Barista & Farmers: This Time Its Columbia

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Barista & Farmers Competition: It's Time for Columbia

Barista & Farmers Competition: It's Time for Columbia

Barista holds the most interesting coffee competitions with farmers Called Barista & Farmers. This idea was generated by a multi time Italian Barista champion Mr. Franesco Sanapo together with the owner of Ditta Artigianale. This annual event is a combination of a game show and a hard labour on a Farm of coffee beans. In this event, all the baristas from all over the world, come to take part in ten days competition on the growth, harvesting, processing and exports of coffee. Since 2015, Francesco has been holding this competition every year. This year he will work with Specialty Coffee Association, Sigep and Italian exhibition group together with Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje and Istituto Italo-Latino Americano (IILA) as partners in collaboration with world Coffee events. In the present year's event ten baristas from all around the world will be spending ten days in travelling throughout the Columbian regions where coffee is grown. They will make stops in the Huila and Meta departments as they will learn the process of growing, picking and processing coffee. These baristas are mixture of experienced, skilled and new people to the world of coffee. These people were selected out of 250 applicants. Baristas are required to attend Barista and Farmer Academy to take classes from qualified and certified Q-Graders on coffee extraction, agronomy and botany. After attending these classes, these people will work on farms to pick coffee cherries that will ultimately be used to make a cup of coffee. Meanwhile, baristas will be tarined for experimental processing methods to test new techniques to process coffee they will also study the ways processing coffee affects the cup of coffee. There will be number of competitions throughout the event. Previous years, the competition also included latte art and relay race competition but theses competition are only intended to bring these people closer to farmers to prepare themselves for becoming a global ambassador of Specialty Coffee. They will be aiming to understand the daily activities of coffee growers in order to connect themselves completely with coffee that is being served in the cafes. Each year, the competition takes place in different coffee producing country. This year it is happening in Columbia. This new edition in the competition maintains the values of competition and education acting as a bridge between two different cultures of Columbia and Italy. All the challenges in the competition will be broadcasted together with competitions. This makes this competition a reality show. The event will be held during May 3rd to 13th. The event will be taped and broadcasters will add the segments on a continuous basis to you tube channel of Barista & Farmers together with all other social media channels. After each event, the group will make a short film comprising of the weekly highlights.


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