and has been linked to hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency, and an inefficient metabolism. We are constantly exposed to toxins from many different sources. Anything that can potentially harm body tissue, including waste products built up as result of normal metabolism and intestinal bacteria, as well as human-made environmental chemicals, are considered toxins. Heavy metal, antibiotics, horSept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 22

By Roseann Zaft

mones in food, pollution, car exhaust, alcohol, cigarette smoke, pesticides, bacteria, viruses, parasites, prescription drugs, chemicals from food packaging, food additives, cosmetics, even our water, contains harmful toxins. Many of the chemicals we ingest daily through food, water, and air get deposited into our fat cells. A diet/lifestyle that lacks certain nutrients impairs our body’s natural ability to detoxify chemicals, leading to further build-up within the body. When we are exposed to a toxic substance, white blood cells surround it, creating inflammation to protect the rest of the body. In this sense, creating inflammation is beneficial, and shows our immune system is doing its job. However, when we are constantly exposed to harmful substances, our immune system is constantly creating inflammation in an attempt to protect the body. Over time, this constant production of inflammation causes our immune system to weaken, become overloaded, and lose its ability to function properly. Disease is a loss of function in the body. Symptoms are a sign of this loss of function. Think of it as this: we keep “PUTTING TRASH IN THE TRASH CAN,” then we are so overloaded and tired, we can’t even pick up the trashcan and dump it…. A detox is the dump! As you can see, a periodic detox program is a great way to decrease your toxic body burden, strengthen your immune system, create healthier eating habits, and even, lose weight. Did you know you carry around anywhere from 5-10 pounds of toxic waste that slows your metabolism? Not only do our organs and fat accumulate toxins, but our cells do too! After a detox that “toxic” weight is eliminated.

So Just What is a “Detox?” Detox is short for detoxification. It is the body's natural, ongoing process of eliminating toxic overload. There are many ways in which the body removes toxins. The liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin, and blood and lymphatic systems all work together to ensure toxins are chemically transformed to less harmful compounds and excreted from the body. In each case, specific nutrients are needed for these routes of elimination to work properly. Many of us do not take in the proper nutrients on a

daily basis to allow for adequate detoxification. Your detox program should include nutritional support for each of these pathways, including support of cellular detox.

What Do You Need to Look for in a Safe and Effective Detox? The word “detox” is primarily thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence but these days it is the “buzz word” that refers to a program of food plans, supplements and herbs, and other methods that remove environmental and dietary toxins from the body. Detoxing involves balancing 3 areas of your life: food and drink, environment and lifestyle. There are so many different types of detox “diets” on the market today from 3 days to 30 days. Generally an effective detox program lasts 10 days and should include: 

A balanced, food-based nutritional program with a shopping list

A whole body approach: liver, kidneys, lungs, blood, lymphatics, digestion, skin and cellular

Elimination of gluten, dairy, sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine, unnecessary over-the -counter meds, fast foods, salt, processed foods

Addition of alkalizing & detoxify organic foods (leafy greens, cruciferous and high fiber veggies, lemon, ginger, garlic)

Emphasis on foods that provide the vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants the body needs for proper detoxification

Adequate amounts of protein (amino acids) your liver needs for detoxification (plant-based as well as wild-caught fish, organic chicken & turkey)

Frequent, Balanced nutritious meals to keep the metabolism working properly

Increase in water consumption and herbal teas

Assistance of pharmaceutical grade products that support proper metabolic balance, cellular detoxification, aid in eliminating low grade inflammation, and quality multivitamins that feed the body what it needs to run efficient

Other methods such as colonic hydrotherapy, infra-red saunas, sea salt and baking soda baths, meditation, journaling and even exercise to support and enhance the process.

It’s about Benefits Baby! … A Detox Is Not Just a “Quick Fix”! I love hearing the result from my clients. Yes, it will help Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 23

jumpstart weight loss! Yes, you will feel & look better the first week! Yes, you will have more energy! Yippee! But lasting improvement in your health means making smart choices about what goes into our bodies every day. 

You will eliminate foods that you may be sensitive to and don't even know it

You will learn how to consume good carbs, proteins and fats by using the right foods

You will know how to balance carbs from fruits and veggies

You will understand portion control

People often report improved energy, clearer skin, regular bowel movements, improved digestion, and increased concentration and clarity after a detox diet. You will strengthen your immune system. You may even notice your mood improve and less anxiety or depression. But the biggest benefit by far is that you are definitely reducing the risk of chronic disease. Think Cancer! Results will vary but most of my clients averaged about a 10 lb. drop in their weight in just 10 days! Also, many of my clients on the program I use are still continuing to lose that muffin-top middle because they are now able to metabolize fat more efficiently. One of the many reasons to detox periodically. What is always fascinating to me is when a client discovers hidden food sensitivities that have kept them feeling crummy, swollen or bloated. When I went through the Detox I was amazed on how it completely eliminated my sugar cravings! And those of you who know me, know I’m a “chocoholic” in a big, bad way, even if it was “healthy and raw.” I couldn’t get enough of it…ever! It’s been months later and the craving is still gone!

Be Prepared! First of all everyone is in a different state of readiness. So be ready and prepared! Here are the top 3 “Must-Haves”: 1. Get OK from Doctor/ Health Care Practitioner 2. Get “Kitchen-Ready” -- foods, tools, etc. 3. Get Support from Family, Friends, Health Coach

What to Expect During Detox Days Common side effects are headache within the first few days of starting, often due to caffeine or sugar withdrawal. For this reason, I often suggest gradually decreasing the amount of caffeine prior to starting a detox diet. Consider even taking a few days off before starting or start on a weekend.

Other side effects include mood swings, gas, diarrhea or constipation, tiredness (get plenty of sleep!), irritability, acne, weight loss, and hunger. Don’t be alarmed! This will pass, or just maybe you need to go a bit slower than the plan suggests. Reactions depend on your previous diet and lifestyle. Symptoms should subside after a few days. If things worsening or new symptoms occur after the 4th day of your detox, stop the protocol and contact your health professional. Be aware, if a detox diet is continued for a longer time, it may result in nutrient deficiencies, particularly protein (some detox diets omit animal products) and calcium. This is why my 10-day detox is a perfect solution.

Detoxes aren’t for everyone (pay attention here!) Anyone that is already dealing with health conditions, especially liver or kidney disease should only do a detox under the care and guidance of a qualified health professional and/or their medical doctor. This includes pregnant or nursing women. Detoxes aren’t for children. If my clients struggle with chronic fatigue, severe indigestion/digestion cough, muscle pain, and poor sleep I know these can be signs of serious illness. It is very important that they see their primary care provider for a thorough assessment to ensure that any symptoms are not caused by a medical condition that requires immediate treatment. Ironically, these are the people that can actually benefit the most from a detox, yet I recommend they use a supervised detox that is doctor formulated. This is why I work with a Naturopathic Medical Doctor (Dr. Christina Tondora, Scottsdale, AZ). Not all Health Coaches have her on their team. My clients feel confident to know we can rely on her for medical support all the way through their detox. Most detox programs are not equipped to handle clinical cases or people on meds… we are!

Why the Health for Your Whole LifeTM 10-Day Whole Body Detox ROCKS!! Granted, there are so many detoxes out on the market these days, it can be confusing. Which one do you choose? Having

Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 24

looked at many of the detox programs out there, I recommend and coach the Health for Your Whole LifeTM 10-Day Whole Body Detox. First and foremost, there is SCIENCE behind it. My 10day Detox is doctor-formulated and supervised. It’s simple and effective. There are no crazy supplements, dieting or fasting! It includes a shopping list and a 10-day meal plan. It’s simple and straight forward. You receive nutritional consulting prior to starting and upon completion INCLUDING email/phone support for the entire 10 days. If there are any medical issues or concerns, a clinical intake form is completed and reviewed by Dr. Tondora personally. Your detox kit also includes two (2) pharmaceutical-grade products which increase energy expenditure, reduce body fat, reduce inflammation, as well as provide nutritional support for digestion and liver function. So, what do you really have to lose except some “junk in the trunk”? After all, who doesn’t want to lose a few extra pounds, have more energy, improved digestion, fewer cravings, and amore positive stable mood? If you do, contact me at livefit2day@me.com and we can get you started! Please note: The content of this article is for general health information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional holistic medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please contact Dr. Christina Tondora NMD or your naturopathic medical doctor or licensed healthcare practitioner when changing your diet and lifestyle. This article is a guide to practical and useful information to assist you in planning a detoxification plan and strategy that works best for you, your circumstances and your condition.

Roseann C. Zaft is a certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Practitioner. She works with busy women and men that are looking to find more balance in their life. Roseann helps her clients find solutions to fitness and food so they have more energy, manage stress better and learn how to LIVE FIT using her "one day at a time approach". Whether it is going through a 10-day detox, using pure essential oils, learning about food choices or incorporating functional weight training, golf fitness, Pilates, yoga, indoor cycling or water aerobics, Roseann creates an approach specific for her clients. Offering this diverse menu of services enables her to support her clients all the way to find the balance they need. Check out her website: www.livefit2day.com or email her directly: livefit2day@me.

The Vogel DNA Activation and Repair Process Part 1 Maria Celeste’s NEW MOON 28 DAY VOGEL CHANNELED MEDITATIONS As we all travel our oneness road to Universal Enlightenment, I, Maria Celeste, have been guided to share with you my channelings “THE VOGEL DNA ACTIVATION AND REPAIR PROCESS..NEW MOON 28 DAY VOGEL CHANNELED MEDITATIONS in a multi part series. The reason behind this sharing is to allow all of us to experience the seed codes of light within our DNA to be further repaired, activated, balanced, and attuned to the higher new vibrations and frequencies of the energies being weaved in and around us today as we shift into higher dimensions. As each of us reads these channelings we will carry forth these new DNA ACTIVATION AND REPAIR codes, vibrations, frequencies, spreading them to all with whom we associate. We shall also be anchoring this DNA ACTIVATION AND REPAIR into Mother Earth, into Gaia’s heart, for additional and continual activation for higher conscious awareness and activation. Let the beat go on as ONE in Mother Gaia. More will be written on these new DNA ACTIVATIONS with each part of this series. For now enjoy the call...enjoy the activation. Enjoy the first two days of THE VOGEL DNA ACTIVATION AND REPAIR PROCESS. ~ Maria Celeste

THE VOGEL CHANNELINGS: PART 1: Vogel Channeling Highlights/Summary Points BEFORE New Moon Phase Mediation Channels begins; SUNDAY 2.19.2012 Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 25

Maria Celeste

UNIVERSAL LIGHT SOURCE Multi-Body Alignment DNA Activation Process/Veil Removal/Reconnection Chakra/Meridian Balancing Opening to Soul Purpose

TUESDAY 2.21.2012 - Day 1 (Channeled by God and His / Her Keepers of The Mineral Kingdom) “Vogels are Universal Light Source. Vogels are for Universal Light Energy. Their geometrically designed structures connect Source to Soul. This connection is Universal Light Source. This connection to Universal Light Source aligns the DNA to Source, Our Original Soul Structure Creation. This Soul Source Connection reformats us to our original structure so we remember in whose image we are created. It is in this created image that all things are possible. It is time to remember we are Infinite Possibilities. This alignment to Source, through wearing of the Vogels, aligns our DNA so as to spin in wholeness and to reunite to all strands previously lost. This alignment of the spin reactivates the two strands that were previously made dormant and repairs to perfection the 6 strands that were broken when man separated from Source, God Divine Director, Universal Light Source. They are to be worn so we align our EMF’s (Electromagnetic Field) with our Divine EMF. This alignment allows us to be in alignment with all our bodies so we become THE AT-ONE-MENT with Our Selves, Our Soul, and the Divine. Wearing Crystal Vogels realigns our soul to fit in our bodies so we can be the Human Crystal we are. The body is finite. The Soul is The Infinite. So the frequency vibration of the two must come into resonance. The body’s frequency vibration needs to be attuned so Infinite frequen-

cy vibrations resonates properly in the body’s finite dimension without the loss of Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Connection, Infinite Capabilities. Proper DNA Activation Process supports Soul frequency alignment and attunement to Infinite Source. Simply wearing the Vogel over the thyroid / thalamus area of the body realigns the body’s meridians and chakras and EM fields to automatically balance and resonate to Divine Spin. Everything has a Divine Spin. (This is why you love to spin as children. Spinning reconnects to the Divine Spin.) As you spin, you shift the spin of the Universe. This is why you bought 193 of the little ones.

pair through resonance. Free will prevails always dear ones. You are all important to creating the Universal Shift, one wearer at a time. As you realign and shift your frequency to Divine Frequency, others will realign and shift with you, creating Heaven on Earth once again. You are important. We thank you for responding to your call.”

“It takes 21 to 28 days of wearing and sleeping with it near or next to your head….” WEDNESDAY 2.22.2012 - Day 2

People are to wear them to realign. People, Humans are to wear them to realign, balance and heal their own personal merkabas. Personal merkabas interact with other merkabas. As one merkaba shifts and realigns, the Law of Resonance is at work so all with whom we associate merkaba’s will shift into resonance. As you align and repair, your frequency changes so that when you touch and interact with other merkabas, others can realign and re-

Vogel Stats: Drivers of Energy2 Small point is Feminine Large point is Masculine Energy flows in both directions Energy flow into small end, magnifies energy. Energy flow into large end, concentrates, softens, and calms the energy. Meditation: use one in either hand, opposite points to circulate universal light force in meditation. This is important for light workers: New information coming in, trust what you get even if it is new. Tape Vogel over third eye for meditation creating a triangle of heads to hands, creating a triad energy flow: life force natural DNA realignment merkaba. Some Vogels are masculine, some feminine. Both channel male and female. Last three minutes of meditation... hands over heart center: if you have two hand held Vogels: female point down, male point up over heart center. If just one, place it over your heart with female point down. Namaste Dear Ones. Thank you for responding to our call Vogel on (!). Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 26

(Channeled by God) “We help channel life force. We are life force magnified. Work with us to help reveal the truths of the veil of DNA and the veil around the Milky Way. We have come to you this way to make revealed the shroud of secrecy of humanity to realign that which was unaligned. Your strands of DNA have been shrouded and 2 sit dormant, 6 broken to keep you separated from the Divine Life Source. We are coming now more to the Earth Plane to return to you your 2 strands. Indigo children were the start. That is why they are more sensitive and their color is a bit bluer...more blood from 2 more strands. The 6 broken have been floating around in your bodies freely and easily caus-

ing disease. They are slowly, with every meditation, being repaired and returned to wholeness. The more one meditates with these Vogels, the faster the repairs are being made. Know that both your physical and etheric DNA strands are being repaired, activated and restored to Divine Source. Light workers will find they work with different energies as they meditate with DNA awareness of realignment and activation. They will also find their habits change and what you would consider to become better, you do become better...better energies all around. Food better, friends better, emotions better, better body, better! Better everything!!!

The Center for Creative Healing

Play with us and our energies...nothing is set in stone. (Ha ha, get it, nothing is set in stone.) We are here to learn with you as you learn. A side note we add...we love humor so please give yourselves permission to humor it up (*). Laughter heals the Soul on so many levels. We invite you to laugh daily. Smile lines are more beautiful than frown lines so laugh line it up!!! When you smile, we smile, I smile. Smile with me please for you are my joys. Feel me smile in your heart when you smile like the warmth of the sea on your toes and the Sun on your faces. It is me smiling with you. Primus State - Heart Resonance...meditate...wear 21 days and sleep with us next to your bed near your head. We will activate, attune and bring you into frequency with The Crystal Human Light Being you are. Come Again.

Maria offers a wide variety of services including individual and group sessions, sessions for special occasions, classes and products. Contact Maria directly for all additional information / cost inquiries. Thank you, Namaste.

Thank You for responding to our call, Love God.”

theamazingvogelcrystal.com Series one in a multi- part series: Maria Celeste’s NEW MOON 28 DAY VOGEL CHANNELED MEDITATIONS

Partial List of Services/Readings: Crystal and Mineral Sales Clairvoyant / Clairaudient Medium / Channeler / Advisor Crystal Resonance Therapy Crystal Ally Cards Reiki Level IV Master / Teacher Flame / Crystal Messages Tuning Forks / Shamanic Drumming Weddings / Rite of Passage/Life Ceremonies Space Cleansing and Blessing Creative Healing Dance™ Classes available upon request www.mariaceleste.mytouchstoneessentials.com


Gems by Celestial Dancer ™ Center for Creative Healing™ www.center4creativehealing.com 951 East 86th Street, Suite 100-A Indianapolis, IN 46240 Always by Appointment – Often by Chance

317.690.1335 Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 27


We are like beautiful pieces of beach glass, each one different and yet all from the same ultimate Divine source, whatever that may be; but it is all energy! In one of my programs, I use red boxing gloves—full size boxing gloves—to represent fear and love, the two most basic emotions that run through our lives. Participants learn to “feel” emotions about money by placing the boxing gloves on and sharing “the moment”. Are they feeling “fear” or are they feeling “love” or are they feeling “fear” and “love.” It is a memorable, moving experience because they cannot help but focus since the red boxing gloves are right there in their space. While the exercise can be discomforting, feelings are very important. It is amazing how everyone in the room begins to share the energy generated in this exercise! Consequently, breathing becomes very important as money is discussed. Focusing on feelings and then consciously breathing brings emotions to the surface and into the group—one by one, the individuals begin to meld into the group, and the sharing begins. The sharing which results in true discussion about money—a subject that is not comfortable for most people—is cathartic. You see, while each of us may have their own money issues, they are all pretty common in a group, and they all go back to “love” and “fear”. Knowing you are not alone allows the discussion to flow very freely. Most do not think about money having energy, and, in truth, it does not. It started out as a barter system and grew into what we have today; however, it is each of us that give energy to money, and it touches every part of our lives. Think about it. What have you done today that in any way involves money! So the vicious circle of money issues begins with whatever it is that may be bothering you about money—whether you have too much, too little, want more, hate what money does to relationships, etc.—and that concern begins to affect your life; and, before you know it, your energy in other areas of your life is affected. It can continue to very deep levels in every area of your life, IF YOU ALLOW IT. Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 28

Why do we allow money to become so important? Partially because it is easier to continue doing what we do rather than CHANGE. Change is difficult, and feelings play a large part. While we may not like where we are with money in our life, most people fear change much more than they will admit. And change is what is necessary to change the energy in your life in any area, but it is especially difficult with money. It is really “fear”. So how do we get to “love” concerning money rather than being in “fear”. Step by step, focusing on feelings, breathing, and many other steps. Let’s go back to the red boxing gloves: find a “symbol” representing “love” and another representing “fear”. Focus on those emotions in regard to money. Talk out loud to yourself or a trusted friend or join a program on money concerns. Get the words out about how you are feeling, and then focus on what you need to do to change. Step by step will take you on the beginning steps of the journey to energize your life and in the end you will energize your money. Jan is a Candidate for Certified Financial Planner and the creator of EMPOWER Excellence, a program that teaches and coaches individuals and corporations on personal financial wellness—dealing with the power and energy of money.

Jan Litterst, Creator Empowering individuals and businesses to demonstrate their excellence in all they are and all they do! Self-Esteem for Individuals & Businesses

440-670-2252 www.empowerexcellencewithjan.com jan@empowerexcellencewithjan.com

IN SIMPLEST TERMS, HEALTHY EATING IS ABOUT GETTING BACK TO DID YOU KNOW? Most of us don’t get enough nutrients from fruits and vegetables. The current recommendation for a healthy diet is to fill half your plate at each meal with fruits and vegetables. Do you get that much? Hardly anyone does, especially not our children. The best way to reduce your risk of disease is to eat a healthy diet. Almost every day, another research study or news story touts the importance of our dietary choices - especially the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables. The message is clear: we need more fruits and vegetables and other whole foodbased nutrition in our diets every day. It's the one thing everyone agrees we can do to improve our health and reduce our risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer basics - by following the latest USDA guidelines, like those from USDA’s My Plate. Today, healthcare professionals know more than ever about how health and wellness are influenced by nutrients from fruits and vegetables. But healthy eating takes time, planning, and can cost a lot of money. With today's busy lifestyles – from busy moms to traveling executives to active seniors – it's easy to miss out on the nutrients we need from fruits and vegetables. That's why adding Juice Plus+ to your diet is an important step for you and every member of your family. It's a simple, affordable way to fuel your body with good nutrition. As a Nutritionist in the field for over 30 years, I know good nutrition is key. Ask yourself, are you doing everything you can to strive to eat well? Are you following the “my plate principles”? Why not? Are you looking for answers to balance out your life? Consider learning more about the connection between food and disease. Feel free to contact me for more information on healthy living, Juice Plus or any other health related concerns. I conduct monthly free seminars on health. I can keep you informed of all our events in the surrounding northeastern Ohio area.

CHC WELLNESS Colleen McArtor 440-552-6540 or email at refreshforlife@yahoo.com www.cmcartortakesjuiceplus.com

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