Introduction - Opium and Opiates: An opiate is a drug that is made out of the opium poppy. These drugs are used to treat all sorts of pain. This might be muscular or skeletal pain, a wound or an injury. At the time of surgeries, opiates might be used to sedate individual organs or body parts. Opiates are also used for complete body sedation at times. Opiates are either naturally or artificially derived from the poppy and most of these are illegal. Some of the drugs are exceptional which are allowed for purchase on prescription. Opiates if used for recreation or if used in excess, can cause addiction and therefore only small amounts are given to patients who require them.
Benefits: Besides treating pain, opiates are also used to treat cough. The derivatives of opium in the form of prescription drugs include morphine, codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, methadone, fentanyl and meperidine. These drugs can also bring in a sense of euphoria and relief and are therefore mostly prescribed to psychological patients. People with anxiety disorders, sleep deprivation and diseases like obsessive compulsive disorder etc are prescribed to use opiates. In ancient China, a mixture of Cannabis and Opium was also smoked to cure Malaria. However, if we speak of the plant, opium poppy also yields some of the best glue and paper.
Usage in History: Opium was at its peak usage in the 1800’s. Opium dens were also established in this time, as sites to buy and sell opium. Dens were commonly found in China, Southeast Asia, the United States, and parts of Europe. Opium dens sprang up in San Francisco's Chinatown and spread eastward to New York. Opium was known to ancient Greek and Roman physicians as a powerful pain reliever. It was also used to induce sleep and to give relief to the bowels. Opium was even thought to protect the user from being poisoned. Its pleasurable effects were also noted. In 1803, morphine, the principal ingredient in opium, was extracted from opium resin. Morphine is ten times more powerful than processed opium, quantity for quantity. Hailed as a miracle drug, it was widely prescribed by physicians in the mid-1800s. Morphine is one of the most effective drugs known for the relief of severe pain and remains the standard against which the effectiveness of new pain relievers are measured.
Morphine – Most used prescription Opiate: The most famous and the most addictive drug known to man is the heroin. Heroin was first synthesized from morphine in 1874, the Bayer Company of Germany introduced heroin for medical use in 1898. Physicians remained unaware of its addiction potential for years, but by 1903, heroin abuse had risen to alarming levels in the United States. All use of heroin was made illegal by federal law in 1924.
Source: http://www.researchomatic.com/prescription-opiates-146669.html