How Dangerous Is Gingivitis For Your Oral Health Oral problems that result in pain and discomfort can make it difficult for you to concentrate on your work. Most oral health conditions are caused by poor oral hygiene, therefore it becomes important for you to take crucial steps to improve your dental hygiene. Gingivitiswhich is often defined as the first stage of gum disease is one such problem that is largely caused by poor oral hygiene. However, the best part is that if you improve your dental hygiene you can easily keep gingivitis at bay. It is a condition that is characterized by the inflammation of gums, and if you give that much-needed importance to your oral hygiene you can easily treat this problem.
Your failure to remove plaque - a creamy and sticky layer of bacteria from your teeth and gumline, leads to gingivitis. When the toxins produced by oral bacteria start infecting your teeth and gums, it is known as gingivitis, which is the preliminary stage of gum disease. If you do not know how to identify whether you are suffering from gingivitis or not, here are some of the common signs and symptoms of this oral problem.
If you are struggling with swollen and reddened gums
Bleeding gums and gum irritation is another important sign of gingivitis.
If your gums are receding and are unable to hold your teeth properly
In addition to that, bad breath is also a very common sign of gingivitis. So, if you are experiencing any of these signs, it’s better to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Your quick action can bring a world of difference when it comes to treating your problem. In The Absence of Treatment Gingivitis Progresses To Periodontitis Your inability to treat gingivitis at the right time can lead to more serious dental problems like periodontitis, which is known as an advanced stage of gum disease. In other words, when you do not take necessary steps to treat gingivitis, your infection takes an even more serious form called periodontitis, which can only be treated with right medication and surgical procedures. It means you can’t recover from periodontitis only by making changes in your oral hygiene routine.