Behaviour That Shows That You Can Be An Entrepreneur

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Signs Depicting that You Can be an Entrepreneur Almost all the self made multimillionaires in this world were odd one out. Most of them were highly rejected by the society and were termed as a liability. But who knew that those liabilities will turn into the most valuable asset of the society. Following are the signs which will determine if you possess entrepreneurial spirit:

1. Challenges The Status Quo: You hate the status quo and are not able to digest a process which is prevailing in the system without any justification or explanation.

2. Get Bored Easily: Most of the people start considering you as a problem when you start getting bored very often. But this is not a problem because the task given to you is not challenging enough, resulting for you to get bored.

3. Employers Fire You: Your creativity is beyond the employer's ability to understand it. You always design something which is inspired by others.

4. Labelled As Rebel: You are considered as the one who always question the system, processes, rules and policies. You are always willing to move out of your comfort zone to make changes.

5. Resists Authority: No matter what age you belong to, you have always resisted the authority whether it is your parents, teachers or boss.

6. Always Looking Forward To Improving Things: You are always willing to go that extra mile to make things better. You are always looking for the opportunity to improve things.

7. Never fits the culture: Most of the times, you feel really uncomfortable with the regular norms. This acts as motivation inside you as it helps your inner entrepreneur to come out.

8. Extremely obsessive: You cannot let go of anything easily. Most of the people consider this as your weakness, but successful entrepreneurs are only those who are consistent and extremely passionate about their dream.

9. Unable To Sleep At Night: Most of the times, you cannot sleep at night because random thoughts cannot shut off. Raw data and images are coming into your mind all night.

Entrepreneurs are not normal human being. They always think beyond the capability of a normal human being. This is the reason why they are not accepted by the masses.


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