Universal living janfeb 2014

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January / February 2014 | Vol. 02 Issue 01

Universal Living eZine

Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century

Mother Earth A Missing Link in Women’s Health

Vogel Crystals DNA Activation & Repair Part II

Be a Farmer In Your Own Kitchen

GMOs What are the Dangers

Spirit Messages & More! UniversalLivingEzine.com

Deb Haltuch / Spirit of Health Independent doTerra Product Consultant 330-998-4054 deb@neoSpiritofHealth.com

Jan/Feb 2014| Vol. 02 Issue 01

Universal Living eZine

Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century

From the Publisher: Over the next few months I am going to have make some carefully considered decisions regarding health care providers. More and more I’ve become convinced that one of those health care providers has to be ME. I need to be more aware of not only what I eat and drink, but what’s IN what I eat and drink—stuff like GMOs! Reading labels has never been more important. Energetic Medicine shouldn’t be considered a luxury anymore—massages, reflexology, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Yoga, Acupuncture—they are crucial for overall energetic health. I am already connecting to Earth’s energies on a regular basis with grounding, but I can do more. (Maybe a vacation to Hawaii??? Get those tootsies in the sand and walk the beaches!) While there’s a foot of snow on the ground today in Cleveland, I can look forward to the summer, when the grass is green and I can be outside, barefooted. Until then, grounding mats! It’s time to stop waiting for a magic bullet to get us healthy. It’s actually pretty simple: watch what goes into our mouths, (watch what comes out of our mouths—words are energy!), proper exercise routines, spiritual & energy practices good for mind and soul, maintaining a sense of gratitude, kindness & integrity—it’s all connected in Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness! Happy New Year! Love & Light! Sue

Features: Mother Earth A Missing Link in Women’s Health - Martin Zucker | 4 Reflexology - Deb Haltuch | 6 What are the Dangers of GMO? - Mary Robbins | 8 Your Healthy New Year’s Guide - Gloria Zabala | 10 Believing -Roseann Heinrich | 14 Spirit Message - Ernesto Cardona | 15 Be a Farmer in Your Own Kitchen - Roseann Zaft | 16 Vogel DNA Activation & Repair—Part II - Maria Celeste | 19 Stop Obsessing About Weight - Marisa DiCenso-Pelser | 23

216-459-9094 info@UniversalLivingEzine.com www.UniversalLivingEzine.com

Mother Earth A Missing Link in Women’s Health - Martin Zucker The current brouhaha over affordable health care has taken attention away from the real problem facing Americans: rampant chronic unwellness. Despite all the health care that government, insurance plans, and doctors can provide, the fact is that the health of the nation stinks. Among the common reasons are poor nutrition, a toxic environment, daily stress, and not enough physical activity. For many women, there are the added challenges of hormonal imbalances, motherhood, and caregiving. The reality is that women suffer from many illnesses, such as auto-immune conditions, at higher rates than men. One totally overlooked reason – a missing link − could be the disconnect with Mother Earth’s natural and nurturing electric energy that radiates from the ground. Throughout virtually all of history, humans have lived in almost constant physical contact with the ground. We were connected. Nowadays, we rarely walk outside barefoot, and we no longer sleep on the ground. We are disconnected. New research strongly suggests that we may all be suffering as a result, more than you could ever imagine. Chronic inflammation, regarded as a major cause or Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 4

component of most common illnesses, may be one such consequence of the disconnect. Earthing, or grounding (see adjacent box) as it is often called, offers a simple and natural remedy for the disconnect by restoring a natural electrical state in the body. Keep in mind that your organs, and, in fact, all the trillions of cells in your body, operate electrically, and throughout time they were synchronized and energized by the subtle rhythms of the Earth’s electrodynamic surface. As strange as it sounds, the very ground beneath your feet may likely be the single-most powerful medicine on the planet, capable of significantly reducing pain and inflammation, improving sleep and energy, and speeding recovery from injuries and exhaustion. Mother Earth, it turns out, provides all living things – you, me, the animal and plant kingdoms – with a surprising and overlooked source of sustenance: a virtually limitless supply of free electrons that give the ground we walk on its natural, subtle, and negative electrical charge. Think of this energy perhaps as vitamin G − G for ground. You can’t see it but some people can feel it as a warm, tingling, and pleasant sensation when out walking barefoot along the water’s edge at the beach or on a

stretch of dew-moistened grass. For the last fifteen years, Earthing has been studied scientifically and the effects observed. Common benefits include the following: ● Better sleep (even for insomniacs) ● Less fatigue and more vitality ● Less pain, including headaches ● Less stress ● Greater sense of well-being ● Lessened PMS symptoms ● Less intense menopausal symptoms ● Reduced symptoms from auto-immune disorders ● Improved thyroid function, and frequently the ability to reduce thyroid medication ● Feeling better and looking better, even after one hour of Earthing. As the co-author of the Earthing book, I receive considerable feedback from individuals and doctors throughout the world describing their Earthing experience, usually related to using Earthing sheets to sleep on, as well as grounded mats to put their feet on when working at the computer or watching TV. Here are some typical comments: 

From a pain doctor in Illinois: “I have repeatedly seen conditions healed or improved that typically never get better, or that are typically treated with medication simply to manage the symptoms.” From a psychiatrist in North Carolina: “One of the first things patients tell me after they start Earthing is that they sleep so much better at night. This is a big deal for many of my patients. Improving sleep can help normalize serotonin levels in the brain as it decreases cortisol (an anxietyinducing hormone). As cortisol levels decrease and stabilize, we become more centered, peaceful and calm. For those with depression, Earthing can assist with decreasing symptoms. Energy levels improve and tolerance to stressful situations, pain, or discomfort improves.”

From a naturopathic doctor in California: “I have seen particularly good results with perimenopause and menopause, with reduction of symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and irritability.”

Even just a bit of walking or sitting barefoot outdoors

can make a difference, as this California science teacher told me: “I have been sitting daily on my front porch with my feet in the grass for about 30 minutes. The first thing I noticed was that when I get up in the morning, I am not as ‘groggy’ as before. I awake at 6 and am ready to hit the ground running. The second thing I noticed relates to digestion. Food seems to move through me at an easier pace. Now, my pants fit better!” Mother Earth has real magic for all of us, a surprising natural endowment of health and healing. All you need to do to receive it is reconnect.

Health writer Martin Zucker is co-author of the Earthing book.. What is Earthing? Earthing, or grounding as it is often called, simply means connecting to the Earth’s natural, negative surface charge by being barefoot outside or in bare skin contact with conductive sheets, mats, or body bands indoors while you sleep, relax, or work. For more Earthing information: Refer to last month’s article that introduced this simple, natural, and profound health concept to readers. Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? By Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra, M.D., and Martin Zucker. Available through all major book vendors. www.earthinginstitute.net www.earthing.com

Mother Earth Image by Gun Legler: http:// images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/motherearth-is-just-awakening-gun-legler.jpg Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 5


Reflexology is a natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the hands, feet and ears that correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body. Through application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and promotes the natural function of the related areas of the body. In ancient times we stimulated reflexes naturally by walking barefoot over rocks, stones and rough ground, or by using our hands more often to climb, build or work. In today’s modern world we have lost much of nature’s way of maintaining a balanced and healthy equilibrium. ReJan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 6

flexology helps to restore this balance and promote natural health and vitality. Although Reflexology does not diagnose or treat specific ailments by definition, it has proven highly successful over time to relieve symptoms or ease pain or discomfort that have manifested themselves physically in the body - either as a result of stress, trauma or disease. Reflexology has enjoyed a lot of popularity recently for several reasons. Firstly, today we are exposed to high levels of stress in our jobs, our homes and travels. Stress is without a doubt one of the main causes of physical and

mental pain and suffering, as well as contributing to making symptoms of other diseases or conditions much worse. Reflexology is a great stress reducer. Secondly, even though many people are trying to eat organic or healthy foods, even those 'healthy' foods grown today are grown in soil conditions that are greatly depleted in basic minerals and nutrients compared to the days of our grandparents. This means that even though people are trying to improve their diet, it is not easy to do. This lack of minerals combined with stress puts more pressure on our immune system and health. Reflexology works to allow the body to work to heal itself and normalize functions. Thirdly, people are turning more and more to alternative or natural health care which focuses on pro-active maintenance and holistic or entire body well-being. Traditional 'western' medicine tends to focus on reactive and specific treatment of disease or symptoms. Reflexology offers an all natural therapy which does not require anything other than gentle manipulation to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms to normalize and heal. It is relatively easy to learn, and is quickly becoming one of the most popular methods of natural therapy primarily due to the enthusiasm of those who have found and realized the benefits.

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Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 7

What are the Dangers of GMO? What is a GMO and why should you care? We have so many acronyms in our culture, it is easy to become oblivious to some of them. Sometimes we are just numb and don’t realize what these three little letters stand for – GMO. But be warned and take heed. GMO you should know. Don’t feel too badly if you aren’t familiar with GMO which stands for Genetically Modified Organisms because there is so much misinformation flying about. GMOs are created when scientists take DNA from one species and insert it into another in a way that would never occur naturally. So let’s get down to it and you decide. How do you like your corn? Would you prefer to have corn that when a bug eats it, will have its stomach explode as is the case with GMO Bt corn, or would you rather have corn that does not contain that trait? I, myself, cannot help but think if the corn contains something that will make a bug’s stomach explode, then it might have a somewhat negative effect on my own internal organs. Don’t know about you, but put me down for the

Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 8

non-exploding stomach corn. Do you remember the ancient Greek myth about Pandora’s box. Once the box was opened and the contents released, there was no way to return the evil spirits that escaped. Well, friends, it is much the same with Genetically Modified Organisms. But only worse. Let’s say that a farmer who plants organic produce is next to a large corporate farm raising GMO plants. The wind carries the pollen from the GMO to the neighboring farms and contaminates the organic produce. The organic farmer is then sued for raising GMO food which is protected by patents. Does that

By Mary Robbins

plants instead of dinosaurs come to my mind. In many countries around the world seeds used to be handed down from growing season to growing season enabling the prudent farmer to always have a secure supply. The GMO plants must be grown from seeds that are purchased from the corporate seed producer at much higher cost to the farmer. In addition, crops are more prone to failure in some parts of the world with GMO seeds causing bankruptcy and ruin with the farmer unable to purchase more seeds. Many farmers in India have committed suicide over this. Many countries refuse to accept our exports if they are GMO.

sound right to you? And it takes many many years for that effect to diminish so what will happen to organic? Visions of Jurassic Park with

Banned in Europe and elsewhere, genetically modified foods have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile and dead livestock and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals. The effects of GMOs on humans have not been studied by independent organizations. The studies that the FDA rely on are conducted by the very companies producing the seeds and accompanying chemicals needed to grow

these questionable crops. I think there is a fox in the henhouse.

corn, soy, sugar beets, and canola is GM crops, yet, con-

How do you like your soy? With a side of extra pesticides and chemicals or would you prefer original? Pesticides and herbicide use skyrockets when GMO crops are grown. There is no need to be selective when applying the chemicals since the crops are designed to be immune and just the weeds are supposed to die. In an ironic twist, it seems GMO’s cannot quite get the upper hand when pitted against Mother Nature. She simply evolves and presents to the hapless GMO farmers super weeds and super bugs that have become immune to the chemicals and for which more chemicals are needed. Do we really want more super weeds and super bugs in our environment?

worldwide for personal freedom is prevented from know-

GMOs are in practically everything we eat. Would you believe 80% of the processed food on the store shelves contain genetically modified ingredients? Over 90% of all

sumers can’t know this because there is no labeling required in the US? How is it that the one country known ing what is in the food the we eat and feed our families? More and more US citizens are slowly becoming aware of the GMO trap that is being laid for us and are demanding labeling so that we can decide for ourselves what is going into our bodies and on our tables. We aren’t even asking for a ban, just a label. The industry is fighting it with millions of dollars spent in false information because they know if there IS a label consumers will not purchase GMO products. This is a fight the consumer must win, for like Pandora’s box, there will be no going back.

Mary Robbins is an authorized Representative for Amega Global. To learn more about this elegant way to self care, please call: 330-807-3816

To ADVERTISE in Universal Living: info@UniversalLivingEzine.com

Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 9

Your Healthy New Year’s Guide By Gloria Zabala Here we are again at the beginning of a new year. What does the beginning of a new year mean to you? For most, it is a time to reflect on the year just past and make resolutions to be a better person in the New Year. Maybe you have overindulged during the holidays and now you want to start eating healthier and lose those extra pounds that you gained over the last few months. The holidays may also have brought stress, the flu, colds and depression because of the decreased sunlight. That is a deadly combination for adding extra pounds and a compromised immune system. It is no coincidence that the flu season kicks into high gear around the holiday season. Also, according to the public health records, more heart attacks occur after the holidays than any other time of the year; not to mention the prolific fueling of cancer cell growth, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, etc. Wouldn’t it be awesome to keep the pounds off and continue to stay healthy and feel energized in the New Year? Here is a short guide to managing your weight and building your immune system. 1. Don’t skip breakfast or meals throughout the day to save on calories. Skipping meals can encourage you to overindulge or make the wrong choices later in the day. Make sure to eat healthy, live food such as your favorite smoothies*. For lunch, have a big salad* topped with protein packed beans and omega 3’s from flax or chia seeds. Instead of dousing your salad with a commercial dressing, make your own oil-free dressing*. Even simpler, Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 10

pour the juice of a lemon or apple cider vinegar over your salad. 2. Carry a lunch bag with healthy snacks* at all times. This is a good habit to develop so you can avoid those temptations to grab something at one of those fast food places. Keeping healthy snacks with you keeps you prepared when your schedule becomes hectic. Eating small frequent times throughout the day also keeps your blood sugar level stable without those pikes and valleys. 3. Remove these ingredients from your kitchen and all your recipes*. READ THE LABELS WHEN PURCHASING ANY PACKAGED FOODS. Here are the top 4 ingredients that actually make you hungrier for more FATTY foods: MSG. In studies performed on mice and rats, MSG was found to triple the amount of insulin created by the pancreas, causing the animals to become obese without any additional food intake. Additionally, a body of research starting from 1969 has shown that MSG causes lesions in the hypothalamus of monkeys. The hypothalamus is the portion of the brain that, along with other functions, regulates weight control. Studies of blood plasma have found that humans are 20 times more sensitive to MSG than monkeys, and children are 4 times more sensitive to MSG than adults. Plus, MSG is a highly addictive substance, and the more you eat, the greater your chances of obesity. High fructose corn syrup interferes greatly with the body’s normal metabolism. Its chemical structure is engineered to make you keep eating more and more of it. It has been found that high fructose corn syrup slows down

the secretion of leptin in your body, the hormone that signals to your brain that you are full and that you need to stop eating. Refined Flour. According to recent research, refined carbohydrates cause ‘fullness resistance.’ They raise your blood sugar levels quickly, spiking your insulin levels and making them quickly plummet again, which brings your blood sugar back down, and makes you hungry again very quickly. This is why you may feel like eating again a very short time after a bowl of morning cereal, a bagel, or toast. Refined carbs also offer no nutrients, just filler. White sugar works in a very similar way to white flour. It spikes your blood sugar and leads it to crash a very short time later, leading you to crave more sugar. We’ve all heard of ‘sugar highs’ and ‘sugar lows.’ You have probably heard that sugar is similar to an addictive drug. Once you start eating it, it is very difficult to stop. Instead of white sugar, use a healthier alternative for all your baking and dessert recipes. As with all sweeteners, use in moderation. Any sweetening agent that gets overused can overwhelm the liver and get turned in bad fat. Here are some that you may consider using: Stevia. An herb native to South American, stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia has no calories and no glycemic impact making it suitable for diabetics as well as weight watchers and eco warriors. Molasses. Blackstrap molasses is perhaps the most beneficial and is a good source of iron and calcium. It’s quite thick and viscous and is best used in baking. It is also sweeter than sugar and so you’ll need less.

a low score on the glycemic index, which means you don’t get a buzz followed by a crash. It tastes similar to brown sugar but is slightly richer. You can substitute coconut sugar for traditional sugar pretty much wherever you use the latter. Artichoke syrup is rich in insulin, a type of fiber that feeds the friendly flora of the intestinal tract. It has an exceptional sweet taste and a very low glycemic index, making it a great sweetener for people with Candida-conscious diets and diabetic blood sugar awareness. Research indicates that the insulin found in artichoke syrup may improve gastrointestinal health and calcium absorption. 4. Drink a lot of water during the day to keep hydrated. This will also fill you up and you will be less likely to eat as much. People may think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty. You can also drink water before you start to drink other adult beverages to slow down your consumption. 5. Choose these top 5 super foods* on a daily basis for your nutritional needs. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. This energy tonic contains vitamins A, B12, C, and E, the minerals sulfur, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and chromium, as well as antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes, sterols, lignin, essential fatty acids and is naturally rich in polysaccharides. The polysaccharides that are available in aloe have a particular lubricating effect on joints, brain and nervous system and the skin. They allow our immune system to fight back chronic viral,

Raw Honey. With antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, carbohydrates, and phytonutrients, raw, unprocessed honey is considered a super food by many alternative health care practitioners and a remedy for many health ailments. Choose your honey wisely. There is nothing beneficial about processed honey. Coconut Palm Sugar. Coconut sugar is nutritious and has Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 11

bacterial, and fungal infections. Blueberries. Blueberries are more than a delicious fruit. Many consider it to be a super food. It's rich in vitamins and phytonutrients (plant nutrients), with a variety of antioxidants that are considered extremely beneficial for relieving stress. Many experts also believe that peaches fall into this category as well, because they have nutrients that appear to have a sedation (calming) effect. Spirulina is anywhere from 62-71% essential amino acids. It also contains beta carotene, chlorophyll and vitamin B12. It is actually the richest source of vitamin B12. B12 is important for healthy tissues, energy, and nerves especially for strict vegetarians. Coconut oil helps to balance hormones, stabilize blood sugar levels and boost the cellular healing process. It is also known to stimulate the thyroid and reduce stress on the liver and pancreas. This increases metabolism and helps us burn fat more effectively. Additionally, coconut oil increases our energy levels due to its very clean and easy digestive process. Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids and much more. Combine these foods with a balanced diet that is free of fried foods and harmful ingredients and you should see a marked difference in your energy levels. 6. Balance critical hormones. Long term weight manage-

ment is more than will power. Studies are clear that almost all individuals with weight issues have metabolic and endocrinological dysfunction that is causing or contributing to their inability to maintain their proper weight. Identification and correction of these metabolic abnormalities, including leptin resistance and cellular thyroid dysfunction, can result in dramatic long term successful weight management. Removing toxins from critical organs and eating a well-balanced diet that includes whole plant-based living foods* is part of a system that longterm success. * For details on any of the recipes mentioned in this article, contact Gloria directly. She will be glad to email them to you. Or call for a free consultation to incorporate these and other health tips into your individualized health regime.

Gloria Zabala is a certified health coach and whole food plant-based educator. She received her certificate in PlantBased Nutrition from Cornell University; and certified as a health coach from The Vegetarian Health Institute. She coaches others how to overcome health challenges, have digestive issues or want to eliminate addictions or lose weight. She can be reached at atozhealthyliving@gmail.com or by phone at 440-546-1800.

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Roseann Heinrich

So, the deadline for this article is tomorrow. How did tomorrow get here so fast? Many people I know are working hard to stay in the moment. You know, be here now. This is the message we hear. But, even this is not slowing things down. We are snowballing into a new time and place. If you stop and breathe you can feel the energy moving you. What an interesting time to be alive.

wash. We are all already connected to spirit.

Although we have never known what tomorrow might bring, in this new energy, tomorrow may be the new way of living we are all seeking. We are creating it.

If we can’t buy organic, we can bless the food and enjoy it. The supplements we take have only the power we give them. If we don’t take supplements, know we are powerful enough to draw to ourselves what we need and ask for spirit help to provide what is best in our circumstance.

Today the Angels suggested I write about BELIEFS, all of them, the ones we were brain washed with as children and the newly adopted ones. We have so many beliefs locked into our heads. Most of us don’t ask if the new ones are true. When we accept a new belief into our life, are we locking ourselves into one more way of being that might hold us hostage in a new way. 20 years ago or so, I remember discovering extra flesh around my middle. I started working out so I could eat. My belief system became that before I could eat, I must work out. I still work out 6 or 7 days a week. What the angels are teaching me is that this is my belief. I created it. Sure movement is good for us. We all know the use it or lose it saying. I can adopt a new belief if I let this one go. OOOOh another LETTING GO. I also bought into eating organic and taking supplements. And often, was kicking myself because sitting meditation did not work with my energy and “everyone says” we must meditate to connect to spirit. Well that is hogNov/Dec2014 Jan/Feb 2013Issue—Page Issue—Page14 18

What is true is what we make true. What we make true only applies to ourselves, not our brother, sister or the next door neighbor. The thing is, we are all, every single one of us, as powerful as those masters who came before us. We need to practice using the power.

There may be dark energy in the universe, but it does not have to be part of our lives. Unless we choose to make it so. Adopt the belief that we are so powerful and supported with so much light we shatter the dark. Every thought can be changed into a positive if we just pay attention to what it is we are thinking. Today, I will take a walk in the snow and pay attention to what I am thinking. How about you? May you be filled with angelic inspiration each day.

Roseann Heinrich, Angel Therapy Practitioner


Dear Beloved Ones,

Congratulations! Many of you upon the Earth have held light firmly as a conduit pillar of light for those around the World who could not. As this light now spreads, it will create the monkey effect transferring high frequencies to the unaware or asleep. This is a good thing, as this is what the higher realms have been speaking about to all for quite some time. Gaia's 144 crystal grid is now opening up more to the rainbow frequencies of the Elohim into your celebratory time...Happy New Year! Now is the time to live in body, mind and spirit through the higher self's optical lens. Believe, act and live in a 5th dimensional way and you shall all raise Gaia's etheric plateau light grid working towards the Ascension process not just for the self but for the entire planet as well. This hope, light and truth will require you to be honest with yourself first and to live your life with acts of kindness, love and compassion. Do not allow yourselves to deter in the roles of victimhood! When in doubt and fear immediately call upon the heavenly help to lift you off the ground (metaphorically). Archangel Michael, the Ascended Masters, Angelic Kingdom and the Star Families are ready to assist at a moment's notice. We hear you! It is as simple as picking up your devices and dialing the right frequency channel and asking for help. Source, Creator, Goddess, GOD One, All That Is will send for all required requests and no one will be left behind or unanswered. The powerful New Moon opens up the way to the KA template located behind the top of the head (crown area) sending out pulses of subtle light frequency waves activating the pineal gland, secreting pheromones, directing and shooting laser light rapidly down the spine & activating your magnetic field. The solar logos spirits of the Sun reactivated the energy light codes signature & multi-signal frequencies of the Sun itself, three lunar cycles back in preparation for today. They have interlocked the star tetrahedron for everyone's MER-KA-BA vehicle of light (as above so below) within the higher soul matrix which expands around the aura's energy field activating the electronic light body in alignment and balance to infuse within the liquid light body and multi-dimensional selves which will undergo a series and stages of further activation over the next 6 lunar cycles (6 months). Meditate, relax, and focus upon the divine love and the divine mind. We now activate MER-KA-BA...rotating at speed of light one-third megahertz...two-thirds megahertz...nine-tenths megahertz light locked I AM GOD Speed within NOW (affirm this!) We anchor you now into Mother Gaia's diamond heart. Be open to the endless infinite possibilities to a new world upon Earth. Have gratitude, send love to all and live in peace, happiness and prosperity! I AM Archangel Metatron accompanied by Archangel Raziel and the Pleaidians / Sirian Alliance Channeled by Ernesto Cardona


This message is embedded with light code frequencies and activations

ot only is he young and charismatic, Ernesto is by far, one of the most profound and compelling Psychic Channelers you will ever encounter. His readings are accurate, insightful, honest, and most importantly, they are life-changing. He takes his job very seriously and has made it his mission to be of service to all, to bring about the best in each and every one of us, to connect us closer to our higher selves and ultimately, to get us back on the path for our return to source...to ALL THAT IS. To Contact Ernesto, call Goddess Elite at 440-777-7211 Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 15

Now You Can be a Farmer in Your Own Kitchen! By Roseann Zaft Could you ever imagine raising crops in your kitchen… crazy, right? Well, not really. You can grow your own food for very little money and time. And the benefits are priceless. Yep, you heard right. Sprouting is a simple way to grow your own food. Imagine, eating fresh and live food every day!

Why Bother Germinating or Sprouting? First of all… it really is NO bother! Germinating and sprouting is easy and economical… and takes very little time for the abundance of food it yields! Did you know that Nature’s most nutrient-dense foods are seeds, beans and nuts? Soaking and germinating is a process where all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are dormant in nuts and seeds begin to activate and multiply. Nuts, seeds and beans are a rich source of oxygen as well! They are considered LIVE food. Even if you don’t go to the extent of sprouting (which only takes 1-3 days in many cases), definitely consider soaking your nuts, seeds and beans. There are natural agents on them to help them survive until proper growing conditions are present. These defense mechanisms include nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances found dormant in nuts grains and seed and can be minimized or eliminated by soaking. These inhibitors and toxic substances are enzyme inhibitors, phytates (phytic acid), polyphenols (tannins), and goitrogens that protect the seeds or nuts from early germination. These substances can wreak havoc in our digestive system. By soaking and sprouting we release these enzyme inhibitors and other toxic substances and free the full nutritional value of the nuts and seeds. Soaking and sprouting replicates germination, which activates and multiplies nutrients (particularly Vitamins A, B, and C), and promotes the growth of vital digestive enzyme. Because they are then easy to digest and high in fiber, germinated and sprouted seeds, nuts and beans help clean the colon and neutralize and remove waste from the body. The end result is a highly digestible, highly nutritious product, and an excellent Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 16

addition to main dishes, pates, salads and soups. You may be surprised at how many types of “veggies” you can eat as sprouts. Most of us are familiar with alfalfa sprouts and bean sprouts, but consider radish sprouts, beet sprouts, pea sprouts, and sunflower. In general, any plant from which you might eat the stems and leaves is a good option for sprouting. Plants from which you only eat the fruits (such as tomatoes and peppers) won't work. You may be surprised to know that a tiny alfalfa seed that is sprouted contains every essential amino acid, minerals, vitamins, carotenes, chlorophyll, folic acid and phytoestrogens…. plus they alkalize and detoxify the body, especially the liver! Now that is a POWERFUL little seed! What You Need to Begin A simple method is to use a glass (mason) jar with a wide neck. This makes it easier to remove the sprouts when they are ready. You’ll find these mason jars at your local hardware store. Start with 3 tablespoons to up to a ½ cup of seeds, beans, grains or nuts. You will be amazed the size of the yield! Over time you’ll get the hang of how much you need based on how you use weekly. Cover the jar with muslin or netting held in place with a rubber band or you can buy “sprouting lids” on Amazon.com. You’ll want to be sure to do this so that the seeds can drain and have plenty of air. A dish rack is the perfect solutions for storing your jars on an inverted angle if you are draining or sprouting. Here are examples of jar lid options. Left: cheese cloth and rubber band, middle: plastic screen cut to fit inside the lid, right: commercially made 1-piece sprouting lid jars.

SOAKING—Nuts, Seeds, Grains and Beans PLACE nuts, seeds or beans in a large glass bowl or mason jar,

and cover with warm, purified or filtered water (about a 2:1 ratio). Store in a dark place or cover with a light cloth for desired time (see chart). RINSE thoroughly, invert jar and drain on an angle. USE these activated “non sprouts” in many ways: - Make plant-based “milks” - Add to your “raw” recipes (dips, pates, salads, sandwiches, wraps) - Dehydrate in a food dehydrator at temps. No higher than 115º F for 12 to 24 hours, and store in sealed glass containers in the fridge. Be sure that nuts are COMPLETELY dry or they will mold. They are still considered “live” food. - Cook soaked and rinsed GRAINS immediately, using them just as would un-sprouted grains in any of your favorite recipes or as a bed for vegetable dishes. (Note that most soaked grains only need a 1:1 water/broth ratio to be cooked through because they are already plumped with water). Remember, once cooked, these grains are not de-natured or not considered a “live” food.

are be ready. Sprouts vary from 1/8-inch to 2-inches long. WHEN READY rinse sprouts well with a solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide and water, drain, and store in a jar (with the solid part of the lid replaced) in the fridge. FINAL STEP (especially for alfalfa): Put the jar of sprouts in a sunny window for a couple of hours, the tiny leaflets will develop some chlorophyll and turn green. Rinse in a large bowl of clean, cool water. Remove the hulls that float to the top. ENJOY within 5-6 days. Sprouts are a fabulous nutrient-rich addition to raw salads, sandwiches, and wraps, and are also tasty in smoothies, soups, and stews. My sprouts can last up to a week if stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Rinse and drain again if you haven’t used them all up after 5 days. SOAKING & SPROUTING CHART FOOD





3 (if truly raw)

Adzuki Beans









SPROUTING—Nuts, Seeds, Grain and Beans

Black Beans



GET a quart-sized (or larger) mason jar. Remove the solid middle insert of the lid, and cut a piece of cheesecloth or breathable mesh to fit inside or you can buy “sprouting lids” on Amazon.com (see photos under “How to SOAK”).

Brazil Nuts


No Sprouting






No Sprouting






No Sprouting



No Sprouting









No Sprouting

DRAIN/RINSE by first pouring the soaking water out of the jar, then fill it with fresh water, replace lid, and rinse well by shaking jar and drain.



12 hours

Mung Beans



Oat Groats



INVERT the jar and lay it at an angle so that the water can drain off, air can circulate and give some room for the sprouts to grow; cover with a towel and allow to sit in the dark, either covered on the counter top or in a closet, at room temperature no warmer that 70 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to keep them moist, but not wet, able to breath



No Sprouting



No Sprouting

Pumpkin Seeds



Radish Seeds



Sesame Seeds



Sunflower Seeds


12-24 hours






No Sprouting

Wheat Berries



Wild Rice



FILL one-third of the jar with nuts, seeds, grains, or beans, and fill the rest of the jar with warm, filtered water; screw the “breathable” lid on. SOAK for time desired (see table).

REPEAT this process, rinsing at least twice daily. (I usually do it before I leave for work, when I get home and then before I go to bed.) CONTINUE THE PROCESS for 1 to 4 days or until the sprouts

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Please note: Many “raw” nuts and seeds have been pasteurized and irradiated. Truly raw almonds and peanuts will sprout, but those that have been pasteurized and irradiated will “activate” with soaking, but will not physically “sprout.” Soaking still removes anti-nutrients and enzyme inhibitors increases nutrient density, and makes the nuts more digestible. Pumpkin and Sunflower seed should be hulled. Pay close attention when you purchase these seeds. Most of the time they are hulled, but double-check to be sure. Important Tips Once you try it you’ll see that soaking and sprouting is very easy! The method is exactly the same for nuts, seeds, grains, and beans. Mung beans and lentils are the easiest and fastest to sprout. Alfalfa, chickpeas, and adzuki beans are also good for beginners, but need a little more time. Beans such as fava, kidney, black, navy, and pinto beans — typically the larger beans — can also be sprouted with this method but are generally considered difficult to digest and potentially toxic in their raw form. They cook much faster than their un-sprouted counterparts and are still more digestible… more taste and less belly upset! If you prefer cooked sprouts, the alfalfa won't take the heat well and will go to mush immediately. Mung bean sprouts can be added to a dish in the final few minutes of cooking. Sprouted lentils are fully cooked after four or five minutes of steaming. Sprouted chickpeas and adzuki beans need around 15 minutes of cooking. Dry storage of your un-sprouted or dehydrated seeds and nuts is very important. This increases their life. Refrigeration is best. Just a heads up for the sprouting newbies. There have been some cases of food-borne illnesses from eating contaminated

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sprouts and a lot of subsequent debate over the safety. Some people feel it's not safe to eat any raw sprouts, especially for those with a compromised immune system. I use a food grade hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen. Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation. Hydrogen peroxide is considered the worlds safest all natural effective sanitizer. It kills microorganisms by oxidizing them. Add 1 ounce 3% Hydrogen peroxide to 1 pint of water and soak the seeds overnight. Add the same amount of hydrogen peroxide in your final rinse of the seeds. I was never one to “have a green thumb” but now I absolutely love knowing I can grow my own food without even get my hands dirty! As a Living on Live and Raw Food Educator it’s been so much fun to teach people how to be “farmers in their own kitchen”. The taste is so incredibly different from store bought sprouts found in salad bars. There is nothing like fresh seed sprouts on salads and in sandwiches. You will love making yourself a nice little sprouts, veggies, and hummus pita for lunch. And for dinner try handful in your stir-fry just a few minutes before you remove it from the heat. I’ve even made sprouted hummus, spreads and pates. My favorite yummy sprouted recipe is a LIVEFIT POWER CEREAL. What a way to start the day, full of energy! Want some yummy and easy recipes? Contact me at livefit2day@me.com Roseann C. Zaft is a certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Practitioner. She works with busy women and men that are looking to find more balance in their life. Roseann helps her clients find solutions to fitness and food so they have more energy, manage stress better and learn how to LIVE FIT using her "one day at a time approach". Whether it is going through a 10-day detox, using pure essential oils, learning about food choices or incorporating functional weight training, golf fitness, Pilates, yoga, indoor cycling or water aerobics, Roseann creates an approach specific for her clients. Offering this diverse menu of services enables her to support her clients all the way to find the balance they need. Check out her website: www.livefit2day.com or email her directly: livefit2day@me.

The Vogel DNA Activation and Repair Process Part II 28 day Vogel DNA Activation and Repair Process Part II—November 2013 New Moon Phase NOVEMBER 3RD, 2013 DAY ONE These new channelings are to be Part II of “The 28 day Vogel DNA Activation and Repair Process” meditative channeling from Spirit as instructed to me by Great White Eagle ~ Divine Director. Since the original 28 Day Vogel DNA ACTIVATION and REPAIR channelings, a great deal more information has been downloaded and obtained. I was recently instructed to meditate specially focused on creating Part II of The 28 day Vogel DNA Activation and Repair Process and to journal into another 28 day meditation series Part II. One reason for Part II is that all the original Vogelers have not all attended the additional documentary classes. It is now time to make sure all the original Vogelers are offered this information in one area to help you, the original Vogeler, to achieve additional higher consciousness and perfected DNA Activation and Repair. The higher consciousness you obtain, the higher consciousness mankind may obtain. You Vogelers are all important links to the achievement of DIVINE ONENESS. The importance of your link to mankind achieving Divine Oneness in Consciousness is the main objective for making this information available. Along with this new information being written down for reading freely, I have been informed additional downloaded information needs to be channeled in during these following days. So you are all invited to journey along with me. Where Spirit takes me, you are invited to Vogel along and continue on or join us a new in The 28 day DNA Activation and Repair Process. Bon voyage....Vogel ON: Please make sure you all rest..eat plenty of protein..drink plenty of water...and get more rest...The crackling in your ears is the realignment of the crystals in the Pineal Gland as your DNA activates to higher consciousness. Higher consciousness carries with it a wider range of vibrations and the crystalline structure

Maria Celeste

of the Pineal Gland is being reprogrammed to carry higher frequencies for more dimensional understandings. The Pineal Gland contains Calcite Crystals. These crystals must be able to handle a wider range of frequencies as you raise your consciousness. This crackling is the expansion of the crystals adapting themselves to the necessary crystalline structure required to carry the wider band width of frequencies as you carry mankind to a higher consciousness. We promise you it shall pass. Rest into this new information as we carry you gently into learning this new information. Be gentle with yourselves. You are important to the cause. Know you are very loved. Bon Nuit. God.xoxox

NOVEMBER 4, 2013 DAY TWO Good Morning Sunshines...Bright stars of Light and Love you are...today I am told to tell you about the article I read regarding DNA being scientifically diagnosed as strands of light. I will provide you the link here for your reading. Should you choose not to read this link...important take aways: ~EAT MORE GREENS~ ~EAT CLOSER TO THE EARTH~ and dearly remember in your soul....~YOU ARE CRYSTALLINE LIGHT BEINGS. Dr. Popp exclaims, "We now know, today, that man is essentially a being of light.” Link: “IS DNA THE NEXT INTERNET?” http:// www.viewzone.com/dnax.html Science is catching up to knowing what your soul already knows. “Don't worry if you can't understand this. It's heavy reading but it does show that the existence of internal photons - inner light -- is very real and is the basis of virtually all human cellular and systemic function.” Dan Eden Thank you for Lighting up The World by lighting up Your World...Lights on ROcks on LOVE ON... Signed Your DNA.... oxxoxo The following excerpt about the food we eat, from Bernard Bensen, Ph.D. “Chemistry of Man” has been included below. Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 19

This is in support of eating foods close to the earth. “Plants require soil, water, carbon dioxide and sunshine to turn inorganic chemicals into living matter. Through the action of sunlight on the chlorophyll in green leaves, food is manufactured by the plant. The action of sunlight on chemicals potentizes them to the higher biochemical form in plants, raising the vibratory level to the point where they can be utilized and absorbed by insect and animal life. The nutrients manufactured by plants include protein, carbohydrates and lipids in varying amounts. Animals acquire these substances only by eating plants and other animals.....Foods manufactured by plants may be stored in roots, leaves, fruit, nut or seed; and it is these foods that contain the chemical elements transformed into more evolved substances biochemicals with higher vibratory levels than inorganic chemicals. Animals feeding on vegetation raise the vibratory level of biochemicals another step higher...Only nature can come to our rescue. Only cooperation with nature and nature’s laws can restore mankind and the conditions on this planet necessary for mankind to survive. Nature, not our science laboratories, holds the secret of life in her hands. The Better building blocks are made up of dust of the earth, raised or evolved to higher vibratory levels to match the nutrient needs of our bodies. We want to match our food intake with metabolic needs, vibration by vibration, block by block, until we are functioning at our highest and best level. Let’s learn to make right food choices because we know we will enjoy the results.” - B. Jensen Ph.D. “The Chemistry of Man”. Eat close to the ground...Eat close to the earth...Eat the outside walls of the grocery store... Eat greens. Expand the DNA Activation process through and with the DNA Activation and Repair Process expanded intake of high vibrational foods, thoughts and emotions. Lights on ROcks on LOVE ON!!!!

NOVEMBER 5, 2013 DAY THREE As it was stated at the start of this Part II series of channelings, November New to Full Moon Cycle 2013...I am to share with you information that has come into my energy field. The purpose is to make sure you Vogelers are raising your fields of consciousness of the Vogel DNA Activation and Repair process. You accepted your call and these new entries are to assist you in fully charging you to full consciousness of that which you are..BEINGS OF LIGHT. Please accept that the reason you have all chosen to bring the energies and frequencies of the Vogels into your energy fields now is that you have accepted the call to be LIGHT WORKERS....we are here now once again carrying you to new levels of this responsibility. We are humbled you answered your Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 20

calls..new Vogelers are joining you daily...You are the LIGHTS OF THE WORLD...let your LIGHT SHINE.... The following entry was sent into our instrument’s energy field October 2013. This entry compliments yesterday’s entry as well as everything she has been sharing with you these past two years regarding the Vogel Activation and Repair Process of your DNA. As always, we ask please be mindful of what you eat. She shares it here today for you all as today’s entry...Lights on ROcks on LOVE ON!!! Violet Violet Sunshine........! ! ! It is time for you to move through the challenges and unlock the history that is inside of your body by allowing the light encoded filaments to rebundle, forming new helixes, and by allowing yourself to be receptive to what this new information in the DNA is going to plug in to you. It will not always make sense to your logical mind. You will learn that your logical mind has a place, a function, and a purpose, but that it is not your identity. The logical mind is overused by many people. It is overtaxed and abused, and when you overuse and abuse the logical mind, you create stress upon your body. You do not always need to understand logically what you are experiencing. Watch yourself, maintain humor at all times, and maintain the idea that you are evolving. Water of Light, as all of you are aware, the food and drink that we choose to eat is very important. It is the fuel that drives our current body in our busy, but very purposeful lives, and can make a real difference to how we feel, how we operate, and most importantly, how much Light we can hold on a cellular level. This is a simple invocation, provided by the lovely Archangel Ariel, to add Light to every-

thing that we eat and drink. It won't turn a bowl of chips into a salad, but it will certainly improve the vibration!

ING. God~ Great Divine Director~ Great Orderer of Divinity~YOU~

The invocation is here for your ease of reading. You may wish to copy this to a 3x5 index card and place it in your wallet or picture it to your phone. “I take this, the Water of Life, I declare it the Water of Light, As I bring it within my body, it allows my body to glow. I take this, the Water of Light, I declare it the Water of God, I AM a Master in All that I AM Love and Blessings.”—Ramaso Alantis-Sun


NOVEMBER 6, 2013 DAY FOUR Today Vogelers is a day to eat fresh, drink fresh and be fresh. It is time to speak what is in your hearts connecting your heart chakra with your throat chakra. Too many times you leave unspoken words that would light up your heart because you forget to connect the dots. Connecting the dots is important to raise your vibration of love into your heart and out your throat. The placement of the Vogel between the heart and the throat chakra supports just this action, allowing you to connect your speech with your feelings. The Vogel placed on or about the thyroid gives strength and courage for you to speak your heart in your realities for all the world to see and hear. Words are seen as well as heard. Trust this when we say this, “Words are seen as well as spoken”. The spoken word is seen with the mind’s eye. So speak your words carefully and honestly from the heart through the throat. The word that is spoken from the heart and seen in the mind is one that creates harmony in the DNA of the body providing for perfect health and a very high level of raised consciousness sending vibrations of love throughout your energy field. So today’s Vogel On lesson summary; Wearing the Vogel over the area of your thyroid, the area between your throat and your heart, supports you in this: Speak your heart ~ align, repair, activate and balance your DNA. Vogel on ..Speak Truth Speak Heart...All is aligned in your world....Namaste ..The Keepers of The Vogels.


Good Morning Star brights....Today we want you to meditate with your Vogel crystals on your third eye for 18 minutes..lay on your backs and place the Vogel on the third eye. You might have to tape it some how...yes you may take it out of the cage ..be careful of the tips please....otherwise tape it or use a scarf to hold it in place. Place the female point (small end) so as to point down the body. The male point or larger end is facing your crown chakra. If you have a timer set the times so you can be freed from thinking about time passage. The purpose for this exercise today is to encode frequencies to rest your Calcite Crystals in your Pineal Glands. You on the earth plane are exposed to so many EMFS (Electro Magnetic Fields). Your usage of cell phones upon this area of your human bodies’ influences the vibration of these Calcite Crystals. This 18 minutes will afford us the opportunity to re-tone your crystals to their original vibrational frequencies. You should find that with this re-toning your ear crackling noise should be eliminated or diminished. Yes, you may repeat this exercise as often as you wish. Daily is acceptable and feasible. Re-toning to your original birth frequency can only benefit you and restore youthfulness to one’s physical existence as well as tone all your bodies to their original frequencies. Along with this exercise We, here in Great White Galaxy, would also afford you the thought of refraining from using your cell phones for twenty (20) minutes less per day. If you should so see fit, please refrain one day a week from using these funny lines of communication. You ask..we tell you ...head sets are better than blue tooth. Blue tooth is still close to the Pineal Gland vibrating against your Calcite Crystals. Ear phones simply carry the verbal tones of your language to the ear. Blue tooth is better than phone yet still vibrates a smaller level of EMFʼs. Ear phones transmit sound.

Today we come to you to tell you to rest. There is so, so much and many new energies coming to your planet and to you that it is important for you to all rest and be rested. Take naps, take a weekend and do nothing ~ yes nothing...this takes work to do nothing but it is what your bodies need as they assimilate and adapt to the new energies’ frequencies and consciousness of the new dimensions. Rest into the newness of you ..... Great White Eagle From Above. Remember you are BEINGS of light so take time to just BE. Vogel on Vogelers in the knowing of BEJan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 21

We stand with you as you raise your dimensional consciousness in bringing truth of your Crystalline Being Form to the Earth Plane. You are assisting us in removing the veil between the worlds and dimensional. We thank you for responding to the call..So Vogel on Vogelers...enjoy the voyage..we voyage with you, setting your sails to the AT~ONE~MENT. Christmas is coming...Decorate your souls to your brilliance of your birth. Share this good news. Lights on ROcks on LOVE ON~~~VOGEL ON....Your Great White Galaxy Family

NOVEMBER 9, 2013 DAY SEVEN Good Morning Vogelers.. We, from the Great White Galaxy, invite you to understand how important you are to first yourselves, and then to the purpose of raising the vibrations and frequencies and consciousness of the reality of the worlds in which you live...multi dimensional are you living...this is an intense reality so take a deep breath and understand it is ok to wonder what it is to understand multi-dimensional world existences. You have all experienced déjà vu..well then you have experienced multi dimensional living. As you are all raising the vibrational consciousness of the earth plane, we are able to reveal multi dimensional teachings faster and more frequently. We are able to reveal more and more frequently all because of the work you are doing both individually and as a team of Vogelers. We, in the great White Brotherhood Sisterhood ~White Galaxy, are so excited and deeply appreciative of all the efforts you are showing and doing and being.. mostly being. Your personal shifts are creating multi dimensional shifts so that the shifts are happening faster, quickly and more, well let’s say, in a more sophisticated manner. The work you are doing just by wearing the Vogels is allowing us to realize your shifts faster so we are ahead of schedule. The fact that you feel things are moving faster is that things are moving faster..it is a reality time as you know it has shifted..an hour is still an hour but on all multi dimensional levels it is compressed so that all things are happening faster. You ask how? The frequency vibrations between the worlds is compressed and less dense so things move freely faster through lighter space. Lighter because you have become lighter as you say....thanks to you so much thanks. It is because of you that we are ahead of schedule..again thanks, thanks to you .. we are humbled by the work you do and continue to do. You are lifting the veil so beautifully. Continue to eat cleanly, exercise, exercise daily for no less than 20 minutes using it as a form of your meditation. Meditate no less than 20 minutes a day. Yes you can combine the two...yoga is a nice form of this combination of exercise and meditation as is Pilates. Some of you are doing both, some of you none. We simply ask and love whatever you do. Just know exercise and meditation facilitate the activation and repair of Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 22

your DNA to its original Divine State. These new “beach body” exercises are pushing the body to new heights. Combine this with meditation and whoa, whoa, whoa what a result you are all achieving. Do you wonder why you are requiring more activity and more clean food in your life? Your DNA is desiring to achieve its natural state. Clean eating and exercise and meditation help your DNA achieve natural state through activation and repair. Today’s lesson is to eat clean, meditate and exercise. However this looks for you ..we support you in doing so. Know you are very loved and very much appreciated for you are the shift into At-One-Ment. Humbly in gratitude.. Great White Galaxy

ONLY Day ONE through Day SEVEN messages are printed here. For a copy of the FULL 28 Day Vogel DNA Activation and Repair Part II please visit: https:// www.dropbox.coms0nfsmil6qznr/28_Day_Vogel_DNA_Activ ation_and_Repair_Part_ll.pdf Maria Celeste offers a wide variety of services including individual and group sessions, sessions for special occasions, classes and products. Contact Maria directly for all additional information / cost inquiries. Thank you, Namaste. Partial List of Services/Readings: Crystal and Mineral Sales Clairvoyant / Clairaudient Medium / Channeler / Advisor Crystal Resonance Therapy Crystal Ally Cards Reiki Level IV Master / Teacher Flame / Crystal Messages Tuning Forks / Shamanic Drumming Weddings / Rite of Passage/Life Ceremonies Space Cleansing and Blessing Creative Healing Dance™ Classes available upon request www.mariaceleste.mytouchstoneessentials.com www.bioceutica.com/celestialdancer

Gems by Celestial Dancer ™ Center for Creative Healing™ www.center4creativehealing.com 951 East 86th Street, Suite 100‐A Indianapolis, IN 46240 Always by Appointment – Often by Chance


Stop Obsessing About Your Weight By Marisa DiCenso-Pelser

...but you cannot control your weight. Do you disagree with that statement? Ok, go stand on a scale and decide to lose 5 pounds. Well, how'd that work out for you? Did your weight drop on your command, or did it not budge? Nope, it didn't budge. And yet you spend your precious time obsessing about your weight as if you could magically control it. The good news is that you have complete control over a couple of important things that influence your weight. I'm talking about your choices regarding what you eat and when you exercise. Think about this...your current weight is the sum result of your choices with eating and exercise. Take a minute to think back over the last three years of your life. What types of foods did you eat most often? How intensely did you exercise, for how long and how often? Now look at yourself in a full-length mirror. You are looking directly at the result of your past choices.

Choices about food… Choose to eat wholesome foods that nourish my body. Choose to only eat when I'm hungry and to stop eating when I'm full. Choose to not eat junk food, sugary drinks or sweets. Choose to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

Choices about exercise… Choose to get up early in the morning, when I could be sleeping, to invest an hour of my time in exercise. Choose to be consistent with my workout schedule, giving exercise the same importance as a doctor’s appointment. Choose to change my workout routine often, to always keep my muscles guessing. Choose to push myself to new levels of intensity, in order to strengthen and tone my muscles. Don’t spend another minute obsessing about the number on your scale. You are way smarter than that.

If you are pleased with what you see then keep on eating and exercising the way you have been. It's working for you!

Focus your energy on the choices you make regarding what you eat and how you exercise. If you don’t know where to begin then please reach out to me, I’m here for you.

If you’re not satisfied with what you see, then it’s time to start making different choices about food and exercise. Here are some suggestions:

Call or email today and I’ll help get you started on a fitness program that will quickly transform what you see in that mirror.

Marisa DiCenso-Pelser is a Raw Foods Chef, Personal Trainer and Figure Competitor. Along with her husband, Pieter, she is spreading the word of Raw Food & Fitness throughout Northeast Ohio and the world. They are graduates of Cleveland State University with a B.A. in Exercise Science as well as Certified Living on Live Foods Chef/Instructors. To learn more about their weekly raw food delivery, education classes and personal training, please visit: www.rawtrainer.com or email marisa@rawtrainer.com Jan/Feb 2014 Issue—Page 23

“Grounded” The Film is Here!

Steve Kroschel, an award-winning Alaskan filmmaker, has created an entertaining 74-minute film entitled “Grounded” showing the powerful impact of Earthing on the residents in a small Alaskan town.

This captivating documentary follows a National Geographic filmmaker who finds relief from pain and aches using the earth as a healing conduit source of free electrons. Helping his community in Alaska, he expands his circle of people who are eager to learn about the effects of grounding. Featuring David Suzuki, Clint Ober, Dr. Mercola, and other leaders, naturalists, and health visionaries.

HOLISTIC FAIRS We are offering holistic health opportunities and fun for the whole family. Come join us for a day of growth and relaxation with informative speakers, vendors with unique products and services plus a selection of delectable foods.

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ones & share messages from the other side. Jane is the author of two books, the host of a local TV show called “Honor the Magic Within” and a psychic & medium. She first noticed she was psychic after a near death experience and has completed many successful readings for her clients. She is able to channel loved ones from the other side, including pets.

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