How Brushing Before Sleep Is Good For Oral Health Brushing your teeth twice a day is vital to maintaining a white smile. In case, brushing is missed, it can hugely affect the teeth and gums in a bad way. People sometimes forget and go to sleep without following the proper oral health routine. Brushing not only provides fresh breath but also stops plaque and bacterial build-up which results in diseases related to gums and teeth. Many times, the oral routine is avoided due to the never-ending excuses. Well, two things must be kept in mind.
Firstly, the average sleep time is seven to eight hours. You need to have a clean mouth during that period. Secondly, the mouth does not produce too much of saliva when a person is asleep. After waking up the mouth is dry which proves that the production of saliva is not much at night hours. It is known that the saliva contains anti-bacterial characteristics. Therefore, saliva is the best friend for the mouth which coats the gums and teeth securing it from the attack of the bacteria. Less saliva gives birth to more bacteria. These bacteria have a perfect environment to survive and multiply which is not good for your teeth and gums. The food material produces acid in the mouth which is bad for the teeth and gums. The bacteria take advantage of the low amount of saliva and no brushing and thus, bring cavities in the mouth. So, brushing your teeth is essential for healthy teeth and gums.
How Does Brushing Help? Since the bacteria in the mouth troubles the teeth and gums, brushing kills the bacteria and does not let it stay fixed at a place. Therefore, it does not get the chance to damage the mouth. If the plaque is not removed, then it takes the form of tartar. Now, what is tartar? Tartar which is also known as calculus allows for a layer of a tough substance to be formed on the teeth known as plaque. It can be formed under the gum line area and can become irritated. It can also lead to certain severe conditions like cavities, bleeding gums, etc. So, it is essential to remove plaque. The longer it will stay, the more possibility for it to turn into tartar. People lose their teeth because of tartar. Since the precise time is not known for the tartar to become destructive, it is essential to clean it as soon as possible.
Brushing And Flossing Are The Only Options Brushing and flossing must be added to the routine. Many people do not brush properly, therefore flossing should be done, at least once a day. Flossing helps in cleaning the areas which are tough to reach by the toothbrush. It is important to clean all the areas of the mouth and not just the places that are visible. Fluoride toothpaste is also good for your teeth. Also, the brush must be soft-bristled. The ones which are hard-bristled can damage the mouth severely. Two to three minutes are enough for each cleaning session. Visit the dentist regularly to get the idea about how your teeth and gums are doing. Are they healthy or not? Do they require some cleaning session? Get the answers to such questions from an experienced dentist! Mouthwash Is Not a Substitute For Brushing Or Flossing People often substitute brushing and flossing with mouthwashes and differently flavored mint. Keep in mind that these substitutes are suitable for maintaining fresh breath but not for cleaning the mouth. Brushing and flossing make it easy to get rid of plaque effectively. Encourage The Children It is essential for parents and guardians to put brushing and flossing in the curriculum of the children. Talk to them about the importance of a healthy oral routine. Advise them to follow the procedure twice a day for good teeth, gums and tongue. If your child has the habit of drinking milk before bed, make sure that he/she brushes their teeth after drinking milk. Milk is healthy for the body but drinking milk just before sleep can be harmful to oral health. For a
growing child, milk cannot be replaced with any other food. Milk has natural sugars, and sugar is not at all good for the teeth. Bacteria in the mouth love to feed on the sugar whether natural or artificial. This builds plaque which has several damaging consequences. Exhausted from the hectic schedule to brush before bed? Make it quick! Place a toothbrush in the drawer near the bed so that you can jump in your bed after cleaning your mouth. Also keep floss nearby too. This will surely let you follow the routine without missing it.
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