History of Three Waves of Coffee

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What is Third Wave Coffee All About

What is Third Wave Coffee All About Everybody talks about the third wave coffee these days. Most of the people do not have any idea what the heck it is all about. Let's shed some light on this fuss. By third wave we acknowledge that the first and second wave of coffee still exists. First of all let's clear that by wave here we mean movement. So the first wave was developed in 1960s followed by second wave in late 1960s. The third wave came into existence in 1990s. During the first wave of coffee in 1960s, coffee grew among the masses and the general consumers had easy access to coffee regularly at home or at their offices. Moreover, instant coffee like Nestle and Folgers Maxwell gain the popularity. The taste of first wave coffee was very acidic and weak. It was quantity over quality so people were forced to use more creams and sugar in their coffee to make it taste better. The first wave coffee was only to consume. The second wave of coffee started in late 1960s. When Starbucks and Peet's Coffee brought in higher quality coffee and espresso drinks to general consumers. Moreover, the coffee shops became a running business with highest revenues and things like Frappuccinos stole hearts of the general public. People started drinking espresso and dark roast every day. Furthermore, people started learning about coffee brewing processes and coffee beans. The second wave of coffee was about enjoying coffee. In 1990s comes the era of third wave of coffee. During this time, coffee drinkers started taking keen interest in the character of coffee itself like the origin of the coffee and how the coffee has been created and who has been into its trading roasting and brewing. Hand drip coffee came into the market adding to espresso drinks. The hand drip coffee tools were carefully chosen and became famous during this era. Supreme quality beans like specialty coffees and light roasts are the differentiating features of the third wave coffee.

During this time people started enjoying coffee just like craft beer or wine. The third wave coffee is all about appreciating good quality coffee. In conclusion, I would state that third wave coffee has been a movement where people who love to drink coffee learnt to pay attention to and respect the style of coffee, instead of just seeing it as a liquid drink to put in their mouth.


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