Consequences Of Avoiding Brushing At Night

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Consequences Of Avoiding Brushing At Night No matter what you want to achieve or accomplish, you have to discipline yourself and pay enough attention to the so-called negligible mistakes. And the same concept applies with your oral hygiene. Here’re The Consequences Of Ignoring Brushing At Night Fosters Bacterial Growth You have to brush your teeth regularly because it removes oral bacteria and also keeps a check on bacterial growth. If you have also have the habit of going to bed without brushing and flossing, you provide a safe haven for bacterial growth and plaque formation. If you avoid brushing at night, all the food that remains in your mouth after dinners begins to nurture bacterial growth. Even if you rinse your mouth after having the dinner it does not remove all the food particles properly, especially those which are trapped between your teeth. In fact, brushing cannot remove those food particles, hence you have to floss your teeth. Your Teeth Become Yellow Your teeth start looking yellow because of the formation of bacterial plaque. Teeth coated with the plaque consists of countless bacteria that causes harm to teeth and gums. It Encourages The Formation Of Tartar Removal of plaque is very important if you want to stop bacterial growth. However, over a period of time, the plaque starts getting harder and eventually converts into tartar, which has, even more, damaging effects on your oral hygiene. The Effect Of Plaque & Tartar On Your Oral Hygiene Plaque and tartar buildups signify poor oral hygiene which leads to dental problems such as tooth decay, the formation of a dental abscess, cavity, gingivitis, and periodontitis. That means the bacteria living in plaque and tartar causes an infection in your teeth and gums which then lead to serious oral problems like periodontal diseases, and for curing them you have to go for dental checkups. You have To Spend A Lot Of Money For Removing Tartar As far as plaque is concerned, you can somehow deal with it by taking your brushing and flossing routine seriously, however, when it comes to the removal of tartar both these techniques remain ineffective. That means brushing and flossing cannot remove tartar from your teeth and gumline. You have to make an appointment with your dentist and go for a thorough dental checkup.

Once You Have A Gum Disease It’s Quite Difficult To Deal With It The ultimate consequences of poor dental hygiene are that you end up suffering from periodontal diseases, and sometimes you have to go for surgical treatments as well in order to cure them which proves to be quite expensive. On the other hand, if you do not go for the proper treatment, you may end up destroying your teeth completely. Hence, it’s always good to take necessary precautions or steps which can stop tartar buildup, such as regular brushing (both in morning and at night), frequent flossing, using a well-known oral rinse such as PeriActive, and meet your dentist within every 6 months etc. Source Link:

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