8 Secrets for Maintaining Pearly White Teeth & Fresh Breath Having pearly white teeth plays a great role in maintaining a beautiful smile. The condition of your teeth and gums start deteriorating because of several reasons and some of the most common among them are poor oral hygiene, cavities, tooth decay and periodontal diseases. You need to find effective ways of improving your oral hygiene so that you can maintain healthy white or pearly white teeth and fresh breath.
Here are 8 secrets of maintaining beautiful teeth and fresh breath. Clean Your Teeth with Baking Soda Once in Seven Days A homeopathic remedy people like to use if you are looking to remove stains from your teeth is brushing them with baking soda. If you clean your teeth with baking soda once a week, you will notice a great change in their color. It not only helps in removing the stain but makes your teeth whiter. Quit Smoking & Avoid Tobacco Both smoking and chewing tobacco can have a devastating impact on your teeth so it’s better to avoid them. If you have any of these habits then you will surely have stained teeth. Smoking is harmful to both your teeth and lungs and it creates a lot of problems when it comes to treating an oral problem. In addition to that, smoking also remains one of the major reasons behind bad breath. So, if you want to stay away from oral cancer and gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis, it’s better to quit smoking and tobacco as soon as possible.
Reduce the Intake of Beverages Like Alcohol, Tea & Coffee Beverages like tea, coffee, soda, and alcohol etc., are not at all healthy for your oral health, so it’s important to minimise their intake. Some people are highly addicted to tea and coffee and hence, they get an urge to consume these beverages in every one and a half hours or two hours, which is just not good for their oral health. They not only leave yellowish stains on your teeth but also provide sufficient food to bacteria. Yes, the sugar content in tea and coffee help in increasing the production of oral bacteria. In addition to that, soda and alcohol are also very dangerous for your oral health, so it’s better to reduce their consumption as well. Increase the Consumption of Milk, Fruits, and Veggies Rather than consuming beverages like tea, coffee, soda, and alcohol, it’s better to increase the intake of milk, fresh fruits, and green leafy vegetables because they help in maintaining a healthy and strong body. Remember, fresh fruit juices with added sugar can create a lot of trouble for you, so you need to avoid extra sugar. Use a Toothpaste That Contains Fluoride Fluoride helps in maintaining strong teeth because it strengthens the enamel. Nowadays, you will find several fluoride-based kinds of toothpaste on the market, so you need to pick the one that suits your requirements. If you have strong enamel you will not face dental problems like tooth decay and cavities. You can also start consuming fluoridated water to strengthen your teeth. Use a Good Oral Rinse Poor oral hygiene can result in the occurrence of dental complications like cavities and tooth decay, therefore it’s better to use an oral rinse like PeriActive that helps in keeping the germs and bacteria at bay. If you rinse your mouth with a quality oral rinse twice a day you can easily eliminate germs and bacteria from it and thereby enhance your oral hygiene. The right time to use an oral rinse is after you brush your teeth. It also helps in protecting your mouth from bad breath which is generally caused by the bacteria build up in your teeth and gum line. Brush Your Teeth in the Morning as well as Before Bed Time You should make it compulsory to brush your teeth both in the morning and before you go to sleep in the night. Don’t eat anything before you brush your teeth in the morning because your mouth remains full of bacteria during that time. As soon as you wake up, go to your washroom and brush your teeth effectively. Devote at least two minutes to clean your teeth and focus on both inner and outer surfaces. In addition to that, clean your tongue and roof of the mouth.
Visit Your Dentist You should make it mandatory to visit your dentist in every five to six months. And if you have tartar, then professional dental cleaning is the best way to remove it. You can also take tips from your dentist for enhancing your oral hygiene. Last but not the least, you should also inculcate the habit of flossing your teeth to remove hidden plaque and food particles.
Original Source URL: http://www.herbalsuite.com/8-secrets-maintaining-pearly-white-teeth-fresh-breat h.html