March / April 2014 | Vol. 02 Issue 02
Universal Living
Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century
Shifting Lives with Earthing Magical, Mysterious ...WATER? Cut Out Sugar You’re Sweet Enough! Remote Healing Spirit Messages & More!
Ghostly Encounters & HOLISTIC FAIR We are offering holistic health opportunities & fun for the whole family. Come join us for a day of growth & relaxation with informative speakers, vendors, unique products & services plus a selection of delectable foods.
Free Lectures all day * Energy Balancing * Intuitive Readings * Akashic Records Gift Items * Tuning Forks * Jewelry * Runes * Crystals * Much More! Featuring live music by TWK—Soundscape, Ambient, New-Age Artist
Saturday, March 22 7pm - 9pm Local mediums reach out to communicate with the souls that are still walking the halls at the Aurora Inn, souls that have been experienced by the guests and staff. They will also be sharing messages from the other side for the audience.
Ghost Interview @ 7pm—$15 Ghost Interview & dinner @ 5:30pm—$30 The Aurora Inn ( is offering these packages: Shuttle service to/from airport Overnight room Saturday Evening Mar 22nd Includes: dinner @ Aurora Inn Saturday evening, Mar 22 Continental breakfast on Sunday Morning Tickets for Ghost Encounters Mar 22 Tickets for Holistic Fair Mar 23
Pay just $130 total for two guests sharing one room Pay just $97 for one guest
Saturday, March 23 10 am - 6pm Featured Speaker: Andrew Gardella will be speaking on Access ConsciousnessTM. Access ConsciousnessTM is a set of tools and processes to change anything in your life.. It is a pragmatic system of creating a life that works for you, not one you work for. What would you like to change?
Aurora Inn 30 Shawnee Trail, Aurora OH 44202 $5 admission includes all speakers and activities For a complete schedule visit or call / 216-221-8076 KIDS 12 AND UNDER: FREE ADMITTANCE
Contact Pat Uhr @ 216-221-8076 for questions & arrangements
Jan/Feb 2014| Vol. 02 Issue 01
Universal Living eZine
Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century
From the Publisher: Okay, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for spring. I love a good fluffy snowfall just as much as any 5 year old who’s waiting for Christmas, but c’mon already, it’s almost MARCH! Maybe I’m just a tad impatient…. Once all this snow melts and the ground warms up, my plan is to get outside in my bare feet again and do some honest to goodness Earthing. Feel the grass under my feet. Feel the energy. Oh yeah. I’ve also decided this is going to be the year I hold some Practical Reiki instruction outside and do the attunements with everyone barefooted (me included) and making contact with earth energy. Can you imagine the power? And speaking of barefoot attunements – how about on a beach in the Bahamas! Just an FYI: Goddess Elite is exploring the possibility of a Holistic Cruise in the Spring of 2015 (details coming soon). If you’re interested or would like to be kept in the loop, email Melissa and let her know. (Hint: healers, ghost whisperers, readers and much more!) email Melissa at: Springtime also means the return of the bigger gem and mineral shows in our area and a gentle reminder of my friend Ken Harsh. His unbelievable knowledge of all things crystal still amazes me to this day. I never see a crystal or gemstone without thinking of him and all he taught me. (Missing you!! xoxo) Love & Light! Sue Ball
Features: Shifting Lives with Earthing A Psychiatrist’s Perspective - Tracy Latz, M.D. | 4 Magical, Mysterious Water - Mary Robbins | 6 Natural Ways to Eliminate Cellulite - Gloria Zabala | 8 Remote Healing - Ida Lawrence | 12 Where Will Your Lives Take You -Roseann Heinrich | 15 Cut out the Sugar - Roseann Zaft | 16 Living Italian - Raw Food Style - Marisa DiCenso-Pelser | 23 Quantum Neurology - Claudia Anders, N.D. | 24 Spirit Message - Ernesto Cardona | 25
Shifting Lives with Earthing
- A Psychiatrist’s Perspective By Tracy Latz, M.D.
love digging in the dirt and feeling my connection to the Earth. I find walking barefoot in the grass to be a great stress reducer. As a young girl, I used to run around barefoot with my siblings during the warm summer days, and recall how free and wonderful it felt. My father, a rural doctor, would always yell at us about the danger of cutting our feet or stepping on a nail. We would just laugh it off and continue romping barefoot. In my psychiatric practice, I often recommend Earthing to patients as part of an integrative approach to healing. As a physician, I consider it to be a powerful tool in my multidimensional healing medicine bag. In my mind, it is in alignment with the ancient medical doctrine of “Primum non nocere” – which means “First, do no harm.” Some of my patients are open to the concept of Earthing. Others aren’t. Some will say, “I don’t have enough time to stand or walk outside barefoot” or “I don’t want to pay for an Earthing mat or sheet.” Patients who do follow my recommendation to “Earth,” and there have been dozens of them, tend to have good responses. They are individuals with a wide variety of emotional, mental, and physical problems, and often combinations of problems. They often tell me afterward they feel much better. One of the first things patients tell me after they start Earthing is that they sleep so much better at night. This is a big deal for many of my patients. I recall two recent patients who came in to see me a day apart. Both had been on vacation with their families and found that they didn’t need to take their usual sleeping pills or over-thecounter melatonin when away from home, but then slept poorly again once they returned to their home. I asked both of them where they had been. Both had been at the beach, where they had been walking barefoot, sitting on Mar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 4
the sand, and dipping in the ocean water. They said they slept so well, and their mood and pain was so much better when at the beach. This, of course, happens often on seaside vacations, but people rarely connect it to being barefoot or in the water. In my practice, I have noted that Earthing can help psychiatric patients in the following ways: ● For those with anxiety (post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, etc.), reconnecting with the Earth can assist with an improved sense of safety. By improving sleep architecture, Earthing can help normalize serotonin levels in the brain as it decreases cortisol (an anxiety-inducing hormone). When cortisol levels are high, there is a tendency to go into ‘fight-orflight’/panic responses to stressful situations and become more easily angered or irritable. As cortisol levels decrease and stabilize, we become more centered, peaceful and calm. In short, we get more easily into our heart and have more compassion for our self as well as for others. ● For those with depression, Earthing can assist with stabilizing serotonin levels as noted above. Serotonin assists with decreasing crying spells, near-tearfulness, and obsessive/repetitive negative thoughts. When depressive symptoms decrease, energy levels improve and tolerance to stressful situations, pain, or discomfort improves. ● I have had many chronic pain patients referred to me from pain management doctors. Many have not responded well to, or are resistant to, taking medication. With Earthing, they often have decreased inflammatory problems overall. I’ve seen a lot of people with gluten intolerance and irritable bowel symptoms who have significantly improved by connecting to the Earth. While they may not be completely cured, their GI and stomach issues are better. Their pain is better and so
is their anxiety. Some patients, I have found, stop Earthing after their anxiety gets better, and I have to remind them about what helped them get better. ● I recommend Earthing to anyone with an auto-immune condition. Two patients with systemic lupus erythematosis are feeling much better after they began Earthing. Their primary doctors attribute their improvement to “a calm period” in their disease process. Another patient developed a rare form of lupus – anticardiolipin antibody – that can cause a narrowing and irregularity of the blood vessels, blood clots, and the potential for stroke or heart attack. Previously, she had experienced symptoms of fibromyalgia and an assortment of problems that doctors had a hard time figuring out. She’s been labeled in the past with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and bipolar disorder. This obviously is not a woman in good shape. Although she gets fatigued, she’s doing much better now after Earthing and her doctors can’t believe she’s as active as she is. She has five horses and in the early evening after it cools off, she will go out and feed her horses barefoot, and then sit or lay for a few hours on the Earth. Weather permitting, of course. She’s been doing this for two years and says she feels much better, calmer, more peaceful, and quiet in regards to her anxious mind chatter. This practice of hers I strongly believe has prevented her condition from progressing. ● I see many patients with chronic fatigue, people who have exhausted their adrenal hormones. Most of these people have a history of intense stress. With Earthing, they are much less fatigued and calmer. As their sleep cycle improves, the adrenal issues start improving, and they start to pick back up in their energy level and feel better. One of my friends is a computer systems programmer for a major bank. He works with multiple computer screens around him for up to 10 hours a day 6 or 7 days per week and is always under pressure answering SOS calls and fixing this or that glitch in the nationwide system. He’s so busy that he hardly has any time to relax. The pace was wearing him down and aging him at an alarming rate. One day I brought him a present – an Earthing mat. I told him to place it under his bare feet at his desk since that’s where he spends the biggest chunk of his
time. He called me the next day. “I just wanted to tell you that I love my ‘fizzy feet,” he said. “Fizzy feet?” “Yeah, I can feel the fizzies in my feet and coming up my legs,” he explained. “I really feel good for the first time in a long time. And I slept so well.” My friend is sticking with it, and enjoying his ‘fizzies’ and feeling good. As far as my own Earthing experience is concerned, I immediately slept more soundly and deeply on the Earthing sheet that I started using in 2011. I have also experienced much less pain in my left knee that had been intermittently nagging at me for a dozen years after I chipped a divot of bone out of my femur in a freak accident. Now I only get rare slight twinges when the weather gets real cold suddenly or there are abrupt changes in atmospheric pressure. I sent my mother an Earthing sheet for her fibromyalgialike and chronic pain symptoms. She was able to work in the garden for the first time in three years. She now sleeps through the night, which she wasn’t doing before, and can walk down stairs normally instead of one step at a time. My three teenagers each sleep with an Earthing sheet because they are very active. My eldest is a musician and had previously complained about chronic neck and should muscle tension from holding a trombone or large cymbals at attention out in front of her during marching band or indoor drumline competitions. My two sons are athletes – playing high school football and lacrosse. They say they rest better, have less muscle inflammation, and more rapid recovery from injuries since Earthing. (Tracy Latz, M.D., M.S., is an integrative psychiatrist in private practice in Mooresville, a suburb of Charlotte, NC. She has worked in state, county, and community psychiatric and mental illness facilities in the past. She specializes in shifting lives that are stuck in relationships, circumstances, and illness. Dr. Latz has co-authored several books about how to shift out of “stuck” circumstances in life, including Entrepreneurial Alignment: How to Overcome Self-Sabotage in Business). Her website is: Mar/Apr 2014—Page 5
Magical & Mysterious ...
WATER? By Mary Robbins
ater - It is one of the most common substances that we know. We have been drinking, bathing and cooking with water all our lives. Undoubtedly, we know what water is…..or do we? We know all living things need water. Humans can live only for about 3 days without consuming water as our bodies are 90% water molecules and must be hydrated in order to function. That is the physical part of the equation. But listen to this. Researchers are discovering a vast new knowledge about good old water that is surprisingly mind blowing. Water is intelligent and has memory. Science and spirit unite in Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work, published in his book, “The Hidden Messages in Water”. There you will find how, through his research, he has discovered that molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words and feelings. Watch this very short video that proves that water is more than H2O. http:// This makes perfect sense when you consider how we as humans are affected by other people’s words and emotions. The water in our cells is able to discern the energy of those words and emotions. This is profound and allows us to have a more complete understanding of water’s role in our emotional and spiritual aspects as well as our physiology. As far as our bodies are concerned, many more mundane but vexing Mar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 6
questions exist about the water we consume. For example, have you ever wondered about the answers to any of these questions? Do we really have to drink eight glasses a day? Is bottled water really better than tap? What is the best water we can drink? What are the health benefits of drinking water? Can we drink other liquid beverages to substitute for water? Should we install a water filtration system in our homes? Our bodies are so complex, and, as was mentioned above, we are mainly composed of water. It makes sense that we keep our cells hydrated so they can function properly. One of the main jobs of the cells is to detoxify and keep the cells free of waste and free radicals. When toxins build up in the cells, inflammation results which then opens the door to many diseases rampant today such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and so on. Good water has a small cluster size of 6-8 molecules whereas tap and bottled water has clusters of 12 and more. Small clustered water is able to penetrate the cell walls much more easily to perform the necessary functions to keep your cells clean and running smoothly. So, yes, we should be sipping clean, clear water all day so as not to get dehydrated. It is said that we can begin to be dehydrated long before we sense thirst. Another issue is the question of the pH or alkaline/acid balance of your drinking water. Our bodies are negatively charged and slightly alkaline.
The food and beverages we eat are mostly acidic which places a large burden on our cells as they must constantly work to maintain the alkaline environment. Agreeing with many esteemed researchers, Theodore Barudy wrote in his book, Alkalize or Die “All disease comes from the same root cause – too much acidity”. An acid environment is devoid of oxygen and is perfect for parasites and diseases like cancer to flourish. The conclusion is that we should be drinking alkaline water to support our body’s own immune system. Tap water has to be alkaline by law, but the way that is accomplished is anything but natural. Caustic chemicals such as lye are added to counter the acidity that comes from chemicals, drugs and other toxins that remain after treatment. These chemicals then cause additional burdens to our cells. What about that negative charge? Wouldn’t positive be better? Actually, no. This is one time when you want to be negative. We are negatively charged creatures. Positive charged ions are those dreaded and unwanted free radicals which cause havoc in our physical body by rusting us out and aging us prematurely. If we drink negative ion water, we are actually drinking liquid anti-oxidant which neutralizes free radicals – those tiny bullies that cause so much trouble in our cells. Is bottled water really all that? Do we really need to spend 1000 times
more on bottled water than what we pay for tap water, and, is it really better for you? Settle this question once and for all by watching a video by zany social commentators, Penn and Teller to see what they discovered about bottled water? (rated PG for language!) Will you be as surprised as the people in the restaurant? Note that plastic bottles are a scourge to our earth and the plastic leaches from the bottles into the water to contaminate it. It is intensified in heat so don’t leave bottled water in a hot car in the summer. These plastic components can mess with your hormones and are known gender busters. If you are drinking water, then you are not drinking all the other heath destroying beverages out there. No other liquid is as good for you as clean, fresh water. No additives, no sugars, no flavors are needed by your body. It craves water. So, what is the best water we can drink? According to Dr. Mercola, “The finest sources of water in the world are gravity-fed mountain springs accessed directly from where they emerge from the earth. This water is naturally filtered and structured by the earth itself, and even con-
tains beneficial living organisms…” Thanks, Dr. M but most of us do not have access to this ideal source of water. What to do? Alkaline, ionized, micro-clustered water is available to us most readily with use of a high quality water filtering machine. There are even water machines that energize your water like it would be if flowing down the mountain side. The cost may seem prohibitive but when you stack it up against the price of bottled water, it becomes a huge bargain – not to mention how good the water tastes. It is the best single thing you can do to preserve and safeguard your health and that of your entire family. And take a tip from Dr. Emoto and remember to bless it for additional and valuable benefits.
Mary Robbins is an authorized Representative for Amega Global. To learn more about this elegant way to self care, please call: 330-807-3816
To ADVERTISE in Universal Living:
Mar/Apr 2014—Page 7
7 Natural and Easy Steps to Eliminate Cellulite By Gloria Zabala With spring just around the corner, it will soon be time to shed those winter coats and sweaters. We may also want to shed those extra pounds that have appeared over the winter. However, for some, those dimpled pockets of fat just don’t seem to go away no matter how much we diet or exercise. First of all, here is an explanation of what those dimpled pockets of fat are. Basically, cellulite is toxins trapped in fat cells. In the beginning, fat cells increase in size due to increasing fat storage (directly a result of consuming excess fat in the diet), becoming too large for the natural compartments that hold tissue in place and causing bulges. In the surrounding area, capillary walls become more permeable, causing fluid and waste accumulation. This irritates the connective tissue, which starts to becomes stiff and hard. Eventually, this stiff connective tissue starts to reduce circulation and adversely affects the lymph system's ability to remove accumulated waste and toxins. The difference between regular fat and cellulite is that regular fatty cells can move about, while with cellulite, the fat cells are Mar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 8
trapped with fluid, waste, and stiff connective tissue, leading to the dimpled appearance that women dislike and would like to be rid of. Here are my recommendations that the leading experts have shown to be effective for cleansing and flushing out those toxins and fat deposits. Step 1. Start with a Liver and Colon Cleanse! Simply doing one or the other is not enough. You need to cleanse both at the same time. Why? Because if your colon is not working smoothly, it gets backed up even more as your liver tries to dump out toxins! You will not feel well! Step 2. Cleanse your daily food habits. Toxic foods = toxic bodies. Stop taking in toxins that are causing the fat to be stored in the first place. Eliminate diet sodas and coffee. They do more harm than good. Get rid of condiments, pre-packaged garbage that we think of as food. Remove all those sugary foods -- canned or boxed. Instead, make your own homemade soups, vegetable stews and detoxing juices and smoothies. Step 3. Get your lymph moving! According to Bernie McCullough, ND, our lymph system is considered the “river of life” because it sweeps toxins from our cells, filters out germs and cleanses our blood ensuring that the toxic substances reach the liver for cleansing and then exits to the kidneys for elimination. If the lymph flow is weak, the toxins stay in your nodes and vessels longer
leaving you at high risk for inflammation and other toxic conditions. Step 4. Daily dry skin brushing. You brush your hair and teeth daily. Now is the time to brush your body. Do this daily in the shower BEFORE you turn on the water to detox the body and shedding those dead skin cell. In order to do this correctly, always remember to brush in the direction and toward the heart. Step 5. The simplest detox therapy – baths! Most of us have bathtubs at home. Even if you don’t, you can soak your feet to get similar results. The best baths are those that use hot water that gets you sweating and adding ingredients that pull out toxins. The ultimate detox bath includes Epsom salt (or sea salt), apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay and high powered essential oils that are known for their detoxifying properties – such as lavender, geranium, sandalwood, ylang ylang or blue tansy. After soaking for 20 – 40 minutes, drink a full glass of water and retire to bed. You will be exhausted after your bath, but the next morning you will wake up energized and refreshed. Step 6. Put your skincare products on a diet! Chemical laden skincare get absorbed through your skin getting trapped in fat cell and only make matters worse. Chemicals promote fat and toxin storage. Eliminate this vicious cycle by choosing natural, organic and chemical free skin
take care of you! Having time for a massage each month or foot massages with a good reflexologist leaves you feeling relaxed and ready to handle stresses much more easily. Bring your own coconut or olive oil if the therapist does not use organic lotions. You can also bring your favorite essential oil if you are not sure the therapist will have it on hand. Also, detox from the phone, computer and all electronic devices – even if for a few hours each day. Cell phones in particular have a great impact on our brain. Do not sleep with any of these devices nearby. In addition to these seven steps, it is also important to drink a lot of purified water during the day to keep hydrated. This will also help to flush those toxins out and keep things moving. Choose these naturally detoxifying foods, herbs and spices on a daily basis to maximize your detox. Alkaline foods. This includes mostly of green vegetables but also includes a few fruits, seeds and grains. These foods are super for cleansing the blood and restoring the proper pH of the body. Beets. Beets are loaded with calcium, iron, manganese, B vitamins and antioxidants. They are the liver’s best power food for optimum functioning. Blueberries. Just one serving of blueberries provides almost 25% of the daily vitamin C requirement. Blueberries also promote iron absorption and help to support a healthy immune system. Kale. Kale is higher in iron and protein than beef. Amazingly kale contains more calcium than milk. Among other benefits, kale lowers cholesterol levels and boosts the immune system and metabolism. Cranberries.
Research has shown cranberries to help
care. This should include all products that you not only use to clean and enhance your skin but also products that are used to clean your house and use in the yard. Step 7. Detox your stresses! This is the time to really Mar/Apr 2014—Page 9
Herbs and spices that will help clean and detox the body include red clover, cayenne pepper, garlic and goldenseal to name a few. Fermented foods. Foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and non-dairy kefir are excellent sources to replenish the good bacteria that the digestive system needs in order to function properly. Also, good quality multi strain probiotic is also a good option.
with bacterial problems throughout the body such as with stomach ulcers and periodontal gum disease. Dandelion root. To some, dandelions are an obnoxious spring weed. To others, they are an edible plant with potent medicinal qualities. Dandelions have been used for thousands of years for health and were brought to America by European settlers who ate dandelion as part of their regular diets. The leaves are high in vitamin A and have strong diuretic actions while the roots clean out and support the liver. Parsley. Parsley is a bitter herb and is an excellent source of vitamins K, E, C, B and A. The powerful antioxidants in parsley act as a diuretic and have potent antiseptic properties.
* For details or help getting started on any of these detox steps mentioned in this article, contact Gloria directly. She has additional resources available to assist you in any way. Call to schedule a free consultation and you will receive many more health tips to incorporate into your individualized health regime. Gloria Zabala is a certified health coach and whole food plant-based educator. She received her certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University; and certified as a health coach from The Vegetarian Health Institute. She coaches others how to overcome health challenges, have digestive issues or want to eliminate addictions or lose weight. She can be reached at or by phone at 440-546-1800.
Calendar of Holistic Shows, Expos and Events Mar/Apr2013 2014Issue—Page Issue—Page Nov/Dec 1610
Mar/Apr 2014—Page 11
The Uncharted Territory of
Remote Healing Ida Lawrence, Contributor, WAKING TIMES
There was a time in the US when chiropractors were looked at with suspicion, homeopaths and herbalists were considered quacks, and naturopaths, acupuncturists, ayurvedic medicine practitioners, rolfers… these were unheard of. Well, things change. Alternative medicine is the preferred choice of millions of people now, and for very good reason. Who doesn’t know that the human body is energy, with energy vortexes and channels? Your mainstream medical doctor, that’s who. Western medicine is a little slow on the uptake, but that’s okay. We’ll move on. They’re great when it Mar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 12
comes to traumatic injury, tests and diagnosis, but for dealing with the source of disease they’re quick to confess… we don’t know. Well, who does know the human body is energy? Your local theoretical physicist will tell you, and so will the metaphysician next door. I’m joking… but not. Turns out everybody is local, but we’ll get to that in a minute. How does disease enter the body? Bad food, too much food, no nutrition, toxic substances, viruses and bacteria, stressful thoughts, attachment to negative emotions and going stag-
nant from too much sitting… to name a few. To be healthy, we do our best to avoid the disease causing factors. But what about energy? How can we affect energy to heal the body or maintain health? Acupuncture is a very old health system that works to circulate and balance energy, medical Chi Kung is another and metaphysical energy work is another. These methods work on channels and blocks or clusters within the physical body and within the etheric body which surrounds the physical. The practitioner is with you, either hands-on or near you, affecting the etheric. Here is where the real new frontier begins: as the matrix ponders how to genetically modify and patent human embryos, we step off across the universe into the most liberating health technology ever! I get excited. There are healers who can work on you when they are thousands of miles away from you. I hope this doesn’t sound like fantasy, because yes, this is real. A healer can work on you from anywhere… such work is called remote healing. To understand how, it is important to return again to the fact that we are all energy. In the energetic reality of the universe, there is no distance. We are all local, like I said. I’m sure you’ve had a taste of this in telepathy… no magic… just the vast reality of what we are and ‘what is’. The remote healer can view or feel the energy of the person they are going to work on from any physical distance, as each person’s energy signature is as unique as their life experience. The feeling of us is the information of us and even the sound of us… all of our information including that which needs to be cleared and adjusted to facilitate healing. The healer needs only to tune in and locate the resonance, and this is done through natural abilities, meditation and deep relaxation or trance. I’m going to focus on my own remote healing experiences with Soren Dreier. He is a more than 20 year veteran of energy reading, hands-on healing and remote healing, living in Denmark. In a later piece, I’ll cover experiences with a remote healer in the US, and a remote self-healing group process as well. In these two pieces you should be able to see just how effective, deep, long-lasting and unique remote healing can be. Healers see differently, they notice and deal with different physical or psychological issues, and they feel different to me when they come in for a visit. I first arranged an energy reading with Soren, and that was mind blowing and life changing in and of itself. He delivered
his report in an mp3 sound file, and it was interesting to hear the resonance of his voice… a very encouraging resonance. I didn’t realize the significance until several months later when I scheduled a remote healing. Soren is quite well-known: not someone you’ve seen being interviewed by Oprah, but a person long recognized and highly regarded in the field of metaphysics and new-age thought. I experience his energy as large, open and very loving. Before a scheduled healing takes place, I will relax in a private space and enter into meditation. It’s funny, but I can usually tell when he comes in because there will be a tickle on my nose and I’ll realize… Soren’s here. During the healing I experience physical sensations such as tingling in the arms and hands, waves of energy rolling up and down my body, and visions in the mind’s eye… colors, a person’s hands, children playing and so on. I sense him working about a foot above my body. Everybody’s experience would be different… this is just mine. Later, Soren was kind enough to tell me what he experiences, in general terms. He is not influenced by the physical embodiment of the person when he views the person. He uses focused and conscious attention and breath, and enters quantum field where he can see minor adjustments that need to be made, and unhealthy patterns. He will first work on high impact areas, which are usually the kidneys and liver, lungs, shoulders and hips. As he moves energy from the feet up to the head he can feel where the problems are as the movement of his hands slows down. Amazing as it may sound to us, he does remove an etheric body part if necessary, work on it, and place it back. He will hold the person’s head in his hands, make a spinal or joint adjustment and clear clusters of energy from an organ. The etheric body issues are mirrored in the physical body. A person’s energy vortexes (chakras) have a sound, which he can hear. All energetics are based on sound frequencies, and can be adjusted with sound. If the vortex is off pitch, related to stress, he will tune it with his voice. The meridians can be viewed as colors. After he has balanced the energy, the meridians will all appear to him as gold. There is much more that can be viewed during a remote healing, such as the energies of another person Mar/Apr 2014—Page 13
affecting the quantum field of an individual. He works on this as well. This kind of work is like that of an explorer in uncharted territory. Soren’s system is his own system, and there is no school of thought other than the healer’s own school. Healing through the energetic process can take time, as illness is sometimes hard for an individual to let go of. Trust and receptivity of the person being healed can be a factor, and Soren is extremely patient with that. If people are not happy with their healing, he will repeat it.
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Well, I hope I’ve given you an idea of how doctors in the renewal might be a little different than doctors of today! As to my own healing, after the first time Soren visited I got up and looked in the mirror and my face was bright and glowing… it shocked me to be honest. I felt highly energized and relieved of shoulder & hand pain from rheumatoid arthritis.
Transformational School of Hypnotherapy
After the healing series, Soren prepares an mp3. The reason we feel so good when listening to it, is that his voice frequencies can be felt in the solar plexus, and they are specifically aimed to continue the healing process.
Formerly the Personal Growth School of Hypnotherapy
The heightened energy from my healing lasted for a full two weeks, so much so that I’ve stopped taking steroids, which I’ve wanted to do for 28 years. This disease was a long time coming, so it may take me some time to release it completely, but the process is happening.
State of Ohio Licensed Course #07-09-1841T
*IMDHA International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
I know I’m taking you a long distance when talking about remote healing and self healing, and yet openness to alternatives has taken millions in the direction of freedom from symptom and disease-based medicine. Acknowledging that we are energy, and disease begins in the etheric and moves to the physical, gives us a glimpse of that future world where there is no more disease. Everything is energy and everyone can heal… so let’s continue to explore the uncharted territory of remote healing. There’s more to come!
About the Author Ida Lawrence is an author, blogger, copywriter and editor based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has authored two books on racial justice and human rights, and numerous articles on human rights, self-empowerment and related subjects. Ida is also a certified Tai Chi instructor with a special interest in helping seniors and the disabled with Tai Chi and Chi Kung practices modified for their use. Her goal in life has been to find answers to the question of ‘why’ and then to explore the question of ‘what is’. More of her work is available at her personal blog, http:// Mar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 14
IMDHA Approved Course Reg# 080082
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Where will your lives take you? I love to read fiction especially when I escape into the story. Many authors write trilogies with groups of people that flow through individual stories. If I resonate with the people these are my favorites. I get to know the characters as each story unfolds, I can continue my association with them as the plots intertwine. In my current reading about a Ukrainian family that escaped to America, I was applauding how the writer linked one story to another with small details assisting the reader in understanding the depths of the characters. The light bulb in my head lit up bright. This is what we do as a soul. We create a bank of lives so that we can progress from one to the other all at the same time. We are learning, in depth, things we would need to know in the lessons our soul has created so we experience exactly what is necessary. We will achieve. There are absolutely no accidents or coincidences that were not part of the plot of the story of our lives. Our soul planned all of it for us to experience on this planet of duality called Earth. So many of us came from other planets and universes. We would need to find a comfort in living on earth before we could pursue experience of earthly emotions.
own soul, with help from your guides and Angels. And still, we provide for free will to choose a different path to achieve the exact same result. The road may fork into two directions, but you will still reach the same destination. How well we achieve the destination is also up to each of us and that is what we judge on our own when we cross to the other side. We look our lives over and say “I like how I achieved this”, “I could have done this in a more loving way”, etc. If only we could see how much help there is around us every moment. We cannot make a mistake. The plan is in place and the next player at the door awaits introduction into our lives. Why would we waste one moment stressing over the future. All is well. Everything is in divine order. Powers greater than our personality are in control. Trust your higher self and the power within and just enjoy this journey called Lives.
Roseann Heinrich Angel Therapy Practitioner
For some it takes many lives just to find a comfort of being in body. Each life is dependent on the other with pieces of the puzzle that fit together, beginnings in one life and endings in another or crossing over to another. It is all orchestrated by a higher intelligence; You-Your very Mar/Apr 2014—Page 15
Cut out the Sugar? Heck yeah … You’re Sweet Enough! By Roseann Zaft
I love to share this quote from my favorite Naturopathic doctor, colleague and friend, Dr. Christina Tondora, NMD:
”All sugar is not created ‘Equal’ (pun intended).” There are major differences in the types of sugar and how our bodies process these sugars. It’s time we look at the types of sugar and sweeteners we consume and start pay attention to the symptoms and side effects. Sugar consumption and the use of artificial sweeteners have contributed to the long list of chronic diseases and the growing epidemic of obesity. Facts: - Diabetes is now the 6th leading cause of death - It is responsible for $92 billion in medical costs - More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese - 16.9 percent of children age 2 to 19 are obese (Reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2012)
Projection: - There will be 7.5 million new cases of diabetes a year - We will see an additional $66 billion in annual obesityMar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 16
related medical cost. - If we continue on this path by 2030 the obesity rate, in every state, will reach at least 44 percent.
So Here’s the Real Skinny on Sugar Why do we have all these sugar cravings? Cravings indicate that your body is out of balance. An increase in sugar intake, particularly in the consumption of processed foods directly corresponds with the epidemic increase in metabolic diseases. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the average American consumes 142 pounds of caloric sweeteners (actual sugar) per year. That’s 43 teaspoons for every man, woman and child every day! We may be living longer, but we are not living healthier. Our bodies are just not equipped to handle large amounts of sugar on a daily basis. Think of it this way, if we just ate fruits and vegetables our sugar consumption would be 15 grams a day. Not too bad for sure… PLUS we would get all the benefits of the nature’s goodness as well! However, too much processed sugar can trigger headaches, indigestion, and symptoms of hormonal imbalance.
Excess sugar consumption upsets the balance of intestinal flora in your digestive tract and causes bloating, cramping, and gas. Other symptoms of sugar sensitivity are insomnia, aggression, panic attacks, irritability, mood swings, and depression. Let’s not forget tooth decay caused by sugar.
Five Reasons You Crave Sugar So just what is the cause of your cravings? Let’s see many of these did you identify with: 1. You aren’t consuming enough good quality calories throughout the day, or you’re using caloric restriction to lose weight. Proper balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fats is imperative. Did you know that the preferred fuel for your body is fat, not carbohydrates? Incorporate more healthy fats from coconut oil, olives, olive oil, avocado, grass fed butter, and nuts. 2. You are emotional eating. See if you can you relate to this: A sugar craving is really a craving for an energy and serotonin surge. Carbohydrates form the building block for serotonin (a neurotransmitter for our brain). As the cravings become habitual we unknowingly reprogram our biochemistry. Ironically, too much sugar depletes our levels of serotonin. Depression is linked to a deficiency of serotonin. So, low levels of serotonin actually trigger even more sugar cravings. It’s a vicious cycle! 3. You are totally stressed out. It’s all about “the fight or flight” concept. Think of it this way, when we are under a great deal of stress our body needs immediate energy and serotonin so we reach out for some form of sugar… a bagel, crackers, or cookies. The problem is we consume these simple sugars then we go through the binge – crash cycle several times a day. We need more sugar! 4. You have some mineral deficiencies. Minerals are an important part of glucose metabolism. Common mineral deficiencies include chromium, vanadium, magnesium and zinc. So add more minerals in your diet right? Not really. There may be an underlying reason WHY you are not absorbing the minerals you are getting. This also may relate to the next point. 5. You have Candida overgrowth in your gut. This can be caused from an imbalance of the good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract. This develops often with the repeated use of antibiotics and/or not consuming enough probiotic foods on a regular basis. I suggest getting tested by a Naturopathic Doctor. This is the surest way to know if you do have Candida overgrowth. Plus, a Naturopathic doc will show you how to solve the problem and heal your gut once and for all.
Understanding the Glycemic Index (GI)
Have you heard of the Glycemic Index? The more aware you are of the GI index of foods, the better you can keep a handle on your blood sugar levels. The GI Index is a measurement carried out on carbohydrate-containing foods and their impact on our blood sugar. GI is a relatively new way of analyzing foods. It’s a way of looking at the impact of foods on our actual blood sugar, instead of counting the total amount of carbohydrates in foods in their unconsumed state. Use this Website to rank the foods you eat: Here is how the Index is categorized: Low GI: 0-55 Medium GI: 56-69 High GI: 70 or greater Strive to eat low GI foods. A great tip I give my clients is to add a small amount of fat when you consume carbohydrates. A simple (and yummy) example of this is: each time you eat an apple make sure you eat a handful (6-8) of nuts with it to help your blood sugar levels to stay steady.
Here’s a Super Simple REFERENCE GUIDE to Natural and Artificial Sweeteners You’ve got choices! Learn the pros and cons of sweetener and options that are available. Some healthy… some that are like poison!
TYPES OF SUGAR: Dextrose - D-glucose, grape sugar found in plants - Glycemic index is 100
Sucrose - White sugar, table sugar – combination of glucose and fructose made from sugar cane and sugar beets; highly refined and striped of all original vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber - Glycemic index is 80 (1 tbsp. = 13 grams of sugar = 57 calories) - No nutritional value; negatively affects the liver
High Fructose Corn Syrup - Most common form of fructose, highly processed; found in just about every processed food and sweetened beverage - Glycemic index of 73
Evaporated Cane Juice - Food grade cane based sweetener, less refined than Mar/Apr 2014—Page 17
most sugar - Glycemic index of 55
Honey - Made by bees using nectar from flowers; nature's energy booster – glucose & fructose - Glycemic index of 55 - Natural remedy that builds immune system; has antioxidant & anti-microbial properties
Molasses - Left over during the process of refining of sugar cane into white sugar - Glycemic index of 55 (1 tbsp. = 11 grams sugar) - Most nutrient rich of all sweeteners, providing a significant amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and vitamin B6
Maple Syrup - Sap from the xylem of sugar maple tree; primarily of sucrose and water with small amounts of other sugars - Glycemic index of 54 (1 tsp. = 13 grams sugar = 63 calories) - Main mineral content contains potassium and calcium, nutritionally significant amounts of zinc and manganese; 15 times more calcium than honey
Lactose - Sugar found in milk made form galactose and glucose - Glycemic index of 46 - Used as a carrier or stabilizers for many aromas and pharmaceutical products
Coconut Nectar and Sugar (Crystals) - Sourced from coconut trees, considered a “raw” food; naturally sweet and highly nutritious - Glycemic index is 35, also one of the lowest among any “healthy” sweeteners; has about the same amount of calories as white sugar (15 calories/4 grams carbs) - Contains 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, broad-
Mar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 18
spectrum B vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH with short and medium-chain fatty acids, perfect for hearthealthy diets or to reduce cholesterol levels - Compared to brown sugar, coconut nectar has twice as much iron, four times as much magnesium, and ten times as much zinc
Fructose - Naturally found in fruit and sucrose-containing foods (like cane sugar); present in high-fructose corn syrup, agave, fruit juice and virtually all processed foods - Glycemic index of 19 - Naturally found in veggies and fruits, it’s combined with fiber, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients, all of which mitigate any negative metabolic effects - Processed fructose metabolizes differently than glucose, making it an unhealthy sweetener in its refined, or isolated form; stimulates appetite and encourages overeating and the accumulation of body fat - Fructose does not initiate insulin response. When insulin is released in response to glucose intake, another hormone, leptin, is released. Leptin triggers our feeling of "fullness" and signals us to stop eating. Since fructose does not initiate the release of insulin and leptin, fructose might lead to overeating. When too much fructose enters the liver, the liver can't process it all fast enough for the body to use as sugar. Instead, it starts making fats from the fructose and sending them off into the bloodstream as triglycerides. - Major contributor to: insulin resistance and obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated Triglycerides and LDL, depletion of vitamins and minerals, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis, gout and fuels cancer through aberrant glycosylation
Agave Nectar - Extracted from the agave plant, 75% fructose; because it’s laboratory-generated it’s just like super-condensed fructose syrup with the same adverse metabolic issues - Glycemic index is 15; without any nutrient value
Xylitol - Also known as sorbitol – corn syrup, erythritol, mannitol seaweed, maltitol (sugar alcohol); Occurs naturally in some vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and cereal grains and in corncobs; usually extracted from birch tree wood chips or corn - Glycemic index of 13 so does not raise blood sugar or insulin levels - Antimicrobial actions that decrease bacteria associated with tooth decay - Cautions: Although xylitol is recognized by the FDA as a safe food additive, ingesting large amounts (over 30 grams per day) can cause gastrointestinal symptoms because it is not completely absorbed, it can ferment in the intestines and cause bloating, gas, or diarrhea
Stevia - An actual plant - Glycemic index of 0 and 0 calories; 200 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar - Decrease blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes and improve insulin resistance, anti-inflammatory and immune supportive actions Types of stevia - Green powder and a brown liquid extract, the whole leaf is used - White powder form, leaf is more refined and may contain isolated compounds - Sweetleaf stevia is my #1 recommendation! It’s made only from stevia plans and insulin, a soluble vegetable fiber. Insulin is a naturally occurring prebiotic that nourishes the body’s good intestinal flora, supporting good digestive health and immune function. First brand of stevia to get FDA approval in 2008
Vegetable Glycerin - Made from fats derived from plants oils, including from soy, coconut or palm oils; food grade is 99.7% pure (remaining. 03% is water) - A simple polyol (sugar alcohol like sorbet or erythritol) compound; colorless, odorless, syrupy consistency - 27 calories per teaspoon (sugar has 20), but 60% as sweet; ideal for Candida patients and diabetic-safe; no affect on insulin and doesn’t directly affect blood sugar levels; will not cause tooth decay like regular sugar
TYPES OF ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS (Remember, these are not food! They are CHEMICALS!) Artificial sweeteners have several negative side effects, including tricking the body into desiring more calories. Real sugar allows your body to accurately determine that
it has received enough calories, thereby activating satiety signaling. Without the calories, your appetite is activated by the sweet taste, but as your body keeps waiting for the calories to come, you remain hungry. The research has repeatedly shown that artificial no- or low-calorie sweeteners can stimulate your appetite, increase cravings for carbohydrates, and stimulate fat storage and weight gain.
Aspartame (NutraSweet® and Equal®) Found in sugar free: flavored water, frozen ice, soft drinks, gums, coffee syrups, cereals, gelatin, ice creams, iced tea, juices, maple syrup, pies, cookies, breath mints, ketchup, chocolate syrup, nutritional bars, pudding, yogurt, vegetables drinks May also cause weight gain because phenylalanine and aspartic acid – the two amino acids that make up 90% of aspartame 50% Phenylalanine: Excessive levels of phenylalanine in the brain cause serotonin levels to decrease, leading to emotional disorders like depression. 40% Aspartic Acid: considered an excito-toxin, it over stimulates certain neurons in the body until they die. Much like nitrates and MSG, aspartic acid can cause amino acid imbalances in the body and result in the interruption of normal neurotransmitter metabolism of the brain (ADD, ADHD). 10% Methanol: When ingested, the methanol (wood alcohol) is distributed throughout the body, (brain, muscle, fat and nervous tissues), and is then metabolized to form formaldehyde (embalming fluid), which enters cells and binds to proteins and genetic material (DNA). Methanol is a dangerous neurotoxin and a known carcinogen. Rapidly stimulate the release of insulin and leptin; two hormones that are intricately involved with satiety and fat storage. Insulin and leptin are also the primary hormones that regulate metabolism. Mar/Apr 2014—Page 19
Aspartame linked to the following conditions: leukemia, lymphoma, anxiety attacks; appetite problems (bingeeating and sugar cravings); birth defects; blindness, vision problems, bright flashes, tunnel vision; brain tumors; chest pain; depression, emotional problems; dizziness, vertigo; edema; epilepsy, seizures; fatigue; headaches, migraines; hearing loss, tinnitus; heart palpitations, arrhythmia; hyperactivity; insomnia; joint pain; learning disabilities; memory loss; menstrual irregularities, PMS; muscle cramps; nausea; numbness of extremities; psychiatric disorders; reproductive problems; skin lesions; slurred speech; uterine tumors, even death. Aspartame’s effects can be mistaken for Alzheimer’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, epilepsy, Epstein-Barr virus, Huntington’s chorea, hypothyroidism, Lou Gehrig’s disease; Lyme disease, Ménière’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and post polio syndrome.
Saccharine (Sweet N’ Low) - Benzoic Sulfilimine 700 times sweeter than sugar; no nutritional value; much sweeter than sucrose; has a bitter or metallic aftertaste Made by combining anthranilic acid (used among other things as a corrosive agent for metal) with nitrous acid, sulfur dioxide, chlorine, and ammonia.
coal tar product totally devoid of food value and extremely injurious to health.” In 1970, researchers discovered saccharine caused bladder cancer in rats. Instead of taking off the market, FDA required a warning label; FDA tried to ban saccharine in 1972 but failed.
Sucralose (Splenda) 600 times sweeter than sugar Additive created by chlorinating sugar. The chemical structure of the chlorine in sucralose is almost the same as that in the now-banned pesticide DDT Not a "zero-calorie" sweetener. It contains dextrose and maltodextrin, which is a sugar, because it is so sweet. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health research reports: - reduces the amount of good intestinal bacteria by 50 percent - increases the intestinal pH level - affects a glycoprotein that can have crucial health effects, particularly if you're on certain medications Research shows sucralose can cause shrinking of the thymus gland, and liver and kidney dysfunction; reduces healthy intestinal bacteria. Reported side effects: head and muscle aches, stomach cramps and diarrhea, bladder issues, skin irritation, dizziness and inflammation
Acesulfame Potassium – Acesulfame-K, Sunett
200 times sweeter than table sugar (sucrose) Used in the food industry for the last 15 years; primarily in baking Least studied of all artificial sweeteners May cause many different types of tumors (including lung tumors and breast tumors), various types of leukemia and chronic respiratory disease in the animals. Contains a known carcinogen, methylene chloride (a liquid used to manufacture the sweetener) First produced in 1878 by a chemist working on coal tar at Johns Hopkins University. After working with his compounds all day, he discovered that his hands tasted “sweet.” Later in 1906, the Director of the Bureau of Chemistry for the USDA felt saccharin should not be used in foods. In fact, he is quoted as saying, “[Saccharin is] a Mar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 20
Severe side effects when eaten for long periods of time: include headaches, depression, nausea, mental confusion, liver damage, kidney damage
7 Steps to Kissing Your Cravings Goodbye How do we defend ourselves? Follow these SEVEN steps to say NO to your cravings.
Step 1: Turn off the TV! - How many of you watch TV… and the commercials? Does your mouth water when you see the hot, gooey, melting cheese pulling off the pizza? It’s okay, you can admit it. Advertising WORKS! It influences your behavior, whether you want it to or not. Our BEST defense against sugar: Turn off the tube! Step 2: Don’t have it in the house! - If it’s not there, you can’t eat it. Do you ever find yourself looking through the fridge or the pantry in the evening? What are you doing in there? What are you looking for? Don’t buy it and you won’t eat it. This tip ALONE has helped my clients reduce aimless snacking and cravings. Step 3: Go to Sleep! - Ok, you turned off the TV and stopped looking in the fridge go to sleep, NOW! How many hours of sleep do you get each night? 8, 7, 6? Did you ever notice that you are hungrier when you are tired? Research shows that our appetites increase 25 percent when we’re tired. Why do you think that is? I talked about this earlier in this article. What do you crave when you’re tired? Sugar, caffeine, carbs! So go to sleep. And STAY asleep! Is something keeping you up at night? That’s important. If you wake up or can’t fall asleep -- talk to someone about it. Step 4: Read the Labels - Manufacturers know this, so you have to be in charge of knowing how much sugar is in your food. Look for these guidelines: - If sugar is the #1 ingredient - If sugar is listed many times (by different names) - If the product has a long list of ingredients we can’t pronounce See the REFERENCE GUIDE in this article to understand what is on the label
Step 5: Crowd it out - “Crowd it out” means replace the sweets you eat with “real” food -- banana, nuts, berries, carrots. Don’t tell yourself you CAN’T have it… instead say, “I could have it, but first I’m going to eat “real” food and see what happens. You may find that you don’t want or need that cookie or ice cream afterwards – you’ve crowded out the craving. You want to “crowd out” those simple carbs, refined sugars, foods stripped of nutrients, with complex, whole, real, nutrient-dense foods that give our body what it needs. Eat carbohydrates that appear in nature. These whole foods like fruit, vegetables and whole grains will sustain you are the foods where we get our sustained energy and long-term health. Eat foods that love you back! Step 6: Put Primary Food Back in Your Life - We all have cravings that aren’t categorized as food. For example, do
Roseann C. Borucki-Zaft is a Board Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Practitioner. She is a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She has been is a Certified Fitness Trainer for over 15 years. Roseann works with busy women and men that are looking to find more balance in their life. She helps her clients find solutions to fitness and food so they have more energy, manage stress better and learn how to LIVE FIT using her "one day at a time approach". Whether it is going through a 10-day detox, using pure essential oils, learning about food choices or incorporating functional weight training, golf fitness, Pilates, yoga, indoor cycling or water aerobics, Roseann creates an approach specific for her clients. Offering this diverse menu of services enables her to support her clients all the way to find the balance they need. Check out her website: or email her directly: DISCLAIMER OF HEALTH CARE RELATED SERVICES—Roseann Borucki-Zaft, aka LIVEFIT llc, encourages you to continue to visit and to be treated by your healthcare professionals, including, without limitation, a naturopathic or traditional medical physician. LIVEFIT is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional. LIVEFIT is not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services and will not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.
Special thanks to Dr. Christian Tondora, NMD for her assistance and research for this article.
you crave balance in your life? Love? Family? This is what I call our “Primary Food.” Primary Food is NOURISHMENT that doesn’t come on a plate. Get in touch with what you are “craving” that’s NOT FOOD and learn other ways to NOURISH YOURSELF – ways that don’t include food. Create a NON-FOOD NOURISHING MENU for yourself. Maybe it includes: a nice warm bath, a massage, a walk or hike, shopping, reading, and playing with the kids or your dog. Take the time to do what do YOU LOVE TO DO. Step 7: Get Support - It’s not easy to do all of this on your own. Getting support, understanding and guidance helps people succeed. When you understand the connection between what you eat, why you eat, and how you feel, you will be in control of your health and food choices, and on your way to enjoying a happier, healthier, more energetic life – one that is free of cravings and free of “emotional” eating. You CAN make LASTING CHANGE. There’s so much to learn and so little time! If you’d like to learn more and understand your UNIQUE food connections, talk about your individual goals and concerns, take advantage of a FREE Discovery Session with me. (see contact info above) So remember… when the sugar cravings hit, take these steps to beat them before the sugar blues get to you! After all, you’re sweet enough! Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 21
is your Power Animal. Your Power Animal is a reflection of you. Paranormal Spirit Readings: You can find out if there are any ghosts in your home or place of work. I will send them on and clear out negative energy they leave behind Pet Oracle Card Readings: You can get a message from your pet or get an insight to your relationship with them. Animal Runes: Get a brief insight into something in your life.
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Several types of readings are available: Animal Communication: If you would like to know what your pet is thinking or would like to tell them something, I am able to telepathically communicate with animals. I can also talk to your pet that has passed on. Guide and Power Animal Readings: You can find out what animals you have around you for guides, and which
If your pet is having a health or behavior issue, a Bach Flower may help them. Bach Flower Recipes are all natural and work on emotions where a lot of issues originate. I do Natural Health and Energy Work. I use these energy modalities: Reiki, Quantum Touch, Qi Gong, and Jin Shin Jyutsu. I teach Reiki, clear Chakras, and use Gemstones for healing. I am looking forward to helping you or your pet feel better or just stay healthy on a natural path. With infinite love and gratitude, Liz Call: 440-552-9915 / Email: Visit website:
We all have our paths to walk. Let's choose wisely.
WholiSound Products, Inc. 7433 Montgomery Road Cincinnati, OH 45236 513-793-4777 / 855-293-9100 Mar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 22
Living Italian By Marisa DiCenso-Pelser
Mange! Mange! “Mange” is EAT in Italian. Everyone loves Italian food, but traditional dishes are heavy in wheat (bread and pasta) and cheese. With Living Italian, simple substitutions allow you to enjoy this classic cuisine, putting an emphasis on lightness and healthy nutrition.
father’s parents lived in Italy. My fondest memories are going to Italy in the summer and helping my Nonna Ida in the kitchen. She would send me to their enormous garden and have me pick out the best tomatoes I could find or pick whatever vegetables I wanted to eat that day! A fruit truck would come to the neighborhood every other week and she would let me pick out whatever fruit I wanted. The highlights of my days were when my Nonno Romino would send me to the chicken coop to get fresh eggs for the next day. I think it made him happy to see how excited I would get. My parents and siblings have been my biggest supporters on my raw journey. They absolutely love the food I make, and they find a healthy balance between the cooked Italian food and the Living Italian raw foods. It is safe to say that Italians love their food but they really love fresh food full of flavor.
Eat fresh and flavorful Italian foods you So to answer the question: “Do Italians love without the guilt of carbs or high like to eat raw?” …Yes, I believe that most calories! Italians can’t help but love this food! Many people ask me, “You’re Italian and you eat raw?” or “Your parents were born in Italy – do they like your raw food?” I think the misconception is that Italian food is suppose to be all heavy carbohydrates, cheese, and fried filets of meat, but it’s quite the contrary. I grew up with a mother who cooked every meal and it was always fresh homemade food full of veggies, and my snacks and desserts were often fresh fruit. Growing up, I was blessed with 2 sets of amazing grandparents. My mother’s parents lived here in America, and my
Living Italian : Healthy Recipes includes:
Over a dozen delicious and healthy Italian raw food recipes, including soup, salad, appetizers, entrees & desserts!
Detailed grocery list to make shopping for your recipes a breeze!
Raw Food Facts & Benefits
To get your copy of Living Italian, click here or, visit Raw Trainer and select e-Books.
Marisa DiCenso-Pelser is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer and Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, she is spreading the word of Raw Food & Fitness throughout Northeast Ohio and the world. They are graduates of Cleveland State University with a B.A. in Exercise Science as well as Certified Living on Live Foods Chef/Instructors. To learn more about their weekly raw food delivery, education classes and personal training, please visit: or email Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 23
By Claudia Anders, OTR, LND
Quantum Neurology ® assists many individuals to function at their very best by rehabilitating the nervous system to handle the stressors of their lives. Physical, sensory, motor, emotional or spiritual stressors affect the balance between the systems of the body. An old jingle says: “the hand bones connected to the arm bones, the arm bones are connected to the shoulder bones...” Really, everything is connected to everything else within the body. By enhancing the communication patterns between the systems, function is optimized. If the patterns of communication between systems are faulty it is like a poor cellular connection or even a dropped call. Imagine you trying to make a connection to a 4G network with a dial up server---it is either very slow or just not possible. Quantum Neurology can help a “call” to be received, processed and responded to clearly and appropriately. In Quantum Neurology your Nervous System guides your care. When these weaknesses in the Nervous System are strengthened, Quantum Neurologists have found that your body heals itself. Quantum Neurology is a patented nervous system rehabilitation technique developed by Dr. George Gonzalez, DC, QN. Dr. Gonzalez states: “While each cell, organ and tissue is connected to your body, in reality each is an independent living structure within you. Each works independently and yet, at the same time, each works together in unison to generate your life and your experiences.” Mar/Apr 2014 Issue—Page 24
As a Quantum Neurologist ™, Claudia Anders OTR/L ND QN finds this gentle, non invasive system supports the body’s ability to work in unison and to activate the body’s own ability to heal itself. Individuals of all ages and stages and challenges of life-- newborns to school age to young adult to middle age and elders have benefited from this approach. In addition to her Quantum Neurology credentials, Claudia Anders ND, QN, is a Naturopath and Occupational Therapist who has continued post graduate training and/or certifications for over 40 years. As everyone is a unique person, results vary and are not guaranteed. Select new clients are being accepted. Initial sessions include an interview, introduction and demonstration of the process, first intervention session and initiation of the home program. The Eagle Therapy Office of Claudia Anders OTR/L, ND, QN is located near Cleveland Hopkins Airport. All sessions are by appointment only and are cash only. To schedule an appointment, call 440-260-0351.
- I AM Pallas Athena,, Member of the Karmic Board
he Karmic Board speaks today bringing valuable information ~ the good and the bad, yin and yang. One cannot exist without the other, which is the underlying truth, and truth is positive and negative, one in the same. We announce to the world that it is in the NOW in your current timeline upon your world. We do start out with congratulations again to those that are doing their spiritual work for the planet as well as for the self. If the self can raise their own vibrations to a higher frequency level then in turn, at this time can affect their surroundings where they stand at a triple layer effect, meaning expanding and transferring their love and light as a channel conduit in their location within a 12, 24 and 33 mile radius, assisting humanity to evolve and in turn they transfer that light knowingly or unknowingly like the ‘monkey effect.’ Those that resist working on themselves or resist accepting love, light and truth will result in illness, and possible death. This is not a negative thing and one must not judge the un-awakened as it may be in their best interest not to continue or work towards ascension in this last lifetime on Mother Earth before she herself (Gaia) ascends into 5th dimension with her people. There may be other lessons that they may have to work on for their own growth and healing. Those that have accepted this understanding of death and did not fear it prior to 2013 and are still walking among the planet, have passed their test and have a choice to stay and live within your planet accepting that they will not physically pass away leaving their bodies behind, but instead will state, affirm and decree to ascend with body. No death but acceleration into the 5th dimension with your light bodies.
Much abuse is taking place globally through your governing systems. Have you not learned not to follow in these footsteps as individuals? Many reading this now are participating in the negativity and contributing more so than the system can handle. Some of you do not even care or believe in your own karmic creation that will affect you personally from your cause(s). Why not invest all of this valuable time and energy into making the world a better place? And live free from all restrictions in peace? Kali states “Of the karmic consequences, one will endure not by punishment but the creation of harm towards others, in turn, will bring much harm to you.” Isis speaks now “We ruled like many, not to control but to assist in our dynasty for all in the now. We do not have to plead with you but ask of you to respect, cooperate, and do what’s right! Quit the abuse and cyber-stalking. Do you not realize that if one partakes in these activities, through the wheel of karma, someone else unknown will do the same invasion to you? Think about this for a moment, this could be you.” Mother Mary wishes to speak!...”I come forth as my higher aspect of Lady Nada with Mary Magdalene. Security, safe-haven, love, peace, nurturing, forgiveness to others more so yourself. This is what the Universe has to offer. One must be truly honest with self. True sincerity and taking action in letting go of all negativity, and the partaking and contributing in such horrific, unpleasant acts of harm, whether serious in mission or playfully. If you let go moving forward, all karma is erased with the grace of GOD. Be kind to one another, move forward into the beautiful kingdom that awaits.” Lady Portia speaks “With flipping both sides of the coin, positive and negative, heads or tails…it is in truth the same coin, one coin.” - With Love, Representatives of the Karmic Board
Channeled by Ernesto Cardona Not only is he young and charismatic, Ernesto is by far, one of the most profound and compelling Psychic Channelers you will ever encounter. His readings are accurate, insightful, honest, and most importantly, they are life-changing. He takes his job very seriously and has made it his mission to be of service to all, to bring about the best in each and every one of us, to connect us closer to our higher selves and ultimately, to get us back on the path for our return to ALL THAT IS. To Contact Ernesto, call Goddess Elite at 440-777-7211 Mar/Apr 2014—Page 25
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Custom Jewelry by Mystic Stone
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Certified Practical Reiki Master Level Instructor
7 Day Candles & Candles by Coventry Creations
Large selection of Tarot & Divination Tools
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Sponsor of 2013 Holistic Health & Healing Expo
Store Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12 pm - 7 pm Saturday-Sunday: 12 pm - 6 pm
Call for Class Schedule 216-459-9094
Deb Haltuch - dōTERRA Independent Product Consultant 330-998-4054
THE REIKI SHOP, LLC Reiki Therapy, Reiki Attunements, Spiritual Counseling, Massage, Medical Intuitive
Nadine Jankowski, CRP, LMT, LPN 6619B Pearl Road Parma Hts., OH 44130
(440) 345-5566 Find us on Facebook
“Grounded” The Film is Here!
Steve Kroschel, an award-winning Alaskan filmmaker, has created an entertaining 74-minute film entitled “Grounded” showing the powerful impact of Earthing on the residents in a small Alaskan town.
This captivating documentary follows a National Geographic filmmaker who finds relief from pain and aches using the earth as a healing conduit source of free electrons. Helping his community in Alaska, he expands his circle of people who are eager to learn about the effects of grounding. Featuring David Suzuki, Clint Ober, Dr. Mercola, and other leaders, naturalists, and health visionaries.